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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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25 minutes ago, druzy said:

So was Maryssa crying because she had to see David? At first the article sounded like she was sobbing because she wanted to go back to him.  I really feel terrible that she was sobbing because she was in the same room with him. That poor child. 

  • Love 4
11 minutes ago, allienc said:

I'm making jokes because it's all I can really do. those poor children.

This is how I cope too, don't worry, I think we all understand here!

The latest story about Maryssa crying over having to see David is killing me. As another poster identified, the last few years of her life have been miserable and only continued to get worse. She's at such a delicate age, and all of this drama sure isn't helping the emotional and hormonal changes she's going through at the moment. I really hope she (and the rest of the kids) never have to see either Swamp Monster ever again.

  • Love 23
5 minutes ago, monicageller said:

This is how I cope too, don't worry, I think we all understand here!

The latest story about Maryssa crying over having to see David is killing me. As another poster identified, the last few years of her life have been miserable and only continued to get worse. She's at such a delicate age, and all of this drama sure isn't helping the emotional and hormonal changes she's going through at the moment. I really hope she (and the rest of the kids) never have to see either Swamp Monster ever again.

Ditto all of what you said @monicageller. The day those kids never have to see UBT and Swamp Twat again will be the best day of their lives.

(I’m aware that twat might be an offensive term to some. I don’t mean it as a slight toward women in general. I mean it as a slight toward a horrible person.)

Edited by Enya Face
Clarification (I hope!)
  • Love 15
On 5/17/2019 at 12:42 AM, Christina said:

It's always bothered me that Barb is accused of putting Jenelle in front of Jace and letting Jenelle stay in Jace's life so that she can be in her daughter's life by completely ignoring entire seasons of Jenelle bitching that Barb hadn't let her see Jace for months, Jenelle getting called out on posting old photos of Jace on social media claiming they were current when she hadn't seen him, Jenelle only getting to see him for a few hours while MTV was filming and Barb taking legal action to force Jenelle into rehab and keep her from Jace. While with UBT, Jenelle called the police at least twice because Barb was avoiding her calls and hiding Jace from her because Jace said he didn't want to see her. UBT took to texting physical threats and the police actually trespassed Jenelle and UBT from Barb's property after one of her calls for a welfare check.

Jace wanted to spend time with Jenelle; she was the fun-time party parent. Jace told his therapist that he wanted to spend time with Jenelle and she shared that with the court at the hearing where the visitation schedule was finalized. When the fighting with Gary Head was going on Barb wouldn't let Jenelle see Jace and Jenelle didn't want to. She didn't get to see Jace during the entire relationship with Courtland or while using heroin with Keiffer. Barb drove Jace to see Jenelle when she was pregnant with Kaiser because the producers asked her to, and when Nathan opened the door the smell of marijuana was so strong that she and Nathan got in an argument about it while Jenelle laid in bed heavily pregnant. Barb took Jace straight back home and Jenelle didn't see him the rest of the season. Of course, the fact they were arguing about Jenelle smoking pot while pregnant wasn't aired.

The reason it bothers me is because it negates Barb's parenting faults by replacing them with falsehoods. Barb has always thought Jenelle would grow up and become a mother; Jenelle has never wanted to be a mother. Barb put Jace in therapy and went herself. She tried to improve her communication skills with her bitch of a daughter who has said multiple times that she wished Barb would just die already. Barb is held to a standard no mother could meet by the accusations of Jenelle's crazed fans when Jenelle hasn't made any effort to actually be a mother. Some people who recognize that Barb is a better option than Jenelle still ignore that she kept Jace away from Jenelle for the majority of his life and it's irritating as hell to me.

Some people who recognize that Barb is a better option than Jenelle still ignore that she kept Jace away from Jenelle for the majority of his life and it's irritating as hell to me.

I am having a hard time understanding this. I don’t see how Barb has kept Jace from Janelle.  All Janelle had to do was go to court and get Jace.....because, she is so perfect....right???  Lol!! Well, no court would allow Jace back with Janelle.

Here is the deal.  You just explained years worth of scenarios how Janelle was not in the best state to care for Jace.  Many serious ones such as jail, drug use, abusive relationships, anger management problem....etc. etc.

Many times we saw that when Barbara allowed Jace to visit.....Janelle ignored the kids.  And, even abused the kids.

A lot of the time womb occupied with new baby from another man.

(But, here is Jace....wondering why he lives with grandma???)

Motherhood doesn’t work like that!  

Barbara’s job is not to find time frames when Janelle is on the straight and allow Jace to visit. Wait until Janelle fucks Up and then ‘keep’ Jace from her.

Then again.  Again.  Again.  This is what has been done to this little boy.

If this was real life (no show) and I was Barbara....once I got custody of Jace....I would move to another state! Zero contact with his drug addict, baby popping, baby butchering, dog killing, child abuser, raging ......mother! 

Because, if Barbara had not stepped in.....this is exactly how Jace would have been raised by foster parents.  ZERO contact with bio-mom. 

If Janelle...even saw Jace for a few times a year.....she should feel grateful.

Janelle will neve change.  She is Katie Price! They can be good for some time........but, that selfishness  will always be present. 

They will always come before their kids. Their Man of the Month will always come before their kids. Drugs give them a better feeling than watching their kids thrive.

They will spend their entire lives fighting legal cases with CPS and their 100 baby daddies.

These type of moms have a very specific pattern! 

By next year....Janelle will be divorced, broke and homeless.  

Selling tabloid stories about being a born again Christian, sobriety and abused wife story.  Asking for our understanding, sympathy and money. 

  • Love 13
28 minutes ago, Enya Face said:

Ditto all of what you said @monicageller. The day those kids never have to see UBT and Swamp Twat again will be the best day of their lives.

(I’m aware that twat might be an offensive term to some. I don’t mean it as a slight toward women in general. I mean it as a slight toward a horrible person.)

Not offensive at all (to me, that is). Someone in this thread referred to Jenelle as thundercunt a few pages back and I still laugh like a hyena every time I think about it. She is such a low life piece of garbage, I don't think it's possible to call her an overly offensive name.

  • Love 17
37 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

Not offensive at all (to me, that is). Someone in this thread referred to Jenelle as thundercunt a few pages back and I still laugh like a hyena every time I think about it. She is such a low life piece of garbage, I don't think it's possible to call her an overly offensive name.

Thank you @lovesnark. And lol at “thundercunt”... that’s getting bookmarked into my lexicon. 

  • Love 7
49 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

Surely, there are good foster parents in NC that would give her the care she deserves and needs?

I've spent a little time dealing with the foster care system and sadly, Barb might be the best option even taking into account the strain on her and possible dangers. It's truly disgusting how we put the barest minimum in for kids who are the most vulnerable. 

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, Rebecca said:

Word. Look at me over here posting about Kieffer left and right. Trying to remember when, as fucked up as it is, this show was entertaining and full of fun snark, not total darkness and literal death.

It’s been explained a bunch of times that Barb has never had the legal authority to keep Jace from Jenelle. Jenelle never lost  custody due to her legal actions or by court order, she agreed to sign over physical custody to Barb. Jenelle still has legal custody and rights over Jace and Barb cannot just move away with Jace and not tell Jenelle, that would potentially result in Barb losing physical custody and would put her in violation of the court. Foster families also cannot just move away with a child and many times the kids DO have contact with their parents still.  And many kids in the system go from parent home to foster home, back to parent, removed again to another foster home, back to parent, etc. It’s not simple or quick to terminate parental rights and just never have to deal with them again. 

Without Barb forcing Jenelle’s hand to give up physical custody of Jace he would’ve been in Jenelle’s custodial care fully until something horrific finally happened and then the in and out of Jenelle’s care and other homes would’ve begun when CPS eventually got involved. Jenelle wasn’t in any danger of losing Jace to anyone BUT Barb, Jenelle wasn’t even on the radar of CPS or the courts at the time Barb stepped in. Barb saw the writing on the wall with Jenelle’s “lifestyle” and made Jace as safe as she could proactively before Jenelle had the chance to actually cause him harm due to neglect, etc. Barb could’ve stuck her head in the sand and just stood by while Jenelle took Jace to party after party and other inappropriate situations and who knows what else until something bad happened and the authorities stepped in. But she didn’t, she got Jenelle to sign over custody as soon as she realized Jenelle wasn’t going to change her life and be a mother to Jace. Barb is definitely not perfect but by doing all that so early she has managed to keep Jace away from quite a bit of Jenelle’s bullshit. 

I remember that episode.  It was something like parents get.  One has primary custody (usually mom) and the other has to be involved in all major decisions. 

This is what Janelle FINALLY  agreed on because she knew there was no way she was being granted 100% custody.  

The judge was not going to remove Barbara from any custody agreement.  

This was the deal here.  Can Janelle take custody away from Barbara? Nope.

This was those entire 2 (or 5) seasons of Janelle screaming at Barbara.....’Give me back my son!’  Torturing the hell out of Barbara.....refusing to film with her....sending Nathan and David after her. 

So, yes, Janelle’s rights were not terminated........but, she was not granted custody, either.  So, same thing!  Really, let’s not split hairs, here.

This was NEVER Barbara’s goal.....anyways.

 Barbara has always been pro their relationship and riding out the MTV gravy train together. Janelle growing up and taking Jace. 

They never got there.....because Janelle is hateful with a demonic soul. 

  It finally happened.  Janelle got them fired.

Yes, I would move to another state....another country if I have to!

Fuck the cops.  What are they gonna do?

Cops and CPS are disgusting!  Judges, too! They have known what type of mother and what type of men she gets with.....and, have done nothing! These people have failed so many kids.  Most destroyed and a lot more dead.

It took David killing a D-O-G.......for the kids to be removed.

It took David killing a D-O-G......for Janelle to be fired from Teen Mom. 

Let that sink in.

Janelle’s last 911 call should have being the last straw.  

But, Janelle tweets about a dead dog.....and, the police, CPS and judges vacate the house.....in 24 hours. 

What a joke!

  • Love 7
8 hours ago, druzy said:
8 hours ago, druzy said:

“David was yelling: ‘What did you do to my child? Why won’t she talk to me?’” after Maryssa’s time with him the insider revealed to Radar.

Maybe because you brutally murdered her dog???

I know the kids' removal likely won't be permanent but I hope all this at least leads to Maryssa getting some time away from the swamp in the future in the form of visitation or shared custody with her maternal family. And hopefully those idiots will be required to re-enroll her in school where she can socialize with her peers and be somewhat looked after by school staff. 

Poor Barb. Caring for 3 young children is no easy task, not even for someone half her age. I don't know how long Ensley will be in her care but it's sad to think of the lack of good options that little girl has. Both her parents are garbage in human form, her paternal family  is no prize considering they produced David, and her maternal grandmother already has her hands full with two other grandchildren. 

Kaiser is such an adorable child. I love seeing pics of him happy and smiling now that he's away from those monsters. 

  • Love 21

I can't stop following this story, and every new article inspires fresh rage. Of course Dogkiller Dave lost his temper during visitation! I'm sure all those poor kids are sobbing at the thought of being forced to see these two, god! I'm praying that if this story is true, the judge will NOT force Maryssa to see him again any time soon.

To us it's so clear. We've seen 10 years of Jenelle's behavior; and Lord knows what she did when the cameras weren't there! So I'm just gonna say it: everyone involved in this case would be better off if Dave does decide to end it all, out there alone with Jenelle on the swamp. I can't see any other scenario in which ALL the kids will get a decent chance.

And Dave already loses it constantly, that's only going to get worse as they run out of money, and the drugs that money was paying for.

ETA: if the dogkillers lawyer has any sense, he'll quietly arrange for some Xanax for him before court.

Edited by blubld43
  • Love 14
2 hours ago, Rebecca said:

@Dance4Life I’m talking about when Jenelle had complete custody, in the beginning when Jace was first born. Barb had zero rights to him until Jenelle agreed to sign him over to Barb’s physical custody. Yes, Jenelle did so because she didn’t have money for a lawyer and Barb was going to take her to court with a lawyer of her own and Jenelle was homeless and didn’t have great odds of keeping full physical custody with Barb goinh before a judge against her but they never actually went to court. A lawyer drafted the documents and they were signed. It was all agreed on, there was no court order. It stipulated that in order to change their agreement for Barb to have custody to Jenelle having it that they would need to go to court and that’s why Jenelle has threatened to “get Jace back” through those means and the courts have since officially become involved. At this point Jenelle cannot take custody from Barb and Barb cannot take away Jenelle’s right to legal custody. Barb taking Jace and running away could result in an Amber Alert issued for Jace and Barb getting charged with kidnapped. Not having custody and rights being terminated are EXTREMELY different things, I’m not “splitting hairs” at all. Jenelle has a legal right to know where he lives, she is still legally his established parent. And while she doesn’t have primary custody of Jace she has had the right to her time with him until recently. I’m obviously not saying any of this is right or I personally agree with it but they are the facts. Things may be different now that all this happened but before this Barb was straight up not legally allowed to keep Jace from Jenelle as Jenelle has established parenting time through the courts until recently.

Of course Barb originally wanted and expected Jenelle to take custody of HER SON, that Jenelle chose to keep and “raise” (despite Barb’s objections and suggestions otherwise) back eventually...Barb expected Jenelle to grow up eventually and be a mother. Jenelle never did and I think Barb knows, accepts and wants Jace to stay with her his entire childhood at this point. Nothing has shown differently. Barb didn’t choose to have a baby and raise a child, Jenelle did but Barb has accepted that it’s now her role.

I think Barb should cut Jenelle out too, I think Jenelle is a straight up sociopath, but that’s way easier to say when we’re not her mother and didn’t give birth to her. And when we don’t love her and I actually despise her. Barb has been disappointing to me lately, especially the drunken hangouts with Jenelle but I do think she’s done a hell of a lot to try and give Jace a decent chance. She’s got issues of her own and is a flawed person but I think she’s doing her best and that’s more than I can say for most of this cast.

Barbara knew she was keeping Jace when it became obvious that Kaiser was being neglected and abused. It was sad when B said she never saw Kaiser.

It is all good what you write but real life doesn’t work that way. Some of these parents are monsters. 

Just think about what Josh Powell did.  

David gives me Josh vibes.

Plus, I don’t understand the kiddie visits while the parents are still under investigation.  

I grew up with military parents and didn’t see my parents for months.....

a few times year+! I even knew I might not see my parents ever again if they died in combat. I was Jace’s age.   I am good!

These freshly removed kids will be good, too.

Authorities just giving these monsters chances to harm their own children.  Which has happened so many times..... CPS, judges and police get it wrong so many times.

I would be back home with my kid before any Amber Alert was issued...getting ready to disappear. 

.....US officials can talk to my lawyer.  Nobody is going to be able to keep your child safe......except, you. You do what you gotta do.....at that point.

I hope these children will be Ok.  Hope they find good homes. Janelle’s unlimited MTV legal fund will soon dry.....and, hopefully she won’t be able to buy the children back.

I will see yah....on the other threads.  This one is all sorts of sad.....and, I don’t want to clog the thread with my frustrations. Nothing I can do. 🤷🏼‍♀️

  • Love 2
On 5/14/2019 at 4:11 PM, blubld43 said:

There's a quote box that I can't get rid of.... sorry.   Might be slightly off topic here, but why would Maryssa HAVE to see UBT and Jenelle?  Seems to me that she's old enough that the court should listen to her wishes, especially if she can articulate a reason why, such as being afraid of them.

  • Love 13
12 hours ago, druzy said:

“David was yelling: ‘What did you do to my child? Why won’t she talk to me?’” after Maryssa’s time with him the insider revealed to Radar. 

God, my heart just breaks for Maryssa. Kids thrive on structure and predictability- many, many studies have shown this. So, even without the death of the dog, the highs and lows of swamp land, the feeling of walking on a landmine and never knowing what is going to set David or Jenelle off, the isolation of the land, etc.- all that would probably amount to psychological torture even if David never laid a finger on her.

And while it would be easiest for Maryssa's badly damaged psyche if she could hate David, the fact is, she probably doesn't. I would venture to guess she still loves him. And that may severely damper any relief she has to be away from him, because now she feels guilty about it. And David is certainly not above using emotional manipulation to make sure she feels worse about it.

She's probably full of rage, sorrow, confusion, fear about where she's going to wind up next, guilt- quite a powderkeg for an adult, let alone an 11 year old.

Ensley is actually even worse off, but at 2, probably more concerned with basic survival needs than all the emotional upheaval Maryssa is probably struggling to process.

I have to hope this is the end of the road for Kaiser and Jace, but I don't know what's going to become of the girls. It's very sad.

  • Love 24
39 minutes ago, NannyBails said:

There's a quote box that I can't get rid of.... sorry.   Might be slightly off topic here, but why would Maryssa HAVE to see UBT and Jenelle?  Seems to me that she's old enough that the court should listen to her wishes, especially if she can articulate a reason why, such as being afraid of them.

Preach! It's not like he's been her primary caregiver since she was born. He was a typical every other weekend parent until he latched onto Jenelle's bank account. I keep hoping the judge sees everything for what it is and lets Maryssa go live her life away from the toxic twosome. It's hard enough to be a hormonal tween in a healthy family. I can't imagine what that poor child has had to endure for the last few years.

  • Love 13

Jenelle Evans and David Eason are back in a North Carolina courthouse fighting to get custody of their children -- but the fact they're doing it together might be their biggest hurdle.

We got the couple Wednesday morning on their way into the Columbus County Courthouse where there's a hearing scheduled to discuss the 3 kids CPS removed last week -- 4-year-old Kaiser, 9-year-old Jace and 2-year-old Ensley -- after David bludgeoned and then shot and killed the family dog, Nugget. 

David and Jenelle were in this same courtroom last week, but had to leave without their kids ... who are now all staying with various extended family members, including Jenelle's mother, Barbara.

Based on everything we're hearing from various people involved in the case ... Jenelle has a choice: stay with David or get back her kids.

We asked Jenelle about making that choice on her way into court -- she did not respond.

We're waiting to see what happens in the hearing.

Edited by druzy
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Thanks, Druzy! I was reading twitter comments at The Ashley last night. She (Ashley) made a comment about the offer to get the kids back if Jenelle left swamp dick. She said she wasn't sure if that offer was still on the table. She also commented in the same way about why swamp dick was the only one being investigated. Makes me think that what the kids have revealed has made the authorities step back and look deeper into Jenelle's part in the abuses those kids have suffered. I sure hope so.

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1 minute ago, lovesnark said:

Thanks, Druzy! I was reading twitter comments at The Ashley last night. She (Ashley) made a comment about the offer to get the kids back if Jenelle left swamp dick. She said she wasn't sure if that offer was still on the table. She also commented in the same way about why swamp dick was the only one being investigated. Makes me think that what the kids have revealed has made the authorities step back and look deeper into Jenelle's part in the abuses those kids have suffered. I sure hope so.

To me, it is just insane that this offer was even on the table in the first place. Even if Jenelle wasn't abusive in her own way, even if they trusted her to not allow David back in the house, what would stop him from coming back without permission? Even if Jenelle was a semi decent parent, those kids are not safe with her as long as David is lurking about.

  • Love 21
23 minutes ago, dariafan said:

I can only imagine what that visitation was like .. twatwaffle glaring and nostrils flaring... asking what she’s said to people ...

Since there was a sheriff's deputy and a CPS employee in the room with them, I don't think twatwaffle could ask about what Maryssa said to anyone. If she did, that shit was shut down instantly.

  • Love 12
On 5/20/2019 at 10:02 PM, Rebecca said:

I would think that wouldn’t even be a thought in the judge’s mind at this time. Jace doesn’t even live there and there’s little chance he’s going to be needing a room there any time soon. I also don’t see why it would be required that he have his own room.

It absolutely is.  One of the basics for proving you can have your kids back is that they have actual places to sleep that aren't with the parents, usually in their own beds in their own rooms.  I know of one woman, granted in another state, whose reunification plan was held up for six months while she found and moved from a studio apartment to a one bedroom so her kid could have a room with his own bed.

On 5/20/2019 at 11:45 PM, TheRealT said:

I was thinking that maybe they went to Lowes to get supplies to build some kind of hidden bomb shelter/panic room to which they can retreat to hide from authorities if anyone comes to The Land to try to take the kids again.

This is also an option.  Bunker/apocalypse food/gold supplies room. 

On 5/21/2019 at 1:00 AM, monicageller said:

We all know they're so delusional they think they can get their own HGTV show now. Chip and Joanna who?!

I would get drunk and watch the shit out of the first couple of episodes while I laughed my ass off at it.  I admit that.

On 5/21/2019 at 7:22 AM, Pixiebomb said:

My money is on spackle and paint. They have to fix all those fist holes in their walls before CPS shows up. I’m sure Lurch has filled the Living Room with uppercuts. 

Nah, they can just put posters from gun manufacturers over them. 

On 5/21/2019 at 9:20 AM, Tatum said:

I actually think they might not get the kids back, and this is coming from someone who has seen her nephew returned to his meth addicted, neglectful mother more times than I care to count.

I think David will be unwilling to make any concessions for the return of his daughters- no drug counseling, no anger management training, no home inspections- I don't see how the courts can return the girls if David won't even put up a half assed front to look like he's trying.

Tatum, you and I both know that if David doesn't abide by the court-mandated reunification plan, it's entirely possible that this case remains open until all of those kids reach their majority.  

20 hours ago, lovesnark said:

In the pics of them at Lowes, I notice he's not carrying his hip penis - credit to Ms Anon Mafioso😂 - There are pics of him at Home Depot with his gun on his hip, maybe Lowes doesn't allow armed people to enter their store? 

Lowe's doesn't allow open carry in their stores even if state laws allow for it.  HomeDepot does.  (Which you'd think Mr. Gun Advocate would know and shop accordingly, but he's also lazy and stupid.)

20 hours ago, Mkay said:

It doesn’t have to be on your dash to be in plain site.  I live in TX and our laws are the same. Yet I don’t drive around with my weapon on my dash. He was making it known he had it. Very intentional. 

He's the type of open carry fanatic who uses the laws to try and intimidate others.  He could very well have that gun sitting in his center console. 

11 hours ago, monicageller said:

This is how I cope too, don't worry, I think we all understand here!

The latest story about Maryssa crying over having to see David is killing me. As another poster identified, the last few years of her life have been miserable and only continued to get worse. She's at such a delicate age, and all of this drama sure isn't helping the emotional and hormonal changes she's going through at the moment. I really hope she (and the rest of the kids) never have to see either Swamp Monster ever again.

If the rumors are true, she probably is working up to a hardcore case of PTSD from being around those two dickbags and then the trauma of him beating the dog right in front of her.  

10 hours ago, lovesnark said:

The more I think about Barb having Ensley, the less I think it's a good idea ...

I get that CPS believes it's important to keep kids with family members, but at what cost? I honestly believe it would be the best for everyone if Ensley was in a foster home in an undisclosed location. Surely, there are good foster parents in NC that would give her the care she deserves and needs?

Keep in mind that Barb could have said no, and she didn't.  Also, CPS could have decided she's not fit and didn't.  There are criteria for these things, like having the income and the ability to care for the kid, giving the kid a bed to sleep in (not a pack-and-play, but a real, actual piece of furniture with a mattress), etc. etc. etc. She also has good relationships with other relatives in the family.  That is preferable to ripping a kid up by her roots and putting her in a temporary placement. 

18 minutes ago, Tatum said:

To me, it is just insane that this offer was even on the table in the first place. Even if Jenelle wasn't abusive in her own way, even if they trusted her to not allow David back in the house, what would stop him from coming back without permission? Even if Jenelle was a semi decent parent, those kids are not safe with her as long as David is lurking about.

Nothing, which is one of the inherent weakness of the CPS system.  I could post a rant here about how we expect social workers to be miracle works on the salaries we pay Walmart employees, but that's beside the point.  But, family reunification is the goal of all of this, with functional, healthy parents raising functional, healthy kids.  Even if you go to prison, you usually get to retain your parental rights as long as your crime didn't involve the kids.  Family court is not supposed to be punitive.  Unfortunately, David is one of the worst-case scenarios, he's ignorant, opinionated, uneducated, holds a grudge and has terrible impulse control.  CPS will be in his kids' lives until they're adults and can tell him themselves to fuck off. 

38 minutes ago, Tatum said:

Wait, which one is Twatwaffle- David or Jenelle?

Twatwaffle and Thundercunt.

Or, if you don't like the C-word, Twatwaffle and Beef Curtains. 

  • LOL 4
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Does Barbara still work full time or is she retired? When Jace is not in school and she is working, where does he stay or who stays with him? A babysitter? I'm just wondering how Barbara is going to manage a 2 year old, esp now that she wont have Teen Mom money and daycare is expensive. Maybe she will be eligible for financial help from the state with daycare for Ensley since it is a CPS-removal situation or does she have to manage this all on her own?

  • Love 2
5 minutes ago, starfire said:

Does Barbara still work full time or is she retired? When Jace is not in school and she is working, where does he stay or who stays with him? A babysitter? I'm just wondering how Barbara is going to manage a 2 year old, esp now that she wont have Teen Mom money and daycare is expensive. Maybe she will be eligible for financial help from the state with daycare for Ensley since it is a CPS-removal situation or does she have to manage this all on her own?

She is retired after 12 years at Wal-Mart, God love her.

And yes, she'd be available for state aid in caring for Ensley, most likely SNAP or WIC benefits.  If you're fostering a kid, even if they're blood, you do get assistance from the state regardless of your income.  

Edited by Lemur
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6 minutes ago, starfire said:

Does Barbara still work full time or is she retired? When Jace is not in school and she is working, where does he stay or who stays with him? A babysitter? I'm just wondering how Barbara is going to manage a 2 year old, esp now that she wont have Teen Mom money and daycare is expensive. Maybe she will be eligible for financial help from the state with daycare for Ensley since it is a CPS-removal situation or does she have to manage this all on her own?

Jace was in daycare as a baby. Barb probably footed that bill out of pocket, but it's possible there were programs to help since his parent was unemployed and a teenager in school.

However, from what I understand, if Barb stays on as Ensley's foster parent (kinship foster) the county will likely pay for both daycare and therapy.

My SIL has our nephew (her nephew as well) and he is required to go to counseling and she has to take him, but she does not pay out of pocket for it. But I don't live in NC.

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12 minutes ago, starfire said:

Does Barbara still work full time or is she retired? When Jace is not in school and she is working, where does he stay or who stays with him? A babysitter? I'm just wondering how Barbara is going to manage a 2 year old, esp now that she wont have Teen Mom money and daycare is expensive. Maybe she will be eligible for financial help from the state with daycare for Ensley since it is a CPS-removal situation or does she have to manage this all on her own?

She retired from Walmart last year.

She would need to be a licensed foster provider to obtain state benefits for Ensley while she is in her care, but it certainly is possible.  

Edited by geauxaway
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7:30 AM PT -- We now have inside information in the custody case. Sources connected to the case tell TMZ, this is actually the 4th hearing, and so far Jenelle and David have been shut down by the judge. We're told their lawyer has been arguing Child Protective Services can only keep the couple away from the 3 kids for a very limited period of time, but the judge has said the only issue is what's in the best interests of the kids, and if David poses a danger to them.

We're told in the case of 4-year-old Kaiser, his dad, Nathan Griffith, is fighting for custody because he believes Eason has mistreated him. Nathan currently has physical custody after the child was removed from Jenelle's home. Our sources say Nathan wants Jenelle to visit Kaiser, but only if David isn't around. She has rejected that offer but does FaceTime with her son.

Jenelle has asked that Kaiser be removed from Nathan's home and placed with a friend, but no evidence has been presented that Nathan poses a danger to Kaiser so he continues to have custody.

All 3 kids are currently in court ... it's the only time Jenelle has been able to see them since they were removed from the family home after David brutally killed the family dog. 

The hearing starts at 2 PM ET, so stay tuned.

Edited by druzy
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4 minutes ago, geauxaway said:

She retired from Walmart last year.

She would need to be a licensed foster provider to obtain state benefits for Ensley while she is in her care, but it certainly is possible.  

With the amount of crazy in Barb's family, I wouldn't doubt that she actually *is* a licensed foster care provider, between the son with severe mental issues, the other daughter who is constantly fighting with her exes and Jenelle.  (I have a couple of friends who went that route when their daughters made some really poor life decisions and they needed to take custody of their grandchildren.)

Edited by Lemur
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I wonder if Barb will still be on the show at all. I know she won't be on nearly as much as she was, but more like in the way Javi is shown now. Once in a blue moon just have a scene to say what they're up to. Barb must be soo pissed at Jenelle for everything, but especially because now she'll probably have to go back to work since she will no longer get the MTV paycheck.

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1 minute ago, Lemur said:

With the amount of crazy in Barb's family, I wouldn't doubt that she actually *is* a licenses foster care provider, between the son with severe mental issues, the other daughter who is constantly fighting with her exes and Jenelle.  

It would definitely be beneficial to her for services, that’s for sure!  

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Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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