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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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I just hope that once the hammer comes down and Jenelle is fired( I believe It's coming but after MTV milks David being fired for all that it is worth), she becomes persona non grata in the world of Reality Tv. No Marriage Boot camp for her and Lurch; no other appearances on any other network, not even Iyanla: Fix my Life. Lol 

  • Love 18

Blind Item.   I know these aren't always legit, but it gives us something to discuss during the off season.  Besides, why would Olivia delete that?!!!!!


This former MTV star has been threatening his ex by sending her pictures of himself with assault rifles and guns and that she will get what she deserves. There is a video she says he sent but doesn't have any more where he has an assault rifle strapped to his body while he smokes meth and then goes on a rant against her. Jenelle Evans’ husband David Eason/Olivia Leedham

Edited by Mkay
  • Love 13
24 minutes ago, Mkay said:

Blind Item.   I know these aren't always legit, but it gives us something to discuss during the off season.  Besides, why would Olivia delete that?!!!!!


This former MTV star has been threatening his ex by sending her pictures of himself with assault rifles and guns and that she will get what she deserves. There is a video she says he sent but doesn't have any more where he has an assault rifle strapped to his body while he smokes meth and then goes on a rant against her. Jenelle Evans’ husband David Eason/Olivia Leedham

I know these blind items are sometimes total bullshit but, this I could totally believe. UBT is enraged over being canned and over not getting his way when they recently went to court. I'm sure he really and truly believed the judge would order Olivia to let him see that little boy. Olivia doesn't seem like a complete moron and everything she claims in the court papers is true. If he was stupid enough to do this, I sure hope her attorney has every pic and video. 

  • Love 15

If they’re not going to be filming the kids, then they really don’t need Jenelle either. So her whole segment can just go away. (Which would be great as far as I’m concerned- can’t stand her.)

It would be great if they replaced it with Babs and Jace as other posters have suggested but then they’d have to rework the Title to Teen & Grandma Mom2.

  • Love 23

A part of me wonders if this is also some kind of push comes to shove scheme David cooked up as a way of trying to get MTV to reconsider taking him back? He likely thinks by keeping the kids away from the cameras, MTV will see there is nothing there worth filming. Not that I think MTV would fall for this crap, but in David's empty mind, he probably thinks there is a chance it might work. He is a desperate person who needs his portion of MTV back in his pocket. 

  • Love 24

My speculations - 

1. Their attorney has advised them not to allow the children to film as they are shit parents and what is filmed can be used against them (by Doris, by Child Protective, etc).


2. Farrah was “fired” because she brought the producers dangerously close to violating California child labor laws. Producers are now becoming more cauticious as to how they interact with the children. While there are no child labor laws to protect Janelle’s children, the producers recognize that David and Janelle are ticking timebombs and they do not want to be responsible for failing to report (yes, they’re not mandated reporters but in a civil suit would be found liable if they did nothing to help the children). 

  • Love 16

Great points you bring up there CofCinci. 

With David's custody issue, and Doris in the wings waiting for a great opportunity to get Kaiser in her custody, I could see the attorney angle being a factor. 

Farrah indirectly (or even directly) opening the door to possible violations of on-set child abuse as far as Jenelle's kids are concerned. Can you imagine if Farrah's attorney(s) made a call to CPS or at the very least, threatened MTV with making a call? Ha! 

  • Love 9
8 hours ago, Mkay said:

Someone said zombies in her comments.  


Is she trying to “punish” MTV for firing her man. Well she retweeted this poster so let’s go with this plan instead.  

Maybe she can’t take the comments about Ensley’s head.

6 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

UBT is the one who removed Eggsley from being filmed. No doubt in my mind about that.

Probably. I was going to say we will see if Maryssa is filmed but I guess none of the kids will be now. I wonder if that means David will give up custody of Maryssa now that she’s not making him money anymore. 

1 hour ago, Mkay said:

The only reason I wanted this abomination of a woman on the show any longer was that it, hopefully, made things even a little better or safer for her children when they were being filmed. Now that they’re not being filmed there’s literally no reason to keep Jenelle around. Also, she’s stupid and I can’t see how they’ll keep her now. UNLESS Barb and Jace will be the main focus now and we will just see Jenelle a bit as it pertains to them. Jenelle has no friends so without her unfortunate children and David on the show she has no one to interact with other than Barb. I wish to hell that Barb would screech that she’ll “never film with [Jenelle] again in her life” like Jenelle did about Barb when she was pissed about MTV crew “being nice” to Barb. Then Jenelle would have no one. Wasn't Ashleigh, Jenelle’s sister, also a teen mom? Let’s get her on in place of Jenelle...I want the person that replaces her to piss her off the most. I also don’t want them to cancel the whole show now for years because Jenelle will think it’s all because she’s not on it.

  • Love 17

MTV should  be petty by having any post-David firing episodes only feature Jace with Barb and Kaiser with Nathan and Doris. Whatever footage  they have of Jenelle, leave it on the cutting room floor.  One final "Fuck you!" to Jenelle and Lurch before they inform her  that her  services are no longer  needed.

Edited by FlowerofCarnage
  • Love 22
12 minutes ago, Rebecca said:

Maybe she can’t take the comments about Ensley’s head.

Probably. I was going to say we will see if Maryssa is filmed but I guess none of the kids will be now. I wonder if that means David will give up custody of Maryssa now that she’s not making him money anymore. 

The only reason I wanted this abomination of a woman on the show any longer was that it, hopefully, made things even a little better or safer for her children when they were being filmed. Now that they’re not being filmed there’s literally no reason to keep Jenelle around. Also, she’s stupid and I can’t see how they’ll keep her now. UNLESS Barb and Jace will be the main focus now and we will just see Jenelle a bit as it pertains to them. Jenelle has no friends so without her unfortunate children and David on the show she has no one to interact with other than Barb. I wish to hell that Barb would screech that she’ll “never film with [Jenelle] again in her life” like Jenelle did about Barb when she was pissed about MTV crew “being nice” to Barb. Then Jenelle would have no one. Wasn't Ashleigh, Jenelle’s sister, also a teen mom? Let’s get her on in place of Jenelle...I want the person that replaces her to piss her off the most. I also don’t want them to cancel the whole show now for years because Jenelle will think it’s all because she’s not on it.

Oooh good point about Maryssa no longer being a cash cow and of no more use to her dad. 

You make an excellent point about Jenelle thinking she must be all that if the show couldn't stay on the air without her. Jenelle and Kail have been going back and forth about this very thing where Jenelle feels she is the reason for the great ratings. Okay, I agree, don't cancel the show!!

  • Love 12

Cut Jenelle! Enough with her pathetic fucking ass. Her saying her kids won’t appear is obv her and David trying to get some power and get him back on the show. Or David has been spazzing and abusing trying to get control back. 

If MTV keeps just her then I’m so done with this show. Like I don’t want this bitch getting paid all this money for just half assed showing up. 

  • Love 11
4 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

I wish you had patience for animals. They'd all be alive right now. 

I wish you had patience for Barb.  You know, the woman is raising your first son, despite all of your squealing about MAH SON.

ETA:  Just because.  Just because this may be the most bizarre, most unbelievable moment in television history.


Edited by bethster2000
  • Love 11
5 hours ago, bethster2000 said:

I wish you had patience for Barb.  You know, the woman is raising your first son, despite all of your squealing about MAH SON.

ETA:  Just because.  Just because this may be the most bizarre, most unbelievable moment in television history.


If the look on Dusty's face doesn't say "This bitch is crazy", I don't know what does.

  • Love 11
21 minutes ago, BXD said:

Stupid question, but who is this Jamie person that is always mentioned? 

Not a stupid question, at all. Jamie is Jenelle's lone 'friend' at the moment. She was at THE LAND the night all the shit went down before the wedding. When their 'friendship' implodes, I hope she spills all the dirt. I still really need to know the story behind Jenelle not having a bouquet or the flower crown we all know she'd planned to wear. I'm sticking to my theory of her ripping both to shreds in one of her fits of anger at UBT for fuckin' rakin'  instead of being glued to her side telling her how awesome she is.

  • Love 17
29 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

Not a stupid question, at all. Jamie is Jenelle's lone 'friend' at the moment. She was at THE LAND the night all the shit went down before the wedding. When their 'friendship' implodes, I hope she spills all the dirt. I still really need to know the story behind Jenelle not having a bouquet or the flower crown we all know she'd planned to wear. I'm sticking to my theory of her ripping both to shreds in one of her fits of anger at UBT for fuckin' rakin'  instead of being glued to her side telling her how awesome she is.

Didn’t either endtable or Maryssa wear the flower crown at the wedding.  I’m positive they did. As for her bouquet, yea, that probably got shredded.  

Editted to add that Maryssa wore it. 


Edited by Mkay
  • Love 5
31 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

Not a stupid question, at all. Jamie is Jenelle's lone 'friend' at the moment. She was at THE LAND the night all the shit went down before the wedding. When their 'friendship' implodes, I hope she spills all the dirt. I still really need to know the story behind Jenelle not having a bouquet or the flower crown we all know she'd planned to wear. I'm sticking to my theory of her ripping both to shreds in one of her fits of anger at UBT for fuckin' rakin'  instead of being glued to her side telling her how awesome she is.

I wonder where she found her, considering she isnt allowed to leave THELAND much these days...

  • Love 8
21 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

A part of me wonders if this is also some kind of push comes to shove scheme David cooked up as a way of trying to get MTV to reconsider taking him back? He likely thinks by keeping the kids away from the cameras, MTV will see there is nothing there worth filming. Not that I think MTV would fall for this crap, but in David's empty mind, he probably thinks there is a chance it might work. He is a desperate person who needs his portion of MTV back in his pocket. 

I believe this is exactly what it is.  UBT is all in a huff over being fired so he's "well, then you can't film MY kid!" and then Kaiser was an after thought when they realized if they said they didn't want their baby filmed that people would say "but you let your toddler be filmed!" 

5 hours ago, Mkay said:

"Grandma doesn't let him do football like he wants to."

Yeah, Jenelle....that damn Barbara! She wants to keep Jace free from injuries that can be life-changing.   That big meanie wants to insure that Jace's brain isn't going to be forever damaged due to CTE.  That Barb is sooo meeeeannnn! Why is she so meeeann to me Jace and won't let him play football?      /sarcasm

As a mom of a boy in the South, this something I struggle with. If my now-toddler-aged son one day comes home and asks to play football, I'm not sure I'd say yes...due to the likelihood of brain injuries/CTE. There's already history of mental illness (depression & addiction) in my family, and I'd worry that any brain injuries would further "activate" or "worsen" that biological component, gods forbid.  But football is undeniably part of the culture here in the South.  I could see Barb thinking "our family already has enough working against them biologically with mental illness, I don't want to push it with further injuries to the brain" since Jenelle was diagnosed bipolar once upon a time & I think her brother has schizophrenia.  I think I'd likely make the same decision as Barb.  

Also, let's be real.  Jace isn't a huge kid.  Just because of his size alone, there's an extreme likelihood that even if he was awesome at football, it would never be something he made a career out of.  The cost-benefit analysis clearly comes down on keeping him out of football (not that I think being rich will insulate you from CTE, but I guess it might be slightly easier to accept this brain damages at least knowing you were paid to do it, rather than just doing it for fun.  I hope that makes sense.)  And people in the South do play soccer, tennis, basketball, and baseball, Jenelle.  There are other sports.  My husband's mom wouldn't let him play football as a kid.  She signed him up for baseball, soccer, and track instead.  He was an all-city baseball player in high school & a semi-pro beach volleyball player in his early 20s. There's more than football, even in the South.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 24
1 hour ago, TexasGal said:

I feel like whoever set up that twitter needs to start roasting Jenelle full time.

I’ll do my best. ? actually she’s getting pretty well roasted, people are responding to the Ensley not filming tweet with responses like “all there will be is you sucking on a bong” and “it must be UBT’s idea to hold the kid hostage from filming to try to force them to hire him back”. Fun reading! 

Edited by ElderPrice
  • Love 23
On 3/2/2018 at 7:04 PM, druzy said:

Remember how Kaiser spent the first couple of years of his life in his crib when Jenelle couldn't deal (which was always)?  This play yard is the new crib.

I guess the favorite child gets a play yard while Jenelle goes back to bed or to her bathtub.  Kaiser only got his crib.  Jace at least got Barb.  Even the favorite child gets screwed here (though I guess a play yard is better than Kaiser's crib).

Jenelle, kids playing by themselves and entertaining themselves is important.  But you also do need to interact with this child more than just throwing her in there and occasionally feeding/changing/snap-chatting her.  

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 13
15 minutes ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

I believe this is exactly what it is.  UBT is all in a huff over being fired so he's "well, then you can't film MY kid!" and then Kaiser was an after thought when they realized if they said they didn't want their baby filmed that people would say "but you let your toddler be filmed!" 

"Grandma doesn't let him do football like he wants to."

Yeah, Jenelle....that damn Barbara! She wants to keep Jace free from injuries that can be life-changing.   That big meanie wants to insure that Jace's brain isn't going to be forever damaged due to CTE.  That Barb is sooo meeeeannnn! Why is she so meeeann to me Jace and won't let him play football?      /sarcasm

As a mom of a boy in the South, this something I struggle with. If my now-toddler-aged son one day comes home and asks to play football, I'm not sure I'd say yes...due to the likelihood of brain injuries/CTE. There's already history of mental illness (depression & addiction) in my family, and I'd worry that any brain injuries would further "activate" or "worsen" that biological component, gods forbid.  But football is undeniably part of the culture here in the South.  I could see Barb thinking "our family already has enough working against them biologically with mental illness, I don't want to push it with further injuries to the brain" since Jenelle was diagnosed bipolar once upon a time & I think her brother has schizophrenia.  I think I'd likely make the same decision as Barb.  

Also, let's be real.  Jace isn't a huge kid.  Just because of his size alone, there's an extreme likelihood that even if he was awesome at football, it would never be something he made a career out of.  The cost-benefit analysis clearly comes down on keeping him out of football (not that I think being rich will insulate you from CTE, but I guess it might be slightly easier to accept this brain damages at least knowing you were paid to do it, rather than just doing it for fun.  I hope that makes sense.)  And people in the South do play soccer, tennis, basketball, and baseball, Jenelle.  There are other sports.  My husband's mom wouldn't let him play football as a kid.  She signed him up for baseball, soccer, and track instead.  He was an all-city baseball player in high school & a semi-pro beach volleyball player in his early 20s. There's more than football, even in the South.


It could also be that UBT is trying to shove it into Jace's head that he SHOULD be playing football because football is a MAN'S SPORT and in order to prove that you aren't a homo, you play a real man's sport, not build cars for the derby races. And since whatever David wants, Jenelle has to ensure he gets, she is likely trying to get Jace to tell Barb that he should play football. 

Poor Jace likely told Barb about playing football, but Barb knows that is not really what he wants to do since he likely never expressed any interest in that sort of thing. Jace then had to tell Jenelle that grandma won't let him play as he is afraid to say he doesn't want to play. 

  • Love 18
8 minutes ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

Jenelle, kids playing by themselves and entertaining themselves is important.  But you also do need to interact with this child more than just throwing her in there and occasionally feeding/changing/snap-chatting her.  

Exactly. A safe confined space is a good idea for when you’re getting dinner or vacuuming or whatever. But we all know that 1) Jenelle does no household work, and 2) the kid is more than likely in there for hours while Jenelle is tub-tokin’. 

  • Love 15
3 hours ago, Mkay said:

Didn’t either endtable or Maryssa wear the flower crown at the wedding.  I’m positive they did. As for her bouquet, yea, that probably got shredded.  

Editted to add that Maryssa wore it. 


Jenelle had been wearing flower crowns for months in all of her stupid photo shoots. I'm SURE she had one made for herself  as well as Maryssa for the swamp nuptials. For god's sake, Chelsea wore a flower crown, of course Jenelle would have to have one, too! As trashtastic as that wedding was, I did like the flowers. Sad that such lovely things had to be part of it.

  • Love 11
3 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

I never had the impression that Jace would like football. He seems very happy and actively involved in the Scouts. 

maybe football is one of those sports where you have to drive to take them to practice a few times a week & then make a road trip every weekend & Barb, like most sixty-year-olds (even those who AREN'T raising other grandkids) doesn't always feel up to it?  Who could fault her for that?

  • Love 13
59 minutes ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

I believe this is exactly what it is.  UBT is all in a huff over being fired so he's "well, then you can't film MY kid!" and then Kaiser was an after thought when they realized if they said they didn't want their baby filmed that people would say "but you let your toddler be filmed!" 

"Grandma doesn't let him do football like he wants to."

Yeah, Jenelle....that damn Barbara! She wants to keep Jace free from injuries that can be life-changing.   That big meanie wants to insure that Jace's brain isn't going to be forever damaged due to CTE.  That Barb is sooo meeeeannnn! Why is she so meeeann to me Jace and won't let him play football?      /sarcasm

As a mom of a boy in the South, this something I struggle with. If my now-toddler-aged son one day comes home and asks to play football, I'm not sure I'd say yes...due to the likelihood of brain injuries/CTE. There's already history of mental illness (depression & addiction) in my family, and I'd worry that any brain injuries would further "activate" or "worsen" that biological component, gods forbid.  But football is undeniably part of the culture here in the South.  I could see Barb thinking "our family already has enough working against them biologically with mental illness, I don't want to push it with further injuries to the brain" since Jenelle was diagnosed bipolar once upon a time & I think her brother has schizophrenia.  I think I'd likely make the same decision as Barb.  

Also, let's be real.  Jace isn't a huge kid.  Just because of his size alone, there's an extreme likelihood that even if he was awesome at football, it would never be something he made a career out of.  The cost-benefit analysis clearly comes down on keeping him out of football (not that I think being rich will insulate you from CTE, but I guess it might be slightly easier to accept this brain damages at least knowing you were paid to do it, rather than just doing it for fun.  I hope that makes sense.)  And people in the South do play soccer, tennis, basketball, and baseball, Jenelle.  There are other sports.  My husband's mom wouldn't let him play football as a kid.  She signed him up for baseball, soccer, and track instead.  He was an all-city baseball player in high school & a semi-pro beach volleyball player in his early 20s. There's more than football, even in the South.


This. I’ve said this myself. I live in Texas.  Football is a big deal in Texas.  I don’t think I would be ok with my son playing. Sigh. A boy at a local school just came home last week from a brain injury Sustained in september! He still isn’t walking on his own. He got hurt. Didn’t realize he had a brain injury, and continued to play until someone realized something wasn’t right. It made big nees in Texas and it could probably be found with a little bit of good searching in east Texas football news. 


Jenelle must still be mad about Yahtzee. 

Edited by Mkay
  • Love 15
On 3/4/2018 at 9:13 AM, Mkay said:

Why do people think she carries the show? She doesn’t.  She and Kail are the last ones I want to see. They cause my blood pressure to rise. 


Exactly! Plus, Jenelle needs the MTV income to support her living in her huge house on the swamp and her kids, she doesn't have a job and she won't be able to get one. The only two who would be able to support themselves after this show ends are Farrah (besides the porn, she does have a few businesses) and Chelsea (she is an esthetician). I am not sure how successful Maci and Taylor's t-shirt company is. 

Edited by Lusterleaf
  • Love 13
6 minutes ago, Lusterleaf said:

I am not sure how successful Maci and Taylor's t-shirt company is. 


I feel like Kail and Maci would get jobs if it came right down to it.  Kail's too proud to rely on public assistance, (unlike the Coven who would probably be filling out paperwork as MTV was pulling away....btw I believe strongly in helping those who need it, blah blah blah, you all know what I mean) and the last time she married "for money"  (Javi?  right?) it was a disaster.

I think Maci, for all her faults, was raised right & wouldn't think that a "real job" was beneath her.

Edited by teapot
  • Love 21
18 minutes ago, Lusterleaf said:

Exactly! Plus, Jenelle needs the MTV income to support her living in her huge house on the swamp and her kids, she doesn't have a job and she won't be able to get one. The only two who would be able to support themselves after this show ends are Farrah (besides the porn, she does have a few businesses) and Chelsea (she is an esthetician). I am not sure how successful Maci and Taylor's t-shirt company is. 

Jenelle can dust off her Medical Assistant certificate and go save lives.

  • Love 17

Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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