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2019 Auditions, Finals, and Training Camp Spoilers

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1 minute ago, UnicornKicksBack said:

If Brennan’s ass looks manly in that pic then slap me in the butt and call me Al. She’s on fire there. 

amen!! Same here 🙂

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12 hours ago, BBK said:

That was the episode where I truly disliked Kitty from then on...& I actually FB’d her & told her...HaHa!!! No joke...

What’s funny about Kitty in that episode, is that she went to K&J & said Chelsea was being “negative” about the meeting they just had with her (I think about weight, right?) & they called Chel back in...& yet Kitty is way far & above NEGATIVE in her comments to the DCC women (TCC & Vets). She calls it ‘keeping it real’ & ‘telling it like it is’, but in actuality it’s rude, mean & disrespectful. WHY DCC (& CMT) continue to show her segment, when women are trying to empower one another now is beyond me...

I luv the boards & discussions here, but I’ve not watched a season all the way thru especially when Kitty is on...

Thanks for listening...er, reading...

I tend to find that whenever someone says they are just “keeping it real” or “telling it like it is”, it is followed by something rude, mean and disrespectful.

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4 minutes ago, VintageJ said:

I tend to find that whenever someone says they are just “keeping it real” or “telling it like it is”, it is followed by something rude, mean and disrespectful.

Lol. It does seem to be the dance world’s version of “With all due respect...”

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21 minutes ago, KnyghtRyder said:

Lol. It does seem to be the dance world’s version of “With all due respect...”

I see it all the time in the regular world.  

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1 hour ago, UnicornKicksBack said:

Sad part is there’s actual truth to about five of these.

Lol. That’s why I stopped being so skeptical of the info that gets posted here.

Typically, the simplest explanation is the truth - not so with DCC land where often times, the pettiest explanation appears to be the truth. I think in most workplaces, people are accountable to someone (your boss has a boss who has another boss). Therefore, things need to make sense, and there needs to be some consistency and logic in people’s actions for their own cya purposes but also for recruiting and retention purposes. Those concerns aren’t really there with the DCCs. If anything, the tv show and the general changing attitudes towards pro cheerleaders will have a bigger deterrent to girls trying out than bosses that play favorites.  

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23 hours ago, Weeklydcc said:

But even today there are several white girls who don't dance that great.  If you're going to include people like that on the squad, you might as well diversify.  There is no shortage of blondes or whites on the DCC.  There's also no shortage of black girls who can dance.  I hope K&J wake up before it becomes a PR nightmare.

It’s not clear that K&J would be concerned about a PR nightmare at this point.  Ultimately, they serve the NFL fans.  Only they would be able to force a change.

My post was to refute the idea that black ladies looked better in the old cut and thus, had a greater likelihood of making the squad in the 70s and 80s.  My point was that then, the technical bar was lower and that ladies’ aesthetics and ambassadorship potential were more important in that even novice dancers could master the more basic choreography of the era.  Thus, it was easier to field a diverse team.

There are several barriers to entry to becoming a DCC—financial, time, DCC style mastery, physical—that seem unworthy of the effort to some POCs.

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1 hour ago, RedDelicious said:

The funny thing is, outside of the Dallas scene and this message board, nobody really cares about what's going on in the world of DCC. Don't get me wrong, it is enormously entertaining to read these threads and I get into the discussions sometimes too, but in the grand scheme of things is any of this REALLY important? You can't be a DCC forever and the organization is run like a private company. The rules aren't always fair and they change on the fly. A small percentage of cheerleaders move on to bigger and better professional endeavors but really most of them just go back to studio teaching or get married and have families. What is *really at stake? It isn't as if anyone couldn't do those things on their own. If a girl gives up her life to devote herself completely to training camp, that is her choice. It's a cheerleading squad and there are a lot of hens in the hen house. None of what I have ever read on here surprises me.

So true.

Even with marginal world importance, the concept of justice comes into play. There is a finite amount of injustice that people can stand.


Edited by Pau84
added relevant content
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On 7/6/2019 at 7:14 PM, SmpIsimon said:

  Jalyn gave Victoria what she thought was some helpful corrections, and Victoria got really insulted.  She then complained to her mother, who went to Kelli.  The girls were then lectured at a subsequent practice that if someone needs feedback, leave it to Kelli or Judy to tell them.  This is in contrast to past years where Vets were encouraged to give help to the rookies.  

Quite a different attitude than when Cassie was allowed (encouraged!) to go after Taylor in front of everyone, and then had Allie chime in that she should just answer, "Yes, ma'am."

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The talk of a DCC walkout or rebellion is quite interesting considering that it was 30 years ago (1989) that the veteran DCCs walked out because new team owner Jerry Jones wanted to change the uniform to even skimpier spandex and lax the rules so cheerleaders could date Cowboys players and appear in beer/alcohol ads which has always been against DCC rules.  The story was covered on a national scale.  I could imagine ESPN and TMZ giving it a mention in today's world.  The irony is that Kelli is the one who had to  explain to Mr. Jones that the DCC were known for their high standards (she was assistant director then).  Jerry Jones backed down after much public backlash.

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4 hours ago, VintageJ said:

I tend to find that whenever someone says they are just “keeping it real” or “telling it like it is”, it is followed by something rude, mean and disrespectful.

Maybe Kitty who is rude, direct & overly blunt, is on the spectrum. Like seriously. 

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On 6/30/2019 at 2:19 AM, Kees080 said:

No one has asked for Gina, but I would like to hear everyone's comments on this one?  


Oh Hi Kalyssa ..... oh shit sorry Gina didn’t realise it was you. 

1 hour ago, Donna S said:

Quite a different attitude than when Cassie was allowed (encouraged!) to go after Taylor in front of everyone, and then had Allie chime in that she should just answer, "Yes, ma'am."

And the one who encouraged Cassie to talk about Taylor in her face and on camera was her mother dear mother Judy, the queen bitch. I remember Cassie talking afterwards that someone had to be mean.

Is there an updated of whose left in TCC? What happens if Victoria don’t make DCC is show group her only “backup” for the year? I’d laugh if that was the case.

Edited by CrazyEve
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47 minutes ago, Weeklydcc said:

The talk of a DCC walkout or rebellion is quite interesting considering that it was 30 years ago (1989) that the veteran DCCs walked out because new team owner Jerry Jones wanted to change the uniform to even skimpier spandex and lax the rules so cheerleaders could date Cowboys players and appear in beer/alcohol ads which has always been against DCC rules.  The story was covered on a national scale.  I could imagine ESPN and TMZ giving it a mention in today's world.  The irony is that Kelli is the one who had to  explain to Mr. Jones that the DCC were known for their high standards (she was assistant director then).  Jerry Jones backed down after much public backlash.

Yeah, I think if the DCCs went on strike, that would definitely get some publicity, but I think a walkout would have to be connected to some sort of scandalous activity or would need to have some sort of social justice angle in order to have any staying power in the media today. Once it became clear that the walkout was over nepotism, I think the story would quickly fade. Nepotism seems par the course for the Cowboys (don’t all of Jerry Jones’s kids work there?), and I don’t think the general public holds the ‘brand’ in the same esteem as the team does.

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Could those in the know go into how recently this Veteran disgruntlement came about? And how many do you think are involved? I don’t always assume these girls are best friends all the time, but like what do they think they’re gonna accomplish? She’s making the team it seems like unless K&J get out of the fog. 

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31 minutes ago, CrazyEve said:

Oh Hi Kalyssa ..... oh shit sorry Gina didn’t realise it was you. 

This is a very unflattering picture of Gina.

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34 minutes ago, CrazyEve said:

Oh Hi Kalyssa ..... oh shit sorry Gina didn’t realise it was you. 

Although I don't prefer this photo of Gina (she has had much better, ie: Bimini last year), I wouldn't consider this shot on par with Kalyssa's soft porn.  

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Ok the more I read the more I realize I missed. What’s with the Brennan vs VK drama I keep seeing mentioned?

And I remember seeing Madeline get in trouble for moving her locker which she really shouldn’t have done. BUT! Did she move it to get away from VK?

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22 minutes ago, SmpIsimon said:

The person who selects these "swimsuits" should be fired.

I get the feeling it is Judy and Kelli, but mainly Judy?  Not totally sure though.

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11 minutes ago, Amandared said:

Ok the more I read the more I realize I missed. What’s with the Brennan vs VK drama I keep seeing mentioned?

And I remember seeing Madeline get in trouble for moving her locker which she really shouldn’t have done. BUT! Did she move it to get away from VK?

I would move an entire bank of lockers to get away from VK at this point. 

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On 6/29/2019 at 6:19 PM, Kees080 said:

No one has asked for Gina, but I would like to hear everyone's comments on this one?  


I'm not apologizing for thinking this shot is pure fire.

That said, after looking through the swimsuit pics people were kind enough to post here, I can say that the amount of photoshop being utilized is unsettling, jarring almost, since we know what they actually look like.

I can cross "Drop acid and play with Bratz dolls"  off my bucket list, as I believe I've achieved a similar outcome looking at these.

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16 hours ago, SingleMom9 said:

Any guesses on who might be next cut?

Again, this is my opinion, but I just don't think any of the DMD should make it, because clearly, they only tried out because their team is being dismantled. Now if Sheridan came back, I would have wanted her to make it, because she was actually in DCC TC in the past. Some of these girls have been working towards this for years.

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15 hours ago, ATLGirl said:

Wow, a lot went on while I was on vacation...

Most of us know what happened to Olivia S. years ago when she stood up to Cassie at the calendar shoot. Cassie ran to Judy and complained, then all of a sudden Olivia got the “toxic” label and it was over for her.

My guess is when Jaylyn gave VK some critiques to help her, VK ran to Mommy who called Kelli. Thus the “toxic” label was likely applied to Jaylyn, which Kelli shared with the Show Group judges who in response voted her out and voted VK in to soothe her hurt feelings.

I am reading between the lines big time but I get the sense the pressure to vote Jaylyn off was very strong from Kelli.

I think if I were Jaylyn, I’d say “Screw this, life is too short for this crap” and get out of there before she gets cut. Because you know at some point she will be cut to appease the Kalinas. 

I was trying to give VK the benefit of the doubt, but after this, I'm definitely not a fan!!! What an entitled and narcissistic attitude to have!!! I alway try to welcome feedback from anybody. Shouldn't we all strive to be the best version of ourselves??? I guess VK thinks she's already the best. God help her out in the real world. She sure won't be able to run to her mommy. Tina isn't much better. At least VK is only 19, Tina is suppose to be a mature adult. She's just a baby in my opinion. 

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9 minutes ago, AAT said:

Again, this is my opinion, but I just don't think any of the DMD should make it, because clearly, they only tried out because their team is being dismantled. Now if Sheridan came back, I would have wanted her to make it, because she was actually in DCC TC in the past. Some of these girls have been working towards this for years.

I don’t think that’s a fair assessment considering there’s a batch of DMD every year for the last decade. If anything this year I feel the least amount of them tried out compared to previous years. 

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40 minutes ago, Amandared said:

Ok the more I read the more I realize I missed. What’s with the Brennan vs VK drama I keep seeing mentioned?

And I remember seeing Madeline get in trouble for moving her locker which she really shouldn’t have done. BUT! Did she move it to get away from VK?

Brennan is VK's boot buddy.

I just re-watched season 13, and Kelli tells Madeline she doesn't care to know the reason why she moved to another locker, so still a mystery.

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1 minute ago, scorpio1031 said:

Brennan is VK's boot buddy.

I just re-watched season 13, and Kelli tells Madeline she doesn't care to know the reason why she moved to another locker, so still a mystery.

It's also rumored that VK overheard Brennan asking something along the lines of "Is it worth it?" which she took back to TK and Kelli, hence why Brennan was called in questioning her motives of auditioning again. 

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7 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

Brennan is VK's boot buddy.

I just re-watched season 13, and Kelli tells Madeline she doesn't care to know the reason why she moved to another locker, so still a mystery.

If she didn't care to know why she moved her locker.  Then why even bring her in the office to discuss it.  Probably for added drama!  But what I want to know is Kitty mentioned Madeline needs an attitude adjustment, but she said a lot of the girls do.  I'd like to know who were the others that needed that too.

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2 minutes ago, hereforthedrama said:

It's also rumored that VK overheard Brennan asking something along the lines of "Is it worth it?" which she took back to TK and Kelli, hence why Brennan was called in questioning her motives of auditioning again. 

Forgot about that:)  Sometimes I think I need a chart

2 minutes ago, TUOwl84 said:

If she didn't care to know why she moved her locker.  Then why even bring her in the office to discuss it.  Probably for added drama!  But what I want to know is Kitty mentioned Madeline needs an attitude adjustment, but she said a lot of the girls do.  I'd like to know who were the others that needed that too.

Madeline had complaints from vets that she was giving advice to fellow rookies, and they felt that wasn't her place.  So that was another reason, but the locker was the big thing.  Then later in the ep, she gets called in again about underperforming.  She told K&J she felt that what had happened earlier had upset her.  She said that even Kitty had stopped her and asked why she was being a crybaby.  Does Kitty really not understand how she affects these girls?

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1 minute ago, scorpio1031 said:

Does Kitty really not understand how she affects these girls?

I truly don't believe Kitty gives a crap unless they happen to be one of her favorites.  The rest should just be performing robots.

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Over the years Kelli has gotten “softer” in terms of how she approaches girls with her comments. Kitty could give a crap and I think puts on a little bit more for the show now. I don’t remember her being this harsh in earlier seasons, but it could have been edited. 

Every show has to have a mean girl, and Kitty is that and a bag of chips and a outrageous milkshake. 

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16 hours ago, SingleMom9 said:

Has there ever been more than one or two legacies try out in the same season? I’d be curious to know...

I’ve read that Rachel W. is pretty vocal on the topic which is both disappointing and makes me like her even less.

I will never understand in a million year’s how Rachel W is not considered a public relations risk — unless the Cowboys don’t consider bigotry to be a public relations risk. 

She hides a lot of hate for a lot of groups behind Jesus — maybe that plays in pageants or with the Cowboys?

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4 minutes ago, Lolfordays said:

I will never understand in a million year’s how Rachel W is not considered a public relations risk — unless the Cowboys don’t consider bigotry to be a public relations risk. 

She hides a lot of hate for a lot of groups behind Jesus — maybe that plays in pageants or with the Cowboys?

I can’t stand her. I was really hoping she would retire after one season

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5 minutes ago, Lolfordays said:

I will never understand in a million year’s how Rachel W is not considered a public relations risk — unless the Cowboys don’t consider bigotry to be a public relations risk. 

She hides a lot of hate for a lot of groups behind Jesus — maybe that plays in pageants or with the Cowboys?

I think they excuse her bigotry because she was first runner-up in Miss America. She’s extremely homophobic. 

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1 hour ago, AAT said:

Again, this is my opinion, but I just don't think any of the DMD should make it, because clearly, they only tried out because their team is being dismantled. Now if Sheridan came back, I would have wanted her to make it, because she was actually in DCC TC in the past. Some of these girls have been working towards this for years.

This is just not true. For example, Julia tried out 2 years ago right after graduating from UT. I personally know she was heavily recruited for months beforehand and was heartbroken when she didn’t make training camp. Then she tried out for DMD that summer because she wanted to keep dancing, and made the team. The idea that the DMD girls are spiteful or begrudgingly going for DCC is laughable. It’s many of these girls lifelong dreams and this year they had the chance to really go for it. 

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8 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

What?  No look to the left, look to the right - you're looking at the 2007-2008 squad???  That was still the best.

That was the Beyoncé of all reveals. How dare they. 

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I want to see how good of an actress Victoria is when they tell her she's made the team.  She already knows that, but of course she'll have to act like it's a big surprise.

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7 hours ago, AAT said:

Again, this is my opinion, but I just don't think any of the DMD should make it, because clearly, they only tried out because their team is being dismantled. Now if Sheridan came back, I would have wanted her to make it, because she was actually in DCC TC in the past. Some of these girls have been working towards this for years.

IMO, the best candidates should make it, regardless of whether they've wanted to be a DCC since they popped out of the womb, or decided on a whim to give it a go the day before auditions. I get that everyone likes a good comeback story, but if you're truly trying to build a world-class organization (and not a squad full of mindless sycophants), it should all be about the candidate- not how bad/long they've wanted it, how many times they've tried out, or who happened to birth them. 

Edited by rafibomb
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1 minute ago, scorpio1031 said:

I like the ones who don't make training camp and say it's because "God must have had a different plan for me" when they can't do the kick line or a jump split, or are spilling out over their shorts.  No, you could have helped God out a little bit and practiced or laid off the extra carbs.  

I just died.

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