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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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I am still shaking my head that 5+ years later she still has no intent of ever being Jace's mom.


IMHO Jenelle shouldn't be allowed to take care of a house plant, much less a human child. The best thing she did for Jace was give over custody to Barb. To bad the poor Roll can't GTFO. Jenelle is a cold, selfish person who doesn't have the first idea how to be a true mother.

  • Love 5

IMHO Jenelle shouldn't be allowed to take care of a house plant, much less a human child. The best thing she did for Jace was give over custody to Barb. To bad the poor Roll can't GTFO. Jenelle is a cold, selfish person who doesn't have the first idea how to be a true mother.

Oh, I COMPLETELY agree! All those photos on Instagram where she is traveling with her latest flavor of the month while Kaiser is no where to be seen (which is actually best for Kaiser).

I still can't believe all the "fans" and supporters she has on social media, telling her she's changed, what a good person she is now, blah, blah blah....!

  • Love 2

According to her IG, she is in NYC for surgery. Now stop being a jeluz h8r! 



I thought she "spoke out" against plastic surgery (you know, after she's already had it, and the doctor in FL wouldn't pay for her chin shaving surgery). PLEASE tell me she's getting a personality transplant in NYC! ;-)


I am such a jeluz h8r. I strive to be just exactly like her, abandoning my children and all

  • Love 1

Pardon me, I misspoke. 


She said, "It's for medical reasons" - not surgery. Yesterday she posted a flashback to when she had tonsil surgery, and I got them mixed up in my head. Sorry! But the IG photo shows her in a hospital gown and says she's getting an MRI of her spine and brain. Not sure WHAT'S supposed to be wrong with her, unless MRIs can diagnosis narcissism, delusion, and a severe dick addiction. 

  • Love 10


Bets on how it takes her to get pregnant again with her latest loser's spawn?


I really hope she is too invested in her looks and taking selfies to "ruin" her body by getting pregnant again. Anything to keep her from having another kid. Crap, I'll go pose as her fan on social media and kiss her butt and stroke her ego if it would help her think twice about getting knocked up. Gotta' work on the BS lines I'll feed her--"Jenelle, your so pretty and special and awesome! Your body is SOOOO hot! You inspire me to look my best after having a baby, everyone who doesn't like you is a jeluz h8r!"


On another note, how many times has she been to NYC in the last few months, among all the other places she goes? NYC isn't cheap, as I'm sure none of the other vacations and medical procedures (cough plastic surgery cough) she has been indulging in. I know the TM2 paychecks are more then generous, but how has she not run through hers yet? She is making Leah and Kail look like responsible spenders.

  • Love 3

All of these "medical issues" and surgeries are a great way for her to obtain legal drugs. I hope she tells the Drs that she's a former heroin user before they write their prescriptions (yeah, right).

She makes me ill.

When I do my rewatch, I have it on on Hulu in the background when I cook and bake, when her segments come on I do the noisy work like turn the mixer on until she's over.

The loud, obnoxious noise from my old stand mixer sounds much better than Jenelle's voice.

  • Love 5

Oh, I COMPLETELY agree! All those photos on Instagram where she is traveling with her latest flavor of the month while Kaiser is no where to be seen (which is actually best for Kaiser).

I still can't believe all the "fans" and supporters she has on social media, telling her she's changed, what a good person she is now, blah, blah blah....!

In the last month, she's been to Florida and NYC. And, the last we heard, she won't let Nipples have the Roll unless his girlfriend agrees to drop the assault charges against her. I wonder who has the Roll while she's gallivanting from doctor to doctor up and down the east coast?

Now she's posting photos of herself bowling... what a waste of space she is.... I REALLY hope she is paying Barb a buttload of child support. Is Kaiser's other grandma caring for him?

Bets on how it takes her to get pregnant again with her latest loser's spawn?

As far as we know, she pays Barb nothing. She was paying a whopping $130 a month and they agreed last year that she wouldn't have to pay it anymore. If I was Barb, I'd nail her for every penny I could squeeze out of her. Barb probably doesn't want to have to deal with Jenelle about it and Jenelle would probably try to use it as a weapon to see Jace when the mood strikes her or when she's trying to impress her latest soulmate.

Edited by lovesnark
  • Love 4

All of these "medical issues" and surgeries are a great way for her to obtain legal drugs. I hope she tells the Drs that she's a former heroin user before they write their prescriptions (yeah, right).

Ha, yeah I'm sure she's all over telling the docs that. I actually knew a guy I've who I swore was hurting himself just for the drugs. His bones really were broken but dang, tough way to get the meds I'd think. If she can get them from supposedly necessary surgery...well I don't know why she wouldn't honestly. Not saying I condone it but I can see it.

All of these "medical issues" and surgeries are a great way for her to obtain legal drugs. I hope she tells the Drs that she's a former heroin user before they write their prescriptions (yeah, right).

She makes me ill.

When I do my rewatch, I have it on on Hulu in the background when I cook and bake, when her segments come on I do the noisy work like turn the mixer on until she's over.

The loud, obnoxious noise from my old stand mixer sounds much better than Jenelle's voice.

I have it on in the background when I work from home. Whenever I hear all the bleeping out of swear words, I know it's Jenelle's segment. Then, of course, all the yelling starts. I can't watch her scenes. She makes my blood boil!

  • Love 3

All of these "medical issues" and surgeries are a great way for her to obtain legal drugs. I hope she tells the Drs that she's a former heroin user before they write their prescriptions (yeah, right).

She makes me ill.

When I do my rewatch, I have it on on Hulu in the background when I cook and bake, when her segments come on I do the noisy work like turn the mixer on until she's over.

The loud, obnoxious noise from my old stand mixer sounds much better than Jenelle's voice.


I can't even watch Jenelle. Like with Farrah, I have to fast forward. The screeching is bad enough, but the total delusion (like in an early season when she yelled the Barb was 'ruining her life' AFTER Jenelle stole money from her mom and abandoned Jace to run off with Keifer to NJ) honestly makes my blood boil.


Or when she insists that Barb only wants Jace so she can control Jenelle. You mean, the child your mother BEGGED you to give up for adoption? The child that necessitates working on her feet 40+ hours weekly at age 60 so she can support him and pay his daycare? Quite the long con there, Jenelle, and rather useless considering just how little you care about him. If Barb wanted to control you, she'd have better luck luring you back with drugs than your own kid.

  • Love 9

Nathan has publicly Tweeted that Janelle has not been in touch.  I love how they put their personal problems out there for everyone to see on social media:


N.J. Griffith ‏@GroundLevelUp  Feb 12
It would be nice if @PBandJenelley_1 could contact me so I can see my son.


On a positive note, it appears he got some Valentines' Lovin from his new squeeze:



Edited by Bella Roche
  • Love 1

Spring Break, huh? The nasty little bitch has been traipsing all over the country for the last couple months. If Nipples is tweeting asking for her to contact him so he can see the Roll, sounds like his mom isn't taking care of the little guy while Jenelle is off traveling with her new soulmate. We know Jace is with Babs, who has Kaiser???? I can't imagine Babs saying she'd take on another of Jenelle's spawn. Especially a toddler and the daycare bills that would come with him while Babs is working to put a roof over Jace's head.


Nipples, if you're reading this, please run, don't walk to a lawyer and get a custody/parenting plan taken care of. Even if you have to beg, borrow or steal the money to do it. Kaiser didn't win the parent lottery but he deserves to be with at least one of his parents if the other one is dumping him with people so she can run all over the country with her latest loser.

  • Love 3

Jenelle is apparently planning on releasing potty training urinals because she has sooo much experience in toilet training *sarcasm*.  Bitch please. 




Also, that girl needs a new manager since she sent out a press response saying "There [sic] company went to s--t and reached out to us for us to rebrand it learn your facts.."

  • Love 4

Jenelle is apparently planning on releasing potty training urinals because she has sooo much experience in toilet training *sarcasm*.  Bitch please. 




Also, that girl needs a new manager since she sent out a press response saying "There [sic] company went to s--t and reached out to us for us to rebrand it learn your facts.."

Apparently, the "new project they've been working on (stealing)" is down the drain already.  Jenelle and her grammatically challenged manager have deleted all references to Lil Kaiser.  I wonder if it will still be featured on the new season premier as promised.




Here is Mr. Donovan's website:



Edited by Bella Roche
  • Love 2

The funny thing is this prompted me to look for similar products on Amazon and believe it or not there are several out there already - not even just the one she was stealing (or working with haha). The Lil Kaiser name is close to the one she was stealing (Lil Marc) but I counted at least 10 other toddler potty training urinal type things and I didn't even look that hard.


Edited to add a picture because this just cracked me up.  This is one of the competitor products (and incidentally about 1/4 of the price of the Lil Marc one).  Who knew these even existed?




Edited by NikSac
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I actually used to be a medical asst (I guess technically I still am, but I went back to school to be an RN, I take my boards in 2 weeks) but the thing with medical assisting is the further she gets from graduation without a job her certificate is going to be worth nothing... MA's depend heavily on experience, without that her certificate is just a piece of paper. She did take a good step by getting it, but it's not like a regular degree (aa, or ba) where once you get the degree it opens doors, even if it's not in the same field in some cases... Things are getting tougher in the medical field, tbh one of the only reasons ma's haven't been phased out is that lots of offices use them instead of LVN/lpn because you don't have to pay them as much, but it's pretty hard to get a hospital job for an MA, hospitals are even phasing out LVN/lpns, and nurses with associates degrees all of that to say jenelles biggest accomplishment is going to be worth absolutely nothing if she doesn't do something soon, literally she would have wasted her time. I'm happy for her that she stuck through and got the certificate, and in a sense that's something I guess, but as far as finding work it's going to be next to impossible for her to find a job with her record alone, then you add her reputation, and the fact that she has yet to work in the medical field since graduation, she's gonna be hard pressed to find a job as an MA.

  • Love 3

Oh, man! I hope that company sues her ass for blatantly lying about *cough* working with them and saying their company was in trouble. Her manager sounds like some guy she met in a fast food parking lot or maybe he was a defendant in a case and they met at the courthouse. We all know he would be powerless against her white slacks and more classier court heels. 

Edited by lovesnark
  • Love 1

Oh, man! I hope that company sues her ass for blatantly lying about *cough* working with them and saying their company was in trouble. Her manager sounds like some guy she met in a fast food parking lot or maybe he was a defendant in a case and they met at the courthouse. We all know he would be powerless against her white slacks and more classier court heels. 


I just thought of something. I wonder if the manager is her latest boyfriend? I know she and Nathan are done (well, as done as she ever gets - not sure if they're done with the on and off cycle yet), so I'm sure she's at least looking for someone new if she hasn't already found someone.

Oh one other thing I forgot to add. I thought it was so gross that she wanted to call the thing "Lil Kaiser." For a number of reasons, first I still can't get over his name, but second what about Jace??  Is this sort of her admission that she's done even pretending to be Jace's Mom?  She wants to put out something, and put Kaiser's name on it. Not that I know how you'd pick which kid's name to use, but I think I'd pick something that didn't involve either of my sons' names if I had more than one.

I just thought of something. I wonder if the manager is her latest boyfriend? I know she and Nathan are done (well, as done as she ever gets - not sure if they're done with the on and off cycle yet), so I'm sure she's at least looking for someone new if she hasn't already found someone.

Oh one other thing I forgot to add. I thought it was so gross that she wanted to call the thing "Lil Kaiser." For a number of reasons, first I still can't get over his name, but second what about Jace??  Is this sort of her admission that she's done even pretending to be Jace's Mom?  She wants to put out something, and put Kaiser's name on it. Not that I know how you'd pick which kid's name to use, but I think I'd pick something that didn't involve either of my sons' names if I had more than one.

Oh hell, she had a new soulmate instantly after the break up with Nipples. His name is David Eason. He's 27, has a lengthy criminal record and kids he doesn't spend time with. Here's an article from November of last year about  one of their many vacations. The first line cracks me up!


Never one to stay single for more time than it takes to post bail, which is how all of her relationships end



  • Love 3

Treatment for what, being a douche that is addicted to dick and would rather go on countless trips than spend time with her children. So last week she was in New York and this week LA. Her and Farrah need to buy a penthouse in the Delusional Hotel and quit thinking they are super stars. Hey Jenelle quit running around and go take care of your kids. You know the one that your mom takes care of and if it wasn't for you being pregnant with him, you wouldn't be able to afford all your dumb plastic surgeries, shitty tattoos and drugs. You remember him Jenelle? I don't want to hear one fucking sentence come out of her mouth about wanting custody of Jace, she needs to leave him alone since he is too old for her bullshit back and forth. He is going to grow up resentful of her selfish ways and not giving a flying flip about him or helping Barb more financially because she was too busy with countless procedures to remove her douche. I don't understand how people can think she is a good mother. She never spends time with her kids or acts like a mother. She acts like she is kidless and a celebrity like Paris Hilton and how she use to go from party to party.

Edited by toodywoody
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So, now she's in LA, seeing a specialist for her "health" issues.....

Assuming she is actually seeing specialists for semi-legit reasons, how is she paying for it? Especially considering they have been out of state thus far? Does MTV have them on some kind of uber awesome health insurance that covers any and everything? Even specialists on opposite sides of the country? Unless, of course, "specialist" is a new fangled word for high class drug dealers:)

Assuming she is actually seeing specialists for semi-legit reasons, how is she paying for it? Especially considering they have been out of state thus far? Does MTV have them on some kind of uber awesome health insurance that covers any and everything? Even specialists on opposite sides of the country? Unless, of course, "specialist" is a new fangled word for high class drug dealers:)

No, they're independent contractors. No provided health insurance. In fact, someone once asked Jenelle about that on Twitter, if she had health insurance. Here's her hilarious response:

Jenelle Evans ‏@PBandJenelley_1

@ShesaUnicorn2 @BabyNyah09 u think I have health insurance for my eyes ?! Noo def not. I paid full price


16 Jan 2014

Missy ‏@ShesaUnicorn2

@PBandJenelley_1 @BabyNyah09 that's right. Ur irresponsible. An adult w vision insurance?! Stupid me!!

Jenelle Evans

Jenelle Evans – Verified account ‏@PBandJenelley_1

@ShesaUnicorn2 @BabyNyah09 uhmm I'm sorry I'm not allowed to get government assistance like the rest of u lmao

This chick seriously thinks health insurance us government assistance, so she's pays full price. Moron.


  • Love 7


No, they're independent contractors. No provided health insurance.


Wow, this must be costing Jenelle hundreds or thousands out of pocket. I mean, a simple trip to the family doctor for a cold could cost you, uninsured, a few hundred. Yet again I wonder how the fool still has any of her TM2 money to blow at this point.



Jenelle was probably on Medicaid when she had Jace so she might want to rethink that government assistance remark.


I'm pretty sure Jenelle hasn't been the only one to put down people on gov't assistance. Didn't both Leah and Kail make snide remarks on the topic at one point? I recall Leah getting uppity and implying her and her family have never gotten assistance, to which I say Yeah right! I find it hard to believe Mama Dawn, a mother three times over before she was 25, with little education, and deadbeat baby daddy, didn't get some kind of assistance at some point. And Kail moving out of Jo's family's nice cushy digs over a tantrum to snatch up low-income housing she didn't really need. Crap like this is making me patiently wait for the day when karma catches up to the white trash trio.

Edited by HeySandyStrange
  • Love 12

Assuming she is actually seeing specialists for semi-legit reasons, how is she paying for it? Especially considering they have been out of state thus far? Does MTV have them on some kind of uber awesome health insurance that covers any and everything? Even specialists on opposite sides of the country? Unless, of course, "specialist" is a new fangled word for high class drug dealers:)

Individual health coverage is readily available (Anthem Blue Cross, etc.).

  • Love 1

Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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