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S33.E08: Liar, Liar

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Hunter is an idiot. Georgia is pathetic and make Cara Maria and Jenna look like relationship experts. I would be interested in the reunion only for her to see how stupid she looks.

I hate the Brit Alliance. I'm over all of them.

Good for Wes teaching Dee how to swim so quickly.

Cara Maria, please, let the Kyle stuff go.

Edited by TiffanyNichelle
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Another episode, another hour of horrible people acting even more horribly than usual. To top it off, one of the more tolerable teams gets sent home.

I'm feeling bad for Jenna. She continues to be a non-factor, and some folks in the Facebook group "live-watching" were slagging her hard. Nothing against Da'vonne, but if she had to go out if Bear was eliminated, I would've been awesome with it. Instead, we get at least two more episodes of The Fucking Bear Show. "Tune in every week as Stephen Bear agitates people, hogs the camera, and openly lies about his girlfriend actually being a cousin he would not fuck!!" Seriously, I think Bear is basically fulfilling the dream Puck Rainey had for himself a quarter-century ago: to make a living being a humongous dick.

Good mission. I'm happy Dee was able to put her five minutes of swimming lessons from Wes to good use. Someone noted that this wasn't the Wes that dealt with Casey in Fresh Meat. My reaction: "Yeah, but he was put into a season where he had to take out three of his ex-roommates at the start. Also, that was Casey he was dealing with." Out of the six people in the Tribunal, only one I couldn't stand was Cara Maria and her eternal grudge against Kyle . . . and I totally get that, but the plot was basically hinging on the Bear/Georgia/Hunter bullshit this evening. I don't have time to think about her. During the After Show, I imagined her in Florida for Spring Break, more red in her hair than usual, trying to convince people she was Queen Mera from Aquaman.

Gus called Bear "a cousin-kissing motherfucker." And that shall prove to be his greatest achievement this season. At least he gave himself and Jenna a sliver of hope by beating Bear the second time.

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Cara needs to let it go with Kyle. Making game decisions based on personal b.s. is something the old Cara would have called out other girls for. Where is Laurel when you need her to whip Cara into shape. 

I like Davonne quite a lot but she is bogged down by two unforgivable things... her crap partner and her allegiance to freaking Paulie. Ugh!

I liked the actual challenge. I continue to love Turbo. Georgia is a total disappointment. Wes’s commentary on Hunter was probably my favorite thing of the episode. 

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Maybe give Cara the benefit of the doubt, that she targets Kyle so the big alliances don’t go after her?


The cold water and puzzle was a good challenge.  Not a big fan of the grappling with the pole.  Seems like Gus overestimated his abilities and wore himself out on that first round.

Jenna also made the mistake, trying to outmuscle Davonne who’s probably stronger.  Wes’ dumb comment just motivated Davonne for the second round.

I don’t think anyone is fooled by Bear except Georgia but that’s probably some self-esteem issue.

He is the easiest target among the UK makes so he and Davonne will cont8nue to be targeted if a non UK team gets int9 the tribunal.

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Cara is wasting her entire season on this crusade against Kyle. I forgot he existed until she pulled his card. Just let it go. 

Hunter is an idiot. He treats females like trash. He acts like he owns them and throws a fit when they don’t fall in line with how he thinks they should act. It’s disgusting how he speaks to his female partners.  He says Bear isn’t cut from the same cloth as him but they’re sure cut from the same yard of fabric. 

Edited by Spencer Hastings
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Cara needs to stfu about how Kyle is trying to come between her and Paulie. WHAT? SINCE WHEN? Dude is just chilling and doing his thing and this is the second fucking season that all Cara can talk about is Kyle (well third if you include the one where they were fucking) Cara is nuts in the fucking head and obssessed with his ass. 

Georgia is an idiot.

Wes, I still love you and will always love you for taking the time to teach your partner how to swim. 

Ashley needs to quit screaming like he is something. How many times has he been in the tribunal? 

  • Love 4

I'm kinda over Wes and I kind of irrationally hate Dee, but him teaching her to swim and then them winning the challenge was pretty cute.

Not enough Turbo in this ep.

I love Day and am completely meh on Jenna and Gus, so I was glad Bear/Day beat them. Bear still somewhat entertains me, but he's wearing thin.

I can't wait until they go to individuals because I only like a couple people and they all have shit partners.

  • Love 4

As soon as they gave Gus a talking head at the beginning of the episode, I knew they were toast. Dirty 30 Jenna (was that the season she kicked Amanda off that platform thing?) would have had this elimination in the bag, but that was then and this is now.

Horribly, I sort of understand where Georgia is coming from. Bear is the worst, but has the ability to be charming WHILE being the worst. I'd take him over Hunter (a different sort of the worst) any day.

Wes, you are at a 9, and I need you to come down to about a 6. (Only in vocalized ego, not in actual ability.)

Looking forward to Nany telling Cara to get a grip in some future episode!

  • Love 3

Bear is winning me over. My big complaint about him not competing seems to have been a one time issue. He’s a great heel. He entertains me, and that’s more than I can say for Gus and Jenna, as wholesome as they seem.

Hunter can fuck right off too. I can see why Smashley took his money. Roided up little man baby. 

Wes is dominating this season and he knows it. His Cartman “respect my authoritay” act at the tribunal was ridiculous. Another reason I’m starting to like Bear is that he is good enough to get under Wes’ skin, which is saying something, particularly with older Wes.

  • Love 3

So, Bear's strange plan (that actually worked) was:

Step 1: Call out Hunter and Georgia as the team they would go against were they called onto the Killing Floor.

Step 2: Have Hunter, understandably annoyed at being called out, express his displeasure to Bear with this plan.

Step 3: Pull the "look at how I am being so unjustly attacked" act even though Bear ... just called Hunter out

Step 4:  Have Georgia defend Bear from Hunter's attacks ... because ... Hunter is defending himself against being called out ...

Step 5: Profit.

Wes has such "Boston Rob in Survivor Redemption Island" vibes here, it's uncanny. Except he's not playing with a bunch of sheep.

I'm still confused who Paulie/Ninja and Cara are aligned with except "not Kyle, because he's the WORST."

  • Love 2

This episode made me so glad Ashley stiffed Hunter. He's a pig and I fell sorry for any woman who is partnered with him in the future (in any sense).

Turbo was so awesome in this episode. When Georgia was wailing about how Bear needed to be out of the house and he said "You need to cut his dick" I laughed for an entire minute even though it is such a wrong comment.

  • Love 7
5 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

He did quip that Bear might get his dick cut off. That's enough for me.

1 hour ago, TresGatos said:

Turbo was so awesome in this episode. When Georgia was wailing about how Bear needed to be out of the house and he said "You need to cut his dick" I laughed for an entire minute even though it is such a wrong comment.

Good point. That was the best quote of the ep, followed by Gus' "cousin kissing motherfucker." 


Seeing [Turbo] upset in the teaser is distressing, because he's probably the brightest light left in the game, and I don't want the others to drag him down.

This whole ep I just kept thinking, as much as I love him, I hope he never does another season because this show will ruin him.

5 hours ago, ImpinAintEasy said:

Speaking of the preview, the twist of the game turning individual has to favor Turbo. If he’s good at puzzles, he will be very difficult to beat in a final. 

I hope you're right. Turbo winning is honestly the only acceptable outcome.

  • Love 6
8 minutes ago, Racj82 said:

More and more I've noticed I judge people a lot more by the company you keep. For Nany to watch this immature dickhead in action constantly and lays up with him after all that? She ain't shit either.

Right?! I have never seen what could be appealing about Hunter.  He is annoying. And gross, as he said on one reunion that he has sex with women with I think Nelson and someone else.  To me, that is disgusting. And his roid rage is out if control.

Bear can shut up any time. 

I feel like Kyle isn't even mad anymore when Cara puts him in. Kinda like a joke now.

Many is gorgeous and seems quite kind. She deserves a good dude.  Remember she went for that mean Johnny not Bananas? Yeah, she needs better taste. 

Edited by Cherry Cola
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Did anyone else think that Bear’s “girlfriend” sounded like an actress reading lines? Anyway, I don’t see how any woman could find Bear or Hunter attractive or appealing in any way at all.

Looks like Bear is the puppet master since Hunter and Georgia both acted according to his plan.

I like the format this season of drama/challenge/drama/complete elimination in each episode.

  • Love 2

How sneaky that they're forced to have all of their phone conversations via speaker phone now!

Bear is an idiot but that's been established well before this episode, lol. I do find it suspect that if you have to keep asking the same guy if he has a girlfriend, it's probably because your gut instincts are telling you that he's lying. A lie is a lie and Georgia has every right to be mad with Bear about it, but if she's honest with herself, she'll be mad at herself too for not listening to the good advice her gut was trying to give her. But alas, in the end she didn't listen. If she's got any self-respect, she'll look back at these episodes at some point and be angry at herself for how she was so obviously duped and just refused to let herself see it. Hunter handled himself wrong and needs to keep his temper in check but Georgia getting mad at getting called out by her partner when she was the one that called him out first when he was simply reacting to being provoked is just all sorts of crazy to me. For every action, there is a reaction and don't run your mouth and then run to a corner and cry when someone reacts to your harsh words with harsh words of their own. She saw nothing wrong with her own behaviour so while I'm not a fan of his, Team Hunter sitting right here.

Have to say, this season is really killing it with the tribunal and elimination challenges. Maybe they've finally started listening to the criticisms that the prize money is getting larger yet the challenges and finals are getting and less and less impressive. The shit that the vets had to go through just to win a small fraction of what is available now was unfair. Glad to see the show is stepping up their game again.

Turbo seems to be good at everything. If I were a betting person, my money would be on him to win it all. He's confident in puzzles, strength, endurance...it almost seems easy for him.

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, dangwoodchucks said:

Did anyone else think that Bear’s “girlfriend” sounded like an actress reading lines? Anyway, I don’t see how any woman could find Bear or Hunter attractive or appealing in any way at all.

I just read somewhere on insta written by the ex Gf that she didn’t know it was recorded and then people said well you have to sign a release so you had to know.  According to several responses, since they never said her name or showed her face the recording was allowable, as long as they had her voice dubbed by someone else, who repeated her exact words.  That may be why it sounded fake to you 

  • Love 2

I love that Turbo was sitting in on the swimming lesson.  You just know he was also giving advice; I wish if he were we could have heard it.

Hunter demands Georgia come talk to him, he says his piece, sits back, and then talks all over her.  Georgia is no great shakes but she was right to bounce.

God Cara.  Get the fuck over it.  Although it does seem she might be overdoing the Kyle part because she’s scared of facing Mattie.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, mojoween said:

I love that Turbo was sitting in on the swimming lesson.  You just know he was also giving advice; I wish if he were we could have heard it.

Hunter demands Georgia come talk to him, he says his piece, sits back, and then talks all over her.  Georgia is no great shakes but she was right to bounce.

God Cara.  Get the fuck over it.  Although it does seem she might be overdoing the Kyle part because she’s scared of facing Mattie.

Don't you mean afraid to face Martha? Lol I wish Martha would come out of Mattie and kick Cara's asshole in.

I love Turbo, he is my new favorite.

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This one was difficult for me.  I love Da'Vonne, but I absolutely despise that stupid Bear.  I like Gus and Jenna's ok.  So I was torn . . . until that asshole Wes told Jenna to put her knee in Da'Vonne's face.  Fuck you Wes.  Jenna doesn't have Da's fire, and she's not mentally strong.  So good for Da.  And too bad Wes is so stupid he finally realized the UK people outnumber the rest.  

I always like Wes until I don't, and the don't came this episode.  

And again I say it - I'm so sick of the dick-swinging contests.  And God save me from men shorter than they wish to be compensating by strutting and pounding chests.  This includes Bear, Paulie, Ashley, and Hunter. 

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Dee and Wes are so cute, and good at the game.  I hope they win.

Maybe if Jenna ate again, she'd have a chance at winning these challenges. She's looking too thin for her frame. 

Bear is disgusting and an expert manipulator. As soon as the whole girlfriend thing went down, I told my friend (who watches the show with me) that she would be back with him by the end of the ep. I was wrong. It only took until halfway through the ep.

"Cousin-kissing mother fucker" LOL! I'm still laughing.

I agree with everyone who loves Turbo.  He's the best.

  • Love 3
On ‎3‎/‎28‎/‎2019 at 7:08 AM, toodywoody said:

Cara needs to stfu about how Kyle is trying to come between her and Paulie. WHAT? SINCE WHEN? Dude is just chilling and doing his thing and this is the second fucking season that all Cara can talk about is Kyle (well third if you include the one where they were fucking) Cara is nuts in the fucking head and obssessed with his ass. 

The one interesting thing I learned from watching the after show was that apparently Paulie and Kyle were relatively cool when Cara wasn't around.  Hunter and Day said they'd be laughing and talking without any problems and then Cara would come in the room and it was as though she'd be reminding Paulie that he had to hate Kyle.  They all thought she got off on seeing Paulie and Kyle go after each other so she kept the feud alive.  

On ‎3‎/‎28‎/‎2019 at 8:23 AM, strippedhalo said:

As soon as they gave Gus a talking head at the beginning of the episode, I knew they were toast. Dirty 30 Jenna (was that the season she kicked Amanda off that platform thing?) would have had this elimination in the bag, but that was then and this is now.

I had the same exact thought.  He's been a ghost in that house so the first time he got a talking head I knew it was the death knell for him and Jenna.  I do like Gus but I'm not sure he's cut out for this show.  Jenna seems to lack any fire in her that she used to have on these challenges.  

On ‎3‎/‎28‎/‎2019 at 11:40 AM, Eolivet said:

So, Bear's strange plan (that actually worked) was:

Step 1: Call out Hunter and Georgia as the team they would go against were they called onto the Killing Floor.

Step 2: Have Hunter, understandably annoyed at being called out, express his displeasure to Bear with this plan.

Step 3: Pull the "look at how I am being so unjustly attacked" act even though Bear ... just called Hunter out

Step 4:  Have Georgia defend Bear from Hunter's attacks ... because ... Hunter is defending himself against being called out ...

Step 5: Profit.

 Honestly, this reminds me of Amanda.  I don't like the look on her and I don't like it on Bear. 

On ‎3‎/‎31‎/‎2019 at 7:42 AM, peachmangosteen said:

lol right! I always go into a season with him so excited he's on it and then slowly but surely I grow to hate him.

I can't help it, I love me some Wes.  That said, every season, I am so happy when he is on and I look forward to seeing him but as the season progresses I always find myself shaking my head and thinking to myself "calm down Wes, you aren't that good" and "you haven't done anything yet Wes to be congratulating yourself so much."  I just can't bring myself to get too annoyed with him.  I guess it's because I always feel like he's winking at us, like he knows its a load of bull but he's having fun and playing along.  

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