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The Marvel Cinematic Universe: The Avengers, etc.


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Well Agent Carter has started getting a lot more press and from the promo's I've seen, I think I'm really going to like this project.   I'm really impressed with all that Marvel has done with the Peggy Carter character so far, and I think it was a wonderful stroke to make her involved with the founding and early days of Sheild.


I like a majority of the Cast for the upcoming Mini-Series and I'm really glad that they've managed to get Dominic Coopers, Howard Stark involved.  Can't wait til January and like the promo says "Love the Hat."

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I am curious to see how well that show does in the ratings. I mean agents of shield struggled, and this show would seem to be a harder sell. It's a historical set show, agent carter is lesser know than agent coulson, plus set in the past they can't even do thor or iron man crossovers or name drops.


One thing they have going for them is that Hayley Atwell is an engaging, charismatic presence, while Clark Gregg is like watching paint dry on growing grass. But it seems like Marvel are really going all out to create a media empire, and I guess that their first effort at a TV show being so shitty hasn't put them off.


The limited number of episodes for Agent Carter might help, quality wise. But that promo made me think Alias and Covert Affairs, both of which were fairly popular genre shows. So, 1940s Alias, with a very talented and attractive lead, set in the Marvel Universe? I hope people latch onto it.


So they'll have the comic book and Marvel fans, but hopefully they'll be able to draw in people who want to watch a show with a hot, intelligent, badass woman being competent and awesome. There must be lots of people like that around.

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Yikes.  I have know idea whether or not Sharon Carter will continue to play a role in the MU.   I am hoping the answer is no, only because I would rather see Natasha/BW in the movie and I think it's becoming crowded enough as it is.   But I really like Natasha in the epsionage setting in addition to the out and out combat situations that tend to occur in the Avengers.


In regards to Agent Carter......Well AoS has not impressed me.  Too much Skye, Too much Coulson and I think I'm one of the few that is underwelmed by May.   The only thing I really like about the show is the musical score.    Peggy is an interesting character IMO.   And they are already tying her or the show into IM2 with Whiplash's father.   I could see them doing that with other characters or legacies as well.   Just broad strokes while they build her world.  

I for one want Sharon Carter/Emily VanCamp in Captain America 3.  EVC did great in the minimal time she was given in Winter Soldier, and she and Chris Evans had some sparks there.  Plus, she deserves better than what she's being given in Revenge now.


Besides, Cap needs a girl.  And any excuse to see a half naked Cap is A-OK with me.

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I for one want Sharon Carter/Emily VanCamp in Captain America 3.  EVC did great in the minimal time she was given in Winter Soldier, and she and Chris Evans had some sparks there.  Plus, she deserves better than what she's being given in Revenge now.


Besides, Cap needs a girl.  And any excuse to see a half naked Cap is A-OK with me.

Has anyone from Marvel/Disney actually confirmed that she is Sharon Carter? I mean yes her name is Sharon and she is Agent 13, but nothing on screen has let me to believe that she is related to Peggy Carter. Plus Peggy is still alive, so Cap being in a relationship with her grand daughter (or niece) would be kind of creepy.

Has anyone from Marvel/Disney actually confirmed that she is Sharon Carter? I mean yes her name is Sharon and she is Agent 13, but nothing on screen has let me to believe that she is related to Peggy Carter.

Well, from Emily VanCamp herself: "I play Agent 13 / Sharon Carter which everyone knows but we don't really touch on that in this film. We're just sort of introducing her." She mentions her relationship to Peggy at one point, too (even if just to say she's not allowed to talk about it much, heh). I just assume that if she weren't actually in fact the Sharon Carter, Marvel would've stepped in to say otherwise.

agent carter is lesser know than agent coulson

I actually don't know that I think this is true. Outside of comics fans, I suspect Coulson and Peggy are equally well known (or not well known, as the case may be). Peggy made more of an impression on my parents in the first Captain America movie than Coulson did in his scattered appearances in the MCU, I can say that much. Coulson had/has a cult following, but I suspect at the end of the day Peggy will have more mainstream appeal.


For me, the bigger obstacle to Agent Carter is AoS' suckiness (rightly or wrongly, that's going to put some people off Agent Carter), coupled with the fact that it's a bridge show running in Jan/Feb after the holidays, coupled with the fact that Agent Carter is a period show.


I do wonder what Marvel/ABC's expectations for the show are. I suspect it will be a much better show than AoS, but I would still be (very pleasantly) surprised if it gets AoS-level numbers.

I actually don't know that I think this is true. Outside of comics fans, I suspect Coulson and Peggy are equally well known (or not well known, as the case may be). Peggy made more of an impression on my parents in the first Captain America movie than Coulson did in his scattered appearances in the MCU, I can say that much. Coulson had/has a cult following, but I suspect at the end of the day Peggy will have more mainstream appeal.

I said Coulson was more known because he was in 4 movies, and his death was a major plot point in Avengers. Just looking at the box office of Avengers vs Captain America would make me think Coulson was more well known. 


Plus I really think the fact that it is set in the past could turn a fair number of people off. I imagine there is a good number of people who don't want to watch something historical. I mean for all it's buzz Mad Men's ratings were never huge. Personally I hope it does well, but I think the fact that many people felt burned by how bad Agents of Shield was in season 1 plus what I mentioned above could turn a bunch of people off.  Plus has an action show with an ass kicking female lead ever been a huge hit? I mean Alias always seemed to struggle, and that show had an amazing cast, plus was created by one of Hollywood's hottest directors. 

I said Coulson was more known because he was in 4 movies, and his death was a major plot point in Avengers. Just looking at the box office of Avengers vs Captain America would make me think Coulson was more well known.

Plus I really think the fact that it is set in the past could turn a fair number of people off. I imagine there is a good number of people who don't want to watch something historical. I mean for all it's buzz Mad Men's ratings were never huge. Personally I hope it does well, but I think the fact that many people felt burned by how bad Agents of Shield was in season 1 plus what I mentioned above could turn a bunch of people off. Plus has an action show with an ass kicking female lead ever been a huge hit? I mean Alias always seemed to struggle, and that show had an amazing cast, plus was created by one of Hollywood's hottest directors.

To the bolded I want to say Joss Whendon's own show Buffy The Vampire Slayer it's an action show and supernatural but it was a very popular show. Edited by Jazzy24

Personally I think AoS has gotten way better in the second season and I'm loving the characters and the current storyline but bad first impressions are hard to overcome. The period setting for AC could be both a draw or a detriment. Mad Men is mentioned but the phenomenon of Downton Abbey and the minor success of Outlander and Call The Midwife proves people love life in the past especially if it's dramatic, female-centric and the lead a British accent! I'm just glad Marvel and ABC are taking the risk for Peggy.

Edited by VCRTracking
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To the bolded I want to say Joss Whendon's own show Buffy The Vampire Slayer it's an action show and supernatural but it was a very popular show.

Except it wasn't really, it just got a ton of media attention. It was a hit by the WB's very low standards, but even at it's height of its ratings it was only # 120 show (in terms of viewers) on TV. 

Has anyone from Marvel/Disney actually confirmed that she is Sharon Carter? I mean yes her name is Sharon and she is Agent 13, but nothing on screen has let me to believe that she is related to Peggy Carter. Plus Peggy is still alive, so Cap being in a relationship with her grand daughter (or niece) would be kind of creepy.


Well, to be fair, Peggy and Steve never actually got the chance to hook up in the movies.  All they had was that one kiss and the dance that Steve never showed up to.  *sniff*  Plus, you know, Peggy got married and moved on with her life, so now the two of them are pretty much just friends.

In the comics, Steve came to appreciate Sharon for her own merits, so it wasn't just the fact that she was related to Peggy.

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 Abrams wasn't one of Hollywood's hottest directors when Alias premiered. 

That is true. But at the same time it is not like all his talent developed the first day he walked on the set of Mission Impossible 3 or Star Trek. So in that case you had an hugely talented director with a stellar cast and that show still struggled. I hope that the Agent Carter show does well because it looks cool but I have my concerns.

Guess it's official that Cumberbatch will play Dr. Strange:


I like him fine, but I can't say I'm super-excited. Seems a bit of uninspired/predictable casting, IMO (translation: boring). Dude's every EVERY big franchise.

Edited by NumberCruncher
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I really don't get the hoopla over Dr. Strange being played by this guy.   I saw him in Star Trek and he was convincing (so much wrong with that movie).   What about him is bothersome in terms of this casting.   Is there some sort of defining Dr. Strange characteristic that Mr. Cumbersnatch clearly lacks?

Yeah, I don't get it either. Is there someone else that people wanted for Dr. Strange instead?


Well, I have to admit, when I saw someone suggest Pedro Pascal for the role that got me uber excited. Truth be told, Cumberbatch will fit the role very very well and I think he'll do a hell of a job. I suppose the only downside is that it is kind of a predictable choice but that's really not fair. The predictable choices for Marvel have still been pretty damn awesome.

With you there. I had no opinion one way or another about Cumberbatch when his career was first taking off from Sherlock, but after he's signed on to play a white British Khan and a straightwashed possibly traitorous Alan Turing I am officially done with him. Oded Fehr would be my top choice out of the actors whose names I've seen in casting rumors, but Wes Bentley would have worked too.

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Literally, any other actor on the planet would have been nice.  My only hope is that he'll become so over exposed that a backlash will start.  I've never liked the guy and now it seems I can't get away from him.

Joaquin Phoenix was a crazy brilliant idea that didn't work out.  Cumberbatch is too predictable of a choice.  I was hoping that Marvel would look at actors with TV experience, especially if Strange is going to be in the Iron Man/Nick Fury role for phase 3.  Jon Hamm and Tim Olyphant both are wrapping up long running series soon.  Same with Michael C. Hall, although he seems to be doing a lot of Broadway work.  Pedro Pascal is too unknown for Marvel to cast in a lead role.  Same with Aiden Gillan.  

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The thing is, they've taken some chances in the past. A washed-up alcoholic, a man who was already in two crap superhero movies, an unknown Australian, and so on. Now they've established they can get away with these odd choices, they go and cast someone who is already established and having a good run at the top. It's lazy. Plus Cumberbatch just annoys me for some reason.

Well, it seems they always wanted an established actor for the Dr. Strange role, since they asked Joaquin Phoenix first. I suppose they might have reasons for that? Especially since they really haven't shied away from casting unknowns so far. Perhaps if he's really intended to be a Nick Fury like role, someone recognisable who pops up in a bunch of movies, that might explain why they cast someone known (like Samuel L. Jackson) for the role.

Well, it seems they always wanted an established actor for the Dr. Strange role, since they asked Joaquin Phoenix first. I suppose they might have reasons for that? Especially since they really haven't shied away from casting unknowns so far. Perhaps if he's really intended to be a Nick Fury like role, someone recognisable who pops up in a bunch of movies, that might explain why they cast someone known (like Samuel L. Jackson) for the role.

Well, if they go by the comics, they might need him for a future Avengers movie to deliver a 30 minute monologue on how the Scarlet Witch has caused everything bad in the universe to happen by mistake because bitch crazy.</comics snark>

Hey, it was the best writing of that whole Disassembled mess. Damning with faint praise, I know...


I can see KatWay's point. In the comics Dr. Strange has always been a sort of bridge character; because he's a solo hero whose field of experise is something none of the other heroes are very good at, he's been a friendly resource for the Avengers, the Fantastic Four, the X-Men, and some of the other prominent solo figures like Spider-Man and Daredevil. Plus, he's the one who calls the other Defenders together to deal with the weird crisis of the moment.

I am wondering how they will explain Dr. Strange's magic powers when in the Thor movies they have basically said that at least for the Asgardians that magic isn't really magic, just really advanced science. Will the Dr. Strange movie introduce actual magic? 


Also I can't really take credit for this as I saw someone on another site, but at some point I am really hoping that Dr. Strange and Tony Stark (played by RDJ) cross paths. If someone says "no shit Sherlock" after that it would be even better. 


Perhaps if he's really intended to be a Nick Fury like role, someone recognisable who pops up in a bunch of movies, that might explain why they cast someone known (like Samuel L. Jackson) for the role.


Samuel L Jackson plays Nick Fury because when Marvel did the Ultimates universe they fashioned Nick Fury specifically after Jackson. They wanted 'the most bad-ass motherfucker' and Samuel L Jackson was the image they agreed on. The man himself went into a comic book store and saw himself on Ultimates #2 and was all 'I don't remember giving anyone permission to use my likeness...' so phone calls were made and it was agreed that Marvel could continue to use SLJ's likeness as the Ulti-verse's Nick Fury as long as SLJ would be cast in the role if the movies were made.

My understanding is that the Dr. Strange movie is there specifically to bring magic into the MCU, the same way Guardians of the Galaxy brought outer space to the party.

That makes sense, I am just curious how they do it. I wonder if they will use Dr. Strange to bring other dimensions into the marvel universe. I am specifically thinking of some of the various marvel hell dimensions and maybe guys like mephisto. Having a marvel hell dimension would be an easy way to bring a character back to life after they died and if all the sudden Captain America doesn't look like Chris Evans any more then well "hell changes people". 


I find it interesting because it seems like how ChelseaNH how many of these marvel movies are sort of a means to an end with respect to moving the overall plot forward. I mean as noted Guardians (which I still haven't seen) was made to introduce other alien races and the idea of things going on in outer space. Winter soldier (while a good movie) was made so that they could get rid of SHIELD and bring back HYDRA.


My understanding is that the Dr. Strange movie is there specifically to bring magic into the MCU, the same way Guardians of the Galaxy brought outer space to the party.



I also heard that Dr. Strange would be done as a horror movie the same way Winter Solider was a '70s political thriller and Guardians was a space epic a la Star Wars. 

I also heard that Dr. Strange would be done as a horror movie the same way Winter Solider was a '70s political thriller and Guardians was a space epic a la Star Wars. 


Well, the director is definitely a horror genre director... me being a big weenie I'm a little nervous but I actually like the concept of it. I think it has been interesting the way they've been working to bring in specific aspects of the Marvel Universe to the big screen. Thor opened up the cosmic aspect and that was furthered by Guardians of the Galaxy, Dr. Strange bringing in the magic aspect... right now in the comics, Dr. Strange is in a very very dark place indeed so the fact that they may be skirting the borders of a horror genre in the magical realm makes sense to me.


With one of the post credit teasers in Winter Soldier being about 'We live in an age of miracles... and there is nothing more terrifying than a miracle' I can see them taking that view with the Sorcerer Supreme. I'm interested, what can I say?

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I am specifically thinking of some of the various marvel hell dimensions and maybe guys like mephisto. Having a marvel hell dimension would be an easy way to bring a character back to life after they died and if all the sudden Captain America doesn't look like Chris Evans any more then well "hell changes people".

I think Captain America is about the last person in the Marvel Universe that I'd buy going to Hell after death, though if they need to re-cast Nick Fury or Tony Stark at some point I suppose it could work. (I'd really rather they just ignore the change in actors if someone opts out or passes away, like the Harry Potter franchise did when Michael Gambon took over the Dumbledore role.)

Hearing that Doctor Strange might be a horror movie makes me happy. Because I don't do horror movies, and I already have no interest in Doctor Strange. I've always found the character ridiculous, and his foes even more ridiculous, and I have no interest in Cumberbatch either. So this movie is starting to sound like the perfect blend of 'no thanks' for me.


Magic being introduced to the Marvel movie universe would be annoying to me. I don't even like magic in my fantasy novels, unless it's very low key and more a marshalling of supernatural forces than actually casting spells and shit, which is what Strange does. This one won't be for me.


You know, I'm starting to think that a lot of the appeal and success of Guardians of the Galaxy was down to how fresh it felt, being a complete departure from everything that had come before in the Marvel movies. I wonder when the saturation point will hit? When they'll find the movies encumbered with too many characters and too much baggage and too few fresh ideas. I kind of fear that Age of Ultron might be that point. Adding three new Avengers, while still trying to do justice to all of those from the first movie? Seems like it won't be possible, even for Joss Whedon.

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