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S06.E12: Who Put the Mad in Madison?

Message added by PrincessPurrsALot

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On 8/5/2019 at 10:03 PM, LibertarianSlut said:

I see it your way completely.  You sign up for a reality show, there is nothing that you shouldn't expect to be outed.  The rules are, there are no rules.  *I* don't see myself saying it about another person on reality TV, but I am not going to pretend it doesn't entertain me when someone else does it!

I know it is mean girl behavior, but I definitely felt some...schadenfreude when Madison said Shep gave Danni chlamydia and then doubled-down with the smoking accusation (which may be worse in this day and age!).  I think it goes back to Danni being a weak bitch and apologizing to Madison for hitting on her boyfriend.  When you expose your weak underbelly and you don't stand your ground, yeah, the bullies are going to come for you.  That's literally human nature.

Danni reminds me of a family member of mine, so some of this may be projection, but my family member even looks something like Danni, and she's very passive and wish-washy to the point that getting a straight answer out of her is like pulling teeth, on the rare instance I have to deal with her and it's very tiring.  Sometimes you want to say/do something provocative to get her out of her stupor (I don't actually do this--I just ignore her--but I sympathize with the instinct).

I feel like Danni has just shown up to hang out and gotten a free ride since this show's inception, and what many of us may be failing to understand is that, if everyone was a kind and gracious Danni, the show would have been cancelled.  You need a Madison to have a Danni.  That's how I look at it anyway.  I like my reality shows a little (maybe a lot) acidic.  I am not interested in all happiness, friendship and laughter.  That's, frankly, boring.  I was thinking Southern Charm:  New Orleans might be better than this show, but I thought the last episode of SCNO was boring, yet here we had an interesting episode, because there was conflict.

Yes, I'm dating myself, but this type of reality TV reminds me of The Real World, and it doesn't faze me.  It's par for the course.  What you don't do is nothing in the moment and then talk to a third party after the fact, when you have time to get your story together. First of all, Weak Sauce.  Second of all, you're not that important, hun. 😱 Gentry is probably the only person who really cares if she currently has it.  I doubt he even cares if she had it in the past.  

There was a Sex and the City episode where Miranda took a STD test, got a positive result, went on antibiotics, and when her boyfriend was trying to initiate sex, Miranda was famously like, "I can't tonight.  I have chlamydia."  I'm not saying it should be that normalized--this was a comedy, not a reality show--but it's not like Madison said Danni was HIV positive or something.

I know what I am writing is extremely unpopular, and that's fine, but do any of us think Madison would have pulled that shit on another female member of this cast? The rest of them would have read her for filth.  Kathryn would have dragged her.  Madison picked the weakest link.  This is not a coincidence.  

Since I already dated myself, I will say that I am right about Danni's age--hence, we came of age at the same time, and it was pretty much gospel coming from every media outlet available, plus school, what STDs are, how they're transmitted, and that unless you and your boyfriend are both virgins, you're supposed to both get a full panel of STD screenings before switching from condoms to the pill, so I'm not really sure why a 30-something Danni would be getting chlamydia from Shep even if they were dating, unless he was cheating on her.  If he was?  Speak up and say that!  The second Madison "outs" you, turn the tables on both the assholes and say, "hell yeah he gave me chlamydia--I loved him and he was cheating on me.  Hey Madison, I guess we have something in common.  Neither of us can get a man to be faithful.  I'll get out back smoking a Newport if you want to follow up." Then the heat would be off Danni and right back on TweedleShepDee and TweedleMadisonDumb.  Then I could get behind her, but if she can't be quick on her feet, for something that, if it's true, was probably going to come out, and if it's false, she needs to be able to shrug it off or be ready for a counter-attack, or I can't really get behind her cause.  What I don't believe is that Danni didn't even know what chlamydia was.  Methinks the woman doth protest too much!

(BTW, if this was a long-running pattern of behavior from Madison, and not just a one-time stab to keep a dying reality show alive, I would probably begin to think she was a horrible person).

I don't think it's a noble thing to gossip about someone else's sex life.  I don't want to high-five Madison for doing it.  But honestly?  It's a welcome respite from whether Whitney had sex (glassses on or off), whether Craig is raging, or whether Metul will let Naomie eat a doughnut.

I fully agree and also think that Danni tipped her hand in that article 1) by saying she had to Google chlamydia. Liar!! Everyone over the age of 18 (and even younger) knows what chlamydia is!! Even if they are a virgin. Give me a break Danni, huge eyeroll. 2) Her saying, “And newsflash people! It’s very common now!” HA! That was her subconscious way of saying, “look, I’m not a dirty whore okay? All of you judging me...you probably have had it too!” She TOTALLY had it based on these two statements alone. 

I don’t think less of her at all for getting chlamydia, but I know why she freaked. Her whole family and all associates will know now, very embarrassing. Madison is a stone cold bitch. 

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13 minutes ago, Sage47 said:

I fully agree and also think that Danni tipped her hand in that article 1) by saying she had to Google chlamydia. Liar!! Everyone over the age of 18 (and even younger) knows what chlamydia is!! Even if they are a virgin. Give me a break Danni, huge eyeroll. 2) Her saying, “And newsflash people! It’s very common now!” HA! That was her subconscious way of saying, “look, I’m not a dirty whore okay? All of you judging me...you probably have had it too!” She TOTALLY had it based on these two statements alone. 

This is just factually inaccurate unfortunately. The ignorance of people who are sexually active about their sexual heath is scary as fuck.

And we have seen Danni and Chelsea display ignorance about their own bodies so I have no trouble believing she is in the large group of uniformed.

Edited by biakbiak
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One more thing: if Danni had to Google chlamydia...why was she so outraged right when Madison said it?? Why was she crying to Kathryn?? I thought she didn’t know what it was....

I actually like Danni just fine and feel terrible for her. So she’s not exciting on the show. So what? Not everyone can be the life of the party! She’s just a bit cast member so why do people care if she’s just hanging out, and in the background?And what really is so exciting about Chelsea for example?? 

Anyway, the other reason Danni was beside herself, is that she didn’t want Gentry to dump her over this “rumor”. I’ll even go so far as to say, I think Madison was aiming for just that and thrilled to call out Danni and her “disease” on national TV for Gentry to hear. 


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25 minutes ago, Sage47 said:

One more thing: if Danni had to Google chlamydia...why was she so outraged right when Madison said it?? Why was she crying to Kathryn?? I thought she didn’t know what it was....

I actually like Danni just fine and feel terrible for her. So she’s not exciting on the show. So what? Not everyone can be the life of the party! She’s just a bit cast member so why do people care if she’s just hanging out, and in the background?And what really is so exciting about Chelsea for example?? 

Anyway, the other reason Danni was beside herself, is that she didn’t want Gentry to dump her over this “rumor”. I’ll even go so far as to say, I think Madison was aiming for just that and thrilled to call out Danni and her “disease” on national TV for Gentry to hear. 


Knowing of chlamydia and knowing about chlamydia are two different things. If I were to walk outside my door and take a poll, I'm willing to bet that I could find a number of people who could list a number of STDs but would be unable to tell me what the STD is and its related symptoms.

This isn't to say that Danni and Shep are telling the truth when they say Madison is lying BUT I don't think someone denying something and defending themselves is an obvious sign of their guilt.

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2 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

Knowing of chlamydia and knowing about chlamydia are two different things. If I were to walk outside my door and take a poll, I'm willing to bet that I could find a number of people who could list a number of STDs but would be unable to tell me what the STD is and its related symptoms.

This isn't to say that Danni and Shep are telling the truth when they say Madison is lying BUT I don't think someone denying something and defending themselves is an obvious sign of their guilt.

Very true! I don’t know anything too specific about chlamydia myself.  Good point. 

I just meant that Danni protesting in that certain way sounded guilty. But I know why she deflected and I would have too, in her shoes. I don’t think Madison made it up, because Austen almost lost his shit when he found out she told. 

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On 8/4/2019 at 9:24 AM, chlban said:

Remember season 1 when almost everyone, myself included, liked Shep? I found most of the cast fairly likeable, with Kathryn as the crazy "villian". I still like Cam, Whitney is Ok, love Patricia and mostly like Chelsea, when she isn't talking like a foul mouthed trashy chick, and, strangely, Eliza seems OK (but she is new so we will see). Don seems like a really nice guy. 

I feel like Patricia is not all that different from Shep, but she just knows how to keep the quiet parts quiet.  Shep is usually too hammered and says the quiet parts out loud and gives himself away.  

On 8/5/2019 at 2:22 PM, heatherchandler said:

Yeah, I agree.  I am stealing this from somewhere, don't remember where - but it's like if someone told me I was purple.  I would laugh.  I would not cry.

If Danni had just been like "Dammit Shep! If you're going to give me something, you know this is my dream car!" or something like that, it would have deflated the "outing" of the STI.  Whether it was true or not, she'd have been successful in playing it off as a bad rumor.  What she did, though, pretty much made it look true.

On 8/5/2019 at 3:49 PM, biakbiak said:

She is unfortunately far from the only one which says more about sexual education in this country than anything else. I used to volunteer at Planned Parenthood and the amount of people who don’t know basic shit about their bodies and sex education is enormous.

The South is not exactly known for their sex ed.  Abstinence only teaching has created quite the knowledge gap.

On 8/5/2019 at 4:02 PM, Dance4Life said:

Yes, but in general...STIs should be talked about openly and without shame. But, reading comments here... I am shock that people think it is taboo. 

It is perfectly normal to out the person publicly. Because, this is to protect past and future sex partners.

Talking about STIs openly and without shame is one thing.  Just outing a person publicly is another.  It is not perfectly normal to just post on someone's facebook wall that this person has this STI and everyone who sleeps with them should know about it.  

Let's say that you slept with someone 6 months ago and then found out that you got chlamydia from them.  You think it's totally fine to go and post it publicly on their wall? That you are somehow doing a service to any future partners this person might have? Because you don't know if they had gotten treatment already or not.  And if they have, they are not at all a danger to any future partners.  

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On 8/5/2019 at 5:39 PM, Dance4Life said:

  If someone gave you a STI, they most likely knew they had it. Obviously, they are not telling anyone and just spreading it around.

This is why I encourage everyone to post about their STIs publicly. You can do it anonymously, but let everyone know!

You gotta get over the shame. 

Especially, when the person who gave it to you is a player-type like Shep.

 Both my parents are in the medical field and one was in the military. Brown bag pills packs was normal conversation in my house. In the military you have to name sexual partners, so they can stop the infections. 

STIs are a public health issue.....just like the flu or measles. 

This is my world.  Don't be a 35 year old woman googling STIs!

I disagree with “most likely knew they had it”. Chlamydia is called a “silent” STI because sometimes there are no obvious symptoms. Which sometimes means women don’t learn they have it until it blows up into a larger infection and damages their reproductive organs. This can be months after the initial infection.

So no, it’s not so likely that a person knows they have it and are passing it on. Definitely that means use condoms and be careful, and when a person learns they have it they MUST tell all former partners because they may not know who gave it to them and who they’ve possibly given it to.

Also, it’s curable. If Shep and Danni did have chlamydia, they certainly got it treated and are not actively infected now, not from that particular instance. Both should have learned how to protect themselves and future partners. “Outing” them for having a curable STI in their past is not some public service. It’s no indicator that they are currently, knowingly spreading infection. 

Edited by RedHawk
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In all of this discussion people ignore that when confronted with Shep and Danni denying it Madison backs down and says fine it isn’t true and than is an asshat about Danni smoking menthols for legit no reason other than to find fault with Danni.

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If I were Dani or her friend and I was there during the crap fest I would have told Madison to shut her freaking face and that as long as this is a free country and I'm an adult I'll smoke whatever I want and she can take her princess pompous attitude and shove it. 

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Chlamydia-it's not a flower! That was the PSA when I was in college.

That said, I really like Dani and felt for her-it is pretty obvious that it's ancient history but true. She is usually so unflappable and strong, so I hated seeing her cry.

I can't help but like Madison. She should not have said that about the chlamydia, it was a low blow and more hurtful to Dani than to Shep though God knows, it shouldn't be. But that said-this season has been so boring and at least Madison is watchable. Even without this dust-up, I enjoyed watching her work her wiles on Austen and just be herself. 

Austen...is a really unattractive muppet. He gossips like a 14 year old girl. Not sexy. It's just too bad that ALL of the guys on the show are so pathetic-it would be great if there were someone attractive to watch or root for. Craig is the only one I still like and he's...you know, Craig. So, not remotely perfect. Has kept his looks at least.

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7 minutes ago, Heathrowe said:

Chlamydia-it's not a flower! That was the PSA when I was in college.

That said, I really like Dani and felt for her-it is pretty obvious that it's ancient history but true. She is usually so unflappable and strong, so I hated seeing her cry.

I can't help but like Madison. She should not have said that about the chlamydia, it was a low blow and more hurtful to Dani than to Shep though God knows, it shouldn't be. But that said-this season has been so boring and at least Madison is watchable. Even without this dust-up, I enjoyed watching her work her wiles on Austen and just be herself. 

Austen...is a really unattractive muppet. He gossips like a 14 year old girl. Not sexy. It's just too bad that ALL of the guys on the show are so pathetic-it would be great if there were someone attractive to watch or root for. Craig is the only one I still like and he's...you know, Craig. So, not remotely perfect. Has kept his looks at least.

Word to literally this entire post. And is it weird that I not only find slacker (and hothead) Craig to be physically appealing, but also his slacker roommate?

I’ll show myself out now.

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On 8/5/2019 at 9:03 PM, LibertarianSlut said:

I see it your way completely.  You sign up for a reality show, there is nothing that you shouldn't expect to be outed.  The rules are, there are no rules.  *I* don't see myself saying it about another person on reality TV, but I am not going to pretend it doesn't entertain me when someone else does it!

I know it is mean girl behavior, but I definitely felt some...schadenfreude when Madison said Shep gave Danni chlamydia and then doubled-down with the smoking accusation (which may be worse in this day and age!).  I think it goes back to Danni being a weak bitch and apologizing to Madison for hitting on her boyfriend.  When you expose your weak underbelly and you don't stand your ground, yeah, the bullies are going to come for you.  That's literally human nature.

Danni reminds me of a family member of mine, so some of this may be projection, but my family member even looks something like Danni, and she's very passive and wish-washy to the point that getting a straight answer out of her is like pulling teeth, on the rare instance I have to deal with her and it's very tiring.  Sometimes you want to say/do something provocative to get her out of her stupor (I don't actually do this--I just ignore her--but I sympathize with the instinct).

I feel like Danni has just shown up to hang out and gotten a free ride since this show's inception, and what many of us may be failing to understand is that, if everyone was a kind and gracious Danni, the show would have been cancelled.  You need a Madison to have a Danni.  That's how I look at it anyway.  I like my reality shows a little (maybe a lot) acidic.  I am not interested in all happiness, friendship and laughter.  That's, frankly, boring.  I was thinking Southern Charm:  New Orleans might be better than this show, but I thought the last episode of SCNO was boring, yet here we had an interesting episode, because there was conflict.

Yes, I'm dating myself, but this type of reality TV reminds me of The Real World, and it doesn't faze me.  It's par for the course.  What you don't do is nothing in the moment and then talk to a third party after the fact, when you have time to get your story together. First of all, Weak Sauce.  Second of all, you're not that important, hun. 😱 Gentry is probably the only person who really cares if she currently has it.  I doubt he even cares if she had it in the past.  

There was a Sex and the City episode where Miranda took a STD test, got a positive result, went on antibiotics, and when her boyfriend was trying to initiate sex, Miranda was famously like, "I can't tonight.  I have chlamydia."  I'm not saying it should be that normalized--this was a comedy, not a reality show--but it's not like Madison said Danni was HIV positive or something.

I know what I am writing is extremely unpopular, and that's fine, but do any of us think Madison would have pulled that shit on another female member of this cast? The rest of them would have read her for filth.  Kathryn would have dragged her.  Madison picked the weakest link.  This is not a coincidence.  

Since I already dated myself, I will say that I am right about Danni's age--hence, we came of age at the same time, and it was pretty much gospel coming from every media outlet available, plus school, what STDs are, how they're transmitted, and that unless you and your boyfriend are both virgins, you're supposed to both get a full panel of STD screenings before switching from condoms to the pill, so I'm not really sure why a 30-something Danni would be getting chlamydia from Shep even if they were dating, unless he was cheating on her.  If he was?  Speak up and say that!  The second Madison "outs" you, turn the tables on both the assholes and say, "hell yeah he gave me chlamydia--I loved him and he was cheating on me.  Hey Madison, I guess we have something in common.  Neither of us can get a man to be faithful.  I'll get out back smoking a Newport if you want to follow up." Then the heat would be off Danni and right back on TweedleShepDee and TweedleMadisonDumb.  Then I could get behind her, but if she can't be quick on her feet, for something that, if it's true, was probably going to come out, and if it's false, she needs to be able to shrug it off or be ready for a counter-attack, or I can't really get behind her cause.  What I don't believe is that Danni didn't even know what chlamydia was.  Methinks the woman doth protest too much!

(BTW, if this was a long-running pattern of behavior from Madison, and not just a one-time stab to keep a dying reality show alive, I would probably begin to think she was a horrible person).

I don't think it's a noble thing to gossip about someone else's sex life.  I don't want to high-five Madison for doing it.  But honestly?  It's a welcome respite from whether Whitney had sex (glassses on or off), whether Craig is raging, or whether Metul will let Naomie eat a doughnut.

 I understand Madison's anger at shep. But she should have just said,  "I heard you gave a girl clymidia," and not specified the girl.  I believe that is probably a true statement. He bangs too many women.

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On 8/2/2019 at 3:59 PM, smores said:

I have lived in both the north and the south and southern manners are not all they are cracked up to be.  They are, for the most part, a very surface thing, something designed to be a point of pride for the person who "has" them.  In my experience, good manners in the "north" are more about functionality in living around other people, you learn to move about in and among other people in a way that doesn't intrude on others.  In a dr's office, you keep your voice down while sitting in a waiting room, you don't talk loudly in a restaurant, in a store, you try to keep your cart out of the way of others, say excuse me and if you are considering 2 items, you try to be sure you're not blocking things someone else might want to get while you are standing there.  

In the south, on the other hand, manners tend to be more a function of "not noticing" other people's bad behavior.  It doesn't matter if you block the aisle at the grocery store, it's rude of the other person to notice.  If you are having a loud conversation in a dr's office waiting room, the other people eavesdropping are rude, not you for disturbing the room.  You wouldn't dream of noticing that someone was having a loud conversation, you'd sit there and read away, so therefore, you're the one with better manners.  

This isn't to say that everyone in the south is like this and everyone in the north isn't.  But that's generally my experience.  It likely has a lot to do with cities and population, too, as you have to be more aware of how you interact with those around you when you are in a denser area.  

But if you look at the way the whole weed dinner went down, it's a good example of it.  Shep and Austen were way over the line with their behavior.  Everyone else was sitting there uncomfortable, but no one was going to say, listen, I think you've had enough and it's time to stop.  They're all just uneasily pretending that it didn't happen.  The next morning, Shep is laughing his ass off at it and no one is like, you know, it was a bit much.  Shep has tried to kiss Chelsea, Austen won't confront him.  He called Madison white trash, Austen really won't confront him.  It's ridiculous.  We just saw footage last night of all of the women talking about how Shep has made them cry, yet when he acts up, none of them say anything, they all pretend it isn't happening.  


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8 hours ago, antfitz said:

 I understand Madison's anger at shep. But she should have just said,  "I heard you gave a girl clymidia," and not specified the girl.  I believe that is probably a true statement. He bangs too many women.

And if he had it at some point a girl since gave it to him so this is also a ridiculous way to try and win an argument. STDs/STIs happen she wasn’t even accusing him of spreading it knowingly.

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On 8/5/2019 at 3:22 PM, heatherchandler said:

I think, and this is just my opinion... but if you go on a reality show - you should expect your skeletons to come out.  If you have secrets, you should expect that they will be revealed.  Bravo is not paying people to sit in the corner and give stink-face.  They want gossip, they want dirt, they want conflict.  If I was paid to participate on a reality show - I would expect ALL of my secrets to come out.  That's the whole point! 

Yeah, I agree.  I am stealing this from somewhere, don't remember where - but it's like if someone told me I was purple.  I would laugh.  I would not cry.

I think it is funny in that People article, Dani was like, "I don't even know what chlamydia IS!  I don't know how to spell it, I was trying to google it..."  Like, ok, sure Dani.  I remember on Real Housewives, when someone was accused of using crystal meth, and she was like, "what IS crystal meth?  I have to google that!"  Playing dumb makes you look more guilty (IMO!).

I do not like Dani and I think she enjoyed embarrassing Madison when the whole DM-ing Gentry thing happened.  

Madison and Chelsea are good friends, remember they want to open a salon together.  

On 8/5/2019 at 4:46 PM, Dance4Life said:

I was taught that people are supposed to OUT their STIs.  So, they can warn others that this person has it....and, Beware! If you slept with this person.....go get check.  To me STIs........are not some sacred secret.

This is what Danni said:

She also further denied having the STD, stating, “I can stand here and say that I do not have chlamydia, I never have. But, I mean, I had to frickin’ Google it and couldn’t figure out how to spell it when all this happened. I’m sure as heck well-educated on the subject now, and ‘news flash’ for everyone out there … it’s apparently pretty common nowadays. Lesson learned here, folks? Just practice safe sex.”

See!  These are the types that get chlamydia.  Sexually active females that do not use protection and then think it is cute.....that they do not know how to spell chlamydia! 

At this point whether fact or fiction.. .....Dani is handling this all wrong. Ignorant woman!

She is taking it way too personal.  Danni can just say I have never had chlamydia.

Then talk about it in a mature manner.  Say something like.......’when I was young I took risks during my sexual encounters.....but, now I know the importance of using condoms to protect my health wellbeing.

But, we just gonna get......I frickin’ had to GOOGLE chlamydia! 

Danni is 35.

 (And, needs to Google STIs and Sex Education)

The people that know all about chlamydia are the ones that do not get it. Because the education focuses, on how to prevent chlamydia!

On 8/6/2019 at 10:15 PM, Sage47 said:

I fully agree and also think that Danni tipped her hand in that article 1) by saying she had to Google chlamydia. Liar!! Everyone over the age of 18 (and even younger) knows what chlamydia is!! Even if they are a virgin. Give me a break Danni, huge eyeroll. 2) Her saying, “And newsflash people! It’s very common now!” HA! That was her subconscious way of saying, “look, I’m not a dirty whore okay? All of you judging me...you probably have had it too!” She TOTALLY had it based on these two statements alone. 

I don’t think less of her at all for getting chlamydia, but I know why she freaked. Her whole family and all associates will know now, very embarrassing. Madison is a stone cold bitch. 

I completely believe that Danni had to google Chlamydia. We saw her go to the fertility doctor and, upon seeing the model reproductive system, said, “How does the baby fit in there?!?!” So apparently she never even heard of a placenta! She probably went to one of those “abstinence only” southern schools.

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On 8/2/2019 at 3:59 PM, smores said:

I have lived in both the north and the south and southern manners are not all they are cracked up to be.  They are, for the most part, a very surface thing, something designed to be a point of pride for the person who "has" them.  In my experience, good manners in the "north" are more about functionality in living around other people, you learn to move about in and among other people in a way that doesn't intrude on others.  In a dr's office, you keep your voice down while sitting in a waiting room, you don't talk loudly in a restaurant, in a store, you try to keep your cart out of the way of others, say excuse me and if you are considering 2 items, you try to be sure you're not blocking things someone else might want to get while you are standing there.  

In the south, on the other hand, manners tend to be more a function of "not noticing" other people's bad behavior.  It doesn't matter if you block the aisle at the grocery store, it's rude of the other person to notice.  If you are having a loud conversation in a dr's office waiting room, the other people eavesdropping are rude, not you for disturbing the room.  You wouldn't dream of noticing that someone was having a loud conversation, you'd sit there and read away, so therefore, you're the one with better manners.  

This isn't to say that everyone in the south is like this and everyone in the north isn't.  But that's generally my experience.  It likely has a lot to do with cities and population, too, as you have to be more aware of how you interact with those around you when you are in a denser area.  

But if you look at the way the whole weed dinner went down, it's a good example of it.  Shep and Austen were way over the line with their behavior.  Everyone else was sitting there uncomfortable, but no one was going to say, listen, I think you've had enough and it's time to stop.  They're all just uneasily pretending that it didn't happen.  The next morning, Shep is laughing his ass off at it and no one is like, you know, it was a bit much.  Shep has tried to kiss Chelsea, Austen won't confront him.  He called Madison white trash, Austen really won't confront him.  It's ridiculous.  We just saw footage last night of all of the women talking about how Shep has made them cry, yet when he acts up, none of them say anything, they all pretend it isn't happening.  

OMG, this 100000000000x. 

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 Does anyone happen to know who makes the swim suit tops that Danni, Madison or Eliza were wearing in the hot springs?  They looked comfy and like they would be good under a wetsuit or swim shirt for sporty activities.  Danni's had a racer back and looked like a sports bra, Eliza's was printed, and Madison's was too low cut for me but had soft, wide straps.  If anyone knows (or tweets and can ask them) or knows of similar swim suit tops, I'd me most grateful!

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9 minutes ago, izabella said:

 Does anyone happen to know who makes the swim suit tops that Danni, Madison or Eliza were wearing in the hot springs?  They looked comfy and like they would be good under a wetsuit or swim shirt for sporty activities.  Danni's had a racer back and looked like a sports bra, Eliza's was printed, and Madison's was too low cut for me but had soft, wide straps.  If anyone knows (or tweets and can ask them) or knows of similar swim suit tops, I'd me most grateful!

I didn't notice the suits you're referring to, but Danni Baird designs prints for azureswimwear, and perhaps they were from that product line?

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5 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

I didn't notice the suits you're referring to, but Danni Baird designs prints for azureswimwear, and perhaps they were from that product line?

Thank you!  Unfortunately those are more racy than sporty, lol, so not quite what I'm looking for.

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2 minutes ago, izabella said:

Thank you!  Unfortunately those are more racy than sporty, lol, so not quite what I'm looking for.

I seriously think in Danni’s case she was wearing a sports bra.

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48 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

I seriously think in Danni’s case she was wearing a sports bra.

It looked like one to me for sure!  I think the main difference from a sports bra would be the material - more spandex/nylon/poly than cotton.  Maybe I'll just look for that so it's quick dry.

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Aw, I like Danni. I generally think she is fun and snarky. I said upthread that I don't hate Madison now though, for stirring up some sh*t. Because I'm easily entertained, I guess. I just wanted to post back and also say thank you to the  person who originally called Austen's muppet mouth. I've mentioned it twice now but didn't say it first-and like someone else commented-I can't unsee it now. It's like his head is made up of felt and fun fur.

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