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19 Things I Hate About You: How the Duggars Infuriate

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You forgot the part where JimBob said that just "by their presence, they brought more joy to [those people] than they've felt all year." My jaw dropped when he said that. These people are beyond full of themselves. I know people think Michelle borders on narcissism, but I think JimBob is right up there with her.

Gag. How the heck would he know what brings people joy?

I don't think it's him dragging his huge family around to be smug and righteous and look down at people who don't live exactly the way they do.

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Gag. How the heck would he know what brings people joy?

I don't think it's him dragging his huge family around to be smug and righteous and look down at people who don't live exactly the way they do.

Yea, but you know in his mind, he is thinking- if these people were real Christians like me and my 19 children (and she delivered them all)  they wouldn't be dirt poor and starving.  That's what praying is for right?  It will change your stick shack into a house with tater tot casserole flowing and wine (oh wait- that wasn't really wine.  It was grape juice.)

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That's my problem with any missionaries who show up to people in genuine need and just hand them bibles and religion. Unless it's edible, a bible won't help a starving person.

I'm not religious, but I do admire all the genuine missionaries, who actually get in there and help with food, and building houses etc.

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I didn't know where to put this, so I guess this thread is best. One thing that gets on my nerves (more show-related/production-related) are the annoying, stupid factoids that pop up in the corner of every episode. Like, I get it, the family is large.


Yes but surely you needed to know how many squares of toilet paper they use in a year, didn't you?  (kidding!)

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That episode when the Bates were coming and Boob announced it at 11PM- and said they would arrive in one hour.  


Just so you so called parents (meaning the Dugs) don't know it- that is midnight.  Every Little and Howler in the house was up and I'm sure they were up for many hours to come. They got all excited and were running around the house like they were pumped up on Red Bull.  These kids can never get a real job -unless it is the night shift at 7-11.  Why are the Littles not in bed at 11PM???


AND, why the heck are the Bates being so rude and arriving at midnight?

Edited by truthtalk2014
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On an older episode shown this morning J'Chelle explained that she and Boob don't encourage their children to go to college. In the next breath she talked about teaching them to live lives of service to others. Wouldn't the noblest form of service be to encourage their kids to go to school and become teachers, social workers, ministers, even doctors -professions where they could derive great satisfaction from helping others and make a real difference. She admires the medical personnel who saved Josie's life, but she wouldn't want her children to pursue the same education. I hate how she and Boob hold their kids back from becoming all they could be. It's especially heinous in the case of the girls who all look forward to a future of nothing but changing diapers and chasing after howlers.

Edited by Hpmec
  • Love 12

I'm sure it's been mentioned already, but with the older episodes with Miracle Josie airing, the thing that is getting on my nerves is that motherfucking headband with the pig tails on it. Your child was a preemie, has to have adhesive on her face for the cannula and you have to put that on her head? I hate it when any parents put headbands on babies (we get it, it's a girl and you don't want anyone to think your snowflake is a boy, god forbid!) but it is especially annoying on Josie.

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I was watching one of the birthday episodes today. It was Jackson's birthday but they celebrated Jason's too because they were too busy to celebrate his on his birthday. Boob said they told him they would celebrate it later. It's bad enough they did it, but to say they did on national TV is too much. Wake up call to Boob & MEchelle: Each & every child is special & their birthday should be celebrated on their birthday. I realize kid's parties are sometimes not held on their actual birthday but these are family celebrations. Boob made it sound like they couldn't be bothered & it was just another day for Jason. Wonder how Boob would feel if they forgot about his birthday.

While I'm on a roll, there was an episode earlier this week showing Boob & MEchelle working on their book. One of the little girls, think it was Jordyn (like MEchelle I can't keep them straight) was looking at a picture of the 4 older girls. Jordyn pointed to Jessa (I think). MEchelle squeeled, "that's right, that's your Jessa BUDDY & there's Jill BUDDY, Jana BUDDY, & Jinger BUDDY." MEchelle sees the older girls only as buddies (aka moms).

Great parenting MEchelle & Boob.

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Taking a group of 20+ people to central America- I forgot where they went - possibly El Salvador- and flaunt their holiness.  Look how cool we are for going and playing with the "littles" at the orphanage and bringing them cheap gifts.  They were so self righteous and felt so good.

You are so right. They could feed a whole village for what they spent on their junket. I know that for a fact. My son is adopted from Guatemala and we sent an aid worker with $150 to buy groceries for his family. The worker took a photo and the groceries covered the ENTIRE front patio - and they looked overjoyed. I once took my three kids to Costa Rica (for fun, not a mission trip) and the plane tickets alone were $550, then add passports, hotel, and meals. Times 15 for the Duggars. Drivers are very expensive too - I saw that the Duggar clan moved around a lot, so they probably spent hundreds on drivers.

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I believe they actually have. It was in the episode where Jill tries to get Derick to do his hair like Daddy. Tragically, I have failed to retain this vital piece of information.


Yeah. I think it was some craaazy amount like 2 cans a week!  I don't even think I go through 2 cans in a year, and I style my hair every day. He's single-handedly depleting our ozone layer.

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Have they told us how many cans of hairspray Jim Bob uses in a year?

I think they also told us on the episode where Jana, John-David, & Jill headed up a "let's spruce up mama & daddy's bathroom" while Boob & Michelle were going to New York to do some show & took Jessa & Jinger with them.  Jill said something like "there was a thick film on top of the vanity from all the hairspray he uses"

Truthfully, most families who practice Gothardism end up destitute with health issues. They have daughters who become adults with no "worthy" men by their own standards to marry and no education or trade skills. It's incredibly sad to watch. The Duggars and the Bates are the very top of what is essentially a soul crushing pyramid scheme. And even they were both living in very VERY modest circumstances before television.


How do you know this? What facts and figures bear this out? 

(No snark toward you intended. I just want to see proof or is this speculation or just your opinion?)

I don't have proof, but I do know several families and family members that were deeply involved in the Gothard lifestyle, having been in that circle for a brief time in my life. yet not wholeheartedly. I personally don't know of any that have had health issues. But I know of some whose family lives and spiritual lives have ended up "destitute" after giving up on Gothard living realizing that it didn't work out for them. It is very sad to see. It's usually the kids, who were born and raised in this lifestyle, who suffer through confusion, doubt, insecurity, rebellion, etc. They (the parents) put their "faith" in the teachings of Gothard, believing that if they follow all the principles that he taught and do everything that he instructed, then they would be the perfect spiritual example. They took pride in being "different" and always encouraged others to join them. The main focus was the "outward" appearance, but inwardly they were prideful, opinionated and self-righteous, When they realized that these robotic, "cookie-cutter" types of teachings didn't work out for them like it had for all of Gothard's poster families (Duggars, Bates, and others), then they eventually threw in the towel. Their lifestyles went from one extreme to the other. Divorce, living on welfare, estrangement from family members, turning their backs on God altogether...these are the facts that I have witnessed. It is very interesting, yet very sad to see the two extremes.  I do realize that not all gothard families end up like this.  

Edited by lucille66
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There are two main books on the subject- A MATTER OF BASIC PRINCIPLES which is about Gothardism exclusively and cites many articles including interviews of past members. This is a book written and published by evangelical Christians.

The second one is QUIVERFULL: Life Inside the Christian Patriarchy Movement which is much broader and secular in tone and publication, but also includes a variety of articles.

GOD'S HARVARD touches upon this movement, but is not primarily about Gothard.

There are also many websites that have come about. I like Homeschooling Annonymous as it's the voices of the children, many now full grown, who have a chance to give a voice. There are also quite a few pro voices, of course. Just start googling key words and you can be there all day.

Because of some personal ties I have into these worlds I've known some families (none of the ones on TV) and I can say with real confidence that prolapsed uterus issues are a genuine problem for many of the wives. They are often in terrible pain with no recourse for years because having a hysterectomy is not an option. Each pregnancy becomes increasingly more risky for both mother and baby, and several Gothard women have died because they couldn't admit that having a hysterctomy might really be God's will- if he didn't want to give them children, they wouldn't conceive any more.

I can't even say if that is coming from the top down (it actually might not be) or if these women are so afraid that if they stop having children they will be worthless. A feeling that comes from years of messages that weren't true, even if the hysterectomy one isn't actually taught, only followed with glassy eyed insistence.

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"NIKSAC, ON 08 OCT 2014 - 2:57 PM, SAID:

Yes but surely you needed to know how many squares of toilet paper they use in a year, didn't you? (kidding!)

Have they told us how many cans of hairspray Jim Bob uses in a year?"

On the show where four of the kids got their wisdom teeth out came this gem: if all the Duggar kids had all four wisdom teeth removed, that would be 76 teeth! ZOMG really? Thanks, 19 times 4 is way too much math, even if I cared.

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Yeah. I think it was some craaazy amount like 2 cans a week!  I don't even think I go through 2 cans in a year, and I style my hair every day. He's single-handedly depleting our ozone layer.


That's one of my biggest peeves about the Duggars - their carbon footprint. They're practically gleeful about it. Which goes hand in hand with their belief that over-population is a myth because the whole world could fit inside... Jacksonville? Some city like that. One of the most bone-headed thing they've ever said, imo.


What do you suppose all that hairspray does to their lungs?  They must inhale a lot of it.


I picture Jim Bob holding his breath to spare his lungs while carelessly letting the kids breathe it in. He and MEchelle really don't seem to like their kids very much, when all is said and done.


One of the NUMBER ONE things I detest and despise about this family and Gothardites in general is negligent/abusive attitude toward animals and pets. Every sperm is sacred, but God's creatures can kick rocks. IIRC Josh and Anna went away during the winter and left their cat to fend for itself outside. The Bates family's horses have appeared underfed. Duggars get dogs that "disappear" in short order.  Shame on all of them.

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What gets on my nerves about the Duggars is how much they got sucked into this lifestyle and took everything they learned as gospel for the perfect lifestyle. Gothard himself..they sent all of their older children to the ALERT and Journey of the Heart camps. Later Gothard is outed for molesting girls and they ignore this, continuing to send their kids there (hasn't Josiah been on some extended trip related to this?) Following Michael and Debbi Pearl's books on how to discipline/beat children into submission, and blanket training. There has been at least 2 deaths from parents using these methods on their children but the Duggars didn't seem to question them either, it may be that the blanket training/corporal punishment simply eased away due to the constant filming of the TV show over the last 10 years. 

Also, their friendships with people like the Jeubs, who have been outed as hypocrites from their 4 oldest children, all of whom were kicked out of the home. And the Jeubs make a living selling books about how wonderful they are as parents and how much they love children. More often than not, stories are coming out about how abusive this lifestyle is for the minor children, being denied education, freedom, and the ability to live as children the way the rest of America does. 

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That's one of my biggest peeves about the Duggars - their carbon footprint. They're practically gleeful about it.


Oh, but don't forget, their carbon footprint is practically negative, because they "carpool everywhere" - in that giant bus! 


No, seriously, that was JimBob's argument when someone asked that question.  He insisted that per person, their carbon footprint is smaller than the average person's, because they "carpool" (in that massive bus)  and buy used stuff (occasionally). 

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No, seriously, that was JimBob's argument when someone asked that question.  He insisted that per person, their carbon footprint is smaller than the average person's, because they "carpool" (in that massive bus)  and buy used stuff (occasionally).


He has got to be out of his mind! They use paper/foam/plastic at every meal! They even puke in foam cups! Do they not have giant, designated puke bowl? I know I do. Their refusal to use reusable dishes and silverware has got to give them a massive carbon footprint for sure. 


One thing that annoys me about the Duggars is that they have ruined certain words for me. Last night I was talking to my kids about how we could "re-purpose" our jam jars, to make pencil holders or containers for all of dad's nuts and bolts in the garage, etc. But as soon as the word "purpose" left my mouth, I cringed. And I have to stop myself every time I want to tell my sister that my newborn niece is "precious". These are perfectly fine words when used correctly and in moderation, but the Duggars limited vocabulary has made them forever tainted to me. 

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I might buy into the carpool theory if the Duggar Bus used an alternative fuel source. Maybe they could find a way to run it on tater tots.


We had a receptacle,too. Held a good volume (just in case!) and could be washed/bleached out in the garage. You'd think that for this many potential sick stomachs the Duggars would have figured out a similar system. Styrofoam cups sound incredibly impractical and isn't this family supposed to be frugal?

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The fact that Boob comes up with all these stupid projects.  Why doesn't he do a project where they till up the soil and plant a vegetable garden?  They have plenty of land.  If they are so in favor of saving money, why not have a garden project.  They could grow fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, green beans, corn and so on and so on in the summer and then spinach and kale in the winter. How about some fresh herbs?  OMG-it's so easy to grow potatoes.  Maybe replace a few meals of that tater tot casserole with some real potatoes. 


The more I see, the more I am appalled at their eating habits.  They might throw a few bags of Fresh Express together on occasion- but I have a feeling it's mostly the iceberg variety.  


On the 38 and counting with the Bates, MEchelle explained that (during the sandwich lunch time) sandwiches are perfect- that the adults can make a big sandwich and the little ones can have finger foods!  OMG  Yea, I watched Johanna and the littles make their own plates and go to the table.  Their plates consisted of chips and pretzels.  Nice nutritious lunch.  


ANd what about all those fruit trees Boob planted.  Where is the fruit and why are the children not being fed any of it?

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The fact that they don't garden and grow fruit trees and totally utilize that land infuriates me. Clearly they're about saving money, as long as it's not too much work. Notice a lot of the ways they save money (perming hair at home, making their own laundry soap) fall onto the older girls. People would probably expect JB and the boys to work in the garden, and they're far too busy with all their slumlord buildings. 


I also don't think these people like to be outside very much. We see the kids playing inside A LOT. I get that it's hot there, but dang. There is just SO much they could do with all those acres, and it's mostly wasted. 

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I also don't think these people like to be outside very much. We see the kids playing inside A LOT. I get that it's hot there, but dang. 

It's not THAT hot. I lived in a hotter part of Arkansas than they do, and my kids played outdoors throughout the summer, especially in the morning and early evening. During the hottest part of midday they'd take a break indoors or play under the sprinkler or in the wading pool. I've heard it suggested that the Duggar kids play indoors partly because of privacy issues; I chuckle at the suggestion that they care about privacy, but I guess they want to make sure that they're authorizing and earning money on any images recorded of their brood. But I'm guessing the lack of outdoor play is largely due to their aversion to activity- and climate-appropriate clothing (i.e. shorts and--gasp!--swimsuits). 

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Darn Duggars are rubbing off on me because I gave a side hug to a client's step father yesterday at the group home I work at. Why do I feel so defrauded.

I got a side hug from my niece's 6 y/o son and I turned and asked her if he watches 19KAC with her and she said no and explained that that is his shy hug.  .

I think Mullett's voice is abt the most annoying thing on earth.

But what also gets on my nerves are the way the kid's growth is stunted. Whike I think Jill is adorable lately, she sounds like a 14 yr old. Josiah & Johanna esp want to go to college. Josie has some major delays. JD & Jackson act way too young for their ages. And the girls (- Jessa) are stunted learning wifely chores.


EVERYONE of them acts too young for their age - from Josh on down.  So do Boob and Mechelle for that matter.  Permanently stuck st 15, both of them.  And an immature 15 at that.

Remember in one of the earlier TTH episodes where a "family friend" (? the Wilsons) were pouring a concrete area in the back, could have been the basketball court? MEchelle's voiceover claimed the children love to play outside & get fresh air. Even showed the girls on scooters. Somehow all their outdoor bikes, scooters, etc have now made their way to inside the house, where they are ridden around. I saw on one of the home fooling episodes one of the younger girls trying to ride a bike around the dining room while others were being taught at the table. I predict we'll see the Derby cars added to the fleet. They have a nice backyard. Why don't they use it? They didn't use the fancy outdoor grill for years til Josh used it at one of the parties. So much for fresh air, which might help them get rid of their pasty look.

Regarding the paper plate issue, I want TLC to have something on screen that says that the Duggars use eleventy million paper plates and cups a year


Amen.  TLC is constantly popping in the dumbest factoids  - "if every pair of flip-flops the Duggars have ever owned were lined up end to end, they'd stretch to the moon and back..."  How mindblowing it would be to see the actual data on how much landfill fodder they create on a daily basis, just by using disposable dinnerware.  

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Way to many heathens & alternative lifestyles in non-ALERT organizations for the Duggar's taste. Something else I've found strange: For all of their ultra conservative, gun loving grandstanding, none of their boys are encouraged to serve their country in the military.



Same thought entered my mind, then of course I realized, as you said, way too many sinners of all kinds in the military too.  And there are females in the military.  And Dim Bulb would lose all that free labor.  And he'd lose control over everything.  And they'd be exposed to a myriad of defrauding influences.  And just maybe... they'd like it and would decide they weren't returning to Casa Duggar once their stints were up. 

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What really gets me is the whole basic premise that this family is so great because they had 19 kids.   Big whoop de doo.   The heavily Catholic town I grew up in had 2 families with 18 kids.   Nobody thought they were special, nor did they think they were so special either.   They just had a bunch of kids -- who went to public schools, were involved in extracurricular activities, went to college or trade school, then got married and started families of their own (or didn't as they chose).   They did what they did and lived their lives without seeking adulation for having a passel of kids.  


Totally agree. I was the oldest of six growing up in the 50s and 60s - and we weren't renown for our size in our school or town either.  The only slightly amazing thing about us was how close in age we were.  My parents were married in Oct 1955 and had 6 kids by July 1962.  Six kids, six years.  The only calendar year in that span of time when my Mom did not give birth was 1958. 

Edited by NausetGirl

Where oh where is that black dog that was in their yard a few seasons back?  

Oh probably still in the yard (if ya know what I mean).



ETA: Jim Bob drives me crazy every time he's in that garage-pantry. He never fails to mention that he was once a grocery store employee. When he says it for the eleventy millionth time my ears my ears bleed. Trust.

Edited by Grandma Sheila
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I think that Mullet once said that there was something wrong with either a bone or muscle that precluded her holding kids over six months.


Good grief, really??  Well, I'm sure she said it but What - A - Crock.  She gets around just fine as far as I can see.  Tubing on a lake, ziplining, etc etc.  But holding a child?  Come on, Michelle, give us a little credit, will you?

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Jill and Derek have already spoken about being open to adopting, so they would probably go that route, which I think is wonderful because there are so many kids in this country alone who never, ever find a "forever" family.


That's good to hear, but it begs the question - would it be possible for a Duggar to adopt?  I'm guessing there might be agencies who would not be thrilled to do it.  Not sure Dim Bulb would be tolerant of any necessary investigations either, even if it was one of his kids who wanted a child.  He has always seemed to me like someone who's not telling the complete truth, but putting his own particular politician-wheeler dealer-BS spin on things instead.

Edited by NausetGirl

Good grief, really??  Well, I'm sure she said it but What - A - Crock.  She gets around just fine as far as I can see.  Tubing on a lake, ziplining, etc etc.  But holding a child?  Come on, Michelle, give us a little credit, will you?


IIRC she claims to be missing a muscle in her back which means she can't hold a child... but that is apparently the only thing it precludes her from doing. It's one specialized muscle!


I will give Jim Bob a pass on the fruit trees as they can be tricky, but most anyone can grow blackberries. Not to mention tomatoes, zucchini, beans, etc. Maybe tending to a tomato vine = worshiping a false idol.

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Please. The Duggars will never adopt. Jill and Jessa are all talk. Adoptive kids according to Gothard carry sins. And I doubt michelle would accept any adopted child as her grandchild


MEchelle doesn't seem to have any interest in her genetic grandchildren, so I'm not sure what would be different. Jill and Jessa do like to talk.

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