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Bob's Burgers - General Discussion

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That's Linda though. She probably got distracted and just shut off the tv. Gene would have to seek out the movie. We know Louise watched Mad Max on Linda's laptop. Gene likely would have done the same, but I want the story on whether he looked for it specifically or it popped up and he decided to check it out. He knew enough to make a crack about being at school on a Saturday.

Anyone check the sidewalk again? It's not looking good. 

"Is fancy businessman code for min level cocaine dealer?"

I don't think that Gail and Gretchen have ever had scenes together, they work surprisingly well. I cant blame Linda for wanting to just hang out with the illusive Ginger, who she apparently doesn't get to see very much, but of course she cant just say that. Its Linda, so awkward hijinks much ensue. 

Come on Tina, Zeke is clearly the ideal prom date! Great seeing Nat again, the limo competition was a ton of fun, especially the old lady drop off that turns into a zombie attack. Poor Tina, she couldn't even enjoy the zombies. 

  • Love 3

Of course Gail is trying to cut out liquids. That's so Gail. 

I so wanted to see Ginger. At least we know she's a redhead. I've never understood why they call redheads ginger. Ginger is kind of a light tan. And the inside is kind of a yellowish hue. But redheads aren't really red either. It's orange. Why don't we call em orange heads?

3 minutes ago, DoctorAtomic said:

Linda said that Ginger drove 80 miles to hang out. That's not nothing. It's fair that Linda might want to hang with Ginger on her own when she can hang out with the other two really, whenever she wants. She also talks to them more frequently too. 

And Gretchen and Gail are a bit much. I can understand Linda wanting some down time. Though Linda is a bit much too. 

  • Love 2

Gayle makes me sad. She obviously has several mental illnesses, and I don't find it funny at all that they exist just for laughs. Gretchen is a pig, and I think they've made her behavior worse over the years. She and Teddy should hook up and then go off on his boat and never been seen again.

I'm tired of Tina and her obsession with Jimmy Junior. At some point, he's going to come out as gay with an unrequited love for Zeke, who's in love with Tina. What a triangle that will be! (Or maybe Jimmy Junior will hook up with the dancer Tina dated briefly.) They go out of their way to make Tina a strong, independent young woman, but then it goes out the window with Jimmy Junior.

I always thought Ginger lived locally, but this episode made it sound like she was visiting from far away. I've always assumed Linda and Gayle grew up in whatever town the show is set in, while Bob comes from elsewhere, although not too far away. (And I'm pretty sure they retconned the implication that Bob's father was dead in the episode where he fires the kids to the Christmas visit episode.)

21 minutes ago, SmithW6079 said:

At some point, he's going to come out as gay with an unrequited love for Zeke, who's in love with Tina. What a triangle that will be!

Someone green light the next movie. Now. 

And Zeke would of course be cool with it. "J Ju you're the best. You know that ain't me. Let's get you a hot boy and dance! heheheheheheh"

Edited by DoctorAtomic
  • Love 7
On 4/25/2022 at 9:23 AM, DoctorAtomic said:

\Gene likely would have done the same, but I want the story on whether he looked for it specifically or it popped up and he decided to check it out. 

He probably sought it out. After all, it must be about breakfast!


22 hours ago, theatremouse said:

I can't take it with the Gayle gross-out episodes.

Yup. The thing with the foot fungus was too much for me. (Lately I've been getting toenail fungus popup ads constantly.) Her feet were even orange when she took her shoes off.

I'm so glad Nat won. That whole race was a blast. 

  • LOL 1
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Neighbor: Steer-iously?

Driving School

Exterminator: Let's Make A Squeal

Burger(s) of The Day: Ready or Not, Here I Plum Burger, The Little Sprouts on The Prairie 

Oh no, Gene found a Tamagotchi! Of course caring for a virtual thing interferes with his project of caring for a real thing. I liked that Bob's love of gardening made a comeback. But man, Gene was annoying in this. Incredibly relatable as I was addicted to those back in the day, but annoying.

Drunk ordering salmon online and worrying about missing the delivery is sadly in perfect character for Teddy. Even Linda admits that Delivery Teddy is very intense, and Bob suggested to stop being friends with him. Total missed opportunity to not have the guy in the ad be Beef from The Great North. And Teddy ordered ribs AND vinegar with weird delivery windows to them, too! THAT was so annoying.

Ugh, this episode was a recipe for disaster. We have Gene is annoying, and Teddy being needy in one episode, it's a real test of the patience.

Bob: "I don't even like to dress myself."

Linda: "It shows."

  • Love 5
42 minutes ago, Galileo908 said:

Oh no, Gene found a Tamagotchi! Of course caring for a virtual thing interferes with his project of caring for a real thing. I liked that Bob's love of gardening made a comeback. But man, Gene was annoying in this. Incredibly relatable as I was addicted to those back in the day, but annoying.

At least this time Gene wasn't ruining the family. I don't have a problem with Gene liking the game, but Bob should have taken it away when he first got the seeds. They put their foot down with Louise and the spider. They could have done it here. 

"You give floors a bad name". Linda no. Looking for the bun delivery guy was much better. 


  • Love 8

I can see why those Tamagotchi games would be addicting for many people, but what a horrible invention. Is/was there any way to pause them or turn them off so you can, like, sleep?

I was irked by all the kids' behavior. I wanted to yank that game from Gene and stomp on it. And Tina and Louise taking change all in coins, buying candy, and hogging the rocket ride was annoying, too. I did like the animation of Louise using the sticky hand. 

I got a chuckle out of Gene having said, re pooping on the moon, that that's what the craters are for.

Oh, and I noticed a woman outside the restaurant windows tripping on the sidewalk. I wonder what all this is leading to.

  • Love 6

Teddy giving the Belchers ribs as a gift but it turns into a nightmare with all the delivery windows. I know someone who gives gifts that turn into projects for the recipient. Annoying. 

Bob should've put his foot down on that game a lot sooner and stuck with it. How draining would that be to have to dress that cat every two seconds? 

  • Love 5

Neighbor: Saved By The Yell

Scream Therapy

Exterminator: A Fume Good Men

Burger(s) of The Day: Burger She Goat

Linda family backstory! There's absolutely no surprise that her family had a feud (and it's a really petty Italian one!) I mean, wearing white on someone else's wedding day? An accidental forking? Taking a beloved recipe? That's good pettiness.

We finally learn her maiden name, too: Gennaro. Gayle acting as the kids' mom was great. She was the absolute perfect choice for this story.

Teddy wanting to pay for his mom's tattoo removal was an honestly sweet idea (and it was because SHE was having a feud with her gin group that she got the tattoo with). I love the weird, exciting life his mom has.

  • Love 8

I guess I'm a tad too vindictive because stealing someone's dream house and wearing a wedding gown to someone else's wedding? I could forgive one or the other, but not both. (Although weirdly the forking I could easily get past as an accident.) I say that feud was at least founded on solid ground, even if it became a petty mess.

Ever since the Pop-Pop tree story I've been wondering if any of the kids were named after Bob's mom. Now we know several names on Linda's side that weren't passed down, so I'm keeping up that headcanon. (My guess would be Tina, but you never know. Gene specifically wasn't named Bob III, maybe in general Bob and Linda don't do family names.)

  • Love 5

I liked the sepia tone of the flashbacks. Why didn't Bob use a mixer for the whipped cream? 

There was a quick you might miss it - When Teddy was talking about his tatted up mom, two customers were leaving and gave a Linda a quick wave and she waved back while she was talking. 

Callback to Gene's Ken. 

I'm surprised the kids didn't enlist Teddy because they actually get on well with him, and this is something he'd be totally up for. 

Nice change that Louise was actually reasonable. 

  • Love 3
16 hours ago, Galileo908 said:

We finally learn her maiden name, too: Gennaro.

I can't believe it took 12 seasons for this to finally come out. They still haven't said Teddy's last name.

I really enjoyed this episode and I've always wanted to know more about Linda's side of the family. The only thing I would have changed was that Lorraine had been voiced by Fran Drescher.

  • LOL 4
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I really liked that episode, loved exploring Linda's family, of course they have a generation spanning petty family feud. I think team Tony might have the moral high ground though, buying your brothers dream house out from under him because you married rich is a dick move. And wearing a wedding dress to a wedding where you aren't the bride? Come on now. We even found out Linda's maiden name, Gennaro. Next, do we find out Teddy's last name? 

Teddy buying his mom a tattoo removal is actually a weirdly sweet idea, too bad its so pricy. Teddy's mom is apparently living an absolutely wild life offscreen.

"Is it someone we know and trust?" 

"Its someone we...know."

  • Love 8
On 5/8/2022 at 8:30 PM, DoctorAtomic said:

There was a quick you might miss it - When Teddy was talking about his tatted up mom, two customers were leaving and gave a Linda a quick wave and she waved back while she was talking. 

I didn't catch that, but I did notice in one of the old photos, maybe the first one they show, the woman on the left is leaning in. This is such a nifty little detail because some people really do lean in awkwardly in group photos.

Does tattoo removal really cost $500 per visit? 

Love that Nico had a Buckaroo Banzai action figure. I really liked that movie when I first saw it.

On 5/8/2022 at 8:30 PM, DoctorAtomic said:

Why didn't Bob use a mixer for the whipped cream? 

I assume he thought it was more authentic than using a mixer. :shrug:

I didn't notice anything about the sidewalk outside during this ep.

I had a tattoo mostly removed with laser treatment. I paid $700-something for the package that was either four or five sessions; I don't remember now. It was about a 2" x 2" area on my inner left wrist.

The tattoo was very saturated black and now looks kind of like a bruise in the areas where it wasn't fully removed. Another session probably would take care of it, but I covered it with a tattoo of my late grandmother's handwriting.

Laser tattoo removal absolutely hurts as much as everyone says it does. It feels like being burned with grease.





Burger(s) of The Day: The Leek-y Tikki Tavi Burger, The Sage of Innocence Burger, The Mad Flax Curry Road Burger

I love that Gene likes robots when they look like robots and not "Rutger Hauer in his prime." Wasn't expecting this go to full Blade Runner by way of Erotic Friend Fiction, but here we are and I loved it. Hell, I loved that her version of the restaurant had its own Burger of The Day. The design department hit it out of the park this week.

Man, Tammy and Jocelyn were extra nasty this week. It was inevitable they'd create a "wow or weird" system with only them as the "wows."

Man, that song was great. Can't believe I have to wait a week to see hammertime. So who's been writing on the bathroom wall? Easy money has it on Jimmy Pesto, but it could honestly be anyone.

Edited by Galileo908
  • Love 5

Is Bladerunner good for kids?
Oh, definitely not. 

I didn't see the Bladerunner scene coming. It was really well done. 

If Tammy and Jocelyn don't 'wow' Zeke every time for every thing, they can be retired. 

"Full wipe. Front to back." 

I feel bad for Tina. She's allowed to be pissed off. And she was justified. Totally Gene and Louise plotting for boba is totally them. 

When Gene said Tina had too many runon sentences, Teddy reacted 'ugh'. 

Does anyone know what the Bladerunner Bob's sign said? 

Cliffhanger gets a wow. 


  • Love 7

I feel like I need to see Blade Runner before next week if I want to truly appreciate the whole two-parter. What was shown was fun though.

I like that Tina talked to Mr. Grant about the segment, even though it would make more sense for her to go to Principle Spoors or even Frond. It's a tip of the hat to the fact that what Tammy and Jocelyn are doing is school-sanctioned bullying, and in the real world within a week parents would probably get the segment cut, toss Tammy and Jocelyn off the school news and earn Mr. Grant a suspension.

  • Love 4

I like that Tina isn't running to Bob and Linda and trying to handle it herself. 

You don't need to know much about Bladerunner beyond future dystopia with robots who think they're people. And the Asian influence; like the kanji on the restaurant. 

The scene with Jimmy Jr and Tina across from one another is a tip of the hat to the movie, but there's nothing in the movie you needed to know to get anything out of the scene here. 

The whole scene with Tina and Jimmy Jr at the piano with Zeke is basically what the movie is. 

I don't think Jimmy Sr would be writing in the bathroom because he'd be too conspicuous coming into the restaurant. I want to say it's the health inspector, but he's too conspicuous too. However, it can't be someone we don't know. Maybe Teddy?

  • Love 3
17 hours ago, DoctorAtomic said:

"Full wipe. Front to back." 

HA! I didn't even pick up on that.

This was good. It's been a long time since I saw Bladerunner, but that's fine. I liked that when the kids were talking about different robots, Tina referenced the one in Ex Machina, and then the robots in her fantasy looked like that.

What was with the jerking that Tina was doing as a robot in sleep mode?

I don't have any guess as to who is writing in the bathroom. I don't think it's any of the Belchers or Teddy. 

I wonder if Tina's fantasy next week will be a la Grease. I guess that started the ep, so maybe not.

  • Love 2

In the Bladerunner scenes, Tina-robot's HUD said something like it's how she powers back up. It said like 35% shakes. 

I bet Bob is like sleep-writing in the bathroom or something as his own worries about the restaurant subconsciously manifesting. That's basically the theme of the song at the end. 

The kids are too anxious over their potential bobo catastrophe, and Tina is in her own head about WOW/WEIRD, so they aren't likely to me.  

  • Love 3
On 5/15/2022 at 9:30 PM, Galileo908 said:


Turns out Tina had a cyberpunk Exterminator, too: Mice-ence to Kill

3 hours ago, DoctorAtomic said:

I bet Bob is like sleep-writing in the bathroom or something as his own worries about the restaurant subconsciously manifesting. That's basically the theme of the song at the end. 

And it'd be a great callback to "Turkey in The Can."

3 hours ago, DoctorAtomic said:

In the Bladerunner scenes, Tina-robot's HUD said something like it's how she powers back up. It said like 35% shakes. 

"30% Thrashing" was one of my favorite gags.

  • Love 5
5 hours ago, PinkRibbons said:

It's how real-world Tina sleeps because she has night terrors. I guess she wrote it into Robot-Tina's programming?

(Incidentally, this has been consistent since season 1, which, holy hell.)

I thought it was Restless Leg Syndrome, that's what she said in "Fingers-loose" (S11E17)

I loved the episode and started tearing up a bit when Tina started singing "What If They're Right". That was two days in a row a cartoon almost made me cry. It was hilarious when Linda told Louise and Gene that they blew it when they kept pressing for boba tea.

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