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S08.E09: One Month Down, Forever To Go

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This really isn't the way I see it:  

14 minutes ago, Sterling said:

Kristine really brings it.  She's adorable and incredibly sexy at the same time, plus she cooks, wanting to feed her guy. It's like Kristine really wants to fill Keith up, emotionally, sexually, and physically with food.  Plus, she looks him in the eyes when she talks to him and gives him cute smiles.

Kristine has already gotten "fed up" (pun intended!) with cooking Keith 3 meals a day, 7 days a week (just like Grandma used to do). She put her foot down and demanded that Keith help with the cooking. ...And Keith actually took one cooking class!

14 minutes ago, Sterling said:

Jasmine sits there and judges and looks like a wooden statue.  I felt so bad when he was showing her his playground, and she sat there with that glum look, judging, as in how dare he bring her to this part of town.  Will deserves better.  He seems like a really good guy.

That's pretty much how I see it. 

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4 hours ago, aphroditewitch said:

But if you look at  when she said the "I have feelings for him" statement, it was all voice-over. So who knows when she said it and whether that was her actual statement. Something tells me it was frankenbiting to make her sound more weak and pathetic. 

Presumably to suit the narrative; they want this playing out the way it is & are working it (& everyone involved) for "entertainment"; pretty sick.

41 minutes ago, LennieBriscoe said:

Kate a fake? Give that girl an Emmy STAT!

Give the editors that Emmy.

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8 hours ago, Soup333 said:

Jasmine is so obtuse that it boggles my mind. She wants a man to be the head of the household and foot all the bills but she wants to run everything including how he cooks her turkey bacon and how he kisses her. She just doesn’t seem to get how her behavior is actively chasing Will away. 

Jasmine basically wants a man solely to pay all the bills and give her sperm so she can have a family.   She doesn't want a partnership or true union; she wants someone that lets her run the show, make all the decisions, do all the talking, while he hands over his paycheck and fertilizes her eggs.  

She's a twunt. 

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4 hours ago, Neurochick said:

I agree.  What I thought was interesting was the voice over from Dr. Jessica; contradicting what Luke was saying.  He said to the cameras that he didn't want to be around Kate because "she's bringing him down."  But Dr. Jessica said that Luke's ACTIONS show that he does NOT want to be with Kate.  On Unfiltered, he simply left the room.  Nothing you could do about that.  Luke wasn't about to talk.  Kristine gave him a death look and I think Luke realized nothing he said could save him, so he stayed silent.

For me, watching Kate cry is NOT entertainment.  I felt SO bad for her when she was crying.  

But, my issue with Kate is that she wants to be MARRIED.  She wants to be a WIFE.  No Kate, you don't deserve to be married to someone who doesn't want you.  No one deserves that.  Get a divorce, leave the fool and move on.

Now, I like Keith and I believe that he does know how to cook, he's probably been watching his grandmother, mother and aunts for years.  But when he wanted to go into the kitchen, he probably got shooed out, so now he's scared to cook anything.  

I don't think Jasmine wants to be married.  I think she might feel some pressure, maybe from her family, but she is not acting like a person who wants marriage.  She wants things only her way, she doesn't want to compromise; if she wants a marriage like the one her parents have, I seriously doubt that's what she saw growing up, if her home was considered traditional.  

My heart broke for Kate - - I absolutely believe the crying was real.  No acting there.  

I agree with Keith.  I thought the same thing.  He's probably afraid to try cooking but he did seem to enjoy his cooking lesson and was very happy and proud of the dinner he served Kristine.

3 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

Jasmine should've swallowed her pride & asked him why he gave her that rating. Perhaps it was edited out, but if she really wants to build something with Will she needed to ask for an explanation, rather than shutdown & pout. He said in the TH she has issues with communication, & that is what she displayed in the scene (not to mention immaturity). Communication is huge & Will needs a mental connection with her & (at least from what we're seeing) she's not even trying.

I thought it was a good laugh when, after being offended by his rating, she passive aggressively gave him a 5 in her TH. Then she acted like pulling sex off the table was punishment when he's clearly still not interested, so it was more of a reward in his favor.  She's completely out of touch with this guy & doing everything to successfully cockblock him.  Too funny...

Exactly!  Clearly she was expecting a 9 or a 10 from Will.  When he said 6.8 (ha ha!), why didn't she ask him "what do you think I need to do for you in order for you to rate me a 9?"  It's very simple.   

I did find it interesting that Will did not ask her the same question.  I think Will has enough self-esteem not to worry about some stupid 1 out of 10 rating, which is absolutely subjective anyhow.  Plus, I'm sure he realizes that Jasmine is full of shit and not grounded in reality anyhow.

I realized while reading thru some responses that my Jasmine dislike goes back to the honeymoon episodes.  Not only because she was grilling him on finances when they should have been having a nice dinner, where they were getting to know each other, and making that stupid fucking statement about how Will should be paying 70% of the bills, regardless of their incomes but solely because he's a man but also because she was an absolute fuckwit about Will being hesitant to go ziplining because of his fear of heights.  She might as well have made fun of him for that, with her shit attitude.  I sometimes have an issue with heights and if she had given me grief over not wanting to go ziplining, or insinuated I was less of a person because of it, I would have punched her in the throat.    This is the same person, during the same honeymoon, who acted like a petulant brat throwing a tantrum during the mud bath thing because she didn't think it was hygienic.  I get not liking the thought of everyone and their mother using that mud but she was such a pisser about it.  Ugh.  I can't stand her.

But I dislike Luke more.  To quote @Drogo - fuck you, Luke. 

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49 minutes ago, psychoticstate said:

Jasmine basically wants a man solely to pay all the bills and give her sperm so she can have a family.   She doesn't want a partnership or true union; she wants someone that lets her run the show, make all the decisions, do all the talking, while he hands over his paycheck and fertilizes her eggs.  

She's a twunt. 

All while referring to herself as a strong and independent woman...

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50 minutes ago, psychoticstate said:

Jasmine basically wants a man solely to pay all the bills and give her sperm so she can have a family.   She doesn't want a partnership or true union; she wants someone that lets her run the show, make all the decisions, do all the talking, while he hands over his paycheck and fertilizes her eggs.  

She's a twunt. 

Can her attitude have something to do with her upbringing?  At their wedding, her Father and Brother were grilling and giving instructions to Will like she was the prize of the universe.  Maybe she was schooled on being the boss of everything in a relationship and settle for nothing less.

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2 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

Can her attitude have something to do with her upbringing?  At their wedding, her Father and Brother were grilling and giving instructions to Will like she was the prize of the universe.  Maybe she was schooled on being the boss of everything in a relationship and settle for nothing less.

In other words, Jasmine wants a “yes” man.

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Will/Jasmine: He's just biding his time until it's all over. Maybe he will say that he wants to stay married on D-Day so as not to embarrass Jasmine (because I think she wants to stay married to him), but he's gone as soon as the reunion is over. She doesn't treat him well.

Keith/Kristine: I really like her. Keith did okay with the anniversary dinner but I doubt he'll change much in terms of household chores. He's maybe the guy that you casually date, not the guy that you live with or marry.

AJ/Stephanie: They've had some cute moments. I couldn't deal with him and his mood swings but I'm not the one who's married to him.

Luke/Kate: Two experts have realized what trash he is and told him off. Then Dr. Blondie goes easy on him on Unfiltered because he tried to shed a few fake tears. She always takes the man's side, huh? She clearly hasn't been paying attention to Luke's gaslighting and abusive behavior. She sucks. I couldn't believe Luke rated himself so high. He told his wife that after they kissed, he felt repulsed and dead inside, and then called her an alcoholic multiple times on camera. He enjoys torturing Kate which is why he won't just come out and say, "I'm not attracted to you (I'm gay), and this will never happen." It is so creepy how, after Kate reminded him that he got so drunk that he couldn't come home, instead of being embarrassed or apologetic, he just smiled and said "I know." He really might have a mental defect or personality disorder. NPD, maybe?

Maybe he wants the camera time. Either way someone needs to intervene and drag Kate out of there. Luke is the worst contestant on this show ever.

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17 hours ago, Yeah No said:

Well, I've said it all already so it's getting harder for me to comment.  Like I said last week, the show should be doing something to help Kate, not just focus in on her depressed face and let her swing in the breeze while that asshole continues to abuse her.  It's just WRONG and they shouldn't be letting it continue.  Weak comments from Dr. Jessica pointing out the obvious aren't enough.  Kate is so beaten down she doesn't have enough energy left to defend herself and I cringe for her.  Drama is one thing, but watching a cruel bastard grind a woman into the mud is not what I consider entertainment and it's getting harder and harder for me to take or justify watching.

Exactly...plus he has to come up with her drinking too much as an excuse which is total BS.  And his mother was throwing tons of shade her way knowing he is going to say bye-bye asking questions about how she would feel IF it didn't work out.  Plus she earlier made negative comments about the whole process, even though her precious son is the one who signed up for this. Like mother like son.

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31 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

Can her attitude have something to do with her upbringing?  At their wedding, her Father and Brother were grilling and giving instructions to Will like she was the prize of the universe.  Maybe she was schooled on being the boss of everything in a relationship and settle for nothing less.

Ironic that Kristine is supposedly the one referring to herself as "Queen."  That is totally Jasmine. 

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16 hours ago, Ms.C. said:

A bully. He is a bully. I still think he resented her for not remembering him at the skating center. He resents her. From minute one.  

I don't remember the incident, but I agree with you that from maybe 5 minutes after meeting her, he was totally turned off.  And okay...that happens.  Sometimes people just do not click.  But Dr. Pepper was going to give him an out and he bull-sh*tted his way back into the marriage.  There is something about Kate that really creeps him out.  And just from my own observation, I would bet Luke is highly critical of people in the first place.  He doesn't look to be the type that would be easy on women; i.e. he's probably famous in his circle of friends for his really vicious put-downs of both sexes.  He seems the type that could cut a person to ribbons with his words.  With Kate, he's holding his tongue not because he cares one whit for her or doesn't want to hurt her feelings, but because he already made a mistake when he said kissing her made him feel dead inside.  He didn't count on her telling everybody and all of them ganging up against him.  He knows he's coming off badly on the show, so he's trying to do damage control with his b.s. made up excuse about the booze.  How utterly despicable.  Once the show ends, he will make a bigger fool of himself because he will spill the beans trying to "defend" himself, only making him even more hated.  What is it about her he can't stand?  My money is on personal hygiene.  Something about her personal hygiene, be it how often she bathes/washes her hair/brushes her teeth....even something as simple as maybe she had dirt under her fingernails or chipped nail polish...but something turned the persnickity Luke off from the get-go.  He is disgusted by her.  He's so repulsed he doesn't even want to touch her.  That's why I lean toward something physical about her.  For me, every time she speaks her mouth barely moves.  Plus her monotone, lifeless voice.  Despite that, however, I still think she's sweet and sincere and really trying, so if I was a guy I could probably look past that.   But Luke seems the type that puts a lot of time and care into his own appearance, and is very critical if others don't.  The only thing Luke really seems interested in with Kate is how low of an opinion she has of herself.  He's really fascinated by that...does anybody else notice how interested he is about that?

Luke deserves someone like Ashley from Atlanta who married David and put even less effort than Luke has into her marriage.  

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Jasmine better hold onto Will.  I think it's poor Will or nobody!

I think Christine might surprise us and say no thanks!  She said in her interview she wanted a man that makes more money then her and somebody that cooks.  She got neither plus she hates the working all night he does.

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22 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

Kate should've laughed & told everyone at the table what he's been saying/doing, instead of rating herself down because he makes her feel like crap.

At least some of them already knew. I'm pretty positive she told both Kristine and Stephanie because of the looks both have given him. Jasmine probably knows too. AJ was told at some point because he aid something about it in one of his talking heads. Keith knows what Luke is like since Luke accused him of being a drunk too. Which now knowing what Keith's father is like makes me feel bad for Keith to be on the receiving end of that that because he knew he couldn't respond the way he probably wanted to.

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5 minutes ago, JapMo said:

There is something about Kate that really creeps him out.  And just from my own observation, I would bet Luke is highly critical of people in the first place.  He doesn't look to be the type that would be easy on women; i.e. he's probably famous in his circle of friends for his really vicious put-downs of both sexes.  He seems the type that could cut a person to ribbons with his words.  With Kate, he's holding his tongue not because he cares one whit for her or doesn't want to hurt her feelings, but because he already made a mistake when he said kissing her made him feel dead inside.  He didn't count on her telling everybody and all of them ganging up against him.  He knows he's coming off badly on the show, so he's trying to do damage control with his b.s. made up excuse about the booze.  How utterly despicable.  Once the show ends, he will make a bigger fool of himself because he will spill the beans trying to "defend" himself, only making him even more hated.  What is it about her he can't stand?  My money is on personal hygiene.  Something about her personal hygiene, be it how often she bathes/washes her hair/brushes her teeth....even something as simple as maybe she had dirt under her fingernails or chipped nail polish...but something turned the persnickity Luke off from the get-go.  He is disgusted by her.  He's so repulsed he doesn't even want to touch her.  That's why I lean toward something physical about her.  For me, every time she speaks her mouth barely moves.  Plus her monotone, lifeless voice.  Despite that, however, I still think she's sweet and sincere and really trying, so if I was a guy I could probably look past that.   But Luke seems the type that puts a lot of time and care into his own appearance, and is very critical if others don't.

I fully believe this. He’s mean. That’s why I said he’s kicked some puppies as a kid. 

And I agree with your guess about why Kate repulses him. Maybe that’s why he asked so many questions about her habits in the beginning. He still shouldn’t have been cruel to her but that’s probably his default when he doesn’t like someone. 

I think he got up extra early on their anniversary anf came back with nothing so he could stick it to her again. 

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2 hours ago, psychoticstate said:

Jasmine basically wants a man solely to pay all the bills and give her sperm so she can have a family.   She doesn't want a partnership or true union; she wants someone that lets her run the show, make all the decisions, do all the talking, while he hands over his paycheck and fertilizes her eggs.  

I think Jasmine's problem is, she's very dishonest about what she wants.  On one hand, she says she wants a traditional relationship, like what she saw at home, on the other hand, she wants to be the boss.  

Maybe Jasmine does realize that there is a price for being in that 1950's traditional marriage.  If you want the man to pay all the bills, if you want the man to be the head of the household, then he's the boss.

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For their anniversary, since Luke got up early to avoid her there's no reason Kate couldn't have been hanging out with others as well; but they had to film her sadly alone, wiping countertops. They feign concern for her situation while perpetuating the narrative of her misery.

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2 minutes ago, gonecrackers said:

For their anniversary, since Luke got up early to avoid her there's no reason Kate couldn't have been hanging out with others as well; but they had to film her sadly alone, wiping countertops. They feign concern for her situation while perpetuating the narrative of her misery.

 I hope she did go out and do something and it just wasn't shown. 

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40 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

I think Jasmine's problem is, she's very dishonest about what she wants.  On one hand, she says she wants a traditional relationship, like what she saw at home, on the other hand, she wants to be the boss.   

Maybe Jasmine does realize that there is a price for being in that 1950's traditional marriage.  If you want the man to pay all the bills, if you want the man to be the head of the household, then he's the boss. 

We don't know enough of what she actually had at home. Maybe her dad was paying the bills but her mom ran the household & he deferred to her on most issues, which can be the case sometimes. Will said she has issues with communication, & it seems he doesn't know what she really wants either. She needs to express herself clearly, but also listen to his input & ideas, then start working out compromises together. But she seems too arrogant in her own confusion to do that. Maybe she also thinks if she can get him to have sex with her he'll just melt & give her whatever she wants.

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10 minutes ago, gonecrackers said:

Maybe she also thinks if she can get him to have sex with her he'll just melt & give her whatever she wants.

I think that's it.  I think she's arrogant enough to think that him having sex with her will "seal the deal."  Not.

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22 hours ago, Adeejay said:

So let me see if I understand this.  It's okay for Jasmine to give Will a 5, but it's not okay for Will to give her a 6.8.  Alrighty then.  And Jasmine, just so you know, you can't take sex off the table when it was never on. 

I thought that change in attitude showed just how petty Jasmine is. 

22 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

Jessica is worthless and needs to get the boot. She handled fuckface with kid gloves because he wants to play then victim. No pity. For him to give Kate the cold shoulder because she rated herself low? Maybe try reassuring her and stop making this about you. This guy. I can’t even.  

Jasmine has no hopes of getting laid being such a snit.  Maybe instead of being offended find out what you can do to improve.  Sure washing his clothes is nice but treating him like an imbecile. I’m not surprised she is single and will likely stay so with that attitude. 

Knowing about Dr. Jessica's current relationship, I question her professionalism even more than the other experts. 

I hated that Kate gave herself a low rating and that Luke didn't see how this relationship is affecting her. She needs to move on and work on her self-esteem if she thinks this relationship is acceptable. 

Jasmine's attitude is wack. She is embarrassing herself. 

22 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

I didn’t think Will was too harsh in his rating of Jasmine. She’s stuck up and demanding and never misses an opportunity to criticize.

Advice for Jasmine: don’t go fishing for compliments if you’re not prepared to reel in a bloated corpse instead of a prize winning bass...

Such a good way to put it. She felt his rating was a mood killer but really her question was. Like he said, he is not going to lie. He's not the lovey dovey type but he's respectful and seems to be giving this a chance. It seems like Jasmine is used to men fawning over her. 

13 hours ago, OnTime said:

They really need to stop with the ratings! 

It's really a dumb exercise that puts people on the spot. A better question would be what's going well. Or what do you feel could improve. The rating system reminds me of teenagers who report back to their friends about their dates. 

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Greeeat...now Keith is gonna think that cooking is as easy as throwing some lettuce on a plate (without even adding any other veggies or toppings...lazy!), and topping it with a half-done steak that he seared for a few minutes. That was one of the most basic, simple meals that even a monkey could make. Which is fine, since it's his first time cooking, but I hope he understands that there's more to it than what that teacher taught him. The entire mise en place (all the ingredients, pots & pans, utensils, seasonings, etc) were already out and ready for him to do the very last steps before plating the meal. Did the chef even bother to have him add dressing to the salad? Not a crouton even??

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Wait, Jasmine is mad because Will honestly answered the question that she asked? So she would rather have him blow smoke up her arse to give her an insincere ego boost, than to be mature enough to discuss his opinion of her as his wife? That could have been her opportunity to share with him that she would only rate him a 5 (IF that's even true...and not just said out of spite), and to have a discussion regarding what each of them could do to improve their score. But no...she had to make it all about her, and how she is so above a 6.8 [gasp!...how DARE he be realistic], and how he is beneath her.

And Will was right that 6.8 out of 9 = 75%, which is higher than the 7 out of 10...70%...that she gave herself. But I guess she can't comprehend that. I totally would've had the same thought, and considered 9 to be the highest anyone should get too, because, well...no one is a 10.

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Will is no better catch that Jasmine, IMO.  That's why I'm always confused by the anti-Jasmine comments. Jasmine isn't romantic, neither is Will.  Jas isnt flirty, neither is Will.  Jasmine isn't a good communicator.  Has anyone heard Will say anything? Jasmine is average looking, so is Will.  Jasmine is too masculine, well...Will has a lot of feminine energy--He is not assertive; he does let Jasmine lead; he doesn't initiate physical contact; he hasn't set standards for their marriage or made his expectations for Jasmine known; he's not a provider. That 6.8 rating was a passive-agressive jab, i.e. not very manly.  I could go on.  Nothing about Will is traditionally masculine, IMO . And I don't buy that it's Jasmine making him this way.  I think this is how he is, a beta male nerd. 

Edited by dirtypop90
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22 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

Nobody will sue anybody!  The show has contracts covering all that plus pre nups!

The show's contract protects the show from a lawsuit. It is unclear if one participant could sue another as an individual. However I suspect it would be an uphill battle and not worth the effort. Also a prenup has nothing to do with defamation. 

Edited by aphroditewitch
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6 hours ago, dirtypop90 said:

Will is no better catch that Jasmine, IMO.  That's why I'm always confused by the anti-Jasmine comments. Jasmine isn't romantic, neither is Will.  Jas isnt flirty, neither is Will.  Jasmine isn't a good communicator.  Has anyone heard Will say anything? Jasmine is average looking, so is Will.  Jasmine is too masculine, well...Will has a lot of feminine energy--He is not assertive; he does let Jasmine lead; he doesn't initiate physical contact; he hasn't set standards for their marriage or made his expectations for Jasmine known; he's not a provider. That 6.8 rating was a passive-agressive jab, i.e. not very manly.  I could go on.  Nothing about Will is traditionally masculine, IMO . And I don't buy that it's Jasmine making him this way.  I think this is how he is, a beta male nerd. 

I don’t see this at all. Like...no. I think Jas is very pretty and I don’t think she’s masculine, just confused about what she wants. Will has NO feminine energy that I can see (as opposed to Luke). Him not being a provider isn’t even an insult since he admittedly doesn’t want to be. *shrugs*

I don’t see how his rating was a passive aggressive jab when she asked him and he said he didn’t like surprises before answering her. What evidence do we have to show that he said it out of anger or spite? He even explained his reasoning and his math was correct. 

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Fail to detect Jas  giving off a masculine vibe...she just pointedly emasculates Will at every chance...she is pissed that one month in he is still not succumbing to her feminine wiles...

She seems to take great pride in her appearance, her outfits are colorful, flattering, trendy...even to the point of giving us free peek shows of her gals...they are always camera ready!

 Thanks, no thanks to the poster who pointed out Jas' scratching her head...now I can't stop waiting for her scalp to start itching in their segments.

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35 minutes ago, Soup333 said:

I don’t see this at all. Like...no. I think Jas is very pretty and I don’t think she’s masculine, just confused about what she wants. Will has NO feminine energy that I can see (as opposed to Luke). Him not being a provider isn’t even an insult since he admittedly doesn’t want to be. *shrugs*

I don’t see how his rating was a passive aggressive jab when she asked him and he said he didn’t like surprises before answering her. What evidence do we have to show that he said it out of anger or spite? He even explained his reasoning and his math was correct. 

I also don't see the masculine or feminine thing. I don't think either Will or Jasmine are edited well by the show. Nearly every conversation they are show having goes back to financial stuff. It is extremely boring and limiting to how the audience views them. Will mentioned how they joke around a lot, but the audience never gets to see that.

I think Will should have avoided the question by saying he doesn't like a rating system for people. Questions like that are always a trap and he should have avoided it. I don't think she should have asked it either but it also felt producer prompted. 

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8 hours ago, dirtypop90 said:

Will is no better catch that Jasmine, IMO.  That's why I'm always confused by the anti-Jasmine comments. Jasmine isn't romantic, neither is Will.  Jas isnt flirty, neither is Will.  Jasmine isn't a good communicator.  Has anyone heard Will say anything? Jasmine is average looking, so is Will.  Jasmine is too masculine, well...Will has a lot of feminine energy--He is not assertive; he does let Jasmine lead; he doesn't initiate physical contact; he hasn't set standards for their marriage or made his expectations for Jasmine known; he's not a provider. That 6.8 rating was a passive-agressive jab, i.e. not very manly.  I could go on.  Nothing about Will is traditionally masculine, IMO . And I don't buy that it's Jasmine making him this way.  I think this is how he is, a beta male nerd. 

Thank you. I thought I was the only one seeing this lol. It's not that Will's nasty or has bad intentions, but he comes off as the ultimate dud. He has little to no personality and puts no effort into making it a romantic relationship. Both Jasmine and Will are gems next to the shit show that is Luke, but both Jas and Will are not connecting and it's both of their fault and neither of their fault at the same time. Sometimes 2 people just are incompatible, which they are and you either have the chemistry or you don't. But Neither of them are putting in any effort with the other. Granted, I barely pay attention to their scenes because it's usually a snooze fest, but Will is always stoic and doesn't seem to put much effort into doing or saying anything. Also, Jasmine shouldn't have asked what her rating was, but Will should know that giving a rating of a 6.8 is gonna make someone upset. Just either say you don't want to give a rating and you're happy but there's obviously things you both have to work on, or give an 8 and say no one is perfect and we need to work on our communication, etc.

Edited by Jaclyn88
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Greeeat...now Keith is gonna think that cooking is as easy as throwing some lettuce on a plate (without even adding any other veggies or toppings...lazy!), and topping it with a half-done steak that he seared for a few minutes. 

I think it was meant to be a mixed green salad - it looked like a couple different types of lettuces with olive oil and vinegar. Back when I ate red meat, I often would order steak frites with a salad instead of fries and this is exactly what I'd get. It's delicious. As for the steak - he said Kristine liked it rare so that's how he made it. The meal looked great.

He also made dessert. Moreover, he chose a menu based on what he knew of Kristine's favorite foods. I liked his attention to detail.

Baby steps - for a guy who never cooks, that lesson was a perfect place to start. When I've taken classes like that, they give you the recipes and a basic kitchen would have the pans and utensils he needs. 

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1 hour ago, Jaclyn88 said:

Thank you. I thought I was the only one seeing this lol. It's not that Will's nasty or has bad intentions, but he comes off as the ultimate dud. He has little to no personality and puts no effort into making it a romantic relationship. Both Jasmine and Will are gems next to the shit show that is Luke, but both Jas and Will are not connecting and it's both of their fault and neither of their fault at the same time. Sometimes 2 people just are incompatible, which they are and you either have the chemistry or you don't. But Neither of them are putting in any effort with the other. Granted, I barely pay attention to their scenes because it's usually a snooze fest, but Will is always stoic and doesn't seem to put much effort into doing or saying anything. Also, Jasmine shouldn't have asked what her rating was, but Will should know that giving a rating of a 6.8 is gonna make someone upset. Just either say you don't want to give a rating and you're happy but there's obviously things you both have to work on, or give an 8 and say no one is perfect and we need to work on our communication, etc.

Will said he would have felt bad for lying and giving her a higher rating than he truly felt she deserved. If he had dodged the question we’d all be in here discussing what his rating would have been and I bet most of us would have guessed less than 6.8.

I wouldn’t have romantic feelings for a stranger who wanted me to be their marionette while insisting they wanted a traditional marriage. I’d be biding my time just like he is. Experiment failed. 

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3 hours ago, Soup333 said:

I don’t see this at all. Like...no. I think Jas is very pretty and I don’t think she’s masculine, just confused about what she wants. Will has NO feminine energy that I can see (as opposed to Luke). Him not being a provider isn’t even an insult since he admittedly doesn’t want to be. *shrugs*

I don’t see how his rating was a passive aggressive jab when she asked him and he said he didn’t like surprises before answering her. What evidence do we have to show that he said it out of anger or spite? He even explained his reasoning and his math was correct. 

A 6.8? Will knew that score would upset Jasmine, who just gave herself a 7. He did it anyway. Most men know that question is a trap and flirt their way out of it. Not will. He calls her a 6.8 right after telling her she’s a pot of gold. What? And if a man knows giving his wife or gf or hell even friend an extra .2 will make her feel better,  most will give her the extra .2, and give her the score she gave herself. Not Will. The only reason to knock off .2 points is to  be petty.

A few folks have said Jas isn’t as feminine as Kristine which is true. It has nothing to do with looks. We all have femine and masculine energy. Will has a lot of feminine energy. He is not as vocal as Luke but he is very much a guy that seems to mope around, not saying wants wrong with him, not asserting himself;no sexual prowess, no desire to be a provider, not protective (the way he just sat on that ATV when Jas was rolling over...). On the scale, he is more feminine than masculine energy to me. 

Will is that creepy guy staring at you at the bar or lounge, and won’t stop the whole time you’re there, but won’t approach you or say anything, and when you look at him his eyes start shifting back and forth, so you’re just weirded out, and you go link arms with a friend and ask them to protect you, and then Will goes home alone to bash women in the comment sections of YouTube videos lol 

Edited by dirtypop90
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The most telling moment between Will and Jasmine was when they were at their wedding site talking about their first kiss. Jasmine said "I had to control you, make sure you' weren't doing too much." She meant the kiss but she does it about everything. Will picked that up too - he gave a wry chuckle when she said it.

1 hour ago, Elizzikra said:

I think it was meant to be a mixed green salad - it looked like a couple different types of lettuces with olive oil and vinegar. Back when I ate red meat, I often would order steak frites with a salad instead of fries and this is exactly what I'd get. It's delicious. As for the steak - he said Kristine liked it rare so that's how he made it. The meal looked great.

He also made dessert. Moreover, he chose a menu based on what he knew of Kristine's favorite foods. I liked his attention to detail.

Baby steps - for a guy who never cooks, that lesson was a perfect place to start. When I've taken classes like that, they give you the recipes and a basic kitchen would have the pans and utensils he needs. 

I agree - and like someone else said, we're talking weeknight meals for two people who work. IMO they SHOULD be simple. I love to cook and would be out here cooking fancy meals every night if I had the time, but I don't, so I meal prep and batch cook on the weekends and use my Instant Pot so I'm not spending hours in the kitchen after a day of work and a workout. If I want to get fancy or creative in the kitchen, I do it on the weekend when I have more time. If Keith can Foreman grill a couple of chicken breasts and nuke a bag of frozen veggies, I think that's fine. A pre-washed and bagged salad and a seared steak is a perfectly respectable meal. I thought it was a very sweet gesture on Keith's part.

Edited by Empress1
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I agree with what I read a few pages back - that if Puke and Kate were not getting the drama edit, Jasmine would be shown in even a worse light. I agree that she THINKS she wants a manly man, but then she still wants to make all the decisions and be put on a pedestal. I think Will is being polite and respectful and honest and he is in no hurry to have his love-making skills be torn apart, as she has with anything else he has tried. She should be grateful that Puke is getting the "biggest villain" edit, so they don't spend as much time making her look worse.

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11 minutes ago, dirtypop90 said:

A 6.8? Will knew that score would upset Jasmine, who just gave herself a 7. He did it away. Most men know that question is a trap and flirt there way out of it. Not will. He calls her a 6.8 right after telling her she’s a pot of gold. What? And if a man knows giving his wife or gf or hell even friend an extra .2 will make her feel better,  most will give her the extra .2, and give her the score she gave herself. Not Will. The only reason to knock off .2 points is to  be petty.

A few folks have said Jas isn’t as feline as Kristine which is true. We all have femine and masculine energy. Will has a lot of feminine energy. He is not as vocal as Luke but he is very much a guy that seems to mope around, not saying wants wrong with him, not asserting himself;no sexual prowess, no desire to be a provider, not protective (the way he just sat on that ATV when Jas was rolling over...). On the scale, he is more feminine than masculine energy to me. 

He said she might be the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Why’d she ask the question right after the compliment? 

Everything else is conjecture. We don’t know why Will said what he said. Will isn’t most men. He’s Will. I don’t see him any differently because he doesn’t want to be a provider. Neither do AJ or Keith. It’s never been mentioned with their wives. In fact, AJ seems quite pleased that Stephanie is really into her career. 

Saying he wants 50/50 is more of a partnership vibe to me which is my ideal marriage/relationship.

According to Jasmine, she wants to be provided for but in actuality she wants to rule the roost. She’s in opposition to herself. I think she was raised to think of marriage in one very specific way, but her actual values don’t mesh with that. 

Will doesn’t have any feminine energy to me so we’ll just have to agree to disagree.

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1 hour ago, Elizzikra said:

I think it was meant to be a mixed green salad - it looked like a couple different types of lettuces with olive oil and vinegar. Back when I ate red meat, I often would order steak frites with a salad instead of fries and this is exactly what I'd get. It's delicious. As for the steak - he said Kristine liked it rare so that's how he made it. The meal looked great.

He also made dessert. Moreover, he chose a menu based on what he knew of Kristine's favorite foods. I liked his attention to detail.

Baby steps - for a guy who never cooks, that lesson was a perfect place to start. When I've taken classes like that, they give you the recipes and a basic kitchen would have the pans and utensils he needs. 

I think Keith did pretty well for his first time cooking.  

I think Will is dull.

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Think Will is more animated when the camera crew goes home...he is just disciplined to be reserved during documentation.

Jasmine uses the filming as getting on record her grievances about Will's not doing what she wants...like boinking her.... picking up after himself...boinking her....

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Ugh I really can't wait until these last few weeks finish up. I don't know if Kate is under contract and therefore can't leave, but it is becoming painful to watch her take all of this emotional abuse from Luke. He really pissed me off during Unfiltered when he cried those fake tears to garner sympathy and play the victim. I also wish Dr. Jessica would have called him out just as she did with Molly when she found out that Molly was treating Jon like crap.

I only see AJ/Stephanie and Keith/Kristine staying together in the end. Will just isn't attracted to Jasmine and I don't think it's physical, it's everything else (her expectations, values, the way she speaks to him).

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22 minutes ago, Soup333 said:

I don’t see him any differently because he doesn’t want to be a provider. Neither do AJ or Keith. It’s never been mentioned with their wives. In fact, AJ seems quite pleased that Stephanie is really into her career. 

Yes, I've often wondered why Will gets grief for not wanting to be a provider when none of the men on this iteration of the show want to be providers. AJ has said expressly that he's attracted to Stephanie's professional drive. Keith doesn't want to be a provider either. I think I recall Luke saying that he got married at first sight to find someone to "build an empire with" (I think he fancies himself an entrepreneur). He and Kate are clearly doomed* but I don't think he'll want to support whoever he does end up with.

I guess the difference is that Jasmine WANTS a man who is a provider and the other three women don't appear to (especially Stephanie), but Will isn't any different from the rest of the men on the show re: not wanting to be one.

*I wish she'd packed her shit and gone home when Luke spent their one-month anniversary with his friends. I was proud of her when she called him on how much HE drank when he tried to pull that "I'm not attracted to you because you drink too much" bullshit, but I wish she'd taken that backbone a step further and just bounced.

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Just to clarify, I'm not saying Will is wrong or giving him grief for not be a provider.  I listed it as an example of a traditionally masculine trait, like being protective and assertive, that Will doesn't posses.  Will is well within his right to not want to be responsible for all the household bills.

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I think Will can be protective and assertive with the right woman, but maybe he realizes that that woman isn't Jasmine.  

And i still say we'd see a much more animated Will with, say, Kristine.

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3 minutes ago, Claire Voyant said:

I hope when they make their decisions that Kate looks at Puke and says something on the order of:   Your breath reeks of your dead insides and you're not only repulsive, you're ugly both inside and out.  

But she won't . She'll just blink at him, smirk and say "but I don't understand." I thought things were going well. He smiled at me yesterday.

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2 minutes ago, Jaclyn88 said:

But she won't . She'll just blink at him, smirk and say "but I don't understand." I thought things were going well. He smiled at me yesterday.

I'm sure she won't, also.  A girl can dream though. 

Maybe, with a little luck, she's more psychotic than he is and has been slipping some arsenic into his orange juice for a while now.  Then we could all watch her on Snapped.  😄 

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Kate should become the MAFS Bride from Hell...

Call Ms. Dirty, Nasty Skank and tell her that my husband, your colleague, has you under that name in his contact list..Yes, you will confirm that with HR when she files a complaint....

Go to the Speed Dating events as a participant... lead off each conversation with every potential male that you are looking for Mr. Right Part 2...because you are married to Mr. Right Now, the host of the event and you can't wait to divorce his sorry ass...

Invite Left Dude over for dinner then hit on him hard...sit on his lap, play with his hair, tell him that you dream about him in the groomsman suit he wore at your wedding to Puke

 Kate gets a hipster makeover....lose the bouffant hairdo and throw a beanie on your straggly hair. Thrift shop clothes. Organic stuff. Out hipster Puke. Beat him at his own game....

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I hope Kate ends up with one of his friends. I remember there was one friend at the wedding who seemed more interested in talking to her than Luke was.

If anyone deserves a "second chances" show, it's Kate. But if I were in her position, I'd run in the other direction if this network approached me again.

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4 minutes ago, Jaclyn88 said:

I hope Kate ends up with one of his friends. I remember there was one friend at the wedding who seemed more interested in talking to her than Luke was.

That is Left Dude..the nice guy standing to her left at the reception....

He was in the red, white, blue plaid shirt at their house party.

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