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S14.E08: Judge Cuts 1

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Country music superstar Brad Paisley joins the panel as a guest judge and gets to send an act directly to the live shows with a Golden Buzzer; contestants have one last chance to impress the judges before America votes in the live rounds.

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The show wasn't that great, but still much better than the auditions. Gabrielle straightening her hair made her look so much better - it truly is torture being on a diet and being tempted by almost 6 feet of chocolate every time the judge's table is shown 🍫 🤩

Lukas & Falco - If the dog is going to quit right after the show, assuming they win (spoiler: they won't), then what is the point? I do have to compliment their idea of working 2 minutes a week for 3 months and then retiring - I've been unemployed so long, I guess retirement for me would be going into a coma. Anyways, I am not really a fan of these animal acts, since it's essentially the animal on their hind leg dancing or nudging a ball while irrelevant-to-the-act music is blaring. The closest instance of me connecting with the dog was me barking at my wife to turn the TV off, but that didn't happen.

Andy Rowell - How surprising that the shitty act Howie put through based on being humorously talentless doesn't deliver when he does the exact same thing. What a waste.

Jecko - I assumed his talent was having the world's biggest bedhead, but it's also unsurprising how someone who looks like this big of a goof didn't deliver something serious.

The Orange Magician - I didn't think the act was even bad, but it was obvious with how it was presented that it wasn't going to be a serious contender.

Berywam - For the full nightclub experience, I charged myself $8 for a glass of my own tap water. I didn't think they stepped it up at all, but it's still one of the better acts anyways.

Dylan - I hate when people call reciting someone else's lyrics "rapping", since the artist has already written the words and matched the flow to the beat, you're contributing zero. Unless the legal definition of sampling has been severely broadened, there was no way he was getting through.

Emerald Belles - The majority of these girls look 30 years old; I always think Americans in general look older, compared to us Canadians who for the most part look like giant pansies. I liked the act a lot more this time than the audition, though despite this being a kicking act, it seemed to consist of half the routine, unless they were just practicing on kicking Terry Crews in the head after failing to advance.

The Sentimentalists - A true bore in every sense of the word. Every single one of these acts is the same and my body fights the urge to go into REM sleep (give me one note of opera music and I'm out).

Duo Togni - With that level of hair pulling becoming the new norm, I am afraid I will be unable to keep up with women's love of rough sex. The routine was pretty boring, though - I don't know if I'm hard to please, but one's pleasure receptors get completely fried after one season of this show, then it's every act repeated again and again.

Sophie Pecora - I tried paying attention to the """"rap"""" part and it didn't seem to rhyme very much, not to mention it's that normal talk-y type of flow that doesn't really compliment a beat. The subject material is also boring, though it's understandable that a 15 year old girl isn't going to be yelling about a homie dying in their arms on Skid Row, but the only thing I can relate to a 15 year old girl about is being shorter than 95% of men.

Dakota and Nadia - I don't even remember this act happening, which is only a good thing.

Kevin Schwartz - His act being reduced to a montage means they didn't think it was good and he's not going to move on. Him being sent home may be a part of his exposure therapy for agoraphobia, though getting him out the first time took so long, this may be borderline cruel.

Loki Alohikea - Low key, it made no impression on me since his performance lasted 5 seconds (a real treat for my wife, compared to my 2).

Matthew Richardson - I don't get how this is considered art. Maybe people who fall for sob stories were moved by the audio clips enough to not notice he was swirling around in another onion ring, but it's just not entertaining at all.

Damiyr - His name is like if he was asked how he knows what he looks like (couldn't help such an obvious pun). I thought it was decent, but I'm sure if he had made it, that the future rounds would be like liquid Nyquil coming through the speakers. Singers are just so boring most of the time.

Chris Klafford - It's annoying how he's already being touted as the poster child for winning this year. I know those types of people rarely actually win the show, but the season-long asskissing is still irritating, since it always just makes me dislike them. His frickin beard is weird (a reference that will go over the head of anyone over 30, I'm guessing) - not like "he should dress how I want him to" is a statement that makes sense to someone not self absorbed or psychotic, but I don't see how having 10 inches of fur dripping off your face isn't annoying to deal with (that may also be my testosterone deficiency talking).

Messoudi Brothers - One of the better acts, though it appeared as if one of the brothers did far less than the rest of them. Seeing how muscular the Father was was surprising, though it now gives me 40+ years to get in that good of shape instead of comparing myself with the similarly aged brothers.

NDLOVU Youth Choir - Being from Africa and all, I know expecting to hear western songs isn't very logical, but I don't see how an audience would respond to this music. Not only is there the cultural barrier, but I don't think I am alone in thinking that hearing them sing of how great Africa is, when everyone in the west is pretty convinced it is terrible (the poverty and such) wouldn't make them connect with the songs that much. The fact that the audience jumps around and howls for trivial b.s. acts probably makes me think none of them actually think that much and will respond positively when they start hearing any type of sound, regardless.

I'm not going to say who went through, because you already watched the show and don't need me to pretend to be an entertainment journalist. Overall the show was better than before, but it's still not very good. I'm afraid of singer-mania for the next couple episodes, especially since that's what the Top 10 seems to largely consist of.

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Not a great show, but so much better now that the auditions are over. By far, those are the worst part of the whole season.

Lukas & Falco - Much of this act seemed indistinguishable from how most dogs behave when their owners come home from work, running between their legs and rolling around on the floor. Perhaps Lukas had to stay away from Falco for several days in order to achieve this effect for tonight. It was alright, but nothing we haven't seen before from other acts who did it much better. There weren't really any spectacular tricks.

Andy Rowell - Is having a punchable face an act? More of an act than the one line karaoke bit he stole from other comedians, at least. It would've been nice if he could leverage his spot in the next round to do something different/good, but nope. Another example of the judges busting a gut at a crappy audition and then being angry when it's done again, when they sent the act forward to begin with.

Jecko - Another "comedian" that has to look and act extremely annoying to get the point across that he's a comedian. It sucked.

The Orange Magician - Finally, someone put a spin on the quick-change routine that wasn't just "look, I'm in a new shirt!" with an agape mouth at the crowd, 10 times in a row.

Berywam - Their video package had a soundbite from Simon saying they weren't just staying with the times, they're ahead of the times (paraphrasing), even though the dubstep sound they auditioned with has severely waned in popularity since about 2012. Tonight's song was different, maybe house music, I don't know for sure. The crowd yelling over top of them was a major impairment to hearing the performance.

Dylan Nolastname - Having a 10 year old kid barely rap along to a song for 30 seconds must have meant there was a shortage of anything to fill time. He wasn't in the auditions, so it sounds plausible enough to believe someone let him perform without actually competing. Not that I'm overly conspiratorial, more so trying to find rationale for how he could be previously deemed worthy of passing the first round because it was trash.

Emerald Belles - Is it the Texas sun that makes these high school girls all look 30+? Somehow, kicking a leg in the air becomes more impressive when 40 of them are doing it at the same time. When Howie gets booed for not liking something, does that mean everyone else likes it or is the idea of negative feedback towards anything awe-striking to these people?

Sentamentalists - The cheesy presentation is only amplified for me whenever I see the guy looking like Gomez from the Addams Family, it seems like he's going to pull out a cigar during every performance. Every mentalist act has a slimy, smug delivery that is rather infuriating to sit through. I don't know how they did the trick, but all of these things are the same. "Wow, they really did guess whatever was written down, picked, etc..." with the reveal drawn out for several minutes.

Duo Togni - Knowing they're the inferior strength act makes it hard to get excited, but it was alright.

Sophie Pecora - The chords and strumming pattern sounded similar to 'Hey There Delilah', but the usual cringey "break it down" rapping cleared up the confusion. It seems like a dorky bookworm trademark to breathlessly rap out a list of emotional phobias in the middle of the song, sometimes without even appearing to keep any sense of rhythm. She's a kid, so apparently worth the golden buzzer.

There was a montage with two acts I can't remember seeing before, and then the one-liner agoraphobic comedian, Kevin Schwartz. They only showed him saying two jokes, both of which weren't that great. When the only remaining source of comedians this season comes from sassy women talking about being - GASP - most unladylike, you know you're in for a miserable time.

Matthew Richardson - Despite the backstory, I didn't think the performance was anything special at all. Some interpretative dance clearly tells a story even though the range of moves is limited, but both times this guy has performed, it just looks like he's spinning around in a hula hoop doing nothing until the momentum runs out.

Damiyr - When not seeing someone before and pairing their performance alongside someone else in the same niche (another singer, in this case), it's pretty damn obvious what's going to happen. His performance was alright; Simon's tongue bath sounded like it was only to manufacture uncertainty between him and the other guy. Surely, this "your voice is an angelic presence for us all" spiel is genuine until any career help is proposed and Simon suddenly needs to duck into the men's room.

Chris Klafford - A lot of hatred for certain contestants probably lies in the way they're edited, but I can't stand this guy's "outsider" routine. He supposedly doesn't fit the mould, and yet won Swedish Idol. His look isn't consistent with that of a musician (how?) but he won't attempt to change it. He looks like a lot of indie musicians, which is quite fitting since nobody will know who he is come October. Topping off the performance with tears, too. Since he already won his country's talent show, this has to be an act.

Messoudi Brothers - Somehow, they're a much more entertaining strength act than many of the other ones that have been on this show. Maybe it's a lot easier to imagine how strong they have to be to do what they do, since there's not a whole lot of theatrical schlock to their routines. Their Dad still being in great shape has me frantically Googling for plausible thyroid issues I can use as an excuse for being a couch potato.

NDLOVU World Choir - They're this year's version of "music genre nobody likes" that is met with a parade of faux-enthusiasm by a crowd that will definitely not be buying tickets for anything they do after the season is over. This could be dubbed the "Forte effect", but it's hard for a term to catch on when nobody understands who it's referring to.

The results weren't overly surprising except for the Emerald Belles getting through, that was quite undeserved. Hats off (pun intended) to country singer Brad Paisley being there to critique dog trainers and interpretive dancing, like only he can. Terry Crews continues to be the highest paid mannequin on the show, and Gabrielle/Julianne are still loathsome. I don't get why they have to stand up and shriek or dance along to every act, it's embarrassing and the type of attention whoring that I thought was Katy Perry's exclusive domain on American Idol.


Edited by Neet
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I am old so there is a good chance I'm clueless.  Do people REALLY sit around and listen to the kind of garbage golden buzzer girl puts out?  Or do they just think they should support her because she is talking about "important" issues?  Seriously, a few chords, some singing (I guess it was kind of in tune?) and then some fast, not terribly rhythmic talking is considered music?  If so, I'm going to need you to all get off my lawn before I have to get the hose out.

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7 hours ago, InternetToughGuy said:

Berywam - For the full nightclub experience, I charged myself $8 for a glass of my own tap water.

I gave you a laugh primarily for this line. I had a shot of Gosling's Black Seal rum, for which I did not charge, because it was Ladies' Night in my living room. (It didn't help much.)

7 hours ago, Neet said:

Berywam - The crowd yelling over top of them was a major impairment to hearing the performance.

The sound on that one seemed especially bad.

1 hour ago, DaphneCat said:

If so, I'm going to need you to all get off my lawn before I have to get the hose out.

Can I hang with you? We can sit on the porch in rocking chairs and yell at the young'uns.

When the judge cuts results bit puts together two acts that they didn't show in the auditions (at least that I recall) and that they barely showed in the judge cuts episode, I think it's safe to assume that they aren't moving on. I wish they had kept Matthew Richardson (even though those acts tend to get repetitive; but he's just so pretty) and let the Rockettes: Supersized (also repetitive) go home.

Usually I type my thoughts in order as I watch and maybe edit them before I post, but I felt like I barely saw any of the acts, they spent so much time focusing on the audience and the judges looking utterly amazed (usually by something not all that amazing...like they've never seen one of these dog acts before?). I'd hate to be seated behind the judges' table. G and J can't seem to remain seated for even a 2 minute act. And we really don't need J narrating the movements as the dancers get into position ("Shift...shift"...shutup).

Edited by ams1001
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55 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

I wish they had kept Matthew Richardson (even though those acts tend to get repetitive; but he's just so pretty) and let the Rockettes: Supersized (also repetitive) go home.

That makes two of us!!!

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Not much value in trying to cover it all, as it wasn’t very good.

I do love the dogs but seriously, that act isn’t very good. Did anyone else notice they led off the show with the dog act, then went to a commercial advertising a new movie about and narrated by... a dog? As Gibbs would say, there are no coincidences. This act isn’t even as good as Hero, which wasn’t good.

The following train wrecks: Tequila, Orange Boy and Crazy Hair. How bad is the show to have them here?

Golden Buzzer Girl, a terrible imitation of Grace Vanderwal (sp?) without the talent, musical interest and lyrics. Weak.

The strength Brothers were very impressive, good stuff. Felt bad for the other strength couple after that. Blew them away. Best act of the night.

Head to head singer guys. Swedish guy terribly overrated. Subway guy mediocre at best.

So, the African group is this year’s virtue-signaling group that everyone has to lose their minds over? Bleah, although not much doubt they were going through.

Do Gabby and Julianna have to act all glassy eyed and goo goo over everything? Gabbys childlike wonder face is grating on my nerves.

Hating Simon more every day. Meowing at Juliana for “judging?”  Tongue bath for every mediocre nobody? I guess Howie is the Designated Bad Guy this year, but at least he’s trying to have SOME semblance of a standard. Loving every weak act is not judging.

Other bad acts: kiddie rapper, personality disorder comedy, nightclub imitators. The Magic couples trick was good, but their delivery continues to be hideous. Dream catcher circle silver painted pretty boy, stop it.

But my ire is saved for the Rotten Rockettes. Quite possibly the worst act of the night. High school level looking (correct Julianna) act, a crowd of 50 girls who look 40 with the roughest tavern smoker looking one doing all the talking. A few others clearly hidden in the crowd. And their entire act is ... a high kick. Note Everyone: most high school girls are that flexible without ever working at it. No. Talent. They were just awful.

When they announced they were going through, I was looking for the usual excuse... bullying, sob story, disability, told they were fat once, abused ethnic group... but there wasn’t anything there. Absolutely shocked a no talent bunch like that waltzed ahead of a few middling acts that had a modicum of ability at least.

Love to hear the inside story on that fix some day.

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I watched with half and eye and only one ear so I don't know any of the names of these acts. The dog act I liked -- I've never seen The Greatest Showman so it didn't irk me. The guy's outfit and props were top shelf, and he put this act on the plus side when he got on the giant ball and juggled. Big YES vote from me.

The balancing guys who lost their luggage -- and were dressed by AGT! -- were mega cool. I like them. Maybe they aren't worth a million dollars but I'd pay to watch them just stand around on stage, and maybe say a few words once in a while. I don't even care what the words are. Vote: YES.

The Orange Magician I hadn't seen before and I LOVED him. He's my Golden Buzzer.

Speaking of the GB, I barely looked up when Brad gave the little "bullied" girl his GB. *yawn* So what. I didn't like anything about her, but I wondered about the GB after Simon told her to knock off the bullied business next time ... IF she goes through. Like he didn't know Brad was told to press the GB for her. My vote: NO.

Karaoke Guy wouldn't have gotten through to this episode if I were king.

I liked the black guy singer who said he worked the streets and subways to make a living. He would have made the cut over the bearded Swede, again if I were king. But whatever. Singers. Eh. I laughed that the bearded guy was all about how he's "different." Dude, maybe in Sweden but in America you look like every singer or backup band guy playing weekends in every tavern in every small town everywhere.

I liked the mentalist couple except there is something weird about them that I can't articulate. I don't know how any of those mental tricks are done, and I'm fine with them being real magic. The woman, however, I keep thinking she's a mannequin so I am startled when she speaks or moves.

The hoop guy I just saw two nights ago on the audition rerun. No mention then of his tragic backstory. Two nights ago his story was he went to a circus and saw the acrobat guy and decided he wanted to do that too. Now, two days later, his life is full of tragedy and he only performs through his grief in memory of his dad. Okay then.

I didn't see who all got sent through, not that it matters. I'll see them again down the road. I just wish I could skip the SIX SINGING GOLDEN BUZZERS.

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I enjoyed Brad Paisley as a judge. The expression on his face with a couple of the acts was like WTF you guys really put this shit through lol.

I think Brad made a mistake with his golden buzzer. Big mistake. The judges kept telling the acts, I don't see this as a Las Vegas act. But you see this girl as one? I can hear it now, honey lets go pay a lot of money to watch this girl from AGT sing about being bullied. Blech!

The black singer that sang acapella in the beginning of his song was better than the golden buzzer. I don't know if he should've went through but he was better.

I thought the best non-singing act was the 3 strong guys that brought dad on stage so I'm glad they went through.

I did like the orange guy but it seems like the judges don't care for quick changing acts. 

I love dogs but don't think this dog act was that great. I'm almost positive Simon overruled everyone and put them through because he loves dogs.

I do like the guy from Sweden.

I had a hard time understanding the choir from Africa. I want to see more drums with their music. I also thought they should've done a song from the Lion King since it's opening this Friday.

I agree about the high school girls looking 30 but they are nothing more than a cheer leading dance team that does high kicks. I don't think they should've gone through. But it's not fair of Howie to compare them to the professional Rockettes that have had years of training.

The guy with the hoop would need to incorporate a story with his act or it's just a guy going around in circles with a hoop. I could see him being part of some type of traveling show but not his own act in Vegas. He was handsome though :-)

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59 minutes ago, SG11 said:

Golden Buzzer Girl, a terrible imitation of Grace Vanderwal (sp?) without the talent, musical interest and lyrics. Weak.

How odd is it that a contestant who sounded like a 60 year old British woman trying to give a singing PSA for smoking and lung cancer every week can spawn imitations? Somehow there doesn't seem to be any opera singers this season, probably because plunging toilets for a living like Forte and Daniel Emmet doesn't serve as much of an inspiration.

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Saw most of these acts via you tube becuz I'm not able to watch the broadcast.    I think Howie is a great "bad guy" and if it wasn't for him.....the sicky sweetness would do me in.    I'm glad he stood his ground with the Rockette wannabes........Let me tell you......the way Matthew controls the hoop as it's spinning on the floor like that kinda reminds me of the way Scott Hamilton used to skate.    It must take lots of training.   He can lose the suspended in the air part because that's been done too many times to count.     Ahhh Sophie......it figures doesn't it?......I can't really relate to her because I don't have teenage problems anymore.   Is that gonna be the theme of every lyric she writes?   I mean.....if the Massoudi brothers weren't getting the golden buzzer,.  I guess she was the only other one to consider.  And the choir I guess.  The rest?  Bleh.   I was real curious what the next song karoake guy was gonna do...... after all....."Tequila" is rare in that there's not really a lot to choose from in songs that are mostly instrumental with a single word repeated throughout.   He didn't find one.    The dog act isn't really that good......a lot of people can get their dog to do those things.   I liked the act last season with the cats.....because cats DONT do those things.   This season overall has been kind of underwhelming.   But I still enjoy the show.

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Okay, I missed most of AGT last night, so I re-watched it on Hulu.

Lucas and Falco was a cute act, but it was mostly Falco running in circles. But Simon loves dogs, so of course they're going through.

I knew Andy "The Tequila Guy" Rowell wasn't going to get past Judge Cuts. What he has is a gimmick, and gimmicks usually don't last. I can see why people liked it (even though it was a grab from Andy Kaufman), as it was their first time seeing it, but where else could he go with it? Didn't the judges know that (probably producer-driven though)? But he has a few videos on his YouTube channel with a good amount of views, so I guess they would keep him for another round for his followers' sake. It seems to be about fan bases sometimes. i.e. The PAC Dance Team. Think I'm joking? Check out their views on their YouTube videos.

Berywam was not as good as the first time (but then again first times are usually good as you don't know what to expect). But for me they are a breath of fresh air with all of the singer acts we have (and most likely we will get in the following Judge Cuts). Hopefully they'll pick it up in the Lives.

I agree that Dylan was probably brought in as filler as there were no clips of his audition...they usually show a clip of the auditions of the acts that we don't see in any of the auditions, but appear on Judge Cuts. Cute kid, but it was obvious that he wasn't going through.

The Emerald Belles reminds me of a high school cheer-leading team that you would probably see during the half-time of their school's football game. But they went through. Shades of PAC Dance Team. We'll see if they can be a little more creative with their kick routines.

I wasn't impressed with the act by The Sentimentalists...or as I call them, The Clairvoyants 2.0. I rolled my eyes a bit when I saw the looks of shock on the judges faces. I'll give Gabby, Julianne and Brad a pass though, because Howie and Simon had seen their trick before. WE had seen that trick before. We've seen the same format of "pick one...this is what I predicted what you would pick" routine done by Jon Dorenbos and The Clairvoyants. Look up the Clairvoyants "Jelly Bean" act on Anthony Ying's YouTube channel and tell me that that format was not extremely similar. You can also look up the "Drawing" and "Map" routines that Jon Dorenbos had done on the same season. Their acts on Champions were also very similar to what the Sentimentalists had done last night  But I do love the costumes that the lady wears.

I KNEW that Sophie (who i would call a mash-up of Grace Vanderwahl and Chase Gohring) was going to get the Golden Buzzer. Call it women's intuition if you will, but I just knew it. Even with Simon saying that she should stop writing/performing the "kinds of songs" she does. Producer-driven for sure. I don't really see her winning though. She might make it to the finals, though.

I'm sure what Matthew does takes a lot of strength and balance to do what he does with that hoop, but I wonder what more he could do. I thought that he might get through based on his introduction and his story regarding his father. Maybe he'll be a Wild Card.

The Damiyr and Christopher montage made it very obvious on what was to follow. Damiyr's performance was just something (sorry, can't find the right word) to lead up to Christopher's act and for him to have a one-up on Damiyr (who I'll take over Lamont). Damiyr gets a quick introduction and gives a decent performance, and then we get the full introduction of Christopher and him talking about how he is from a very small area, and how nobody looks like him. I've seen plenty a singers that have a look similar to his. Maybe on the Lives he'll sing an original about how "There is only one of him...and Baby, that's the fun of him..." Oh never mind. Christopher does have a great voice. I do wonder if he is set up to be the winner. We'll see if he gets "Pimp Spot"...not that that is relevant. We saw where it placed "Saint" Michael Ketterer in the finale...

*loud and evil laugh*


With everything the Messoudi Brothers had gone through - with having issues with their flight, the airline losing their luggage and making it to the show an hour prior to their upcoming performance there was no way they were getting cut...unless AGT wanted added drama. But I'm sure the producers wasn't going tot let us, the viewing audience, know these things and NOT send them through. But they earned their spot through. It's amazing what they do...and their father is wonderful shape. I need to be distracted just so I can hold a plank pose for one minute. I'm ready to be done after thirty seconds.

I do enjoy the NDLOVU World Choir. I love their style, and they always bring a beautiful energy to their performances. But I'm not sure as to how far they will go in the Lives.

But obviously, AGT is still pretty predictable in their set-up. You know that the montages aren't going through. And with the acts that are going through, you know that the producers aren't going to set up an introduction for you to somewhat really "get to know" the acts just to send them home. And I say "most" because Matthew and The Sentimentalists were cut.

All right...until next week, folks.

Edited by giaNtsandYankees
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Brad Paisley wasted his Golden Buzzer on the-mostly-non-singing female version of Chase Gohring who strums her guitar and sings about her crap existence because she's bullied at school.  Can you imagine sitting through a whole show or an entire CD of that?

At least the American Damiyr and Swede Sensation Chris can actually sing.

I was disappointed the Texas high kickers went through.  They should've been kicked to the curb because as Simon or Howie would say, the didn't "step up" their act.  😉  

Gabby and Julianne still continue to annoy with their jumping up and dancing routine every chance they get.  Sit the fuck down and stop whooping it up, all designed to get extra shots of them instead of the acts, I'm sure.

I have no real love or yearning for any of these acts, so on general principle I say give it to Lukas & Falco!

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I like the high kick team.  I bet they are a dime a dozen in Texas, but we don't have anything like that in my state, so I enjoy watching their act.  I would get on my knees and beg, if I thought it would keep this show from featuring singers.  I am so sick of them -- even if they are good like the Swede and the dude who cried.  I couldn't stomach listening to the golden buzzer girl.

I often wonder how many acts would go through on these shows if they didn't have a sob story package shown. 

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28 minutes ago, Cowgirl said:

I often wonder how many acts would go through on these shows if they didn't have a sob story package shown. 

I hate sob/back stories on ALL the talent shows.  EVERYONE on all these shows was bullied or has a dead parent, grandparent, sibling, best friend, third cousin twice removed, dog, hamster, etc. and they turned to music, magic, acrobatics, dance, mime, competitive basket weaving, etc. as a way to cope with the pain.  And even if they suck, as a lot of them do, we are supposed to think they are great because they've overcome so much.

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On 7/17/2019 at 11:47 AM, suebee12 said:

That makes two of us!!!

Three!!! I was surprised Matthew didn't go through. 

16 hours ago, CrystalBlue said:

Brad Paisley wasted his Golden Buzzer on the-mostly-non-singing female version of Chase Gohring who strums her guitar and sings about her crap existence because she's bullied at school.  Can you imagine sitting through a whole show or an entire CD of that?

At least the American Damiyr and Swede Sensation Chris can actually sing.

I was disappointed the Texas high kickers went through.  They should've been kicked to the curb because as Simon or Howie would say, the didn't "step up" their act.  😉  

Gabby and Julianne still continue to annoy with their jumping up and dancing routine every chance they get.  Sit the fuck down and stop whooping it up, all designed to get extra shots of them instead of the acts, I'm sure.

I have no real love or yearning for any of these acts, so on general principle I say give it to Lukas & Falco!

I agree with everything you've said here. 

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A bad night for me, as I don't feel like I need to see any of these acts again.

I hate the inconsistency. Simon is always saying "is this a Vegas act?" Can you imagine the girl who got the GB on a stage in Vegas? At a show people paid money for? I would walk out if she were in my local coffee shop.

I wouldn't walk out on the Swedish singer, but he's nothing special., and seems very full of himself. We're supposed to think he's discriminated against because of his looks? Because no other folk singers have long hair or a beard?

Something weird about all the Belles supposedly being between 14-18. How could any of these tall statuesque girls be less than 18 at a minimum? Unless it's some trick of camera work. And all from one small town high school? 

The dog act was unimpressive, but it doesn't matter, because the entire thing was just about pandering to Simon. Smart strategy I guess. 

The family hand balancing act was good, but so sick of the female judges going gaga when men with athletic bodies take their shirts off. Had enough of it with Heidi and Mel B. over the years. To state the obvious, Simon and Howie similarly hooting over a woman with large breasts would produce a firestorm of "Me Too" outrage.

On 7/17/2019 at 12:10 PM, saber5055 said:

The Orange Magician I hadn't seen before and I LOVED him. He's my Golden Buzzer.

I'm with you. Best act of the night. Only one that really made me smile,. It was just fun, with no sob story or emotional manipulation.  (Glad that Matthew playing a recording of his dead father didn't get him through, but I have a feeling he may return as a Wild Card).

Edited by bluepiano
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6 hours ago, bluepiano said:

I wouldn't walk out on the Swedish singer, but he's nothing special., and seems very full of himself. We're supposed to think he's discriminated against because of his looks? Because no other folk singers have long hair or a beard?

Yep...his looks make him such an outcast that he won Idol (Sweden) in 2017, and his EP and singles made the top ten in Sweden - beard, hair and all.

Here's the receipt...

I still like his voice though...I just don't care for the semi-sob story we're getting fed.

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On 7/17/2019 at 3:25 AM, InternetToughGuy said:

Anyways, I am not really a fan of these animal acts, since it's essentially the animal on their hind leg dancing or nudging a ball while irrelevant-to-the-act music is blaring. 

The thing with the dog acts is to further the "kinder, gentler Simon" that the producers are trying to make us believe.  He just watches lovingly when any dog act comes out.  Now Howie is getting the "bad guy" role.

Edited by Babalooie
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9 hours ago, bluepiano said:

The family hand balancing act was good, but so sick of the female judges going gaga when men with athletic bodies take their shirts off. Had enough of it with Heidi and Mel B. over the years. To state the obvious, Simon and Howie similarly hooting over a woman with large breasts would produce a firestorm of "Me Too" outrage.

I agree 100%.  I think Julianne even said "yeah, take it off" or something like that.

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7 hours ago, giaNtsandYankees said:

Yep...his looks make him such an outcast that he won Idol (Sweden) in 2017, and his EP and singles made the top ten in Sweden - beard, hair and all.

So he's yet another successful European singer who AGT is trying to make us think is an untested amateur. Just like the woman last year from Holland. I hate how they lie to us.

5 hours ago, Babalooie said:

The thing with the dog acts is to further the "kinder, gentler Simon" that the producers are trying to make us believe.  He just watches lovingly when any dog act comes out.  Now Howie is getting the "bad guy" role.

There was a charming underdog (pardon the pun) quality to Hero and Sarah and I could see why Simon got emotionally attached to them. I'm just not feeling it all with Lukas and Falco. To me there's something kind of cold and manipulative about the act.

Interesting point about Howie. Yeah, several times in this show they made him out to be the villain for not liking a particular act, like the Texas high kicking gals. What a reversal of roles.

4 hours ago, foxfreakinmulder said:

I agree 100%.  I think Julianne even said "yeah, take it off" or something like that.

She yelling something when the first guy started unbuttoning his shirt. Hard to hear exactly. I realize it's all an act that's supposed to get the audience going, but in this day and age it's just stupid. If objectifying women is wrong then the same should apply to men. 

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I was hoping Andy Rowell would have more to his repertoire than the karaoke thing (which I did enjoy the first time) but I guess not.

I do find it odd how the show will put a lot of effort into manufacturing drama around an act just to not put them through. With The Sentimentalists, it was them "improvising" another quick trick to convince Simon to give them a yes in the auditions, and then this week they had the whole stunt with the woman from Duo Togni lifting Howie with her teeth. Why are we spending so much time on acts who won't even have a chance at our vote?

Once again, this show brings out the worst in me re: my attitude towards children. I hate, hatehate Sophie Pecora. First of all, her songs do not follow any sort of recognizable structure. Clearly defined verses and a chorus never hurt anybody. I also feel like she's doing that very annoying fifteen-year-old girl thing (I did it too) where you lean super hard into being "different" and "not like other girls" and kind of embracing the outcast thing to the point of martyrdom. 

On 7/17/2019 at 3:25 AM, InternetToughGuy said:

NDLOVU Youth Choir - Being from Africa and all, I know expecting to hear western songs isn't very logical, but I don't see how an audience would respond to this music. Not only is there the cultural barrier, but I don't think I am alone in thinking that hearing them sing of how great Africa is, when everyone in the west is pretty convinced it is terrible (the poverty and such) wouldn't make them connect with the songs that much. The fact that the audience jumps around and howls for trivial b.s. acts probably makes me think none of them actually think that much and will respond positively when they start hearing any type of sound, regardless.

The song they did was actually "Waka Waka (This Time for Africa)" by Shakira (a Colombian artist), which was hugely popular when it was used as the official song for the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa.

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3 hours ago, helenamonster said:

Once again, this show brings out the worst in me re: my attitude towards children. I hate, hatehate Sophie Pecora. First of all, her songs do not follow any sort of recognizable structure. Clearly defined verses and a chorus never hurt anybody. I also feel like she's doing that very annoying fifteen-year-old girl thing (I did it too) where you lean super hard into being "different" and "not like other girls" and kind of embracing the outcast thing to the point of martyrdom. 

I'm willing to bet Sophie's angst-ridden life is fully manufactured for the Sob Story Effect.  She probably doesn't even need glasses and just uses them as a prop with clear lenses.

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If the Massoudi Brothers were soooo rushed, why did they bother to take the time in wardrobe putting their shirts on?  They came off in near-record edit time.

Arguably the worst GB evah.  From what I know about Paisley, I find it almost impossible that he actually liked the whole sad-sack presentation and the atonality of her "singing."  Peyton Manning shows more musicality in those dang commercials he does with BP!

The mentalists were the best act of the evening.  There were several witty and quick asides by the dude.  The trick itself was great.  Does it matter that it is a variation on other acts?  There's nothing new under the sun, or so I've been told.  These two actually stepped it up (the highest "good" on AGT, amiright?!) and are obviously stage-ready, as they are performing around the world.  

The dog act was weaker than Howie's immune system.

JH is a pretty lady without the eyeblack.

Simon's weight loss was noticeable.  He's also the only one allowed to be droll.  Goodbye bearded comedian.

Terry was almost non-existent.  That fit since drama did not exist at all.

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On ‎7‎/‎17‎/‎2019 at 9:25 AM, DaphneCat said:

I am old so there is a good chance I'm clueless.  Do people REALLY sit around and listen to the kind of garbage golden buzzer girl puts out?  Or do they just think they should support her because she is talking about "important" issues?  Seriously, a few chords, some singing (I guess it was kind of in tune?) and then some fast, not terribly rhythmic talking is considered music?  If so, I'm going to need you to all get off my lawn before I have to get the hose out.

You stay put, I'll go and turn the faucet on because I'm right there with you.

I can relate with the whole bully thing. I was bullied in elementary school by a horrible person I pray has found some religion or something else to do besides terrorize people. But it never occurred to me that singing about it or performing in some way would help me move along from it. It'd be nice if we could just see the acts, judge them solely on that and not the baggage that's brought for our approval.

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I don't get how the the beige and bland high school dance team got through. Both Julianne and Howie didn't like them.  Which gives credence to the "judges" aren't really "judges" and some other people are making the decisions on who goes through.  It has already been stated - somewhere - that even if an act gets four yeses, the producers might still say no and we will never see them again.

I didn't like most of the acts, but everybody on this episode was better than the kicking team. 

I was disappointed that the orange,  quick change guy didn't make it. I don't care about the rest because nothing really impressed me. I would have liked to see the one "sort of Steven Wright" kind of comic's whole act. I liked him the first time. 

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1 hour ago, Commando Cody said:

I don't get how the the beige and bland high school dance team got through. Both Julianne and Howie didn't like them.  Which gives credence to the "judges" aren't really "judges" and some other people are making the decisions on who goes through.  It has already been stated - somewhere - that even if an act gets four yeses, the producers might still say no and we will never see them again.

I didn't like most of the acts, but everybody on this episode was better than the kicking team. 

I was disappointed that the orange,  quick change guy didn't make it. I don't care about the rest because nothing really impressed me. I would have liked to see the one "sort of Steven Wright" kind of comic's whole act. I liked him the first time. 

Who is "sort of Steven Wright"?  Agree with everything else, especially the supposedly high-schoolers kickers team.  

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10 minutes ago, CrystalBlue said:

Who is "sort of Steven Wright"?  Agree with everything else, especially the supposedly high-schoolers kickers team.  

I can't remember the middle aged, fuzzy looking guy's name. He told the joke about going to the grocery store - where the sign said "no food or drinks" so he went home.  They only showed a short clip of him, on this episode, so I knew he wasn't going on. 

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