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Yolanda Hadid: My Love, My Lemons, My Lyme Disease.

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I think she was sick (most likely due to both regular old Lyme disease and the leaky implant) and enjoyed the attention. The fact that she flits between countries and doctors and doesn't seem to be taking any prescriptions, just a ton of vitamins and supplements, screams to me that she wants pity.


Cooksdelight was totally right about Yo trying to find a new man. Her "Look how great I look and how much I've overcame" really kicked off last night at the Bravo premiere: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3345681/Yolanda-Foster-looks-great-spirits-shows-curves-sheer-white-dress-Real-Housewives-premiere-party-just-days-confirming-split-husband-David.html


She doesn't look like she did a few years ago but I realized that her face is puffier than it was. It took me a minute to figure out why but she's constantly getting IVs. Her fluid retention must be off the charts.

She really does look great! Love her dress and shoes. Her makeup is perfection.


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I havent eaten an oyster since food poisoning 15 years ago.  And I would never eat raw fish...sushi, tuna, etc.  And this is gross; but you can get parasites by stepping barefoot in dog poo....yuck!!! 

You will have to pry the sushi out of my cold dead hands.


Yolanda specifically stated that Lyme is a "silent killer" "more prevalent" than AIDS during the 1980s, a span of time during which effective treatments had yet to be developed and the contagion was thus at its peak in the West (since, with respect to HIV, medication is an integral aspect of reducing communicability). According to lowest estimate, the death toll for Lyme in the United States over a similar number of years is 7. In my opinion, there is no non-horrific interpretation of the specific comparison that Yolanda made vis-a-vis the element of pervasiveness. But I like to think that I'm always willing to learn so if anyone can point me to documentation of a death and transmission toll in the millions for Lyme, I'd be interested in reading. And if one wants to assert that those suffering Lyme contend with marginalization because of the lack of recognition from the CDC and other medical authorities, that's a valid statement. But if you're going to compare said marginalization to that in particular which AIDS patients have endured and continue to confront, I'm going to ask for examples in which individuals afflicted with Lyme have been treated like virtual lepers in the Occident; are subject to banishment from family and community alike in parts of the contemporary third world; face legislation in 37 states (I could be off on this number) that criminalizes conduct related to the hypothetical transmitability of their peopailment but not that of similar maladies; feel compelled to pay millions of dollars in order to maintain their medical privacy due to the public ideation of the disease in question; are subject to fear-mongering news stories about whether or not they infected romantic interests going back over 10 years; and, if in certain cultures, become desperate enough to rape infants in order to rid themselves of the stigma surrounding the condition. Not because I'm interested in discrediting chronic Lyme but because accuracy is important in general and especially when having discussions about subjects that are widely defined by misinformation.

 The whole Charlie Sheen thing really  brought some stuff home to me, especially some of the stuff I saw people say, or things people actually said to me. So I'm going to post to you guys what I wrote on facebook. It's not all relevant, but it may show what life with HIV is like. I posted this a couple of weeks ago.

I’m so glad that some of you have voiced your approval of how I became HIV POS, while at the same time discussing Charlie Sheen's guilt. It’s good to know that you view me as one of the innocent ones, who got it through no fault of my own. I’m not like those who were promiscuous, or gay, or drug addicts. Those people, well, they deserved it, Of course, it’s no shock that they have it, right?

I hope none of you that feel this way have never engaged in risky behavior. I hope you didn’t have a few relationships in college, or that you never experimented with drugs. I hope that you never engaged in ANY risky behaviors, like skydiving, or race car driving, or speeding. I mean, if you had had an accident doing these things, it would be your own fault. I also hope none of you ever smoked, because if you did you certainly do deserve the lung cancer or COPD you will get.

And I’m glad that most of you know me well enough to know that I was “innocent”. The thing is, not everyone knows that. The apartment complex that made us move out, after they found out I was HIV pos, didn’t know that. The apartment that made us bleach the entire house, before they gave us our security deposit back, didn’t know either. The lady, who had been a friend of ours, who threatened my family with bodily harm, when she found out, didn’t know that either. The parents who pulled their kids away from my kids on the playground didn’t know either. We were lumped right In with the ones you judge as guilty.

And you see, in the old days, even the government didn’t know who was guilty and who was innocent. They just wrote ALL of us off as guilty. They just sat back and watched the ”gay” disease for a while.

So while you sit there and judge the guilty people with HIV, just remember that your judgement effects funding, and policy and “innocent” victims like me. Your judgement of the guilty is why I keep my mouth shut in real life, about my status. The blanket guilt people that people cast is why I just don’t bother making friends with neighbors. I don’t know how they will react when they find out. It’s why I advised my kids to keep it quiet. I didn’t want people to treat them like lepers again.

So Yes, I will just stay quiet until you stop making moral judgements about people with HIV, because until then, society at large, will treat them all the same

And one last thought. For the ones you view as guilty, do you think the penalty should be death?

All of us living with HIV, we are the same. We all screw up. We all did the wrong thing sometimes. Most of us are walking around lucky to be alive and healthy despite occasional bad choices. I am no better than anyone else with HIV.

Oh, and Jenny McCarthy. It's good to know where those of us with HIV stand. It's good to know that you feel like Charlie Sheen was obliged to tell you his HIV status despite the fact that you were not having sex with nor sharing needles with him. He's not a danger to you because he's on the same set. I'm not obliged to tell anyone my status unless we are sleeping together or sharing needles.


OK, that was my post.   And now that I have read the context of what Yo said, screw her.

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Again. for me it is not a question of whether she is sick or not.  Or even how sick.  It falls to the in family joke we have had facing a variety of cancers, terminal and cured as well as other life threatening or challenging ailments.  And that is, being sick doesn't suddenly cure you of being an asshole. 


This is the issue I'm having with Yo too. Reading all these horrible stories of people here who have faced (or witnessed with loved ones) the struggle not just to deal with Lyme Disease but to get treatment or insurance to pay for it, or to even get anyone to acknowledge that they are sick breaks my heart. I have seen that happen with other diseases, and I don't think doctors are even close to infallible.  I've experienced this myself, with an illness that no one could diagnose so eventually they sent me on my way with a packet on how to deal with depression associated with chronic illness. So I understand the need to be your own medical advocate, and the desperation that can lead someone to seeking alternative methods of treatment. 


And maybe Yolanda is the only voice for people facing this sort of hard to diagnose and harder to treat Lyme Disease.  She's just so shady and always has been.  I believe she's sick, but that doesn't in any way negate the valid questions people are raising here.  

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.  I believe in the '80s, and a death was due to AIDS, the certificate often read: pneumonia, etc....


They still say that. Death Certificates list the actual COD.. AIDS doesn't technically kill you . It weakens the immune system allowing you to acquire Opportunistic infections , cancers etc.. Now it may sometimes get listed as a secondary, like PCP due to HIV infection. But generally a DC lists the infection that kills you  

Edited by JennyMominFL
  • Love 10

Cooksdelight was totally right about Yo trying to find a new man. Her "Look how great I look and how much I've overcame" really kicked off last night at the Bravo premiere: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3345681/Yolanda-Foster-looks-great-spirits-shows-curves-sheer-white-dress-Real-Housewives-premiere-party-just-days-confirming-split-husband-David.html


Someone upthread mentioned that Yo got new implants after the leaky ones were removed.  It doesn't look like she got implants in those photos, to me.  Doesn't even look like she got a lift.

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Something tells me David never learned the old adage, "charity begins at home. . . ".  Yolanda seems to have forgotten her own creed of "authentic".  I get David needs/wants to work but something tells me he could work a little closer to home.  Forget the Lyme Disease, what about the fact Yolanda has a teenage son at home?  She has to forego parental time to be with her king as he trots around the world servicing all these charities (I am quite certain that David get some sort of financial benefit from these endeavors if nothing more than lots of courtesy private jet rides).  Yolanda's authenticity is to spend the entire season filming and concealing the fact she and Davis are splitsville because they want to have the appropriate spew worked out before announcing.  How about being honest why you have had your house on the market for three years, or not making false statements such as your husband winning an Oscar, or your daughter being named Sport Illustrated Rookie of the year or Bella was an Olympic athlete?*.  She knows damn well if she says it on the show it is forever the retractions are buried and rarely acknowledged.


Yolanda had a couple of interesting sentences in her blog, "Being chronically ill has definitely given me a greater understanding of human nature, and I've learned to accept people's lack of long term compassion for others while they live their busy lives." Actually, Yolanda you give the reader no idea what the others have done to indicated their absence of "long term compassion".  None of these ladies, their husband, your husband or the 100+ doctors can cure you.  They are compassionate in they include you, compliment your positivity, text you and try and visit you.  It is a little like complaining that although the flower were beautiful, they were delivered by a florist so the thought and act are somehow secondhand.  I would say Yolanda has learned very little about human nature.  This is such a judgmental statement and condemnation of the others character.


Then there is this gem, "Bless the hearts of my fellow Housewives! May they nor their families ever have to face such illness, because it is at that time we learn and realize what really matters."  Considering Kyle had a child hospitalized, Eileen lost a FIL and two sisters and a niece I think they do realize what really matters and that is charity begins at home.  Minimize their families trials and tribulations because you think yours is all that matters?  Well it just doesn't.


I'd be lying if I said it's not hard to be judged by the way I look.  It is almost like you have to show scars and broken bones in order to warrant understanding?  Does it count that even though we don't "look" great we show up?  I am tempted to be distracted by the negativity but I chose to stay focused . . . "  She just can't have it both ways.  She wants the to acknowledge and be compassionate for her hidden illness and when they affirm that she does look very ill she is mad.  Saying someone looks terrible due to illness is not judging it is an observation.  Yolanda has given us three seasons of extreme dieting, photo shoots , modeling shoots with her daughter all designed to maintain or enhance physical beauty and now she is griping about being judged for her looks.  She should be happy she wasn;t once known for her great intellect because the garbage she puts out there is at times appalling.


* I only added these misstatements because it is such a disservice to the persons who won the Oscars, won the "Rookie of the Year" and are Olympians.  It is not just padding one's resume they are honors worked for and earned.  (Okay the Rookie of the Year isn't exactly the Nobel Prize for Peace, but for that young woman it was her title-not Gigi's.)  It also irritates me because this woman who has been a proven fabricator is now trying to guilt the public into supporting her Lyme Disease campaign by comparing and making it equal  to one of the worst viruses to have ever plagued mankind. I believe in awareness but not comparative awareness.  I admire her fight but her fight is not everybody's cause.

Great insight!  Yolanda served up plenty of shady behavior for not only the viewers but the other cast members to feast on over the last two seasons.  IMO It is very similar to the behind the scenes behavior of Kim Richards that the viewers didn't see but the cast did.  Some cast members chose to say nothing (Camille & Adrienne), some cast members chose to throw veiled hints (LV), and some cast members chose to be agressive toward Kim when they had had enough (Taylor and Kyle).   We the viewers will never know if Yolanda was a nightmare behind the scenes.


Maybe Yolanda realizes that some of her actions and behavior over that time didn't match up to her illness timeline.  And she can't deny some of that behavior because it is documented.  And she seems to have a problem admitting that she is wrong.


I don't think anyone was shading Yolanda about her looks.  But I did think their comments were tasteless and showed shallowness, regardless of intent.  And it gave Yolanda the platform to whine about being judged.   As tentativelyyours commented - Great goggley moggley - the woman is clueless. 


I like the newest photo of her on the Bravo step and repeat.  IMO she looks softer and prettier.

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That is not a medicine cabinet (closet) that is a dam CVS!!!!!

Wanna bet the 488,296,375 selfies of her getting "medical" treatment will be used in court for a big divorce payoff?

I defended Brooks with every breath in my slightly to big body--I will not be fooled again! :) 

For someone who "can't think" she puts together a really cogent, grammatically corrected, thought out blog.....It's condescending and stupid but it's still well thought out.

  • Love 7

One thing Yo made sure we saw were the colorful poster board projects of the drugs she has taken and the therapy's she has gone through. We even saw a shot of her treatment binder.  I'm surprised she didn't have the girls over to paint a picture of each one to hang on the wall as a "trophy".


As a very long term caregiver to both of my parents (both now dead) I can understand the fatigue caregivers and friends have to someone who constantly sick. Not everybody can handle it and nobody should be guilted or shamed because "they don't care enough or don't show compassion in the right way or amount."  For all of her past talk of being independent and regardless of her illness Yolanda is very needy. I imaging many around her have caring fatigue and in some sly way have been scolded by Yolanda.

Edited by Giselle
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Lyme has taken over my brain - figuratively.  This just popped up on my Facebook feed: "You have been transported to the location in the last book you read. Where are you?"  And I wrote, "Deerfield, Massachusetts"  because I'm reading 'Death Be Not Proud'.  So I think, "Deerfield. Hmmm.  Deer in a field. Ticks. Lyme disease.  Does Massachusetts have Lyme disease?"  Quick google.  "Yes it does. But Johnny Gunther also spent lots of time in Connecticut.  Lyme capital.  Omg, what if Johnny's brain tumor was a result of Lyme disease...." 


This book is a true story.  And now that I'm getting educated on Lyme, many of Johnny's symptoms are those of a Lyme patient.  This book was written in the 1940s.  What if?


I really spend far too much time here.  But since I'm googling Lyme disease this time can be considered research, yes?

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You are correct.  I watched a PBS special last weekend with Andre Bocelli singing Broadway standards.  David Foster was the arranger and insisted on being the pianist.  He had more camera time than I saw on HW, it was a little annoying after awhile


I will have to try to catch that (I think it is from a couple of years ago). I doubt that Foster had to 'insist' on beig the pianist. He and Andre have both collaborated and been friends for a long time. David is also a 16 time Grammy winner (47 times nominated) and accomplished pianist who has been in the 'business' for over 40 years. I would imagine PBS was thrilled to have him playing. I actually like watching pianists as much as vocalists, and in the case of Bocelli (whose voice I love) I find watching him for any length of time rather boring.

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Here's the weird thing with me and HoWives divorces, my opinion of them only runs the spectrum of those I actively abhor to those I find headshakingly banal and yet when one is getting divorced my response is "they could do better".


I'm puzzled by my reaction but once again, 'Eff him Yo, you could do better.

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Here's the weird thing with me and HoWives divorces, my opinion of them only runs the spectrum of those I actively abhor to those I find headshakingly banal and yet when one is getting divorced my response is "they could do better".


I'm puzzled by my reaction but once again, 'Eff him Yo, you could do better.

I agree bosawks 100%! ;-)

  • Love 2

I will have to try to catch that (I think it is from a couple of years ago). I doubt that Foster had to 'insist' on beig the pianist. He and Andre have both collaborated and been friends for a long time. David is also a 16 time Grammy winner (47 times nominated) and accomplished pianist who has been in the 'business' for over 40 years. I would imagine PBS was thrilled to have him playing. I actually like watching pianists as much as vocalists, and in the case of Bocelli (whose voice I love) I find watching him for any length of time rather boring.

I'm been a long time admirer of David Foster's talent as a composer (since St. Elmo's Fire), multi-instrumental performer, adapter and mentor and am well aware of his accomplishments.  I'm not an admirer of his personality or his oversized ego.  I will leave it to your interpretation as to what he said.  Nevertheless, It is a program worth watching if you are a Bocelli or Broadway musical fan - or a PBS fan.

Edited by Aunt Kiki
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One thing Yo made sure we saw were the colorful poster board projects of the drugs she has taken and the therapy's she has gone through. We even saw a shot of her treatment binder.  I'm surprised she didn't have the girls over to paint a picture of each one to hang on the wall as a "trophy".


As a very long term caregiver to both of my parents (both now dead) I can understand the fatigue caregivers and friends have to someone who constantly sick. Not everybody can handle it and nobody should be guilted or shamed because "they don't care enough or don't show compassion in the right way or amount."  For all of her past talk of being independent and regardless of her illness Yolanda is very needy. I imaging many around her have caring fatigue and in some sly way have been scolded by Yolanda.

I found Yolanda's comment at last year's reunion - the one about some family members not understanding or believing her illness - or something to that effect - very interesting.  I wonder which family members she was referring to.   Perhaps she is confusing caring fatigue with non-support.  I also found it somewhat ironic that she didn't feel she didn't need to spend a lot of time with her mother who was battling cancer but had time to work and vacation with her King.  I can't say it enough but this woman really confuses me.

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Brandi is just full of crap. http://www.etonline.com/news/177382_brandi_glanville_livid_over_skepticism_of_yolanda_foster_lyme_disease_diagnosis/

These women aren't doing anything to her.  Be specific mention a name and a direct quote.  Asking about her status is not the same as questioning if she has the disease.   Just saying repeatedly these women are skeptical doesn't make it so.


I am sure Wire Wrap can answer this but I do recall that Yolanda claims she and Brandi are pretty much Hollywood friends or at least she did last season.  Brandi was complaining that Yolanda cancelled on her and Yolanda got angry.  I do believe after the smelly pussy fiasco Yolanda distanced herself.  Of course now that they are single women they may want to hang and compare notes.  Yolanda can learn when the appropriate time to join a threesome is during casual dating, drinking and banging on the hood of a car someone you just met, when to wear pasties on the red carpet.  All things Brandi is well versed in.


I do believe most of Brandi's time with Yolanda involves filming as well.  I am guessing Brandi won't be invited to join Yolanda for her holiday celebrations at Mohamed's anytime soon.



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I know I'll be sending my shallow self to the corner after this, but David Foster's face ummm reminds me of a elderly woman! I realize his brilliance writing, arranging and performing outshine his looks. I just am turned off when looking at him. So I'm relieved this is the last season we'll be seeing him. Sorry to those David fans I just had to get it out.

In this photo, I just noticed he has a lump in his neck. Could he have thyroid problems?


Edited by talula
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I know I'll be sending my shallow self to the corner after this, but David Foster's face ummm reminds me of a elderly woman! I realize his brilliance writing, arranging and performing outshine his looks. I just am turned off when looking at him. So I'm relieved this is the last season we'll be seeing him. Sorry to those David fans I just had to get it out.

In this photo, I just noticed he has a lump in his neck. Could he have thyroid problems?


he sort of looks like Judi Dench.
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zoeysmom, I love your posting Monty's card and am so happy you did.  I love old-fashioned scenes, and I think this one is gorgeous.  Monty is the most amazing man, suffering from cancer, rarely complaining, yet leaving the most cheerful, upbeat messages.  I think that's his appeal.




I have a big feeling that most of the news articles we read the next few months will be involving Yolanda H Foster! All I have to say is that im glad Brooks Ayers has been out of the news for a few weeks. Im sick of hearing about him. Anyway I found this article today claiming Yolanda Foster Believes Kyle Richards Is Using Her For Publicity and was wondering whose team is everyone on! Are you Team Kyle or Team Yolanda!? Do you guys think Kyle is using Yolanda in order to get some publicity? 

I think somebody made the whole story up.  Yolanda knows the first thing that happens when you have a life altering event, and announce it on the day of the series premiere your co-stars will be asked for a reaction or comment.  Kyle isn;t holding press conferences about Yolanda's divorce the question was put to her by Andy Cohen on WWHL.  And no, she simply cannot say no comment.  Kyle doesn't need publicity.  What she has done is clear up the misconception she was questioning Yolanda's Lyme Disease.  I believe she said she believe 100% Yolanda had Lyme Disease.  It is idiots like Brandi Glanville that use Yolanda as a reason to get some ink.


I will say this - once again when it is time for the cameras to be on Yolanda has remarkably rallied in time to give many interviews about her divorce and talk about her children.  I am never quite sure what one's co-workers are suppose to say when a couple splits.

  • Love 6

Brandi is just full of crap. http://www.etonline.com/news/177382_brandi_glanville_livid_over_skepticism_of_yolanda_foster_lyme_disease_diagnosis/

These women aren't doing anything to her.  Be specific mention a name and a direct quote.  Asking about her status is not the same as questioning if she has the disease.   Just saying repeatedly these women are skeptical doesn't make it so.


I am sure Wire Wrap can answer this but I do recall that Yolanda claims she and Brandi are pretty much Hollywood friends or at least she did last season.  Brandi was complaining that Yolanda cancelled on her and Yolanda got angry.  I do believe after the smelly pussy fiasco Yolanda distanced herself.  Of course now that they are single women they may want to hang and compare notes.  Yolanda can learn when the appropriate time to join a threesome is during casual dating, drinking and banging on the hood of a car someone you just met, when to wear pasties on the red carpet.  All things Brandi is well versed in.


I do believe most of Brandi's time with Yolanda involves filming as well.  I am guessing Brandi won't be invited to join Yolanda for her holiday celebrations at Mohamed's anytime soon.




After the reunion aired last season, Yolanda said that she does not have any contact with Brandi for the most part. They don't see each other nor do they talk on the phone, which by Yolanda's own definition, IS a Hollywood friend, not a REAL friend.


I have a big feeling that most of the news articles we read the next few months will be involving Yolanda H Foster! All I have to say is that im glad Brooks Ayers has been out of the news for a few weeks. Im sick of hearing about him. Anyway I found this article today claiming Yolanda Foster Believes Kyle Richards Is Using Her For Publicity and was wondering whose team is everyone on! Are you Team Kyle or Team Yolanda!? Do you guys think Kyle is using Yolanda in order to get some publicity? 

Who wrote this? First, NO ONE "attacked" Yolanda at that BD party. This reads as a really pro Yolanda - anti the rest story! LOL Second, and biggest, Kyle was asked a question by Andy and she gave an answer, a KIND, SUPPORTIVE answer. I don't see Yolanda saying that Eileen is 'using her' despite the fact that Eileen HAS answered the same questions about Yolanda in an interview, as did LisaR. Yolanda is listening to the 2 idiots she keeps to help her attack those she dislikes, Brandi and the sister of the woman she is attacking, Kim. Yolanda has no problem making comments about the others in interviews, even nasty/mean ones but everyone else is supposed to ignore questions asked about her, even when they give a kind sympathetic answer. Yoanda is a real piece of work, and not in a good way IMO. People call LisaV sneaky and manipulative, she is nothing compared to the MASTER Yolanda!

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Just to clarify, in a sense Yolanda was correct in her claim that Gigi won Best Rookie Award from Sports Illustrated.  Each year, there are 12 winners, and Gigi was one of them for this year.  If Yolanda wanted people to take note of it without a long explanation about how the award is given, she was OK in saying that Gigi won it.  If she said that Gigi was the ONLY winner, that would be false.  I doubt that most people would call this a lie on Yolanda's part because she was technically correct.


I'd love to see a footnote for the claim that Yolanda said that David won an Oscar.  As most everyone familiar with his career knows, the Oscar is the only award that David HASN'T won.  (He's been nominated three times).  According to iMDB, David has won every award given to man in the music industry (the Golden Globes, the Emmys, etc.) sometimes more than once, but the Oscar eludes him.


I don't care for liars, zoeysmom.  If Yolanda made these statements at the same time that (for instance) reporters and photographers were hounding her, and if her mind was truly not working well, I could forgive a misstatement.  However, if she's making a habit of deliberately lying, then I couldn't continue to feel even a little sympathy for her.  It depends on wherever all these allegations come from.

Edited by Lura
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If David Foster is as arrogant as he appears to be, then I think that he and Yolanda are actually very well suited since, imo, Yolanda seems to have a incredibly high opinion of herself.

Did Yolanda start her Lyme World Tour around the same time she and David started having problems? I've read a lot of comments/theories (not necessarily here) that David bailed because of her illness (and is a jerk because of it). It might be a chicken/egg situation and hard to know what came first, but is there any chance she became hyperfocused on her health issues because she couldn't handle what was happening in her marriage or even as a way to manipulate him or guilt him if he was cheating? Or maybe to try to get him to stick around longer?

One thing she has accomplished,imo, is taking some of the focus off of her divorce and putting it on her illness and how the other housewives aren't supporting her etc.

Edited by EVS
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To answer a question upthread: I don't think David authors the lyrics to his songs. Linda Thomson served as his lyricist for most of the big hits he composed during their marriage, including the songs on The Bodyguard soundtrack. . . In 2014, Gigi was among the Sports Illustrated "rookies." Yolanda Tweeted furiously for her social media followers to participating in the public poll that determined which of said "rookies" won the feather-in-the-cap title of "Rookie of the Year." By the structure of the referendum, only one model can lay claim to the title "ROTY." That model was definitely not Gigi; she didn't even accrue enough votes to place in the top 5. Considering Yo's very vocal exhortations to her fans, I'd say she clearly understood the nature of the contest. Referring to Gigi by the designation in question is like describing Justin Guarini as the "original winner of American Idol" or Mitt Romney as "the president."

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Today I had to turn down an invitation to go out because I am just not feeling well and it made me think about Yolanda. (Yes, I know I have a problem.) I was thinking about how she - along with anyone who is chronically ill - is kind of damned if she does, damned if she doesn't. I know that if I show up to an event looking worn out and feeling cranky because I'm tired and hurting then people will question why I even bothered to show up. If I go to something looking pretty good and acting normal and cheerful because I'm having a good health day then some people will question if I'm really even sick at all. I feel like that's what happened with Yolanda at Lisar's birthday. Maybe she was trying to prevent the does she/doesn't she talk by showing up and making sure to look super crappy. So, I get where she's coming from (if that was in fact her motivation) but I'm still not crazy about the way she handled it. The cold hard fact is that chronic illness sucks because people who don't have your illness will never understand it. You just kind of have to accept that. I accept that not everyone understands that some days I hurt and get worn out taking a shower. I get it. It took me some time and I felt bitter about that aspect of my illness for a while. Maybe Yolanda isn't really at the point of acceptance that her condescending blog post tries to claim she is.


So I guess I'm saying that I have a little more sympathy for her than I did before but not enough to make me feel bad about snarking on her. I think that closet o' meds is crazy and Yolanda is not a very nice person and I'm suspicious of some of her actions and words. (Can't you just feel the sympathy oozing from me?)

Edited by Thick McRunFast
  • Love 5

I've always felt that David likes having a wife for hosting duties and appearances, but, isn't much interested in the day-to-day married part.

I agree and it has to be a bitter pill to swallow, lol. To only be someone's arm candy while your running around pouring yourself into building a love nest that he's hardly ever at. Worse yet calling him your love and king. I wouldn't put it past him if he did seek the company of others during their 4-year marriage!

He may have only come home to be filmed for her RH episodes so he wouldn't look so bad. Yolanda was mistaken if she believed her health concerns would keep him home.

So I guess I'm saying that I have a little more sympathy for her than I did before but not enough to make me feel bad about snarking on her. I think that closet o' meds is crazy and Yolanda is not a very nice person and I'm suspicious of some of her actions and words. (Can't you just feel the sympathy oozing from me?)


I feel exactly the same way.   I think it was at Lisa and Ken's vow renewal when I finally was done with her.  She was such a troublemaker. Stirring it up between Brandi and Marissa.  But she was still many people's favorite.  Now she's getting loads of flak and all the sudden I'm feeling sympathy. LOL.  Must be getting soft in my old age. I don't know what to believe so I'm just going to read and watch carefully.  Hope you feel better.  I'm home with..let's just say...stomach troubles.  Gratefully not chronic, so I don't need a colonic. Ha.

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I find it interesting that whenever Gigi or Bella have a big event in New York, Yo can manage to pull it together, including make-up, to attend.  She always manages to feel so ill during filming, but in August she has instagram pics of what looks like a great vacation in Vancouver, with no pics of IV's, and faces with flowers.   Now she's well enough to go to the BRAVO launch party.   If she's capable of pulling herself together, why did she choose to go to Lisa's party looking so frail?   And, apparently next week, we get a look into her extensive medical cabinet.   Again, I have no doubt that she's not feeling well, but this is getting to seem more and more like screams for sympathy and attention.  If she has such little brain function - can't drive, can't watch tv, can't read, etc.  how is it she can follow her daughter's careers, post pics, go to great lengths to rebut anyone who doubts her claims of NLD.    I think Yo's problem is her kids have their own lives, her husband is gone (along with any celebrities he brought along), she's lost the great house, she's in the midst of menopause, and her only friends on RHOBH are Kim & Brandi.    I'm surprised she hasn't added drinking to her medical regime.

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Just to clarify, in a sense Yolanda was correct in her claim that Gigi won Best Rookie Award from Sports Illustrated.  Each year, there are 12 winners, and Gigi was one of them for this year.  If Yolanda wanted people to take note of it without a long explanation about how the award is given, she was OK in saying that Gigi won it.  If she said that Gigi was the ONLY winner, that would be false.  I doubt that most people would call this a lie on Yolanda's part because she was technically correct.


I'd love to see a footnote for the claim that Yolanda said that David won an Oscar.  As most everyone familiar with his career knows, the Oscar is the only award that David HASN'T won.  (He's been nominated three times).  According to iMDB, David has won every award given to man in the music industry (the Golden Globes, the Emmys, etc.) sometimes more than once, but the Oscar eludes him.


I don't care for liars, zoeysmom.  If Yolanda made these statements at the same time that (for instance) reporters and photographers were hounding her, and if her mind was truly not working well, I could forgive a misstatement.  However, if she's making a habit of deliberately lying, then I couldn't continue to feel even a little sympathy for her.  It depends on wherever all these allegations come from.

You are making me do some homework Lura-but here it goes :):

When asked how Gigi was doing on February 7th, 2014, taping of the Reunion, Yolanda first incorrectly stated she was a Victoria Secrets angel, when corrected she said Gigi was Sports Illustrated Rookie of the Year.  http://www.si.com/swim-daily/2014/03/05/sara-sampaio-first-portuguese-si-swimsuit-rookie-of-the-year-first-portuguese-si-swimsuit-model-ever  You are correct there are numerous rookies-her is the roster for the  2014 Sports Illustrated "rookies"  http://www.si.com/swim-daily/2015/01/08/si-swimsuit-rookie-recap-2014


Once the magazine is put into circulation there is voting for Rookie of the Year.  The announcement of the rookie was on March 5, 2014, and it was not Gigi but a Portuguese model named Sara.  http://www.si.com/swim-daily/2014/03/05/sara-sampaio-first-portuguese-si-swimsuit-rookie-of-the-year-first-portuguese-si-swimsuit-model-ever  The first installment of the Reunion aired March 14, 2014.


So it was an out and out embellishment put out there by Yolanda.


So on to the EGOT story.  EGOT stands for Emmy, Grammy, Oscar,  Tony.  There was a scene with David writing his Broadway Musical and Yolanda in a talking head explained the term EGOT and said David had won the Emmy, Grammy, OSCAR and was looking forward to a Tony.  Since about 2008 David has been working on Betty Boop for Broadway-as far as I know it has never enjoyed a run on Broadway.  So David is merely a EG not EGO waiting for a T.  You might remember the episode because Brandi and Yolanda were dancing in the background and clowning around.  So Yolanda's comment, made in a talking head is a major misstatement of epic proportions.  She wasn't under any pressure, she just says stuff that isn't true and assumes people won't catch on.


There are times she exaggerates when it is not necessary.  Gigi is now a Victoria Secrets' angel, she obviously can't be rookie of the year but she is a very successful model if she never modeled another day in her life.  David has 16 Grammys and an Emmy and has three Oscar nominations-no need to gild the lily. 


I set forth the allegations but originated from Yolanda's mouth and have been forever memorialized on film and tape. 

  • Love 14

***APPLAUSE***  *** APPLAUSE ***

I didn't mean for you to go to all THAT trouble, zoeysmom.  I don't think I'll ever ask for sources again!  You obviously know where and when these accusations were made.  It sounds like someone had better think twice before speaking next time.  Yolanda was wrong.

Anytime. . . I need to be checked from time to time.

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My apologizes if this was already posted - I have to share.  I got the link off the episode thread and it's hilarious but super long as it goes through each scene.   This is one of the paragraphs about Yolanda that made me LOL and wake up my husband.


Yoli boasts, deservedly, about her hot kid. She might finish college one day. Who cares? The fact that Yolanda says this with a straight face and doesn’t flash back violently to memories of trying to roll a passed out Julio Iglesias off her twenty three year old self disturbs me. Like a family of coalminers. Didn’t anyone think to mention that it’s kinda dangerous?


  • Love 6

Is Yolanda brain damaged from CLD...it sure appears like it. She can't remember correctly and embellishes stuff. Could it be she's correct about her brain scans and Is brain damaged? Some have said she should have been a friend this year or taken off a year to convalesce. It's looking that way. Thank goodness Yolanda is not driving herself around.

Edited by talula
  • Love 5

Here is the Extra interview.  Wasn't Yolanda in Dubai just a few weeks ago?  http://extratv.com/2015/12/03/yolanda-foster-speaks-out-after-david-foster-split/

Again, she made it sound like she hasn't gotten dressed, put on any makeup or gone out of the apartment in a year even though she went on trips and filmed the show! LOL

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Maybe Yolanda is just stupid and doesn't understand how social media works despite such avid use.  Maybe she thinks she is a superhero and on the show she is Yolanda Lemons, Real Housewife and on social media she is Yolanda Lyme, Self Imposed Martyr extraordinaire.  Maybe she think Instagram and Twitter are in an alternate universe than BRAVO.  Maybe she is secretly one of those Flintstone creationists.  And spends all her free time at the museum that so awed the Duggars with Adam and Eve frolicking with dinosaurs in the Garden of Eden; she is taking the notion of "how long is a Biblical year? to explain millions of years to the whole seven day build-your-own-universe thing and reverse engineering to how long a Yolanda Foster 'year' is.  Maybe she thinks the term Annus Horribilis is both a year filled with terrible events and the cold hands of whatever quack she last visited who took her temperature with an anal thermometer.  So if you had the latter it means you can claim the former. 

  • Love 9


Compare the amount of prescription medications with blurred labels in those uniquely American childproof bottles, to the amount of vitamins and supplements and whatever. That prominent OxyMag product no longer has a website, and the archive.org version of their old website states (in a small print footnote):

"These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. All products distributed are sold as nutritional supplements only. They are not medicines and are not offered for the cure or treatment of any disease. If you are ill, please consult a licensed health-care practitioner or physician."

Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 5

Very interesting, Kokapetl.  So, Yolanda was presumably trying to cure herself with all sorts of things that were not recognized as medications.  That sounds like hysteria, pure and simple.  If you were suffering from some terrible disease (or thought you were), you'd grab at anything that claimed to help you.  There went more money, false promises, and hope against hope.  Whatever you think of her, that's sad.  And who knows the side effects of all those quack pills?

Edited by Lura
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