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Matt and Caryn

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Does anyone else think it’s a bit tone deaf to be packaging up donations for houseless people while sitting in Matt’s 3rd or 4th house/dwelling…all on the same property? 

I admit, I wasn’t watching as much as I was listening, but the way Zach was going on about “the light show, the Christmas lights, can’t wait to show the kids the lights!” I was expecting a little more than that.  It was nice that he strung up the lights around the tree trunk, that took a lot of effort to do by himself.  However, the final reveal was… underwhelming.  If he was going to decorate the broken tractor, why not outline it to show the shape?  It looked like Zach stood on the ladder and tossed two strands of lights at it.  Maybe Jackson, Lilah and Murphy can take over next year? Couldn’t be worse.  BTW, I will bet that broken tractor will be in the same exact spot next year.  

I am also tired of hearing Matt say “the deal fell apart” re. selling the farm to Zach.  I don’t think there ever was a deal.  Sounds like Zach was expecting to pay below market, with a family discount applied. And Matt was expecting top dollar, no Groupons or Kohls Cash accepted. Both of them had unrealistic expectations because Matt seemingly never had a sit down with ANY of his kids to discuss the farm, the finances, the legalities, etc. Not that it would have worked out exactly as discussed without adjustments, but at least everyone would have a rough idea of the others’ intentions. Now they have disgruntled feelings, revenge property purchases and forced family interactions with pouty faces.

Edited by BusyOctober
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4 minutes ago, BusyOctober said:

but the way Zach was going on about “the light show, the Christmas lights, can’t wait to show the kids the lights!” I was expecting a little more than that.

What made it more underwhelming was right after the big reveal it showed the lights/decorations at Amy and Chris and Matt and Caryn's. Both of which were great. Zac's not so much.

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2 minutes ago, b4pjoe said:

Probably because if people are living in a box under the overpass that is their home so they aren't homeless. They just don't have a house. So they are houseless. I too have never heard the term houseless before this.

Exactly, I only found out about it doing volunteer work, quite some time ago we were told not to use the term “homeless” 

I’d never heard of it before but now I notice articles about it popping up everywhere.


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Yes, it's now "houseless."  Hard to keep up!

I wonder why Cha-Cha didn't drive up with Matt to deliver the Christmas gifts?  Was it possible they invited Z&T to celebrate them that week as usual and were rebuffed?  Or would it have been around the time Caryn had her own grandchild and was helping out with that?   Little Jackson asking for Cha-Cha and to go "up in Arizona"; that kid is breaking my heart!  I notice Matt wasn't even offered a chair, he had to rest against a ladder instead.  Caryn probably would've had to sit on the concrete floor of the garage...  I'd have had to pee after an 1.5 hour drive, too!

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General comment, so no personal attacks:

Homeless is politically incorrect and houseless is the new word… Really? Come on! I wish we, the human race, would stop nitpicking and take offence on behalf of others. The world has so many real problems that need to be dealt with.
I’ll add it to my ever growing list of new politically correct words sigh….. But I doubt anyone living on the streets gives a f*** about being called homeless as they’re trying too hard to survive. (

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6 hours ago, LilyD said:

General comment, so no personal attacks:

Homeless is politically incorrect and houseless is the new word… Really? Come on! I wish we, the human race, would stop nitpicking and take offence on behalf of others. The world has so many real problems that need to be dealt with.
I’ll add it to my ever growing list of new politically correct words sigh….. But I doubt anyone living on the streets gives a f*** about being called homeless as they’re trying too hard to survive. (

I go along with it because apparently it’s the PC thing to do but I’m really not that comfortable with accepting a human being living in a cardboard box is a “home” or someone living in a tent on the sidewalk in the bitter cold of winter is a “home”

I think we should look at it as unacceptable for a human to live in such situations and establish a definite minimal requirement for an acceptable “home” 

I think at the very least it should be somewhere with heat, doors and windows that lock etc so they can have a reasonable expectation of safety and not freezing to death if the temperature drops and other basic human needs.

To me it seems a bit like the “haves” making THEMSELVES feel better about someone living in a box, tent, car etc. by saying it’s their home and we need to respect that. 🙄

It’s kind of like the wealthy celebrities and socialites who have their charity functions to raise a few thousand for less fortunate people so they don’t have to feel guilty sitting in their mansions, living a lavish lifestyle while being waited on hand and foot by servants.

Edited by Joan of Argh
Auto correct
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I was surprised at Caryn's "WHAT???" when the friend mentioned her moving in to Matt's new house.  What was that about?  Does she not plan to or is she waiting for him to put a ring on it?  Maybe she's happy in her own home and just visiting.

I personally like Caryn (what we see of her) and loved her adorable relationship with Jackson while it lasted, until ZiT put an end to it, but she IS a bit "affected."  Like hyper-feminine and super-courteous (which, again, is why I can't imagine her saying anything "insulting" in that meeting beyond "okay, that's it" when ZiT got defensive and no doubt started throwing their fits, which I totally COULD see; nor can I imagine Matt being anything but businesslike and professional while discussing the deal, but they had to be real with them, and the truth hurts)...  

It's funny that Matt AND Amy both ended up with polar opposites of their first spouses and seem happier than hogs in slop with them; it just proves that they married the wrong people in the first place, were incompatible, and are better off apart or as friends.  Maybe one day Amy will realize this and stop with the, "Ew!  Matt cooties!!!" routine.

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On 6/24/2022 at 2:03 PM, Dibs said:

It's funny that Matt AND Amy both ended up with polar opposites of their first spouses and seem happier than hogs in slop with them; it just proves that they married the wrong people in the first place, were incompatible, and are better off apart or as friends.  Maybe one day Amy will realize this and stop with the, "Ew!  Matt cooties!!!" routine.

I agree I think Amy and Matt made better choices with their current partners.  Matt and Amy are both super stubborn and if not for the show I doubt they would have lasted as long as they did.  Besides, Molly, they kind of did a shitty job raising kids, although it seems she succeeded in spite of them.   I really think they got married because neither thought they could do better than the other.   They both seem a lot happier now.  

I don’t mind Caryn, but I really don’t analyze her too much. I will say years ago when she was an employee, me and my then bf “joked” that she and Matt were having an affair.  I don’t think we actually thought it, but we were shocked because Matt actually seemed to be happy and laughing during a conversation with her.  This is when he and Amy seemed absolutely miserable, so something as simple as a smile stood out, not so much because I was convinced he was having affair, but more so it made it glaringly obvious both he and Amy seemed completely freaking miserable.

I really have no idea what if anything happened between Matt and Caryn and probably never will, short of them flat out saying they did or some neutral third party having information.  I don’t necessarily believe everything Amy says, but I don’t take Matt at face value either.  I could definitely see Matt and Caryn complaining about their then spouses on the daily and having an “emotional affair”, but I really have no idea, I’m just speculating.  

Do Caryn and Matt even want to get married seems like they both went through terrible divorces? I could see them just continuing to make a life together. I don’t necessarily think Amy would deal with either one of them if not for the show.  I think Chris would, I do think he likes Matt and Matt probably thinks their little sidekick routine is good for the show. It probably doesn’t hurt it gets a rise out of Amy.

Im curious if Audrey and Jeremy had any feelings on Matt and Caryn liked they seemed to “police” Amy’s dating/social habits.  Either way, I think Caryn and Matt seem to be better off with each other just as Amy is with Chris.

Edited by Irate Panda
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On 6/21/2022 at 9:02 PM, BusyOctober said:

I am also tired of hearing Matt say “the deal fell apart” re. selling the farm to Zach.  I don’t think there ever was a deal.  Sounds like Zach was expecting to pay below market, with a family discount applied. And Matt was expecting top dollar, no Groupons or Kohls Cash accepted.

FOR SURE late to the party on this but I want to record my two cents.  As the father, I hold Matt completely accountable for the talks falling apart.  Yes, they are both adults but never forget the effect of a father's scorn (I wasn't there--I think Tory was highly offended at the tone/words her FIL had with Zach).  Reasonable people don't insult their son when discussing business, especially when the spouse is present.

Business deals fall apart all of the time; there is no real reason they must go scorched earth when they do. For this I blame the father.  Matt could have disagreed with Zach's proposal with a pause to get back with Zach or something.  He handled it poorly.

I have a daughter who is 33.  We have decided we want to get along.  I never press her on things I know she disagrees with me on and she never presses me with things she knows I feel strongly about.  Granted, these are not things like buying the house but you get my drift (there is a lot to disagree on these days).  We want to get along.  

Matt and Caryn can "aw shucks" it all day long in their confessionals but they blew it.  Matt, you raised your son and you made him feel like a heel.  I really don't want to forgive you for it.  You're the father.

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Here's the other post with the same picture. Apparently someone pissed in Matt's Cheerios. I also see the spelling fail and the word salad issues. 


eta: And now Matt has deleted this post where he's telling people to go away if they aren't praising him and that he will respond to fools for fun.  Guys, I'm thinking Matt's got some regrets on this one. 

Edited by Redrum
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On 6/23/2022 at 12:28 PM, LilyD said:

General comment, so no personal attacks:

Homeless is politically incorrect and houseless is the new word… Really? Come on! I wish we, the human race, would stop nitpicking and take offence on behalf of others. The world has so many real problems that need to be dealt with.
I’ll add it to my ever growing list of new politically correct words sigh….. But I doubt anyone living on the streets gives a f*** about being called homeless as they’re trying too hard to survive. (

I have a friend who volunteers  with the” unhoused ” daily.  I’ve been down in the encampments  with him several times.  I  have  sorted clothing donations for them and brought them to shelters to hand out to folks that couldn’t get into the temporary shelters. . I purchased clothing for them.   My friend is a is retired psychotherapist that has worked in field of homelessness  for years and years, He uses the expression no one should be homeless.  I’ve never heard the word houseless said  ,yes on unhoused in his charity groups.   I’ve only watched the beginning and have  second hand embarrassed for Caryn clapping like a teen that she might get engaged. Yeah I’d feel uncomfortable in a master bedroom of a “ friend” whose husband you slept with then in turn insisting that he get said friend off the property so you won’t be uncomfortable seeing her.  .  If he ever marries her she’ll be screwing the handyman in no time if she isn’t already. 
Who  the Hell wants to buy that broken down carnival? 

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Does anyone else think Matt has no real intentions to sell that 1/2 of the farm? Or at least doesn’t want to sell it that badly?

I could be wrong, but I can’t see him giving up control of any part of the farm. And maybe that’s why he priced it on the higher end after the market was staring to cool? 

Logically, one would ask why he would even put it on the market if he didn’t want to sell, and I don’t have an answer to that. But as an example (smaller scale obviously), I’ve been to garage sales where certain items were priced well above typical ‘yard sale’ prices. When asked if price is negotiable, they say no, I really don’t ‘need’ to sell it and I’m fine just keeping it. It doesn't make sense that’s it’s even on a table, offered for sale when they know no one will by buy, yet, it is. 

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On 7/6/2022 at 10:32 PM, Dustbunny said:

he's waiting for Matt to.....  put a ring on it 

I asked my teenager if he wanted to watch the new episode with me. He said, no thanks. It’s mainly just them showing the kids (Tori and Zach) punishing Matt and Chris being in love with Matt. Which is the perspective of not only a 15 year old but I suspect most adults. 

Side note: He never watches any TV with me at this point in his life and I’m sure heard me yelling at the TV during previous episodes lol. 

Edited by Awfarmington
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2 minutes ago, Awfarmington said:

Does anyone else think Matt has no real intentions to sell that 1/2 of the farm? Or at least doesn’t want to sell it that badly?

I could be wrong, but I can’t see him giving up control of any part of the farm. And maybe that’s why he priced it on the higher end after the market was staring to cool? 

Logically, one would ask why he would even put it on the market if he didn’t want to sell, and I don’t have an answer to that. But as an example (smaller scale obviously), I’ve been to garage sales where certain items were priced well above typical ‘yard sale’ prices. When asked if price is negotiable, they say no, I really don’t ‘need’ to sell it and I’m fine just keeping it. It doesn't make sense that’s it’s even on a table, offered for sale when they know no one will by buy, yet, it is. 

Just me guessing, but as I’ve said I do think some of the farm stuff is pushed for the show. They’re pretty much running out of storylines.  I don’t think that part of the farm is worth 4 million, I mean the market is overly inflated, but I do think it was worth a lot more than Zach was offering.  

I do think that Matt worries about money, despite being around 60.   I think he knows his health care costs will continue to increase and I don’t know how much he still owes from the Amy sale, plus he’s trying to build his new home.    I would guess he’d be willing to part with that of the farm if he could really get 4 million for it because it would probably become a storage unit as I don’t see Caryn and him actually living there. He wouldn’t like it, but 4 million would make it more palatable.  

So at best he gets 4 million dollars at worst he has another storyline for the show.  YMMV :)

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2 minutes ago, Irate Panda said:

Just me guessing, but as I’ve said I do think some of the farm stuff is pushed for the show. They’re pretty much running out of storylines.  I don’t think that part of the farm is worth 4 million, I mean the market is overly inflated, but I do think it was worth a lot more than Zach was offering.  

I do think that Matt worries about money, despite being around 60.   I think he knows his health care costs will continue to increase and I don’t know how much he still owes from the Amy sale, plus he’s trying to build his new home.    I would guess he’d be willing to part with that of the farm if he could really get 4 million for it because it would probably become a storage unit as I don’t see Caryn and him actually living there. He wouldn’t like it, but 4 million would make it more palatable.  

So at best he gets 4 million dollars at worst he has another storyline for the show.  YMMV :)

I agree, I think Matt would let it go for 4 million anything less than that and he'd rather keep it.

It provides another storyline for the show and he might be planning on renting it out if it doesn't sell so it needed to be freshened up anyways to increase the rent potential.

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7 minutes ago, Awfarmington said:

Does anyone else think Matt has no real intentions to sell that 1/2 of the farm? Or at least doesn’t want to sell it that badly?

Doesn't want to sell it that badly, in my opinion. If someone slapped down 4 million he'd happily grab it up. And ultimately I think he started getting bored when he got control of the property and realized no one was willing to dance for the farm once Zach realized he was never getting it. Ultimately Matt's the only one in the Roloff clan who has ever expressed the wish to sell the farm - he really isn't tied to that property. 

24 minutes ago, Awfarmington said:

Logically, one would ask why he would even put it on the market if he didn’t want to sell, and I don’t have an answer to that.

The show. The sale of the farm is clearly a storyline. The announcement of the sale was on Jackson's birthday right before the show's new season began. Its for the show. 

I do question where this goes as the place isn't selling and Matt probably can't sell "well, I changed my mind, it's not overwhelming me".

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2 minutes ago, Irate Panda said:

Just me guessing, but as I’ve said I do think some of the farm stuff is pushed for the show. They’re pretty much running out of storylines.  I don’t think that part of the farm is worth 4 million, I mean the market is overly inflated, but I do think it was worth a lot more than Zach was offering.  

I do think that Matt worries about money, despite being around 60.   I think he knows his health care costs will continue to increase and I don’t know how much he still owes from the Amy sale, plus he’s trying to build his new home.    I would guess he’d be willing to part with that of the farm if he could really get 4 million for it because it would probably become a storage unit as I don’t see Caryn and him actually living there. He wouldn’t like it, but 4 million would make it more palatable.  

So at best he gets 4 million dollars at worst he has another storyline for the show.  YMMV :)

That’s an angle I’ve also thought of and makes sense, too. 

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I too think Matt is just testing the market with Roloff farms.  He's at the age where I think he would sell if the price is right!  I will say he might have missed the hot market!  Stocks are tumbling and the housing market is cooling off a bit.  Lotsa people had lotsa money!

I didn't get the idea Matt's anxious to build another monster home. When he and Caryn were pondering the build I didn't see that spark in his eyes!   Right now building supplies are through the roof.  Contractors have waiting lists.

A friend has contracted for a 12 x 15 ft four seasons room as an addition to her home.  Going price $70,000 eight months ago.  Prices on the rise and the contractor, a well respected builder, can't find help!  It's still not built and labor and material keeps rising in price!

Matt's about one year late!

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On 7/7/2022 at 9:41 PM, Redrum said:

Doesn't want to sell it that badly, in my opinion. If someone slapped down 4 million he'd happily grab it up. And ultimately I think he started getting bored when he got control of the property and realized no one was willing to dance for the farm once Zach realized he was never getting it. Ultimately Matt's the only one in the Roloff clan who has ever expressed the wish to sell the farm - he really isn't tied to that property. 

The show. The sale of the farm is clearly a storyline. The announcement of the sale was on Jackson's birthday right before the show's new season began. Its for the show. 

I do question where this goes as the place isn't selling and Matt probably can't sell "well, I changed my mind, it's not overwhelming me".

Or he thinks he can get a better price because it's a 'celebrity' property.    That's happened with other sales from other reality stars, and didn't work. 

The Gosselin's house in the cul de sac was marketed that way, and it had a spectacular flop.    

I was always surprised with that huge property, they built a multilevel home, with all of the phsical challenges.    I wonder if anyone eve cleaned out that trash pile of a basement?  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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2 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Or he thinks he can get a better price because it's a 'celebrity' property.    That's happened with other sales from other reality stars, and didn't work. 

Yep, in the seller’s mind it’s a bonus. To most buyers it’s a curse with fans and tourists showing up for years to come. (E.g.. The current owner of the first Sister Wives house in Lehi still regularly has fans driving by or taking pictures. It’s been 10 years!)

54 minutes ago, b4pjoe said:

I think the biggest issue with the sale is the Castle, Pirate Ship, Mine Shaft, Old Western Town (complete with a saloon, jail, post office, and so much more). Who in their right mind with $4 million to spend would want that crap?

This! Also, the entire house would need a complete overhaul as it was designed for little persons. Particularly the kitchen and bathrooms need work, but I remember thinking that the windows seemed a little lower than normal and there’s other stuff like the fence around the deck, door handles etc. And as someone mentioned above: builders  don’t come cheap and have huge waiting lists.

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There lies the problem. The "whimsical structures" on the property are maintenance issues certainly not to code (there's a reason people aren't allowed into the Western Town buildings on the pumpkin season tours, likewise the castle). While the listing says you can grow pumpkins there, the reality is that a significant portion of the property is parking lot.  And in theory, the property's next door neighbor will be running an October pumpkin season on HIS property which greatly increases the nuisance issues with the whimsical structures that the pumpkin crowd is used to touring.

The house is both lovely and weird. There's a fireplace in the garage. There's an upstairs room that is really a closet posing as gym (the LUXE properties listing has a full tour and floorplans and guys, its a roomy place but its weird and full of oddly shaped areas that don't have any defined use. There's two bathrooms on the second floor and one has a sink that is blatantly chipped. One of the bedrooms is staged with a refrigerator in it. Several of the upstairs bedroom and the closet posing as a gym have low head clearance. I can only find five bathrooms on the floor plans despite it listing having six. The kitchen will need extensive remodeling. I mean don't get me wrong, if I was offered the place I'd happily move in but its really not move in ready and it goes beyond being a little dated. If Matt is superfirm on price then I see why its still on the market after almost two months.

2 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Or he thinks he can get a better price because it's a 'celebrity' property.    That's happened with other sales from other reality stars, and didn't work. 

This. I think he is banking on some crazy fan dying to buy the place no matter what the cost and I don't think it will happen. I am curious when and if we will see a price drop. 

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24 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

I don’t think there’s much about the house that is geared toward little people. The kitchen has some lowered countertops, but it’s not designed to be “accessible”, in my opinion.

The stove top is really low. I could live with the lower island and would likely just ignore the microwave thats set in the lower cabinets but the stovetop being so low would be awkward. Likewise the oven being set a bit low. That kitchen is certainly workable for average height people, but not sure I'd pay four million for "workable". 

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