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LSSC: Season Five Episode Talk

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14 minutes ago, Coffeewinewater said:

Stephen saying Amy Klobuchar killed to the duck to feel something had laughing so hard. Almost as hard when he did her dance the other night 😄.

Oh, god, yes, that dance the other night was great. I liked when he joked that she tried to warn the duck by yelling "Duck!" :D. 

I also continue to enjoy his Bernie impression a lot. 

1 hour ago, GoldenGirl90 said:

I know Colbert discourages the audience from chanting “lock him up” - he’s done it before - but you can tell Hillary was enjoying it!

Definitely. No doubt she's experiencing some major schadenfreude right now. And how wild is it that she was working on that impeachment thing back in the '70s? 


Lol @ Chelsea saying, “I think he [Trump] thinks about her [Hillary] some days more than I do.” 🤣🤣🤣

I think she’s right.


I also loved Chelsea's teasing about her mom still writing things out long-hand :p. 

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12 minutes ago, Annber03 said:

Definitely. No doubt she's experiencing some major schadenfreude right now. And how wild is it that she was working on that impeachment thing back in the '70s? 

I watched a documentary about her awhile ago and sure enough, there are pictures of a young Hillary Clinton in the courtroom during the Nixon stuff. No matter how minimal her involvement during the time, it's fascinating for sure!

I know she's a polarizing figure, but nobody can deny that her resume is impressive. Truly a phenomenal woman in my eyes.

Edited by GoldenGirl90
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10 minutes ago, meowmommy said:

Aww, I like Amy Klobuchar.  

But I laughed at the joke about her yelling for the duck to duck.

Oh I have nothing against AK. It's Stephen's face and delivery that cracked me up. The tilt of his head and smirk after he said duck, too funny.

I just watched him do the tipsy aunt at the wedding dance again 😂.

His Bernie Sanders is so good. 

Edited by Coffeewinewater
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26 minutes ago, Coffeewinewater said:

His Bernie Sanders is so good.

It really is.  It's better than his 45.

3 hours ago, Annber03 said:

I also loved Chelsea's teasing about her mom still writing things out long-hand

I wanted Stephen to ask how on earth Hillary got into so much trouble with emails when she's clearly a Luddite!

  • Love 7
4 hours ago, Annber03 said:

I also loved Chelsea's teasing about her mom still writing things out long-hand :p. 

I hated that, but as an older person working in technology I get easily offended by ageist assumptions; but I realize that’s my problem, and that Chelsea and her mom were okay with it. 

1 hour ago, meowmommy said:

I wanted Stephen to ask how on earth Hillary got into so much trouble with emails when she's clearly a Luddite!

She probably doesn’t have any idea. I’m now guessing that someone in cyber security put her stuff on a separate server because they knew she might download viruses that could hijack her email and spam half the country asking for donations to an overseas prince on her behalf. 

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40 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

I hated that, but as an older person working in technology I get easily offended by ageist assumptions; but I realize that’s my problem, and that Chelsea and her mom were okay with it. 

Yeah, I get that. In Chelsea's case it was obviously gentle familial teasing and all that, but I can sympathize with people being annoyed by the whole "LOL older people can't use computers" thing in general. I totally get why Hillary felt comfortable writing things out like that, too-less chance to do the whole "edit as you go" thing that a lot of people who type tend to do (guilty as charged on that one!) and some people just find it easier to organize their thoughts and whatnot that way, too. You go with what you're used to :). 

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I was laughing when Stephen was quoting that spokesman who said  “There are different ways to bake the cake, depending on what sort of cake you want, the official said. “Different flavoring, different temperatures, different ingredients yield different types of cake, and the president as the master baker is testing recipes and deciding what type of cake he wants. The beginning sounded a lot to me like his introduction to "Meanwhile" segment.    

I also agree that it's a terrible metaphor for how you bake a cake.  (And the idea that Trump is a "master baker")   

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The whole "master baker" thing reminded me of an episode of "Will & Grace" in which Jack and his boyfriend made a comment of that sort while actually learning how to bake :p. Which helped, because I really did not want those words and that image being associated with Trump. 

But yeah, that was all kinds of WTF, that cake metaphor. I also loved Stephen explaining this whole oh-so-complicated scandal for the benefit of that woman on Fox News :p. 

  • Love 6
6 hours ago, Annber03 said:

But yeah, that was all kinds of WTF, that cake metaphor. I also loved Stephen explaining this whole oh-so-complicated scandal for the benefit of that woman on Fox News :p. 

There was also a second part to the scandal where Trump stopped the military aid (he had no power to do that) that Congress had already approved, from reaching the Ukraine so he would have the leverage he needed to pressure the Ukrainian President to help him. This might have put the lives of many Ukrainians in jeopardy and could possibly be thought of as war crime. 

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10 hours ago, ALenore said:

I was laughing when Stephen was quoting that spokesman who said  “There are different ways to bake the cake, depending on what sort of cake you want, the official said. “Different flavoring, different temperatures, different ingredients yield different types of cake, and the president as the master baker is testing recipes and deciding what type of cake he wants. The beginning sounded a lot to me like his introduction to "Meanwhile" segment.    

I also agree that it's a terrible metaphor for how you bake a cake.  (And the idea that Trump is a "master baker")   

I half-expected them to play that LazyTown "Cooking by the Book" song that was a meme about 1000 internet-years ago.

In the same vein, Rick Scott's "I'm new" made me think of this:

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LOL, I loved that, too :D. I also liked the person in that same segment who asked him what he plans to do when we get a different president, and his response was, "Take a shower. One of those Silkwood showers, to get rid of the radiation."

As for tonight's episode, I'm with Stephen regarding Trump's phone. God, please. "Great and unmatched wisdom." I can't even...

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On 10/10/2019 at 10:48 PM, Brandi Maxxxx said:

I was curious so I looked and found this photo of young Bernie and his first pet.

You should be a writer for the show, 'cause that's a joke I can easily see them doing :p. 

So I REALLY loved that interview between Stephen and John Oliver. "You're cute." No argument there, Stephen :D. How cool that Oliver's first concert was Prince, of all people? 

And Stephen's comments about his wife. Awwwwww. 

(Speaking of friendships, though, I've noticed he seems to get on quite well with people with some variation of the name John. John Oliver, Jon Stewart, Jon Batiste...)

ETA: This interview with Amy Sedaris is pretty freaking adorable, too. Their friendship is so cute. 

Also, this has me thinking I'd be down with Amy hosting a late night talk show. 

Edited by Annber03
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1 hour ago, Annber03 said:

Also, I think we have our Giuliani if/when a movie is ever made about all of this :D. Everything with Lithgow was great last night, and I want to get that book of his. 

So in my mind, I'm deciding if I like JL's or Kate McKinnon's Rudy better.  Those choppers were scary.  I'm leaning toward Lithgow.  I started to be impressed by how quickly he got out of costume, but dammit, I'm old, took me a minute to remember the show's only live on tape.

Now I guess it'll be the dueling Roger Aileses, Lithgow vs. Russell Crowe.  RC was scary good in the miniseries, so there's a lot to live up to.

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2 minutes ago, meowmommy said:

So in my mind, I'm deciding if I like JL's or Kate McKinnon's Rudy better.  Those choppers were scary.  I'm leaning toward Lithgow.  I started to be impressed by how quickly he got out of costume, but dammit, I'm old, took me a minute to remember the show's only live on tape.

I kept wondering if those teeth were going to slip out or something halfway through the skit :p.


Now I guess it'll be the dueling Roger Aileses, Lithgow vs. Russell Crowe.  RC was scary good in the miniseries, so there's a lot to live up to.

Haven't seen the Crowe series (though I've heard good things), but yeah, I'm very curious to see how the movie will do. I know Lithgow's got a history of playing villainous characters, so I don't doubt he could capture Ailes' slimy nature.

  • Love 2
2 minutes ago, Annber03 said:

Haven't seen the Crowe series (though I've heard good things), but yeah, I'm very curious to see how the movie will do. I know Lithgow's got a history of playing villainous characters, so I don't doubt he could capture Ailes' slimy nature.

It was very good.   RC captured his evil such that the only thing that kept me from turning away in disgust was knowing Ailes dies in the end.  But yes, if JL can play Arthur Mitchell, he can play Roger Ailes.

  • Love 2
10 minutes ago, meowmommy said:

It was very good.   RC captured his evil such that the only thing that kept me from turning away in disgust was knowing Ailes dies in the end.  But yes, if JL can play Arthur Mitchell, he can play Roger Ailes.

I'll have to give that a look, then!

I also need to check out that season of "Dexter" with Lithgow. I've heard his character in that was utterly terrifying

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It looked like Lithgow even had white top teeth but yellow bottom teeth, just like the real RG. I respect going all-out for accuracy!

The Hindenburg reference was great. If 45 had been the reporter covering the event, he probably would have talked about what a successful docking it was. Stephen's monologue jokes are at the same time funny and accurate and terribly depressing. 

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I love Eddie Murphy. Aside from all the gossip about his personal life, that man is a legend. It’s so interesting to me how different comedians are from their characters and stand-up shows. I mean, yeah obviously they’re going to be different, but I’m only saying that because I can’t imagine how draining it must be. 

His Obama impersonation made me giggle. 😂

Edited by GoldenGirl90
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5 minutes ago, meowmommy said:

I'll never hear Take Me Out to the Ball Game the same way again.

I loved that :D. Everything about the game footage was great.

I also enjoyed the analysis of Trump's speech about the killing of the ISIS leader. Good lord. 


I laughed at Christmas Gas Leak.  Do people really binge out on these poorly written, poorly acted, low budget, schmaltzy TV movies?

I can't recall a time when they went 37 minutes before bringing out the first guest.

I would totally watch some of those Christmas movies they were listing last night :p. The Hallmark movies clearly have their fanbase, but I also imagine some people might watch them for the snark value. 

It was strange to have Queen Latifah come on so late in the show, but I enjoyed the interview :). 

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My listings said Wu Tang Clan was going to be on the show last night, and I was disappointed that apparently either that was a mistake, or they got bumped.

I do wish Stephen would acknowledge the musicians more. He interacts with JB, but it's like every other member of the band isn't even there. It's started to seem disrespectful to me. He could at least introduce them to the audience once in a while, by name. I notice Seth Meyers and Jimmy Fallon both do that.

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I would totally watch the full length version of "It's the Great Impeachment, Charlie Brown."

I LOL at the quote about Melania not crying if tragedy struck.  Neither would at least 65 million other people.

Don't you know Stephen absolutely wanted to give Nancy Pelosi a huge hug for the work she's doing, but, y'know, decorum and all.  And how much respect must she have for him that she zipped up from DC to NY just to do his show when she's had such a busy day.  And repeatedly referred to him as a patriot.  ❤️

She did a wonderful job articulating her position.  Understands and uses historical references beautifully.  Some people should listen and learn.

And with all the complaints guests usually have about how cold the Ed Sullivan Theater is, all I could think is, with her little short-sleeved dress, isn't she freezing?

  • Love 11
6 hours ago, purist said:

Someone asked on Twitter, and I found this reply:

Thanks, @purist
He seems like a great guy (nytimes.com/2012/07/15/nyregion/pete-caldera-46-yankees-reporter-and-sinatra-crooner.html), and: 


Mr. Caldera, who saw Sinatra perform live 15 times, grew up in New City, N.Y., in Rockland County, playing Little League. His mother, a Sinatra buff, had young Pete tape “The Sound of Sinatra” radio show every week. He began raiding her vast Sinatra record collection as a child.

Maybe his gig on TLS will give his second job a boost at a time of life (almost 60?) when many start to fade in the eyes of those who book the gigs.

Edited by shapeshifter
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He’s only lost 41% of his administration? I’m surprised it isn’t higher tbh. I’ve seen the article with the list of people who’ve resigned or been fired and it’s a loooong list. 

LOL @ both of the cookies of Jeff Sessions breaking 🤣🤣🤣 Colbert did a good job improvising!

Edited by GoldenGirl90
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