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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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I have little experience here, because it's been 30 years since I was in Kindergarten....and my kids are homeschooled. But her story sounds super fishy to me. My sister is a first grade teacher, and I haven't heard anything about testing prior to the school year. And yes, from what she says, the early days are just spent getting to know each other, the classroom, light kind of stuff. I would not, however, be surprised if the kid was removed from the class for violence. I really do think Jace was born with a soft heart and sweet spirit, but I think he has been so utterly neglected on the one hand, while witnessing some pretty violent outbursts on the other hand - so he probably thinks violence is how you solve problems. And he also probably acts out for attention. I really feel for that kid. 

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I hope Jace is Sheldon Cooper super smart and he leaves for college in 3-4 years.  Or finds the cure for his mother.


As much as I would seriously love this scenario to happen, and Jace to beat all the odds and rise above the dysfunction that is his family, I tend to believe more that Jenelle is exaggerating/ outright lying about him being in advanced math the first few days of kindergarten. And (fan of Big Bang) even Sheldon Cooper had a loving, nurturing mother on his side.

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Maybe there was testing before the first day of school?? 


Kindergarten screening does happen, but it's generally to identify developmental, cognitive, motor, and/or speech needs before school starts, and to let them get acquainted with teachers, etc.  Even in districts where they might separate kids into groups or track them for academics, it's highly unlikely that they'd start off on the first day of kindergarten.  In the districts where I've worked they do very little that could be considered academic work in the first few days with kindergarten students and focus on things like classroom routines and appropriate behaviors.  


The only way I can think of for what Jenelle is saying to be accurate might be if they started doing pull-out academic screening on the first day to get baseline information.  If he understands basic concepts and some computation like addition facts, they may have sent home information that he's working at a "grade equivalent" of first grade.  That might mean that he has a handle on the stuff that beginning first grade students need, but I doubt it's more than that.  A lot of screening measures are highly sensitive for kids this young, and can give somewhat inflated results if they manage to do well on even a fraction of items.  


Good for Jace if he's actually getting a good start in kindergarten, but the chances that he'll do well behaviorally seem limited at this point.

Edited by Ffiferoo
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Kindergarten screening does happen, but it's generally to identify developmental, cognitive, motor, and/or speech needs before school starts, and to let them get acquainted with teachers, etc.  Even in districts where they might separate kids into groups or track them for academics, it's highly unlikely that they'd start off on the first day of kindergarten.  In the districts where I've worked they do very little that could be considered academic work in the first few days with kindergarten students and focus on things like classroom routines and appropriate behaviors.  



High school teacher here, so I know it's totally different, but this is really the only kind of testing I can see Jace getting thus far. The school district HAS to be aware of who he/his family is and I can see them being worried about his development mentally and socially. Maybe Jace was just in a pre-screening room with a first grader and Jenelle didn't understand the context?

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in my state the kids do take a test before Kindergarten (at least they did, my youngest is a junior in high school) but as stated above, it is more to find any possible difficulties that can be focused on during the summer before Kindergarten in some cases or through extra help during the school day (like speech therapy). I would be skeptical that on the first day of school, a Kindergartener is yanked from the classroom they are yet to be comfy in, to be tossed into a completely different classroom with older kids and given 1st grade math, all on the first day. I think kids can definitely be placed in higher grade math classes (my daughter has been in classes with Juniors and Seniors since she was a Freshman) but on the first day of Kindergarten? I think there is still a pretty general consensus that the first few days of Kindergarten are focused on the difficult transition and I doubt they would make that transition even more difficult by rushing him off to first grade math. lol, stupid ass Janelle probably thinks this reflects on her as a good mother... lolololol. If Jace is great at math is reflects on the ability to be born intelligent regardless of your mom and dad being heroin addicts and criminals. I hope Jace is smart and can learn to wrap his mind around his awful mother so he can move past it one day. 

Edited by ArtTypeGirl
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Perhaps it's cynical, but I suspect Jace was yanked from the classroom on the first day of kindergarten for some behavior issue (hitting someone in the face, perhaps?!) and while he was being dealt with, maybe someone played math games or did flash cards with him, leading Janelle to interpret this as some sort of "My kid is so advanced he was pulled out for higher-level learning!" event.

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Or, Jenelle could just be lying about it. Why wouldn't she? Anyone who challenges her is just a "jellus haterz"!!!


Probably it's this.  Unfortunately despite the fact that Barbara is a *more* fit parent than Jenelle, she is still a parent who raised a kid like Jenelle.  And Jace is having to deal with both of them as caretakers ("caretakers"?)

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Jace is probably doomed. Barb doesn't seem like she's doing a terrible job at raising him, but the fact that she lets Jenelle come in and out of Jace's life whenever she wants is gonna be damaging. Especially now that Kaiser exists. Eventually he's going to want to know why Jenelle is raising Kaiser and not him too. No kid wants to hear that "Mommy would rather go drinking and party instead of take care of you." That's a tough pill to swallow, and is bound to cause resentment.

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My best hope for Jace is that he's still doing the martial arts thing.  It would give him a strong (but not terrifying) male figure, good positive reinforcement and reasonable punishment when needed, and an outlet for his aggression.  Or maybe going to school will be a good different environment for him.  But since I expect Jenelle to be abandoning Kaiser at Barb's within the next six months to a year, I don't think he'll have time to be wondering why she treats his brother differently.

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This is true. Chances are whenever things turn sour between Jenelle and Nathan she will take Kaiser over to Barb's for good. Jenelle doesn't really want to raise a child, especially not by herself. I guess the only thing we can hope for is when the end comes for Jenelle and Nathan that it's no violent bloodbath, cos he is definitely the type of guy I can picture having a complete mental break from reality.

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I hope that Jace is super smart too, and wish that people would stop condemning him to a doomed future despite his unfortunate beginnings. Janelle, for all of her mental health and drug issues and bloody awful choices in men, is not an unintelligent person, so hopefully the little boy inherited that and none of the rest.


While I do believe he probably has some behavioral issues, hopefully he'll get to see a school shrink or counselor who can provide some support to Barb. I do wish she wouldn't yell in front of him, but he does seem to love her very much and has been shown in the last episode and the sneak peek for the next one showing her affection: giving her a kiss or crawling into her arms, while Jenelle was there. And even the dickhead Nathan said that when he's sick or sad or whatever, Barb is the person he reaches out for.


Nathan has major anger issues and it seems doubtful that Barb will ever let Jace live with him and Jenelle or even just Jenelle. The one thing I don't understand is why Jenelle is studying to be a medical assistant. What doctor or clinic is going to let her with her well-documented drug problems anywhere near their medical practice? What a waste of time and money. Both Jennelle and Leah are the ones in this particular franchise who I think are going to have some issues when the MTV money goes away. Hopefully, though, someone advised Leah to put aside some money for the girlses and MTV sets aside money for Barb and Jace.

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I've thought the same thing about Jenelle and her school choice numerous times. I've had a DUI and even though that has nothing to do with the medical profession or my ability to do my job it still was a disclosure I have to make to potential employers. And I am a medical assistant. I can guarantee Jenelle will never get a job in the medical field with her laundry list of drug charges. Nobody wants that kind of liability.


It really sucks too, because I wanted to go for my nursing degree for the longest time but when I met with an advisor they told me because of my DUI to not even bother, because nowhere would hire me. Which I guess does make sense, cos I have heard from friends who are nurses if you get charged with one as an RN they can revoke your nursing license. It's not fair, but such is life.

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I'm sorry but I think that's totally fair. I think people who drive drunk deserve that and so, so, so much worse.

My good friend's son was in the same kindergarten class as my daughter and I was the one who was asked to explain to the class that his mom had been killed so he wouldn't be coming back to class.

I left out the part where he and his baby sister were left orphans because their mom and dad were killed by a drunk driver.

So yeah, I think its fair. They need to toughen up the drunk driving laws so more innocent people aren't murdered by these drunks.

Edited by Maharincess
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There are serious consequences for drug-related offenses and DUIs.  I have a sort-of friend who merely got ARRESTED for possession and was immediately fired from her job as a teacher's aide.  She dropped out of college (she had been studying to be an early-childhood teacher) because she knew she would never, ever get a job in any educational institution.  I would imagine it's the same for the medical field.


But who am I kidding...Jenelle is not interested in getting a job!  She plans to live off her MTV earnings and whatever side jobs come from that exposure.  She is NOT going to study, get a certification, and get up early every day, put on her scrubs and go to work!  LOL at that idea!

  • Love 1

I'm sorry but I think that's totally fair. I think people who drive drunk deserve that and so, so, so much worse.

My good friend's son was in the same kindergarten class as my daughter and I was the one who was asked to explain to the class that his mom had been killed so he wouldn't be coming back to class.

I left out the part where he and his baby sister were left orphans because their mom and dad were killed by a drunk driver.

So yeah, I think its fair. They need to toughen up the drunk driving laws so more innocent people aren't murdered by these drunks.

There is a huge difference in getting charged with a DUI because you killed someone and being charged because you got stopped for having a tail light out but were otherwise doing nothing wrong. I'm not going to detail how everything went down specifically, but yeah. Not everyone who gets a DUI deserves to be demonized for the rest of their lives. I attended my classes, paid my fines, and have never been arrested since. I think that's punishment enough.

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That reminds me of the people who stumble out of their cars on Cops and can barely walk but swear they only had 2 beers.

Drunk driving is drunk driving. The idiots who don't kill somebody are just lucky. Cops don't give a dui for a broken taillight.

A smart person who gives a shit about human lives wouldn't drive after even one drink.

Edited by Maharincess
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You can believe I was some stumbling, falling down drunk if you really want to.....but if that were the case I would have had jail time. Especially if I had injured anyone. So have fun with that because I stood before a judge and was given my punishment. You trying to make me feel guilty now for something stupid that I did more than 10 years ago is bullshit. I understand the hatred towards those who hurt people, but not towards those who did not. I was obviously dumb then, and I've grown up since. I don't think anyone wants shit they did when they were in their twenties hung over their heads forever.


And you most certainly can get a DUI from having a tail light out. If it's 4am and you're stopped for something minor but the cop asks you if you've been drinking that night at all and you say yes, but not for hours, they will still break out the breathalyzer. So yeah, that's all it takes. That's what happens when you are honest. I was always taught lying will get you in more trouble.

Edited by fliptopbox
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You can believe I was some stumbling, falling down drunk if you really want to.....but if that were the case I would have had jail time. Especially if I had injured anyone. So have fun with that because I stood before a judge and was given my punishment. You trying to make me feel guilty now for something stupid that I did more than 10 years ago is bullshit. I understand the hatred towards those who hurt people, but not towards those who did not. I was obviously dumb then, and I've grown up since. I don't think anyone wants shit they did when they were in their twenties hung over their heads forever.


And you most certainly can get a DUI from having a tail light out. If it's 4am and you're stopped for something minor but the cop asks you if you've been drinking that night at all and you say yes, but not for hours, they will still break out the breathalyzer. So yeah, that's all it takes. That's what happens when you are honest. I was always taught lying will get you in more trouble.

Well it will- without that reality- check you may well have continued to do it!


I'm 27. I don't know anyone who has lost a license due to DUI- due to speeding/other infractions building up, yes, I know three people. I'm from Perth, Australia and our limit is 0.05, which is lower than at least some US states I have heard of. Driving under the influence is just plain stupid and age is absolutely no excuse.

Jenelle is smart, I believe, but obviously has some self esteem and mental health issues. I feel really sad when I see her searching for a relationship to fill something inside herself. I can't believe she's ever had a positive male role model in her life. Barbara obviously does her best but hasn't raised Jenelle well. Her whole story just makes me sad.

I'm glad none of us drink and drive.

It always amuses me when Janelle is arguing w Barbara and she tries to make herself sound like some sort of safe place for Jace. A soft landing if you will. Almost like if it wasn't for Barb, Jace would be a normal well adjusted kid.

Delusional much?

If Jenelle truly believes this,then why hasn't she fought harder (or fought at all!) to get Jace back. What a joke.

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Because Jenelle listens to her Twitter minions who constantly tell her how "strong" she is, and how she's done such a great job turning her life around, and how she and Nathan are "the perfect couple", and how she's a great mother.  It's very easy to stick your head in the sand and refuse to listen to anyone who doesn't agree with you.  Or to dismiss them as "jellus haterz".


She constantly says she's going to "get Jace back" but won't go into specifics on how she plans to accomplish this.  She doesn't want him back, but of course she can't admit that!

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My son had long hair until he was about 9.  My nephews had hair down past their elbows through middle school.  I loved that they wanted to be "different" and I don't think a mohawk is all that subversive (unless it's a big, tall, held together by egg whites liberty spike).  Shoot, my brother is 50 and has a modified mohawk and sports a "tail" and he's very high up in the corporate world.  So I don't think Jenelle is a horrible parent for getting Jace a unique haircut.  


If that's the worst thing she ever did that would be no big deal IMO, but unfortunately...we know all the rest.

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Clips of Janelle and Nathan have been on The Soup the last two weeks. The first one was Jace telling Janelle he was going to teach the new baby to punch her in the face. The joke was that he should teach the kid to punch lower in order for her to stop pumping out more kids. The second one showed Nathan in his nipple shirt talking about how the strollers were "electronified". They didn't need to add too much to that one.

Edited by Soobs
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I'm too lazy to search, but I am always a fan of a little kid with a mohawk. I once suggested to an ex that instead of the lame military haircut he wanted to get his son that he do the mohawk. If eye daggers killed I would be dead. Who seriously is offended by a 5 year old's haircut?! It's not like I suggested he get a tattoo and a nose ring while we were at it, lol.

Of the hundreds and hundreds of photos on Janelle's twitter page there are very few of kaiser roll. Honestly wouldn't surprise me in the least if Nathan's parents have taken the boy in along with Nathan's daughter.  Granted MTV could have requested it to bump rating or they could have some contract with a magazine but it seems odd given her propensity to post everything.

They're probably just waiting til this season of TM2 ends and then will make some lame annoucement about how she and Mongo thought it would be better for Kaiser to live with his half sister at Mongo's parents' house. Since it truly doesn't seem like she enjoys her children AT ALL why not get her tubes tied? She's pretty much the last person who should keep having babies.

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He also said that Jace would "secede" better with them than he will "secede" with Barb. Which is probably true, even if that's not what he meant to say.


Dear God, I hope that child DOES secede. He would be far better off raising himself. 


Kaiser is probably in a cage with one of the dogs because he dared to poop outside of his diaper.


Let's hope they don't watch RHOC, or she might end up stuffing him under a couch cushion, ala Tamra Judge. I'm only halfway joking. The sad thing is, I can see Jenelle ending up pulling a Casey Anthony or something. She is far too self absorbed and has zero patience. I find Barb to be emotionally abusive and neglectful, but we've never seen her be physical. I would worry about Jenelle (and Mongo as well) getting physical with those kids if they reached the ends of their ever-so-short fuses. 

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You guys you guys you guys! Turns out Nathan is a rocket scientist!


"Hello, My name is Nathan Griffith," the letter reads. "As we all know NASA has the best of the best when it comes to technology, economic advances and connections to some of the most brilliant minds the world has to offer. Knowing this, I'm sure someone has already thought about this idea or that it has been rejected due to technical flaws. Even saying that I would like to present my idea to NASA."

"As old or new satellites release transmitters through space, I think we should export an enhance telescope and modify a gun/cannon like object attach to it to project (shoot) a highly durable camera or transmitter," Nathan continues.

"The telescope will be use like a scope on a rifle. As I addressed before, Newton's first Law, space will allow the object to travel thousands of miles per hour through space until it reaches its destination. Allowing us to search for new discoveries outside our solar system."




Delusions of grandeur much?

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Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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