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Season 3 Discussion


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I've been watching this show on and off, since with it being on CBS all access, I don't have to worry about it "timing out".  Caught up on 3 episodes of the second season last night, including the PP tape episode.  I kept waiting for someone to say, 'lets contact Mueller' with the information/tape.  Alas, no one did.

On Alan Alda's "merger episode", he never intended a merger at all, he was only going to use the idea of a merger to solicit Reddick Boseman's clients?  And Boseman's shooting gave him a good coincidence?

Reddick is currently married to the police chief, was previously married to Boseman?

Yeah, I expect in the season finale, Diane's going to use her quick-learning skills to flip someone trying to attack her.

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I've only watched the first season and am wondering how the seasons are generally considered to rank. Do people tend to think it keeps improving over S2 and S3? Or is S1 considered the high point? Any thoughts?

I liked the first season more than not. I find some of the main cast absolutely compelling, but not all of them. Likewise with some of the stories. On the other hand, if they keep tapping the New York stage for guest stars, it would be hard for me to walk away!

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I thought season 2 was better as well. The actors settle more into their characters and their backstories have time to develop. Cast members are cycled in and out in a natural manner, with lawyers leaving or joining the firm, and I think the show runners are good at seeing what's working  and making adjustments.

I also like this better than The Good Wife, if only because the main character there really started to chap my hide after a while and she's gone.

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Oh my god. Day 457 (the Alan Alda episode) is incredibly unsettling. They leave 18-20 wrongful convictions in place that should absolutely be reopened after what they learned? There's an argument at the end between Jay and Adrian about Jay's friend, but there also all those many people wrongfully incarcerated or with inflated sentences because of bad cops planting guns. And they have evidence but decide to leave it alone and go with their reprehensible client and a big payday? They should have told HIM to confess to the bad arrests in exchange for not going to jail, not celebrated an 8-million payout for that POS.


The Facebook targeting was also really inaccurate. I don't know much about social media, but I know Venn diagrams. To contact people with all the various interests they were looking at, the numbers would have gone up, not down! The defense wasn't targeting a theoretical juror with all the characteristics, but rather the entire jury with those varied characteristics-->group gets bigger, not smaller. 

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On 3/9/2019 at 7:51 PM, Cranberry said:

I have never watched The Good Wife, and I really enjoy The Good Fight. I'm sure there are some references I'm missing, but not enough to diminish my enjoyment in any way.

After we finished the last season of The Good Fight, my husband and I went back and binged the entire series of The Good Wife, which we hadn't previously seen.  While it sort of let us in on a few jokes, it didn't really add anything to TGF, which does, in fact, stand on its own.

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Man I missed this show.. Good first episode.. I was dying when Diane was having that convo with the bruise on her husband's back that looked like pres trump... Sticky situation with the founder of the firm.. But that's the type of thing that's really happening... I like Maria.. But had any other partner seen her with her feet up she would got checked with the quickness 

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Boy, they are leaning in all the way with Diane's political views. The Kings said this season would do so, but I wasn't sure what that might look like.

Up with Diane: when she said in the partners' meeting that covering up for Reddick could potentially be worse for the firm.

Down with Diane: poor woman is seriously misreading how much Trump's Christian base would care about a supposed abortion scandal. As a friend of mine said, "God sometimes does good things through bad people."

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I laughed a few times and seriously still love this show. The Trump stuff should annoy me but doesn't really...and I am with the poster that said that Right Wing Christians wouldn't mind if Trump paid for abortions. It's not about what he was/or even it..it's about his supposed "pro-life" actions NOW that only matter to them....

..and I think I like Rendell now....and yes, Marissa is right, short girls are soooo overlooked.

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Did they change the aspect ratio of the show, or is that just something weird from the W Network in Canada? I thought the 2:1 aspect ratio was already a bit off for a standard lawyer show (it makes more sense for STAR TREK DISCOVERY and some of the Netflix shows that use that format),  Now at what looks like 2.4:1 it just looks strange.

Other than that, decent episode. Some of it was over-the-top, but that's kind of a trademark of the show. The Trump stuff is kind of ridiculous, as noted his base either wouldn't care about an abortion story or just wouldn't believe it, as they willfully deny everything else. Not sure what their endgame will be dramatically, if they'd have Trump tossed out of office on the show-world even if he isn't in the real world.

Edited by BobH
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They went right back in at the deep end, didn't they? I'm so happy this show is back.

  • And how gorgeous did Christine Baranski look in that hot pink pant suit (and in the yellow dressing gown)?
  • Fancensca singing 'I wanna be sedated' to Luca's baby was so funny.
  • Not buying the Maya story yet, but I'm curious where it will lead
  • I have to laugh everytime they use the chumhum search
  • What's with the NDA song? that was a bit OOC.
Edited by Aulty
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Did it seem like the NDA offers to the two women were really low? The partners started at $30K in their meeting! Then Liz ended up lowballing the retired secretary at $80K even though the agreement behind the scenes had been to go up to $100K. Cheapskates!

Also, how is $20K a year for four years any kind of "pension"?

Liz sure left that Green Folder of Firm Liability casually laying on her desk. I'm sure there's no way that Marissa's digging around to possibly rile up past victims will have any consequences.

1 hour ago, Aulty said:

What's with the NDA song? that was a bit OOC.

I was waiting for some kind of payoff, or even an explanation for that! Was it just so viewers would know the specific meaning of the red folders? (Which plotline I was able to follow perfectly well anyway.)

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The world hasn't gotten any less crazy since the show went off the air, which affords the Kings to double down on the craziness in TGF. I thought it was pretty damn glorious. The reveal of Kurt's shooting buddies left me as gobsmacked as it did Diane. Anything is possible now in this universe. And none of it will be more ridiculous and unbelievable than reality. I had to laugh when Diane was looking at Kurt's bruises as if she was gazing into Trump's visage, and then the damned thing actually started talking. Truly inspired.

The #MeToo storyline was nice and complicated, and handled delicately. I thought it was particularly effective in further illuminating the history and relationship between Adrian and Liz, which was already quite nuanced. And there was good balance between the corporate angle on such a potential scandal and the personal feelings of the people who were close to Reddick Sen. It also planted seeds for further media storylines, which surely must factor in as a major focus of the season.

Not much for Maya and Luca yet, but they'll get their turn. Very, very happy the show is back.

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I'm so glad this show is back!

Both my husband and I nearly peed our pants laughing when Kurt revealed he'd been shooting with the Trump boys, which led to Diane banging her head against the wall.

I have some conflicted feelings about the storyline with the women Reddick raped.  Don't get me wrong, I think the show handled it well, but it still left me unsettled.  Of course, that may have been the intent.

While I found the bit with Maya finding her voice, er sunglasses, funny, it kind of feels like they are trying to do a personality transplant with her and that is one of those things that really pisses me off.  One pep talk from Marissa and a pair of sunglasses is not going to change her so fundamentally.  I'd rather the show took a season to show her growing into her own instead.

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13 hours ago, Aulty said:

What's with the NDA song? that was a bit OOC.

I mainly enjoyed it as a salute to "Schoolhouse Rock".

It seems unbelievable to me that a strong liberal-leaning woman like Diane would be married to Kurt. He was a big supporter of Sarah Palin when they first met and now apparently embraces Trump, and he cheated on her & lied about it. Keep him as a fuck buddy if you can't do without it, but marriage? Their basic values are too different.

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1 minute ago, Broderbits said:

I mainly enjoyed it as a salute to "Schoolhouse Rock".

It seems unbelievable to me that a strong liberal-leaning woman like Diane would be married to Kurt. He was a big supporter of Sarah Palin when they first met and now apparently embraces Trump, and he cheated on her & lied about it. Keep him as a fuck buddy if you can't do without it, but marriage? Their basic values are too different.

I don't think he embraces Trump.  I thought there was a conversation earlier in the series about that.  For some reason, I thought he said that he hadn't voted for Trump.  (Someone correct me if I'm imagining this).  As for this, I think he sees hunting with Eric and Don Jr as a job and Diane can't make that distinction.

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I was almost having sympathy pains for Maya's scratched corneas. That is a rare kind of pain. Plus your eyes are extra watery and often pus-filled so your vision is completely blurry on top of the throbbing.

Oy, Cynthia and her daughter's bad makeup and wigs. Wonder if that was deliberate to try to make them look lower class? Hmm.

Ditto comments upthread, how do you put a price tag on rape? $30,000? $80,000? $100,000? Those people redefined the term "callous."

Poor sheltered Maya had to take a lesson on how to loud-talk somebody. But apparently she's a quick study in throwing attitude.

Grandma Francesca is still messy.

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On 3/15/2019 at 6:00 PM, HazelEyes4325 said:

While I found the bit with Maya finding her voice, er sunglasses, funny, it kind of feels like they are trying to do a personality transplant with her and that is one of those things that really pisses me off.  One pep talk from Marissa and a pair of sunglasses is not going to change her so fundamentally.  I'd rather the show took a season to show her growing into her own instead.

Not that I necessarily want to spend a lot of time watching Maya grow, either. If it had clearly been just the change in sunglasses without the pep talk I think I could have found it funny but the miraculous attitude flip was boring to me.

Her encounter with the consultant in the elevator was weird, too. Has she had any problem avoiding dating strange men before? Is she single or still with Amy? Is she still a lesbian? 

Edited by SomeTameGazelle
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8 minutes ago, SomeTameGazelle said:

Her encounter with the consultant in the elevator was weird, too. Has she had any problem avoiding dating strange men before? Is she single or still with Amy? Is she still a lesbian? 

I think the encounter was to show that her change in attitude was now making her noticeable and thus worthy of being part of the PR campaign... 

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2 hours ago, UNOSEZ said:

I think the encounter was to show that her change in attitude was now making her noticeable and thus worthy of being part of the PR campaign... 

I may have missed something, but I didn't see her not being part of the PR campaign as the issue.  She understood that it was her name and family ties that kept her out of the campaign and seemed fine with it.  What it seemed to me that sort of ticked her off was how the partners (Julius and Adrian) treated her as if she was a child and not actually listening to what she was saying.  For example, Julius believed she was "crying" because she was left out of the campaign when Maya very clearly told him that she had a scratched cornea.

And, I get it, Maya has acted like a child.  I wouldn't necessarily say she was "childish" but "childlike."  And, in law, that is going to get you exactly nowhere.  She did need to pull up her big girl panties and start acting more maturely, I just don't really buy the way the show handled it.

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What's with the NDA song? that was a bit OOC.

The Kings have indulged in this kind of whimsy before in the show, I’m pretty sure. If not, they did it in TGW and also Braindead. I remember a couple of songs they tied into the plot (and then the credits) in TGW.

I remember thinking the NDA song sounded like Jonathan Coulton, and I’m pretty sure he did a song for the show last year. 

... Google says yes to both:


Following last season’s wonderful Schoolhouse Rock–style impeachment primer, the show has again turned to Jonathan Coulton to provide the ditty for an animated bit on NDAs ...

Edited by kieyra
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I live Michael Sheen. I dunno what the Kings are smoking, but they managed to make Elsbeth look like the sanest character on the show after introducing Blum. That poor judge.

"Stories beat facts everytime" - so true, thats the tagline of the media climate these days.

I'm not sure all the new tricks from the editing and directing bag are to my taste.

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Easily one of the worst of the series. It seems like it's treading water..Why wouldn't Maia report Blum to the Bar? Why wouldn't she confer with Diane or anyone else at the firm?

The sexual harrassment alone by Blum should have gotten him thrown off the trial. I HATED this episode..I loved the eyeroll reaction to "You just had a baby"..it seems that Hollywood can't resist sexism and sexual harrassment as plot line....

I am sad that Blum will be in more episodes...I actually fast forwarded through his scenes.

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42 minutes ago, stonehaven said:

Easily one of the worst of the series. It seems like it's treading water..Why wouldn't Maia report Blum to the Bar? Why wouldn't she confer with Diane or anyone else at the firm?

The sexual harrassment alone by Blum should have gotten him thrown off the trial. I HATED this episode..I loved the eyeroll reaction to "You just had a baby"..it seems that Hollywood can't resist sexism and sexual harrassment as plot line....

I am sad that Blum will be in more episodes...I actually fast forwarded through his scenes.

He made my skin crawl ... other than that, most of the show was almost cartoon"ish".  Just sayin'.

Was there an episode 2?  My DVR only has one upcoming episode ... 3!!!

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On 3/23/2019 at 6:44 PM, stonehaven said:

I am sad that Blum will be in more episodes...I actually fast forwarded through his scenes.

The trial scenes in this show are usually some of my favorites but I fast-forwarded so much that I don't know what Maia's trial is about or if I'm even supposed to be rooting for her defendant.

I am enjoying the sly one-upmanship head games that Adrian and Liz play on one another.

@Medicine Crow there have been two episodes so far: The One About the Recent Troubles from March 13 and The One Inspired by Roy Cohn from March 20.

Edited by palmaire
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