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Outlander In The Media


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Thank you for linking to this. Verzak's synopsis/review is a thing of beauty. Her before and after pictures are so on point that I almost started crying again, but I'm at work so I bit the inside of my cheek instead.


I watch a fair amount of series television, and I agree with Verzak that the Outlander cast reigns supreme. Other series have outstanding actors, maybe even several, but there are always a few who have been miscast or are weak/mediocre. This series is unparalleled in terms of choosing actors who embody the characters completely. IMO, they never put a foot wrong.

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A friend of mine follows this "reviewer" on twitter and she drew my attention to her because the reviewer's seen the last two episodes ahead of time -- as reviewers do -- and apparently, she was so traumatized by episode 16, she has vowed not to review/follow the show for season 2, which I think is great to be honest. Hopefully, someone else will take over for her (unless the site decides to stop following Outlander) who will review the show and not put a lot of other expectations on it, like this:



Outlander? A fun historical romance? Quickly taken a dark turn? I think this lady expected Downton Abbey or -- if you read historical romance --  someone like Julia Quinn who is very clever and writes charming romances that *are* humorous.


In any event, everything this reviewer says about what Claire or Jamie should've done is not what *was* done in the book. If Moore and Company had changed the plot that drastically or given Claire skills she doesn't have *then* everyone else would be saying that Moore was creating a Mary Sue situation to give our heroes amazing skills to thwart a whole prison full of guards and soldiers, every single time.



And, you would have had to have everything line up just so, giving our characters every advantage to have it come out differently. But, you know, that's normally what happens in most adventure stories. *This* story says no. Things don't always work out well every single time and heroes have to suffer in order to have something to overcome.

It hurts my heart when recappers and reviewers get so caught up in their own narrative and narrow world view that they miss or misinterpret plot points just to have a rant.  I lost count of how many wrong statements there were in that review.  So annoying.  One can dislike the episode or the show, but it should be because of what is actually in the show, not because of what one makes up -- especially if one is being paid to write a review.  A reader shouldn't have to fact-check a review. 

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Right, here's the antidote to the gutting fan film I posted above.


#1: an excellent interview with a very funny Sam about surviving "hunk" status.



#2: a fan film of our happy family of Outlander cast & crew enjoying their work


Edited by WatchrTina
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I feel sure that someone must already have linked to this interview with Ira Steven Behr, and I did look through the thread, but I'm someone who is capable of searching a bookcase for a half hour only to discover that the book is six inches from my face:




The following leaped out at me:


"It was much easier to write this episode than it was to be on set. I know how this is probably going to look in print, but the fact is the five or six days we shot were without a doubt the most uncomfortable and worst I’ve ever spent on a set. Most crews on TV shows and film are very matter-of-fact, tough hombres. And they do that job no matter what’s being filmed. This time, though, everyone was feeling it. The guys would walk past me and go, “When is this going to end?” I’ve never had that happen before. Same with hair and makeup and costume — I would check with them on occasion after a particularly harrowing scene and, I kid you not, there were tears. I’d never seen that before."


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Not sure where I should post this, but in case you're worried about spoilers for the next episode, the only spoiler-ish thing below is a small mention regarding the type & quantity of nudity in the finale. 


From NY Magazine's "To Do" list for May 20 - June 3:


To Watch: Outlander

Fans of this time-traveling female-gaze bodice-ripper have clamored for more male nudity - and boy, do they get it in the finale. But under what terms?  After being saved from the noose, our hero is trapped in a prison cell with his nemesis, the sexual sadist Black Jack Randall. Just give Sam Heughan the Emmy now.

Not sure where I should post this, but in case you're worried about spoilers for the next episode, the only spoiler-ish thing below is a small mention regarding the type & quantity of nudity in the finale. 


From NY Magazine's "To Do" list for May 20 - June 3:


To Watch: Outlander

Fans of this time-traveling female-gaze bodice-ripper have clamored for more male nudity - and boy, do they get it in the finale. But under what terms?  After being saved from the noose, our hero is trapped in a prison cell with his nemesis, the sexual sadist Black Jack Randall. Just give Sam Heughan the Emmy now.


I love the last sentence, but otherwise this makes me tear up. Kristin Dos Santos better not be exaggerating about the payoff at the end of the episode.

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I love the last sentence, but otherwise this makes me tear up. Kristin Dos Santos better not be exaggerating about the payoff at the end of the episode.


Agreed. Sam's gonna rip out my heart.


I think a lot of it comes down to clock management. They need to do a better job than "Devil's Mark", where the witch trial length overshadowed the focus and meaningfulness of the stones and fireside scenes. We need some serious Jamie soul saving and Claire & Jamie relationship deepening in the last 1/2 to 1/3 of the finale. Here's hoping...

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Sam's performance from "Wentworth Prison" has already gutted me.


And I will admit, I did a huge squee when I listened to this one interview (radio), where it was revealed he played Batman on stage in "The Batman Show" I think it was called. If ye all couldna tell from my avatar, Bats is my favorite comic book hero Ever!




I'm totally going to have my Chivas sitting on the coffee table, along with a shot glass when I'm watching the finale.

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 This is an interesting article. It mirrors some of what initially attracted me to the show. This whole concept of a time-traveling romance with a woman getting a second or multiple chances at love and adventure.  Of course I wish now I had read this or something like it before to caution me about the Jack/Jamie slash and having to get so intimately acquainted with a sexual predator while watching this show.

Highland flings and time travel: have you been watching Outlander? (The Guardian)



And an article from Mashable about rape scenes on TV, including discussion of Outlander:


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The romance book site that I spend most of my romance reader time on (All About Romance or AAR) has blogged about the show.


Here's their take. One person was a book reader, one was not. And then the commentary by other visitors to the site after:


The Second Half of the First Season of Outlander is almost over. We have thoughts.


Diana posted links to these two reviews on her Facebook page.  


First Playboy.com weighs in:  



Here's my favorite bit, about the Jamie/Jack confrontations:


The scene was flawlessly acted, written for screen just as the author intended, and brilliantly directed.


Here's the second one:



My favorite bit:


Foerster largely stayed with Jamie’s perspective during this episode, first watching fellow prisoners at the gallows and then chained in the dungeon. When we see Black Jack, we feel as Jamie does: Terrified but resolute; resigning himself to the approaching, unknown suffering. Black Jack, as a villain, is just as twisted as Ramsay in "GoT," but he’s not cartoonish, not a mustache-twirler -- he's horrifying.


Both articles compare and contrast the latest episodes of Outlander and Game of Thrones and the strong reaction that the followed their very different depictions of sexual assault.


Looking forward to listening to this. (Haven't yet.) OutlanderCast (Mary and Blake) did an interview with director, Mike Barker, who directed the episodes Devil's Mark and Lallybroch.




Just listening to the beginning of the interview, seems they have sound problems ... sounds like the guy's in a cave. Hopefully, it works out.

Edited by Nidratime

Okay, I listened the the Outlander Cast interview with the director of The Devil's Mark and Lallybroch and, quite frankly, between Petunia846's comment above and my own very strong feelings about how Claire's decision at the stones was portrayed (i.e., barely and ambiguously) I went in prepared to hate on everyone involved. Bottom line -- I laughed a LOT. It was a good interview. I heard some interesting things about the making of these two episodes and I heard some hysterically funny stories involving the words penis, knob, cock, and winky and learned the term "cock-sock." I hope Sam and Tobias NEVER listen to this podcast (even though the director is at pains to assure the listening audience that neither Sam nor Tobias has a "winky.") It also reminded me of a tweet from Lotte about doing ADR for The Devils Mark in which she included the hashtag #MyThroat. The podcast explains that the director had the extras reacting loudly to everything that happened at the trial and so the actors were forced to shout non-stop for 4 days.

Bottom line: It was a good interview. I'm still disappointed in the portrayal of Claire's decision at the stones (or the lack thereof) and I think I will make a point of skipping the first and last 5 minutes of any pod-cast by these two because they get really self-indulgent, allowing their Boston accents to broaden and talking at length about themselves, but now that I know that they can conduct a good interview when they score a good guest, I might listen to them again.

Edited by WatchrTina


Bottom line: It was a good interview. I'm still disappointed in the portrayal of Claire's decision at the stones (or the lack thereof) and I think I will make a point of skipping the first and last 5 minutes of any pod-cast by these two because they get really self-indulgent, allowing their Boston accents to broaden and talking at length about themselves, but now that I know that they can conduct a good interview when they score a good guest, I might listen to them again.


Have you listened to their interview with "The Wedding" director Anna Foerster? It's very good and she has the best bts story of what Cait told Sam before one of their scenes  that Sam made the best reaction face ever.

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A couple of articles about the finale and series as a whole. They don't get into specifics of the last episode; the most spoiler-ish thing is one of Jamie's lines from the finale quoted in the first article. If you've read the books, not much to worry about here.


Outlander finale: responsible violence in drama



'Outlander' Season 1 finale proves it's the most fearless show on TV


Okay I need HELP, someone in my home decided to start saving money on our cable bill by getting rid of Starz today!  Does anyone know of anyplace on line where I can catch the season finale and possibly regain my sanity? Thanks in advance.

Oh no! That's awful!

If you call the cable company, they can likely hook you up immediately. Most cable companies have 24/7 support. If that doesn't work, go to Starz website. There might be something there that can get you hooked up.


Interview by EW with both Ron Moore and the last two episodes' director, Anna Foerster. Some talk of the second season and about whether Tobias is in it.


Outlander EP Ronald Moore, director Anna Foerster explain season finale rape scene



ETA: A link to a short "article" pointing out that the Outlander finale got people talking via twitter, with examples.


'Outlander' season finale's graphic violence gets Twitter talking


Edited by Nidratime
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I have to say, I don't usually seek out the behind the scenes articles on shows-- except for watching every extra feature if I buy the DVD of a series. But I really love these interviews with RDM (the guy must be sick of them by now), because he's really open and thoughtful when he's explaining why he cut or changed or rearranged stuff from the book. I also enjoy the insights into how the actors approached these episodes, not from the actors themselves because they aren't always very good at explaining the process to non-actors, but from RDM and the director. I feel like I GET some of the craft of the show now.

ETA: I hope they don't let the fans influence their vision for season 2. Too many shows go off the rails because show runners start catering to a part of the fandom and lose the thread (coughBattlestarGalactica). Just trust the source material and tell the best story you can, RDM.

Edited by Archery
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Connie Verzak's photo recap of the season finale in ScotlandNow is up!




Amazingly, she brings the funny even to this episode.  But her serious observations are also spot-on including this one:



“Too much, and not enough,” Jamie says to Claire when describing what Randall did to him, and it’s an apt summary of the episode as a whole.

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