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S17.E19: Season Finale (2019.05.19)

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22 hours ago, JMarie99 said:

This show needs a complete overhaul. I wish they could get rid of all three judges. Katy is incredibly annoying and Luke and Lionel are just plain boring. Forget about trying to copy The Voice and get some judges who actually offer critiques. Go back to eliminating only one contestant per week. Get rid of Bobby Bones.  And as much as I like Ryan, if the only night he can do is Sunday, maybe it’s time to replace him too. 

Yes to all of this. Holy hell, this season was a chore! I swear, That finale felt so long I am actually surprised it’s not time for me to register for social security.

I liked Adam and Demetrius, and Jeremiah and Katy. That’s it. And the right person won. A person who identifies as a musician first and singer not at all should not win American Idol. I think he would have died inside having to fulfill the winning contract. I loved the moment before Ryan read the winner. Alejandro was sweating profusely looking like he wanted to barf, and Laine had a deer in the headlights look. Just perfect.

Shame on them for not having Maddie perform. Three fucking hours and they couldn’t find FIVE MINUTES for their reigning winner WHO HAS A NEW ALBUM to perform?!? 

This stupid show. Only two years and I’m back to hate watching thanks to the format and the judges. Oh well, there’s always 2020.....

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Yep. I allow this weed ('poke', actually phytollaca americana)to grow in my garden (it gets to be tree size and is really quite lovely)

Thank you; for some reason I thought was slang for something else.  (Nice to know there's something that is NOT slang for "marijuana".) 

Ratings were down relative to last year's finale, so they might make some changes.  I think Katy Perry was preparing for the possibility that this was her last full season, but she knows she can hold out for some good money to come back, unless they had another young extremely talented female singer they could tap into. 

To that end, is it possible Maddie Poppe was having vocal trouble or something?  I hope not, but I respect watching out for health if that were the case.  I suspect it's more likely they didn't want people trying to vote for her, or having her remind the audience why last year was better. 

Good luck everyone, and if I don't see you on another show topic, an early Happy Holidays!  (I'm not sure how many we'll have before they come back; I would say they need to re-tool but they might run with that metaphor.)

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Alejandro is going on tour in July!  Good on him for striking while the iron is hot.  

July 8: Washington, DC at DC9

July 9: Brooklyn, NY at Baby’s All Right

July 10: Boston, MA at Sonia’s Nightclub

July 11: Chicago, IL at Subterranean

July 13: San Francisco, CA at Swedish American Hall

July 15: Los Angeles, CA at Moroccan Lounge

July 17: Pomona, CA at The Glass House

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 I never in a million billion years thought I'd ever yearn for the days of Paula or JLo, but I do.   At least they had the good sense to stay seated behind the desk and not behave like a drunken old aunt (thank you for that!) at a wedding.   And the worst part is that she  thinks she's so cool and relevant and witty.   Like this century's Lucille Ball or something.   😖

Remember back in the day when Paula said (paraphased cos I can't remember the exact wording) that David Archuleta was so cute she wished she could pop his head off and hang it from her rear view mirror?  It's like Katy said "Hold my beer". Yes, I get it, she's so kewl and trendy and likes to imitate Pentecostal preachers yelling "Ayyy-men brutha" but it just comes off as TOO MUCH, especially when it takes on a life of its own and she attempts to overshadow the contestants. 

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11 hours ago, InternetToughGuy said:

I get a similar adrenaline rush when I see anyone has quoted me, since my username suggests that I am looking for an argument, which isn't the case - though all my jokes regarding weight and aging certainly may get someone going 🤐

I just checked his site and Kris has one gig planned so far for this year, where he's an opening act for a rock band I'd never heard of at a 700 capacity venue. Tickets are $15, which is funny, because earlier this year I attempted to resell tickets to events, which involved dozens of hours of looking at hundreds of events and this is the cheapest event I've ever come across. I'm sure Kris is confident enough in his lack of box office appeal, that he can leave his microphone and any amplifying equipment at home, since there will only be 5 people and the bartender there.

Is anyone surprised? Kris was a nice guy but duller than dull and sounds like a million other bland guys out there. He even said himself that Adam should have won the season -- but then, of course, Adam would be saddled with the thankless Idol contract of yore. Speaking of which, I don't know what the current Idol contract consists of, but no doubt there are very few of the requirements that existed in Idol's heyday (back when the Top 10 were good enough to sell tickets to a tour).

Edited by Jillybean
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I did not watch the finale as 3 hours of mind-numbing pain is pointless. I asked my friend the next day who won and in what order. I may have to catch Adam Lambert's performance on YouTube, however, since I am fascinated by him. Can y'all give me any more performances worth watching? Just trying to see if I missed anything!

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55 minutes ago, ItsHelloPattiagain said:

Remember back in the day when Paula said (paraphased cos I can't remember the exact wording) that David Archuleta was so cute she wished she could pop his head off and hang it from her rear view mirror? 

And remember when (that same season) Paula time travelled and saw Jason Castro's performance before he gave one? Yeah, plenty of viewers hated the original 3 judges, too. 

Good to see Alejandro's going to tour right away. Since almost nobody can make money selling 'records' any more*, the only way to make a living doing music today is by touring. (I guarantee Lambert's new song will disappear in a few weeks; luckily for him, he vaguely resembles a dead rock god and can tour with the surviving band members).

*Yes, I know Phillip Phillips' 'Home' is still background music for commercials. But that was 7 years ago, and lightning doesn't strike twice.

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7 minutes ago, sempervivum said:

Good to see Alejandro's going to tour right away. Since almost nobody can make money selling 'records' any more*, the only way to make a living doing music today is by touring. (I guarantee Lambert's new song will disappear in a few weeks; luckily for him, he vaguely resembles a dead rock god and can tour with the surviving band members).

*Yes, I know Phillip Phillips' 'Home' is still background music for commercials. But that was 7 years ago, and lightning doesn't strike twice.

Did Phillips see any of that money though since it was part of the original AI contract?  I remember when he had to sing it for the billionth time he was publicly bitching about how the song didn’t represent him and how he wanted to make music that reflected him.  

Of course the first thing I thought was the AI marketing is just that....they are trying to pimp and promote you.  In the immortal words of Tom hanks in That Thing You Do, if they want you to sing ‘Home’ in Spanish you will!  If you want to make your own music then you will be unsuccessful and unmarketable LOL.  No one cares about your musical vision.

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On 5/19/2019 at 11:51 PM, Eolivet said:

Honestly, I'm just excited to see which judge(s) get cut in the offseason. I hope they show us live, complete with gushing praise beforehand. Then Seacrest dims the lights and eliminates one of them onstage. Now that would get ratings.

I totally agree!! That would be a ratings hit for sure!! And after he eliminates one of them, America could vote on which one we want to keep!


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1 minute ago, JMarie99 said:

I totally agree!! That would be a ratings hit for sure!! And after he eliminates one of them, America could vote on which one we want to keep!

Well, that's a problem seeing as I think all three should be replaced (and they can take Bobby Bones with them as well). In true Idol fashion, they should have a pool of replacements and America votes the top three in.......

I would value anyone, and I mean ANYONE, who would just speak some truth to the contestants instead of instant standing O's and a tongue bath every single time they sing........

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Laine sings.  Katy uses her critique time as a moment to self aggrandize. 

Katy is fundamentally unable to compliment someone else without including a spotlight compliment on herself.  Italics my comments.


Every week, Laine.  Every week Laine, (repeated because she started speaking while the audience was still applauding, and she of course couldn't imagine a world where any one person would want to miss even one of her golden words)  your hair seems to be getting higher and higher.  It's growing.  You seem to be taking some pop star vitamins.  I take the same ones, obviously my hair seems to be growing in all different directions.  And, bonus,  delivered in an affected southern accent.

Only 26 words in, and she is unable to go any further without a look at me, LOOK AT MEEEE moment.

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Katy Perry is a horrible judge and extremely annoying personality.  But the show thinks she’s great and will probably give her a raise next season.  

Maddie Poppe should have been given the honor of singing on the finale and being interviewed with no mention of Caleb.  She won.  Last year.

I’m fine with Laine’s win.  At the end of the day, he’s going to be one of those AI winners who goes on to do his own thing and, hopefully, has a fulfilling life while doing gigs here and there.

Much like Kris Allen.  At risk of being flayed alive, I actually liked him and while he was never going to be a superstar and will be forever tarred and feathered as “The Guy Who Unjustly Won Over Adam Lambert,” he seems like a happy guy who’s enjoying life and doing some good along the way.

No one who wins American Idol will ever, in this lifetime, achieve the success of Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood.  Won’t happen.  Those days are over.

This season was exhausting and I fast-forwarded through most of it.

Edited by limecoke
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5 hours ago, SnarkAttack said:

Alejandro is going on tour in July!  Good on him for striking while the iron is hot.  

July 8: Washington, DC at DC9

July 9: Brooklyn, NY at Baby’s All Right

July 10: Boston, MA at Sonia’s Nightclub

July 11: Chicago, IL at Subterranean

July 13: San Francisco, CA at Swedish American Hall

July 15: Los Angeles, CA at Moroccan Lounge

July 17: Pomona, CA at The Glass House

It's rare anyone does something right away to combat the American Idol memory loss that sprouts the moment the finale's credits start rolling, so good for him. In contrast, I'd say Laine has a bright future in playing state fairs.

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3 hours ago, Jennabelle88 said:

I did not watch the finale as 3 hours of mind-numbing pain is pointless. I asked my friend the next day who won and in what order. I may have to catch Adam Lambert's performance on YouTube, however, since I am fascinated by him. Can y'all give me any more performances worth watching? Just trying to see if I missed anything!

Bohemian Rhapsody which was Adam and Demitrius was good; I also thought Montell Jordan's performance was good. Other than that, I'm pretty sure it was a wash - I've already forgotten a lot of it, which is a testament to the lack of stardom overall.

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4 hours ago, Jennabelle88 said:

I did not watch the finale as 3 hours of mind-numbing pain is pointless. I asked my friend the next day who won and in what order. I may have to catch Adam Lambert's performance on YouTube, however, since I am fascinated by him. Can y'all give me any more performances worth watching? Just trying to see if I missed anything!

Jeremiah and Katy Perry singing Unconditionally.  I didn't realize it was Katy at first because the voice was so beautifully pure and she looked gorgeous.  Their voices went together so well. 

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34 minutes ago, limecoke said:

Much like Kris Allen.  At risk of being flayed alive, I actually liked him and while he was never going to be a superstar and will be forever be tarred and feathered as “The Guy Who Unjustly Won Over Adam Lambert,” he seems like a happy guy who’s enjoying life and doing some good along the way.

No one who wins American Idol will ever, in this lifetime, achieve the success of Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood.  Won’t happen.  Those days are over.

I remember finding Adam's career hilarious for a few years because he seemed to only perform in Singapore, until he miraculously turned it around. Finding all these people's careers (or lack thereof) is only really funny because these are the people who are supposedly backed by millions of voters - fans who support them every week for months on end and the end result is a proverbial wet fart. Either the people voting aren't really attached and are just looking to kill time for a few weeks or the performers being voted on are just pitied in the form of "I guess he's the best out of these losers". Maddie Poppe taking a full year to come out with an album, which one could assume she had little to no part in writing is pretty inexcusable when there's never been so many entertainment options, it's safe to say that if Twitter and Instagram didn't exist to keep these people in the public's mind in any capacity, she would be performing for extra whipped cream on a mocha aka the Whey-leb Tea Muffinson (horrible cafe based pun) contract.

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1 hour ago, limecoke said:

Katy Perry is a horrible judge and extremely annoying personality.  But the show thinks she’s great and will probably give her a raise next season.  

Maddie Poppe should have been given the honor of singing on the finale and being interviewed with no mention of Caleb.  She won.  Last year.

I’m fine with Laine’s win.  At the end of the day, he’s going to be one of those AI winners who goes on to do his own thing and, hopefully, has a fulfilling life while doing gigs here and there.

Much like Kris Allen.  At risk of being flayed alive, I actually liked him and while he was never going to be a superstar and will be forever tarred and feathered as “The Guy Who Unjustly Won Over Adam Lambert,” he seems like a happy guy who’s enjoying life and doing some good along the way.

No one who wins American Idol will ever, in this lifetime, achieve the success of Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood.  Won’t happen.  Those days are over.

This season was exhausting and I fast-forwarded through most of it.

I agree with all of this 100 percent.

And despite nobody achieving Kelly or Carrie levels of fame, there are still many, many former idols who did gain enough exposure from the show to parlay that into some type of career for themselves, which they probably wouldn't have been able to do without the show. Only a handful (and I am including Adam, Chris Daughtry and JHud) were superstars post show, but Clay, Fantasia, Mandisa, Danny Gokey, Kelly Pickler, Jordin Sparks, Constantine M., Lauren Alaina, Scotty M, Katherine McPhee, Taylor Hicks, David Cook, Philip P. and probably others I just don't remember off the top of my head have managed to have some type of career post idol....

I think the problem is that none of those people were from seasons past season 11, so it's definitely diminishing returns, and unfortunately, this current ABC format sucks for helping anyone achieve anything really post show. It's clear they only care about the show itself, not actually finding and nurturing any true talent which is sad to me. It makes me less invested in the show knowing a month from now I won't remember any of these people or any of these performances.......

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7 hours ago, SnarkAttack said:

Alejandro is going on tour in July!  Good on him for striking while the iron is hot.  

July 8: Washington, DC at DC9

July 9: Brooklyn, NY at Baby’s All Right

July 10: Boston, MA at Sonia’s Nightclub

July 11: Chicago, IL at Subterranean

July 13: San Francisco, CA at Swedish American Hall

July 15: Los Angeles, CA at Moroccan Lounge

July 17: Pomona, CA at The Glass House

Hmm, he must have known in advance that he wasn't going to win. lol It takes time and money to book those places. Subterranean is pretty well known in Chicago, but small. I'm guessing if he had won, his AI contract wouldn't have allowed him to go on this tour?

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1 hour ago, Ilovepie said:

And despite nobody achieving Kelly or Carrie levels of fame, there are still many, many former idols who did gain enough exposure from the show to parlay that into some type of career for themselves, which they probably wouldn't have been able to do without the show

An example of what you're talking about here .....I just posted a video over on The Voice thread of Jeff Gutt, who went on to join Stone Temple Pilots a few years after being on X Factor.  I'm sure being on the show helped.

Edited by ChristmasJones
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36 minutes ago, pezgirl7 said:

Hmm, he must have known in advance that he wasn't going to win. lol It takes time and money to book those places. Subterranean is pretty well known in Chicago, but small. I'm guessing if he had won, his AI contract wouldn't have allowed him to go on this tour?

And he must be Amtraking it due to his fear of flying as someone posted!  I agree how did he know to book these?!

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7 hours ago, sempervivum said:

And remember when (that same season) Paula time travelled and saw Jason Castro's performance before he gave one? Yeah, plenty of viewers hated the original 3 judges, too. 

Good to see Alejandro's going to tour right away. Since almost nobody can make money selling 'records' any more*, the only way to make a living doing music today is by touring. (I guarantee Lambert's new song will disappear in a few weeks; luckily for him, he vaguely resembles a dead rock god and can tour with the surviving band members).

*Yes, I know Phillip Phillips' 'Home' is still background music for commercials. But that was 7 years ago, and lightning doesn't strike twice.

There is so much truth in this 1 post.

2 hours ago, pezgirl7 said:

Hmm, he must have known in advance that he wasn't going to win. lol It takes time and money to book those places. Subterranean is pretty well known in Chicago, but small. I'm guessing if he had won, his AI contract wouldn't have allowed him to go on this tour?

I think they knew that there wasn't going to be an Idol tour. 

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I just listened to Laine's AI single, Flame, on spotify. I know I said he shouldn't be put into a genre box, but that song is way too pop for him. It also sounded like they auto tuned him or something. 😕

4 hours ago, ChristmasJones said:

An example of what you're talking about here .....I just posted a video over on The Voice thread of Jeff Gutt, who went on to join Stone Temple Pilots a few years after being on X Factor.  I'm sure being on the show helped.

I love Jeff's voice! I couldn't believe that he didn't win, but it was probably a good thing. I can't remember when I found out that he was going to be fronting STP, but I was so happy that he finally caught his big break.

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Doesn't have much to do with this season, but Cade Foehner is going on tour - if my memory is right, the second biggest metro area on the tour he's performing in (Tampa) will be at a 175 capacity cafe/bar (the jokes are real). I don't see how that can be a viable career for anybody, when even singers who only upload on YouTube perform in venues a lot bigger than that (and they are not paid in poppy seed bagels).

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There’s word this evening (confirmed on IG) that the first Idol finalist who is making an appearance not related to Idol will be tonight at Ben Platt’s concert in San Francisco.


Jeremiah is making a special appearance there tonight!

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I really, really enjoyed Katy's performance with Jeremiah. I honestly did not think Katy could actually sing live and hit those notes, I thought most of her high notes were only produced in the studio. It was a beautiful performance.

Also enjoyed seeing Adam Lambert again, though with that hair I think he made a mistake joining Queen, since he looks like one of the BeeGees. But I respect the hell out of him for doing his own thing and being true to himself, from when he was first on AI in 2009 up until now.

On 5/21/2019 at 3:07 PM, limecoke said:

No one who wins American Idol will ever, in this lifetime, achieve the success of Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood.  Won’t happen.  Those days are over.

Fact is, way back in 2002 when K.C. won the first season, the majority of people who got music digitally were those of us downloading from Napster on our super-fast T3 lines in our college dorms; other people were still buying CDs and the Billboard charts were still a huge thing. iTunes existed as a program but they didn't start selling songs until 2003. So, waiting a year for an album was no big deal. But now everything, including new artists to listen to, is available immediately on the internet. I think Alejandro is likely in a better position than probably anyone on AI in the last ten years, including the winners, since the show is over and he seems to have enough original music to release an entire album *today*.

In the moment, I was disappointed he lost, but I realize he's probably better off this way. Midway through the finale I found myself wondering if there was anywhere to download his music right now, because I've really come to enjoy his artistry and vibe over the season. So I was happy to see...

On 5/21/2019 at 10:07 AM, SnarkAttack said:

Alejandro is going on tour in July!  Good on him for striking while the iron is hot 

July 8: Washington, DC at DC9

And immediately checked DC9's site for tickets, only to learn they're already sold out. Booooo. I mean, yay for Alejandro, but booooo for me.

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2 hours ago, dvr devotee said:

 I think Alejandro is likely in a better position than probably anyone on AI in the last ten years, including the winners, since the show is over and he seems to have enough original music to release an entire album *today*.

It could come out really quickly - he just has to record the same song 10 times and give them all different names. 

Kidding... 😁

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On 5/21/2019 at 3:07 PM, limecoke said:

No one who wins American Idol will ever, in this lifetime, achieve the success of Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood.  Won’t happen.  Those days are over.

Probably because they were back during the days of Simon Cowell who mostly seemed to be thinking in terms of finding a bona fide recording/performing star rather than simply striving for TV ratings. Back then Randy was meh, and Paula was useless, but Simon actually appeared to be searching for genuinely marketable talent, the types who could not only sing decently, but also sell lots of records and fill seats at concerts.  I can't think of any winners since those days who could fill that criteria.  

I recorded the finale and Googled the winner, but I haven't had the desire to actually watch the show yet despite having watched the preceding episodes.  I have a feeling I probably will wind up deleting the recording without ever watching it.   I think the show should either have a total overhaul or they should just cancel the damn thing. 

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On 5/22/2019 at 5:01 PM, theschnauzers said:

There’s word this evening (confirmed on IG) that the first Idol finalist who is making an appearance not related to Idol will be tonight at Ben Platt’s concert in San Francisco.

  Reveal spoiler

Jeremiah is making a special appearance there tonight!

I don’t normally quote myself, but Ben and Jeremiah performed “Make You Feel My Love” as a duet. Link to video on Ben Platt’s IG account


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But you all know......with all your criticisms.....you say you're done.....but you're not.    You love the show.    And you want another season...... and you'll get it.   ABC has confirmed season three....(18th overall).   At this time.....nobody is confirmed but you have to think if Ryan Seacrest isn't the host...... it's not Idol.

Lionel feels such a chemistry between him and Katy and Luke....that he has stated he likely wouldn't return without the others.  But they better decide because auditions begin soon.

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Exciting news:.  While Ryan Seacrest is negotiating a new deal with Disney to remain host ....all three judges .....Lionel, Katy, and Luke have all signed back up for season 3 on ABC.   Ryan should be back cuz I can't see anyone else doing it.    Unless they've been grooming Bobby Bones for the job.

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