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Sara Lance: The Canary Rises In White

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Brought over from the Relationships thread. I do think Sara was sexually abused/raped/etc, but I understand why the show wouldn't want to go there. The writers can barely deal with the non-heavy story lines. I have no faith they'd do this topic justice.


Personally, I'm glad they never went there. Rape is a trigger for me, and I just don't want to see my favorite character on the show deal with it, because it will upset me too much. I'm fine it's left unspoken, so people can imagine what they choose to.

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They didn't need to shows us, I think they implied what happened to Sara with her saying that no woman should ever suffer at the hands of men. So the audience can make what they will from that line. It could be anything from being raped to being tortured/abused to being coerced or mentally manipulated into doing things she didn't want to. We know that she's basically been a prisoner since the Gambit sank. 


That's why I'm not thrilled that Sara went back to League and Nyssa in the finale. I like Nyssa she's an awesome character but Sara wasn't in Nanda Parbat by choice, just like she wasn't on the Amazo by choice. So any relationships she had while she was there is tainted by the fact that she couldn't leave of her own free will. 

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Sara's far too damaged at this point. She has the motorcycle and the martial arts skills, but the Canary I envision from Gail Simone's description isn't Laurel or Sara, to be quite honest. Sara's the Canary I'd prefer for the show by a long shot - I want no part of a Laurel Canary - but I'm not sure personality wise Sara is all that close to Gail Simone's Canary either

I disagree, I think Sara was a wild force of nature, and still has aspects of that when she's the Canary. I think if Sara's storyline was allowed to continue and not cheated in order to support Laurel being BC you'd have she'd cone back to that wild nature once she healed and began to accept herself.

Personality wise Sara is currently very close to 52 Dinah Drake Lance. I see a ton of similarities between Sara and Dinah.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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I disagree, I think Sara was a wild force of nature, and still has aspects of that when she's the Canary. I think if Sara's storyline was allowed to continue and not cheated in order to support Laurel being BC you'd have she'd cone back to that wild nature once she healed and began to accept herself.


Pre-island Sara probably was a force of nature and wild, untamed chick. Ivo, the island and League changed her. I also think we could go with Sara went back to the League because she couldn't be tamed by Arrow's ways. She wanted to go back and be able to do what she wants to do without Oliver/Arrow telling her how things should be done. 


Sara also wasn't just supporting a man even though she was stranded with nothing but men for 2 years and she survived. She had her own ideas and plans, she was able to manipulate Oliver, she scared a Russian mobster and pretty much never listened to Arrow. I'd consider that being a force of nature and hard to tame chick. 

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I don't care what Stephen Amell says, we need an episode Arrow:  The Musical. Caity, John Barrowman, Colton Haynes, EBR, SA, with a flashback to Colin Donnell.


Joss Whedon did it, why not this show?

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Isn't Stephen Amell the only one that doesn't want to do a musical episode? Everyone else is on board. They could just make it a drug induced hallucination where everything Oliver hears is done in song with Tommy being his guide. I'd love to see Sara, Roy and Dig singing while kicking the crap out bad guys. And Felicity to have a big number in the Arrow Lair around the computers and the weapons. 

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Katina Law does everything, including stand-up.  Willa Holland sings too, although not that well.

They could just make it a drug induced hallucination where everything Oliver hears is done in song with Tommy being his guide. I'd love to see Sara, Roy and Dig singing while kicking the crap out bad guys. And Felicity to have a big number in the Arrow Lair around the computers and the weapons. 

We (on the board) should write that up as an outline and submit it to MG and AK.

Tie it into Oliver's search for his humanity this season.

How could they resist?

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Hahahaha, the minute I saw the first photo, I thought "Aha! More proof a musical is possible!"  And then I saw like minded folks chiming in!


I definitely think a musical interlude at some point could be written in - blame it on the Vertigo.

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I have never seen the original, but the production has done a very good job keeping Caity's involvement in the sequel under wraps considering that the movie was filmed over a year ago. That's a big window of opportunity for something to leak...

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Spoilers for comics and S2 of Agents of SHIELD:

Apparently Mockingbird is supposed to appear in season two of AoS, so I was reading up on her. Her costume looked startlingly familiar to me. Does anyone think the Arrow costume designers might have taken inspiration from Mockingbird when they were designing Sara's Black Canary costume? Sara's is all black instead of white and black, but they still look very similar to me.

What do you all think? Or maybe this is old news and I'm behind the times. Lol.

Edited by Starfish35
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Yes, but I think she might have a connection to the movies too. She is appearing for 1 or 2 episodes on AOS. And due to shared universe, she may appear in one of the Marvel movies.

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I hope it's ok to post this here. I was reading up on the Futures End Books and came across a review for BoP Futures End #1.


I swear this sounds so much like Sara it's scary. Dinah has infiltrated the LoA and taken over after disposing of Ra's Al Ghul. She has now renamed them The Red League and they're dedicated to rescuing women from abusive situations (female trafficking, forced prostitution, etc).

I could so see something like this playing out on Arrow, with Sara/Nyssa taking control of the LoA and changing how they do business. This is something Sara would be a part of as she didn't want to be a killer and her introduction in early S2 was of someone rescuing women from would be rapists.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Yeah, I read BoP: Futures End the weekend before last, and it was really easy to see the parallels between Sara and the future!Dinah wrt to taking over the LoA and starting the Red League.

[it's a really good book, btw, if anyone is interested, but I'd rec you read this one *and then* Batgirl: Futures End, because they're connected. And it's the last Batgirl thing Gail Simone wrote, and it blew my mind because it was so freaking *awesome*. I legit had a crying fit over that book.]

I'm still worried they're gonna end up killing Sara in S3, but I really wish they'll have her beat Ra's in the end -- let Oliver sit that one down -- even if it leads to Sara dying. Ra's is so much more a Black Canary rival than a Green Arrow rival, I wish they'd honor that.

Edited by dancingnancy
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I read the summary for that comic months ago and thought that they could use that story for Sara, then you said that she changed the league to rescue women from abusive situations. That is Sara. I hope they think about doing that storyline so Sara doesn't have to die and they can still do whatever they want with Laurel. Sara and Nyssa can defeat Ra's al Ghul, then Ta-er al Sahfer and Nyssa al Ghul will be the leaders the Red League. So whenever Oliver needs extra help, he'll have an entire army of highly trained ninjas to back him up. 

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I swear this sounds so much like Sara it's scary. Dinah has infiltrated the LoA and taken over after disposing of Ra's Al Ghul. She has now renamed them The Red League and they're dedicated to rescuing women from abusive situations (female trafficking, forced prostitution, etc).



Yeah when I saw the solicits of Futures end, I thought it was  similar too.  I was wondering how it was going to go, so thanks, something like this  "ending" would be a good storyline for her.  

They seem set on making Laurel Black Canary, sigh

so it seems like death could be the only choice for Sara, but it really isnt. If the story is to go the same way as Futures end, I wouldn't mind Sara taking a moniker like

White Canary

, it would be sort of a reverse to whats in comics and with a different symbolic meaning in this show.  

Edited by Conell
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Well, if this is truly it for her, it was fun while it lasted, Sara.  I hope Caity Lotz finds another kick-ass gig soon.


I'm really miss her, and I'm not wild at all about Laurel talking over for her, if this is the plan.  Only thing I'm remotely curious about is who shot her, and hoping a Pissed Off Nyssa will show back up to avenge her.

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My first thought is that it was Ra's, but that doesn't really make sense in context of what we have seen. Unless Sara ran away from the League again and he was tired of her messing with his daughter, or she'd just pissed him off. It had to be someone who actually knew her since she was wearing the mask and wig and whoever it was actually called her by name. Which also kind of leaves out Malcolm, the next most likely candidate. Though since he figured out who the Arrow was it wouldn't be hard for him to work out who the Canary was. But I can't think of any particular reason for Malcolm to want Sara dead. Besides, I was under the impression he was going to be busy training Thea. So I'm going to start by guessing it's either

Cupid or Komodo


Edited by KirkB
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^ Me neither. I knew she was going to die but with Ra's Al Ghul coming in as the new big bad, I really really thought we would see an arc where Sara becomes increasingly conflicted as Ra's plans for Starling City become clear to her and that she would eventually try to overthrow him - but fail. In the meantime, they could have explored some of Sara's LOA backstory through flashbacks. What a waste of storytelling potential...

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Well, if this is truly it for her, it was fun while it lasted, Sara.  I hope Caity Lotz finds another kick-ass gig soon.



I'd probably watch whatever Caity Lotz does next. You couldn't pay me to watch Katie Cassidy, in Arrow or in anything else. So, good choice there, writers.

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A friend pointed out she's the second queer female character to be killed off on tv in a month. Fucking thing sucks.

Technically she's bisexual and her girlfriend or ex-girlfriend will be on the show shortly (probably with flashbacks) Also at least one of the main producers on this show is gay so I don't think there's much to be made of that. Just bad luck is all. Tell your friend to hold out for her equally badass girlfriend who will most certainly be on her way and is in fact a lesbian (as opposed to bi). Edited by slayer2
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Bi = queer.  Queer means "not straight."

It remains to be seen if they will bring back another queer female character to take her place as it were on the show, though it clearly is unlikely to satisfy me.  I liked that character.  She wasn't just a placeholder.


one of the main producers on this show is gay so I don't think there's much to be made of that

I take it you're unfamiliar with the social media clusterfuck that is the Glee fandom.  Just as well.

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One person's clusterfuck is another person's treasure. If you dictionary queer though although it is a colloquialism it refers primarily to non-heterosexuality since bi is both heterosexual and homosexual I still don't think it applies. Regardless Nyssa will most certainly be guesting on the show so there is representation there and it's not like Buffy where it was seriously questionable because they killed Tara off right after she had make-up sex with her girlfriend.

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I kind of figured Sara was going to come back because she had turned against the League and Ra's would show up to deal with her personally. So it would be a way to kill her off and introduce Ra's at the same time. He, at least, would have given her a chance to fight.

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Sigh. The writers are going to have a hell of a time trying to dig out of this one. As if Katie Cassidy's bad acting choices as Laurel weren't enough, they had to bring in someone who turned out to be the perfect Black Canary. Caity Lotz isn't a brilliant actress, but she was better than Katie Cassidy. She could project warmth and generate real chemistry with Stephen Amell. And she genuinely kicked ass in action scenes. If the writers were so determined to have Laurel be the Black Canary, then Caity is arguably the person who should have had the role to begin with.


Setting aside the issue of how cynical and manipulative it was to kill her character off in this episode, the fact is that Katie is going to have to try to replace Caity. And I just don't think she's up to the task. She certainly isn't going to do well in the action scenes. Yes, there are stuntwomen, but the thing about Caity Lotz was that in a lot of the action scenes you could clearly see that it was really her. And it mattered.


I just don't have the heart to keep watching. I had hope because the writers showed some willingness to be flexible. They promoted Felicity when she turned out to be popular, and they didn't try to force the zero chemistry Oliver and Laurel relationship on us. But when they had the perfect Black Canary in their cast, they threw her away in order to force Laurel into the role. And it seems like the only people who think Laurel will make a better Black Canary are those who want the show to adhere to comics canon. Which is stupid, in my opinion.

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Sigh. The writers are going to have a hell of a time trying to dig out of this one. As if Katie Cassidy's bad acting choices as Laurel weren't enough, they had to bring in someone who turned out to be the perfect Black Canary. Caity Lotz isn't a brilliant actress, but she was better than Katie Cassidy. She could project warmth and generate real chemistry with Stephen Amell. And she genuinely kicked ass in action scenes. If the writers were so determined to have Laurel be the Black Canary, then Caity is arguably the person who should have had the role to begin with.


They made two mistakes:  they cast Katie Cassidy as Laurel Lance (someday I'd really like to know why), and then they cast Caity Lotz as Sara, making Sara a very very difficult act to follow even if the script were up to it (six years of training anyone?)


Will Laurel manage to wear Sara's shoes, or will she stumble and fall? That's about the only thing I can see that might be good about this..

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I think the only reason KC got to keep the Black Canary role is because it was in her contract and they have to adhere to that contract or pay her lots of money to get out of it.


However how they choose to get rid of Sara/CL was the worst way I've ever seen on tv. Let's throw out the garbage. 


I still love how that's what they think making Sara part of Laurel's journey means. They don't interact at all for 13 episodes, then when they finally meet up again Laurel screams at her and throws a glass at her head, then all they do is talk about Oliver, finally in the last episodes of the season have Laurel see that her sister is a hero with the only real talk they've had all season, get tranqued and kidnapped and rescued by Oliver (back to no interaction with Sara), happily send her away to be a killer, then Sara comes back and dies. What a journey those two had, completely separate from one another. 


All we have is Laurel seeing Sara's a hero and go "I WANT!"

Edited by Sakura12
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I think the only reason KC got to keep the Black Canary role is because it was in her contract and they have to adhere to that contract or pay her lots of money to get out of it.


However how they choose to get rid of Sara/CL was the worst way I've ever seen on tv. Let's throw out the garbage. 


I still love how that's what they think making Sara part of Laurel's journey means. They don't interact at all for 13 episodes, then when they finally meet up again Laurel screams at her and throws a glass at her head, then all they do is talk about Oliver, finally in the last episodes of the season have Laurel see that her sister is a hero with the only real talk they've had all season, get tranqued and kidnapped and rescued by Oliver (back to no interaction with Sara), happily send her away to be a killer, then Sara comes back and dies. What a journey those two had, completely separate from one another. 


All we have is Laurel seeing Sara's a hero and go "I WANT!"

Such a great post. 

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I should also add how much we saw of Sara's journey. Getting sucked out of the Gambit during a storm, floating around in the ocean for days in her underwear, getting rescued by the Amazo, then almost get gang raped by a pirates, saved by a mad Scientist, suffer from Stockholm syndrome with said mad scientist, help mad scientist experiment on prisoners so he wouldn't experiment on her, have to turn on Oliver to keep herself safe, get rescued by Oliver, live on an island, watch another woman get shot in the head with it being close to being her that got shot in the head, escape and survive on the island again, board the Amazo via parachute, almost get strangled by a prisoner, have to jump off the Amazo because the plan failed, decide to kill someone in order to rescue Oliver and kill Slade the guy that wants to kill everyone, fail again, get kidnapped by Slade, have Oliver rescue her and refuse to leave him to fight Slade alone, get thrown out of the sinking Amazo, float around the ocean again, get rescued by Nyssa when near death, get nursed by Nyssa, train with the League of Assassins, pledge her loyalty to the LOA and kill for them, find the strength to leave the league with the little soul she has left, find and take in the orphan she promised a stranger she would, decide to beat up rapist and protect woman from abusive men, show Oliver she's not dead, fight along side him protecting the people of Starling City, try to kill herself to not have to go back to the LOA, give herself back to the LOA to get them to help her fight Slade and an army of super humans, get back on boat with the LOA, come back 5 months later and die by being thrown at a garbage dumpster.


If that's not a sad, depressing life I don't know what is. 


Do they expect me to like that Laurel gets to reap all the glory from Sara's accomplishments and basically get to live the happy life she'll never get too? 

Edited by Sakura12
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@Sakura12, I think this is why I don't want Laurel to be happy for a long, long time. I don't want it to seem like she's reaping the benefits of Sara's death. It's not that Laurel doesn't deserve happiness, it's just Oliver still suffers every single day because of his crucible. If Laurel just magically becomes happy or accomplished after Sara's death, then they won't do laurel's journey any justice nor will they give Sara's death any justice. I hope I make sense, I don't think I am though :p

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