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Sara Lance: The Canary Rises In White

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I knew it was going to be the combo of Sara and Victor Garber that sucked me in! 

Well, also Arthur Darvill.  I mean I'm still not much of a Brandon Routh fan, but the REST of the casting is great on this show.

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I'm so happy Sara is back! Also hole hell, Caity, those arms.. /drool :p


IKR?! I'm not sure if it's just that Caity has been working out more (like she said she's been doing in that interview) or what but I never noticed how great her arms are until today:





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Doubt it, since it looks like Arrow and Flash are the ones that put the team together. 

I don't think the teaser is indicative of how the team is actually formed I think it's just a short cut to explain things that will probably play out over the first half/quarter of Arrow and Flash.  I'd be far more inclined to believe that Rip put the group together


It's similar to the first Guardians of the Galaxy trailer where they put Drax with the group and named them Guardians of the Galaxy which was different from the way the movie actually went.

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Doubt it, since it looks like Arrow and Flash are the ones that put the team together. 


I don't think the teaser is indicative of how the team is actually formed I think it's just a short cut to explain things that will probably play out over the first half/quarter of Arrow and Flash.  I'd be far more inclined to believe that Rip put the group together


It's similar to the first Guardians of the Galaxy trailer where they put Drax with the group and named them Guardians of the Galaxy which was different from the way the movie actually went.

I'd imagine Rip finds Oliver and talks him and Barry into getting the crew together. It would be a lot easier to have the guys you want recruited by those they know and respect, instead of pulling a Kyle Reese and starting with "I'm from the future"


So the team is put together by Rip, but Oliver and Barry help because they know who's who.

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So when did Oliver and Barry talk to the Legends of Tomorrow? Are they keeping it a secret that Sara is alive?

I think that clip will end up in the pilot episode.  They started setting the spinoff up in Arrow/Flash but need to introduce/fix some characters.  They set up Cold last week and Stein will probably get set up in the Flash finale.  Ray got blown up/shrunk in the Arrow finale so they'll need to fix that on Arrow before the spinoff and I'm guessing Sara comes back on Arrow as well.  


Next year they'll probably take 2 episodes per show to setup the spin-off.  Who knows maybe that will be the big Flarrow Crossover this year?

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Isn't it a rule that the question of whether Sara's heart is beating at any given moment is a deep secret that is only to be shared at the precise moment it will cause the most pain and damage?


Because she's naked and she knew we wouldn't be able to handle it. :-p


Why?  It's not like the old days where a VHS tape could break from repeatedly watching the same few seconds over, and over, and over.... ;)  Personally, I think she didn't come flying out of the pit because she's just not Speedy.


Seriously, as I've said, I didn't start watching Arrow until after Sara was dead, so I'm definitely looking forward to meeting her.

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 Here we go.

The Rising of The




How come she didn't fly out there like a leaping frog like Thea did? 


Maybe it was because Thea was only mostly dead, while Sara was all dead

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She'll probably make some joke about, making light of the fact that Ra's is apparently a homophobe and also seems to get a kick out of forcing people into nonconsensual relationships.  I just hope neither show tries to act as though the "marriage" was in any way valid.  

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Im pumped that Sara is back! I too am hoping for a father/daughter bond with her & Victor Garber. Honestly they are the reason I an definitely tuning in. Im missing my SpyDaddy :) That scene with them & BR in the teaser showed that a group chemistry could be there for all of them.


Im glad that she is away from the drama of Arrow. I loved her in it, but by s2b she was being used just for shear drama effect. In the FB, she was the one that Shado was killed for thus causing Slade to pursue his crazy - which came out of nowhere. In present day, she was being accused of stealing everything from LL. I never really minded her with Oliver but it did seem to throw the dynamics of the foundry off. Also, whereas the hook-up made sense, the accelerated relationship seemed a little rushed. But most of all of these problems were direct result of poor writing choices. Hopefully, she will be allowed to kick ass on this show and not be forced into dumb plot for plot purposes.

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I'm gonna love seeing Caity/Sara kicking ass on my screen again. No stunt doubles here. 



OMG THIS!  Worst decision ever made by Arrow writers/showrunners - killing Sara and removing that skill level from the show.

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I never had a problem with her relationship with Oliver either.  It kind of felt like something inevitable to me but also destined to be short lived and no hard feelings...which it was, lol.  He was a place holder for her and vice versa.   


I know they will makes some changes to Sara as a cost of using the LP but I hope she essentially stays the same.  I loved her kick ass canary side but it was Sara's sorrowful vulnerability that I fell in love with.  


I also hope we get some closure with her and Nyssa.  Sara was Nyssa's beloved but by the end, I'm not sure Nyssa was Sara's beloved anymore.   I'd like that cleared up.  I suspect though that there will be backlash if there isn't a  Nyssara reunion.  From a character stand point I could easily understand and accept that Sara had put Nyssa in her past but I worry there will be accusations of anti-gay characters if they go that way...which wouldn't stop them from going that way but might prompt them to eliminate the problem by killing Nyssa which would be a huge mistake. 


Or maybe they will handle the whole issue with taste and delicacy.  Ha!  Yeah right.  More likely they won't deal with it at all. 

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might prompt them to eliminate the problem by killing Nyssa which would be a huge mistake.

I've been worried about this too actually. They've made a big deal about Sara being Nyssa's beloved. But now Sara's on another show. How do they solve that problem? Kill off Nyssa.

I really hope they don't though.

Edited by Starfish35
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I've been worried about this too actually. They've made a big deal about Sara being Nyssa's beloved. But now Sara's on another show. How do they solve that problem? Kill off Nyssa.

I really hope they don't though.


Or - and I'm not sure which is worse - they could have Laurel and Nyssa bond even more over Sara rejecting her former life (lives) after her resurrection. 

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Or they can just have Nyssa accept that Sara has moved on. It works for millions of people everyday.  

This is what I'm hoping for. I like Nyssa a lot, but I like Sara way more and I want her to be from from the baggage of the League. As long as she's with Nyssa, it won't happen, Sara will always be reminded of her painful past. Not to mention I'm still iffy on the kidnapping Dinah plot.


Nyssa and Sara definitely deserve closure (I guess it should happen on Arrow where everyone knows both and where their relationship has been referenced from time to time), but it's time for this chapter in Sara's life to end. And there's absolutely no point in killing Nyssa for that because them parting has been already set-up pretty well. No other factors are needed than Sara finally starting her new life as a hero away from it all.

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I never had a problem with her relationship with Oliver either.  It kind of felt like something inevitable to me but also destined to be short lived and no hard feelings...which it was, lol.  He was a place holder for her and vice versa.   


I know they will makes some changes to Sara as a cost of using the LP but I hope she essentially stays the same.  I loved her kick ass canary side but it was Sara's sorrowful vulnerability that I fell in love with.  


I also hope we get some closure with her and Nyssa.  Sara was Nyssa's beloved but by the end, I'm not sure Nyssa was Sara's beloved anymore.   I'd like that cleared up.  I suspect though that there will be backlash if there isn't a  Nyssara reunion.  From a character stand point I could easily understand and accept that Sara had put Nyssa in her past but I worry there will be accusations of anti-gay characters if they go that way...which wouldn't stop them from going that way but might prompt them to eliminate the problem by killing Nyssa which would be a huge mistake. 


Or maybe they will handle the whole issue with taste and delicacy.  Ha!  Yeah right.  More likely they won't deal with it at all. 

I don't think Sara was ever really over Nyssa. Remember she never said goodbye to Nyssa? I think she didn't, because it'd probably too hard for her. She also never confirmed that she didn't love Nyssa anymore, because she never gave an answer to Nyssa whether she still loved her or not.

I think she just wanted out of all the killing, and getting out of there meant breaking off with Nyssa because being with Nyssa meant she had to be an assassin again. Maybe this'll change now Ra's is dead.

Besides, in the end, I do believe she went back to Nyssa, and she looked happier than I'd ever seen her before.


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I do think Sara and Nyssa have to talk and get closure. I think I would rather Sara be single to get past her many issues which now include rising from being actually dead. Sara dates men and women they have more possibilities without her being tied to the past.  

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I expect an episode or two of closure between Sara and Nyssa, but unfortunately not much more. I think it's likely they go for the boy!felicity/girl!oliver with Sara and Roy. Which could actually work. 

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I'm very much assuming the resurrection will happen on Arrow, giving her an episode or two to reconnect with her family and Nyssa before starting her own story. After all, what's the point of pushing the show to mid-season unless the setup is taken care of in the first half?

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MG said the show is mid-season because that was the soonest they could get it ready. Scripts, casting, filming, hopefully someone coordinating with Arrow/Flash... all takes time.

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Hard to say. I mean scars are already healed. So there is no damage to heal. But Ra's didn't have any scars at all, but we can always assume he pitted himself before his injuries heal.

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I expect an episode or two of closure between Sara and Nyssa, but unfortunately not much more. I think it's likely they go for the boy!felicity/girl!oliver with Sara and Roy. Which could actually work. 

I admit to being interested in the Ray/Sara possibilities and they had Felicity tell Ray she hoped he'd find someone that would make him happy TV speak for yup, he will have a love interest in the next show and since there are only two women on the show it's either Sara or Hawkgirl.  Maybe Hawkgirl and Ray would be great, who knows, but I can already envision why Sara and Ray would be good for each other.


BUT if they don't get closure on Nyssara, I won't be able to enjoy Sara or Nyssa ever moving on. 


It occurs to me that Nyssa and Sara suffer the same sort of problem that Ray and Felicity had, they were too much alike and reinforced each other's deepest traits which might be manageable if you are both bright, bubbly, people but how do you cope long term with the weight of past darkness weighing you down?   Nyssa fell for Sara before she'd ever added murder to her baggage and as much as Sara could use something purely positive in her life, I think Nyssa would also benefit.  Either that or just let her take out Malcolm and take over the League and double down on the darkness. 

Edited by BkWurm1
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I.. kind of want them to turn Sara into a gender-flipped Jack Harkness. Just say that after soaking in the pit for 6 months (Because, doh, Nyssa dug her up within hours of being told she was dead) her blood now runs with the waters of life, and she cannot die. She's already a snarky bi-sexual, so.. 

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I would love if Sara's immortal. All those times everyone thought she "died" and now she can't die. 


From the City of Heroes panel 

Q: Who would win in a Battle Royale between your characters?

Audience: Diggle!
S: Difficult to say (turns to Caity) and Sara's *dead*...
C: (laughing) Not for long!
D: Diggle!


I love how appreciative of Caity's skill Stephen is. In another panel he said Caity could probably kick his ass, then said but he can do more rungs on the Salmon ladder. 

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I really hope they don't go into this show with any preconceived romantic pairings. Let Sara readjust to being alive. Let her have closure with Nyssa (unless they bring Nyssa on board which I would be fine with). Then let the story & characters unfold & then see if there is any chemistry between a couple. The most important chemistry is that of the team, and it seems like they already have a good start on that. It's only 13 episodes so I feel like they should focus on something other than romantic pairings.

Edited by kismet
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I really hope they don't go into this show with any preconceived romantic pairings. Let Sara readjust to being alive. Let her have closure with Nyssa (unless they bring Nyssa on board which I would be fine with). Then let the story & characters unfold & then see if there is any chemistry between a couple. The most important chemistry is that of the team, and it seems like they already have a good start on that. It's only 13 episodes so I feel like they should focus on something other than romantic pairings.

I agree. Their preplanned couples tend to be either boring or a trainwreck. It would be better to let things happen organically; and focus on establishing the team, and telling a good story. With this mix of characters, someone is bound to spark, and they can pursue that in S2.

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I definitely want at least a scene with Sara and Nyssa as closure, more if Nyssa was the one who resurrected her. They don't have to be together anymore, I can see plenty of reasons why they wouldn't, but a lot of Nyssa's arc had to do with Sara and that should be acknowledged.


I also want something with Sara and Laurel/Quentin. They need to know she's alive again but leaving because time needs saving or whatever. This would also have the extra effect of pleasing the Laurel/Black Canary fans by her giving her sister her blessing.

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I have to say that I don't care how they do it - I want a scene of Sara and Laurel fighting together and embracing before Sara goes off to help save the world.  I'm so tired of Laurel vs Sara - I know Caity is better suited for the role than KC - but on the show, I want to see their love as sisters and I want Sara and Laurel to tell each other that they are proud of each other. 


We all know Laurel needs to hear Sara tell her she's doing good - that she isn't a pretender and that she can make a difference in the city.  But I think Sara needs to hear Laurel of all people tell her that she's a hero.  That none of the past matters, not the cheating with Oliver, not the League, not the killing - I want Laurel to tell Sara she has a light in her amid all the darkness and that it will grow because Sara is - and always has been - a good person who wants to help people (per Laurel and Dinah at Sara's grave).

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I have no desire to see Laurel ever (I couldn't even watch the Flash episode she appeared on). KC just does not work for me as an actress. I also have no need to see the sister interact, since they barely did when Sara was alive. However I know that we will have to get Laurel because of Sara, I just hope it's very minimal and Sara and Laurel are off doing their own things. 


Also with all this talk about how Sara's going to be different. I don't think they are making her evil with the team up so it makes me think they are going to go with the standard soap trope of Sara having amnesia. At least for the first half of her show. That could give them drama they love and a reason for Sara to not be in to much contact with her family. She won't know who they are.  

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Oh I should have added that I want any Sara/Laurel, Sara/Nyssa, or Sara/Quentin interactions to take place on Arrow before LoT launches.  I don't want any of that drama on a show where the heroes are trying to save the world from an immortal villain. They just have bigger fish to fry so to speak.


That said, I wouldn't mind Nyssa appearing to help with the mission, but I also don't mind if they just give them closure on Arrow and keep Nyssa over there as Laurel's friend and mentor.  Just no sister swapping.

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I have no desire to see Laurel ever (I couldn't even watch the Flash episode she appeared on). KC just does not work for me as an actress. I also have no need to see the sister interact, since they barely did when Sara was alive. However I know that we will have to get Laurel because of Sara, I just hope it's very minimal and Sara and Laurel are off doing their own things.


This. I mean, I know that from the narrative standpoint, if Sara's not amnesiac or evil or whatever, it makes sense for her to meet Laurel, but that character is forever tainted to me. I just can't get over her getting everything handed to her on a silver platter while Sara had to die. Their relationship has been written so badly I could never root or care for it. Sin felt like more of a sister to Sara than Laurel ever did.

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This. I mean, I know that from the narrative standpoint, if Sara's not amnesiac or evil or whatever, it makes sense for her to meet Laurel, but that character is forever tainted to me. I just can't get over her getting everything handed to her on a silver platter while Sara had to die. Their relationship has been written so badly I could never root or care for it. Sin felt like more of a sister to Sara than Laurel ever did.Yea

Not only that, but if they reunite Sara and Laurel, it won't be to benefit or advance Sara's character, but to use her popularity to prop Laurel by telling her how special and deserving of the BC title she is. Laurel has taken everything of Sara's, except her vastly superior martial arts skills, and I have no desire to hear her tell Laurel how happy she is that she SWF'd her entire life.


Let's just have a "yay, all the Lance sisters are alive" scene, and then have Sara go on to her own show. I want to see her have her own adventures; develop friendships with Ray, Kendra, Prof Stein, and Jay Jackson, snark at Rip and Cold, and make plans to take out Heatwave if he becomes too unstable and a threat to the team.  I just want to enjoy Sara in all her complicated glory without having to worry about what these showrunners are going to do to her in order to benefit Laurel.

Edited by Lokiberry
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I'm really not looking forward to seeing Laurel. Hopefully it all happens on Arrow then I won't have to put up with her. Just seeing her face makes me mad, I know it's irrational, but I just cannot stand the actress's facial expressions. 


I'm now actually hoping for an amnesia storyline so we won't have to put up with Laurel propping or see that much of her. The only one I'll feel bad for is Quentin but I can go with he'll be happy Sara's alive even if she doesn't remember her family but she also doesn't remember the horrible stuff that happened her and she'll get a chance to start over. 

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Let's just have a "yay, all the Lance sisters are alive" scene, and then have Sara go on to her own show.


I want Laurel to try to return the jacket, only for Sara to give it back with a "I have become something else" type speech. I do think the girls are sweet together. I like Laurel when she and Sara are getting along.

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Yeah, I thought Laurel and Sara had some good scenes together once they reconciled. I'll never have much use for Laurel as BC, but Laurel as Sara's sister I can deal with. And honestly, I would prefer everyone being in the know on this. No more secrets, no amnesia. I think we've beat the "secrets about Sara Lance" horse to death over the last two seasons on Arrow. Not on board for more of it.

Sara's getting her own show and her own superhero identity that she doesn't have to give up. While I don't want Laurel jumping over to LoT every two seconds, I'd be happy with them working out all of this and resolving it on Arrow before LoT starts.

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Is White Canary a comic book character predating the Arrow series? Or are they just inventing heroes now to cover their casting screw-ups?

Answering in the comics spoilers thread.

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