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S15.E18: Add It Up

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Maggie introduces mood rooms as an alternative approach to medicine. Alex and DeLuca butt heads over an 11-year-old patient who tries to sabotage her own surgery. Jackson and Richard deal with a gender non-binary patient. Meanwhile, Teddy has a pregnancy scare that brings Owen and Koracik to odds.


Original Canadian air date: 3/20/19
Original U.S. air date: 3/21/19

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It wasn't too long ago when Deloser was renting a room from Arizona and then couch jumping, but now he can afford that swanky apartment? Tptb are so desperate to make him a leading man, the leap from three seasons as a C character to this is sloppy.  

They've wasted Tom Koracick on Teddy since it seems inevitable that she'll reunite with Owen. He should've been Meredith's new "boyfriend". 

Edited by funnygirl
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I hate the terrible approach this show has to doing research. Maggie brings in a bunch of plants and video games and takes readings on her friends and she's supposed doing real research.

I didn't get Alex's reasoning at all. DeLuca was out of line because of his emotions, which is SOP on this show, but why did Alex ban him from the surgery after he'd talked to the girl?

I was surprised how cute Linc and Amelia were.  Unfortunately Owen and Teddy still aren't. The harder Owen tries, the more anti-chemistry they have.

I totally agree with Richard about how fast the world is changing and how he has to run as fast as he can just to stay in the same place. That said, I solve the problem of pronoun's by using the person's given name.

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Yes, the whole "research" aspect of the show is ludicrous.  Not just Maggie's research, but Meredith working on that idea that "came to her in a dream".  Researchers spend years making these things happen.  She's just making some notes and I have no doubt she'll have a working prototype by the end of the season.

I think that Koricick *may* have gotten through Owen's thick head, just a little, when he confronted him about trying to get between him and Teddy.  "You've chosen Amelia over her multiple times.  I love her and she's my number 1."

As for DeLuca and Karev... I was so mad at Karev.  He threw DeLuca into the mix (some kind of altruistic gesture because he's dating Meredith?!?!?!)  and then didn't like it when he go emotional and then when he fixed everything, still banned him from the surgery.  Just because you are worried about Jo, don't be a dick, Karev.

And speaking of Jo, her face was in the shadows, but she looked bad... bruised?  Something went horribly wrong with the visit.

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I knew Tom/Teddy was more of a plot device for a Teddy/Owen endgame, but it still sucks with how he reacted in this episode. Also, I still can't like Owen. The show can't just have him being a complete ass to Amelia a couple of episodes ago and then have him be funny and charming with Teddy here. At this rate, he's just flip flopping because he can't be alone...despite having a son and soon-to-be-born daughter. 

At this rate, I'm hoping that this is leading to Teddy choosing Owen and both of them moving to Germany. That way, they can shed some weight off of their series regular cast, which is already bloated enough, and I'm hoping for Tom to stick around. Yet I fear Tom won't last past this season...which would suck, but I'm hoping Krista will finally hear the audience and keep him around. 

So, Alex is pissed that Deluca is essentially pushing Meredith away, on top of Alex not hearing anything from Jo, so he...takes it out on Deluca. Sounds about right and what I kind of expected.

Maggie's research is kind of dumb, I'm not going to lie. It also led to Bailey randomly playing video games and Meredith chilling by a bunch of plants. 

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7 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Maggie's research is kind of dumb, I'm not going to lie. It also led to Bailey randomly playing video games and Meredith chilling by a bunch of plants. 

I don’t even understand where this came from! 

Amelia is the one that JUST went to a conference for alternative medicine. Maggie is a cardio thorasic surgeon! Why is she trying to do less surgery? Plus, the things she listed are more concerns for a general practitioner? Where did this need to instill mood rooms come from? Did I miss something? 

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5 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Maggie's research is kind of dumb, I'm not going to lie. It also led to Bailey randomly playing video games and Meredith chilling by a bunch of plants. 

It's a research stream started by Ulrich in 1984 looking at gall bladder patients.


Indeed, the benefits of seeing and being in nature are so powerful that even pictures of landscapes can soothe. In 1993 Ulrich and his colleagues at Uppsala University Hospital in Sweden randomly assigned 160 heart surgery patients in the intensive care unit to one of six conditions: simulated “window views” of a large nature photograph (an open, tree-lined stream or a shadowy forest scene); one of two abstract paintings; a white panel; or a blank wall. Surveys afterward confirmed that patients assigned the water and tree scene were less anxious and needed fewer doses of strong pain medicine than those who looked at the darker forest photograph, abstract art or no pictures at all.

“Let’s be clear,” Cooper Marcus says. “Spending time interacting with nature in a well-designed garden won’t cure your cancer or heal a badly burned leg. But there is good evidence it can reduce your levels of pain and stress—and, by doing that, boost your immune system in ways that allow your own body and other treatments to help you heal.”

But it's not the kind of research a CT surgeon should be doing. And definitely not in the hit-or-miss way this show presents research.

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3 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

Don't any of these people have actual work to do?

The kid's plot was even cliche. Another problem is, it also shows how limited teens are. Even with Alex explaining how the insurance will only do so much and she is like: "Fine, whatever, I don't want the surgery so I don't have to face it." Yeah, and then flashforward a couple of years and it will be: "FUCK! End this pain, I can't have it anymore." It just gets to the point with someone people where you just want to go: "So, in pain and avoiding life is the best?" "Yeah, good luck having a life or even having a job with that?" I hate cliche crap like that!

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Wait.  How many women has Koracik screwed in the relatively short time he's been at Sloan Grey Mercy Death Humping Hospital?  And now he's in love with Teddy and talking smack and getting all up in Owen's chest and telling him to stay away from the mother of his child?  Whether Koracik likes it or not, Owen is the father of Teddy's child.  Koracik can just fuck off.  

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Teddy suddenly talking to baby like a soldier just for short comedy bit with Parker?

Owen making weird voices?

Webber suddenly being overly confused by a social issue?

Everyone doing some slo-mo walk down the hall because they’re excited to try to do math?

This writing this episode was really forced.  Made all the attempts at funny very unfunny to watch. I would have been hiding out in the plant room too.

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34 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

Don't any of these people have actual work to do?

LOL - I've been asking that question for 14 years. 

Throughout the show I kept wondering ... hoping ... when Bailey is going to end her sabbatical because I'm sick to death of Karev throwing his ego around. Let it be soon. 

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11 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

Wait.  How many women has Koracik screwed in the relatively short time he's been at Sloan Grey Mercy Death Humping Hospital?  And now he's in love with Teddy and talking smack and getting all up in Owen's chest and telling him to stay away from the mother of his child?  Whether Koracik likes it or not, Owen is the father of Teddy's child.  Koracik can just fuck off.  

Just two, Amelia and April. And he was single, and he didn't force anyone to sleep with him? So I don't see the problem with that. And he didn't tell Owen to stay away from her, he just told him that if he tried anything with Teddy he wouldn't back away.

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1 minute ago, DEL901 said:

Why was Jackson working in the ER and meeting the incoming traumas?   Isn’t he plastics?

Everyone else is too busy playing giant Tetris and doing math?

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2 minutes ago, TTG said:

Just two, Amelia and April. And he was single, and he didn't force anyone to sleep with him? So I don't see the problem with that. And he didn't tell Owen to stay away from her, he just told him that if he tried anything with Teddy he wouldn't back away.

I don't even know what "try anything" means.  Short of being abusive, Owen can "try" whatever he wants with Teddy.  She's a grown woman who can make her own choices, whether it's Owen, Koracik, or someone else she wants in her life. 

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15 minutes ago, shantown said:

This writing this episode was really forced.  Made all the attempts at funny very unfunny to watch. I would have been hiding out in the plant room too.

When I looked at the clock (first of many times), I saw it was 8:30 and winced!

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23 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

Wait.  How many women has Koracik screwed in the relatively short time he's been at Sloan Grey Mercy Death Humping Hospital?  And now he's in love with Teddy and talking smack and getting all up in Owen's chest and telling him to stay away from the mother of his child?  Whether Koracik likes it or not, Owen is the father of Teddy's child.  Koracik can just fuck off.  

Despite me not liking how they turned Tom partially into some jealous guy fighting for Teddy's affection, his speech WAS more about how he was fighting for Teddy; his concern wasn't about taking Owen and Teddy's baby away from him. He was also peeved that Owen never told him about Teddy's medical emergency, even when he got paged for her right in front of him. 

Also, it's not like Tom didn't bring up a good point about Owen bouncing from woman to woman. He was literally in love with Amelia a couple of weeks ago and now he was supposedly rebounding, again, to Teddy. With how Tom was feeling about not being paged when his girlfriend was having a medical emergency, he might have overreacted but he brought up a good point about Owen seemingly going back to Teddy after an Amelia rejection. But then again, we know Towen is likely to happen because we know how television works and how predictable this show can be. 

However, Tom is merely a plot device for Towen and I hate every minute of it. They're not spending the time with Tom and Teddy if they're a legitimate couple worth pursuing. It just sucks since Tom's one of my favourites and he's being relegated to jealous love interest. Greg Germann's acting talents should be above this childish teen drama-esque love triangle crap.

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Ummm I thought Deluca lived on 1444 Couch Lane in Futon, Washington 

Now his place is all SWANKY 

I smell a rat.  

Edited by dmc
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13 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Also, it's not like Tom didn't bring up a good point about Owen bouncing from woman to woman.

I just had to quote this part because it had me laughing.  Koracik is the last person to be lecturing someone about going from woman to woman. 

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Okay this is an aside I recently bought an aromatherapy oil humidifier and it changes colors like the Grey’s Anatomy rooms and I don’t get it.  What is soothing about chilling in disco lights.

I mean I already hate Deluca so this he’s mad at Meredith nonsense isn’t working for me.  People are barely on board with this so probably should move on from this fight stat 

Owen still sucks

Alex is being mean to Deluca but I can’t feel bad because Meredith was the same with Jo for years so 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

Edited by dmc
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1 minute ago, funnygirl said:

It's name is Krista Vernoff.

Do they think we forgot he was sleeping on Jackson’s couch a couple episodes ago

Also why are doctors walking down the halls to music like Resevoir Dogs 

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23 hours ago, funnygirl said:

They've wasted Tom Koracick on Teddy since it seems inevitable that she'll reunite with Owen. He should've been Meredith's new "boyfriend". 

9 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

I'm hoping that this is leading to Teddy choosing Owen and both of them moving to Germany. That way, they can shed some weight off of their series regular cast, which is already bloated enough, and I'm hoping for Tom to stick around. Yet I fear Tom won't last past this season...which would suck, but I'm hoping Krista will finally hear the audience and keep him around. 

I'm completely "meh" about Teddy, but I have disliked Owen since he came on to the show, so I am all for them being endgame and flitting off to Germany or anywhere else but Seattle at the end of this season.

And I hope Tom sticks around.

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26 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

I just had to quote this part because it had me laughing.  Koracik is the last person to be lecturing someone about going from woman to woman. 

Tom was never in love with those women. Owen professed his deep love for Amelia...and then Teddy....and then Amelia again....and now it looks like it's Teddy again. 

That's the difference. Also, Tom slept with Amelia and April, but not right after the other, and he never bounced back from one to the other and back to the first (and that was also last year). 

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The hook up stories are so predictable.  Of course Amelia and Linc would get together again at the end. 

So you think next weeks astounding TV will be Jo finding out that her and Alex are brother and sister?

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2 minutes ago, Laurie4H said:

The hook up stories are so predictable.  Of course Amelia and Linc would get together again at the end. 

So you think next weeks astounding TV will be Jo finding out that her and Alex are brother and sister?

I think she’ll find out that her mother’s pregnancy was a result of sexual assault

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1 minute ago, dmc said:

I think she’ll find out that her mother’s pregnancy was a result of sexual assault

In the MeToo era that sounds about right.  It will be heavy handed and contrived also.

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If my spouse went on a trip and refused to answer the phone all day I would be worried and angry.

DeLuca was out of line in yelling at the girl’s mother and insisting she be forced into surgery. Yes he talked to her later but he was still unprofessional.

I don’t see that Owen is in love with Teddy. He is the father of the baby and helping her through the pregnancy. Teddy seems like the least maternal person in the world to me so I hope Owen can take up the slack.

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27 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Tom was never in love with those women. Owen professed his deep love for Amelia...and then Teddy....and then Amelia again....and now it looks like it's Teddy again. 

That's the difference. Also, Tom slept with Amelia and April, but not right after the other, and he never bounced back from one to the other and back to the first (and that was also last year). 

While I understand Koracik not wanting Teddy to get hurt by Owen, it's none of Koracik's business about Owen's relationships with the women in his life.   The fact is, Koracik cannot dictate or control how Owen and Teddy interact each other.  If he feels so uncomfortable and threatened by their bonding during her pregnancy, then maybe the best thing for him to do, at least right now, is to step aside and leave them alone until the baby is born.   If Teddy still wants to be with him, then he'll know for sure that she chose him over Owen.

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Just now, Ohwell said:

While I understand Koracik not wanting Teddy to get hurt by Owen, it's none of Koracik's business about Owen's relationships with the women in his life.   The fact is, Koracik cannot dictate or control how Owen and Teddy interact each other.  If he feels so uncomfortable and threatened by their bonding during her pregnancy, then maybe the best thing for him to do, at least right now, is to step aside and leave them alone until the baby is born.   If Teddy still wants to be with him, then he'll know for sure that she chose him over Owen.

I don’t think it’s that.  I think he knows that Owen has Teddy on standby.  Owen just uses her any time he needs someone.   

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If they want me to believe Teddy and Karacik are 

2 hours ago, Ohwell said:

  And now he's in love with Teddy and talking smack and getting all up in Owen's chest and telling him to stay away from the mother of his child?  Whether Koracik likes it or not, Owen is the father of Teddy's child.  Koracik can just fuck off.  

Well, I find love ridiculous because we've spent about 4 minutes with them together.  So, yeah, not invested.   But he didn't tell Owen to stay away from Teddy or the baby as a father.  He told him that he was genuinely interested in Teddy (I still refuse to buy into LOVE) and Owen only wants Teddy when he can't have somebody else.   

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This episode just dragged and dragged for me. I kept checking the clock, and was dismayed when I saw how little time had passed. I can't pinpoint any one specific thing, but the writing has just felt so off, unfocused, and kind of ridiculous. 

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The more they try to give Deluca depth the more I actually hate him. Mer smiling at the end was cute, but holy fuck that's not worth a season worth of drama so she can smile in between dealing with his punk ass. Also, no way does a guy go from couch surfing/on-call room lodging for almost a full year to a fully furnished swank pad with no change in pay in less than a year. 

Tom was about 85% in the right with Owen. Telling Owen he'd make Teddy's life more stressful to protect her was a big dick move and I wasn't here for it, but the rest was exactly what Owen needed to hear. Unfortunately, I'm sure Owen only heard what he wanted to from all of that. 

Amelia and Link were fun last episode and already boring me this episode. Webber is now "Old Man Yells At Clouds" and Jackson was kind of being a dick to Webber.

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I wish Meredith and Deluca would just end already but I have a feeling it’s not going to anytime soon. They are so bad together. I just can’t get over how shitty the choices on pairing ppl up are. All the couples suck. Meredith and Deluca have like the opposite of chemistry. It’s cringey to watch them. I see no reason why she would want to be with him anyways. He’s a little bratty baby. She’s supposed to be this amazing world renowned surgeon on the show and she chooses Deluca as a partner? Yea right.

Edited by Marley
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3 minutes ago, Marley said:

I wish Meredith and Dekuca would just end already but I have a feeling it’s not going to anytime soon. They are so bad together. I just can’t get over how shitty the choices on pairing ppl up are. All the couples suck. Meredith and Dekuca have like the opposite of chemistry. It’s cringey to watch them. I see no reason why she would want to be with him anyways. He’s a little bratty baby. She’s supposed to be this amazing world renowned surgeon on the show and she chooses Deluca as a partner? Yea right.

Makes me think ellen and Krista don’t want a partner for meredith, they want a puppy. 

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19 minutes ago, Marley said:

he’s supposed to be this amazing world renowned surgeon on the show and she chooses Deluca as a partner? Yea right.

You'd think she'd be going to world conferences in Switzerland and Dubai or something, and meeting other amazing world renowned surgeons.  Or a research scientist.  Or go a different way and maybe she meets a single dad at Zola's school play.  She doesn't HAVE to date someone in the hospital!

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5 hours ago, Ohwell said:

Wait.  How many women has Koracik screwed in the relatively short time he's been at Sloan Grey Mercy Death Humping Hospital?  And now he's in love with Teddy and talking smack and getting all up in Owen's chest and telling him to stay away from the mother of his child?  Whether Koracik likes it or not, Owen is the father of Teddy's child.  Koracik can just fuck off.  


No, Owen can go eat a bag of infinite dicks.  Now and forever.  His...whateverthefuck baby voice he was using was so gross.  Had I been Teddy, I would have smacked him upside the head and told him to talk to our daughter like a normal person.

DeLuca was wrong to go off on the mom like that, but he did more than make up for it with his talk to the girl, and Alex was still a total asshole to him.  Shocking!  #notshocking

I'm with Richard.  I teach grammar to high-school students, and using a plural pronoun to refer to a single person really does bother me.  Sweden invented a set of gender-neutral pronouns that non-binary people can use; I would love for the English-speaking world to do the same.

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I liked the story with Richard because my mom is one of those people that has a very difficult time with the plural they.   Trans people? She totally gets that and uses their preferred singular pronoun without judgement or confusion.  But the they pronoun just breaks her and she has told multiple they people that they should consider using different gender neutral pronouns.  /shuddering.

The part where Richard recognized that it was on him and he realized how hurtful it was (to a lesser degree) to be called something he didn't feel was him but that he was having trouble keeping up?  That felt very real to me based on that situation.  

The singular they bothered me at first from a grammatical perspective then people pointed out all of the uses of singular they already in use and I told myself to get over it.   /shrugs.   Tell me your pronouns.  I will use them.  I shall not judge.  I might forget to ask you for your pronouns when we meet though.  I am a work in progress.  Also I live in a place where such a question in the wrong setting might get me shot.

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DeLuca certainly runs hot and cold. He ditched Maggie awfully quickly a few seasons ago. Foreshadowing of issues similar to his dad, or just a dick?

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I found it hilarious when Alex (rightfully) told Deluca that he was letting his personal issues affect his feelings about patients. Every single doctor at Seattle Grace Death Hospital has done that so that just means Deluca fits right in!

I loved Koracik telling Owen off. He's right - everyone deserves to be someone's first choice and Owen has been flip flopping between Amelia and Teddy for what feels like forever. As soon as one of them rejects him, he goes running to the other one.

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I have a Deluca theory.  I suspect his big issue with Meredith is that’s she his superior with more know-how, talent and connections and this bothers him. I think that’s why he disregarded his concerns about his dad’s experiment. That’s why he’s sensitive to any advice from her or anything he perceives as a favor from a friend of hers.  I also think that this the big difference between men dating older women and women dating older men.  Most women wouldn’t care if their husband is further along career wise and a lot of men would care if their wife was 

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11 hours ago, Laurie4H said:

In the MeToo era that sounds about right.  It will be heavy handed and contrived also.

They did that about 10 years ago on Nip/Tuck with Christian's life be revealed to be a result of a sexual assault from a known family friend that he looked like as an adult. I believe that was better handled, this is going to be very heavy handed. The truth is, it's the world we live in now, my own sister-in-law took the dna test to track down any relatives who might suffer from Alzheimer's. I see this happening to a lot of adoption kids.

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11 hours ago, dmc said:

I don’t think it’s that.  I think he knows that Owen has Teddy on standby.  Owen just uses her any time he needs someone.   

Even if he thinks that, there's nothing he can do about it and telling Owen off doesn't change anything.  Teddy is a grown woman who can figure things out for herself.

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The story with the little girl didn't make much sense. They were monitoring her every bodily function and levels to be just perfect but then her glucose level shot up because she drank a juice pouch. So who the hell gave her a juice pouch if her glucose level was so critical? Did she get up and go down the hall and get one herself? Who found the empty juice pouch under her pillow, Deluca? Why was he searching under her pillow? The whole thing was so contrived. I knew from her reaction the second her mother gushed about her being able to go back to school she was going to sabotage the surgery. Apparently neither of the highly qualified doctors in the room, or her mother, are as observant as I am.

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41 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

Even if he thinks that, there's nothing he can do about it and telling Owen off doesn't change anything.  Teddy is a grown woman who can figure things out for herself.

I would agree but I think he made Owen aware of it.  No one wants to see someone that they care about taken advantage of...he basically told Owen he’s prepared to put her first when it’s clear Owen is not willing to do so 

2 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

The story with the little girl didn't make much sense. They were monitoring her every bodily function and levels to be just perfect but then her glucose level shot up because she drank a juice pouch. So who the hell gave her a juice pouch if her glucose level was so critical? Did she get up and go down the hall and get one herself? Who found the empty juice pouch under her pillow, Deluca? Why was he searching under her pillow? The whole thing was so contrived. I knew from her reaction the second her mother gushed about her being able to go back to school she was going to sabotage the surgery. Apparently neither of the highly qualified doctors in the room, or her mother, are as observant as I am.

I thought the situation with the woman who was paralyzed didn’t make sense either I didn’t understand what happened why she all of a sudden became paralyzed they were talking about her not being able to walk and then all of a sudden it became she was completely paralyzed

Edited by dmc
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