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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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I'm still up and I have the Weather Channel on in the background.  While they are not in a mandatory evacuation area, this storm looks like it may stall for hours and hours, barely moving.  The meteorologists were saying it would be waves and waves of pounding rain and wind.  They were then saying that it's like a boxing match; the boxer isn't landing one big knockout blow, but it's body blow after body blow.  They then said that after that much stress, some buildings will see structural failures, plus trees will begin to fall in the saturated ground (if it does stall for hours - like it did in Houston).   They're showing the maps now, and even though they're not in a mandatory evacuation zone, they're going to be experiencing hurricane force winds.  They're in the 12 to 18 inches of rain graphic from what I can tell.  It's all on current data, too.  This thing has changed course at least once (first it was going to make landfall around the Outer Banks, now just north of Myrtle Beach)

Your house is already sinking.  You have cracks in the ceiling, which means your foundation is probably shit, too.  It looks like The Land is basically a swamp or as we'd call it back in the day - muckland.  And if the house starts falling apart, who knows if the roads will be passable?  Since they're on their phones all the time, wanna bet the batteries will be dead (with no backup, because I doubt the clusterfucks thought to get a generator since they live in the boonies), maybe they won't be able to call for help.  I wouldn't doubt that those two would be getting high during everything - party dude!  It'll be up to the oldest girl to handle the little ones.  I hope the kids and dogs are ok.  As one mayor in SC said, you can control your own destiny - leave and be safe.  If not, you're putting yourself at risk.  These fools are putting themselves and the kids (and dogs) at risk.

  • Love 21

There is water under the house, correct?  Not sure what putting sand around is going to do.  Obviously, there's some sort of underground waterway, probably snaking all through The Land.

Why am I picturing a large sink hole where the house used to be?  

Plus, if it floods, won't there be all sorts of critters (thinking reptile varieties) floating around The Land?

Local weather guy just said they're saying Florence could sit over the Carolinas for around 36 hours.  Think Houston.  So, even if you had a sturdy home, doesn't mean you won't have 4 feet of water inside.  

Just saw some that are staying, but have already finished their prep for the storm.  One wanted to protect his property, plus help out any in the community.  Yeah, more likely you'll need help from first responders.   

If something happens on The Land, I'm scared that the two idiots will save themselves first, and then later think about the kids.  

  • Love 11

Add me to the list who is curious to see what happens to these fools and their LAAAANNNDD.  I’m in NC too, but about 130 miles from Wilmington.  Earlier in the week it felt like the apocalypse was coming- no gas, no food in stores, people swarming stores, etc.  My county is not ordered to evacuate but I’m still freaking out over flooding and downed trees.  I just hope nothing happens to the innocent children.  Stay safe, everyone!

  • Love 16
13 hours ago, Mkay said:

I'm not an expert on how to board up the windows in preparation for a hurricane, but shouldn't the plywood go inside the window indentation area, rather than overlapping like that? The purpose of the plywood, if I'm not mistaken, is to prevent the window from breaking from flying objects and the wind itself. With it overlapping like that, It's my understanding that the wind can get under the plywood, sending it and the siding it's attached to flying. 


I hope Jenelle live streams UBT going out into the storm to fill it with uppercuts, only to be picked up by the wind and blown away, never to be seen or heard from again.

Edited by SweetieDarling
  • Love 17
27 minutes ago, SweetieDarling said:

I'm not an expert on how to board up the windows in preparation for a hurricane, but shouldn't the plywood go inside the window indentation area, rather than overlapping like that? The purpose of the plywood, if I'm not mistaken, is to prevent the window from breaking from flying objects and the wind itself. With it overlapping like that, It's my understanding that the wind can get under the plywood, sending it and the siding it's attached to flying. 


I hope Jenelle live streams UBT going out into the storm to fill it with uppercuts, only to be picked up by the wind and blown away, never to be seen or heard from again.

But, it’s David.  He’s built houses and stuff.  ??

  • Love 17

I was without power for EIGHTEEN DAYS in the 90-degree-average heat after Hurricane Gustav about ten years ago in the early fall. In South Louisiana, early September may as well still be summer as it's still so hot. After the storm passed, it was in the 90s (and the heat index was even higher because of the humidity) for weeks after.  It was miserable being without power and air conditioning that long. 

I can't imagine to think how much more miserable that would have been with three kids (especially small kids) around all day/night with that heat.  

Even with the best case scenario (no trees falling on the home, no flooding of their home, etc) it is highly likely Jenelle and David will lose power for some time. Maybe days or weeks. With the TM2$$$ they have, they are stupid AF to stay there when they could - again, as a best case scenario - be stuck with kids with no electricity/air conditioning in the heat for days.  That would be more than enough to make me want to evacuate without even thinking about the possibility of my house flooding or a tree falling down on my family member while we were in our home.

My husband is a nurse and he was stuck working/sleeping at the hospital for almost a week during Hurricane Gustav. It was one of the few hospitals that didn't lose power, so people were brought there during the storm and after.  He took care of a young guy who literally saw a tree fall through their roof and kill his mom as he was a few feet away from her.  During Katrina, many people were rescued from their roof after they'd cut themselves out of the attic.  Many died in their attics because they went up there to try to escape rapidly rising water in their homes and didn't have anything to cut themselves out of the attic with. Jenelle and David are idiots. They, unlike many others, have the means to leave and should have left. I really don't even care if two able bodied idiot ADULTS decide to try to ride out a storm like this (it's stupid, but I don't care), but those kids should NOT have to be in this situation.  Those kids have no choice. 

17 hours ago, FairyDusted said:

I just read on Twitter that Barb picked up Jace this morning to leave. Hope it's true.

I hope it's true, too. Is it too late for Doris to go pick up Kaiser?

(Maybe Ensley and Maryssa can abscond in her trunk while David & Jenelle play in the rain, so they can be safe, too.)

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 16
23 hours ago, Christina87 said:

I definitely see David as being too proud to leave. He seems to have the "I can protect my people better than anyone else can because I'm me and I'm special" mentality. He sees evacuating to be a threat to his manliness, because someone else (either a host or hotel) would be keeping them safer. I would hate to be that insecure about myself as a person! What a dipshit. 

To proud or to stupid?

  • Love 9

I think it's so dumb if they are planning to stay and do drugs / party! I'm sure that's their plan, but why? They don't have jobs to go to every day that prevent them from sitting around the house and shooting up any day! If they were both busy bankers with a fondness for drugs, and were thrilled to have a few days off work to sit around without electricity with an excuse to get high as a kite, I would still think it's stupid, but I would get it. Unless maybe they're thinking the police will be too busy with less trivial matters to care about their drugs? Makes noooo sense!

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, Mkay said:

Sure, Jenelle. Your ignorant asshole husband screwed some plywood on some walls and you call that prepared. Do you have a generator and a lot of gas for it stocked up? Do you have water stockplied? Battery powered lanterns and cases of batteries to keep them lit? Your septic system is already compromised. How well do think it's going to function when THE LAND gets hit with a foot or more of rain? How well do you think your already sinking pre fab will handle all that rain and wind? Do you have a plan for where you'll go if a tree comes through your roof? Do you have a chainsaw gassed up in case trees go down across your driveway? Do you know that you will be last in line to have your power restored? Do your have 2 or 3 weeks of non perishable food on hand? Do you have the same amount of food stocked up for your dogs? She seems to think it's no big deal and that she'll be able to send Lurch to Wal-Mart, Burger King and Starbucks every day.

I live in the Pacific Northwest and we get our fair share of windstorms that knock the power out. The longest outage we've had recently was 5 days and even though we have a generator and a woodstove, it's a pain in the ass. Jenelle has no idea what she's in for and will be a raging freaking bitch after a couple days of no power, bored and scared kids and not being able to lay in the tub with her bong. She won't be able to depend on the video game console or locking the kids outside to get rid of them.

Edited by lovesnark
  • Love 17

We lost power ( no electric or hot water ) for 3 weeks after SuperStorm Sandy and i really thought i was going to crack up after awhile. I cannot picture UBT & Juhnelle enduring no electricty - which means no tv ( babysitter) for the kids etc etc . It’s inconvenient and annoying , no way those two misfits will be able to endure it for long. Domestic violence could most definitely take place on The Laaaaaaaand after Florence. 

God bless those children and keep them safe 

Edited by DNR
Ninja edit
  • Love 12
6 hours ago, SweetieDarling said:

I'm not an expert on how to board up the windows in preparation for a hurricane, but shouldn't the plywood go inside the window indentation area, rather than overlapping like that?

As an architect who practiced in south Florida pre and post Andrew (through Rita), the overlap is normal.  The fastening is the issue.  Effective hurricane shutters are secured by continuous tracks that frame the opening.  The tracks are attached to the house by fasteners that screw into anchors that are specially placed to embed into to the wall structure.  

So the plywood (that UBT just randomly screwed into the siding) will protect them from all the stuff on the lawn that they were too lazy to secure, but if they get high winds, the suction forces on the leeward side of the house will pull that plywood off quickly.  And in hurricanes, the leeward side goes from one side of the house to the other, once the eye passes.

When the storm was a Cat 4, I figured they would die from their house blowing apart.  Now that it's a Cat 2 with 30+ inches of rain projected, I think the water damage, septic overflow,  and subsequent mold will make the house uninhabitable.

And it might, sadly, just provide Jenelle with a story line next season:

"Dude, I lost everythiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!!!!!!!!!"

Edited by OldButHappy
  • Love 19
18 minutes ago, TeeMo said:

Why is she using her phone battery to post IG stories?

DUH. What the fuck is she supposed to do, NOT respond to the jelus hatters? For how long??? 

I'm still flabbergasted that she has a tattoo on her stomach that says this too shall pass. How does anyone fuck her without thinking about her taking a shit later?

  • Love 21

They're so fucking stupid! The swingset, the bikes and all the other stuff in the yard will become projectiles when that wind hits. All of those outdoor toys should have been taken down and secured inside the garage they built a little while ago. I hope all of the kids are unharmed but I hope everything they own gets trashed and that they've let the insurance lapse on everything.

  • Love 20
On 9/8/2018 at 5:58 PM, druzy said:

I couldn't find the video of Barb saying Jenelle failed the state medical assistant boards. However, I found the video of Jenelle telling Barb that she will be saving lives while Barb serves food at Walmart. 


I'm still pissed she said this shit. Babs works at Walmart to feed your son and you asshole. 

  • Love 15

Jenelles story with this storm has been fishy from the start.  She lost power (supposedly) days ago, which was (to my knowledge) at least 24 hours before anyone else in NC started losing power. Now she has power.  They must have generators.  They have purchased every other “toy” from the Farm and Home, if they didn’t have multiple generators then they are even more stupid than I’ve ever given them credit for.

  • Love 11

Just because those poor kids are on my mind, I checked their county's website.  There have been folks rescued in the county - trees down, etc.  Not a ton of activity, but it doesn't seem to be that heavily populated.  Roughly half or more of the two power companies that service that county are now without power.

And then this posted today on the website:

7 a.m.

The latest NWS forecast calls for rainfall in the 27-inch range in Columbus County. The bad news is that predictions for rainfall in the Lumber River basin above Fair Bluff have risen dramatically. Winds will be sustained in the 50s and 60s through most of the day, with gusts in the 70s and 80s.

Hope they have a boat or a raft of some sort on The Land.  If they were smart, they'd have brought life jackets for everyone - for worst case scenario, but yeah, they're not smart.

  • Love 9

She might have a generator, we live in the Adirondacks and the blizzards kick out the power a few times a winter, everyone has one up here. But here’s the thing. If they had a generator don’t you think we would have known about it? She posts pics and descriptions of every purchase they make. She can’t wait to show off the latest bullshit thing that they neither need nor can afford, if they had a generator I’m sure there would be manly pics of manly UBT operating it with a caption like “my hubby is the manliest man who ever manned! Here he is turning on the generator! #countrymanstrong #highasfuck #hesfuckinrakin”. So my guess is while they piss away money on all kinds of crap, a life saving generator is not something that is a priority, probably because it’s functional and not fun. 

  • Love 23

Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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