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19 Things I Hate About You: How the Duggars Infuriate

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Since his mother is adopted and he wasn't raised Gothard, Derick would probably be open to it. Jill, however, seems to have drunk extra gallons of the Kool-aid. I haven't seen any evidence that she's backing off from any of the beliefs she's grown up with. Her control freak father wants his sons-in-law to become Duggars, and I suspect that unless Derick wakes up and starts asserting himself, the Duggar way will continue to dominate. No adopted chidren for those two.

  • Love 5

I think Derrick and Jill might be, given that Derrick's mother was adopted. And the investigation would only be of their home, not anyone else's. But it is not easy to adopt, and not inexpensive. Given that Jill will likely have several young children very quickly, I'm not sure that they would want to put the time, effort and money into it.

Oh, so hanging out at the lake every summer, swimming, jet skiing was nothing special for Michelle, huh? Her family did that routinely when she was a kid. That made me so mad to hear her go on about her normal upbringing and the fun she had during her childhood and teen years. How can ALL OF THAT be wrong and sinful? It boggles the mind that she has no problem denying her own children such fun filled activities in life. I want to ask her that directly some time and require a real answer.

Also another thing that bothers me about them is why do they always have to drag the entire family to every activity they plan? Most of their activities are for those of a fourth grader on the average that I can see. Why would a 20something year old sibling want to go? Even Joy Anna is way too old for such elementary school field trips.

I don't know what would be wrong with the older ones, Jana to Josiah, (now 18) going out together for an evening of peer fun. Something as simple as maybe dinner at Applebees or a Chili's and enjoy some appetizers and an entrée together. You can have a nice time and drink iced tea, it doesn't have to be alchoholic beverages to have a good time. I bet it would do those poor people a world of good to get out if even together for some age appropriate activity that does NOT include their parents and the younger kids. I also think the middle ones could do something similar and have Joy Anna go along and drive; like a really nice lunch out at a fun place like that; not Chuck E Cheese. Maybe take the little ones there, I'm talking to YOU, JB and Meechelle, leave the Jslaves home to maybe sit down for a minute.

  • Love 6

Oh, so hanging out at the lake every summer, swimming, jet skiing was nothing special for Michelle, huh? Her family did that routinely when she was a kid. That made me so mad to hear her go on about her normal upbringing and the fun she had during her childhood and teen years. How can ALL OF THAT be wrong and sinful? It boggles the mind that she has no problem denying her own children such fun filled activities in life. I want to ask her that directly some time and require a real answer.

Also another thing that bothers me about them is why do they always have to drag the entire family to every activity they plan? Most of their activities are for those of a fourth grader on the average that I can see. Why would a 20something year old sibling want to go? Even Joy Anna is way too old for such elementary school field trips.

I don't know what would be wrong with the older ones, Jana to Josiah, (now 18) going out together for an evening of peer fun. Something as simple as maybe dinner at Applebees or a Chili's and enjoy some appetizers and an entrée together. You can have a nice time and drink iced tea, it doesn't have to be alchoholic beverages to have a good time. I bet it would do those poor people a world of good to get out if even together for some age appropriate activity that does NOT include their parents and the younger kids. I also think the middle ones could do something similar and have Joy Anna go along and drive; like a really nice lunch out at a fun place like that; not Chuck E Cheese. Maybe take the little ones there, I'm talking to YOU, JB and Meechelle, leave the Jslaves home to maybe sit down for a minute.

Michelle mentioned in one episode that she used to go on road trips with her friends in high school! Can you imagine if Jana or Jessa said: " Mom, I'm going on a road trip...be back in a few days. Take care of the littles while I'm gone. Peace out."

  • Love 5

Since his mother is adopted and he wasn't raised Gothard, Derick would probably be open to it. Jill, however, seems to have drunk extra gallons of the Kool-aid. I haven't seen any evidence that she's backing off from any of the beliefs she's grown up with. Her control freak father wants his sons-in-law to become Duggars, and I suspect that unless Derick wakes up and starts asserting himself, the Duggar way will continue to dominate. No adopted chidren for those two.

But Jill has to listen to Derrick he's her headship now

True, Jill is supposed to listen to Derick, but thus far he doesn't seem to be exerting his "authority." I don't think it's in his nature. He's not much of a boat rocker.

On the topic of the kids being denied normal activities, it's just incredibly sad that they are not allowed to participate in kid sports like soccer and little league where they would interact with peers and get outdoors. Boob and J'Chelle do them no favors by forcing them to live in a fundie bubble.

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So much word. Have you ever heard her compliment any of them -- except perhaps for doing a great job packing the bus, or some such? 


I think a good part of Michelle's behavior stems from her being a youngest child.  Last-borns are used to getting attention, compliments, praise etc.  Not giving it. Their places in the family are as the cute ones, the ones that entertain the parents and older siblings - think "class clown."  Things they do are considered adorable even though they may be the same things older children also did.  In her formative years [personality-wise] she really was used to having attention revolve around her.  In her particular case, it does seem like she's gone way down the narcissistic trail though.  She literally does not think about the welfare of others, even her own children.

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Also another thing that bothers me about them is why do they always have to drag the entire family to every activity they plan? Most of their activities are for those of a fourth grader on the average that I can see. Why would a 20something year old sibling want to go? Even Joy Anna is way too old for such elementary school field trips.

I don't know what would be wrong with the older ones, Jana to Josiah, (now 18) going out together for an evening of peer fun. Something as simple as maybe dinner at Applebees or a Chili's and enjoy some appetizers and an entrée together. You can have a nice time and drink iced tea, it doesn't have to be alchoholic beverages to have a good time. I bet it would do those poor people a world of good to get out if even together for some age appropriate activity that does NOT include their parents and the younger kids. I also think the middle ones could do something similar and have Joy Anna go along and drive; like a really nice lunch out at a fun place like that; not Chuck E Cheese. Maybe take the little ones there, I'm talking to YOU, JB and Meechelle, leave the Jslaves home to maybe sit down for a minute.

They (any age) don't go to any restaurants that have a bar even if they aren't drinking. But, they could go to a Cracker Barrel or coffee or ice cream place. Going for dessert at CB would be some fun for the teens maybe.

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It also seemed that Bitchelle was too lazy to take on the imperious Jessa, so she punished Jana instead, as What In The said upthread. The incident also hinted that the kids didn't have many personal items, so Jana's box was especially important to her. Jana has done some serious reframing from the way the episode showed the story.


Sounds to me like Momma was intimidated by Jessa.  But totally realized that sweet Jana would never say a word of protest back to her.  So Momma once again took the lazy way out.

Because the Duggars only allow softball interviews.   The reporters have to stick to the agreed upon rules if they ever want to interview anyone again.   Break the rules to zing the Duggars and President Obama won't do an interview out of fear of the same thing happening.   


Now why someone who was once friends with the family and is no longer friends doesn't do a tell all I don't know.


Wow, no kidding.  So Boob or Me-chelle say "We won't answer questions about A, B or C..." and reporters actually go along with this?  IN-credible. Why haven't politicians picked up on this genius move?  Gotta say it - what are they so afraid of if they talk to the media?  If what they believe and do is SO right... If their path is the True path, why can't they honestly answer questions and defend it?  After all, everything they do is based on the Bible, which their God, the one true God, provided. You'd think they'd be seeking out the media in every way, shape and form. I'm looking at that famous "Character Traits" list on their website, and it seems to me that any media opportunities could be categorized as BOLDNESS [vs FEARFULNESS] - "...confidence that what I have to say or do is true and right and just in the sight of God..."  and also DETERMINATION [vs FAINTHEARTEDNESS]  - "...purposing to accomplish God's goals in God's timing regardless of the opposition..."  So which is it, Dim Bulb?  Are you BOLD or FEARFUL?  DETERMINED or FAINTHEARTED?  


Being on TLC is their "ministry," they say.  My hiney it is.  The objective of the "ministry" is to line Dim Bulb's pockets, because there's no way he could afford to competently care for his too-large family any other way, short of getting lucky with a lottery ticket.  And that's gambling which is probably a sin to them as well.   End of rant.  Thanks kids.

Edited by NausetGirl
  • Love 8


Just saw a pic of the Duggar kids wearing "I survived Roe vs. Wade" t-shirts.


Way to miss the whole fucking point of Roe v. Wade.   This is what irks the hell out of me regarding all fundies.   Roe v. Wade did not require women to get abortions.   It allowed a woman to choose.    That means a woman can CHOOSE to keep her baby too, morons.   Nothing to survive.   

  • Love 8


Being on TLC is their "ministry," they say.  My hiney it is.  The objective of the "ministry" is to line Dim Bulb's pockets, because there's no way he could afford to competently care for his too-large family any other way, short of getting lucky with a lottery ticket.


It occurred to me recently that the Duggers are more grifters than anything else.


I realize that JB and J'chelle worked when they were younger, but they have been able to support a family of 14-19 kids without doing an honest day's work for the past 20 years. In the early days it was "love offerings" from the church that allowed them to feed, clothe, and shelter their kids. Then it was TLC finishing up the TTH -- and furnishing it!


And, of course, I haven't forgotten all of the "friends" who did the skilled trade work on the TTH. It's no surprise that Jill got "friends" to help with the cake and the decorations for her wedding -- I don't think that any of those kids knows what a friend is. They've been isolated since birth, and have no experience with friendship. From their perspective, a "friend" is someone who does something for you -- the idea that you might spend time with friends, or do things for them probably never occurred to them.


The idea that those wedding registries look like bald gift-grabs to others probably means nothing to them. God simply "laid it on the hearts" of strangers to buy them stuff.

  • Love 9

I wonder how they kept these "friends." Taking advantage of people is no way to keep friends.

Unless the friends they speak of are Gothard-followers as well and do the same thing to their own friends.

Funny, I can't see the Duggars chipping in to help someone feed or provide clothing for their many children or help build their house or...anything, really.

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im Bob drives me crazy every time he's in that garage-pantry. He never fails to mention that he was once a grocery store employee. When he says it for the eleventy millionth time my ears my ears bleed.



This kind of cracks me up the way he brags about being once a grocery store employee, for years the only place for teenagers to work my area was the grocery store. So nearly every teen worked there through high school before leaving for college or remained working there until after college. Some were even crazy enough that they paid for college through working at the grocery store. I worked there, my brother did, my sister-in-law did, her little brother, his friends, my friends, half the kids in each of our junior and senior class and of course their younger brothers and/or sisters when they were old enough. Its funny to hear him talk about working there like its such a rarity to get a job at grocery store or somehow makes him special. If that's the case 95% of the people in my area are special. 

I wonder how they kept these "friends." Taking advantage of people is no way to keep friends.

Unless the friends they speak of are Gothard-followers as well and do the same thing to their own friends.

Funny, I can't see the Duggars chipping in to help someone feed or provide clothing for their many children or help build their house or...anything, really.

They did help the Bates add on majorly to their house.

However, one thing that burned my britches was when I think they had their former interpreters from Thailand over. They had the girl helping take out mounds of trash from a house the Duggars bought from basically a hoarder. Jill got to stay home with the little girls. That "friend" should have been able to stay there not directed to go into an extremely unsanitary house. No reason for that.

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J'Chelle uses her back as a cop out. if it was that bad, she wouldn't have kept having babies and aggravating whatever the injury was.


It makes me so sad that anyone would fake or exaggerate an injury to avoid holding their children.


You can pop out kids every year or two with no problems, but you can't hold your child, or do a load of laundry? Really?

  • Love 2

It occurred to me recently that the Duggers are more grifters than anything else.




The idea that those wedding registries look like bald gift-grabs to others probably means nothing to them. God simply "laid it on the hearts" of strangers to buy them stuff.


Yeah... lots and lots of stuff, apparently!  Actually I think that the one thing I appreciate about those registries is how blatant they were. I mean really... no one registers for that much stuff (okay almost no one) especially early on when it's just the two of them!  Even if they're planning on lots of babies as soon as possible, how many towels etc. can they possibly need on a day to day basis right now?

  • Love 1

Way to miss the whole fucking point of Roe v. Wade. This is what irks the hell out of me regarding all fundies. Roe v. Wade did not require women to get abortions. It allowed a woman to choose. That means a woman can CHOOSE to keep her baby too, morons. Nothing to survive.

Again, Michelle and JB have no room to talk about women's rights when they can choose to have 19 kids without using birth control. That's their choice. Hypocrites. So they can make choices regarding their own lives and body and others cant?

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John David may put in a day's work, but he still can act like a you-know-what at times aka the trashing of the wedding vehicle. I still to this day cannot figure out how he became a constable.


If it was an election, he must have been unopposed.  If it's an appointed position, then Daddy probably put pressure to bear on someone or outright bought it for him.  Big deal - what does he do anyway?  Probably something like standing in the road waving cars past when there's a fire or a car accident...  We have "fire constables" in our region here and that is literally all they do.  Wear an orange vest and wave a Star Wars light saver. 

I think the girls like the style they've adopted. It's not like Michelle is a) shopping for them or b) dresses like that herself. It seems the girls do all the shopping for the whole family, with possibly the exception of Michelle's green shirts. Jessa and Jinger have started wearing much shorter and form fitting skirts lately and some more stylish shirts. I don't see Jana changing too much, but just like Michael Bates, it looks like she's not as ready to change her style as drastically. Joy still strikes me as a tomboy at heart and seems content with whatever she grabs out of the closet. Jill is between Jana and Jessa, style wise and another one who seems to be happy with how she dresses. I just wish the girls would buy some real shoes. Even $8 ballet flats from Walmart would be better than the flip-flops. I've seen a few pictures lately of the little girls wearing some cute sandals, so maybe there's hope. 


How could the girls have any style or good taste in fashion?  Or anything else for that matter?  They've never been exposed to it.  No magazines, television shows, movies.  Hell, they've never even been to malls as far as I can see.  Also, they're very young, and because of the isolation, really much younger than their actual ages.  When I think back to the taste in clothes etc I had as a 20-year old, I cringe.  But at the time I thought I had really excellent taste. 

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It annoys and amazes me how much the older Duggar kids don't ever stand up to their parents. I don't even mean for the big things like college or career or courting -- because that kind of disobedience would get them sent to the prayer closet and/or ALERT. But I'm shocked that they don't whine for little things like TV, books etc. Maybe that's just how kids become when you beat the will out of them? But we all know how persistent teens can be when they want something. I think we've seen social media pics of some of the kids at Razorback games. You'd think Josiah or Joseph would come home from that and beg his parents for a TV. When they say no -- it's defrauding -- you'd think he'd try every argument in the book --- we could block everything but ESPN, games aren't defrauding; you could watch with us and make us turn it off if you thought it was inappropriate; but Josh and Anna have a TV don't you think they're good Christians -- and on and on. I feel like they could win on a few things as their parents are pretty much checked out -- if they only tried. Is this just a lack of critical thinking skills? Just giving up on life?


Agree with everything you said, but we have to remember that, for all intents and purposes, these kids have had their own wills and personalities "beaten" out them.  Metaphorically and not literally, I hope. When you say "giving up on life..." I'm thinking yeah, maybe.  So very very sad, but maybe yes.  And most if not all of the smugness of Josh, John David, Jessa etc, can be explained in one sentence.  They don't know what they don't know.  They truly are clueless.  When I was that age and trying to get my way about something that I didn't fully understand - but thought I did - my parents were always saying, "You just don't know what you don't know yet..."  My Dad had another great line too.  "Only young people are dumb enough to think they know everything..."

Edited by NausetGirl
  • Love 3

If it was an election, he must have been unopposed.  If it's an appointed position, then Daddy probably put pressure to bear on someone or outright bought it for him.  Big deal - what does he do anyway?  Probably something like standing in the road waving cars past when there's a fire or a car accident...  We have "fire constables" in our region here and that is literally all they do.  Wear an orange vest and wave a Star Wars light saver. 


That's what I was wondering too. We do have some odd elections around here for positions I never even knew existed. I am almost sure we don't have constables, but I bet if we do I could run for it and be unopposed because no one even knows about it.

How could the girls have any style or good taste in fashion?  Or anything else for that matter?  They've never been exposed to it.  No magazines, television shows, movies.  Hell, they've never even been to malls as far as I can see.  Also, they're very young, and because of the isolation, really much younger than their actual ages.  When I think back to the taste in clothes etc I had as a 20-year old, I cringe.  But at the time I thought I had really excellent taste. 


Oh mine too. I am still not that fashionable but at 20 it was worse.  I really wonder how they're so exposed to Pinterest and Facebook, but no tv, magazines, movies etc though?  It seems really odd to me.

What in the hell did they get an industrial dishwasher for? Don't they have more than one? It's so annoying. I might use paper plates for a special event (we don't have a dishwasher), but I can't imagine using disposable EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. 


I wonder that myself.  And if I was the person or organization that donated the dishwasher, I'd be super ticked off to know the damn thing isn't even being used!

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I'm playing catch up so this was discussed a little ways upthread... But Michelle is missing a muscle so she can't hold babies!?! Assuming that is true (although I don't for a hot second believe it is) why don't we ever see her even sitting with them??? I know sure as hell that if I had a medical ailment that meant I could not hold my child then I would be sitting with them as much as physically possible.

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So many things get on my nerves about this family that I could write a 1,000 page book on the subject. Having said that, I'll post the latest one. In a recent repeat, Jim Bob said that JD was a 21 year old man and yes, he still lived at home and contributes to whatever the household needs him to do. That's fine. But what bothered me is how this family lumps together incorrect assumptions about every one else who aren't likeminded to their beliefs. He went on to say that their kids are welcomed to live at home as long as they want to or until they are ready to move on to their own homes, married, etc...He then said how other people "kick their kids out when they are 18 or 21years old'! As a mother myself, I was insulted with that. I have never kicked my children out of their home. What a twisted view of society they have. Most parents have PREPARED their kids all along to be ready to assume their own lives, ie college, trade schools, or full time employment after high school and when they have completed those things they are ready to assume their own apartments, if they choose and are self sufficient in most cases. Everything is extreme and totally black and white to them. There is NO in between; and are they wrong about that. Most people fall into the "in between" a healthy balance of things. They are quite unbalanced in their estimation of society as a whole. It's sad that their kids including Josh and Anna really don't know any different. How date JB assume all other parents kick their kids out, ready or not. Where does he get this nonsense from?

  • Love 7

They (any age) don't go to any restaurants that have a bar even if they aren't drinking. But, they could go to a Cracker Barrel or coffee or ice cream place. Going for dessert at CB would be some fun for the teens maybe.


We saw them go to a restaurant that served alcohol in DC, where JimBob used to eat regularly back in his political days.  So if they claim that they don't, well, that's something else they're lying about. 

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I remember reading someplace that JD serves the papers to people who are foreclosed or evicted from their homes. He gets to do the nasty grunt work the other officers probably do not want to do. Funny Michelle and JB do not want this little piece of information coming out on the show or the family blogs.

Oh, so much here to comment on! Good points posters! I have often wondered why Michelle's "back muscle" precluded her from holding babies, but we have seen her hold Josie on her hip many times.. that kid wasn't an infant either.

On Roe vs Wade, I, too thought it was inappropriate for the Duggar kids to wear the "I Survived" t-shirt because their mother didn't ever contemplate anything there.

Also keeping this law on the books doesn't mean that every woman has to have an abortion does it? It could be the most unexercised law out there. It simply provides a choice and a clean, safe choice at that. YES, a good point made here that this family has exercised their right to have 19kids "and we'd love more" haven't they? They wouldn't want anyone to limit them would they? So along the same lines, they shouldn't legislate to others either.

I, also want the paper plate issue to be addressed on the show and for Michelle to justify this wasteful and unnecessary practice. They do, indeed have TWO commercial dishwashers, which were given to them for FREE.

I, too wonder what their definition of "friend" is. They always seem to be on the receiving end of that one.

Yes, Jill prostituted herself for free help from everyone with her wedding,IMO, having learned from both of her parents.

Jessa probably will do the same, but really doesn't care if it gets done or not. She's just waiting for the honeymoon.

They certainly have relied on donations from their churches, neighbors and "friends" in the past to get by. I don't think that's relying on themselves, do you?

If TLC hadn't stepped in, they would still be building that house and living who knows where. Their former house was going to be torn down as it was a shack.

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We saw them go to a restaurant that served alcohol in DC, where JimBob used to eat regularly back in his political days.  So if they claim that they don't, well, that's something else they're lying about. 

I guess I misunderstood about JB's political career. I thought he was just in the Arkansas General Assembly. Was he elected to the House?

Where did it go???


LOL! Maybe it fled the crazy.


My personal opinion/hunch is that the doctor told her she has a weakness in a muscle or some structural issue that means the muscle wasn't engaging properly. The answer for that is physical therapy, but not if you want a great excuse to get out of doing things... Think about it: what if MEchelle didn't have a small army of helpers to do all the childcare for her. The doctor would have expected her to leave her baby on the floor all day? Hire a full-time live-in nanny to compensate for a back muscle? Pull the other one, MEchelle, it's got bells on.

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"We know gory details about Kim Kardashian's kid but where is Dirt for Duggars? What hold do they have on the media? Surely TLC isn't that big of a corporation, is it?"

As the president of Discovery/TLC (Eileen O'Neil) once famously remarked, "it's hard to walk away from the big numbers?"

The Duggars make a lot of money for TLC.


IMO, if TLC actually showed the truth, they'd have even MORE viewers.  Reality TV has definitely shown us that in general, people want to see the same things we all experience in our own lives.  Struggles, difficulties, rumbles, disagreements. Let's see Jinger try to talk her parents into paying for her to attend school for her photography. A real school, not 'East Bumble Bible College.' Let's see Jana pack up that harp of hers and head for an audition at Juilliard or the Eastman School.  Let's see Josiah tell Jim-Bob and Michelle whatever it is HE wants to do. I doubt his dream is to tow cars and take orders from John David for the rest of his days. I don't care how many more trips, courtships, weddings and grandchildren may be ahead. The Duggars are rapidly becoming industrial-strength boring.  Michelle is practically a See-and-Say toy - pull a string and you get to hear one of her 9 or 10 pre-recorded platitudes.  Boob thinks otherwise I'm sure, but I doubt there'll be an audience for Josie's wedding.  Unless of course she gives her heart to a Satan-worshipping drug-dealing pimp. Come on TLC - show some initiative. And if the Duggars don't want to go along, so be it.  Although something tells me that faced with the loss of TLC bucks, Dim Bulb and Mechelle might just have a "change of heart" about college and life "on the outside" for their kids.

Edited by NausetGirl
  • Love 8

Honestly, I think the kids were doing a really bad job at being super vague and saying things like, "uh, we don't know" or "she's a singer?" Some even smirked like they wanted to say she's that older blond woman with big boobs, but were Nike-ing all around it. 


Michelle did indeed give some wide eyed blank blinks, and acted like she didn't know who she was. BS.


I read somewhere that one of the classic body language "cues" for lying is a wide-eyed facial expression.  A look most of us would agree that MeChelle often seems to exhibit.

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Even if Michelle does have a "missing back muscle" that is no excuse for not being affectionate and physically close to her kids. They must be starving for affection. Those poor children aren't even allowed to give real, frontal hugs to their parents, let alone be cuddled, snuggled, kissed and truly loved upon after 6 months of age. The most they can hope for is a side hug or a pat on the head. It's truly shameful.

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Not sure what thread we were talking about Michelle not being able to say anything unique when describing her children so I'm posting my comment here....

I was watching episode of Little People where they are showing Audrey's (Jeremy's fiance) wedding shower. One of the games they played was the guests had to write down one word to describe Audrey. Amy was surprised (me too) that no one's answer was duplicated & Amy said it showed how great a person Audrey is & how people see her. Too bad Michelle doesn't watch TV because she could have learned a lot from this episode.


I watched Jeremy and Audrey's wedding and thought [1] she was a complete doll [2] the two of them seemed over-the-moon in love and [3] their "country farmhouse" wedding was perfectly beautiful.  It looked like they had a gorgeous day and a ton of fun.  With the people they knew and loved the most - not, like the Duggars, sending invitations to absolutely everyone they ever met. I would love to have seen Audrey's registry.  Wouldn't be surprised if she never bothered to do one.

Edited by NausetGirl
  • Love 1

This kind of cracks me up the way he brags about being once a grocery store employee, for years the only place for teenagers to work my area was the grocery store. So nearly every teen worked there through high school before leaving for college or remained working there until after college. Some were even crazy enough that they paid for college through working at the grocery store. I worked there, my brother did, my sister-in-law did, her little brother, his friends, my friends, half the kids in each of our junior and senior class and of course their younger brothers and/or sisters when they were old enough. Its funny to hear him talk about working there like its such a rarity to get a job at grocery store or somehow makes him special. If that's the case 95% of the people in my area are special. 


Wow, that IS odd.  You stacked cans in a grocery store, Boob. You weren't jetting around the globe as our Secretary of State....

I wonder what the results might be of viewers becoming bored and drifting away. I don't frankly see much that could be all that negative about the show being cancelled and the Duggars being forced to earn their money in a more conventional way. Without the cash cow, will the kids be allowed to get some education? Will there be less pressure to toe the family line for the cameras? I don't know...it's so confusing to me, frankly, to read some of the comments on Duggar stories from sites frequented more by fans who still manage to think this family is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Do they not SEE how wrong this sort of upbringing has to be for those kids? Just because they are always smiling, they must be happy? It's truly mind-boggling to me.


Like many others here, I would love nothing better than to have some of the tough questions get honestly addressed. That would probably result in some record-breaking ratings for them, but would also open up the kids' eyes to things that they seem to have been completely programmed to avoid thinking about, so of course they will never allow it.

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Yeah... lots and lots of stuff, apparently!  Actually I think that the one thing I appreciate about those registries is how blatant they were. I mean really... no one registers for that much stuff (okay almost no one) especially early on when it's just the two of them!  Even if they're planning on lots of babies as soon as possible, how many towels etc. can they possibly need on a day to day basis right now?


My guess is that the vast amount of goodies they hope to get with these obscene gift registries gets divided into USE NOW and SAVE FOR LATER piles.  I mean, towels and sheets eventually wear out. "...if we don't stockpile now, we OURSELVES [!!!] might actually have to buy more in the future..."

Edited by NausetGirl

Ok, I'll call Michelle out on that back muscle excuse thing...if she has a bad muscle back there, how in the world could she have carried 19 children, which included two sets of twins, with such a bad back in utero and endured what, 15 years of pregnancy? Ladies who have delivered children, you know how your back feels months 7-9 ! You are ready to deliver by that time and your back is killing you...and she can't hold a child outside of her body? I've seen her do it many times, usually Miracle Josie in tow.

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I have so many issues with these people. If these kids can't experience what the world is like they will never befar away from jimboob. If they have been taught good morals what is wrong with dating? Arranged marriages? WHAT IS THAT! He probably controls every aspect of there marriages. Isolation of children is a form of abuse I think. Michelle just wants to breast feed just keep having kids so you nurse 12 months a year. When the second ones comes along dump the older nurser onto the older girls. That way she can't be a part of raising her children. What are they going to if one of the girls nolonger wants to be married? Make money of tv and they find tv programs sinful. Finally jimboob is just plain creepy.

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Re: about their wedding registries... I always thought that a bridal registry was to "get the bride started" on her home necessities; maybe some nice things, like her good china, etc. not to stock her household for the duration of her life and marriage! Get a grip, Duggars, as you are coming across as hoarding, selfish cheapskates who feel entitled to the best that life has to offer, when it's coming from someone else's wallet!

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