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S06.E01: Dr. Hans Koehler

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Red presents the Task Force with a Blacklist case searching for a plastic surgeon who creates new identities for wanted criminals. Liz and her sister, Jennifer, secretly investigate the events that took place the night the real Raymond Reddington died.

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I really like this show and I always thought the best part was the relationship between Red and Liz anyway so the cat and mouse between them has a lot of potential for me.  I know a lot of people hate Liz but I have never understood why.  I find her fun.

Edited by Chaos Theory
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So Red's not Liz's father , but had plastic surgery to pretend to be, but still thinks of her as a daughter, but doesn't want Liz to know he's not her father, but might secretely have been her father all along, but.......my head hurts.

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30 minutes ago, edhopper said:

So Red's not Liz's father , but had plastic surgery to pretend to be, but still thinks of her as a daughter, but doesn't want Liz to know he's not her father, but might secretely have been her father all along, but.......my head hurts.


Mine too as it's much too mind-boggling. Solve this arc and move on to something that will keep me interested.

And if I hear "my father" or "our father" one more time I'll throw something through the screen.

Edited by preeya
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Best part of last night's episode? Dembe has gotten faux!Red into tai chi and pilates.

Someone needs to explain to me why when the bank robber recognizes Red, he and the leader both take off their masks. They don't believe banks have cameras? That witnesses might be able to identify them? That Red will identify them if they succeeded in stealing from him? Or was it just to make sure that the actors got credited for speaking parts?

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1 hour ago, Loandbehold said:

Someone needs to explain to me why when the bank robber recognizes Red, he and the leader both take off their masks.

No kidding. What a bunch of dumbasses, although that lines up with coming to rob a bank dressed as a SWAT team.

I wish one of them had just freaking shot Red as he went into his sililoquy. But then I always think that since Red gives speeches everywhere and with everyone and in every situation. Like his words create some force field around him or something.

Super creepy: Cooper telling Lizzie they've known each other long enough, call me by my first name. This from the guy who let multi-murderer international criminal Lizzie back into the FBI task force. Yeah, I'd call that creepy. Next step: Dating?

Lizzie was 4 years old when he father disappeared, yet she knows what kind of a man he was and what he looked like? Alrighty then. Especially since no man, father or not, looks the same at 60 as when he was 30. Even Red/Not Red. So much BS that the writers actually wrote that.

And yeah, for sure that is still a vacant lot where the house burned down, 30 years later. Someone is paying taxes on an empty lot? I don't think so. The house would either be rebuilt or there'd be a strip mall there now. Although with this show's writers, I wouldn't be surprised if Lizzie would find her father's wallet there, plus other souvenirs if she had only looked.

Then the landlord is right there, hanging out at the empty lot for 30 years. And Lizzie tells him she needs a list of hospitals nearby. Lizzie, there is such a thing as Google maps now, you can do that yourself. IF any of the hospitals are still in business 30 years later. And good luck getting a court order to see patient records if they are still there.

The sisters thing is so beyond stupid. I'm with posters above: WTH show. Every season your rules change and we're suppose to forget what happened last season because it doesn't fit with this season. And yeah, so many shows that were actually good were cancelled yet this get renewed. The power of Spader's paycheck I guess.

I also know it takes weeks if not months to recover from plastic surgery. One doesn't just jump up from the table wearing a brand-new face. Geesh. This show is the definition of hate watch. But based on the amount of posts here, I don't even think it's that any more.

One last word: Agnes.

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I could quote your whole post saber5055.  However, I stopped looking for consistency and anything that makes sense with this show a long time ago.  I'm pretty sure this is indeed the final season so they better wrap this up.

I've never cared whether was Red was Liz's father or not.  Frankly, I'm fine with him not being her father.  Also, he's never said he was her father or called her his daughter no matter who he's been speaking with so I've always just thought that this was an assumption on everyone else's part.  Especially after the whole DNA thing.  Red has just gone along with everyone else thinking he was Liz's dad but he's never confirmed it.

Also, Christopher Lambert seems fond of playing the heavy.

I laughed at the bank robbery because what dumb criminals and laughed again when Red dumped them out of the garbage truck.

So of course Samar is going to have some sort of problem that will manifest itself at the most inopportune time.  Aram still has no clue that he shouldn't trust Red after all this time?  Ugh.

I always love it when some movie or tv show shows some vacant lot from ALL those years ago that's never been rebuilt upon.  No way in heck could you do that in say San Francisco.

And yes, Agnes.  I guess she's still living with grandma along with the dogs...

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Someone needs to explain why;  when the bad guys are on the run in vehicles and the good guys (FBI) are firing bullets at them they NEVER SHOOT OUT THE TIRES ON THE GETAWAY CARS.  Samar was congratulated for shooting out the tail light when she just as easily could have shot out the rear tire(s). This annoys me to no end.

Edited by preeya
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Since the house was apparently 20 (or so - I'm not rewatching) steps from the beach, yep, it would have been rebuilt.  Or else someone is paying a metric ton of taxes on an empty lot, and tracking the owner of that would be easy.

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19 hours ago, Fen Tiger said:

Well, I’m out. The writing has deteriorated markedly in the last few seasons. My love for James Spader cannot overcome the loathing I feel for Liz, and now her ghastly half sister. 

Yeah, me too. I’ve been posting here for years that this show is best with little to no Liz. Instead, they doubled down on her AND added a sister. And had the audacity to have Harold praise Liz for her “sacrifice.”  I didn’t realize self-righteousness and cluelessness represented sacrifice. I just don’t care about her odyssey or who her dad is. And this time, I also didn’t care about seeing all the secondary characters again, either. So after watching since the beginning, I’m out. 

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On 1/4/2019 at 2:03 PM, saber5055 said:

One last word: Agnes.


On 1/4/2019 at 3:40 PM, milkyaqua said:

And yes, Agnes.  I guess she's still living with grandma along with the dogs...

Lest we not forget Agnes and the dogs.  I wonder how Grandma Scottie is these days.
We didn't even get an Agnes mention.

I don't get that final scene with Red and Lizzie -- she hates him because he's faux!Red, but still holds hands with him because she looks up to him as a father figure.   FFS !

Has Lizzie ever thought that the memories of the night of the fire are wrong, that they are also implanted memories -- Lizzie's memories have been messed with so many times how would she even know which ones are real.

I thought it was odd that Lizzie's sister up and disappeared like a fart in the wind 2/3 of the way into the episode.

Lizzie being outraged that once again Red has put one over on the FBI ...... again.  Lizzie and the FBI really are the Charlie Brown to Red's Lucy in this show.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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17 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

Has Lizzie ever thought the the memories of the night of the fire are wrong, that they are also implanted memories -- Lizzie's memories have been messed with so many times how would she even know which ones are real.

Not to mention, who remembers anything from when they were 4 years old? Yeah, the fire was traumatic enough for that, but seriously? She remembers every detail? Right.

17 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

I thought it was odd that Lizzie's sister up and disappeared like a fart in the wind 2/3 of the way into the episode.

I actually watched this again last night, the rerun. Lizzie and the sister go on a "road trip" to the empty lot, then Lizzie gets a call and she immediately shows up at the warehouse where the doctor was shot. I guess sis had to walk home. *hand wave*

Hand wave this entire show, I guess.

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I thought this was a solid episode. I'm glad the show gave a bug answer in how this man stole Raymond Reddingtons identity with the plastic surgery story.

I love Megan Boone and Liz Keen so I'm happy with any focus she gets.

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I wonder how many seasons this dreck will drag out for.

1). Harold making excuses for Red shooting someone in front of everybody?   FFS.    He is not that valuable.

2). THEN, Harold saying he’ll shut down the ENTIRE task force, which was so valuable a minute ago, if little Lizzie’s feelings are being bruised??   



This is so bad.  Can we wrap it up finally?

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What skills does Lizzie’s sister possess that Red should be concerned because it’s two against one?

I’ve been to Rehoboth Beach many times and I can tell you that an ocean front lot wouldn’t stay unbuilt on for six months, let alone thirty years. And it’s about a three hour drive from DC, so I hope sis had bus fare. 

Note to self: never take a job as a henchman to a ruthless international assassin. It tends to end poorly. 

It’s hard to keep track of Lizzie’s latest reasons for hating Red, so the fact that he may have killed her “real” father doesn’t seem that big of a deal. She never knew her “real” father, and he has already killed her adopted father (who she thought was her real father) and was the reason for Tom’s death. This latest motivation seems a little weak. 

With all of the crap that the FBI has witnessed Red doing, it seems ridiculous that Harold would end the task force immediately just to spare Lizzie’s feelings. Red still seems to be providing them with valuable intel to take down the bad guys. 

Maybe the show can do a twenty year time jump where an adult Agnes hunts down Lizzie for ruining her childhood. 

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On 1/4/2019 at 2:03 PM, saber5055 said:

And yeah, for sure that is still a vacant lot where the house burned down, 30 years later.


On 1/4/2019 at 7:14 PM, kassygreene said:

Since the house was apparently 20 (or so - I'm not rewatching) steps from the beach, yep, it would have been rebuilt.  Or else someone is paying a metric ton of taxes on an empty lot, and tracking the owner of that would be easy.

"20 steps from the ocean."  I guess beach-front property isn't worth much in Delaware.  At least it's equally distant to the place the Task Force was going to since they all got there at the same time.

On 1/4/2019 at 7:59 PM, ottoDbusdriver said:

I don't get that final scene with Red and Lizzie -- she hates him because he's faux!Red, but still holds hands with him because she looks up to him as a father figure. 

I took that to mean she was playing him.  She doesn't want him to know that she knows....

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What an awkward final scene. Liz takes Red's hand to try to act like she still believes in him. And they are sitting so far apart. The looks on both of their faces. Red looks like he knows that Liz knows and Liz looks like she could spit in his face. 

I do wish Mr. Kaplan would return. She was one of my favorite characters.

Edited by margol29
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7 hours ago, margol29 said:

What an awkward final scene. Liz takes Red's hand to try to act like she still believes in him. And they are sitting so far apart. The looks on both of their faces. Red looks like he knows that Liz knows and Liz looks like she could spit in his face. 

I do wish Mr. Kaplan would return. She was one of my favorite characters.

Red always knows.  Lizzie just thinks she knows more than Red.

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I'm cackling, reading all these post marveling at the lack of logic and consistency; seems this show has continued to go downhill. 

This show was pretty good in its first season and some of its second but went rapidly downhill. They never really had an idea of what they wanted to do with this show and sacrificed the relationship between Liz and Red for this idiotic 'who's the daddy' filler (especially funny considering how originally Red and Liz were supposed to be played as potential love interests).

I check in every now and then but can't sit through a whole episode anymore. Spacer' just not as entertaining as the writers/producers need him to be to compensate for the awful writing.

Edited by slf
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