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Chris and Amy

Message added by Scarlett45

Several posts have been removed referring to Amy's new address. A reminder that linking to participants/casts/actors etc home addresses is against Primetimer rules

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17 minutes ago, EllaWycliffe said:

It actually a pity Matt never cared enough about the kids to see to it that they didn't grow up sounding and acting like inarticulate mumbling idiots and didn't care whether they were educated or went to decent schools, but it does define Matt as a man who put money and personal attention well above things like raising his children.

I seem to remember MANY scenes where Matt tried to have some interaction with how the kids were raised, but Amy constantly shut him down.  There was even a scene where Matt had a lovely conversation with Jeremy about educational and career goals (he was trying to get him to set his sights on something like the Wharton School of Business).  Amy just taught them all to disrespect and ignore him, and couldn't (or didn't) even teach (or show) them how to maintain a clean living environment and not act like wild animals in the house.

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24 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

I seem to remember MANY scenes where Matt tried to have some interaction with how the kids were raised, but Amy constantly shut him down.  There was even a scene where Matt had a lovely conversation with Jeremy about educational and career goals (he was trying to get him to set his sights on something like the Wharton School of Business).  Amy just taught them all to disrespect and ignore him, and couldn't (or didn't) even teach (or show) them how to maintain a clean living environment and not act like wild animals in the house.

LOLing at Jer at Wharton.  

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Just now, readheaded said:

LOLing at Jer at Wharton.  

Yes, I suspect many of us were.  To me, it was more Matt trying to teach Jer that he had to set high goals, or he was going to be just drifting through life with no job and delusions of grandeur about being a famous photographer or writer.

He still has the delusions, but - sadly - his "fame" (thanks to Matt) pays enough for him to feed his delusions.

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46 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

I seem to remember MANY scenes where Matt tried to have some interaction with how the kids were raised, but Amy constantly shut him down.  There was even a scene where Matt had a lovely conversation with Jeremy about educational and career goals (he was trying to get him to set his sights on something like the Wharton School of Business).  Amy just taught them all to disrespect and ignore him, and couldn't (or didn't) even teach (or show) them how to maintain a clean living environment and not act like wild animals in the house.

Yep!  Remember them all running through the new house and Amy saying that was how SHE intended them to be raised!

Amy surely reaped what she sowed!

Poor Matt never stood a chance with Amy!

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1 hour ago, AZChristian said:

I seem to remember MANY scenes where Matt tried to have some interaction with how the kids were raised, but Amy constantly shut him down.  There was even a scene where Matt had a lovely conversation with Jeremy about educational and career goals (he was trying to get him to set his sights on something like the Wharton School of Business).  Amy just taught them all to disrespect and ignore him, and couldn't (or didn't) even teach (or show) them how to maintain a clean living environment and not act like wild animals in the house.

I imagine most of not all of those were for the show (based on his general disinterest in raising them). I can understand Amy being frustrated and dismissive of his attempts if he only did it while the cameras were rolling, which is my impression.

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AZ - I think the Wharton conversation was very much for the cameras and it was a one time situation.  What I remember is Matt's disdain for schooling and insistence that the school of hard knocks was far more important than book learning.

And honestly Matt wasnt man enough to stand up to his wife and instead retreated like a wimp and satisfied himself with making money is kind of the point. Over riding the wife was hard so he didn't bother, therefore his kids turned out crummy because he didn't care enough to bother.

The narrative of Matt trembling in terror and shushing his mouth and meekly yes ma'aming Amy because he was too frightened to disagree  is at odds with how he proudly struts about telling g us he does what he wants and won't let anything stop him. 

He chose his ideas and making money over raising his children because his own satisfaction and pleasure was more important.  He bred those children, he owns how they turned out as much as Amy does.

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Too bad Amy didn't do any scenes on teaching her kids to respect their elders, keeping the house minimally tidy, putting sheets on the beds, etc.  If she didn't do those things ON camera, it's pretty obvious that she didn't bother off camera either.

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And their father didn't bother to enforce any rules either, which yeah, means the kids turned out crummy because of *the parents* and not just the mother. Honestly, I'm not absolving Amy at all, but this notion that Matt is blameless in how his kids turned out simply because he made money and got them on a reality tv show seems to regulate fatherhood to shovelling money down the hole.

Is that what absolves Matt? He made money? 

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Matt may have had the idea for a reality show, but the pitch wasn’t for the Matt Roloff show, it was for the entire family. He can take credit for the idea, but the entire family was responsible for its success, including Amy.

Edited by MargeGunderson
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12 minutes ago, EllaWycliffe said:

And their father didn't bother to enforce any rules either, which yeah, means the kids turned out crummy because of *the parents* and not just the mother. Honestly, I'm not absolving Amy at all, but this notion that Matt is blameless in how his kids turned out simply because he made money and got them on a reality tv show seems to regulate fatherhood to shovelling money down the hole.

Is that what absolves Matt? He made money? 

I don't absolve Matt . . . but at least he did SOMETHING to improve the family's financial situation.  

Amy reminds me a lot (too much) of my female birth vessel.  If you were on her s**t list, NOTHING you ever did was enough, or even minimally praiseworthy.  Sadly, it was a long list, and there were seldom positive words that came out of her mouth.  Most of the people who lived in our house just gave up trying to please her and went off and did their own things to provide positivity for themselves and others.  I see that in Matt and Amy's relationship.  

But at least my FBV kept a clean house and we all had sheets on our beds.

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Amy did work multiple jobs while Matt was unemployed and there are some early episodes that reflect Matt not wanting her to work outside the home.

She also did give up her privacy to do the show and *Matt* often insisted in the early years that they got chosen for the show because Amy refused to clean the house for production's sake. 

Again, I'm arguing both to blame.

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I will add my two cents into this discussion of Matt and Amy's parenting skills....let's start with the fact that these two barely knew each other when they got married. They hardly spent anytime together and jumped into marriage and babies right away...I doubt were there any discussions about distribution of labor in the home, financial needs/wants, parenting plans. Clearly, they are very different people in so many ways...they aren't on the same page about almost everything. Matt is a difficult person to be with. He likes to be in control and "do his thing" on the farm without interference or partnership. Amy went into this marriage with low self esteem...she had four kids and managed their schedules and took care of the day to day operations of the home and kids. Matt took care of the farm and was the main breadwinner for many years...he really didn't have much to do with kids and their lives and they have expressed this over the years. Amy became resentful of Matt yet protective and stalwart in her role as the keeper of the kids/home. All of this lead to disagreements, arguments and bad feelings between them. Amy and Matt made mistakes in their parenting...Matt was unplugged and did little to no disciplining. Amy allowed the kids to disrespect the home and bring their friends over who also disrespected it. Having all of this play out on TV was detrimental to the family unit and created problems for several of the kids...Jacob full out rebelled and has nothing but animosity for the show. Jeremy and Molly want nothing to do with it anymore. 

Their separation was not a surprise. Amy staying on the farm as long as she did was a mistake. She should have packed up and left years ago...staying there just made for more bad blood between her, Matt and Caryn. And let's talk about the Caryn/Matt dynamic. Matt cheated on Amy with the hired help. He broke his marital vows with someone who Amy saw and had to see everyday on her property. What chutzpah Matt and Caryn have. Matt doesn't seem to have any regrets or shame about the way this unfolded. I really don't blame Amy for being bitter about this...she was humilated personally and publicly. Which is why she should have moved out earlier and moved on with her life. She actually seems happier now and softer. The farm as she knew it and where she raised her kids is over...being around Matt and his side piece isn't healthy and the less you have to see him and deal with her the better. I did not like Matt's strong arming of Amy into selling her share of the farm and business by Dec. 31st and found it to be obnoxious. Caryn shouldn't be chiming in on these matters...she is not married to him and she needs to STFU about Amy. 

Finally...about the Roloff kids...the twins are spoiled brats. Always were and still are. Both were poor students and seemed to lack motivation about anything except hanging out with their friends and playing soccer. Both Matt and Amy contributed to the academic failures of these two. Molly was clearly self motivated and a high achiever. She was the black sheep! Jacob was an even worse academic failure having been kicked out of the school all his siblings graduated from and then quitting the public school he transferred to...ultimately he got his GED but spent more time using drugs and talking about them on Twitter. Matt and Amy never stressed the importance of continuing their education and doing well in school...they just seemed too wrapped up in their own stuff. Zach only went one semester to community college and dropped out...does he have any job at all? I always found it interesting that Matt had such a strong work ethic but his kids never worked a summer job or had any job outside of the farm. 




Edited by BrownBear2012
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20 hours ago, LucindaWalsh said:

I think it is great that he is able to be that independent. I also want to take that block thing out from under the chairs on the porch. It is making me uncomfortable just looking at how it isn't far enough out for your feet to sit correctly.

I have the second viewing of the premier set to record but noticed there is also a countdown right before it listed as new. Is it new? It says Jackson meets Lilah and also Amy and Chris are one step closer to moving in together. I set it just in case it is really a new one.

Tori was asked about this on instagram,  if we would finally get to see Jackson actually meeting Lilah instead of running out of the room or hiding behind Zach (apparently it was filmed but it wasn't shown because last season ended abruptly because of Covid)

Tori answered that "yes you should see how Jackson went from not wanting his baby sister to liking his baby sister".

I thought it was interesting that she said "should see" .... I'm thinking she worded it that way because they filmed Jackson warming up to Lilah but she doesn't know how TLC will edit the episodes and what they'll leave out.

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35 minutes ago, ginger90 said:


Some of the boxes should read  Amy and Matt fight, Tori cries about Lilah, Zach sits silently with his mouth gaping open, Amy cooks something terrible looking, Amy snaps at Lisa Dixon, Zach can’t control Murph, No one says Ember or Bode, Chris is out feeding his fish and Amy refers to Chris as “my man”.


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I understand Amy’s not wanting to make a hasty decision on Matt’s offer to buy her out.  But I don’t understand why she hasn’t had the offer reviewed and had some kind of communication about it with Matt in a month.  Am I being too hard on her?

Edited by TattooFan
Fix typo
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I think Amy was a good mom when they were growing up.  I think Matt had no interest all all.  Matt’s main focus was Matt.   He seems a little different with Karen.  I think she has so much influence with him.  I see her behind most of the things he’s doing now.  She wants things done and Amy just a distant memory, I don’t trust her at all.  I think the kids better be careful or they’re going to find themselves ‘gone’ too,  just like Amy

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1 minute ago, GladysCravits said:

I think Amy was a good mom when they were growing up.  I think Matt had no interest all all.  Matt’s main focus was Matt.   He seems a little different with Karen.  I think she has so much influence with him.  I see her behind most of the things he’s doing now.  She wants things done and Amy just a distant memory, I don’t trust her at all.  I think the kids better be careful or they’re going to find themselves ‘gone’ too,  just like Amy

From what I've seen it's the opposite....

Caryn isn't trying to push the kids away.... if anything she's trying to draw them in closer to her and Matt and away from Amy.

So far she's doing a really good job and has Zach, Tori, Jer, Auj and all the grandkids in her pocket.

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59 minutes ago, TattooFan said:

I understand Amy’s not wanting to make a hasty decision on Matt’s offer to buy her out.  But I don’t understand why she hasn’t had the offer reviewed and had some kind of communication about it with Matt in a month.  Am I being too hard on her?

So said the show.  Who knows what reality was.

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I really enjoyed the two hours I spent with the Roloff s last evening!  I did find everything mostly the same and even though Zack has a hard time with his words due to lack of education I do understand his frustration!  Did I hear correctly he would  buy Amy's property?  I know he has money from the show but wow!  Matt and his deadlines and Amy procrastinating .. Sigh!


With that said I think Chris should be able to window in the per acre price on the land!  He's a realtor.

But that land is different since it is a business, money making, farm.  Lawyers will win $$$ on that one!  We think the deal was $965,000.  I wonder if that was Matt's original offer?I

If Zack and his family leave the show there's not much left.  I bet they are getting a sweet deal to stay and film.

Interesting Amy wanted to enjoy her new home alone for a while.  What a mess at the farm house!  It did look cleaned up when she left!

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19 hours ago, BrownBear2012 said:

...she had four kids and managed their schedules and took care of the day to day operations of the home and kids. 

I've seen "schedules" on shows like Supernanny, where the family started out as totally dysfunctional and the kids acted like the whole pig sty of a house was a playground.  (Sound familiar?)  The new "schedules" included time for kids to do chores (like putting SHEETS on their beds, for Pete's sake), and lessons on proper indoor behavior (including not beating the living daylights out of each other). 

And Amy's idea of "day to day operations" was to open the basement door, throw stuff down, and never think of it again.  Did we ever actually see her DO anything to keep the house in order?  All I remember seeing her do was cook stuff that looked horrible (and according to Jake, WAS).  I had a sister-in-law whose housekeeping "skills" were similar to Amy's, and I would never eat anything out of that kitchen.

Could Matt be a pill?  Yep.  But he focused on things that would end up benefitting the entire family.  Matt and Amy were like two trains on different tracks . . . they were never going in the same direction.

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14 hours ago, GladysCravits said:

He seems a little different with Karen.  I think she has so much influence with him.  I see her behind most of the things he’s doing now.  She wants things done and Amy just a distant memory, I don’t trust her at all.  I think the kids better be careful or they’re going to find themselves ‘gone’ too,  just like Amy

Caryn knows how to play Matt and she does it very well. She is very calculating with him. Knows what to say, when to say it, and when to back off just enough to let Matt think he's still the big decision maker. She uses her skill on his kids, too. They all fall for her BS.  Amy could never figure out how to play Matt's game. It's sad that when you are married you should have to play a game at all but this is Matt we're talking about. I also find it very sad that Amy still says that Matt intimidates her. 

Interesting that Amy wants a little time alone in her new house with out Chris. I would think she would be suffocating him with wanting to live together right away. Good for her. Maybe the infatuation is wearing off a little bit and reality is setting in? 

Chrismas was depressing. House barely ready for occupancy, just Zac and boring Tori and the babies. So different from Christmas' past at the farm. Why is it taking Amy so long to move all her furniture in and make that house a cozy home? I guess she was doing a lot more renovation than shown and possibly buying new furniture.  

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On 9/27/2020 at 6:59 AM, ginger90 said:

I believe I mentioned this previously. Amy stated her contract is up in June. She said she would have to negotiate with TLC to have their wedding filmed.

She has also stated that Zach and Tori may get their own show.



That will be Amy's excuse for not getting married for a long time, she's waiting to hear from TLC. 

Will she ever stop talking to the media about Zach and Tori's lives? 

On 9/27/2020 at 12:40 PM, EllaWycliffe said:

Probably Chris 😉

But when they marry it'll be Granpa Chris and I wonder how *Matt* will feel about that?

Heck, I wonder how *Chris* will feel about that 🙂

Now wait till the little ones are all "why isn't Granpa Matt married to Chacha?" 😉

The real question is how will Amy feel about the grands calling Chris anything? 

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5 hours ago, AZChristian said:

I've seen "schedules" on shows like Supernanny, where the family started out as totally dysfunctional and the kids acted like the whole pig sty of a house was a playground.  (Sound familiar?)  The new "schedules" included time for kids to do chores (like putting SHEETS on their beds, for Pete's sake), and lessons on proper indoor behavior (including not beating the living daylights out of each other). 

And Amy's idea of "day to day operations" was to open the basement door, throw stuff down, and never think of it again.  Did we ever actually see her DO anything to keep the house in order?  All I remember seeing her do was cook stuff that looked horrible (and according to Jake, WAS).  I had a sister-in-law whose housekeeping "skills" were similar to Amy's, and I would never eat anything out of that kitchen.

Could Matt be a pill?  Yep.  But he focused on things that would end up benefitting the entire family.  Matt and Amy were like two trains on different tracks . . . they were never going in the same direction.

I don't disagree with some of your criticisms however, I think you are being just a tad harsh. To say that Amy didn't do anything to benefit the family is unfair...she got the kids up, prepared their breakfasts, made their lunches, took them to school, picked them up, took them to their sports pratcices and games and worked as preschool teacher. In my book, that's contributing to the welfare and benefit of the family. Was she the worst housekeeper in the world? Possibly but I know a lot of stay at home moms who don't priortize house work as the number one task on their list of important things to do. Matt focused on things that were beneficial to the family but he also focused on vanity projects that just littered up the farm and now have to be torn down and junked. He had a spending problem when it came to "stuff" that he hid from the family in a secret storage unit....thousands of dollars worth of crap that even Caryn was horrified he spent money on. So let's not paint him as this "saint" that put everything into the family and Amy as the "devil" who did nothing and was a slob and did nothing to 
"benefit" her family. That's just not true...they should have gone into marriage counseling 15-20 years ago to hash out their issues and repair what was broken...and frankly, I think they both are guilty of over sharing their post marital problems with each other with Zach and the other kids. Both do this and it is unfair to the kids to be embroiled in these complaints/discussions.

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4 minutes ago, BrownBear2012 said:

So let's not paint him as this "saint" that put everything into the family and Amy as the "devil" who did nothing and was a slob and did nothing to "benefit" her family. 

I try not to use absolutes . . . 

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39 minutes ago, BrownBear2012 said:

Possibly but I know a lot of stay at home moms who don't priortize house work as the number one task on their list of important things to do

It was more than just not prioritizing house work in Amy’s case, it was never doing it at all. The place was a pigsty.  If she was so overwhelmed “raising” her children and working, she should have gotten a housekeeper or insisted those children clean up after themselves.  

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8 hours ago, AZChristian said:

And Amy's idea of "day to day operations" was to open the basement door, throw stuff down, and never think of it again.  Did we ever actually see her DO anything to keep the house in order? 

Well, I don't actually recall ever seeing this happen - the open the basement door and throw stuff. 

Amy made all the meals for six people three times a day, 7 days a week. I recall her doing dishes and cleaning the kitchen (still sloppy as fuck but counters were getting wiped down, dishes were being put in the sink). Amy was taking the kids to and from school since it was a private school. Getting the kids dressed for school, making sure everyone had all their things, getting them out the door without any assistance from Matt. Then she would have to tend Matt - who admitted on the show that he can't put on his socks or shoes without assistance. She had to take care of his work clothes and her own clothes, including laundry and pressing his when he was working 9-5 in the software industry. The kids were allowed all sorts of school activities and she's the parent stuck handling that. This including coaching some of the teams. Matt and Amy both encouraged the kids to constantly have friends over, including sleeping over, which means that many more people to feed, that much more dirt tracked in, and that many more dishes to wash. Heck I remember her getting Mueller kicked out of bed (if bed is sleeping on the floor) All of the Roloffs including Matt are messy and like to hoard - there's too many pigsty garages and hoarded up bedrooms in the DW to put this all on Amy being filthy. The reality is that when the *twins* moved out and the friends stopped treating the Roloff home like a clubhouse, the mess went back to manageable levels.  I'm not saying the place wasn't messy because it was, but a lot of the mess was due in part to there always being a horde of guests littered about the place including Matt's buddy Mike who seemed to live there in early episodes and Amy was expected to provide food and drink for everyone, manage the kid's schoolwork, their appointments, and also deal with Matt tearing up the floor or bringing in new furniture or wanting to test a new grill with Mike and the kids.... There was a LOT going on in the early seasons when the house was at it's cruddy low. 

And yeah, I would have made different choices. I wouldn't have allowed the friends to essentially live there (a huge part of several problems). But I can also see where it got overwhelming and I can see how when the worst offenders moved out (the twins) that the workload got more managable and the house got neater. I certainly think Amy was part of the problem in allowing it but none of these people were neat or willing to pick up after themselves and Amy was actually busy doing a lot of things for the family and I can see where it got overwhelming. 


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17 hours ago, LucyEth said:

she should have gotten a housekeeper or insisted those children clean up after themselves.  

That's the key right there. The kids were very spoiled, lazy and disrespectful when they were young and there was no discipline from either Amy or Matt. Except Molly who was pretty much born a perfect kid. 

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21 hours ago, LucyEth said:

It was more than just not prioritizing house work in Amy’s case, it was never doing it at all. The place was a pigsty.  If she was so overwhelmed “raising” her children and working, she should have gotten a housekeeper or insisted those children clean up after themselves.  

I agree she was a messy mother....but I had a mother who was the exact opposite and was OCD about everything regarding the house. It was hell on earth to grow up like that. No one wanted to come to our house and play or spend the night...they said it looked a museum. We were never allowed to sit in the living room except when company came over. If I was given a choice, as a child, I would have taken a home like Amy's over mine any day. I spent as much time at our neighbor's house who like the Roloffs had four kids, a messy house with kids and dogs coming and going all the time...it was heaven and earth to me and my brothers. Amy could have afforded a housekeeper for sure but I'm not going to mom shame her for not being clean and tidy. From the looks of it, she seems to have kept the house pretty neat since everyone moved out. I wouldn't categorize their home as a "pigsty"...the downstairs was always presentable except when Amy was cooking. The boys rooms were bad...they were just slobby brats. Again...if Amy and Matt had been able to co-parent with agreed upon strategies on how to run the home and parent the kids things might have gone differently. BTW...it wasn't just Amy that was messy...have you taken a good look at Matt's office? Papers strewn about everywhere, desk full of all kinds of crap and bookshelves in disarray.

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6 minutes ago, BrownBear2012 said:

BTW...it wasn't just Amy that was messy...have you taken a good look at Matt's office? Papers strewn about everywhere, desk full of all kinds of crap and bookshelves in disarray.

This. Lets not forget the hoarded up bedroom in the double wide, and the general disarray of the double wide or the various barns loaded up with Matt's precious junk, or the "Men's Area" barn where all the tools are thrown around and there's garbage and dirt everywhere. Even back in the day when Matt and Mike maintained an office in a strip mall, that office was ALSO a mess.

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1 hour ago, BrownBear2012 said:

I agree she was a messy mother....but I had a mother who was the exact opposite and was OCD about everything regarding the house. It was hell on earth to grow up like that. No one wanted to come to our house and play or spend the night...they said it looked a museum. We were never allowed to sit in the living room except when company came over. If I was given a choice, as a child, I would have taken a home like Amy's over mine any day.

Amy has said she wanted the children to feel at home because she could never be that way growing up.  It sounds like both her parents were quite rigid about the standards in the house.  It isn't shocking that she went too far the other way.

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4 hours ago, BrownBear2012 said:

I agree she was a messy mother....but I had a mother who was the exact opposite and was OCD about everything regarding the house. It was hell on earth to grow up like that. No one wanted to come to our house and play or spend the night...they said it looked a museum. We were never allowed to sit in the living room except when company came over. If I was given a choice, as a child, I would have taken a home like Amy's over mine any day. I spent as much time at our neighbor's house who like the Roloffs had four kids, a messy house with kids and dogs coming and going all the time...it was heaven and earth to me and my brothers. Amy could have afforded a housekeeper for sure but I'm not going to mom shame her for not being clean and tidy. From the looks of it, she seems to have kept the house pretty neat since everyone moved out. I wouldn't categorize their home as a "pigsty"...the downstairs was always presentable except when Amy was cooking. The boys rooms were bad...they were just slobby brats. Again...if Amy and Matt had been able to co-parent with agreed upon strategies on how to run the home and parent the kids things might have gone differently. BTW...it wasn't just Amy that was messy...have you taken a good look at Matt's office? Papers strewn about everywhere, desk full of all kinds of crap and bookshelves in disarray.

Well, we are all entitled to our opinions.

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Hee I remember this episode and it's pretty classic Matt and Amy. Matt whines to the audience how awful Amy is about making the kids pick up and goes behind her back to have Sven clean the basement. Amy wants the kids to have the entire school over and have fun because thats something Amy missed out on as a child. Matt complains and wants a particular rule - Amy wonders if he'll actually bother to enforce it and Matt rolls his eyes and makes himself out to be the victim even tho indeed Matt did not in any way offer to be the person to enforce this rule on the children and actually seemed annoyed that it was even suggested.

Molly was likely planning her escape already. 

eta - Ten to fifteen extra kids in the house even once a week is still a LOT of extra people and none of them seemed to have any manners. 

Edited by EllaWycliffe
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On 9/30/2020 at 7:30 PM, EllaWycliffe said:

Well, I don't actually recall ever seeing this happen - the open the basement door and throw stuff. 

Amy made all the meals for six people three times a day, 7 days a week. I recall her doing dishes and cleaning the kitchen (still sloppy as fuck but counters were getting wiped down, dishes were being put in the sink). Amy was taking the kids to and from school since it was a private school. Getting the kids dressed for school, making sure everyone had all their things, getting them out the door without any assistance from Matt. Then she would have to tend Matt - who admitted on the show that he can't put on his socks or shoes without assistance. She had to take care of his work clothes and her own clothes, including laundry and pressing his when he was working 9-5 in the software industry. The kids were allowed all sorts of school activities and she's the parent stuck handling that. This including coaching some of the teams. Matt and Amy both encouraged the kids to constantly have friends over, including sleeping over, which means that many more people to feed, that much more dirt tracked in, and that many more dishes to wash. Heck I remember her getting Mueller kicked out of bed (if bed is sleeping on the floor) All of the Roloffs including Matt are messy and like to hoard - there's too many pigsty garages and hoarded up bedrooms in the DW to put this all on Amy being filthy. The reality is that when the *twins* moved out and the friends stopped treating the Roloff home like a clubhouse, the mess went back to manageable levels.  I'm not saying the place wasn't messy because it was, but a lot of the mess was due in part to there always being a horde of guests littered about the place including Matt's buddy Mike who seemed to live there in early episodes and Amy was expected to provide food and drink for everyone, manage the kid's schoolwork, their appointments, and also deal with Matt tearing up the floor or bringing in new furniture or wanting to test a new grill with Mike and the kids.... There was a LOT going on in the early seasons when the house was at it's cruddy low. 

And yeah, I would have made different choices. I wouldn't have allowed the friends to essentially live there (a huge part of several problems). But I can also see where it got overwhelming and I can see how when the worst offenders moved out (the twins) that the workload got more managable and the house got neater. I certainly think Amy was part of the problem in allowing it but none of these people were neat or willing to pick up after themselves and Amy was actually busy doing a lot of things for the family and I can see where it got overwhelming. 


That was my point....thank you for saying it better than I did.

5 hours ago, LucyEth said:

Well, we are all entitled to our opinions.

Yes we are.

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4 hours ago, DonnaMae said:

Apparently Amy's holiday masks sold out in an hour. 😷  Now there's a new stock ready to be purchased by her fans.  Three masks for $39.95 plus shipping is a waste of money.  

I wonder if she'll want to sell them at the pumpkin fest but not share the profits like she did before?  She wanted to sell her pumpkin bread or something and it was understood anything entered in the test went into the pot to be shared equally!

Of course Amy had a fit about sharing!  I wish I knew how to bring that little beauty over here!

Typical Amy.

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18 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

I wonder if she'll want to sell them at the pumpkin fest but not share the profits like she did before?  She wanted to sell her pumpkin bread or something and it was understood anything entered in the test went into the pot to be shared equally!

Of course Amy had a fit about sharing!  I wish I knew how to bring that little beauty over here!

Typical Amy.

I believe it was salsa.

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Amyl and her ridiculous costumes. 🙄

She's an adult, she should put on a nice sweater with an autumn theme and ditch the discount kids costume.

I remember her being all pissed off that she'd have to share her salsa sales... Such a greedy little witch.

I can't imagine how bitter she will be if Matt and Caryn are a success with their vineyard and other ideas... She'll be pea green with envy. 


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