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Season 21 Live Feed Discussion

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I think you have to take Tommy out.

Regardless of who stays either Nicole or Cliff need to win veto next week, and they have a better shot against Holly than they do Tommy.

In some ways they have to look past this week ans think about who you can beat in the F2.

Nicole has the best chance against Cliff and Holly.  She will likely lose to Tommy and Jackson.

Cliff has the chance against Nicole and Holly.  He loses to Tommy and Jackson

Holly has the best chance against Nicole and Cliff.  She loses to Tommy and Jackson.

Tommy and Jackson win against Nicole Cliff and Holly. They each have a good chance to beat each other.

You have to leave the people in the game you think you can beat.  

Get Tommy out now, and work on convincing Holly Jackson needs to go.

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1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:


And I think Tommy is likely to win F4 HOH, which means one of Cliff or Nicole would surely be leaving if Jackson wins veto.

But Cliff or Nicole would be leaving if Jackson wins veto, regardless so....

God, I go back and forth on who I want evicted the more I try to talk this through, because now I'm back on the evicting Holly train. 

But really, if they evict Holly, Jackson or Tommy surely get to F2 and probably will beat Nicole or Cliff, while Holly will be dragged to F2 and lose against everyone she's sitting next to. 

So basically it’s a matter of who we’d want to win more between Tommy and Jackson? For that purpose, I’d rather Tommy win overJackson.

1 hour ago, Ellee said:

Thank you. 

I was just coming back to edit the post.  As one may have picked up I’m firmly in Nicole’s corner with a Nicole/Cliff F2. 

Not sure if it’s because of the treatment she received early on or the fact that she seems so nice or the ‘cool kids’/bottomfeeders BS.   🤷‍♀️

For me it’s all of that. 

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32 minutes ago, Machiabelly said:

PE.I. here. Going in to hour 18 without power. Could be back in an hour, could be 2 days.

A few years ago, we went for almost a week twice in one year without power. Once was after Arthur. The other and waaay worse was after a January ice storm. It was traumatic. As a result, we moved to a more populated area where we rarely lose power. 

But believe me, I feel your pain! I really hope you get power back soon! 

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1 hour ago, vb68 said:

Thank you for posting that.  I keep scratching my head at the assertion that Nicole has none NOTHING the whole game until these comp wins. She did stuff. She just usually got burned or ignored. And it's certainly up for debate how good a gameplayer she truly is, but she has indeed been playing the whole time.

Agreed! Additionally, I find it a bit bothersome that people keep discounting Nicole's HoH win just because Cliff threw the competition. If other players throwing a competition means that the winner's achievement is negated, then players like Janelle (who had almost all of her S7 veto wins handed to her by Chilltown) shouldn't be considered comp beasts.

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1 hour ago, JediDVguy said:

Agreed! Additionally, I find it a bit bothersome that people keep discounting Nicole's HoH win just because Cliff threw the competition. If other players throwing a competition means that the winner's achievement is negated, then players like Janelle (who had almost all of her S7 veto wins handed to her by Chilltown) shouldn't be considered comp beasts.

It was thrown to her but she wouldn’t have been able to win if she didn’t get as far as she did herself.

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1 hour ago, JediDVguy said:

Additionally, I find it a bit bothersome that people keep discounting Nicole's HoH win just because Cliff threw the competition.

That was almost the worst decision Cliff ever made. Tommy was really close to being done from what I remember and when Nicole biffed her first shot, I was sure that Tommy was going to be some hockey god that gets it in the five-hole every time. Thankfully Nicole got it in the second shot but still, if Cliff threw it and Tommy ended up winning? Worst timeline. 

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33 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

That was almost the worst decision Cliff ever made. Tommy was really close to being done from what I remember and when Nicole biffed her first shot, I was sure that Tommy was going to be some hockey god that gets it in the five-hole every time. Thankfully Nicole got it in the second shot but still, if Cliff threw it and Tommy ended up winning? Worst timeline. 

Well, if Tommy had won, at least it would have been Jackson/Holly up on the block and Cliff still would have won and potentially kept noms the same, so Jackson would have gone.

Unless Cliff didn't win that veto and Jackson did or something. But then Holly would have been evicted.

So, looking back on it, not all that bad. But at the time, yeah, I was praying for Tommy to not win, I think because I genuinely thought that Tommy would target Cliff.

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Just read where Holly said she wish she could have talked to Kemi more but couldn’t because Kemi was socially blacklisted in the house.  (She should be totally, completely and unde9ably embarrassed about saying that.  How old is she?)

Who decided Kemi should be blacklisted?   Was this on Jack or the H8ful 8?  Was Jackson involved on this decision?  

And will someone explain to me again ... who are the ‘cool kids’?


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4 minutes ago, Ellee said:

Just read where Holly said she wish she could have talked to Kemi more but couldn’t because Kemi was socially blacklisted in the house.  (She should be totally, completely and unde9ably embarrassed about saying that.  How old is she?)

Who decided Kemi should be blacklisted?   Was this on Jack or the H8ful 8?  Was Jackson involved on this decision?  

And will someone explain to me again ... who are the ‘cool kids’?


Just when you think that you couldn’t dislike people more than you already do. 

32 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Well, if Tommy had won, at least it would have been Jackson/Holly up on the block and Cliff still would have won and potentially kept noms the same, so Jackson would have gone.

So, looking back on it, not all that bad. But at the time, yeah, I was praying for Tommy to not win, I think because I genuinely thought that Tommy would target Cliff.

I don’t think Tommy would have put Jackson & Holly on the block. Isn’t he the one who said that even though gr8fuk had broken up, there were still promises made?  

*gr8fuk was a typo but I like it so I’m leaving it. 

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6 minutes ago, Tdoc72 said:

I don’t think Tommy would have put Jackson & Holly on the block. Isn’t he the one who said that even though gr8fuk had broken up, there were still promises made?  

I didn't think he would at the time but I think Christie would have convinced him that Jackson/Holly were the right noms.

But you could easily be right. Maybe my initial worries of him winning are still correct.

So, it looks like Nicole really wants Holly out. And honestly, I think I've finally settled on me wanting Holly out too.

The decision would just be easier if we could see into the future and know if Jackson wins F4 veto or not (or, if Holly stays, if she wins F4 HOH or veto).

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So Tommy hasn’t told Nicole his connection to Christie, right? Because he could possibly use that as an argument for her to save him and for him to be sitting with her in the F2. I know, I know, it’s a long shot but bear with me. He could say that the only votes he knows he would get from the jury is Christie’s and maybe Jack’s/Anal Lice’s. Nick would be furious at him because of the Christie connection which he would no doubt perceive as an unfair advantage (and there’s still the “betrayal” thing) and would never vote for him. I think the same would go for Kat, Jackson and Holly, especially since they were accused of having known each other before entering the house. I doubt they’d vote for Tommy to win 500k. Jess would vote for Nicole to win no matter what guy she’s up against, anyway. It obviously depends on Nicole being serious about getting that 500K. Her chances with Cliff are a hell of a lot slimmer.

Edited by TimWil
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17 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

Do you think that's enough? Jackson would disagree. 👎 

That's because I cropped the photo. I think this could get him through a couple days, three if he rations carefully. (ETA: Those are full 15-pounders, not those little "personal watermelons.")


10 minutes ago, PaperTree said:

I saw this movie when I was a kid and that lonely brain cell just fired.

"An extremely bigoted white man finds out the hard (and somewhat humorous) way what it's like being a black man, firsthand!"

Watermelon Man


I can't remember the title, but I swear on my sister this is a thing: I once saw a movie about a Texan cockfighter who takes his prize rooster to the Philippines for a match. The only scene I remember is the one where—for whatever reason—the guy pulls out his pistols and, laughing, shoots up a stand of watermelons. It was so bizarre. He had a mustache too, so that made it even more like How Gallagher Got His Groove Back.

If I could make Jackson sit through that, Clockwork Orange-style, before the F4 veto comp, I would.

Edited by PhoneCop
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I decided to turn the feeds on (because I'm masochistic) and was treated to Tommy telling the fucking fish I love you. Fuck it, I hope Cliff gets his way and Tommy goes because I really don't wanna see Tommy win. Tommy and Cliff are the only people I would hate to see win. The others will just be a meh to me, like most of the winners lol.

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I dont Jackson would mind all that much if Nicole voted out Holly. She is a vote for him in jury and now maybe bitter towards Nicole and Cliff. 

And, Nicole does not know about Tommy and Christie and that  he has a vote and advocate in jury.

I think getting Tommy out is the correct move. 

ETA: Or, maybe not. LOL Nicole likes the drama of being the ones to split up the two pairs. 

I really enjoy the way she looks at everything and reasons it out.

Edited by missyb
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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

I decided to turn the feeds on (because I'm masochistic) and was treated to Tommy telling the fucking fish I love you. Fuck it, I hope Cliff gets his way and Tommy goes because I really don't wanna see Tommy win. Tommy and Cliff are the only people I would hate to see win. The others will just be a meh to me, like most of the winners lol.

I don't really want a Cliff win (his social game has been solid but what game moves can we say that he's actually made? Backdooring Bella? Winning a comp to get BACK in the game?) and I'm not itching for a Tommy win....but I just want to see Holly go out on Jackson's HOH. 

And it looks like it may happen. Nicole/Cliff were talking about who to evict and I think Nicole finally got Cliff to at least seriously consider it. Which, by the way, doesn't really benefit Cliff that much. Although, thinking about it, Jackson/Holly would likely take out Nicole next but then Cliff probably won't win part 1 HOH and I can see Holly winning part 2, which means he finishes in third place anyway. If he keeps Tommy, there's a better chance of him getting to F2 if Nicole gets to F3 with him and Jackson or Tommy and she can take him along with her. 

So maybe getting out Holly DOES benefit Cliff AND Nicole. 

I'm ok with Holly going out. All I see when I read updates is her whining about something. Well, girl, maybe try to do something instead of using your sex stool with Jackson. 

Holly is 10000000% going to be a bitter juror. And what's funny is that Jackson is probably NOT going to be a bitter juror. 

Sorry Holly, no more screentime for you! Although it would have been funny to hear her try to explain why she deserves to win, if Holly does end up going, we have our final four who can make excellent points on why they should win, backed up with actual game moves. 

Plus, who would have thought that Nicole would be the last woman standing? 

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3 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Holly is 10000000% going to be a bitter juror. And what's funny is that Jackson is probably NOT going to be a bitter juror. 

I so agree with this. Jackson will clap and say "well played", as long as it is Holly and not him. I dont think he would be bitter.

It is getting down to all comp wins now and an exciting conclusion to one of the worst starting season ever,

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9 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:


I think Nicole now has less of a shot at being taken over Cliff. 

However, it also depends if Cliff wins F4 HOH, because then he could also be a potential jury threat. 

I do think that Nicole winning this veto has increased her chances of winning but decreased her chances of getting to F2. Nicole has just become slightly harder to beat, especially in the final comps. She's more physically able to win these comps. Now I think that, if Holly wins F4 HOH and Jackson wins veto, he'll evict Nicole over Cliff. Before, I thought that he'd at least consider taking Nicole over Cliff but now I don't think that's possible.

This is right about to where I’d gotten as well - so, pardon me while I think out loud for a bit:

Nicole has three possible options within the next day - use the PoV on Cliff, use the PoV on Tommy, or don’t use the PoV - but of these three, I see Nicole taking Cliff off the Block to be the only likely option.  This results in Holly riding the Block beside Tommy, and the vote controlled by Cliff and Nicole.

So should Cliff and Nicole evict Tommy, or Holly?  

  • Holly would definitely be the splashier surprise eviction, but it would also chip at (one or both of) CN’s strongest F2 arguments - portraying themselves as the scrappy underdogs who remained faithful to every alliance.  It also sets themselves up as a highly visible target - the last remaining original couple - against which Jackson and Tommy could credibly bond, particularly since a Holly eviction would relieve Jackson of any remaining game restraints.  Lastly, Tommy presents as a more formidable opponent than Holly in any remaining physical comps.
  • Evicting Tommy removes the stronger potential physical comp threat at the point in the season where successive comp wins can carry you to an F2 chair, and preserves CN’s loyal “good guy” F2 story line.  It also preserves Holly, Jackson’s strongest loyalty in the game - and in an ensuing F4 scenario, that loyalty may cut both ways; where a Tommy/Jackson backroom deal might always be in question if Holly were evicted, a Jackson/Holly partnership after a Tommy eviction could safely be considered fact, and stable enough to count upon for planning purposes.

If I were C&N, then between these two options I would probably favor evicting Tommy, for one reason: staying loyal to the F4 carries the Jackson/Holly pair forward - and the Jackson/Holly pair would probably be much easier to distract, divert, manage and/or manipulate than a Jackson/Tommy pair. All other things being roughly equal, the extra quality of romantic distraction existing between Jackson and Holly might give Cliff&Nicole avenues of advantage which might not otherwise be available.

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6 hours ago, JediDVguy said:

In BB7, she won 4 HoHs and 5 vetoes. In BB6, she only won 2 HoHs and 2 vetoes.

Right, but as you noted, they weren't as impressive, win-wise. In BB6, it was her against the house and she was still winning comps. That's where she got her rep from. She was taking on the whole house and made it all the way to Final 3!

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On 9/2/2019 at 4:33 PM, Callaphera said:

I - what? In what world is that something you want to hear as a compliment from the person you're sleeping with? "You sound like a toddler - I like that." I mean, YKINMK and that's okay but what? And suddenly the live feeds have turned into a rerun of Law and Order: SVU. 

Is it too early for booze? Asking for a friend fuck it, I'm asking for me. 

The same world where said woman calls said man "Daddy"? Falls squarely in the squicky category to me.

1 minute ago, Growsonwalls said:

Agreed. Considering Kevin just had surgery again this week. 

I mean, the man has cancer and what Swaggy Christopher did was just not cool in any way, shape, or form. I am 100% not a Kevin fan but I also don't believe in kicking people when they're down. The worst part is, 90% of the people watching the episode have no idea about what happened so the joke was aimed at the 10% that would know about the scam - and Scammy himself but he totally believes his own hype and doesn't think he did anything wrong so it just falls flat. 

This post: brought to you by percentages. 

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I dont think BB really had  any message for anyone.  Well, maybe a little bit. Production that invites Swayleigh and people who build props may not be as enamoured.If you are silly enough to think yourself a star, and have delusional fans who will throw money at you, and are someone willing to take it, I just dont know what to say. Kind of sad.

I really wish podcasts had transcripts. I don't like listening to them because unlike TV shows I can't see in order to skip over the boring bits or know when the guest I'm interested in has now made an appearance. It seems like the hosts(s) also always veer off into tangents that are not funny or interesting and just wastes time getting to the damn point.

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