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Futurama - General Discussion

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Thought I'd start a thread for the best emotional moments of Futurama.  My favorites are:


* Seymour *sniffle*


* Everything in "The Late Philip J. Fry"


* The end of "Fun on A Bun" with Fry and Leela vaguely recognizing each other in their respective amnesiac states, culminating in a passionate kiss that triggers both their memories.  That has to be one of the most epic kisses in the history of animated television.


* The montage of Fry living on the Amish Planet with Ghost Bender.   The sad look on Bender's face when he tries to hug Fry always touches me...one of his few geniunely soft moments on the show.


And of course, the series finale.

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The end of the Luck of the Fryish when Fry is reading his nephew's tombstone and we see it says "Here Lies Philip J. Fry, named for his uncle, to carry on his spirit".  Gets me every single time.  


The end of The Sting when you hear Fry and Leela whisper that they could both use a shower.  Billy and Katey  just nailed the emotion in those two lines.

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I turned on Comedy Central today and I was able to catch the rerun of Space Pilot 3000 episode and my favorite quote, from that episode, was when they were inside that closet (or dungeon) in the Head Museum:


Fry: Who cares what you're programmed for? If someone programed you to jumped off a bridge would you do it?

Bender: I have to check my program. Yep!


and my second favorite quote from that episode was:


Fry: Come on Bender. It's up to you to make your own decisions in life. That's what's separates people... and robots from animals....and animal robots!

Cartoon Network has started rerunning the series.

"The Sting" aired the other night. Every time Fry pleads to Leela to wake up is heartbreaking, especially when you know it's Leela in the coma.

The series finale aired too. Fry and Leela's entire life together after time stopped is poignant, and their decision to do it all again, even though they won't remember.

I can't rewatch the Seymour episode. 

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As a fan of college women's basketball, I love the part in "Amazon Women in the Mood" where the Amazonians show off their basketball court before one declares, "We no dunk, but good fundamentals.  That more important anyway."  The writers really connected with the anger that some of the defenders of the sport express, in a very funny way (especially when Bea Arthur's fembot/femputer character is set off by the men insulting women's basketball and decides that's the final straw, she's sentencing them to death).  And not long after the episode originally aired, I was watching a game in which an announcer commented on how well one team was doing from the free-throw line.  I repeated the line from this episode, only for the announcer to immediately declare (in a wistful tone), "Fundamentals."  I laughed so hard I almost fell off the couch, and my mother came in and said, "I didn't realize basketball was so funny."

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Today Music Choice was playing "Funkytown" (the cover version no less) which caused me to flash back to another moment in "Amazon Women in the Mood," when Amy/Kif and Zapp and the very reluctant Leela are having their date and Morbo does karaoke and starts singing "Funkytown" with his usual amount of vitriol.  I had to sing it like him.  I loved whenever he'd be at the news desk and start yelling things about death to all humans, etc. and his co-anchor would just let out a clueless laugh.

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Music Choice's Sounds of the Seasons keeps playing a song by Sia called "Santa's Coming for Us," and it's meant as a cute, pleasant song, but the title keeps making me think of the Futurama Xmas episodes where Santa (John Goodman) was trying to kill everyone!  I remember that FOX postponed one of them for an entire year (I E-mailed them to ask why, and they would reply to E-mails, but they just said, "We're going to show it next year"), and then it had to be on in a later time slot so it wouldn't frighten people or something.

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