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Last Tango In Halifax - General Discussion

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Well, I thought Gillian had a little twinkle in her eye, as if she had been flattered and tantalized by the guy's attention. I got the impression that she might end up next episode at least considering getting involved with him.

I agree with all of this except the "considering," part. I expect the two of them to be in the stock room behind a pile of canned goods in the next episode. The way they keep changing actors, I thought maybe he was supposed to be the young friend of her son's from season one, but a little research shows that was Paul and this one is Wally. Anything that keeps her from marrying Robbie is fine with me. She thinks she's just had a premarital honesty session with him because of the "he knocked me about," bit, but the part about killing his brother was skipped right over. I love Gillian but she really shouldn't be married to Robbie.

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It's probably not going to happen but I wanted to know/see something about the person who ran over Kate.


why would you pull that stunt in the opening scene when your mom is the head of the school(or whatever Caroline is.Headmistress?)


Great music, and the first time we didn't have their usual theme song.   BTW, in the opening credits, under their names, there looks to be a tiny bit of writing there. Does it say something or is it not words of some sort? It's so damn tiny

1. It was Holly! (Just kidding.)


2. The sign outside the school said "Head Teacher," but as hers was the only name on the sign, I think headmaster is an accurate synonym.


3. The tiny writing is dates of birth (just the day and month, though, no years). I only figured out at the beginning of this season that the credits are meant to evoke a family tree.


Was it original, or did they crib it from Pulp Fiction?

The song is Dick Dale's version of "Misirlou" from 1962, which is in Pulp Fiction, and the boys quoted the movie (NSFW) in the cafeteria (though without the swear words).


Interesting debate on Gillian's reaction to the cheese man. I thought she was upset to encounter him but still found him attractive enough to need a fan. Since she knows she does bad things but keeps doing them anyway, I found her reaction believable (but disappointing, of course).


I couldn't believe Celia let John in to talk on and on about his feelings and history, ugh. Just when I want Celia to be a bitch, she isn't!


Gary, Greg. Why couldn't the two new male characters have more dissimilar names?

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I really love Gillian and Caroline's relationship - it's so complicated, but there is genuine affection as well as a dash of irritation on both sides.


Celia's in her element now she's got someone new to  bad mouth (Gary) and although she doesn't deserve him, I relax with the show when she's not fighting with Alan. 


I totally agree about Caroline and Flora - even Gillian bonded with her in a couple of hours more than C has, and I expected to hate baby daddy, but didn't at all. I even liked the flashback with John, although I don't know why they keep John in the storyline - it's getting very contrived.  If tweets are anything to go by, the cast and the production team seem to adore the actor, it's just a pity they didn't feel the love for Kate!


Cheese guy was a bit of a hunk of gouda, but I read the scene as Gillian's colorful past catching up with her, drinking in bars and then bedding young men not much more than her son's age for years.  I'm not sure why she would fan herself, but another public discussion of her sex life in yet another local grocery store might well make her anxious.


Of course this is Gillian, so she'll probably sleep with cheese boy and a random security guard - but for me that's not about a lack of a moral core, but a fear of commitment - commitment meant she ended up being beaten senseless for years.  If she had no morality she wouldn't feel so bad in the morning, but she feels safer filling her need for companionship with guys she knows won't last and who don't want anything from her but meaningless sex. I feel for her, alone on the sheep farm, sulking. Caroline has lots of accomplished friends from her snooty private school and her Oxford College, Robbie has his friends down the station, even her father has a better social life. 

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Gary and Greg that's for sure.  I was calling them both Gary because I couldn't remember the name Greg.  I didn't want to say it because I'm really late to this show (I tried to follow S2 reruns before this one started on PBS, I don't think we ever got S1 here) so I was equally confused between Gillian and Celia's names, and I keep forgetting John's name and what's a Raff and whose kid is whose.  I've seen Robbie a lot but sometimes I can't tell him from John other than their attitudes.  I've watched a ton of BBC but I have to crank this and Poldark up to max to figure out what they're saying. 


I thought it was interesting when Lawrence was introduced as her youngest.  He is, but at the same time Flora is legally, as far as I can tell, his little sister. 

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Gillian sure attracts a diverse group of men, and I don't get her allure. Beyond being easy/loose (when drinking)...?


I don't either.  She isn't really pretty (in my opinion).  Must be like one of the guys.....likes watching football, drinking beer, and, as she's shown with John, willing to go to bed with a guy when she's had too much to drink.

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Of course this is Gillian, so she'll probably sleep with cheese boy and a random security guard - but for me that's not about a lack of a moral core, but a fear of commitment - commitment meant she ended up being beaten senseless for years.  If she had no morality she wouldn't feel so bad in the morning, but she feels safer filling her need for companionship with guys she knows won't last and who don't want anything from her but meaningless sex. I feel for her, alone on the sheep farm, sulking. Caroline has lots of accomplished friends from her snooty private school and her Oxford College, Robbie has his friends down the station, even her father has a better social life. 


She might have a better social life if she didn't choose to have sex with men who are in relationships already.  Yes, the cheater is at fault and she made no promises to anyone.  But if she'd like to have some women friends, she might want to give her behavior some thought because that surely plays into why she doesn't have women friends.

Edited by izabella
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If closed captions aren't an option on your TV (as they aren't for me with the Comcast remote), captions are an option on pbs.org. You just have to wait until the day after air to watch.


That was the case for me, too, with Comcast.  Until one day when I clicked on Menu and Setup and saw that Closed Caption Setup had magically and mysteriously been added.  Check your Setup options in case you might have gotten that option without realizing it.

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That was the case for me, too, with Comcast.  Until one day when I clicked on Menu and Setup and saw that Closed Caption Setup had magically and mysteriously been added.  Check your Setup options in case you might have gotten that option without realizing it.

Thanks, but no such luck.


I hate that Gillian has had to say "no" so many times about the money, and still people aren't accepting her answer.

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If ind that weird, too.  Gillian is the only one who seems to see that it's inappropriate to accept the money, all things considered, as well as not wanting to feel obligated to or to owe someone.  Plus, they were suspicious that Gary might be coming to them asking for something when he first showed up.  And now they're so willing to take his money? 


I know Gary is offering it willingly and it probably would mean something to him to be a part of the family via the wedding, in some way.  He seems like he's on an emotional roller coaster to me.  His excitement at finding his bio dad and bio family underscores the deep-down unhappiness he must have felt his while life thinking he was unwanted by his dad.  He seems too eager to embrace the family, while they are less enthusiastic about it.  He's trying too hard.

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At least we can now be sure that Gillian knows the word "No."  :-)


Long ago I set my 1999 TV to have the captions come on when I mute the set.  (Very handy if the phone rings.)  The original remote died years ago and the universal remote is not universal enough to let me change the captions.  Anyway I can't have the captions and the sound on at the same time, and captions are often garbled so they are worse.  I don't have cable.  Oh well.

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"The quiet, understated scene with Gillian and Caroline peeling potatoes and talking was exactly what made me fall in love with this show. Great dialogue from a stellar cast. No OTT dramatics. It was almost back to it's old form for a moment, there. Those two together make the most enjoyable scenes, they can elevate the most basic material."

These are the kind of scenes I love, as well. And for soap fans of a certain age, those "quiet, understated" scenes take us back to an earlier time when soaps weren't about churning OTT plot, but spending time with characters as they talk while peeling veggies -- or drinking coffee:)

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The tiny writing is dates of birth (just the day and month, though, no years). I only figured out at the beginning of this season that the credits are meant to evoke a family tree.



Mind blown!  I never thought of family tree.     And thanks for the date of birth info dcalley. Would have never guess that either.


sidenote-  I took out the first season dvd from the library to give to a friend at work(she doesn't have Netflix) so I'm going to try to get her hooked.   Also wonder if there are any extras.  The case didn't say anything but I will pop it in my dvd to check.

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I didn't see a bare breasted comic book woman. Wasn't she wearing a black catsuit? Celia would have said something if she were naked. I thought that scene was funny. Comic book women do look as if they are smuggling basket balls!

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I thought the comics woman was not bare-breasted but that the nipples were pointy. Whether they were built-in (a la Clooney Batman) or showing through, I don't know.


A commenter has mentioned that the vegetable-peeling scene was trimmed for PBS.


It is a shame that PBS cut out the majority of the scene between Gillian and Caroline at the farm. PBS seems to cut all the moments that show Caroline in a funny or slightly naughty way (sometimes due to Caroline’s penchant for saying the word s—t) and that makes the character come off too uptight and serious to an American audience. Anyway, Caroline admits in that cut scene that while she was never suspended, she did get detention at school…twice.

Grr--Caroline-Gillian scenes should always remain intact!

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But we did have them! (at40:31)


It's true that it was animated (I'm not sure why that matters) and the face and body were two different colors, but I wouldn't call the blue-black body a cat suit unless it was made of saran wrap.  The point isn't that there's anything wrong with the human body but that, in a society where men are conditioned to get erections when they see naked breasts, (animated or not, blue or beige)  It's usually embarrassing to them to  start to get that reaction while in a room with their mother.


Look, I'm not afraid of nudity.  I watched every episode of "the Affair" and the stars rarely had clothes on, but I knew to expect it and when to watch it.

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LTIH is on at 9pm in England is it not?  It's repackaged by PBS as some  early evening whimsical confection but it's more of a well acted tragicomedy with  a steaming pile of soap for good measure.  I have some sympathy as I don't believe potty mouths would be accepted in England at 7pm either  and a 10/9c start would be too late for many in the audience on the East Coast. 


However, these cuts are just cruel. I've just sneaked a peak at the full episode on the tube (terrible quality) - the Caroline/Gillian klatsch is awesome and Caroline spits out throwaway lines in a way that made me think of Alan Bennett's Talking Heads (which at least PBS had the sense not to butcher). It's the transitions that suffer the most making the scene jumps much more jarring than they should be. 


Just as PBS saw sense and put uncut DVDs out, I think their online catch up should do the same - hey I'd watch it twice and help their ratings. 

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I know Gary is offering it willingly and it probably would mean something to him to be a part of the family via the wedding, in some way.  He seems like he's on an emotional roller coaster to me.  His excitement at finding his bio dad and bio family underscores the deep-down unhappiness he must have felt his while life thinking he was unwanted by his dad.  He seems too eager to embrace the family, while they are less enthusiastic about it.  He's trying too hard.


That's my impression of Gary too. He's trying too hard to get them to like him or consider him as part of the family. And I agree with you about his enthusiasm about introducing Alan as his "real" father is very telling about his relationship with the father who raised him.


I like Caroline and Gillian's relationship. It began rocky, but now it's more "sisterly". And they act "sisterly" in that they do have their differences but they also confide in each other and support each other.


I wish they develop Lawrence and Raffe's relationship as "cousins", especially now with a baby in each house.

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What are we to make of Greg?  Moving into Caroline's house to take care of Flora makes me wonder if a custody battle between the two isn't in the making.

Also, the scene with Caroline throwing a fit and a lot of china and shoes at John when she found out about Judith was new to me, don't remember it being part of an episode.  But it's ironic that she's screaming about being a wonderful wife, 18 years of marriage, etc and now tells John, I'm a lesbian, always have been.  ?

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I'm wondering if he is gay too and this was his chance to have a child he obviously wanted.  When Caroline complained about men he agreed.  I suspect she will be keen on him and find out. 


I loved the scene where Caroline and Celia were standing off in the distance watching Greg bond and having no clue how to do that with children.  Poor Lawrence but he'll have Greg now.  And Angus.  So much for you all missing out on gay storylines.


I also got a huge kick out of the scene with Alan and Celia playing and singing loudly on the out of tune piano while Flora kept crying.  They're clearly emergency babysitters only. Caroline was on the phone with Greg.


It didn't seem like Alan got to say much but he did have that great conversation with Raff. 


ETA:  You can be a great wife for 18 years and when he betrays you and you connect intimately with another human those things aren't mutually exclusive. I like it how we were filled in a bit.  John didn't leave her, she kicked him out and good for her.

Edited by QuelleC
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Gosh, chiming in late, here, but anyway...


My first thought about Greg was, custody battle. Or at least, setting up for one, if not for next season then for the one after, if there is a 5th season.


My second thought was "Does Gillian have a magic vagina?"  I suppose the allure could just be that she seems to be "easy," but I'm not sure that's what draws guys to her.  

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My fear was that Caroline would fall in love with Greg and then we'd not only have the Dead Lesbian/Death of Only POC on Otherwise White Show problem, but also the Ex-Lesbian/temporary Lesbian/Lesbian as a Phase problem. A custody story would be a breath of fresh air in comparison.



And, actually, I wonder if Kate chose the dad because she KNEW Caroline didn't want a kid, and she thought "if anything happens to me, he will want the child"-- and that's the solution. Not a nanny, not early retirement, not a court battle, but actually Greg's the way out, perfect solution for everyone. Caroline wants Flora to feel loved. She wants to do the right thing. But she herself was saying, right in front of Flora, "I didn't want a child" and I don't think it's just grief or depression over loss of Kate, I think it's actually her real position.



RE Gillian and her never-ending stream of exes, I think it's because of her alcoholism. She gets drunk, gets laid, is a fun time for whoever she's shagging, and asks nothing in return. Why wouldn't she be popular?

Edited by possibilities
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IIRC, Kate knew Caroline didn't want any more children and that was one of the reasons why their relationship was on the rocks. But she picked Greg because they are old friends and he is a nice guy.

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RE Gillian and her never-ending stream of exes, I think it's because of her alcoholism. She gets drunk, gets laid, is a fun time for whoever she's shagging, and asks nothing in return. Why wouldn't she be popular?


As a student I waited tables in a 'jazz-themed' bar  attached to a low end hotel  - it had no atmosphere, and smelt of clorox when the air con kicked in, but there were more than a couple of Gillians and always men from 21-70+ willing to pay them attention. These guys were contractors mostly, not hipsters or studs, and certainly weren't picky. I completely buy the ease with which she picks up guys. It took me a whiles to realise the Gillians weren't prostitutes - but the working girls never got wasted, women like Gillian set out to get trashed.  If you refused to serve them some guy would get them a beer. For me the actress playing Gillian has the vibe absolutely right.

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Alan was uncharacteristically pig headed, as pointed out by Celia. He had reason to be cross but it went a bit overboard and just made me think his behaviour was meant to be a distraction from how awful Celia has been.


Good point.  Cause I was thinking...Oh sure Celia, NOW you're fine with Alan and Gary!  And good call grabbing those first class seats to Australia!


I'm sad to say this episode was the worst of the entire run of Last Tango.



I'd have to think about that but definitely as far as season finales, this was my least favorite, so much flashbacky-ness.    I actually nodded off for a couple of minutes after the scene with Caroline and Gillian talking in the bathroom. I woke up and they were saying goodbye to each other.  I was like, wait...they skipped the wedding ceremony part? Why?!  But I recorded it and saw what I missed.  Nothing very great, Robbie puking,and some more Gary and Alan conversation. 


The ep was super heavy on Gillian(I like her but don't love her as much as some do)  so I wasn't loving that. I was surprised the way it began, I thought  the last 10 minutes or so would be about the wedding...but they kind of built it up along the whole ep.  I admit, I laughed when Caroline fell in the what I first thought was mud...but it was cow crap? Is that right? I was waiting for all the guests at the reception to start making faces when she arrived because of the smell, but no one did. Also laughed at that quick scene with Gillian and John trying to shag in the tiny car.  Someone refresh my memory,  when was that supposed to have happened? 


Who has Gillian not shagged lately! Geez.  I was also surprised she invited Ollie to the wedding.


Did anyone think for a second that Caroline and Flora might get into a car accident on the way home?  I wouldn't have liked that so I'm glad they didn't go for anymore drama like that. Speaking of Flora, she got so damn cute.   I'm glad Caroline has grown to really love her(I had a feeling she would, because she's a part of Kate)  And I know some don't like GhostKate, but I really liked that last scene when she's  sadly remembering her wedding being mad at her mom,saying how much she loved Flora and saying goodbye to Kate.    It was very sweet. Sarah Lancashire has been so good with those emotional scenes this season.  Guess we won't be seeing Kate anymore.  She did get to be in all six eps though!  


I just finished a rewatch of S1.. Boy that was some good stuff....especially the last two eps.

Edited by Valny
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One time I got a free upgrade to business class on a China to San Francisco flight, and it was pure bliss so I was so with Celia on that upgrade!

Glad our Raff decided on university.

Will there be another season?

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Yes, LittleIggy, according to the internets, BBC has commissioned a fourth series.


I loved Gillian's dress. The elbow length sleeve, the slightly high waist, the length. So pretty and appropriate!


The shot of SL following NW to the ladies' just after they arrived at the venue, with her bobbing up and down on her broken heel made me laugh. All in the delivery.


I don't believe I'd even book a flight Down Under unless I could book it for upperclass seats. The thought of 20 hours in coach fills me with existential dread. That said, using Gary as a plot device for characters not having to worry about The Cost of Things has already gotten tedious. One of the things I like about this show is its relative realism regarding the shit people go through, and having the bills all magically paid sort of kicks out that stool-leg.


The makeup work on poor Robbie at the altar was terrific. He looked so so sick.


Are there any grocery chains in the US where cashiers sit? There aren't any where I live, but maybe there are somewhere. Just shows you what a workers' paradise is the UK. :)

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I haven't been watching this season because I spoiled myself by reading what happened and thought I wouldn't enjoy the angst. I did watch last night and thought it was a pretty good episode. It may have been the first time in the whole series that I really liked Caroline. And that baby, Flora, is just the cutest baby.

As a side note, I went to Australia in 2013 and while I would have dearly loved 1st class, my flight had a lot of empty seats and I was the only one on my three seat row going there and returning so I was able to lay down and sleep.its expensive enough for coach. I can't even imagine how much the fancy folks paid.

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I liked it.  The long car ride to the wedding with Gillian revealing more and more secrets to Caroline was great fun to me.  Gillian so matter of fact in the telling and Caroline's ever more horrified expression as she learns about; Cheese Man (I knew she'd sleep with him), John (can't have a drink with John without ending up having sex), and finally that Robbie would definitely consider it murder if he knew all.  As Gillian herself would say she's a right old slapper, but I still love her.


I can see how Caroline can manage an entire school of boys.  Nothing flusters her, not even falling in manure in her best dress.  I was surprised she went ahead to the wedding though.  I expected her to just drop Gillian off.   I was happily surprised that she had firmly bonded with Flora and I thought the writer did a fine job of showing the rather slow, reluctant bonding period followed by Caroline's admitting that she loves her completely and more and more each day.  That all seemed just right for such a cool, unsentimental character.


Alan and Gary's face off seemed timely and right.  Gary actually did have some repressed anger he needed to voice and Alan managed to force Gary to see his side of things.  I think their relationship took a big jump forward into real a parent/child state.  Celia was right to remind him that they are the oldest generation and Alan needed to start cutting Gary some of the slack he's been giving Gillian all these years.


I'm glad to hear we get another season.  I like all these characters and want to see more of their messy, hilarious lives.

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Yes, LittleIggy, according to the internets, BBC has commissioned a fourth series.


I loved Gillian's dress. The elbow length sleeve, the slightly high waist, the length. So pretty and appropriate!


The shot of SL following NW to the ladies' just after they arrived at the venue, with her bobbing up and down on her broken heel made me laugh. All in the delivery.


I don't believe I'd even book a flight Down Under unless I could book it for upperclass seats. The thought of 20 hours in coach fills me with existential dread. That said, using Gary as a plot device for characters not having to worry about The Cost of Things has already gotten tedious. One of the things I like about this show is its relative realism regarding the shit people go through, and having the bills all magically paid sort of kicks out that stool-leg.


The makeup work on poor Robbie at the altar was terrific. He looked so so sick.


Are there any grocery chains in the US where cashiers sit? There aren't any where I live, but maybe there are somewhere. Just shows you what a workers' paradise is the UK. :)


the only "US" grocery store I know where clerks sit is ALDI (which is a German grocery chain).


I liked Gillian's dress too. And I love the relationship Gillian and Caroline have: very sisterly/friendly. I hope they let Gary into their circle too.


I thought it was cute when Lawrence and Angus were chatting up Gary's daughters.  And agreed with above that Alan was uncharacteristically angry/hostile and Celia uncharacteristically open and forgiving.


I can't describe John adequately (if I do i'll be banned).

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Caroline's admitting that she loves her completely and more and more each day.


Is it ungenerous to suggest such a thing might be a lot easier since colic has gone away?

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Was alright as an ep, tho I think this is where I finally admit a once stellar show is now working with more ordinary material. Occasional flashes of what it used to be - Gillian, Caroline and a tire - so so good - their different characters making a self contained and memorable scene. The writer has got Robbie right - little doses, competent actor. In contrast we have piles of John and Gary gumming up the plots. I can see they were going for symmetry with Celia now being reasonable and Alan being a total **** but I don't think it worked. Celia has an ocean of Celianess to make up for, Alan has a little puddle of ill humor.  Still, Rupert Graves finally got to show why he is in such demand as an actor, and became three dimensional. 


Boo hiss! Angus and Bratty McBratster  rocking a heteronormative paradigm (I've been reading too many lesbian critiques of LTIH) - I wanted them to be 'snoggin' underneath a table, but then I wondered about the ages of the real actors and whether boy-on-boy action might be difficult for mid teens. 


In your face messy Gillian haters - she looked stunning. I also thought Ellie looked beautiful in her dress. I love her and Raff together - they do come across as silly teenagers, but I think the actor playing Raff has either been cleverly directed or has an instinct to be rather Alan-like. 


Will I come back for more next season, of course. 

Edited by shandy
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I loved Gillian's dress. The elbow length sleeve, the slightly high waist, the length. So pretty and appropriate!


So did I.


I kind of liked this episode, at least in parts.  I was amused by Gillian's stream of "oh, there's this other thing too" reasons for wavering.


And I don't know about other stores, but at Aldi's, the cashiers are seated.

I can certainly do without Gary's annoying  wife.

She bugs me, but I did like it when she got huffy about him paying Harry's fines and his reply was basically "it's my money, I'll do what I like with it."  I did just realize last night that the actress who played her was also Sally on Coupling.

Edited by proserpina65
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I suppose the next season will be filled with the trials and tribulations of Gillian and Robbie's marriage.  Just can't imagine her being faithful to him if John is still around.  And then there's the truth about Gillian's husband's death....

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I suppose the next season will be filled with the trials and tribulations of Gillian and Robbie's marriage.  Just can't imagine her being faithful to him if John is still around.  And then there's the truth about Gillian's husband's death....

Wouldn't surprise me a bit if they are already divorced by the time we rejoin the show.

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John showing up all the time to hang out with Greg and the baby struck me as odd. But when I saw the two of them hovering together at the wedding, I suddenly thought: "Greg is gay, and thinks John is courting him! And John has no idea!" I don't know if the show intends that, but it struck me in their body language that there might be a misunderstanding brewing.

Also, John lied to Gillian about his offer to move in and take care of Flora, didn't he? Caroline asked him if he'd take care of her and he basically said "I"ll baby sit once in a while but nothing regular."

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I suppose the next season will be filled with the trials and tribulations of Gillian and Robbie's marriage.  Just can't imagine her being faithful to him if John is still around.  And then there's the truth about Gillian's husband's death....

It appears there has to be a wedding in every season, so either Raff and his girlfriend get hitched, or Caroline and someone new, or John maybe.

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[Gary's wife] bugs me, but I did like it when she got huffy about him paying Harry's fines and his reply was basically "it's my money, I'll do what I like with it." 


I thought Mrs. Gary was hilarious at the end, after Alan tells Gary that, yes please, he and Celia would like the flight upgrade, and Gary's wife comes over and says to Gary, "What are you paying for now?!"

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I really thought that one of the "oh, and another thing" secrets that Gillian was going to reveal to Caroline was that the reason she took so long in the bathroom (at home) was she did a pregnancy test and discovered she was pregnant and it could be the Cheese Man or John or Robbie, she's not sure who.


I was surprised when Caroline said "You could always get divorced later", as if that's a reasonable alternative to disappointing guests who've come to see a wedding. Of course, by this time I'm sure Caroline had had it UP TO HERE with Gillian's messy life and indiscriminate sex habits. Being a friend to Gillian is fucking hard work!


This is the best Raff''s girlfriend has ever looked.

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