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19 Things I Hate About You: How the Duggars Infuriate

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I do think Josh might split. He's lost enough to do it - and he tried it JB's way and it's failed miserably. When the verse "be sure your sins will find you out" was written, I don't think Josh meant it would quite so literal. (Ironic, isn't it, given how literally other verses are taken...)

But I don't know if Anna would split. They might double down, actually. Sell them out that way, sort of like what JB did to his own father.

  • Love 1

I would have thought it would be difficult, if not impossible, for Josh to have any ability to think critically about his own situation. He's been taught from birth to look no further than his boobalicious father for answers, and he doesn't strike me as having enough innate intelligence of his own to ever formulate any inkling of a thought that is contradictory to the party line. If something happens and Josh likes it--God's will. If something happens and Josh doesn't like it--liberal media, sinners, persecution, forgiveness. End of story.

Edited by Aja
  • Love 11

I think probably the only way Josh could really save himself would be to announce that he's had an epiphany that the way he was raised to view women was wrong and that now that he has a wife and daughters he's come to see how wrong his behavior and how it was handled was. Then he and Anna can write a book about healing and overcoming the effects of institutional patriarchal misogyny (carefully pointing out that other religions do it too and besides SHARIA) and get paid five figures a pop for speaking to conferences.


I also think he's filled the void where genuine self-esteem ought to be with the golden glow of being born on third base in God's earthly stadium for way too long to to endanger his world view by challenging Jim Bob, the groundskeeper. It's like Milton said. Some people would rather reign in hell.

  • Love 12

He'd last one year on the speaking engagements, get $100K tops for a book, and then he's back at square one. And we still don't know for sure if he's dealing with feelings that are predatory or not, so he needs to pay and go through reputable counseling. That's going to cost money. A lot of it.

There just isn't a huge amount of money for ANY of the Duggars if they break away. There's some short term cash, but they will be shut out of the long term but steady stream of cash in their world, and the public in general will move on very quickly.

If Josh does make the break, he makes it because he has to. To live with himself and has finally grown up. Some Duggar will do it. We just don't know which one. And some Duggar will go hard Fundy - and come back on the parents for "sin in the camp." We just don't know which one either.

  • Love 3

The problem is that none of the younger Duggars really have any kind of education that would mean that they would be able to not just support themselves, but the boatload of children that they all seem determined to have. The young men that the girls are marrying don't even appear to be marginally employable. So even if they want to break away from JimBob's rule, they realistically can't because they've got no way of earning any kind of real income. They're stuck being dependent on Daddy doling out the TV money until it runs out.

  • Love 5

Proof, in my opinion, that they're not "devout," as they're often characterized. They're not adult, they're not "believers," they're not a "good Christian family" following the tenets of a faith that they share with others. All JB and M are (and, by some appearance, a lot of the older kids as well) is big selfish babies who invented a "God" in their own image -- somebody in heaven whose sole concern is providing things that these selfish infants want, hating people that these selfish infants find yucky, looking down on people that these selfish infants want to see as lesser and in need of their "charity" because it makes them feel good, "requiring" things that make these selfish infants feel powerful and good about themselves. Etc.

Excellent post !

        I wanted to add that these people are just bad. They all need to go on a mission to the Bermuda Triangle and never be seen or heard from again.

  • Love 8

I wonder if he sees it that way. ... I can't decide. Would love to hear what you and others think about how Josh might view JB and M's performance through the whole decade-plus saga.

I think that deep down he knows he's been royally (excuse my french), fucked. A theme i see on these forums is assuming that the duggar spawn aren't capable of deep thought, it may be correct, but it may not be. On one hand, its all they know, but on the other, G-d gave them all brains, and none of them are (as we know) mentally handicapped.

I mean, a lot of fundie kids, born into this lifestyle have split, because deep down they know what was happening is wrong. These kids just didn't have the money to worry about. Now that the show is canceled, the money well might start to run a little dry.

In particular, i think Josh is a prime candidate because he isn't stupid. He's full of himself, arrogant, and all that, but not stupid. The way he handled the situation by staying quiet actually proves that. Is he hiding? Maybe. But hell, he's not saying anything dumb *looks at jim bob*.

He had a taste of the good life up in D.C, he dipped his toes into the real world, so he knows how the real world works, (kinda anyway). He's been in grocery stores and seen the tabloids about... bill Cosby for example. He probably thought to himself "gee, what a bad guy".

Now he's in the tabloids, he's the bad guy. And deep down, he knows that. There is no way he doesn't know that. Hell, I'm sure his parents have told him that (especially since the show has been canned). He probably feels like crap, which, don't get me wrong, he *should*. But still, that feeling like crap feeling is going to lead to more thinking.

I'm sure he's doing a lot of questioning right now. Questioning himself, his parents, his religion. Especially since he lost his nice cushy job and his nice cushy home.

When life kicks you on your ass,no matter how much kool-aid you drink, you start to wonder why.

  • Love 11

I think that deep down he knows he's been royally (excuse my french), fucked. A theme i see on these forums is assuming that the duggar spawn aren't capable of deep thought, it may be correct, but it may not be. On one hand, its all they know, but on the other, G-d gave them all brains, and none of them are (as we know) mentally handicapped.

I mean, a lot of fundie kids, born into this lifestyle have split, because deep down they know what was happening is wrong. These kids just didn't have the money to worry about. Now that the show is canceled, the money well might start to run a little dry.

In particular, i think Josh is a prime candidate because he isn't stupid. He's full of himself, arrogant, and all that, but not stupid. The way he handled the situation by staying quiet actually proves that. Is he hiding? Maybe. But hell, he's not saying anything dumb *looks at jim bob*.

He had a taste of the good life up in D.C, he dipped his toes into the real world, so he knows how the real world works, (kinda anyway). He's been in grocery stores and seen the tabloids about... bill Cosby for example. He probably thought to himself "gee, what a bad guy".

Now he's in the tabloids, he's the bad guy. And deep down, he knows that. There is no way he doesn't know that. Hell, I'm sure his parents have told him that (especially since the show has been canned). He probably feels like crap, which, don't get me wrong, he *should*. But still, that feeling like crap feeling is going to lead to more thinking.

I'm sure he's doing a lot of questioning right now. Questioning himself, his parents, his religion. Especially since he lost his nice cushy job and his nice cushy home.

When life kicks you on your ass,no matter how much kool-aid you drink, you start to wonder why.


Thanks for answering my query. This is kind of what I think, too. With the money and the previous status quo shriveling up, this is the first real shock they've had that might get some of the kids to start thinking. A big shocking change in your circumstances can do this. And I agree that Josh is a good candidate to be one of the questioners. If his brain isn't getting kicked into gear by everything that's happened in 2015, then how could it ever?

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 3

I think that deep down he knows he's been royally (excuse my french), fucked. A theme i see on these forums is assuming that the duggar spawn aren't capable of deep thought, it may be correct, but it may not be. On one hand, its all they know, but on the other, G-d gave them all brains, and none of them are (as we know) mentally handicapped.

I mean, a lot of fundie kids, born into this lifestyle have split, because deep down they know what was happening is wrong. These kids just didn't have the money to worry about. Now that the show is canceled, the money well might start to run a little dry.

In particular, i think Josh is a prime candidate because he isn't stupid. He's full of himself, arrogant, and all that, but not stupid. The way he handled the situation by staying quiet actually proves that. Is he hiding? Maybe. But hell, he's not saying anything dumb *looks at jim bob*.

He had a taste of the good life up in D.C, he dipped his toes into the real world, so he knows how the real world works, (kinda anyway). He's been in grocery stores and seen the tabloids about... bill Cosby for example. He probably thought to himself "gee, what a bad guy".

Now he's in the tabloids, he's the bad guy. And deep down, he knows that. There is no way he doesn't know that. Hell, I'm sure his parents have told him that (especially since the show has been canned). He probably feels like crap, which, don't get me wrong, he *should*. But still, that feeling like crap feeling is going to lead to more thinking.

I'm sure he's doing a lot of questioning right now. Questioning himself, his parents, his religion. Especially since he lost his nice cushy job and his nice cushy home.

When life kicks you on your ass,no matter how much kool-aid you drink, you start to wonder why.

The exception for me is that while he had a job, that job was not really a real job.   The organization is recognized as a hate group and he was only hired because he was known from the show.

    I don't know what his salary was, but to support his family and in that area (although the house was a dump) he had to be making a moderate salary.

     In the real world, he is not qualified to do anything, except maybe run a tiny little car lot.

  • Love 9

I also think Josh is reasonably smart. And he might figure it all out.

The other children's ability to make it in the outside world has a lot riding on who they marry. That's their ticket out - someone with even a little education is a step up. (Jill isn't going to go hungry.). Most Fundies leave because there is someone or someplace else to go.

Before the show, this was a very isolated family. They aren't isolated now. The younger children won't grow up in a tightly controlled bubble. Anything might happen.

  • Love 3

What would Josh do if he left? I would love to see how his resume reads. At this point, I don't think he is high on employers list of acceptable hires.


I also am not sure he truly knows how the real world works. He is a father to 4 children who just lost a job, yet he is posting on twitter, going to sporting events, and hanging at the TTH. Most families I know would be a couple of months away from losing their home if they didn't find new employment soon. Maybe he is frantically sending out resumes, who knows, but it appears he is fairing better than most under the circumstances. Which makes me believe he is still somewhat naive. 

  • Love 8

The exception for me is that while he had a job, that job was not really a real job. The organization is recognized as a hate group and he was only hired because he was known from the show.

I don't know what his salary was, but to support his family and in that area (although the house was a dump) he had to be making a moderate salary.

In the real world, he is not qualified to do anything, except maybe run a tiny little car lot.

Well, if/when josh breaks the duggar compound, college might be one of the things on the list. If he plays his cards right, he could gather enough cash from his tell all book and interviews to do community college. He could get an I.T job, they pay well, you don't really have to be the brightest, and you don't even need a bachelor's to get the ball rolling.

  • Love 1

What would Josh do if he left? I would love to see how his resume reads. At this point, I don't think he is high on employers list of acceptable hires.


I also am not sure he truly knows how the real world works. He is a father to 4 children who just lost a job, yet he is posting on twitter, going to sporting events, and hanging at the TTH. Most families I know would be a couple of months away from losing their home if they didn't find new employment soon. Maybe he is frantically sending out resumes, who knows, but it appears he is fairing better than most under the circumstances. Which makes me believe he is still somewhat naive. 

I wouldn't call him bright.     He has no real education and went straight to a work place where the reality is as warped and ugly as his own.

    At this point, he couldn't even work a job at a fast food establishment because everyone who looked at him would lose their appetite and leave.

               Communities are not welcoming to molesters.   In fact, sometimes because they have no where to go when they leave prison, there is housing outside the prison where they live.   The violent molesters are now being sentenced after their parole to special facilities where they stay until they die.

              Maybe he could get an after hours job cleaning up a Hobby Lobby and killing chickens for Chix Fil A. 

  • Love 5

I really do not know what Josh will do. Josh now has children and it is possible the thought of his own children being by another sibling sickens him. I do not know. Time will tell. It is possible Josh has seen what his parents have done to him.

Do I believe it? No. He has been away for awhile....and his parents failed to get him appropriate help. If anything, they made his problem worse.

  • Love 2

I also think Josh is reasonably smart. And he might figure it all out.

The other children's ability to make it in the outside world has a lot riding on who they marry. That's their ticket out - someone with even a little education is a step up. (Jill isn't going to go hungry.). Most Fundies leave because there is someone or someplace else to go.

Before the show, this was a very isolated family. They aren't isolated now. The younger children won't grow up in a tightly controlled bubble. Anything might happen.

Except, when they showed them in another state or country they acted like they had been put on the moon.   They made comments about the people and made faces at the food they had never had before.      Jim Bob would make ignorant comments all the time.

                   If one of them tries to leave, they would need years of therapy, a complete education and need to be deprogrammed. 

  • Love 8

               Communities are not welcoming to molesters.  

I am not a fan of molesters but this is not true. There are many state funded programs to get ex-offenders back on their feet. Most start their own businesses and hire their "own".

Josh is not a felon. He will be able to find a job, and probably easier than I could.

Well, if/when josh breaks the duggar compound, college might be one of the things on the list. If he plays his cards right, he could gather enough cash from his tell all book and interviews to do community college. He could get an I.T job, they pay well, you don't really have to be the brightest, and you don't even need a bachelor's to get the ball rolling.

If he qualified for a real college, not one of those fake Christian places.      He would need to undergo years of help, then maybe write a book.    I might be able to accept that. But, any instant tell all's or interviews now I would not believe a word he said.    

  • Love 2

I am not a fan of molesters but this is not true. There are many state funded programs to get ex-offenders back on their feet. Most start their own businesses and hire their "own".

Josh is not a felon. He will be able to find a job, and probably easier than I could.

Doesn't matter that he is not a felon.   He has tremendous negative notoriety.         

              As for communities, many I know make it almost impossible for a paroled sex offender to live there.    Also, many people now do research on this subject before deciding where to look for a new home.

                Even "inside" prisons, the inmates don't want to live with them either. More often than not, they have to be in special sections.  These people even in prison are considered the lowest of the low.

  • Love 8

The exception for me is that while he had a job, that job was not really a real job.   The organization is recognized as a hate group and he was only hired because he was known from the show.

    I don't know what his salary was, but to support his family and in that area (although the house was a dump) he had to be making a moderate salary.

     In the real world, he is not qualified to do anything, except maybe run a tiny little car lot.


What was "a dump" about that house in DC?

  • Love 1

We took our niece (the daughter of two college graduates) and her roommate at a well-thought-of art school out to dinner in Manhattan when they were in town. Her roommate spent the entire meal loudly talking about how disgusting New York was and how she couldn't believe anyone could stand to live there, what with it being all smelly and crowded and noisy and full of (described in great and unpleasant detail while the nice new yorkers were trying to eat) homeless people it is. 


I don't think the Duggars' extreme case of turismo is a byproduct of their religion or their (lack of) education or intelligence. I think it's a byproduct of their not being exposed to anything outside of a small world where nobody disagrees with them. Well, and not being raised right, but that seems to cross a lot of demographic borders ;)

Edited by Julia
  • Love 9

If there is some way for Josh to get an education, that would be very smart. Most colleges have counseling and healthcare through the school, and he could go there and have two pieces of paper to show for his efforts, which would go a long way to helping him get back on his feet professionally.

I know people don't agree with me, but I think he and Anna have a lot of skills, and there's real potential there for them.

And yes, the Duggar children acted badly on the trips, but out of everything cited, that means the least to me in terms of who they become as adults. Most children, without good modeling and preparation, can be whiny, insular and demanding travelers. And many people who never travel can be thoughtful, considerate and respectful of other cultures. I never left the North American continent until I was nearly 40 - didn't even have a passport. Now I live in Europe.

  • Love 3

I think Josh has more options than we may think. I think it's possible that there is a spot for him at Gothard HQ. I also think that a local AR politician might be willing to hire him -- especially a conservative Christian (which would be almost all AR politicians) who wants to make a big deal out of the "liberal media" bias that cost a repentant sinner his job.


If he were a little more introspective, I could see him going to school to become a counselor for young sex abusers.

  • Love 1

I think Josh has more options than we may think. I think it's possible that there is a spot for him at Gothard HQ. I also think that a local AR politician might be willing to hire him -- especially a conservative Christian (which would be almost all AR politicians) who wants to make a big deal out of the "liberal media" bias that cost a repentant sinner his job.


Well, yeah. As long as there are aggrieved billionaires there'll be soft welfare for people who piss off the liberals. I think, though, that if this has taught Josh anything, it should have taught him that if he wants to have a large family and a SAHW, he needs to have a revenue stream that can't be shut down because the tide has changed.

Edited by Julia
  • Love 4

. Most children, without good modeling and preparation, can be whiny, insular and demanding travelers


This is very true. I'd be curious on what the Duggar kids would be like if they actually

had good parents who taught them how to behave. I'm also curious on if they got

people coming into their lives to teach them the things their parents' obviously can't be

bother to do. Education, good manners (no running around like animals or climbing on

counters and furniture), hygene (sp?), real meals, etc. How would they react? Would 

the resist or happy to learn? How long would it take? Sign them up for clubs or lessons

that they really want. Maybe even sports teams or scouts. Bring in books, music and

many other things to try and inspire them.

Edited by andromeda331
  • Love 3
Except, when they showed them in another state or country they acted like they had been put on the moon.   They made comments about the people and made faces at the food they had never had before.      Jim Bob would make ignorant comments all the time.

                   If one of them tries to leave, they would need years of therapy, a complete education and need to be deprogrammed.


Cherio - well said. Well done. Kudos...  :)


As for Josh going to college - like, "real" college, not just a Fundie diploma mill or bullshit online program (College Minus), I say "HA". And "HA" again. He would barely qualify for a GED at this point. He's a blustery, entitled, idiotic blowhard - his sense of self-worth was bolstered only by his family/TV persona and the fake-o "position" he had in DC because he was simply a recognizable face and a name when he was hired. He was convenient. A commodity.  A hollow figure-head with nothing to say other than parroting the party line. Blah-blah gays are bad. Blah-blah those outside the micro-Duggar, Gothard fold are bad. Go Razorbacks ! Gay marriage is bad ! I want another burrito !


That disappeared quickly, no ?  Now he is a nothing. A poorly, if at all, schooled, bloated man-child with an unfortunate wife, FOUR children to support, (Welcome Meredith, you poor little thing) living in what appears to be a couch fort on the Duggar Compound...

Is anyone beyond redemption ? NO, certainly not. There's a saint in every sinner.


But Joshie had better start leaning one way rather than the other. And hiding in the attic while going to baseball games as his wife lies in the aftershock of his shame while smiling, smirking, even, isn't doing him any favors.


My biggest question here is do they HAVE a PR guy to mitigate this kind of clusterfuck, or does Josh ignore the advice just "do his own thing" ?


Bad move, Handsy. Bad Move.

Edited by SomePity1066
  • Love 15

Both modeling of behaviors and messages, influence how children behave and the kind of adults they will become. Unfortunately, even when exposed to the world at large, the Duggar kids are at a deficit. They have poor modeling in the home, their primary messages are they are superior and they should fear others that are not like them, and they travel in packs, so they have little opportunity to observe others. When compared to the Bates children the Duggar littles appear almost feral.


Some humbling would benefit the entire clan.


I agree that Josh & Anna could have been successful making their way if they broke free from the family. But at this point they have a lot more to overcome then their sheltered upbringings.

  • Love 8

Cherio - well said. Well done. Kudos...  :)


As for Josh going to college - like, "real" college, not just a Fundie diploma mill or bullshit online program (College Minus), I say "HA". And "HA" again. He would barely qualify for a GED at this point. He's a blustery, entitled, idiotic blowhard - his sense of self-worth was bolstered only by his family/TV persona and the fake-o "position" he had in DC because he was simply a recognizable face and a name when he was hired. He was convenient. A commodity.  A hollow figure-head with nothing to say other than parroting the party line. Blah-blah gays are bad. Blah-blah those outside the micro-Duggar, Gothard fold are bad. Go Razorbacks ! Gay marriage is bad ! I want another burrito !


That disappeared quickly, no ?  Now he is a nothing. A poorly, if at all, schooled, bloated man-child with an unfortunate wife, FOUR children to support, (Welcome Meredith, you poor little thing) living in what appears to be a couch fort on the Duggar Compound...

Is anyone beyond redemption ? NO, certainly not. There's a saint in every sinner.


But Joshie had better start leaning one way rather than the other. And hiding in the attic while going to baseball games as his wife lies in the aftershock of his shame while smiling, smirking, even, isn't doing him any favors.


My biggest question here is do they HAVE a PR guy to mitigate this kind of clusterfuck, or does Josh ignore the advice just "do his own thing" ?


Bad move, Handsy. Bad Move.

Love this post !     I want another burrito..........Bahaaaaaa

No way is JimBob paying anyone for PR services, and Josh can't afford to pay anyone.

I agree, just another scenario of they think not only they can do anything, but do it better.    

  • Love 3

Both modeling of behaviors and messages, influence how children behave and the kind of adults they will become. Unfortunately, even when exposed to the world at large, the Duggar kids are at a deficit. They have poor modeling in the home, their primary messages are they are superior and they should fear others that are not like them, and they travel in packs, so they have little opportunity to observe others. When compared to the Bates children the Duggar littles appear almost feral.


Some humbling would benefit the entire clan.


I agree that Josh & Anna could have been successful making their way if they broke free from the family. But at this point they have a lot more to overcome then their sheltered upbringings.

Your feral observation is perfect.

  • Love 2

The exception for me is that while he had a job, that job was not really a real job.   The organization is recognized as a hate group and he was only hired because he was known from the show.

    I don't know what his salary was, but to support his family and in that area (although the house was a dump) he had to be making a moderate salary.

     In the real world, he is not qualified to do anything, except maybe run a tiny little car lot.


  • Love 3



I think you've found their answer. Jim Bob can start a telemarketing center in one of the outbuildings.


They've got some big ugly empty spaces to house the thing, the furniture and supplies needed are cheap -- maybe they can even haul some excess chairs or something out from the TTH, they've got enough desperate unemployables to have a full staff up and running in no time (including Amy and maybe even King Dill Pickle), they're all sufficiently robotic and dead-eyed not to deviate from a memorized script (and they're good at memorizing because: Book of Proverbs), and they'll make a perfect little robot army that Josh, the oldest "born to be the family leader" son, can whip into shape on a daily basis -- to make sure his ego remains as strong as possible. Heck, they're even raising up a whole new unemployable generation to replace those who retire or otherwise drop by the wayside. And it'll be okay for the girls to work there because: family. Maybe they can install a few extra toilets for the inevitable overlapping times when two or three girls are in labor.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 9

I think you've found their answer. Jim Bob can start a telemarketing center in one of the outbuildings.


They've got some big ugly empty spaces to house the thing, the furniture and supplies needed are cheap -- maybe they can even haul some excess chairs or something out from the TTH, they've got enough desperate unemployables to have a full staff up and running in no time (including Amy and maybe even King Dill Pickle), they're all sufficiently robotic and dead-eyed not to deviate from a memorized script (and they're good at memorizing because: Book of Proverbs), and they'll make a perfect little robot army that Josh, the oldest "born to be the family leader" son, can whip into shape on a daily basis -- to make sure his ego remains as strong as possible. Heck, they're even raising up a whole new unemployable generation to replace those who retire or otherwise drop by the wayside. And it'll be okay for the girls to work there because: family. Maybe they can install a few extra toilets for the inevitable overlapping times when two or three girls are in labor.

LOL Churchhoney.

  • Love 1

Michelle's open anniversary letter to JB, for her public to read, where she tries to make the word 'transparent' a compliment and she tells him he's her 'protector'.  Who the hell does she need protection from?  The people they associate with maybe?  Yes Michelle you surround yourself with wolves where you have to hide your own knees in need of a protector.  Like a child, you certainly speak like one, you need only to please JB for his protection and leadership. Grow the F up Mechelle.

  • Love 9

Michelle's open anniversary letter to JB, for her public to read, where she tries to make the word 'transparent' a compliment and she tells him he's her 'protector'.  Who the hell does she need protection from?  The people they associate with maybe?  Yes Michelle you surround yourself with wolves where you have to hide your own knees in need of a protector.  Like a child, you certainly speak like one, you need only to please JB for his protection and leadership. Grow the F up Mechelle.


How true.


But I do think that they truly convinced themselves, long ago under the influence of Goddard and their own insecure natures, that they're God's innocent lambs chosen to save the world, and that they're besieged by the devil, who lurks constantly behind the eyes and in the intentions of all us Presbyterians, Buddhists, agnostics, Catholics, Jews, Mormons, atheists, Episcopalians, Muslims, etc., etc. And Boob's their umbrella against this torrent of satanic intention.


He's missing more than a few ribs, if you ask me. And the whole belief system is nuts and, I would argue, the very opposite of spiritual or divinely inspired. But they've drilled it into themselves and into those kids, and imbued everybody with their high-level anxieties, I expect. Otherwise, how to account for the fact that they all remain securely locked into the system run by idiotic, ignorant, terminally selfish Jim Bob.  ... Well, the belief and the access to cash, I suppose ....     Maybe with the show over, somebody on the compound will step out from under umBoobrella and realize that it isn't raining pitchforks all the time. Michelle's whole being depends on this big vision of herself and her stupid hubby, of course, so she won't be the one. But maybe somebody. I'm hopin'. Of course, he's shaped them into people for whom even a small rain could be devastating. But maybe it'll happen.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 14

How true.


But I do think that they truly convinced themselves, long ago under the influence of Goddard and their own insecure natures, that they're God's innocent lambs chosen to save the world, and that they're besieged by the devil, who lurks constantly behind the eyes and in the intentions of all us Presbyterians, Buddhists, agnostics, Catholics, Jews, Mormons, atheists, Episcopalians, Muslims, etc., etc. And Boob's their umbrella against this torrent of satanic intention.


He's missing more than a few ribs, if you ask me. And the whole belief system is nuts and, I would argue, the very opposite of spiritual or divinely inspired. But they've drilled it into themselves and into those kids, and imbued everybody with their high-level anxieties, I expect. Otherwise, how to account for the fact that they all remain securely locked into the system run by idiotic, ignorant, terminally selfish Jim Bob.  ... Well, the belief and the access to cash, I suppose ....     Maybe with the show over, somebody on the compound will step out from under umBoobrella and realize that it isn't raining pitchforks all the time. Michelle's whole being depends on this big vision of herself and her stupid hubby, of course, so she won't be the one. But maybe somebody. I'm hopin'. Of course, he's shaped them into people for whom even a small rain could be devastating. But maybe it'll happen.

You explain things so well.  The Duggars didn't find God they found Gothard.

  • Love 10

Michelle's open anniversary letter to JB, for her public to read, where she tries to make the word 'transparent' a compliment and she tells him he's her 'protector'.  Who the hell does she need protection from?  The people they associate with maybe?  Yes Michelle you surround yourself with wolves where you have to hide your own knees in need of a protector.  Like a child, you certainly speak like one, you need only to please JB for his protection and leadership. Grow the F up Mechelle.

She needs protection from Satan and his minions. His minions are basically everyone who isn't just like the Duggars. The whole "umbrella of (spiritual) protection is HUGE in Gothardism. It serves the purpose of 1) instilling fear and keeping people in line and 2) boosting the egos of the protectors.


Basically, God has a big umbrella that protects believers from attacks from Satan and sinning. Then under that, there's Gothard and church leaders, then the father of the family. Wives and children don't get an umbrella, they're just always under their husband/fathers. If you step out on your own, out from under that umbrella, by showing any sort of independent thought or 'disobeying' the orders of the umbrella holders, you're putting yourself in direct line of Satan's attacks. And it's all your fault. 


Michelle is probably half believing she's protected, and half stroking Jim Bob's ego. 

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I really figured Josh would end up in Chicago at Gothard Command Central. But I thought he'd be headed that way before now, so maybe not. What else will he do??? Almost any path he chooses would require some college and some OJT, and he's got 4 children now, so how can that even happen? The girls seemed to think he was the whiz-bang at designing their invitations - maybe graphic design?

Dang, after posting, I realized I wasn't on the right thread (again!). I was just following the discussion, didn't even think about watching for where I was typing. Sorry!

ETA: collage/college. I went to collage myself, and sometimes I get them confused.

Edited by Happyfatchick
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