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34 minutes ago, way2interested said:

I just still don't get where this idea of him carrying over to s7 comes from and keep getting perplexed at it coming up in various aftershows/reviews.

I think it's because Diaz became the Big Bad so late in the season and seems like such an underdeveloped character. Also, he supposedly has control over Star City government and law enforcement, as well as The Quadrant now (eyeroll), so there's the question of how do you undo and resolve all of that in the one remaining episode of the season.

Edited by tv echo
  • Love 3

Arrow Season 6 Episode 22 Review – ‘The Ties That Binds’


Diaz continues to be flow up and down the charts of scary, comparable villain to stock maniac who doesn’t seem to have a clue for a man that has taken over a whole city. This week, it’s the latter. He feels like shouldn’t trust Anatoly but doesn’t follow through and pays for his mistakes. This is a man who overtook a whole criminal organization (and just about finishes the job this week.) Why does he buy Anatoly’s bullcrap? By the way, the Quadrant was a joke. It was supposed to be a this great villain syndicate; Diaz picks it apart in 2 weeks time. No Quentin or Laurel this week either; you would think they figured into all of this but Oliver does briefly say he can’t go after the Mayor; it’s too public. But, Laurel burned him; his performances do continue to engage me though.
*  *  *
There’s not a lot of character moments save Oliver and Felicity trying to navigate the vigilante lifestyle they’ve known that would become part of their marriage; I loved the moment Felicity asked Lyla for advice on dealing with it and she gave some good words, then ended “it helps to get divorced.” Oliver said something a few weeks ago about how he always hoped he would get his day to retire and enjoy his family; perhaps Felicity always thought that too. But, at this point, if Oliver can’t trust her, even though things have changed, he hasn’t learned very much about the nature of his wife. Where that leaves us for the finale? ...

Edited by tv echo
8 minutes ago, tv echo said:

I think it's because Diaz became the Big Bad so late in the season and seems like such an underdeveloped character. Also, he supposedly has control over Star City government and law enforcement, as well as The Quadrant now (eyeroll), so there's the question of how do you undo and resolve all of that in the one remaining episode of the season.

I guess I just think that going on this show 6 years now they always wrap everything up (abruptly or not). Going from the past, as all of the reviewers bring up when comparing these episodes, an underdeveloped character wouldn't change that.

3 minutes ago, way2interested said:

I guess I just think that going on this show 6 years now they always wrap everything up (abruptly or not). Going from the past, as all of the reviewers bring up when comparing these episodes, an underdeveloped character wouldn't change that.

I thought the theory stemmed from


SA saying that they do something that hasn't been done before. Not defeating the villain would fit.

  • Love 1
Just now, Chaser said:

I thought the theory stemmed from

I guess I get that, but I never see people reference that as the reason, more of the "there's still much to do with Diaz's character that they haven't explained yet" like this EW review which, after seeing Arrow for years, is kind of a weird reason to give.

Diaz has been highlighted by both reviewers and fans as one of the most underwhelming big bads the show has produced.  

I have to wonder if they would carry over a villian that has been poorly received into S7 when it seems like they’re resetting things behind the scenes with a new showrunner and, I think, six new writers coming in.    

I think the show should would be much better served if they wrap it up quickly so they can start fresh in S7.  If that means I never really understand why everyone was scared of Diaz, what his motivations were for taking over the city, why he went after Oliver or how he corrupted everyone so easily, then I’m fine with that. 

  • Love 7

Chris King is like my brother from another mother with his Arrow reviews...

Arrow Season 6 Episode 22 Review: “The Ties That Bind” 
Chris King  May 11, 2018


“The Ties That Bind” is easily one of the best episodes of Arrow Season 6, because similar to last week’s courtroom-focused hour, it focuses on Team Arrow doing what it does best: communicating with each other in honest, genuine ways and working together to stop Diaz and save the city. These past two installments show how impressive the team can be when its members aren’t distracted with childish bickering and unnecessary power struggles; more importantly, though, it illustrates how much of a better TV series Arrow is when its characters behave like actual people, individuals who have been friends and teammates for multiple years, rather than interchangeable pieces that are only there to service the plot. How compelling “The Ties That Bind” is from start to finish feels like a breath of fresh air after episodes like “Brothers in Arms” and “The Dragon” because characters like Oliver, Diggle, and Dinah actually act like themselves. However, it’s also frustrating to see how capable the Arrow writers are during hours like this and be left wondering what the hell happened with almost the entire back half of Season 6, which has been filled inconsistent characterization supporting hackneyed plot and after hackneyed plot.
*  *  *
And really, let’s call out Oliver’s recent behavior for what it is: regression. After five-plus years of witnessing how essential Felicity has been to his saving of Star City, especially in “Reversal,” which I still think is this season’s best episode by a wide margin, Oliver choosing to kick her off Team Arrow makes zero sense, even with his newfound belief that he can’t split his focus in order to stop Diaz. If Diaz truly is the greatest threat he’s ever gone up against (Let’s stop laughing for just a second and pretend that he is, my friends), then how does Oliver honestly believe that he can take him down by himself? By reverting back to his vicious, murderous ways as the Hood, the same methods that he had to accept and forgive himself for at the end of Season 5 after Prometheus tortured him? Again, it doesn’t make any sense, and it’s simply a byproduct of plot dictating character’s actions.

Fortunately, “The Ties That Bind” doesn’t let Oliver off the hook with that nonsensical decision. In fact, many of the episode’s best moments are people telling and showing him why he’s wrong. When Oliver tries to deter Felicity from copying and decrypting the files on Diaz’s drive, she fights back against him, expressing the same idea that I’ve been writing in my Arrow reviews for weeks: the two of them together give each other strength. As Felicity explains to Oliver, now that they are married and parents to William, there is no more “going in alone” for them; they are a team when they are at home and when they are in the bunker, and there is no separating the two.

Honestly, why should there be any type of separation? We’ve seen Oliver try to compartmentalize before back in Season 3, which only led to him lying to the team and pushing those he loves most away. We’ve been down this road before with Oliver, and we know it doesn’t work, just like Felicity knows it doesn’t and just like Diggle knows it doesn’t, which is why he tells Oliver as much when they discuss the issue after Felicity is almost shot by Diaz. Oliver says that by keeping Felicity out of the field and away from danger he’s doing what Dig told him to do, not splitting his focus and or being distracted anymore; things between him and Felicity can’t be the same because circumstances have changed. They’re married now. They’re parents now. But Diggle counters with a more important point. “The truth is you were there for her tonight in the same way that she’s been there for you as Overwatch,” Diggle says, telling Oliver that regaining his focus shouldn’t mean turning away from everyone and everything he loves in life. While Oliver and Felicity’s circumstances have become different because of the wedding and because of William, that doesn’t mean their relationship itself is different at all.

As Felicity said on the stand in last week’s episode, she’s loved Oliver Queen for six years. During that time, the two of them have butt heads and broken up but they’ve always been there for each other when it counts, bringing out the best in each other and supporting each other in ways that no one else has. Why should everything change now because of the wedding bands they wear? Why should everything change now because they have a son they need to care for? If a person is your strength, you need to lean on them when times are hard, when curveballs get thrown your way. Oliver has become a better hero because of Felicity, a better father because of Felicity, a better man because of Felicity. Oliver pushing her away in any capacity, whether at home or in the bunker, is a lack of trust in Felicity and himself, and it won’t allow him to improve any facet of his life—it will only hurt him. And we’ve already seen that happen in recent weeks, as Oliver has been captured and beaten and stabbed and arrested without Felicity’s aid in the field.

Thankfully, “The Ties That Bind” has Oliver realize the error of his ways, and he apologizes to Felicity, the only apology he should be making this season (the one he makes early on in this episode to the Newbies and Dig is a bunch of BS that he should not be forced to say). “I shouldn’t have pushed you away,” Oliver says to Felicity. “I should have trusted you to keep yourself safe, and I should have trusted myself in my ability to help keep you safe.” That issue of trust, of having faith in Felicity and himself to overcome whatever challenges may await them, is a lesson that Oliver learned last season in “Underneath,” and fortunately, it only takes him a couple episodes and not a whole season to remember the importance of it. Felicity remains steadfast throughout Oliver’s crisis of faith here in Season 6, proving again why she’s his most loyal and understanding supporter and most reliable source of honesty and advice. He initially taught her what it means to be a hero, but throughout their years together, she’s shown him how to be a better one. If that’s not strength, I don’t know what is.
*  *  *
-Can Audrey Marie Anderson please become a series regular next season? Lyla’s scenes with Diggle and Felicity (How fun was it seeing Felicity ask for marital advice right before their mission?) are terrific during “The Ties That Bind.” I hadn’t realized just how much I missed Lyla on Arrow until this episode.
*  *  *
-Can Diaz ever win a fight without a knife? He stabs Oliver two weeks ago, and now he stabs Curtis, proving yet again that he is the WORST big bad Arrow has ever had. Hell, Susan Williams was a better villain than him.
*  *  *
-Just to be clear, Curtis: You NEVER deserve to say “Suit up” ever again.

Edited by tv echo
  • Love 13

Arrow Review: Ties That Bind (Season 6 Episode 22)
May 11, 2018  Brianna Martinez


The heightened stakes and the tense action throughout the hour provides a great backdrop for Oliver and Felicity to work through their issues with the fear and the risks they face.

In this new phase of their lives, Oliver and Felicity are still trying to find a way to balance every aspect. The pair is determined to keep their family safe, but the way they want to do it, initially differ.
*  *  *
It’s wonderful to see them not letting these things fester but talk it out, coming to terms with what the risks that come with protecting the city understanding that it’s all worth it for their family’s future.

All of this, of course, comes as a result of their respective talks with Diggle and Lyla.
*  *  *
It feels like the pair has been the reflection/model that Oliver and Felicity have looked to when navigating their relationship through these superhero hurdles.
*  *  *
If we got more Lyla in the future, maybe we’d even get more of moments like the one between her and Felicity in the van.
*  *  *
If there’s anyone who understands Oliver’s fears, it’s Diggle. Their talk even offers hints of Diggle admitting that what he said to him when they fought was not something he should have said.

I’m glad we get this wise Diggle back. He has been sorely missed.
*  *  *
-I get the need of working together with the newbies considering what they are up against, but it feels like all of their issues were glossed over, and they may never be resolved.
-That Queen-Smoak family dinner is so adorable, and that bit of domesticity is a perfect illustration of what Oliver and Felicity stand to lose if they don’t successfully do their vigilante jobs.
*  *  *
Is this not a beautifully-shot, well-written hour?

Edited by tv echo
  • Love 4

DC TV Watch: Did 'Supergirl' Just Reveal the Worldkillers' Endgame?
MAY 12, 2018 8:15am PT by Sydney Bucksbaum



End of an era | The Team Arrow bunker really needed better security. Yes, that's past tense "needed," because this week's Arrow truly saw the end of an era. Ricardo Diaz (Kirk Acevedo), intent on killing everyone Oliver (Stephen Amell) loves (sound familiar? As in, every other Arrow villain ever?), had his henchmen destroy the Team Arrow bunker. The entire set was demolished in one giant fire and explosion, meaning OTA and NTA ended up reuniting in NTA's lair after the attacks on their lives. With everyone coming out of this week's hour mostly unscathed save for Curtis (Echo Kellum) and his boyfriend dealing with nonfatal gunshot wounds, the only casualty of Diaz's rage is the Team Arrow bunker. The stakes have actually lowered when it comes to Diaz's capabilities, which isn't a good sign as the series heads into the finale next week. It likely means a character is about to die to prove that this is a villain truly worth fearing if the series shows instead of telling. Our guess? Lyla (Audrey Marie Anderson), because of her badass showing in this week's episode, which would be a shame because she's actually the most competent field agent of the whole team.

Edited by tv echo

Arrow’s Katie Cassidy talks Capital One, Heroes & Villains, PS4
by Nir Regev   May 13, 2018


FanSided.com – Nir Regev: What made you want to be part of this Capital One bank partnership?
Katie Cassidy: The campaign felt like a great marriage with the idea of a financial super hero and me playing a super hero on television … And a super villain! I think part of it was Capital One learning about my story. There’s a bit of a misconception when people think about me because I come from this family of entertainers. People assume that this career was given to me, served to me. It was actually quite the opposite; I didn’t meet my father until I was in fourth grade. At 18, my biological father and I, we became friends. He was a good person to talk to for advice, career wise.

When I was 17-18, he said, “If you want to act, that’s great. But we’re not going to help you. You’re on your own if you want to move out.” I was pissed then because I was 17-18 and probably just a rebellious girl. So, I was like, “Okay fine. He’s out.” I left home, and I still think back to that era. There were only one or two times that I ever actually asked my mother to buy me groceries. I had to learn things on my own. I see myself as The Balanced Optimist, on my super hero financial side.

I learned how to balance a checkbook on my own, and I think that’s what awesome about this Capital One campaign. They’re bringing people together to talk about what is normally an uncomfortable topic. They have money coaches who are also really like life coaches. They’re professionals that can really guide your financial dreams, and it’s great to have that base all over the nation.

FS: You’re going to be at the Heroes and Villains Convention in Nashville this weekend. What does it mean to you as an actress to get to meet fans of your characters?
Katie Cassidy:
It’s incredible! I love doing the conventions! It’s so cool when I get to meet fans in-person and get real face-to-face time. It occured to me recently when I was coming out of an interview that to fans I’m like the stewardess of the character, almost. Like a middleman. Their connection through me is the closest thing to the character, and it’s a big role. Big shoes to fill! We have the best fans in the world, such loyal, awesome people. I love it!

Unfortunately, I don’t engage as much as I’d like to on social media, meaning responding to messages. There’s people out there who don’t write the nicest things all the time. I don’t think that’s beneficial for anyone. In terms of confidence and courage, I choose not to read them. I don’t want to read that. So it does keep me from engaging as much as I’d like to online.

FS: Last year, you got to be the lead in your first PlayStation game, Hidden Agenda. What was the experience like? Would you do it again?
Katie Cassidy:
It was awesome! Would I do it again, YES! I’m a total geek when it comes to gaming. I totally geeked out when I got to play Becky (Marney) in Hidden Agenda. I love playing Call of Duty, I play online on Twitch sometimes. I’m into Destiny, Uncharted, I got to play the new one (The Lost Legacy) recently with the two badass chicks. I started back in the day with Mortal Kombat and Duke Nukem. I love games!
*  *  *
FS: You run website TOMBOY KC kind of like Zooey Deschanel’s Hello Giggles. I know you’ve been on New Girl before. Are you looking to build an empire like her?
Katie Cassidy: Hell yeah! Absolutely! I think it’s time for women. I love helping people in general really, encouraging others, and being a good role model.

Edited by tv echo
7 hours ago, tv echo said:

FanSided.com – Nir Regev: What made you want to be part of this Capital One bank partnership?

It would have been awesome if she’d said, “Money! They are paying a lot of money!” Because I think that is such a dumb question. It’s a financial arrangement, guy. That’s how celebrity endorsements work.

Edited by bethy
  • Love 6

Agents of GEEK Podcast Episode 117
Craig Wack & Tatiana Torres  05/14/2018

-- Arrow 622: Craig said that the show was so much better when it focused back on its "core characters." He also noted that it's been so long since the show has had any "meaningful Felicity and Oliver interaction." He and Tatiana then joked about them making eggs ("they went from three fried eggs to three fluffy omelets").

-- Tatiana liked that there were some moments of levity even though this season has been so dark and things are still dark with Diaz.

-- Craig liked that, when Oliver was like, "and this is why I should be alone," Felicity "shut that shit down in a hurry" and reminded him that when they exchanged rings, it meant that they were no longer alone. He noted that the team got back together quickly "without the slightest bit of animosity." He also noted that, while everyone else was having "family moments," Dinah was "doing her best Batman impersonation." 

-- Craig was concerned for Lyla through most of this episode. He thought she was great. He said that Lyla is the "Phil Coulson of the MCU movies because it's like, you forget that she's there a lot of the times, but if something bad were to happen to her, it would be like a total gut punch." So Craig was glad that Lyla survived. He hoped that, at some point, "we get an ARGUS spinoff, with Lyla as one of the leads."

-- Craig was "looking forward to how they resolve all of this mess." He was skeptical as to why ARGUS or the FBI hadn't gotten involved in the Diaz situation earlier.

-- Craig thought this was a "pretty good episode," as compared to the other episodes this season.

Edited by tv echo
  • Love 4

No, thank you...

Go Away With ... Kirk Acevedo
Jae-Ha Kim   MAY 15, 2018


Growing up in New York, actor Kirk Acevedo says he learned early on to be self-reliant. "Having lived on my own since I was 16 in a big city taught me to be very self-sufficient," says Acevedo, who portrays Ricardo Diaz -- aka The Dragon -- on the CW series "Arrow." "I trust people very slowly. And then I suffer no fools. And for these skills I have to thank New York City. I always know who's walking 20 yards behind me and then who's 20 yards ahead." The Los Angeles-based actor -- who is also known for his work on "Oz," "Thin Red Line" and "Band of Brothers" -- is looking forward to spending this summer visiting Europe with his wife, actress Kiersten Warren, and their daughter, Scarlett. Fans may stay in touch with Acevedo on his Twitter account ( https://twitter.com/kirkacevedo).

Q. Of all the characters you've played, which one would make a great travel partner?
A. Ricardo Diaz (from "Arrow") would be a hoot to travel with. I mean with all his connections we'd be hooked up with the best restaurant reservations, event tickets and all-access passes everywhere. Downside would be trying to keep him from killing people, of course. Upside, you're rolling with top-of-the-line security. And for those times when things go a little sideways and you get arrested, I could trust him to fix that too. Yeah, I'd go anywhere with him.
*  *  *
Q. How has growing up in New York shaped the man you are today?
A. As a latchkey kid at 5, I learned to navigate the subway system and how to duck under velvet ropes with ease. For a couple weeks, I played hooky from school -- just walked out and caught the train to the American Museum of Natural History, where no one suspected anyone that little would be on their own. To this day, that museum is one of my favorite places in the world. But heads-up, kids: that kind of devil-may-care attitude will get you kicked out of kindergarten. I speak from proud experience.

Q. What was the first trip you took as a child?
A. I was a Fresh Air Fund kid as a child. That's where they send inner-city kids to other parts of the country, specifically farms in the Midwest. I was sent to a slaughter farm where they made veal from baby calves. Brutal; and I hated it. It's hard for a little kid from the South Bronx to be plucked from the world he knows and live with another family. I was way stressed out and wet the bed and they hit me. I'll always remember that. Honestly, it's amazing I didn't grow up to be a killer. But, hey, I play one on TV!

Edited by tv echo

AH mentioned her Arrow experience in this interview...

Shadowhunters’ Anna Hopkins describes finale as ‘epically heartbreaking’
by Danielle Ortiz   May 15, 2018


It sounds like it was pretty easy joining the [Shadowhunters] cast. They’ve been together for two seasons, while you’ve just come on plus entered a huge fandom. What was that experience like?
I think that’s a big part of the pressure. You never know how you’re going to be received with fans. Like I played a character on Arrow for a little while, and that character kind of screwed up Oliver and Felicity’s relationship, and I got so much hate. Oh my god. It was bad. (laughs)

Edited by tv echo
  • Love 2
1 hour ago, tv echo said:

Go Away With ... Kirk Acevedo
Jae-Ha Kim   MAY 15, 2018

I was way stressed out and wet the bed and they hit me. I'll always remember that. Honestly, it's amazing I didn't grow up to be a killer. But, hey, I play one on TV!

Wow. KA sounds like a real piece of work.

  • Love 2

I’ve been curious about bts stuff with 12 Monkeys and KA given


what seemed like a remarkable lack of cast reaction when his character was killed off. I don’t follow all the cast for the show but his character had been pretty integral and it seemed like *crickets* when Ramse was killed.

Edited by bethy
16 minutes ago, bethy said:

I’ve been curious about bts stuff with 12 Monkeys and KA given

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what seemed like a remarkable lack of cast reaction when his character was killed off. I don’t follow all the cast for the show but his character had been pretty integral and it seemed like *crickets* when Ramse was killed.

Same, but I figured that


He would be in s4 in some fashion since I recall him being in the very first promo for s4, although now I'm not so sure. Also, Terry had some nice things to say about him, like how it was KA's idea to have Ramse's son die and how that scene was basically all ad-libbed, which is a lot more than the writers have been saying about him on Arrow.

  • Love 1
11 minutes ago, way2interested said:

Same, but I figured that

  Reveal hidden contents

He would be in s4 in some fashion since I recall him being in the very first promo for s4, although now I'm not so sure. Also, Terry had some nice things to say about him, like how it was KA's idea to have Ramse's son die and how that scene was basically all ad-libbed, which is a lot more than the writers have been saying about him on Arrow.

I wondered that, too, though I don’t remember seeing him in the promo. And I’d forgotten that Matalas was complementary. 

13 hours ago, tv echo said:

I think that’s a big part of the pressure. You never know how you’re going to be received with fans. Like I played a character on Arrow for a little while, and that character kind of screwed up Oliver and Felicity’s relationship, and I got so much hate. Oh my god. It was bad. (laughs)

Her character was a plot device waste of space, but I've always liked AH as an actor and she seems nice enough, I'm glad she's got a lot of work recently. It's shitty when actors who don't deserve it get hate for their characters. Although some do interpret hate for the characters as a personal attack and others like KA do deserve some pushback for their own actions/words. 

  • Love 1

The Ties that Bind - Arrow Music Notes 6x22
Austencello    May 16, 2018


At this point the music reflects the various characters as it transitions between each in their happy places: brass at the end of the Diggle and Lyla scene, clarinet for Curtis and Nick, strings for Rene and Zoe, and then electronics and percussion for Dinah as the Black Canary.  Then it returns to higher electronic (resembling water-glasses) and strings chords as the Queen family are eating before they all are attacked.  The following fighting sequence includes a lot of intensity in string patterns and percussion still changing instruments from person to person.  The one that was the most different (and fun) was a low electronic bass theme for Dinah.
*  *  *
Felicity makes it very clear to Oliver this fight against Diaz is her fight too and that she will not let him do it on his own when she can help.  Oliver has always been terrified that he will lose her and now that they are parents, the concern in leaving William an orphan heightens that fear.  As Felicity prepares her digital sniffer and plans to accompany Lyla, Oliver shares his worry about her being in the field while she reminds him that she has been in the field before.  As they talk, the harp theme from 6x18 plays over electronics.  This first played when Oliver asked Quentin why everyone leaves him while Quentin assured Oliver that Felicity loves him.  It returned when Oliver told Felicity that he received clarity to work alone.  This theme is used twice in this episode as they deal with Oliver’s desire to work alone due to his great fear of losing the two most important people in his life. (I will be very interested to know what Blake Neely names this theme on the soundtrack)

Felicity left the van to grab the sniffer and almost got shot by Diaz.  Needless to say, Oliver was not happy about that at all as the harp theme returns and he shares his feelings about her running into a firefight.  The slow Arrow theme plays in the violins over the harp as Oliver mentions that is why he started to work alone again.  Felicity reminds him that they are married and each other’s strength: there is no more alone for them.  They are a team together and it is their mission together to save their home and city.  

Unfortunately, they had to leave before getting the information from the sniffer.  They were, however, able to resolve their disagreement back safely in ARGUS.  As Oliver assures William on the phone that they are fine and they both tell William that they love him, guitar harmonics (Oliver’s instrument) accompanies the moment.  High electronics resembling water-glasses (Felicity’s instrument) and strings play as Oliver apologizes and admits that Felicity was right, trusting both in her and himself to keep her safe.  
*  *  *
- There were a lot of really interesting and specific transitions for the various members of the team in this episode without playing a lot of their themes, focusing more on instrumentation.  The fighting music was really great in the precinct as well as the opening sequence.

Edited by tv echo
  • Love 2

Arrow Season 6 blu-ray/dvd will be released on August 14, 2018...

According to the official press release, the blu-ray will include all 4 crossover eps, but I don't see all 4 listed in the contents (so I'm confused)...


BURBANK, CA (May 16, 2018) - The CW's longest-running DC series will be coming to a city near you on August 14, 2018, as Warner Bros. Home Entertainment releases Arrow: The Complete Sixth Season on Blu-ray and DVD. Averaging 2.3 million Viewers weekly for each original episode, Arrow is the #3 series on The CW season-to-date amongst Adults 18-34, behind only The Flash and Black Lightning. (Source: Nielsen National TV View, 2017-18 broadcast season to date (09/18/2017 - 03/18/2018), Live + 7 Day ratings; excluding movies, sports, repeats, specials, less than 3 telecasts) The release contains all 23 exhilarating episodes from the sixth season, plus the show's 2017 Comic-Con Panel, the crossover featurette and much more. Arrow: The Complete Sixth Season is priced to own at $44.98 SRP for the DVD and $49.99 SRP for the Blu-ray which includes a Digital Copy.

Following the devastating explosion on Lian Yu, Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) returns home to confront a challenge unlike any he's ever faced: fatherhood. Oliver is determined to embrace this new role, while continuing to serve and protect Star City as both Mayor and The Green Arrow. But enemies past and present, including Black Siren (Katie Cassidy), Vigilante (Johann Urb), Ricardo Diaz (Kirk Acevedo), Cayden James (Michael Emerson) and others, threaten him on all fronts. And bonds within the ranks of Team Arrow - veteran John Diggle (David Ramsey); tech genius Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards); former police captain Quentin Lance (Paul Blackthorne) and brilliant inventor Curtis Holt (Echo Kellum), plus newest team members Rene Ramirez/Wild Dog (Rick Gonzalez) and metahuman Dinah Drake (Juliana Harkavy) - have become dangerously decayed. The future of Star City is at stake in all 23 of Season Six's ferociously fast-paced, can't-miss episodes.
*  *  *
With Blu-ray's unsurpassed picture and sound, Arrow: The Complete Sixth Season Blu-ray release will include 1080p Full HD Video with DTS-HD Master Audio for English 5.1. In addition to featuring all 23 episodes of season six in high-definition as well as a digital copy of the season, the 4-disc Blu-ray will also include all four crossover episodes, a tremendous value and collectors opportunity.
*  *  *
1. "Fallout"
2. "Tribute"
3. "Next of Kin"
4. "Reversal"
5. "Deathstroke Returns"
6. "Promises Kept"
7. "Thanksgiving"
8. "Crisis on Earth-X, Part 2"
9. "Irreconcilable Differences"
10. "Divided"
11. "We Fall"
12. "All for Nothing"
13. "The Devil's Greatest Trick"
14. "Collision Course"
15. "Doppelgänger"
16. "The Thanatos Guild"
17. "Brothers in Arms"
18. "Fundamentals"
19. "The Dragon"
20. "Shifting Allegiances"
21. "Docket No. 11-19-41-73"
22. "The Ties That Bind"
23. "Life Sentence"

- The Best of DC TV's Comic-Con Panels San Diego 2017
- The Split of a Man: Deathstroke
- Inside the Crossover: Crisis on Earth-X
- Revenge in Ones and Zeros: The Story of Cayden James

Edited by tv echo
26 minutes ago, tv echo said:

I'm a little bitter that, once again, Flash gets to stay in its same time slot on Tuesdays, while Arrow gets moved again.

Also, is being opposite Monday Night Football any better than being opposite Thursday Night Football?

I wanted Arrow back on Wednesdays.

I’m sure Flash will be shuffled around at some point. It’s going into its 5th season, Arrow didn’t move until its 6th.

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19 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

So I'm guessing LoT is getting a full season?

I hope so, but I’m not going to count on it until it’s confirmed.  But they don’t have as many mid-season replacements as I thought they were going to, especially if one or two of their new shows crashes.  So I think it’s possible for it to have a full season.  JtV will replace CEG.  iZombie probably won’t air until late next spring.  

5 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

I just wonder what would replace it. Roswell maybe?

Possibly. I'm a little surprised Rosewell wasn't on the fall schedule paired with LOT somewhere and they also have The 100 and iZombie to fill in. Not that I would ever complain if LOT got more episodes. 

Edited by Featherhat
6 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

I just wonder what would replace it. Roswell maybe?

Well that’s the thing.  If it doesn’t have a full season, what are they planning to pair with Arrow when it’s done?  Last season we had a pretty good idea that they would want the post-Flash spot for BL, and that’s how it turned out.  But with this schedule, there’s not an obvious midseason replacement. 

ETA:  I take that back - there’s The 100 maybe - Arrow used to be paired with them on Wednesdays.

Edited by Starfish35
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