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The Ninth Doctor: He Was Fantastic


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I love him. I love his ears and all the jokes about his ears and I'm sad that Eccleston didn't have as much joy making the show because I think he was "Fantastic" and I wish he'd enjoyed it more. His regeneration was the first one I'd seen (I started watching when the show was rebooted and haven't seen any of the old guards regenerations) and it about killed me. I knew it was happening and it still was so sad.

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I understand; he was my first Doctor. I have watched a few older episodes, but I love Eccleston's version. Not that I didn't like Tennant or Smith, because I did, but  he brought such a different vibe than the other two. "Dalek" nailed the coffin shut, though. CE made me believe that there was nothing scarier in the universe than that hunk of metal.

I missed him during the Big Episode, but I still have season/series 1.

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Ok, so let's talk about our fave episode with Nine ... oh, that is so hard to pin down because all of his episodes are awesome.  But if I had to narrow it down, the arc of The Empty Child and The Doctor Dances (just like tarotx) have got to be some of the best Who writing ever.  Just this once, Everybody Lives!  Who can resist that smile?

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I don't know that I could pick a favorite Nine episode. I love him so very much. I love Ten and Eleven, too, but Nine definitely holds a special place in my heart, too. I knew it wasn't likely that he'd show up in any major capacity (ie. other than archive footage) in the anniversary special, but I dearly wish he could have. His particular blend of joy, wonder, grief, trauma from the Time War, rage, power... no one else matches it.

"Father's Day" is a highlight for me, as well as "Empty Child/Doctor Dances". "Dalek" was just stunning. Yeah, I can't pick one favorite.

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Nine was my first Doctor as well. My husband is a huge fan of the original series, and when the reboot started, he was super pumped. I watched the first two episodes with him "just to see what the big fricking deal is," and by the end of the second episode, I was completely in love with the show.

I don't know that I can really pick a favorite episode, but I very much love "Father's Day." I'm a sucker for Rose and her parents, so that one gets me every time.

When he regenerated, I cried my eyes out and swore I'd hate the next guy. (I did not. Tennant is actually my favorite).

I really hate that Eccleston gets overlooked so much when people talk about the show. I liked Ten better, but I still love Nine. I've rewatched that season a few times, and I can honestly say that I truly enjoyed every episode. Not a stinker in the bunch.

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I've rewatched that season a few times, and I can honestly say that I truly enjoyed every episode. Not a stinker in the bunch.


Oh, I don't know about that. The Slitheen were pretty stinky.

I threw an all out toddler tantrum when Nine started regenerating. He was my first Doctor as well and I told my son "NO way! NO how! Not EVER will I give the next Doctor a chance!"   Throughout Ten's first episode I kept shouting, "I want my Doctor back!!"

Of course, then I fell in love with Ten and the rest is history..

But Nine.  Nine pulled me into the show I thought I'd never watch.

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Oh, I don't know about that. The Slitheen were pretty stinky.

I threw an all out toddler tantrum when Nine started regenerating. He was my first Doctor as well and I told my son "NO way! NO how! Not EVER will I give the next Doctor a chance!"   Throughout Ten's first episode I kept shouting, "I want my Doctor back!!"

Of course, then I fell in love with Ten and the rest is history..

But Nine.  Nine pulled me into the show I thought I'd never watch.


The Slitheen were pretty stinky, heh heh.


"Nine pulled me into the show I thought I'd never watch."



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Christopher Eccleston was definitely my favourite NuWho Doctor (unless you count Paul McGann's cameo in Night of the Doctor, but that was more a lament for what might have been) - it's a real shame he didn't come back for the 50th anniversary. He captured both the Darkness ("It's Evil!" "You're the one holding the gun!") and the Joy ("Everyone Lives!") of the Doctor and made them both believable from the same character.


However, he's not going to eclipse Tom in my picture of what the Doctor is really like (he was my first Doctor and Whovians really are just imprintable ducklings!).

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I just finished watching CE's season on Netflix. First time I saw him and I have to say he really was fantastic. I mean Matt Smith was/is my favorite Doctor but Christopher Eccleston is about the claim the top spot. He was just great. I'm sad there's only one season with him.  I wasn't a big David Tennant fan but I didn't catch him from the beginning (I came in during the Runaway Bride) and I didn't stay with him, he just got too pompous for me. But wow Nine was a real treat.

Edited by jah1986
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I just finished watching CE's season on Netflix. First time I saw him and I have to see he really was fantastic. I mean Matt Smith was/is my favorite Doctor but Christopher Eccleston is about the claim the top spot. He was just great. I'm sad there's only one season with him.  I wasn't a big David Tennant fan but I didn't catch him from the beginning (I came in during the Runaway Bride) and I didn't stay with him, he just got too pompous for me. But wow Nine was a real treat.


Ah yes, another CE fan.  We welcome you!

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However, he's not going to eclipse Tom in my picture of what the Doctor is really like (he was my first Doctor and Whovians really are just imprintable ducklings!).


That is hilarious because Tom was my first and still my favorite.  I mean he was the Doctor from 1974 to 1981! he OWNED that role!


Doctor Who went away for many years and I sort of forgot about it and then I heard the New Who was staring with a new Doctor. So I gave it  a watch. Wow! Christopher Eccleston stole my heart!


He and Billie Piper have the greatest chemistry I have seen between two actors in a good long time. I loved their relationship. hey! I even like the Boom Town episode. I mean Rose trying to remember and actually say the name of the planet of the slitheens! was too funny.


In fact, I like every ep from Nine's tenure.


  • Love 7

Christopher Eccleston was definitely my favourite NuWho Doctor (unless you count Paul McGann's cameo in Night of the Doctor, but that was more a lament for what might have been) - it's a real shame he didn't come back for the 50th anniversary. He captured both the Darkness ("It's Evil!" "You're the one holding the gun!") and the Joy ("Everyone Lives!") of the Doctor and made them both believable from the same character.


However, he's not going to eclipse Tom in my picture of what the Doctor is really like (he was my first Doctor and Whovians really are just imprintable ducklings!).



Ha!  Four was my first and will always be my favorite Doctor.  I really adored Christopher Ecceston in the role and thought he was the perfect choice to re-launch Doctor Who.

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Throughout Ten's first episode I kept shouting, "I want my Doctor back!!"

I totally loved that one of the first things Rose asked Ten was whether he could change back. CE was able to muster the kind of gravitas that made you believe that even a Dalek would consider him a threat. A strong Doctor means that the writers don't have to water down his companion(s) and associates to keep him the hero of the show.


One aspect of Nine's season I liked was that it addressed issues that were glossed over in prior seasons, like does anyone ever have second thoughts about running off with this "Doctor" guy they hardly know? Are there any consequences to them disappearing? Seeing Nine get slapped by Rose's mother was fantastic.

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Oddly, one of the things I adore about Nine is just how weird and traumatized RTD allowed him to be. Ten and Eleven both had a certain baseline faith in themselves from the very beginning that just isn't present early in Nine's run. Seeing them build to that, and seeing Nine progress to where he could really be the Doctor again, was amazing. 

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That's much of the reason why, as much as I love Ten, Nine's year is probably the best NuWho year.  There wasn't just a narrative arc the way most of the seasons had; everyone changed and grew over the course of the series, Rose and Jack and Nine (heck, and Jackie and Mickey too).  It's all tied up so beautifully in those episodes, and I suspect if even if it had been cancelled and there weren't any more episodes after that series, we'd still be talking about it here and elsewhere.


Nine went from (in my opinion) not caring if he lived or died in the first episodes to caring very much by the end but still sacrificing himself for Rose.  Jack, too, began with a very bad view of himself and ended up being a hero, and Rose of course went from shopgirl to Bad Wolf.  It all felt organic to me, not forced at all, and it was just wonderful.  I hope someday the writing and plotting at least matches it again.

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For some reason or another, my daughter and I decided to watch Bad Wolf and The Parting of the Ways before we watched the Season 8 Premier.  I don't know why, it just felt like we needed to.


I think subconsciously, we didn't want to forget him.  Peter Capaldi is now the 4th Doctor of NuWho, and I think we didn't want to forget our roots.  As much as I loved the premier ... at the moment, the reminder today is that Nine is still my favorite. 

Christopher Eccleston is the ONLY reason I got into Dr. Who. I was familiar with him, as an actor, before watching the show. David Tennant kind of scared me off the series because the commercials for the series on BBC America, he looked like a Jim Carrey rip off (and no, that's not a good thing, since I can't stand Jim Carrey, at all.). I held my nose, after 9 regenerated, and loved 10, but yes, I always mourned my Doctor...The Ninth Doctor.


He will always remain my favorite.

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Nine is also my favorite.  I was not a fan of the old Doctor Who.  I found Four and Five tolerable, sometimes, and occasionally enjoyable but I suffered through the old Who because classic Degrassi came on right after on our local PBS (shallow tween that I was).  I liked the Doctors and some of the plots but the terrible special effects were too much for me.  My mom and brother were huge fans.  They have both been reluctant to watch new Who but I know my brother finally took the plunge and loved it.  I have a better appreciation of old Doctor Who now, and I do enjoy watching them from time to time.  In some ways Tom Baker is also the doctor I always think about first.


However, Eccleston brought such tremendous energy/terror/madness/fun to the role that he really, really rejuvenated all the good in past doctors and put his own stamp on it in such a way that I still miss him more than I miss Tennant or Smith.  His interaction with his companion and her family, his suspicion of Jack, his dark side and light side were all magnificently done.  I think the very first New Who I saw was a Tennant episode but it was interesting enough to check it out and discover that Nine really was fantastic.

Edited by polyhymnia
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Does BBC America ever rerun Nine episodes? Even though I can stream when I want, I tend to watch during marathons (which I am today). Eleven appears to get the most play, followed, of course by Twelve, the reigning Doctor. Ten's episodes seem to appear during late night or on special occasions. I don't recall ever seeing a Nine episode.

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There appears to be some very bad blood there. He was the only surviving Doctor who didn't record interviews for the 50th Anniversary programming.

This is unfortunate. Just because Eccleston is not popular with execs doesn't mean he's unpopular with fans. Nine was my first Doctor and I was heartbroken to see him go (despite me growing to adore Tennant obsessively). For fans who only watch BBC America reruns, the Ninth Doctor might as well not exist. Seriously, I've seen more of Eight and One Half (John Hurt) due to BBC America's endless replay of The Day of the Doctor.

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From what I've read, there was disorganisation behind the scenes. The scheduling would change. He'd prepare for one scene, then end up shooting another one. Plus one higher-up was very stuck up. Him having a working-class Northern accent and all. That's what I've read, I can't remember the sources of this. Take it with as much salt as you want.

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The general consensus is that the filming of season one was chaotic as hell, and Ecclestons father was ill at the time. Eccles wanted to be able to visit whenever possible, but would find his free time being eaten into because scenes that should have been recorded at an agreed time were held back to be recorded in what was supposed to be time off. Plus, the director of the first set of Eccles episodes apparently set up a stunt, and didn't care when it went wrong, and a flaming sofa nearly landed on a bunch of extras. Eccles blew his stack over this, and had to be placated to continue filming the series. Also, Eccles is notorious for not sticking around, or returning to successful characters if he thinks there's nothing new to say about them, so he was never going to do a 7 year long haul.


All of this is fan rumour, and things said by friends of friends of the production team. Everyone concerned has been very closed mouth, apart from Eccles saying in one Q&A with acting students that he left because he couldn't stay somewhere where members of staff who might not be considered very important were treated badly.


However, Eccleston has never been less than proud of his work on the series, and has always been happy to meeet fans and sign things. Here's foortage of Eccles in character helping one fan propose:




And another where he's talking to a sick boy:




Basically, we may not have had Chris for loing, but by God, we were lucky to get him.

Edited by HauntedBathroom
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I know Chris a little bit. I've never spoken to him about what happened during his time on DW (though from all accounts the info in Joe and HauntedBathroom's posts is accurate) but he's so positive towards DW and DW fans nowadays I don't believe there is any bad blood or negative feelings anymore. I know he was willing to be in the 50th and only ended up dropping out due to there not being a finished script. I don't know why BBCA don't rerun his episodes but it has nothing to do with Chris personally. It's not like they need to get permission from or even tell the actors before doing reruns.

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I don't know why BBCA don't rerun his episodes but it has nothing to do with Chris personally. It's not like they need to get permission from or even tell the actors before doing reruns.

This is what I'm curious about. I've read the gossip about the supposed bad blood. Yet (even if true) that doesn't mean Nine should not be seen in reruns. I saw a commercial today that purposefully showed only 10, 11, and 12 in the spot promoting the upcoming marathon. I'm upset that a new generation of Whovians might have a hard time discovering Nine (unless they purchase DVDs or stream).


If BBC America is indeed refusing to show Nine's episodes because of some decade-old beef, it's petty and ridiculous. Eccleston was wonderful. It's shameful for his Doctor to be overlooked and downplayed.

Edited by eXiled
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That really makes no sense and honestly I haven't anyone suggest this as a reason. BBCAmerica are a separate network from the BBC proper, and they have nothing to do with production of the show. The chances that the head of scheduling for BBCA is even aware of the fact that a decade ago one of the actors had a "beef" with one of the directors is pretty small. Even if they were aware of it, why would they remotely care? The people Chris didn't get on with left the show years ago. It's not like he ever had any beef with or any negativity towards the show itself.


The only reason BBCA don't show reruns of his episodes is because they've decided, and God knows why or what focus grouping they've done to come to this decision, is that those reruns won't be successful enough or get good enough ratings or perhaps won't do well enough for the money.

Edited by Eozostrodon
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Eccleston is my favorite Doctor and I grew up on Tom Baker reruns. I've liked the others well enough (Tennant more than Smith and Capaldi whenever they keep that stupid guitar out of his hands) but I don't think the reboot would have worked without the "realism" for lack of a better word that Eccleston brought to it. Doctor Who has always been campy but, after being dormant for years, it was remembered more for terrible props than good story telling. Eccleston acted like he believed what he was saying and made the listener believe it too. I was hooked on NuWho from this speech forward:

Rose: Really though, Doctor. Tell me. Who are you?

The Doctor: Do you know like we were saying, about the earth revolving? It's like when you're a kid, the first time they tell you that the world is turning and you just can't quite believe it 'cause everything looks like it's standing still. I can feel it...  the turn of the earth. The ground beneath our feet is spinning at a thousand miles an hour. The entire planet is hurtling around the sun at sixty seven thousand miles an hour. And I can feel it. We're falling through space, you and me, clinging to the skin of this tiny little world. And, if we let go...

[He releases her hand]

The Doctor: That's who I am. Now forget me, Rose Tyler. Go home.

It's a really tricky speech to pull off without sounding silly or pompous and he so nailed it that it's still to me the best description of who the Doctor is.

Edited by rab01
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I'm a total noob, just started watching this on Netflix and almost through season one.  I am already sorely disappointed that Eccleston only did one season.  He really was terrific, and you have all this wonderful character development and the chemistry between him and Billie Piper to set up subsequent seasons and then it's all over when it was just getting started.  Of course I still look forward to all the other seasons but that's a bit of a downer.


My memories of Doctor Who are sketchy, just catching glimpses of it on PBS or whatever when channel surfing in the 70s and 80s.  I see Netflix has a sort of greatest hits sampling from each of about 18 seasons, so I'm going to watch some of those for a bit of history.  But the newest version is a delight to watch.

Edited by Dobian
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I'm completely devastated that Netflix had dropped Doctor Who because BBCAmerica seems to flat out refuse to acknowledge the Ninth Doctor so his episodes never get shown.  I really loved all of his episodes, but The Empty Child / The Doctor Dances are the ones that I rewatch the most.  I started watching with no idea of the concept of regeneration, so I was completely thrown when it happened.  I looked at my son and yelled "Why is my Doctor now Barty Crouch, Jr.?!?!".  I've since grown to love Tennant, Smith, and Capaldi, all for different reasons, but Eccleston will always be MY Doctor.

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While I'm personally fonder of Tennant and my absolute favorite NewWho episodes (School Reunion and Blink) were in his run, I actually think Eccleston's season was the strongest of the renewed series. And I think he's responsible for the most consistently good acting in the title role, though the last few episodes show Capaldi might have been able to challenge him if he'd had better writing for a whole season.

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If I heard him say that it'd get my nose out of joint. While there were many problems in the classic run of Doctor Who, the acting ability of the leads were not among them. Sylvester McCoy in particular brought dignity and professionalism to the role even as the story quality nosedived, and Paul McGann did as well as anyone could have while saddled with that awful TV movie script and Eric Roberts delivering his lines around heaping mouthfuls of scenery.

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