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S09.E09: Not a Good Day LA

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b2H, he owns a construction company in Corona that builds freeways.  In addition to starting work early at an office a long way from home, he probably has a long drive to most of the sites.

Ha! Back in the day when I lived in the OC, I used to commute from San Juan Capistrano to Corona. My dad's business is in Corona and he commuted also. My then boyfriend, now husband, knew that from day one. I went to bed at 9pm and got up at 5am since I started at 7. It's a 50 round trip and luckily I was going against traffic. Then we moved out of the area and I started telecommuting so I just went from my bedroom to the living room :). We still don't go to bed at the same time. He's a night owl and I'm not. Plus, he can't sleep 8 hours straight. Never could.


Baby Troy is very 'breathtaking', but he seems like a happy baby, so there's that.

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Shannon reminds me an awful lot of Betty Broderick for those of you who knows who she is.....

That's definitely not a good thing, lol

Ha! Back in the day when I lived in the OC, I used to commute from San Juan Capistrano to Corona. My dad's business is in Corona and he commuted also. My then boyfriend, now husband, knew that from day one. I went to bed at 9pm and got up at 5am since I started at 7. It's a 50 round trip and luckily I was going against traffic. Then we moved out of the area and I started telecommuting so I just went from my bedroom to the living room :). We still don't go to bed at the same time. He's a night owl and I'm not. Plus, he can't sleep 8 hours straight. Never could.


Baby Troy is very 'breathtaking', but he seems like a happy baby, so there's that.

A Seinfeld fan?

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Betty Broderick was pretty unjustly fucked over before she snapped and jury members at her trial even conceded, "we just wonder what took her so long." Shannon, otoh, is, I agree, just bored and discontent in general and projects that anomie onto her husband . . . However! A preview of her tete-a-tete with Heather from the next episode is up on the Bravo site and I'm convinced Heather has definitely taken the step down from "simply an asshole" to "monstrous." When Shannon asks her how the topic of her marital woes got introduced into the discourse- presumably investigating whether Tamra had anything to do with it- Heather demands an apology for the "screaming" at the Christmas party. Even though Shannon didn't scream, she apologizes and explains she understands Heather's perspective. That's still not enough, though, as Heather bitches about how she's held to a different standard than her friends. Why is she addressing this with Shannon and not Tamra, who made the "pick a side" remark, and Vicki? She's such a narcissistic, self-preoccupied cow.

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Heather is somewhat unbelievable in the previews for the next show.  Shannon comes over Heather expresses she thought it was for Shannon to apologize to her for yelling at her in Shannon's home.  Heather totally blows by the Shannon's question and throws her out.  Something tells me since a film crew was involved there was no surprise-and especially since Heather looked fabulous.


Heather is very artful in trying to pull something out of someone and avoiding any and all responsibility for her actions.


My favorite was "why would I want to do something to make Tamra angry."  Well her action wasn't designed to with the sole purpose of making Tamra angry-she wanted a gig.  She admits in doing so she knew Tamra would be angry but she cared more about the gig.  She is very crafty and most of the time full of crap.

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I see why Andy loves Tamra so much. She is really good at stirring shit up and making people fight over her while simultaneously playing the victim. I wish that Shannon and Heather hadn't been alienated from each other so quickly after meeting. They would have been the perfect duo for finally taking Tamra down. I think Heather knows well enough by the time that Shannon comes over to her house that all of the stuff that is going on between the two of them is Tamra's doing, but she seems to be way too afraid to point blank tell Shannon that Tamra lied to her. Probably because she knows that Shannon will be more likely to believe Tamra.


I do want to see what leads up to Heather telling Shannon that she needs to leave. Because as much as I think Heather is an icy bitch, I doubt that she would suddenly tell her to leave based on Shannon saying that the gossip was hurtful to her kids. Heather would want to make sure that she at least appeared to be in the right of things when throwing someone out of her home. 

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He didn't say he was unhappy because he has girls but that he had girls because he was unhappy. Those are very different things. I suggest that people not drink alcohol and then film for TV....very stupid.


... either way, it means having girls is bad news.  happiness gets you boys; unhappiness gets you girls.  misogynist much?  

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but she could always go in and lay down with him for a bit, cuddle, talk, whatever - then get back up when he falls asleep. It's almost like she just WANTS to bitch.



I agree Ghoulina.  If the marriage does fail...or if there's a separation and Shannon finds Someone New, you can bet she'll be available to him at any/all times.  If he wants to go to bed at 6pm, she'll be joining him.   I don't watch the show often, but Shannon is the epitome of High Maintenance.  She goes to some "doctor" every day???

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... either way, it means having girls is bad news.  happiness gets you boys; unhappiness gets you girls.  misogynist much?  

I don't think that is what he meant. It was a joke. He wasn't commenting on the worth of daughter, he was commenting on the state of his marriage and I went back to watch and they didn't pan to his daughter. They cut to her. If cameras followed you around and edited your comments together I bet there are plenty of things you do and say that would make you look like a total ass. They could do it to all of us.

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I don't think that is what he meant. It was a joke. He wasn't commenting on the worth of daughter, he was commenting on the state of his marriage and I went back to watch and they didn't pan to his daughter. They cut to her. If cameras followed you around and edited your comments together I bet there are plenty of things you do and say that would make you look like a total ass. They could do it to all of us.

It's still mysogynystic, whether he was joking or not, commenting solely on his marriage or not. They could have edited it to make it look like the daughter was there but it doesn't matter. Imagine being his daughter and hearing him make that joke when the episode airs. What if he's made "jokes" like that before? These comments are easily internalized, especially by young girls. It was a stupid, assonine, sexist thing to say. I'm offended as a female and I'm not his kid.

Edited by DeeplyShallow
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David's joke was thoughtless though.  I can't imagine as a parent saying anything even in jest that would make my kid feel second best.  


I have to wonder if David pulled the Kelsey Grammer approach -- get his wife involved in something like RH so she has something of her own and something to keep her busy while he sets up home with a new girl.

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I agree it was thoughtless but, I don't think in his heart me meant for one second that his daughters are less than. Intent does matter.


Put it this way.  If someone said to you, I was in a sad place in my life, so I went on a date with Sara; if I'd been in a better place, I would have dated Julie.  Doesn't that mean that Sara is down here and Julie is up there (to use a metaphor no one's heard before, lol).  It means one is valued less than the other.   In this case, "Sara" would be the girls and Julie would be the boys.  he was sad, so he had girls.  if he were happy, he'd have had boys.  yes it's directly a comment on Shannon, but it's also a comment on whether girls are as "happy" a baby gender as boys.  It's just another way of saying boys are preferable to him.  


He could have made that point about Shannon in so many other ways than to bring his daughters into it.  But he did, and that sucks for the daughters.  

I think it's also possible to read too much into the comment.  Who's to say his daughters put too much thought into his comment (if/when they heard it). It's very possible they just brushed it off as "Dad's trying to be funny again".   I've been guilty of saying things in sarcasm that could be very much read into, however that was not the thought/intent behind the comment. 

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Intent doesn't matter, it was said. Why make any comment that brings gender into the mix? I still believe it was mysogynystic, regardless of intent. It's like when someone uses "retarded" to insult someone necause they use it interchangeably with "stupid" or "idiot." They aren't thinking that they are insulting someone with special needs. It's not their intent to do so when they use "retarded" but they are still insensitive and insulting when they do.

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Is anyone else hoping that Shannon and Heather will team up at some point? The two richest and smartest bitches left on the show would be a force that even Tamra couldn't take down. 


In my fantasy, the reason Tamra runs away barefoot and screaming is because she is confronted by both Shannon and Heather about the lies or exaggerations she has told each of them. It would make for an absolutely EPIC episode. But, I don't think that Andy wants anyone to take Tamra down. I think he loves her shit stirring too much to allow her to finally get what she has coming.

Edited by MatildaMoody
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In my fantasy, the reason Tamra runs away barefoot and screaming is because she is confronted by both Shannon and Heather about the lies or exaggerations she has told each of them. It would make for an absolutely EPIC episode.


I wonder which occurs first, Tamra's midnight shrieking sprint, or Shannon's blatant 4th-wall tear down with the IT'S ALL ON FILM!!!!!! scene at the party.  


Either way, I'm wringing my hands in anticipation of one of those scenes finally airing.  

Edited by Persnickety1
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I wonder which occurs first, Tamra's midnight shrieking sprint, or Shannon's blatant 4th-wall tear down with the IT'S ALL ON FILM!!!!!! scene at the party.  


Either way, I'm wringing my hands in anticipation of one of those scenes finally airing.  



ME TOO!  I'm even going to splurge on a good bottle of Chardonney!  Not a two buck chuck to watch these scenes.  



Regarding David's remarks about having girls ....  I thought the comment from his daughter (they all look alike to me) about him "always unhappy" was a bit more concerning.  LilMissLablover HATES it if we fight.  We are not fighting, just saying 'it's your turn to clear out the dishwasher'.  But girls can take any snip a certain way.  She's constantly telling us to go out on date nights and she's so happy when we do.  She's 15 1/2 (that matters to her - driving permit and all), with all that said, she would be the type of person to throw that comment in her dads face "unhappy people have GIRLS!  You said that!"  Even if his daughter wasn't there, if she watches the show, she'll see the comment.  Even if it's a joke, teens, oh my, can make drama out of a sigh. 


Bring on Tamballs running down the hall.  Knock on wood that Bravo listens to her screams and gets her off this show!  "You'll never see me again~!"  Thank you baby jeezus.  I'll send Bravo a muffin basket myself!

Edited by Lablover27
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I gotta talk shit about Heather for a second.


I grew up in a whole town of Heathers -- and it sucked! No, she may not SAY certain things, but the way she is, is bullshit enough.  It's tough to explain, but there are just some people in life that are just assholes -- even if they don't SAY things, you KNOW it's what they're thinking. And please, she doesn't have true friends from every walk of life. And shit, the mere fact that she even notices her "friends" differences -- and prides herself on STILL being friends with them -- is telling.


My parents have a friend that is EXACTLY like Heather. And she would totally consider my parents "friends" -- and since my parents can be social climbing assholes, they don't notice -- but bitch calls my parents when she needs "HELP" -- if you know what I mean....I bet Heather treats her friends from "all walks of life" the same way.


AndTerry? Please. He is SUCH A SNOB!


As for Shannon, I like that she seems "real." It may be uncomfortable to watch, but a whole lot of couples are more like her and Dave, than the Shinny Happy Bullshit appearances the other couples try to put forward. Us humans are strange -- we're all going through -- or feel lonley and insecure -- a lot more than we let on (especially Heather, IMO). In some ways, our culture is just about faking it. I can't help but wonder, if we'd all be happier, if we could all just admit that our lives aren't nearly as perfect as we want other people to believe.


My point: Thank you, Shannon, for being REAL!

Edited by Lady Grump
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I think David Beador has learned that his rapier wit comes off poorly and he should not eat chips or crackers on camera.  Shannon has obviously learned that she needs to stand down over the little things and stop the nagging.  From what I have read this couple seems to still be together.  Who knew repeated public humiliation was the key for keeping the marriage together.



I find the Beadors marriage woes far more real than the ridiculous storyline Heather and Terry tried to pass off last year.  I do not know how Heather continues to get acting jobs. 

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Is anyone else hoping that Shannon and Heather will team up at some point? The two richest and smartest bitches left on the show would be a force that even Tamra couldn't take down.

YES!  That would be awesome, and I won't be surprised if that happens eventually. I still don't understand why Heather disliked Shannon right away (yet likes Tamra). I really don't think it is because Heather feels intimidated by Shannon's wealth.  We have seen some of Heather's other friends, and they are all very wealthy (and Vicki intimated that all of her friends are very wealthy during their lunch). I don't think she is that insecure (or insecure much at all, really). 

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Here is why Heather dislikes Shannon-Shannon was cast and there has to be some awkward way for a newbie to show up.  So after meeting Shannon once-and pretty much disparaging everything about her home, beliefs etc., Shannon was introduced to Tamra and Vicki.  Shannon was drawn to Tamra and Vicki probably because they didn't insult her to her face.  Not long after meeting Shannon, Heather and family went back east for Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving weekend Shannon invited Tamra and Eddie, Heather McDonald (the comedienne) and her husband to a USC game.  Heather Dubrow felt excluded-even though she would have been in transit the day of the game.  Pictures of the six of them at the game made it all over the internet and there was no Heather Dubrow.   DO not ever leave Heather out of a photo op.

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My take is that Heather observed two things: 1) Tamra and Vicki were getting chilly towards her 2) Tamra and Vicki took an instant liking to Shannon. I think Heather was threatened by the notion that Shannon might take her place in the veteran trio and got way overly defensive about minor things like who-is-sitting-where at the dinner table.

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... either way, it means having girls is bad news.  happiness gets you boys; unhappiness gets you girls.  misogynist much?  

Inebriated or not, this was just a million shades of wrong.

Does it matter whether he said it in front of the girls because it is certainly there for posterity when the girls inevitably watch the episodes.


And of course, it also reveals what appears to be his true feelings regarding daughters being second best to sons.


And FWIW, it's not even a cliche as it is the first time I had ever heard that thought expressed.

Yeah, I'm over 50 yrs. old and I have never heard this expression.  It really saddened and shocked me.  

Edited by beesknees
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How much of a pussy do you have to be to email a suggestion about moving out to your wife?  Or is Shannon that crazy he thought he'd be offed if he suggested that in person?


I also get the impression that Shannon pushes and pushes but never thought he would leave her.  She was shocked.  She was taking blame  


There's something about Shannon that I love but at the same time, I can't imagine living with her quirks.  The money she's spent on all of this bullshit new age stuff would be enough to make me want to divorce her.

This!  I half-watched the episode where Heather and family were trimming the house for XMAS.  Did I hear correctly when Heather said they have about 20K worth of XMAS decorations?  Fix it Baby Jesus! (TM Phaedra Parks).  If Heather's spending that much on freakin' decorations I cannot even IMAGINE how much she's blown on gurus, healers, crystals, and the like.

I wish that Shannon and Heather hadn't been alienated from each other so quickly after meeting. They would have been the perfect duo for finally taking Tamra down. I think Heather knows well enough by the time that Shannon comes over to her house that all of the stuff that is going on between the two of them is Tamra's doing, but she seems to be way too afraid to point blank tell Shannon that Tamra lied to her. Probably because she knows that Shannon will be more likely to believe Tamra.


Yeah, there's actually a great foundation for next season here: Shannon and Tamra becoming friends and turning on Tamra. I, too, am surprised there hasn't been a gang up on Tamra in all the seasons she's been on. Although I suppose it's not that hard to stay one step ahead of a Lynne, Gretchen or Alexis.


In Heather's blog, she actually confirms what you said. She basically said that she was reluctant to put Tamra on full blast because she knew she and Shannon were already at odds, and so she wondered if Shannon was setting her up so she could go running back to Tamra to say Heather tattled on her.

That fake baby with Tamra and Eds was freaking ridiculous. These people are in their 40's ! She already has 4 kids and is too old to have any more. He clearly doesn't want any kids. End of storyline. Move on.  And amidst all the tension and fighting between Heather and Shannon which is becoming another boring storyline, we see Vicki and Brooks frolicking in the waves and getting massages. WTF??  This franchise is on shaky ground. I still can't figure out where the other two new ladies fit in to all this. Actually they don't fit in at all.

Intent doesn't matter, it was said. Why make any comment that brings gender into the mix? I still believe it was mysogynystic, regardless of intent. It's like when someone uses "retarded" to insult someone necause they use it interchangeably with "stupid" or "idiot." They aren't thinking that they are insulting someone with special needs. It's not their intent to do so when they use "retarded" but they are still insensitive and insulting when they do.


YES!  That would be awesome, and I won't be surprised if that happens eventually. I still don't understand why Heather disliked Shannon right away (yet likes Tamra). I really don't think it is because Heather feels intimidated by Shannon's wealth.  We have seen some of Heather's other friends, and they are all very wealthy (and Vicki intimated that all of her friends are very wealthy during their lunch). I don't think she is that insecure (or insecure much at all, really). 

there are certainly other reasons that people can feel insecure that have nothing to do with money.  IMO, Heather went on this show because she feels inadequate and knew in some ways she would feel superior, But, IMO, she's created an illusion in her mind that she is superior and this is what propels her behavior.

Inebriated or not, this was just a million shades of wrong.

Yeah, I'm over 50 yrs. old and I have never heard this expression.  It really saddened and shocked me.  

I'm in my 60's,and I've never heard it either....just a ghastly awful thing to say....well Bravo really knows how to find the winners for these shows...I'll give them that.

I agree Ghoulina.  If the marriage does fail...or if there's a separation and Shannon finds Someone New, you can bet she'll be available to him at any/all times.  If he wants to go to bed at 6pm, she'll be joining him.   I don't watch the show often, but Shannon is the epitome of High Maintenance.  She goes to some "doctor" every day???

Honestly, if I went to a "doctor" everyday I would soon realize what ever he was doing was not working.

This!  I half-watched the episode where Heather and family were trimming the house for XMAS.  Did I hear correctly when Heather said they have about 20K worth of XMAS decorations?  Fix it Baby Jesus! (TM Phaedra Parks).  If Heather's spending that much on freakin' decorations I cannot even IMAGINE how much she's blown on gurus, healers, crystals, and the like.


I watch this show very infrequently, so I might be wrong...but shouldn't these Heathers be Shannons?


I watched the show regularly when it first started and it has really gone down the road to Crazyville--down.  Shannon appears to have too much money and too much time...in addition to some quirky medical/mental issues.  I don't think being on television is good for her health...or that of her family.  Danger, Will Robinson, Danger!!!

Heather is INSUFFERABLE.  She looks so petty and narcissistic dealing with Shannon.



Put me on Team Heather...or let me form a team if none exists. At least her character is written to be smart, savvy, and not a doormat.   How long, Mother of God, can one stand the insecurities (and poor acting skills) of Shannon?  She chides her husband for eating "the same" snack every night when he comes home from work.  Actually, she picks at him constantly.  I guess if a divorce gets better ratings, they'll agree to that.   He mentions that if dinner were ready, he wouldn't have to snack.  THEN...she walks out of the house an drives over to confront another Ho-wife?


These women make lotsa bucks to gossip and complain to/about each other--and the "media" cooperates.   Everything we see them say and do is in front of cameras--cameras that don't appear instantly. There's always a large production staff present.  These "chance encounters" take hours to set up.  It's just as easy for the producers to switch storylines (and "actresses") as it is to get Brooks to Mexico nekkid and talking about getting turned on in front of two Mexican masseuses.  Barf bag for Table One!


Tamra reveals her real reason for being upset with Heather. Meanwhile, Briana and Ryan surprise Vicki with the gender of their baby and later, Shannon turns to Tamra for support when her husband, David, sends her a shocking e-mail about their relationship.

Tamra certainly has a way of sabotaging herself, does she not? She gets a spot on Heather's stupid show and still finds something to bitch and moan about. Boo hoo, Heather wasn't warm enough for you! Also, can you learn to produce tears when you pretend to cry?

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