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2 hours ago, bigskygirl said:

I do not think Melissa the Mentor knows a lot about showmanship. She is probably told what to say and do with the girls. She says a lot of things Kelli, Judy, group leaders, dance instructors, and veterans on the squad tell the TC Candidates. I do not think she has a lot of say so who does or does not make the team. CMT is own by ABC, and ABC of course has Dancing With the Stars. ABC wins because they can constantly remind us Melissa won DWTS, so they get to plug their show, so it is a win-win situation for all. I also do not think Judy, Charlotte and Kelli are happy Melissa is there. I would rather see former DCCs (except for Cassie and Tina) working with the girls.

They have plenty of All Stars (not to mention upper year vets) who could mentor girls (and actually know/have experienced current conditions). 

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4 hours ago, dccfangirl said:

Tina is. BY FAR. my least favourite guest. She's always so mean but adds zero value. 

See I LOVE her! I can totally picture her and I sitting around talking. The old "if you don't have anything nice to say, come sit by me and let's talk" type of thing. I think she is hilarious, she says it like it is, and she's not mean about it (like Kitty, but I like her too). I really appreciate people who speak their mind (probably because I do). 

My least favorite "guest" (if you can call her that) is Charlotte. She's boring and acts like a cult leader. "Let's touch the star!" Add in Sarah "Horse-Face" Gourley too, I never liked her or saw her appeal. Blech. 

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I'd like to see:

Ep 1 - initial auditions and semis, including a note on those who got a pass

Ep 2 - swimsuit, vet prep, finals - and release the full solos on the DCC site when it airs.  I love the idea of them giving a technical scholarship for someone who is a great entertainer but needs some more technical classes

Ep 3 - classroom and initial cut - VK, who doesn't stand a chance against the sheer amount of tried and true pro and college team talent. That way she's out of our hair, she can actually maybe try out for her university team, and Kelli has something legit to say to Tina. "Yeah,  VK  HAS a chance, but I didn't expect the caliber and she was simply outclassed. Maybe encourage the uni team for a couple years?"

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Throughout the years, people have threatened to quit if X or Y makes/doesn't make it.  I respect that.  I've just laughed my way through that.  For me the deal breaker is this new ridiculousness of advertising Cowboy Fit or whatever it is called.  I don't live in Dallas, and if I did I would never spend that kind of $ on a "see and be seen" gym.  I daresay that the majority of the viewers are not potential members, so let up on it already.  If we continue to see more "commercials" and less dance - I am GONE!

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6 minutes ago, Opine said:

Throughout the years, people have threatened to quit if X or Y makes/doesn't make it.  I respect that.  I've just laughed my way through that.  For me the deal breaker is this new ridiculousness of advertising Cowboy Fit or whatever it is called.  I don't live in Dallas, and if I did I would never spend that kind of $ on a "see and be seen" gym.  I daresay that the majority of the viewers are not potential members, so let up on it already.  If we continue to see more "commercials" and less dance - I am GONE!

I feel that way when they tour the Star, touch the Star, gaze at the Star🤩

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22 minutes ago, Opine said:

Throughout the years, people have threatened to quit if X or Y makes/doesn't make it.  I respect that.  I've just laughed my way through that.  For me the deal breaker is this new ridiculousness of advertising Cowboy Fit or whatever it is called.  I don't live in Dallas, and if I did I would never spend that kind of $ on a "see and be seen" gym.  I daresay that the majority of the viewers are not potential members, so let up on it already.  If we continue to see more "commercials" and less dance - I am GONE!

Just give Cowboys Fit its own show and be done with it.  Problem solved.

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6 hours ago, scorpio1031 said:

I feel that way when they tour the Star, touch the Star, gaze at the Star🤩

That was just cult-like and nauseating.

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I would love to see how they pick the group leaders and what women they put in each group. Who are the second leaders? They've never shown them being announced. And group practices would be nice (in normal clothes, not their cult uniforms tptb make them wear) 

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On 6/2/2019 at 9:59 PM, KickYourNose said:

I'd like to see:

Ep 1 - initial auditions and semis, including a note on those who got a pass

Ep 2 - swimsuit, vet prep, finals - and release the full solos on the DCC site when it airs.  I love the idea of them giving a technical scholarship for someone who is a great entertainer but needs some more technical classes

Ep 3 - classroom and initial cut - VK, who doesn't stand a chance against the sheer amount of tried and true pro and college team talent. That way she's out of our hair, she can actually maybe try out for her university team, and Kelli has something legit to say to Tina. "Yeah,  VK  HAS a chance, but I didn't expect the caliber and she was simply outclassed. Maybe encourage the uni team for a couple years?"


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On 6/4/2019 at 11:45 AM, Opine said:

I don't live in Dallas, and if I did I would never spend that kind of $ on a "see and be seen" gym.

I don't need or want anyone seeing me when I'm looking like a hot mess on the treadmill.  Same reason I've never understood the gyms with the plate glass windows in front - I would hate that.

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The Cowboy fit promo HAS to go. I can't believe a single viewer has seen that awkward product endorsement and thought "gee I definitely need to become a member." Waste of goodwill for the brand and so boring for the viewers. Any of the staged convos between the girls is always horrendous - they're beautiful and I LOVE them but they can't act.

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100% agree. One of my doctors is “literally” a stone’s toss from The Star.  It’s very ostentatious in my opinion. A few of my friends work out there, but they live closer to the area than I do.

Frisco used to be a water tower with “home of the fighting coons” on it and a little off name Dairy Queen. I can’t believe what it has turned into. 

As for the show, stop shoving promos down our throat and show the dancing! 

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Yes to more dancing, group leaders and 2nd leaders doing their thang that we hardly get to see, group selections process, more solos, and fewer cheesy staged ads and convos x 10! I'd also love to see more about the work the vets put into finals prep--a segment showing some of the ladies rehearsing and critiquing solos with each other, making costumes, talking about their meal prep and workouts (no, I don't mean some cheesy My Fit Foods plug, just talking heads of the ladies discussing their diet habits or them talking about it as some of them prepare a healthy meal together. Show us more of the work that goes into staying on the team! I'd also like to see a lot more of vets working with TCCs dance-wise. Also, I'd really love to see some of the makeup consultations they get before the makeover. Like, you're using the wrong shades here, or, here's how to make your smokey eye look sexy and not like you're rolling in from partying all night, or, here's how to really play up your best features. That's more than just the before and after shots with some hair foils and cute Marshall consult scenes thrown in. I'm really curious how the rookies learn to do their own version of the DCC look. 

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On 5/16/2019 at 12:37 PM, Tootie said:



I am sooooo sick of Thunderstruck. I love me some AC/DC, but enough is enough. Furthermore, I think the Cowboys can choose a much better beer than Bud Lite. 🤢 Raise your standards, guys! Even Bud regular from the tap is better and that's not saying much. 

(I copied this quote from Tinabee in a different topic...)

I like Thunderstruck, but come on.... they've dance THE SAME ROUTINE since 2011!!!   That's EIGHT YEARS doing the same routine!!  I do realize that they've made a few tweaks along the way, but essentially, it's THE SAME ROUTINE!!  Please, start fresh! Do something else!!

Also... When the girls dance to Thunderstruck, there are multiple shots of Cowboys making plays on the big screen.  Can't they just show the girls routine while they dance?  It's only 5 minutes at most.. aren't they "world class" enough to have 5 minutes of uninterrupted screen time??

A lot of their side line dances have the same moves in the same sequence as Thunderstruck. Also the moves they do in Thunder are also recycled from previous pre-game performances. Why bring in a guest choreographer if you're sticking to the same thing?

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I co-sign enough with the backstories  I don’t care you’ve wanted this since you were 3.  Apparently so did everyone else they talk to.  And enough of the talking heads where they say they’ve worked so hard and that’s why they should get to stay 

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1 hour ago, dariafan said:

I co-sign enough with the backstories  I don’t care you’ve wanted this since you were 3.  Apparently so did everyone else they talk to.  And enough of the talking heads where they say they’ve worked so hard and that’s why they should get to stay 


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1 hour ago, dariafan said:

I co-sign enough with the backstories  I don’t care you’ve wanted this since you were 3.  Apparently so did everyone else they talk to.  And enough of the talking heads where they say they’ve worked so hard and that’s why they should get to stay 

I want to hear where the girls are from and what their dance background but that's enough.  Maybe an occasional in depth backstory similar to TCC Karissa's where she helped raise siblings so her Mom could work.

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21 minutes ago, DCCFanInKy said:

I want to hear where the girls are from and what their dance background but that's enough.  Maybe an occasional in depth backstory similar to TCC Karissa's where she helped raise siblings so her Mom could work.

But if they are going to do that can we hear it from all the rookies and not just a few??

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5 hours ago, Anduril said:

How many more seasons do you think this show has and when do you think this show jumped the shark?

Melissa R.'s podcast said this season had the highest ratings ever. I doubt this is the last year.

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2 minutes ago, slmyers79 said:

Can I just mention how much I hate Jennifer, the nutritionist they bring in on season 7 who spreads false information about carbonation causing cellulite? 🙄

LOL I loved her great idea to do that kitchen intervention.  She just wanted to see where the girls lived and what their apartments looked like!

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17 minutes ago, slmyers79 said:

Can I just mention how much I hate Jennifer, the nutritionist they bring in on season 7 who spreads false information about carbonation causing cellulite? 🙄

Lol I am a carbonation seltzer water junkie...been meaning to Google that😀

Edited by MamaMia
Forgot a word
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On 3/10/2019 at 8:37 AM, dccfangirl said:

And following them through dance and DCC life rather than just an outtake about a sob story in their past "my neighbor's friend's grandmother once died"


On 3/10/2019 at 7:24 PM, dccfangirl said:

REALLY hate when they call the groups up to do routines and then they show a compilation of random dancers eg if Judy says "ok let's see group two do this" and then you end up seeing people who you know aren't in group two. 


 I used to like seeing the girls apartments. I liked watching them find roommates and figure out ways to live and practice on their own. But now, they all seem to have luxury single accommodations -- so it's not that interesting. 

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20 minutes ago, slmyers79 said:

Can I just mention how much I hate Jennifer, the nutritionist they bring in on season 7 who spreads false information about carbonation causing cellulite? 🙄

Right?! And to ambush the freaking gorgeous Nicole Bulcher?! She’s my girl crush. Don’t eff with her, or Imma come after you. 

Also, I love how they highlight that it causes the worst thing that could ever possibly happen. “Poor nutrition leading to death?”, you ask. No, worse! CELLULITE!!! 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱

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I would like to see more of the group leaders teaching the TCC. I also miss watching the TCC do high kicks across the dance floor. I really enjoyed the where are they now segments.

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 What are there...like 10 episodes a season?  Fun topic....everyone post what they'd "like" to see covered in each episode with length of episode.  I'll start:

  1.  Prelims - full hour
  2. Semis - full hour
  3. Finals - Full hour (Interviews, practicing for solos)
  4. Finding a place to live/relocating to Dallas/ 1st meeting(half hour)
  5.  Weeks 1-2 (half hour)
  6.  Weeks 3-4 (half hour)
  7.  Weeks 5-6 (half hour)
  8.  Weeks 7-8 Squad Announcement (half hour)
  9.  Squad Photo and Calendar shoot (half hour)
  10.  First football game (half hour)
Edited by BluegrassDCCFan
changed wording
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Judges’ deliberations during tryouts and showgroup auditions

Guest choreographer comments including suggested cuts


Group Leader selection and group placement 


Kitty Carter (I’ve been loving this season without her)

Staged conversations that have nothing to do with dance

Sob stories/backstories

Tours of the stadium/etiquette/non dance related fluff

Less time wasted on prelims - I don’t think they even need to show anyone who didn’t make it to semi finals.

Less focus on the same 2-3 TCCs every season 

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29 minutes ago, blairwaldorf said:

Judges’ deliberations during tryouts and showgroup auditions

Guest choreographer comments including suggested cuts

The only problem with showing more judges' deliberations is that I think we all see that sometimes, ok most of the time, it doesn't matter.  If Kelli likes you, you're in regardless of what every one thinks.  Though it is fun to watch them all argue.

Guest choreographers - more DCC alumni who can come back weeks later to note any or no improvement and who can also judge kick line/jump splits.  Except for Evan Miller - still love his choreo:)  Personally, I feel that Kelli is using guest judges to not take responsibility for her opinions, shift the blame so to speak.

34 minutes ago, blairwaldorf said:


Kitty Carter (I’ve been loving this season without her)

Staged conversations that have nothing to do with dance

Sob stories/backstories

Tours of the stadium/etiquette/non dance related fluff

Less time wasted on prelims - I don’t think they even need to show anyone who didn’t make it to semi finals.

Less focus on the same 2-3 TCCs every season 

I agree with all this, but I wouldn't mind Kitty Carter if she returned to the Kitty Carter of earlier seasons.

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9 hours ago, MamaMia said:

Lol I am a carbonation seltzer water junkie...been meaning to Google that😀

From what I've read soda could cause cellulite, but not because of carbonation, but because of sugar.  Don't worry about your water!

9 hours ago, KnyghtRyder said:

Right?! And to ambush the freaking gorgeous Nicole Bulcher?! She’s my girl crush. Don’t eff with her, or Imma come after you. 

I loved her reaction..."oh...awesome!"  She was pretty nice about it LOL.  And I liked when she told Jennifer and Kim(?) about diet soda causing cellulite..the way they looked at each other you just know they were making fun of her as soon as she left 🙂 

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8 hours ago, scorpio1031 said:

The only problem with showing more judges' deliberations is that I think we all see that sometimes, ok most of the time, it doesn't matter.  If Kelli likes you, you're in regardless of what every one thinks.  Though it is fun to watch them all argue.

Guest choreographers - more DCC alumni who can come back weeks later to note any or no improvement and who can also judge kick line/jump splits.  Except for Evan Miller - still love his choreo:)  Personally, I feel that Kelli is using guest judges to not take responsibility for her opinions, shift the blame so to speak.

I agree with all this, but I wouldn't mind Kitty Carter if she returned to the Kitty Carter of earlier seasons.


But re the post you were commenting on - I love the etiquette training!  I feel like we see a lot of the girls unscripted personality.

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On 4/2/2019 at 8:25 AM, nittanyvolleyball said:

I'd also like to see groups being announced, not just group leader. It takes two seconds to go through names for each group. I'm not sure how we're expected to follow the group during the dance segments if we don't know what group is which.

Same here!

I want more Marshall....I think he's one of the bright points of the show and they just don't show him enough!!

I would love to see them show more of small group practices...practices being led by the small group leaders. I'd also like to see more solos and not just vet solos.  

Stop the montages of bad danceers at pre-lims... they aren't comfortable to watch...and I hate it when the show publicly embarrasses people. 

Now that being said, I see a 15th season possibly, but I don't think it will go beyond that.  I think the show has been detrimental to the numbers that turn out for auditions.  I think Dayton said it best when asked if she would re-audition a third time....and she responded "not until there isn't a show".   I think a lot of talented dancers stay away because of this same sentiment. 

Edited by Kayce
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16 minutes ago, dariafan said:

Stop with the sob stories please !

I just saw a season (9?) where the sob story was "My parents couldn't afford to send me to the college I wanted to go to."  Oh boo hoo.

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1 hour ago, ByTor said:

I just saw a season (9?) where the sob story was "My parents couldn't afford to send me to the college I wanted to go to."  Oh boo hoo.

That was the girl that ended up taking a dance scholarship to a "lesser" school wasn't it? 

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7 minutes ago, Kayce said:

That was the girl that ended up taking a dance scholarship to a "lesser" school wasn't it? 

I don't think a lesser school, I think she got into SMU which, according to Milan Brahney, is the best, most elite college in the history of colleges 🙄

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2 minutes ago, ByTor said:

I don't think a lesser school, I think she got into SMU which, according to Milan Brahney, is the best, most elite college in the history of colleges 🙄

Ahh...ok 🙂 I thought the way it came across, was it wasn't her school of choice, but couldn't remember the name of the university.  Yeh...I remember Milan talking about hard school was in the podcast she did.  She couldn't party the way she wanted to, and be a DCC 😉 

Edited by Kayce
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Just now, Kayce said:

Ahh...ok 🙂 I thought the way it came across, was it wasn't her school of choice, but couldn't remember the name of the university.  

Well I'm home today & that season was just on, but I'm home with a clogged head, so I totally could have misheard.

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3 minutes ago, ByTor said:

Well I'm home today & that season was just on, but I'm home with a clogged head, so I totally could have misheard.

Oh no...I'm sure you are correct 🙂 I haven't seen that episode in a long time.  

Hope your head unclogs soon!!

Edited by Kayce
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3 hours ago, ByTor said:
3 hours ago, dariafan said:

Stop with the sob stories please !

I just saw a season (9?) where the sob story was "My parents couldn't afford to send me to the college I wanted to go to."  Oh boo hoo.

*laughs in federal student loans*


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3 hours ago, ByTor said:

I don't think a lesser school, I think she got into SMU which, according to Milan Brahney, is the best, most elite college in the history of colleges 🙄

I tell myself this every time I see my student loan payment go out the door.  SMU was a top ten business school (for an MBA, anyway) when I attended...hasn't been fun to see UTD (in my old backyard) surpass it at 20% of the price!  

Bless Milan's heart anyway.

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6 hours ago, ByTor said:

I just saw a season (9?) where the sob story was "My parents couldn't afford to send me to the college I wanted to go to."  Oh boo hoo.

While we're talking about "college struggles," remember Daphne's UCLA sob story? Couldn't make the cheer team first time around 😂.

P.S. I fully understand that might have just been a bad edit, but was still slightly unnerving/hilarious upon first viewing.

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