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S07.E15: The Big 4-0


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It was great to see Chloe Dao again - she always impressed me on Project Runway, and seems to have a nice rapport with Jen and Bill.  I think she has a very good sense of Jen's style and knows what looks good on her;  and so does Bill! 


I got a kick out of Will's face when he saw Jen's lobster.  Yikes!!!

The finished dress looked really pretty and great on Jen.

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Of course Jen had something to do with it, as she clearly acted out the pager/charger, then the uh oh cliffhanger at the end.

      This concoction is insulting to viewers, yes its vintage TLC, but The Kleins are and have been drinking the Kool-Aid now for a long time.

       Jen apparently was so caught up in it that she failed to realize how it would look when a doctor goes out of town while on call?  Doctors on call cannot go out of town.

I know more about doctors on call then any sane person should. My hubby is a specialist and has been doing the on call thing for 35 years for 4 different hospitals at one time. In his practice there is long call which means you are the one to go to the hospital and short call to take phone calls and triage who needs to be seen. As long as you answer the page you can be anywhere you choose.

  • Love 6

I know more about doctors on call then any sane person should. My hubby is a specialist and has been doing the on call thing for 35 years for 4 different hospitals at one time. In his practice there is long call which means you are the one to go to the hospital and short call to take phone calls and triage who needs to be seen. As long as you answer the page you can be anywhere you choose.

Thanks for the details :)     

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Yeah, the ignore button is great.

Bill was in rare form, razzing Jen about being a cougar, and teasing her about being forgetful and doddering because she is six whole months older than he is. He'll get his! I don't agree with the opinion that he looks unkempt. He is big and barrel chested, despite being short, so I think he likes to wear cargo shorts, running shoes and untucked shirts. He likes to be comfy, and since we usually see him caring for the kids I think he knows how chaotic and messy it can be around toddlers. And maybe he looks messy next to Jen, who is always Immaculate. I think it is a point of pride for her to be well dressed and she certainly is.

Did anyone catch Judy Arnold at dinner, commenting in that deadpan voice of hers about "Larry" (the lobster) and "No, that's Larry's brother"? She kills me.

  • Love 6

I find it really hard to snark on this show, as I truly enjoy this family. Will and Zoey are just so cute, and I think Jen and Bill are a great couple. I'll just make a quick comment to say that my favourite moment was when Will let out a sigh of relief upon hearing that he would be able to have cake. Yes, maybe he's a bit too fixated on cake, but I couldn't help but laugh at that. What a little ham he is!

Will's sigh was EVERYTHING! All was right with the world.

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I have a fake Tiffany blue box that I've convinced myself is real. And a real suede Tiffany blue jewel bag (that alas, has no Tiffany jewels in it). 


Zoey is unbelievably cute - and I say this after a day spent with 44 pre-schoolers and toddlers at a clown show. So I know cute when I see it. To me, she's the whole show. I can snark on the rest, but I love watching her. 

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goldensglitter, on 11 Jun 2014 - 11:10 PM, said:

This.  I could not have said it better.  These children really hit the lotto with Bill and Jen.

Me, too!  I'm so thankful for Bill (after the bumpy start!) that their relationship has changed so much.  Zoe is  "Baba's Girl!"  Thinking back to the episode in India in the doctor's office (when Bill was trying to show the doctor how she could walk) and he purposely placed her on the floor walking AWAY from him and said that would probably work better! lol

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I don't know if they think that "keck" is cute every time Will says it, but it's really starting to bother me. He seems fixated on it. Yes, I know it was a fancy dinner in a restaurant, but does he have to have keck in every episode?

Jen asked him something like 'do you know what we're celebrating?' and his answer was keck. Maybe his mind did a complex word association of 'Mom's birthday party = keck' but at four years old he should have been able to answer the question that he was asked. Zoey does seem to understand Bill and Jen more, even though Will has been here longer. It will be interesting to see how her language skills develop. (One of my favorite things about working with 2 year olds.)

  • Love 2

I think Zoey is very, very bright. I wasn't sure in the beginning because I wondered about her mother's prenatal care, and also what kind of stimulation and nutrition she got in the orphanage. But she observes and reacts to everything in a very alert way. She makes connections. Her speech is surprisingly good. I think Will is smart, too, although he is still

catching up because of his hearing and speech problems.

  • Love 3

CousinAmy, I have a feeling Will is being prompted to say keck in response to half the questions he's asked. I also think "keck" brings laughter and smiles from the adults thus encouraging Will to keep saying it.

Proving the scripting by TLC, the viewers laughed endlessly about CECK so let's give them their CECK and eat it too!


I hope Bill and Jen are downplaying Will with CECK now that it has made Will famous...hopefully they want him known for more than that.  

CousinAmy, I have a feeling Will is being prompted to say keck in response to half the questions he's asked. I also think "keck" brings laughter and smiles from the adults thus encouraging Will to keep saying it.


This would be an example of how television production affects them. Its not as simple as "the kids just do their thing until they are plopped in front of the camera and then allowed to be natural".

  • Love 2

In addition, if they can't get the child to say what they want them to say, they dub it in. For example, Zoey saying yeah when Bill gave her the money, and Will saying uh oh when Jen and Zoey went shopping in San Fran.

There was also the dubbed in "Mama" at the train station to segway the end of Will and Bill's up close look at the train on the platform.   I've also heard at least two fake  "I love you" from Zoey this season.  The shenanigans are endless.  Couple that with Bill asking Will to "hug your sister" while on the train at his b-day party.  I'm all for encouraging affection, but it seemed so out of place and random.  It was like Bill, aware they were filming this special moment, thought "Oh let's get the kids to do something adorable".  I'm all for encouraging affection, but a lot of this is so staged.

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Out of curiosity, how can you guys tell words are being dubbed? I'm not doubting your comments by any means, I'd just like to know what to look for so I can spot it myself in future episodes.

Well you can't see their faces, it sounds "off" compared to the rest of the audio and is either completely and prefectly in context to whats going on or strangely random and out of context.  There is no 100% assurance that it's dubbed of course.

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. If you remember when Will was saying the letters in Happy Birthday, they showed his face when he said some letters, and his back when he said others. I believe they were dubbing when they switched the view to his back.


Oh yes, that whole scene was a hatchet job of editing and dubbing for sure.  I am sure Will is certainly learning his letters, but it was painfully obvious that his recitation of the letters in Happy Brithday took way longer than the 30 seconds we saw.

I finally watched this episode, and have to admit, although it had its cute moments (Bill and Zoey at the shop, Zoey's kisses, the Larry comments), I didn't much care for all this build up for an event that doesn't do anything for me. And I'm annoyed that they're stretching this out to two episodes. Just not interesting to me. Not sure I'll tune into Part 2. Skimmed comments and noted the ones about putting people on ignore. I'm imagining that everyone has only a handful of people who are not ignored and we're mostly just yakking to no one.

  • Love 1

I finally watched this episode, and have to admit, although it had its cute moments (Bill and Zoey at the shop, Zoey's kisses, the Larry comments), I didn't much care for all this build up for an event that doesn't do anything for me. And I'm annoyed that they're stretching this out to two episodes. Just not interesting to me. Not sure I'll tune into Part 2. Skimmed comments and noted the ones about putting people on ignore. I'm imagining that everyone has only a handful of people who are not ignored and we're mostly just yakking to no one.

Keep yacking away.  I think that most people don't use the ignore function, and if they do it's reserved for maybe 1 or 2 people who simply ruin their fun.  That's how it is for me anyway.  :)

  • Love 8

Keep yacking away.  I think that most people don't use the ignore function, and if they do it's reserved for maybe 1 or 2 people who simply ruin their fun.  That's how it is for me anyway.  :)

Me too. I see lots of responses to posts and lots of thumbs up. If they did shows like the renewal often, I would not enjoy it because it is such a common TLC thing. But I am looking forward to seeing more of Bill's parents and just the general prettiness and happiness of the show. 

  • Love 5

I'm going to see 40 in September though as an identical twin I say we had to split the egg so we get to split the age. I don't think my brother in law is planning anything quite like Bill did. (I'm single and we are teasing him about planning a blow out for 2)

Loved Zoey's headband on, headband off shots. That wasn't continuity, that was 2 years old. Zoey in the store was adorable. I'd love to be the shop worker following that one around. Not sure how Will would have done.

  • Love 2
Keep yacking away.  I think that most people don't use the ignore function, and if they do it's reserved for maybe 1 or 2 people who simply ruin their fun.  That's how it is for me anyway.


Me, too. I have no problem with differing opinions but I have blocked the ones that made my blood pressure go up!


This show is like most people's life - ups, downs, boring things, happy things.  But I must admit that whole "kissing Bill's arm" was beyond adorable.  And with a toddler it HAD to be spontaneous - I can't imagine scripting it and getting a 2 year old to do it if she didn't want to.  She certainly has grown to love her Baba after that rocky start.

  • Love 7

If it were up to me, they could just plant a camera in the kids' playroom and we could watch them being cute for a half hour. But I know TLC has to have an easily identifiable theme and title ("Jen Turns 40") and the action has to generally revolve around that. For better or worse, that's the nature of reality TV. So in order to get what I want--the cute kids, family interactions--I have to put up with sometimes forced story lines (vow renewals, etc.)

TLC knows they've hit the jackpot with Will and Zoey. There really was no reason for Zoey to be with Bill at Chloe Dao's shop--she could have stayed home, presumably with Will. But it was just too adorable to have her toddling around the shop, playing with hangers and getting twirled in the yellow chair. My daughter and I were shrieking at how cute she looked. And then she laid her head on Bill's cheek!

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Me, too. I have no problem with differing opinions but I have blocked the ones that made my blood pressure go up!





If it were up to me, they could just plant a camera in the kids' playroom and we could watch them being cute for a half hour.


Completely agree, put the camera on the kids and walk away!  


Well since Zoey arrived we have seen her give lots of affection to Bill and of course Will does all the time too.  Even when they were packing up at the beach Will inserted his thumb in his mouth like he was tired and went to Bill for a cuddle or to be picked up as they were leaving.  It seems odd and unnatural that we have not seen Will or Zoey warm to Jen let alone outwardly display affection unless they are asked for kisses...

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