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Which Podcasts Fuel Your Listening Pleasure?


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New recommendations.  Two major ones, and one conditional.
1.) Point vs. Point 
If anyone's seen my posts, you'll know The Dollop is a podcast I decided I really loved a ton. It's maybe the 2nd funniest one I listen to (after "My Dad Wrote A Porno"). 
Well a big part of why I like The Dollop is Gareth Reynolds, who's got his tongue planted so firmly in his cheek it's practically glued there. I didn't realize though that he had another podcast, Point vs. Point, and I am extending my recommendation to that after listening to it this week. It's in a way even crazier than The Dollop (which is mostly funny for the stories his co-star Dave Anthony tells and then Gareth's reactions), because Point vs. Point, which Gareth does along with someone named Evan Mann, treats both Gareth and Evan as CHARACTERS--hyper-real insane versions of themselves. There's no specific uber-theme to the podcast other than that it's theoretically them talking about Current Events in the News. Which they meander from a lot to snipe at each other and construct whole insane "subplots" they carry between episodes.
2.) The Beef and Dairy Network Podcast
Okay... do you like Monty Python? I do. And I found a Podcast that's the closest thing I've heard/seen in years to it--unforced and unintentionally like it I mean rather than someone deliberately aping them. It's The Beef and Dairy Network Podcast. Which... well... it is about the Beef and Dairy Industry, and an organization/show commenting and reporting on it. Sort of. It's a joke construct, like the SCTV TV station on SCTV. Because it is instead an absurdest take using that as a launching pad for all kinds of craziness. Warning: it IS pretty UK-ish in terms of its references.  If you can't get past that to interpret the references, you may not enjoy this at all. If you can... you may.
3.) The Worst Idea of All Time PodcastTil Death Do Us Blart
A lesser recommendation, just for the audaciousness of the idea more than the execution is "The Worst Idea of All Time" Podcast. The notion here is that these guys (I think they're Kiwis, from New Zealand) commit to watching the same super-shitty movie and talking about it every week for a full year. I believe at this point they've done "Grown Ups 2" and "Sex and The City 2". I've only listened to a few episodes so far, and it is a tough hill to climb, but I also got some laughs too. So this is only a tentative recommendation until I listen to more. They did also do another podcast, with some other co-hosts, called "Til Death Do Us Blart", which is a variant of the idea. Instead of watching and talking about a shitty movie once per week for a year, they picked a shitty movie (Paul Blart, Mall Cop 2) and committed to watching it once per YEAR... theoretically for the rest of their lives (it's only been one year so far).  THAT I listened to in its entirety, because as I said it's only one episode until next November (the rollover is each Thanksgiving, which is a weird date to pick when Kiwis are involved, but their partners in that podcast are Americans).

Edited by Kromm
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A lesser recommendation, just for the audaciousness of the idea more than the execution is "The Worst Idea of All Time" Podcast. The notion here is that these guys (I think they're Kiwis, from New Zealand) commit to watching the same super-shitty movie and talking about it every week for a full year.

They also recently did a cross-over of sorts with the Thrilling Adventure Hour, relating to their year of "Grown Ups 2".  Near the end of the year, the two Kiwis (I checked; they are.) attempted to write the script of the movie from memory.  Then later, the Workjuice Players (the performance company behind TAH) did a table read of what they wrote.  Take a listen.


I am so appreciative of this thread for introducing me to new podcasts, especially My Dad Wrote a Porno (which returns July 4!). 

A couple on my roster I don't think have been mentioned are The West Wing Weekly (hosted by Joshua Malina and Hrishikesh Hirway) and Dear Book Nerd. Neither is exactly a personal favorite of mine. TWWW hasn't quite hit its stride yet, IMO, although it's still early days. It's a bit sterile for my TV recap podcast tastes. My favorite, favorite podcast (and piece of media overall right now?) is Gilmore Guys, which is diametrically opposed to TWWW in terms of style. On yesterday's episode of Gilmore Guys, guest Matt Mira (of Nerdist and James Bonding podcast fame) made a funny but excellent point about east coast versus west coast podcasts--i.e., heavily edited, NPR-style versus the loose, improvisational, listening in on friends having fun quality that Gilmore Guys, for a prime example, has. West Wing Weekly is a west coast podcast with an east coast sensibility, I think, and that's why I have a hard time being terribly excited about it. (I love NPR-style podcasts! Just not for this particular kind of recapping.) I like both Hirway and Malina, though--and Malina's involvement gives the show an undeniably interesting twist--so I plan to stick with it.

Dear Book Nerd is a literature advice podcast from Book Riot. I love the show and the purpose it serves, but I feel like they spend too long on each question. I felt the same way with Dear Sugar Radio, which I unsubscribed from a few months ago. I love advice columns in print, but for some reason they make me very impatient in podcast form. I tend to let a few episodes of this one pile up and then play them while I'm cleaning, doing laundry, or drifting off to sleep (regular host Rita Meade has a very soothing voice).

My commitment to Gilmore Guys limits my overall podcast listening time, because the reality is they're releasing around six hours' worth of content most weeks. I think I could do with even more, though! I'm going to miss it terribly when it's over. Other favorites are Serial (or, well, one and a half seasons of Serial) and Pop Culture Happy Hour, which were my gateway podcasts, as they were for quite a few people I know.

Edited by narrating
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New one (well, new to me--it's been around for a while).

Hello From The Magic Tavern.  



Hello! I’m Arnie. I fell through a magical dimensional portal behind a Burger King in Chicago and found myself in a strange magical land called “Foon.” I’m still somehow getting a weak wi-fi signal from the Burger King so I host a weekly podcast from the tavern the Vermilion Minotaur, interviewing monsters, wizards and adventurers.

Only listened to a little bit of this so far, but it's pretty funny. D&D/LOTR/Fantasy fans will enjoy it I'd think, but I actually think it may play even better with people who aren't fantasy nerds. Because it's totally mocking that stuff hardcore--so it kind of takes the piss out of it.

The one aspect I hated was the "this wasn't real" disclaimer. They did that so they could add in sponsorships/commercials, and I get it, but it was unnecessary. 

If anyone is a fan of the Radiolab podcast, they just started a spinoff called "More Perfect" that centers around Supreme Court cases and it is excellent.  They do a great job of making subjects that could be dry and confusing, and making them engaging and easy to understand.  I can't recommend it enough.  

Also, Reply All just finished up a 4-part series called "On the Inside" about a man who claims he was falsely convicted of a murder which was fantastic.  I won't giveaway what happens, but it was one of the most intriguing series of podcast episodes I've heard in awhile.

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1 hour ago, Princess Sparkle said:

If anyone is a fan of the Radiolab podcast, they just started a spinoff called "More Perfect" that centers around Supreme Court cases and it is excellent.  They do a great job of making subjects that could be dry and confusing, and making them engaging and easy to understand.  I can't recommend it enough.  

I contemplated listening to that the other day and backed off mainly because I couldn't really tell from the episode descriptions what cases they'd be covering and if I cared going into it about those areas. I may still give it a shot.

On 6/21/2016 at 9:54 AM, Princess Sparkle said:

If anyone is a fan of the Radiolab podcast, they just started a spinoff called "More Perfect" that centers around Supreme Court cases and it is excellent.  They do a great job of making subjects that could be dry and confusing, and making them engaging and easy to understand.  I can't recommend it enough.

I saw this but haven't listened. I've been one of those fans who's been annoyed at all of the non-hard science episodes that they've been putting out lately. I've got a social science degree, but I really enjoyed what they did with stories about biology, chemistry, etc. With the spinoff, maybe I'll quit pouting and listen.

Edited by LJonEarth

God, this is so strange, how does this keep happening?  I think have weird tastes.  Anyway, I've been through the entire thread, confident as could be that someone else was in here enthusiastically recommending this podcast, but unless I missed it, apparently not.  

The Dork Forest   is a lot of fun.  Every episode has a different topic and it's always going to be about something....well kind of dorky, I suppose.  The most recent one was about Alice in Wonderland and the guest is a woman who has podcast about Alice in Wonderland.  She's just incredibly enthusiastic and knowledgeable about all things Alice.  Candidly?  I don't care that much about Alice in Wonderland, but I loved the episode and I always end up loving the episodes because every last one of them is like that:  A topic and usually a guest with a particular and sometimes peculiar interest.  

Basically, if you like enthusiastically dorking out with people over how much they love something, it's a great listen.  

Similarly, I like the Story Wonk podcasts, in particular, Dusted  is a lot of fun.  It's examining every episode of Buffy and Angel from the perspective of writers, story structure, etc. etc.   The two people who run it are both writers and they also have an Outlander podcast.  I don't watch Outlander, but it seems quite popular.  They are also the team that did We Used to Be Friends.  


Want to reiterate that the "More Perfect" podcast is so fucking good. Possibly the best factual podcast going today. The "Object Anyway" episode covers pre-emptory challenges and the Batson rule.  It's absolutely ridiculous how hard it is to get a judge to use his or her damn common sense when a prosecutor dismisses all minority members of a jury for bullshit reasons.

One thing I wondered: If the defendant of a trial is white, do prosecutors bother to exclude minority jury members given that they seem to believe that minorities don't trust the police? (wonder why)

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Jessica Williams (of TDS fame) and her BFF Phoebe Robinson have a podcast called 2 Dope Queens. The podcast is funny and topical, and there are also guest stand-up comedians, who are also really funny. Someone on another thread said she was probably too old for this podcast, and I see what she means. I don't think I'm too old, but I'm used to comedy podcasts that are a little more mellow (Denzel Washington..., Sklarbro Country, How did this get made?) and those podcast hosts happen to be in their 30s and 40s. 

Jessica Williams (whom I adore) is 26. I can't find Phoebe's age, but she's energetic and kinda loud like Jessica. There's nothing wrong with them per se. They are very intelligent and enlightened women. But they're a little sillier and more hyperactive than I'm used to. I like their podcast, but I can only take it in small doses. YMMV

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On 4/10/2016 at 0:19 PM, ooh.boo said:

I'm going to second this recommendation. The hosts are Georgia Hardstark, of Alie & Georgia, and Karen Kilgariff, who was on Mr. Show. I think they strike a good tone as far as being funny but also respectful of the crimes and their victims. They've also requested listeners email their hometown murders, and sometimes the hosts read those emails, so it's a little bonus crime information. I just wish there were more episodes since I've binged all the archives!

I just started to listening this and I recommended it to my friend who had suggested Sword and Scale.  On this podcast they kept mention Last Podcast to the Left, so I started listening to that too (not as much my style).  I love the Hometown murder one and I am super tempted to write it in, but I am just starting so i want to make sure nobody else has mentioned it. 

If anyone is a fan of Neil Gaiman's The Sandman, there's a good podcast out now called The Dreaming, in which a couple go through each issue of The Sandman in detail, with lots of uncovered details, references, and Easter eggs you've never realized. One of the hosts is brand new to the series, so every episode is a revelation for her.  The other host is Joe Fulgham from the recently defunct science comedy podcast Caustic Soda. Also, the artwork for the podcast is adorable.


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On 7/25/2016 at 3:07 PM, topanga said:

Jessica Williams (of TDS fame) and her BFF Phoebe Robinson have a podcast called 2 Dope Queens. The podcast is funny and topical, and there are also guest stand-up comedians, who are also really funny. Someone on another thread said she was probably too old for this podcast, and I see what she means. I don't think I'm too old, but I'm used to comedy podcasts that are a little more mellow (Denzel Washington..., Sklarbro Country, How did this get made?) and those podcast hosts happen to be in their 30s and 40s. 

Jessica Williams (whom I adore) is 26. I can't find Phoebe's age, but she's energetic and kinda loud like Jessica. There's nothing wrong with them per se. They are very intelligent and enlightened women. But they're a little sillier and more hyperactive than I'm used to. I like their podcast, but I can only take it in small doses. YMMV

Phoebe is in her early-to-mid-thirties.  I enjoy the two of them (Phoebe & Jessica) but I've had to turn off several of the comics.

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One of my more recent favorite podcasts has been The Babysitters Club Club.  It's two guys that read The Babysitters Club books - one who read them as a kid, one who's reading them for the first time - and it's hilarious.  I can't even do it justice to try and describe it, but it makes me laugh as hard as two of my other favorite comedy podcasts (How Did This Get Made and The Dollop).

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3 hours ago, Princess Sparkle said:

One of my more recent favorite podcasts has been The Babysitters Club Club.  It's two guys that read The Babysitters Club books - one who read them as a kid, one who's reading them for the first time - and it's hilarious.  I can't even do it justice to try and describe it, but it makes me laugh as hard as two of my other favorite comedy podcasts (How Did This Get Made and The Dollop).

If you are a Dollop fan, have you tried Point vs. Point?  It's one of the same guys from that (Gareth), doing something very different.  The humor in it is, perhaps, way too crude, but its interesting to see the guy in something else.

@ABay posted this in the Chit-Chat thread:

On August 9, 2016 at 6:34 PM, ABay said:

I’ve been listening to a lot of podcasts this summer, and one I really like is Mystery Show. Unfortunately, there are only 6 episodes so far, but the premise and execution are really interesting.

In each episode the podcaster solves a mystery, and the mysteries are things like “I checked a video out from a rental place in Tribeca in the ‘80s, and the next day the store disappeared. What happened?”, “Why was Britney Spears holding a copy of my book in this photo?”, and “I found this very cool belt buckle in a gutter when I was a kid. Can you find the owner and return it?” (That one is particularly good.) Everyone she interviews along the way has a story or something unusual that comes up.

My only quibble is that the podcaster [Starlee Kine] has a habit of saying 4 words. Pause. Then another few words. Pause. Then finish the sentence. But this is a small thing and doesn’t interfere (much) with my enjoyment of the episodes.

Edited by editorgrrl
I'm on the sixth + final episode now, which was more than 2 years ago. I want more!

@editorgrrl, I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

I was thinking about something @StatisticalOutlier said in the Chit Chat thread and how many podcasts I've dropped for aural reasons. I made it through one episode of My Favorite Murder and decided never to listen to another because 1. it wasn't investigatory and 2. the excruciating vocal fry. I listened to a couple of episodes of Stuff They Don't Want You to Know but one of the guys has a voice that grates on my ears. It's his tone but I can't describe why it annoys me. After one and a half episodes of Generation Why, I ditched it because one of the guys is just an enormous douche and I didn't like listening to him. Last Podcast on the Left needs to calm the fuck down and fix their sound levels before I try another episode. I have to spread out listening to Pop Culture Happy Hour because one of the guys has that irritating overly-precise nerd intonation and I want to slap him. And I didn't even get through one full episode of a true crime podcast I can't remember the name of because it was too chaotic--the podcaster was used to making visual works and hadn't adequately adapted to audio only--and he had that weird British thing where Rs become Ws. 

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On 8/17/2016 at 11:17 AM, ABay said:

@editorgrrl, I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

I was thinking about something @StatisticalOutlier said in the Chit Chat thread and how many podcasts I've dropped for aural reasons. I made it through one episode of My Favorite Murder and decided never to listen to another because 1. it wasn't investigatory and 2. the excruciating vocal fry. I listened to a couple of episodes of Stuff They Don't Want You to Know but one of the guys has a voice that grates on my ears. It's his tone but I can't describe why it annoys me. After one and a half episodes of Generation Why, I ditched it because one of the guys is just an enormous douche and I didn't like listening to him. Last Podcast on the Left needs to calm the fuck down and fix their sound levels before I try another episode. I have to spread out listening to Pop Culture Happy Hour because one of the guys has that irritating overly-precise nerd intonation and I want to slap him. And I didn't even get through one full episode of a true crime podcast I can't remember the name of because it was too chaotic--the podcaster was used to making visual works and hadn't adequately adapted to audio only--and he had that weird British thing where Rs become Ws. 

I thought it was just me. I'll drop a podcast if the sound quality is bad, if the hosts giggle too much, if the hosts never giggle, if the hosts use too many "Um, you knows,"or if, as you said, one of the hosts is a big douche, if the hosts are too hyper, if the hosts are too mellow and soft-spoken, if the hosts are too young, and I don't seem to be their target demographic, if the subject matter is too serious and never makes me laugh, if too many hosts talk at once, or if there are too many long pauses.  Like you, I've listened to a lot of podcasts but don't stick with many. 

A new podcast I've started downloading is Anna Faris is unqualified, and so far I really like it. The actress Anna Faris (Scary Movie franchise, House Bunny) talks to celebrity guests about their lives and careers. She also answers 1 or 2 calls from regular people with relationship problems. Sometimes the podcast is hysterically funny (Paul Scheer), and sometimes it's heartfelt and emotional with several laugh-out-loud moments (Tiffany Haddish). I haven't listened to every episode yet, but the ones I've heard, I really enjoyed. 


I made it through one episode of My Favorite Murder and decided never to listen to another because 1. it wasn't investigatory and 2. the excruciating vocal fry.

Oh, agree a thousand times! I tried with it, I really did--I maybe gave it four or five episodes before giving up. The vocal fry was kind of bad, but something I could get past if the hosts weren't so ill informed about so much! Incorrect names, incorrect assumptions (on issues for which there is no need to speculate, no less), even incorrect manners of death! I get that they're not investigators or reporters, but why not at least know something about your topics? Ugh.

I do like Last Podcast on the Left though, for the most part. I know a lot about true crime (for a layperson, at least) but I almost always find out something new from them; they even inspired me to finally read Jeff Guinn's Manson that had been on my shelf for over a year (I loved it!). But, haha--I am so dumb! I was wondering why the hell the hosts talk so fast, like annoyingly so and seemingly almost to the point of being physically impossible. Then I realized I must have accidentally hit the iPod's audio-speed button (which I didn't even know existed).

Edited by TattleTeeny
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I think Last Podcast on the Left is my favorite True Crime one. They do a ton of research and strike a good tone balance. Some are too serious to the point of reveling in the misery (Sword and Scale for a while now), or fact-light and annoying (My Favorite Murder). 

I used to really like True Crime Garage but the past few episodes have been off for me. 

I've been pruning my podcast list, but now I need some new ones to add. 

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Funny you mention TCG--just today I listened to it for the first time (the WM3 episodes; I cannot get enough of that case--i've been borderline obsessed for years and years). So far, so good, but probably because I've been binging LPotL so much, I keep expecting jokes that don't come!

Edited by TattleTeeny

I just recently started listening to the Unspoiled podcast for the Harry Potter books. The host (who has a great speaking voice, btw) is a big fan of the books, but her fellow podcaster is a complete newbie to the series and brings the "unspoiled" for the show. Very fun! I also listened to her episodes on Firefly and Star Wars, both of which were pay-only, but I thought they were worth it. I don't mind tossing a few bucks to someone who is entertaining me consistently to support their work. 

American Public Media just launched a new podcast called In the Dark - it's an investigation into why authorities were never able to solve the kidnapping of Jacob Wetterling. It is riveting and infuriating. (And so uniquely timed given this nearly 30 year old case was finally, tragically, solved last week.)

They've released three episodes so far. I highly recommend it for true crime listeners and anyone else who has followed this story over the years.

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Tony Kornheiser has officially taken his radio show to podcast.  It's some sports, some politics, some pop culture, and a lot of an old, guy kvetching.  It's the radio show that led me to internet message boards...for better or worse.


Listen via the website, iTunes, GooglePlay and anywhere podcasts are sold (or not).  

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If you're interested in old movies, I can't recommend Attaboy Clarence highly enough.  The host, Adam Roche, has this series, which is part reviews of old movies and part a period radio show, usually a radio version of a movie with either original stars or interesting replacements.  He also does a series called The Secret History of Hollywood, which are long-form (in some cases, very long-form).  His three part series on Hitchcock is spectacular.  If you're interested in the long-forms, you should probably get over to his website, because he's redoing them to put them on the new Channels app from Audible.

Has anyone heard of Remarkable Lives. Tragic Deaths?  It's an interesting idea (pretty much laid out in the title), but the voice acting is absolutely awful.  They woman they had playing Amelia Earhart sounded about 85 years old.  And the hosts think they're a lot funnier than they are.

This is tangential to your post, but bad voice acting is what keeps me from fully embracing "You Must Remember This."  I found her Manson series fascinating, but I had so much trouble getting through her Blacklist series because her imitations were awful, and they were grating to listen to.    

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stillshimpy upthread mentioned Dusted, which I am really enjoying--thanks for the recI also started to look up Story Wonk's other podcasts, and I am loving Alistair's Harry Potter seminars. Speaking of voice acting, he does really good voices for just about everyone. His McGonagall is delightful, I loved his first take on Hermione, and his Hagrid is equally excellent.

On September 14, 2016 at 3:44 PM, hendersonrocks said:

American Public Media just launched a new podcast called In the Dark - it's an investigation into why authorities were never able to solve the kidnapping of Jacob Wetterling. It is riveting and infuriating. (And so uniquely timed given this nearly 30 year old case was finally, tragically, solved last week.)

They've released three episodes so far. I highly recommend it for true crime listeners and anyone else who has followed this story over the years.

I was just coming in here to rave about this podcast. It has been SO GOOD - I get a Serial season 1 vibe from it, only this one will have a definitive answer/ending. 

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8 minutes ago, bosawks said:

Anybody have any suggestions for a Halloween season podcast.

I'm in the mood to be creeped out while driving to and fro......

If you want more "spooky" versus "true crime/serial killers", I highly recommend Lore and Limetown.  Lore is one guy telling what he calls "historical tales", but they're all about either creatures, or ghosts, or other supernatural things of that nature - it's also in the process of being turned into a tv show.  Limetown is a fictional podcast - imagine a spooky version of Serial - where a reporter is investigating the city of Limetown, where 10 years ago everyone in the city vanished.  I don't scare easily, but there were a few times where I jumped out of my seat.

I've also heard good things about The Black Tapes, but that's one I haven't caught up on yet.

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There's always the oft-mentioned Welcome to Night Vale.  But the Night Vale Presents network also has a couple other limited-episode offerings that might suit. (Note: I have not listened to these myself, so I can only go off the blurbs.  But because they are from the same people as WTNV, there is undoubtedly the same quality of work.)

The first is Alice Isn't Dead. From the website:


A truck driver searches across America for the wife she had long assumed was dead. In the course of her search, she will encounter not-quite-human serial murderers, towns literally lost in time, and a conspiracy that goes way beyond one missing woman.

And there's also Within the Wires.


Set within an alternate reality, “Within the Wires” tells stories in the guise of instructional audio programs. Season One, “Relaxation Cassettes," is a 10 part scripted fiction podcast that takes the form of an audio course on full body relaxation issued by The Institute to you, (the listener) a nameless medical inmate. Who is this narrator? Is she relaying something more than just relaxation techniques, and is she to be trusted? And are there subliminal messages hidden within the music? As listeners move through the relaxation curriculum a deeper and more personal story unravels. 

But that might not be the best thing to listen to while commuting.  Might want to check that one out first here on their YouTube page.  Ditto Alice Isn't Dead, just to be sure.

They've also got a fourth podcast debuting next week, The Orbiting Human Circus (of the Air).  This one sounds less creepypasta and more whimsical from the teaser, but it is a Night Vale production, so who the hell knows what's going to happen.

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3 hours ago, bosawks said:

Awesome, thanks!.  I've heard of Limetown and think I'll give that a go.  My brother mentioned a zombie one he heard was good but couldn't remember the name.  

We're planning on listening to whatever we pick in tandem on our separate commutes.

We're that type of nauseating siblings.....

I think you'll really like Limetown. My only frustration with it was their erratic posting schedule, but that won't be a problem for you since they're all out now.

And I forced by brother to listen to that, Serial when it first came out, and now In the Dark so that I'd have someone to talk about them with so don't worry,  you're not THAT nauseating of a sibling : )

1 minute ago, Valerie said:

The latest episode of My Dad Wrote a Porno was the most hilariously surreal and disgusting thing I’ve ever listened to. Oh my god. I also preordered the book because I’m weak.

There's just something wrong with the fact that MDWAP hasn't been nominated for all kind of streaming awards. 

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1 minute ago, Kromm said:

There's just something wrong with the fact that MDWAP hasn't been nominated for all kind of streaming awards. 

It’s utterly brilliant. Disgusting, but brilliant.

And I have the “monster dick” song stuck in my head now, which is not a song I should have in my head at Thanksgiving dinner tonight.

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17 hours ago, Sarahendipity said:

MDWAP is so amazing. Hubby and I go for drives just to listen together. We spent way too long trying to figure out where the blue came (ha!) from. Dye packet ? Does it have to be replaced? Also cannot wait for book.

Love the extra podcasts with the celebrity listeners too. Daisy Ridley was awesome. 

I AM somewhat surprised though that the corporate owners of The Flintstones haven't found out about MDWAP and gone after them for "Rocky Flintstone". 

In fact, it looks like, in another no-no, the self-publishing entity is called "Flintstone Epics" (the address on that business checker seems to be Jamie's Dad's actual house!).

On 10/7/2016 at 11:55 AM, bosawks said:

My brother mentioned a zombie one he heard was good but couldn't remember the name.  

Probably We're Alivehttp://www.werealive.com


For Army Reserve Soldier Michael Cross, the world as he knew it ended in an instant. One minute, he’s in college, and in the next, rioters are roaming the highway around him, breaking into cars, and literally tearing people apart. This is the day the dead walk. This is the world of We’re Alive.

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What are some good movie review podcasts?  My favorites are Now Playing Podcast, How Did This Get Made? and Denzel Washington is the Greatest Actor of All Time, Period. I like the intelligence and humor of these podcasts, and the hosts all have great personalities. I tend to be picky about movie review podcasts, especially the voices of the hosts, so it's hard to find one I like.

I've tried

  • Doug Loves Movies -- meh. I like Doug when he doesn't act high, but being stoned is such a part of his act now that he rarely acts normal.
  • The Filmcast -- I've only listened to 1/2 an episode, but the sound quality isn't that great. And the guys seem clueless about the films they're watching.
  • Film Junk -- The guys are knowledgeable, but they talk really slowly, and they're far too serious. Their voices put me to sleep.
  • Black Men Can't Jump (In Hollywood) -- I think I'm too old for this podcast. The hosts giggle a lot, get off-topic quite a bit, and some of their millennial humor goes over my head.  
  • Film Sack -- I can't distinguish between the hosts' voices--they all sound like NPR hosts to me. (I like NPR hosts, BTW, but not on a movie review podcast).  I must admit that I haven't listened to much of this podcast. 
  • Nerdy Bitches Podcast -- They're usually pretty good but sometimes annoy me: their voices can be screechy, and they make me roll my eyes when they say things like, "Aliens was really, really scary. It affected my enjoyment of the movie." Didn't you see Alien, lady? Didn't that give you some clue what Aliens would be about?????
5 minutes ago, topanga said:

What are some good movie review podcasts?  My favorites are Now Playing Podcast, How Did This Get Made? and Denzel Washington is the Greatest Actor of All Time, Period. I like the intelligence and humor of these podcasts, and the hosts all have great personalities. I tend to be picky about movie review podcasts, especially the voices of the hosts, so it's hard to find one I like.

I've tried

  • Doug Loves Movies -- meh. I like Doug when he doesn't act high, but being stoned is such a part of his act now that he rarely acts normal.
  • The Filmcast -- I've only listened to 1/2 an episode, but the sound quality isn't that great. And the guys seem clueless about the films they're watching.
  • Film Junk -- The guys are knowledgeable, but they talk really slowly, and they're far too serious. Their voices put me to sleep.
  • Black Men Can't Jump (In Hollywood) -- I think I'm too old for this podcast. The hosts giggle a lot, get off-topic quite a bit, and some of their millennial humor goes over my head.  
  • Film Sack -- I can't distinguish between the hosts' voices--they all sound like NPR hosts to me. (I like NPR hosts, BTW, but not on a movie review podcast).  I must admit that I haven't listened to much of this podcast. 
  • Nerdy Bitches Podcast -- They're usually pretty good but sometimes annoy me: their voices can be screechy, and they make me roll my eyes when they say things like, "Aliens was really, really scary. It affected my enjoyment of the movie." Didn't you see Alien, lady? Didn't that give you some clue what Aliens would be about?????

In my experience, Doug actually rarely acts that high on Doug Loves Movies. He saves most of that for Getting Doug With High.

I enjoy We Hate Movies on an occasional basis. Also Screen Junkies Movie Fights (although that can suck on occasion too depending on the guests). 

The best out there is probably Maltin on Movies. I don't always agree with ol' Len, but he's always got something intelligent to say.

I Was There Too is one a ton of people love, but again I think it depends on the guest.

You Must Remember This does a lot of "classic Hollywood stuff". Mostly Hollywood scandals and stories but of course filmmaking is wrapped around most of that.

Some people swear by Greg Proops Fan Club, and I have the channel installed on my Podcast aggregator, but rarely get around to it.

Finally Gilbert Gottfried's Amazing Colossal Podcast is very heavily packed with movie stuff. He does almost everything, but classic movies are always mixed in there (sometimes appreciation of shlock, sometimes genuinely great stuff)

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1 hour ago, Kromm said:

You Must Remember This does a lot of "classic Hollywood stuff". Mostly Hollywood scandals and stories but of course filmmaking is wrapped around most of that.

The section she did on Manson was riveting!!

I've recently gotten super into My Brother My Brother and Me which is an "advice" show in that they read questions and give really terrible advice but they make me giggle lots. 

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