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S03.E08: The Sperm is the Baby


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Rosa is like a high school bully.

Alex's mom and gma are truly bizarre. I wouldn't let them watch my dog. I would never want to stay there myself and I certainly wouldn't allow my child to be there without her father.

I like Nate. Chloe's perfect world is about to crumble. She's way too immature to have a child. She is about to be  confront about her dishonesty and the clip makes it seem like she starts to bawl.

McKayla and her people are such trash. She said over and over that she didn't care at all about Caelan but then pouts and whines when he's not there. Oh, and Tim - you really have no room to talk about bad behavior. And the push present she bought herself  ? I have no idea how much that bag costs but shame on her for throwing away $$$ when she is an unemployed, uneducated single mother of 2. Disgusting. 

  • Love 20

McKayla's family is really going to regret agreeing to film this show.  Their plan to treat Caelen like trash and then b*tch about how awful he is when he pulls away isn't going to work.   They may succeed in driving him away (I hope not - I hope he gets a lawyer and files for visitation) but someday these children will watch the video.  They will see McKayla smirking and denying visitation, and everyone criticizing Caelen whenever he tries to visit.    

  • Love 19
11 hours ago, Quilty said:

 I think the only people in McKayla's labor room should be medical personal, Caelen&McKayla.

Yeah, it seemed like there were about 6 ppl in there and more who wanted in (Shellie). I really don't understand that. Can someone here chime in who had a boatload of relatives in the delivery room? What was the benefit of this? This wasn't uncomfortable t you in any way? (My then-husband was the only one in the two times I delivered.)

11 hours ago, Chris Knight said:

Alex's mom and gma are truly bizarre. I wouldn't let them watch my dog. I would never want to stay there myself and I certainly wouldn't allow my child to be there without her father.

I haven't been watching the show closely enough to say if they are bizarre or not. Bc they won't let Tyra spend the night?

IDK but I'm always thrown when Alex's mom speaks. The voice/speech does not match the visual. To me, she looks like a women's studies professor at some tiny liberal arts college in New Hampshire or something. But when she opens her mouth, she's like Angela-from 90-Day's half sister or something.  

Tyra and Alex make a very odd couple and I really cannot see it.

Edited by BallisticNikki
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12 hours ago, ghoulina said:

So, no Rosa is evidently the type who talks massive shit behind your back, but acts cool to your face. No surprises there. 

The other lady's eyebrows must've intimidated her. 😏

1 hour ago, BallisticNikki said:

Yeah, it seemed like there were about 6 ppl in there and more who wanted in (Shellie). I really don't understand that. Can someone here chime in who had a boatload of relatives in the delivery room? What was the benefit of this? This wasn't uncomfortable t you in any way? (My then-husband was the only one in the two times I delivered.)

There is no benefit- they don't belong there. Dad belongs there, & maybe one other special person of Mom's choosing - those should be the only people besides medical assistance to see these kids spread eagle pushing out kids.  But I feel that way about it in general. I think babies should have some peace entering the world & cuddles with mom - not a roomful of people making noise & taking pictures, or cameras filming for the world for that matter. It takes away from the sanctity of birth IMO.

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13 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Alex does need to set his mom said grandma straight, but he's also caught in the middle and I feel badly for him. I can believe he's afraid if he upsets his mother, she'll run off again. But, damn, those two are something else. I really cannot stand people who passive aggressively talk through babies. 

Jessica is just so ...off... For me. What grandma says "I enjoy ____"? 

McKayla bought herself a push present. Of course she did. And now she's making medical decisions too. Read renaissance woman, she is. 

Caelen is just damned. It's fucking miserable sitting in a room of people why hate you. But if you leave, you're abandoning your kids. Cindy says he doesn't even deserve to be there because he was not around for the entire pregnancy. Yea, because McKayla wouldn't let him be around. She's the worst. 

Right there with you. I can't stand people who use babies as some sort of ventriloquist's dummy.

Agree on Caelen, too. Poor kid cannot ever do anything right. Which is handy for that repellent pair of ghouls who claim to be McKayla's human grandparents. If he comes over, he's wrong. If he stays away, he's wrong. Jesus, if he goes to get a cup of coffee Tim and Cindy act like he came in drunk, spewed obscenities, and left to go to a strip club. I want to smack the smug smirk of Cindy's face so bad. She thinks she's scoring a point but she just looks petty and stupid. Why should he hang around? So McKayla and her trashy relatives can use him as a punching bag? 

  • Love 23

Ha, McKayla, your birth wasn't even the closing scene.  Max's presence in the home trumped you!

I dunno, as a Patriots fan, I kinda remember way back when Bridget M was giving birth to Tom Brady's kid, and they weren't together and some reporter asked Bridget if Tom would be in the delivery room and Bridget laughed and was like, "No!"  I think, if the parents aren't together, it's not something to which the father should be privy.  It's about the most personal thing in the world.  If Caelen's not the boyfriend, I can see why McKayla would keep him outside the delivery room until the part pertaining to her vagina is over.  (But give me a break--when Caelen went to hold the baby, some off-camera female said, "let him hold the baby really quick." Hun-uh, he'll hold his own baby as long as he damn well pleases). The fact that McKayla did let Caelen stay leads me to believe that McKayla is planning on getting back together with Caelen full-time at some point in the future, and she doesn't want the birth of Baby Girl to be remembered as the time Dad was barred from the hospital room.

I think McKayla is really mad at Caelen for something that's not his fault--something that goes back to her childhood--and she will forgive him in time, but he has to suffer substantially first.  I don't agree with it at all, but that is how I'm reading the situation.  I wish he would move on and get a different, better girlfriend, but I see these two tied together for the foreseeable future.  McKayla said last night that Caelen keeps texting her to get back with him (why, God, why?) and there was some indication last night that I can't remember that McKayla was somehow rewarding that behavior.

The McKayla family were such assholes at the hospital that I said this has to be performance art.  My husband was watching with me and we both said there is literally nothing Caelen can do to make this stupid family happy.  He's damned if he goes, damned if he stays.  The straw man was put out there that, since he went across the street to get some sleep, Caelen might miss the birth of the baby.  Yeah...and?  Kids don't remember these things!  I have two happily married parents, and if I found out my dad missed my birth, I wouldn't care at all.  If he missed a big horseback riding competition when I was 10, that would be a different story.  

I dunno.  If I were Caelen, I might get really passive-aggressive, and say, "oh, we're playing cards?!?!  Ok, I'll shuffle!"  And get really into it just to make everyone uncomfortable, but I'm an asshole like that.  

What I wouldn't have given if Shelley came to the hospital, a dermatologist had taken a passing look at her eye, declared her non-contagious, and then it would have been, "ok, McKayla, now you have to either have Shelley there or kick her out for cause."  McKayla is so scared shitless of Shelley.  She knows she can't just totally verbally abuse Shelley the way she does to her family and Caelan, and she has no idea how to process the idea that there is someone in the universe who holds her accountable and doesn't completely kiss her ass.


I'm disappointed in Alex.  He probably couldn't have handled the situations with Tyra, his mom and his grandma much worse:  "fuck this bullshit, I have to go to the bathroom!"  Alrighty then.  And he's 18?  Ok.  The guys who play NCAA basketball and football are 18-21, and even the ones who come off like dummies know how to face a camera and speak into a microphone to answer a question posed to them.  Alex, what is this shit with tucking your chin into your chest and avoiding it all like you're four?  Super immature.  Super gross.  You brought a person into this world.  Grow up and learn to assert yourself, if not for yourself, for your kid, who is depending on you to get its needs met.


Mark my words:  if Anthony keeps moving, he will never finish high school.  He is already 19 with another entire year to go.  He moved to Deltona.  He moved back to Orlando.  He's not going to finish, and that's really bad.  That's two strikes against him--having a child so young and not graduating from high school.  The other major predictor of poverty is whether someone has a job, so I hope he keeps the bus boy gig, although that's probably gone, given that he had the job in Deltona, he doesn't have a car, and he moved an hour away.  Sad situation.  I also wish he would finish high school so that he can learn the bare basics about chromosomes, so that he will stop thinking that the man has the baby inside his body, in the form of a sperm, and the woman's egg merely nurtures and harvests the sperm until it's ready to be born.  It's either that or the sperm and egg combine to form new DNA. Yeah, the jury is still out on science.

Why are the women on this show across the board more mature than the guys--and that's saying a lot for the guys' immaturity--with the obvious exception of Caelan and McKayla?  I really can't figure it out.  Did they cast this way on purpose?  

  • Love 6

Rilah and Anthony were the most mature acting couple I’ve seen at their baby shower. Anthony didn’t play with the gifts, ask dumb questions about how to use something like a simple burp cloth, he put the gifts nicely back in their bags, didn’t try to take attention away from Rilah, and was pleasant the entire time. To see him speak from the heart and thank everyone for coming, for the gifts and professing his love for their families really made him go up in my estimation even more. To see Rilah so emotional about the event, appreciative and mature as well, really made her seem decades older and wiser than her loud mouth, brash mother. When she stated how blessed she was to have such a wonderful shower when her contemporaries are often SOOL and not supported, I was impressed with her again  Although, full disclosure, I wouldn’t throw, God forbid, my teenage daughter a shower nor encouraging my family and friends to do so either. I’m ‘old school’ in my thinking about this subject but I can appreciate and applaud Rilah’s good manners and thankfulness for it.  

Of course, I cringed heavily when Anthony thought ‘the sperm is the baby’ but was proud of Rilah for setting him straight. 

Jessica has every right to confront Chloe but did she really need her 9 year old daughter and her parents there?!?! She and her husband couldn’t handle it on their own? Jessica is a real nut and thrives on the attention she gets from her friends when she relays each and every detail of her problems with Chloe and Max. Weren’t there 5 women at that dinner with her? Who needs to tell 5 different friends ‘every poot that’s let’(thanks Grandma 😉) rather than your closest one or two? An attention whore, that’s who. 

Y’all have covered so much already re: Michaela and Caelen. I just want to add that I heard Grandma say that Michaela buys ‘4 things every day’ for herself. Who is surprised?!?! No one here! That little heifer will have many regrets not too many years from now. She will wish she had saved her show money rather than waste it on bullshit she didn’t need. She will wish she had allowed Caelen to co-parent. She will wish she’d realized that parents should never deny their children love and time with any of their sane and non-abusive family members, even (GASP) ex’s and their family.  She will wish she’d not taken advantage of her (messy and indulging) grandparents, and I hope when the time comes, someone will whisper, or shout, to her ‘if wishes were horses, beggars would ride.’ Again, thanks Grandma, God rest your wise soul. 

Finally, Tyra’s sister, who has a baby of her own, needs to support the baby’s head as she’s only a month old. Props to Tyra for not denying the baby time with Alex’s family and being wise enough to say ‘you can take her by yourself.’ Girl knew she could nap, play on her phone, take a bubble bath or any number of things while they were gone. She didn’t play games like ol’ Michaela would do, she didn’t say they had to come to her house that day if they wanted to see her, she didn’t say ‘oh please don’t leave my side or take her away. You know I’m the only one who can feed her properly.’ Applause sister for handling it like you did. I’m guessing you’ve learned something from the dynamics of your family’s ‘teen mom on repeat’ cycle over the years. Don’t pressure Alex anymore to spend the night at his Nanny’s house and I’ll keep giving you props. 

Until next week friends...

  • Love 14
27 minutes ago, LibertarianSlut said:

 Kids don't remember these things!  I have two happily married parents, and if I found out my dad missed my birth, I wouldn't care at all.

My father worked two jobs when my parents were in their early married years, sometimes three. He was driving a truck for his brother's business when I was born. Of course that was the fifties, no one expected the fathers to be on hand.

If a woman wants the father for his help and for her comfort, well, have at it. Having parents, grandparents, best friends, the UPS guy, and that nice cashier at the Jiffy Mart in the delivery room, like its some kind of event, is so over the top and silly to me. The hospital staff must go insane with all this.

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Caelen might miss the birth of the baby.  Yeah...and?  Kids don't remember these things!  I have two happily married parents, and if I found out my dad missed my birth, I wouldn't care at all. 

The whole thing w/ fathers being in the delivery room is a newer thing. In my generation most fathers still waited in the waiting area. My father did.

I was just so surprised to see McKayla's aunt and cousin in there. Like wtf?

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, LibertarianSlut said:

I'm disappointed in Alex.  He probably couldn't have handled the situations with Tyra, his mom and his grandma much worse:  "fuck this bullshit, I have to go to the bathroom!"  Alrighty then.  And he's 18?  Ok. Super immature.  Super gross.  You brought a person into this world.  Grow up and learn to assert yourself, if not for yourself, for your kid, who is depending on you to get its needs met.

Right. Tyra is showing herself to be yrs more mature than he is. And I wouldn't have guessed that from watching the first episode. He seemed so much older with a more commanding presence. Surprising.

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Caelen needs to take a recording of this show to court.  The way McKayla withholds those kids and uses them to get even with Caelen and Shelly is abhorrent.  She and her trashy family will rue the day they let their behavior be recorded.  The court does not take kindly to parental alienation and the kids will grow up to resent this family for keeping them from their father.  I know McKayla is young but she is so immature, so misguided, so snotty and spoiled.  Her grandparents should be trying to steer her in the right direction instead of granting her every wish (push present, for God's sake).

  • Love 13
16 hours ago, Chris Knight said:

Rosa is like a high school bully.

It was soooooo tacky when she let Rebecca walk right past her into the baby shower without introducing herself. Who does that??? And did Rebecca have to drive from another city?

2 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Which is handy for that repellent pair of ghouls who claim to be McKayla's human grandparents. 

Yes, repellent ghouls! They've always reminded me of Heckle & Jeckle.250px-Talking_Magpies.png.1d1ebf219ed0c6d60477b814f7835976.png

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20 minutes ago, BallisticNikki said:

Right. Tyra is showing herself to be yrs more mature than he is. And I wouldn't have guessed that from watching the first episode. He seemed so much older with a more commanding presence. Surprising.

I have a soft spot for Tyra, I confess. She seems goodhearted, and while she doesn't strike me as especially bright, she appears to be an attentive mother. She's trying to do the right thing and take good care of  her baby.

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1 hour ago, HahYallDoin said:

‘if wishes were horses, beggars would ride.’ Again, thanks Grandma, God rest your wise soul. 

Or as my mom says ‘Shit in one hand and wish in the other. See which fills up faster.’ Your grandma sounds a lot like my papa...full of witty one-liners.

I like Alex and Tara overall.  I think they’re doing the best they can considering what they’re working with. We’ve seen Alex’s family so we know that gene pool is murky as hot dog water.  And kudos to Tara for trusting the baby to be alone with her father out of her sight for a few hours.  Gma and GGma may be squirrely and passive aggressive but they won’t hurt the baby.  Tara may want to rethink having GGma babysit.  I understand her hesitation, and she does have other help, but there’s no sense in wearing her mom and aunt down when she has other options available.

I also like Anthony much better this week.  He’s the typical clueless kid, but he did seem thankful.  And I agree with @HahYallDoin that I’m glad he didn’t play with the gifts like five year old at Christmas.  I get the feeling Anthony really wants to do the right thing, but has no idea how.  Does he have any positive male role models in his life?

Rosa and Anthony’s mom’s interaction was awkward as hell.  Oh well, at least Rosa played with the baby brother. I’ve seen catty women snub the mom and the kid.  

Chloe continues to be a headstrong know-nothing intent on playing house and living in a fantasy world.  The combination of college class load, a baby, a job, maintaining a home and relationship, and being solely responsible for getting herself around will send her running her unrealistic ass back home in short order.  

I still can’t stand McKayla.  Maybe she got that push present from the outlet store, but it would still be about $100.  If she bought it from the Coach store then we’re talking $298.  I have the same purse so I know for a fact that’s what it could costs.  If she wanted to treat herself to a nice robe for the hospital or a low maintenance haircut at the salon I could understand that.  I would even understand one of those giant $350 Jujube diaper bags since she’ll be carrying diapers for years, but of course it’s all about trying to look good.  There really is nothing between those elf ears of hers.  She’s insufferable.

Edited by Ijustwantsomechips
  • Love 13
6 hours ago, BallisticNikki said:

Yeah, it seemed like there were about 6 ppl in there and more who wanted in (Shellie). I really don't understand that. Can someone here chime in who had a boatload of relatives in the delivery room? What was the benefit of this? This wasn't uncomfortable t you in any way? (My then-husband was the only one in the two times I delivered.)

The first time I only had my hubby and that was just how we wanted it. The second time, he was in Afghanistan and my mom and 2 sisters were present. I guess that's what I felt I needed to make up for one of him? LOL! The 3rd time it was supposed to be just my hubby. But labour came on quicker than expected and my sister had to drive me there. He got there at the last minute, so she hadn't left yet. 

After the first child, a lot of that shame goes out the window. You're like, "Who gives a fuck?" LOL, no.....I don't know. McKayla is an attention whore not only feeds off having a lot of people surrounding her, but also feeds off of having the power to decide WHO gets to be there and who doesn't. 

1 hour ago, Pepper Mostly said:

I have a soft spot for Tyra, I confess. She seems goodhearted, and while she doesn't strike me as especially bright, she appears to be an attentive mother. She's trying to do the right thing and take good care of  her baby.

I really think she is. She seems like the least selfish out of this pack of tragic messes. Like she's actually trying to put her baby first AND consider other people's feelings. She seems sweet. But also a big timid. I wish she had someone solid to advocate for her. 

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59 minutes ago, Ijustwantsomechips said:

Does he have any positive male role models in his life?

You mean aside from his mother’s newest sperm donor, the guy who was arrested for murder?

McKayla: Caelen, I don’t want you to be at the hospital when our second out-of-wedlock oops baby is born.

McKayla et al., during labor: Caelen isn’t here! See, he is useless and I want nothing whatsoever to do with him. This was a test to see if he’d step up and he failed again.

I see no reason why all the aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. attend the delivery, as if it’s  a cocktail party. I don’t think I want my vagina and ass on display, certainly not to Grandfather Tim. 

  • Love 12
2 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

My father worked two jobs when my parents were in their early married years, sometimes three. He was driving a truck for his brother's business when I was born. Of course that was the fifties, no one expected the fathers to be on hand.

If a woman wants the father for his help and for her comfort, well, have at it. Having parents, grandparents, best friends, the UPS guy, and that nice cashier at the Jiffy Mart in the delivery room, like its some kind of event, is so over the top and silly to me. The hospital staff must go insane with all this.

When I had mine 34 and 28 years ago, I only had my husband with me and intentionally didn't tell my mom I was at the hospital because I knew she would have driven the staff insane. I didn't want anyone hanging around in a waiting room, either. When my grandson was born 16 months ago, the hospital had a strict rule of only 2 people in the room. My daughter had her husband and me with her and they told everyone to stay away until they were invited to visit. She had a c-section, so she was there for a couple days and had a few visitors before they went home. I think the staff should set a limit and stick to it!

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4 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

 I think, if the parents aren't together, it's not something to which the father should be privy.  It's about the most personal thing in the world.

Agreed - it's totally up to mom who can be there.

57 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

When I had mine 34 and 28 years ago, I only had my husband with me and intentionally didn't tell my mom I was at the hospital because I knew she would have driven the staff insane. I didn't want anyone hanging around in a waiting room, either. When my grandson was born 16 months ago, the hospital had a strict rule of only 2 people in the room. My daughter had her husband and me with her and they told everyone to stay away until they were invited to visit. She had a c-section, so she was there for a couple days and had a few visitors before they went home. I think the staff should set a limit and stick to it!

But this bolded, definitely.

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I haven't finished watching yet. But, McKayla rattling off the list of people who would be there made me wish I was one of the nurses at the hospital. I'd get in her pouty, smart ass face and tell her to pick TWO people to be in the room, no more. The rest of her entourage can wait in the waiting room. Or, better yet, go home. Childbirth is not a spectator sport, ferchrissakes!

  • Love 11
20 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

I haven't finished watching yet. But, McKayla rattling off the list of people who would be there made me wish I was one of the nurses at the hospital. I'd get in her pouty, smart ass face and tell her to pick TWO people to be in the room, no more. The rest of her entourage can wait in the waiting room. Or, better yet, go home. Childbirth is not a spectator sport, ferchrissakes!

I would love to see bitchy little McKayla snapped back hard by a seasoned, no nonsense L&D nurse. One who's seen it all and is not impressed. Twit thinks her shit's ice cream. 

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I was just thinking:

McKayla’s family better hope to G-d that this second child is born perfect.  My daughter has a friend who had a teen pregnancy 20 years ago.  The delivery was a mess and the child ended up with severe permanent brain damage.  She kept the child and raised him as a single parent before meeting her current husband.  There are other children in the family, too, who are all fine.  But can you imagine McKayla and that bunch with a special needs child?  I know I can’t.

  • Love 3

McKayla, Grandpa Cirrhosis, Grandma Meth Face, and Mother Rode Hard need to have a billion fucking seats. What a pile of hot trash allllllllll of them are.

"Caelen shouldn't be there. No one cares if he's there anyway."

Caelen shows up.

No one talks to him and excludes him from their dumb card game.

Caelen leaves because the entire family is shunning him and Mykala isn't in active labor.

"He's going to be a terrible father! How dare he leave!"

And why was a 15-year old in the room to witness that?! I'm sorry...that child did NOT need to be there. Like, at all. Fuck alllllll of these disgusting people.

And that was definitely a Coach outlet bag. 

Other mysteries:

Why was Rilah's mother beating herself in the face with a Beauty Blender every 10 seconds at the baby shower?

Why would no one tell Anthony's mother about the dire situation she had going on with those extra-thick-Sharpie-shaped eyebrows?

5 hours ago, ghoulina said:

After the first child, a lot of that shame goes out the window. You're like, "Who gives a fuck?"

Exactly. I’m Catholic and I’ve often said of my modestly level after the unmediated birth of my first child, ‘the Pope could have been standing at the foot of the bed and I wouldn’t have noticed....or now be bothered to learn that he was.’😉 The first birth was just my husband and me, with no one there as my mom was on a cruise, my dad had passed away, and my only sibling who lives in town was out on the town, which was just as well since it was ever only going to be the two of us in the room. Second time around, I asked my mom to come. She had 6 of us and 5 times she was ‘put the sleep,’ back in the old days. For her last delivery, she was birthing a 10 pounder and was given so much pain medicine that she was fuzzy on what went on in the room. In none of the cases was my dad in the room so she was curious as to what ‘real birthing’ was like LOL She has a horribly weak stomach so she was to stand at the head of the bed. I asked my very best friend in this world to video things throughout the labor, little interesting comments from the nurses and doula as I was again doing an unmedicated birth. She was to be at the head of the bed filming also when the baby was heading out but no shots from the danger zone. My sister from DC was in town to see me the week before I went into labor, hoping to be there when I had my daughter, and again, she’d have been at the head of the bed. Getting crowded up there, right? Ha! My hubby was the only one assigned to hold a leg and allowed to watch the action. 

I will say that they sat on the sofas in the room, talking so quietly I forgot they were there, aside from my husband and my doula. They knew ahead of time to get peeks of the baby right after birth but from the sidelines and not to crowd my husband and me. Best friend got the most amazing video and pictures ever and I’ll forever be grateful. My mom will forever be grateful for the opportunity to witness labor and delivery, despite having done it herself half a dozen time. My husband is grateful he didn’t have to worry about taking pictures or video, Sue had that job, so he could be more present in the moment. 

It worked for us but I totally respect everyone else’s opinions as well. As long as the mom and dad are good with it, and the staff aren’t distracted by it, go for it. 

P.S. Since then, I repaid the favor for Sue and did the same for two other close friends. Who, after giving birth, were happy they had it on video. I guess the biggest difference between our grown ass adult women in our 30’s as opposed to Michaela and her brood is that we all know how to conduct ourselves and respect the mom and dad as well as the medical professionals so we blended into the background. Unlike that family reunion behavior they display. Hell, they might as well eat fried chicken and have dance offs 🙄

  • Love 9
On 9/23/2019 at 5:11 AM, kitkat343 said:

McKayla's family is really going to regret agreeing to film this show.  Their plan to treat Caelen like trash and then b*tch about how awful he is when he pulls away isn't going to work.   They may succeed in driving him away (I hope not - I hope he gets a lawyer and files for visitation) but someday these children will watch the video.  They will see McKayla smirking and denying visitation, and everyone criticizing Caelen whenever he tries to visit.    

1000 X this!!!! 

Glad all you posters here are seeing this along with me! It restores my faith in humanity ever so slightly.  

I hope the tapes of this show are somehow admissible in court when he does go for visitation /custody/ any rights to his children. 

  • Love 4

I don't get McKayla's "we were broken up" narrative. Either you're together or you're not. If you've broken up, then Caelen owes you nothing. He's not your "warming up in the dugout" boyfriend, hanging around in the wings until you decide to take him back. He has the right to  take you at your word, that you want to break up and not be a couple any more. He can go and live his life, and hopefully find a new girlfriend who treats him nicely and is kind and won't be popping our rage babies every five minutes. McKayla seems to think that Caelen's life stops now, and he is at her beck and call forever. Its so fucked up. If you're going to break up, then break up. Breaking up is not part of your relationship! She says idiotic things like "we've been getting along, I haven't broken up with him lately". I want to shake the two of them. 

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And you've got to love McKayla's birth mom's (whatever her stupid name is) presence at all times in McKayla's life now. The TLC  cameras really warmed up her interest in her daughter's life. Interesting how she has a little one to take care of, herself, but she is able to shun those responsibilities to become McKayla's Johnny-come-lately "mother." It's unnerving. She should have less than nothing to say to, about, or for Mckayla.  From what I understand from previous seasons, she barely had any relationship at all with M. Caelen was privy to all the back story and horror that was M's "mother" and now the script is flipped like Caelen is the bad one. 

  • Love 17
23 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

If a woman wants the father for his help and for her comfort, well, have at it. Having parents, grandparents, best friends, the UPS guy, and that nice cashier at the Jiffy Mart in the delivery room, like its some kind of event, is so over the top and silly to me. The hospital staff must go insane with all this.

As an adopted person I know for a fact that neither of my parents were at my birth. Sometimes things just work out that way and I honestly don't even care. They are my parents. I love them and they love me. Who cares if they weren't there when I emerged from the womb?

Edited by SL16
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14 hours ago, Giant Misfit said:

Why was Rilah's mother beating herself in the face with a Beauty Blender every 10 seconds at the baby shower?

They're in Florida so I'm forgiving on that one.

2 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

I don't get McKayla's "we were broken up" narrative. Either you're together or you're not.

I feel there's something else going on there. He was texting her before the birth in a way that suggested he wanted to be with her. I do think he has feelings for McKayla & tries to get her back sometimes, & she probably enjoys the chase & turning him down. He definitely needs to establish a legal, shared custody agreement & just move on emotionally. That way when he does get involved with someone else, she can't spitefully withhold the kids because there will be legal consequences for that behavior.

14 hours ago, Giant Misfit said:

Why would no one tell Anthony's mother about the dire situation she had going on with those extra-thick-Sharpie-shaped eyebrows?

I'm surprised they didn't melt off.

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, Kdawg82 said:

And you've got to love McKayla's birth mom's (whatever her stupid name is) presence at all times in McKayla's life now. The TLC  cameras really warmed up her interest in her daughter's life. Interesting how she has a little one to take care of, herself, but she is able to shun those responsibilities to become McKayla's Johnny-come-lately "mother." It's unnerving. She should have less than nothing to say to, about, or for Mckayla.  From what I understand from previous seasons, she barely had any relationship at all with M. Caelen was privy to all the back story and horror that was M's "mother" and now the script is flipped like Caelen is the bad one. 

Yup. Whenever Shannon is around (and it's a LOT), I always wonder about her kids. She has not just that baby she was pregnant with at the same time as McKayla's first pregnancy, but at least one other kid. Maybe two? She sure runs off quite frequently to hang out with her fully grown (technically) child. I wonder why that is. 

It's the cameras. It's 100% the cameras. 

  • Love 13

I can't stand McKayla's family already, but I was seething extra hate when they were all sitting around at the hospital, laughing and joking and playing cards, then ignoring him and side-eyeing him and doing talking heads like "Caelen is awful, he's gonna leave the hospital!" They are playing games with him, and I hope they lose big time. We can't know what Caelen is really like, but he seems like an okay guy, he seems to want what's best for his kids.

Also, did we ever find out if Anthony is the baby's father, was the sonogram that distinctive that we know for sure, LOL?

  • Love 7

I wish Caelan would put his money where his mouth is and file for shared custody. Get a plan set up and then just stick to it.  I'm guessing everyone in McCayla's house would sit there with their heads spinning .... and wondering what the hell they are going to talk about now that Caelan is parenting his kids as per court order.

  • Love 10

Boy that Chloe is in for a dose of real world.  Hope her mom lets her experience life "on her own" living with her jailbird/druggie boyfriend while going to college, paying rent and taking care of a baby.  Nothing teaches like experience.  McKayla and her ghoulish relatives are the worst.  Push present..are you kidding me? Boy Alex's mom and grandmom are some massive nasty b*tches.    

  • Love 4

Somebody commented that Alex didn't know how to speak and compared him to a young NBA player...those up and coming NBA players have agents, publicists, and are taught from a very early age when they are becoming prospects how to be seen in public...Alex has none of those things.  He is caught between his grandmother, who raised him, his mother, who abandoned him, and like any 18 or 19-year old kid (and yes, he's still a kid) he just wants to please them.  Asking him to stand up and be a man at this point is going to be difficult.  He is just trying to do the right thing.  I think he eventually will but he's going to make mistakes.

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, Chris Knight said:

I dont know how Chloe rhinks she can even afford all that - 1/2 rent + daycare  + college tuition ? She will be making peanuts .

Poor arithmetic skills? When do kids learn division nowadays, third or fourth grade?

Or maybe indulgent parents who did not prepare her for life by sharing very fundamental information about what shit costs and how many hours you have to work a shitty minimum wage job to earn that much money. One of the first damn things I do with the kids I mentor: I just spent fifteen bucks on McDonalds. How many hours do you have to work at McDonalds to pay for that? They usually have NO idea, have never even thought in those terms, and lose their minds when they learn the answer.

  • Love 4
19 hours ago, vmcd88 said:

Boy that Chloe is in for a dose of real world.  Hope her mom lets her experience life "on her own" living with her jailbird/druggie boyfriend while going to college, paying rent and taking care of a baby.  Nothing teaches like experience.  McKayla and her ghoulish relatives are the worst.  Push present..are you kidding me? Boy Alex's mom and grandmom are some massive nasty b*tches.    

Hope Chloe realizes that living with an addict means everything will be up for grabs if he needs money for drugs. They will forge checks, steal credit cards (as he already has), pawn anything of value--nothing is off-limits.

  • Love 12
18 hours ago, RoxiP said:

Somebody commented that Alex didn't know how to speak and compared him to a young NBA player...those up and coming NBA players have agents, publicists, and are taught from a very early age when they are becoming prospects how to be seen in public...Alex has none of those things.  He is caught between his grandmother, who raised him, his mother, who abandoned him, and like any 18 or 19-year old kid (and yes, he's still a kid) he just wants to please them.  Asking him to stand up and be a man at this point is going to be difficult.  He is just trying to do the right thing.  I think he eventually will but he's going to make mistakes.

I think I'm the poster to whom you're referring, because I was the only one who compared Alex's demeanor to that of an athlete.  Please understand I would never compare him to an NBA player--that would be an unfair comparison.  Those guys almost always had years in college or years of playing in Europe to get groomed for public speaking.  I purposely compared Alex to an NCAA athlete--a college athlete--and a lot of these college guys are groomed too, but a lot of them come from rough homes and poor neighborhoods (LeBron James has a Showtime documentary series about football-playing kids coming up in in Liberty City, FL).  Very few of them are shown the way as much as they figure it out because they're perceptive because they have to be.

What I was saying in my first post was that even the dummies in NCAA seem to be able to speak coherently, even if it's apparent there's not a lot of brain power going on up there.  It's about presence.  Alex has it less than almost anyone I've ever seen, and he's not 11 or 15--he's 18 or 19.  He's an adult, and IMO he should be more of an adult--on the 25 y/o track--now that he has an infant.  I agree that those crazies didn't do him any favors, but he has to take responsibility and ask a teacher or a guidance counselor how he can be more mature.  There are tons of programs out there, but people don't tap into them.  I don't know if Kentucky has a Police Athletic League, but that's a resource.  

What I find is that there are very few young fathers who want to be good dads, but they just don't know how.  I'm sure if Alex approached almost any responsible grown man in his life--a gym teacher, even a cop, I dunno--and said those exact words, "I want to grow up so that I can raise my daughter well"--he would get help.  But instead, he tucks his chin, looks down and avoids the situation, and I will continue to give him shit for that.  If he's so shy, maybe he shouldn't...be on TV?


On a more positive note, I did think Anthony and Rilah did the baby shower well, and they looked and acted really sweet and grateful, and it was touching. I think that baby is pretty much Anthony's now, whether it's his genetically or not.  Once his name goes on that birth certificate, it can be an uphill battle to disprove paternity.  In Florida, a court can hold a man responsible for paying child support even if it's proven that the child is not his through a DNA test if the man acted as the father and supported the child and didn't demand a test right away.  So strap yourself in there, bud (though I would strongly hope he would get a paternity test, I doubt it's going to happen).


ETA:  Unpopular opinion, and I'd like to know what others think, but is Alex's grandma that bad?  Like, I know the mom is a toxic freakshow, whispering to the baby that she's going to show an ugly side, but the grandma is willing to watch the baby, she came to the baby shower, and her only issue is that she doesn't want Tyra sleeping at the house, an issue on which she was willing to yield right away?  She is of a generation where she really may have thought that Tyra and Alex were just friends, so she let the girl sleep over, which was dumb, but once she realized that they were having sex aka Tyra was pregnant, she banned the sleepovers.  I mean, that's a defensible position, even if it's not something thought out by Plato himself...

What Alex's grandmother needs to do to build trust, in my opinion, is to create distance between herself and that female Austin Powers, her daughter.  If gran is quick enough on the uptake to realize her daughter is the problem--and she should be able to pick up on that-- and she can reassure Tyra that her daughter won't be alone with the baby, that would go a long way toward me being willing to let the great-grandmother watch the baby.

If she takes on the mentality of "it's me and my daughter in this together against y'all," then she's cut out of the equation unless Alex wants to take the baby over for a supervised visit.  That's how I look at it anyway.

Edited by LibertarianSlut
More Alex Stuff
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2 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

ETA:  Unpopular opinion, and I'd like to know what others think, but is Alex's grandma that bad?  Like, I know the mom is a toxic freakshow, whispering to the baby that she's going to show an ugly side, but the grandma is willing to watch the baby, she came to the baby shower, and her only issue is that she doesn't want Tyra sleeping at the house, an issue on which she was willing to yield right away?  She is of a generation where she really may have thought that Tyra and Alex were just friends, so she let the girl sleep over, which was dumb, but once she realized that they were having sex aka Tyra was pregnant, she banned the sleepovers.  I mean, that's a defensible position, even if it's not something thought out by Plato himself...

What Alex's grandmother needs to do to build trust, in my opinion, is to create distance between herself and that female Austin Powers, her daughter.  If gran is quick enough on the uptake to realize her daughter is the problem--and she should be able to pick up on that-- and she can reassure Tyra that her daughter won't be alone with the baby, that would go a long way toward me being willing to let the great-grandmother watch the baby.

If she takes on the mentality of "it's me and my daughter in this together against y'all," then she's cut out of the equation unless Alex wants to take the baby over for a supervised visit.  That's how I look at it anyway.

I don't think Grandma, herself, is that bad. But I've noticed she gets a certain way when Alex's mom is around. Also, if it were me, I'd worry to leave the baby with Grandma and that Grandma would, in turn, leave some responsiblity to the mom. Or just leave the baby with Alex's mom. THAT would be my concern. 

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