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2019 Auditions, Finals, and Training Camp Spoilers

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28 minutes ago, Tootie said:

I'm counting 17... am I missing someone??

Maddie, Heather, Gina, Amy, Tess, Lexie, Amber, Bridget, Daphne, Hannah (10)

Ashlee, Caroline, Rachel A, Rachel W, Amanda, Kelcey and Victoria (7)

No Alexis ? 

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I thought SG was always 17? Last year was: Kash, Lacey, Maddie, Gina, Amy, Kelli, Tasha, Lexie, Daphne, Heather, Hannah, Tess, Jalyn, Bridget, Khalyn, Amber, and Lauren.

Edited by Monique
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Just a thought about revealing the team.  They should bring in someone like they did last year or have Kelli do her usual we have goal, things to do etc. Then say ok now let’s practice.  Line them up to come down the field.  Once everyone is coming down the field, then have the message scroll on the screens around the field.  What do you think Shelly B?

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6 hours ago, Opine said:

I will bet you a milkshake that she will bitch and moan if she doesn't make calendar next year.

She'll make it.  Just like everyone knew she'd make the team and SG this year.

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There are any number of scenarios for leaking news that didn’t come directly from a TCC etc. Anyone in a room- man with the sound boom, choreographer, a vet complaining to her her dance teacher...and on it goes!

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48 minutes ago, DCC-UK said:

Don't get me wrong, I've always liked her but most in her rookie year are blenders: Alexis, Christina, Lexie, Miranda, Molly, Savannah. All good but not great to me!

Doesn't help that they were sandwiched in between two really strong rookie classes (2016 + 2018)

Why is there no 'Burnnnn' button?! 

Good but not great is how I would describe the 2016 rookie group as well honestly (it’s possible that I’m forgetting a few girls though). I thought the 2015 class was very strong, as were the 2014 and 2012 ones (and season 3 - don’t remember the calendar year). The other groups all kind of blend for me.

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Good call on blonde Hannah - she was show group and then cut the next season. Kaitlin L too. Tho they both had reason to be cut at the time. I was racking my brain about anyone in Jalyn’s situation tho. Cut from SG yet still on the squad. 

It’s always interesting to me who doesn’t want show group too. Lots of life happening out there, and I like seeing how these gals balance it all. 

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1 hour ago, cherryblossom said:

Just a thought about revealing the team.  They should bring in someone like they did last year or have Kelli do her usual we have goal, things to do etc. Then say ok now let’s practice.  Line them up to come down the field.  Once everyone is coming down the field, then have the message scroll on the screens around the field.  What do you think Shelly B?

The DCRB did something like that last year when they announced the team. 

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6 hours ago, dreamcatcher said:

Was this confirmed? About Tara I mean. Her cut felt out of the blue to me considering that they told her she’s improved and it was quite obvious that she needed help... i’m not saying that employers are required to care about their employees (let’s be real), but if you want to call yourself “world class”, you kinda have to... 

I had a source, who I consider to be reliable, who did confirm this for me last year. I'm not sure if it ever officially hit the boards or not. 

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2 hours ago, Jazzmom said:

When the long post about VK came up on SG night, I was like, seriously.  Def trying to do damage control, or someone was.  

27 minutes ago, Loves2Dance said:

They are worried about our little slice of nothingness in the big ole' wide web because if you want DCC drama, gossip, insider info...a few google click words and we're at the top of the search engine. Our information has influenced published rag mag articles. 

like this 1000 times

Edited by scorpio1031
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2 hours ago, SailorGirl said:

I get what you're saying about workplace conversations but I disagree with your statement that the person sharing the information is what makes them look bad. 

The poor decision making and the thinking/favoritism/nepotism behind that decision making  is what makes them look bad.

Simply because the information got out early doesn't change what their decisions are and the factors that went into their decision making. 

Whether the info about VK is revealed in early July or mid-late August when pre-season activities start doesn't change a thing. 

The only thing making TPTB look bad is TPTB.

Excellent!  You do something wrong or stupid, and people will talk.  It isn't the talkers' fault!!!  

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4 hours ago, Pau84 said:

but I will not channel my emotions and vent my frustration towards Victoria because Victoria has nothing to do with this. She just wants to be on the team.

Very true.   It would be hilarious if it was a huge conspiracy with the editing last year.   Maybe this year we will remember and come to the conclusion last season was a  "lucid dream."

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Only 2 videos (Thunder {dance} and Bad Guy) are shown on Kristi's main twitter feed.  If you go to the left side and click "Photos and Videos," the other 2 are visible (Thunder {kick} and some techno sounding song that I have no idea what it is! lol)

2019-07-02 (1).png

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3 minutes ago, ShellyB said:

Amy, Maddie, Heather, Tess, Gina, Lexie, Rachel A, Amber, Ashlee,  Bridget, Caroline, Cianna, Daphne, Hannah, Rachel W, Amanda, Kelcey and Victoria 

I will add that the field was strong, and the new (Vets and TCCs) came with a mission. There were several that were very strong, but in the end, it’s the voting. There are considerations for the previous year(s), but just because your on SG the previous year doesn’t mean your are safe. They are always expected to keep pushing, moving up. 

Thank you!  Are you able to tell us who is in each group?

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3 minutes ago, ShellyB said:

I was there...VK did great!

Did you help judge SG auditions? Just wondering.

13 minutes ago, ShellyB said:

Amy, Maddie, Heather, Tess, Gina, Lexie, Rachel A, Amber, Ashlee,  Bridget, Caroline, Cianna, Daphne, Hannah, Rachel W, Amanda, Kelcey and Victoria 

I will add that the field was strong, and the new (Vets and TCCs) came with a mission. There were several that were very strong, but in the end, it’s the voting. There are considerations for the previous year(s), but just because your on SG the previous year doesn’t mean your are safe. They are always expected to keep pushing, moving up. 

@ShellyB can you tell us exactly what goes into SG auditions? Do the girls have to prepare a solo like during TC auditions?

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On 7/1/2019 at 9:48 PM, MTTFan said:

NOTE TO SHELLYB:  If I were you, I would be pissed as hell.

Why would she be pissed?  That's not very professional.

5 minutes ago, TUOwl84 said:

But Daphne? 🤯

Maybe she was having a bad day (kinda like I am right now - and it's nothing to do with this board)

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30 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

Are you able to tell us who is in each group?

There was a post earlier that had all of the groups except TCC’s in G4 - Meredith, Lily and Madeline S 

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24 minutes ago, DCCFanInKy said:

@ShellyB can you tell us exactly what goes into SG auditions? Do the girls have to prepare a solo like during TC auditions?

They did Thunder, Travis Wall’s piece, a piece by Charm LaDonna, a new medley by Denise DiCharry and across the floor: turns, tricks and leaps. 

Judges are looking for style, technique, showmanship, etc. 

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happy to here that Shelly (one of the judges) said VK did well on merit. a lot can happen in a year and its great that its showing for VK. There's a lot of dances they had to do for important judges (who know their stuff) so im glad she was able to shine through and make SG #redemption

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11 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

That was me, but yeah G3 and G4 were incomplete:)

Here’s who is missing from your list

G3 - Christina, Taylor P

G4 - Brennan, Taylor, Hannah & Jalyn

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20 minutes ago, ShellyB said:

They did Thunder, Travis Wall’s piece, a piece by Charm LaDonna, a new medley by Denise DiCharry and across the floor: turns, tricks and leaps. 

Judges are looking for style, technique, showmanship, etc. 

 Do you know yet (can you say) if SG auditions will be covered in depth on the show this year?  Also how are alternates handled if the rookie alternates don't make the final team/squad?

Edited by DCCFanInKy
Added something
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4 minutes ago, DCCFanInKy said:

 Do you know yet (can you say) if SG auditions will be covered in depth on the show this year?  Also how are alternates handled if the rookie alternates don't make the final team/squad?

It will be covered, to what depth I am unsure. 

There are no alternates for the 36. There aren’t really alternates per se for SG. There are 18 this year, most show stages can handle 12 performers, occasionally 16. Having 18 allows for flexibility/availability for all shows. 

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6 hours ago, cherryblossom said:

There are any number of scenarios for leaking news that didn’t come directly from a TCC etc. Anyone in a room- man with the sound boom, choreographer, a vet complaining to her her dance teacher...and on it goes!

I imagine groupies of DCC-MTT just hang out in the parking lot waiting for the girls to come out.  I suspect "insiders" hear more info from the parking lot and pass it along.

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1 minute ago, ShellyB said:

It will be covered, to what depth I am unsure. 

There are no alternates for the 36. There aren’t really alternates per se for SG. There are 18 this year, most show stages can handle 12 performers, occasionally 16. Having 18 allows for flexibility/availability for all shows. 

Thanks Shelly!  Goodness you're up late.  Aren't the "alternates" for the 36 any All Stars that are put into the performance?  Just wondering and have a great rest of your evening

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1 minute ago, DCCFanInKy said:

Thanks Shelly!  Goodness you're up late.  Aren't the "alternates" for the 36 any All Stars that are put into the performance?  Just wondering and have a great rest of your evening

Insomnia...AS are not technically alternates. They are a trusted, quick fix in a pinch due to illness and/or injury. 

4 minutes ago, SimplePleasures said:

I imagine groupies of DCC-MTT just hang out in the parking lot waiting for the girls to come out.  I suspect "insiders" hear more info from the parking lot and pass it along.

If they could get past security. Not.

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15 minutes ago, itme said:

happy to here that Shelly (one of the judges) said VK did well on merit. a lot can happen in a year and its great that its showing for VK. There's a lot of dances they had to do for important judges (who know their stuff) so im glad she was able to shine through and make SG #redemption

I agree that it's great to have one of the judges say VK did well in her SG audition. I disagree with the redemption hashtag. I don't view dancing well in SG audition as redemption because my disappointment in last season was less about her dancing and more about her behavior. I was appalled to see her throw Jinelle under the bus during the office meeting that was shown on MTT. No amount of great dancing for SG audition this season will compensate for bad behavior last season. 

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Just now, ShellyB said:

Insomnia...AS are not technically alternates. They are a trusted, quick fix in a pinch due to illness and/or injury. 

Insomnia ouch....been there done that a few times.  Try ZzzzzzQuil if you don't have a prescription sleep aid. Keeping this "on topic", thanks for responding so quickly!

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1 minute ago, SanDiegoGal said:

I agree that it's great to have one of the judges say VK did well in her SG audition. I disagree with the redemption hashtag. I don't view dancing well in SG audition as redemption because my disappointment in last season was less about her dancing and more about her behavior. I was appalled to see her throw Jinelle under the bus during the office meeting that was shown on MTT. No amount of great dancing for SG audition this season will compensate for bad behavior last season. 

im sure jinelle is a grown woman and accepted victorias apology. it was a learning experience. she was 18 at the time dealing with weight on a television show...(cant imagine what thats like) i will happily overlook that amount of stress. i for one, wouldnt want to hold someone accountable for a decision they made a year ago

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2 minutes ago, ShellyB said:

Insomnia...AS are not technically alternates. They are a trusted, quick fix in a pinch due to illness and/or injury. 

If they could get past security. Not.

I should have phrased it better.  Before AT & T Stadium or the Star, it was probably a lot easier to overhear stuff.  For example, Tangerine Salon, Belks, etc.  Young girls are bubbly and they talk.

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1 minute ago, SanDiegoGal said:

I agree that it's great to have one of the judges say VK did well in her SG audition. I disagree with the redemption hashtag. I don't view dancing well in SG audition as redemption because my disappointment in last season was less about her dancing and more about her behavior. I was appalled to see her throw Jinelle under the bus during the office meeting that was shown on MTT. No amount of great dancing for SG audition this season will compensate for bad behavior last season. 

People DO grow though. Especially as teens. I do know plenty of teens that one year are insufferable and then do have a wake-up call {in this case not being portrayed in the best light on national TV and having a LOT of people, warranted or not, say some pretty harsh things online} and do change and evolve. She IS a better dancer, from the little videos that were shown she had a strong audition for SG. Maybe not only has her dancing evolved but everyone involved has seen maturity and growth and a change for the better....just saying. I'd also hate for someone to NOT get an opportunity that they have earned just because it could be misconstrued as favoritism. I have been there and that sucks too.  

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4 minutes ago, ATLGirl said:

@ShellyB I know you probably cannot address this but why didn't Jalyn make it back to SG this year? Was she outdanced?

No specifics, but here’s what I posted earlier about that night:

the field was strong, and the new (Vets and TCCs) came with a mission. There were several that were very strong, but in the end, it’s the voting. There are considerations for the previous year(s), but just because your on SG the previous year doesn’t mean your are safe. They are always expected to keep pushing, moving up. 

Edited by ShellyB
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Sorry for the OT post but I gotta say....wow I never realized how much this forum comes alive this time of night/early AM (it's half past  midnight here and this chick is gone for the night lol).

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