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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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Jace is fucked either way. Barb and Jenelle are both nuts. Neither one can provide him with a stable, loving home, even though Barb tries and is clearly the lesser of two evils. However Jace is old enough now where any type of surrender would feel like abandonment. He's already maladjusted as it is, an adoption would likely make it a thousand times worse.

Awful as it is to say, what Barb should have done is let Jace remain with Jenelle as an infant and called the State on her. Jenelle would have been too lazy/high to go through the steps necessary to regain custody and Jace would have been adopted out at a much younger age.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 8

When Jenelle signed him over to Barbara, it was temporary custody, implying that she would be getting him back.Babs had the right to keep him with her and make his medical and educational decisions, but she could not have placed him for adoption. I agree that adoption would have been the best thing for him, but unless Jenelle signed him over permanently it wasn't possible.

I think Jace has the best chance with Barb AND the mtv cameras. For the most part, I think the cameras need to go away for all of these children. Just not jace. I firmly believe that this is his best shot at "normal".

Sounds crazy, I know. But I really do feel it's his best shot at becoming a productive adult.

I agree with this! I also think the cameras are good for Leah's kids and Sophia. Pretty much because Leah and Farrah suck, and the cameras might remind them that they're being watched and criticized so they will do right by their kids.

  • Love 2

It's not just that Barb screams and yells, it's her words. She can be very condescending and hurtful. She also talks about topics that are way too mature for Jace to be hearing. Now, I know Jenelle is a big blob of vile pond water, but Barb should keep the trash talking from Jace. He'll figure it out on his own. And she's already starting to snipe at him harshly, now that the younger Gabriel is in the house. Honestly, Barb has always struck me as a lazy parent who will just yell and yell, but never actually take the time to address problems. 


I agree, the cameras being around are good for Jace. Sadly. 

  • Love 6

Agree with everything your saying, ghoulina.  I can cut Barb some slack, she at least seems to have a heart compared to ice cold Jenelle and isn't a dick hopper, but she deals with things by screaming and losing her temper. While I get that Jenelle is the cause of much of her frustration, something tells me that isn't just a recent thing. So Jace did somewhat get the lesser of two evils on that one, but it is an injustice that he wasn't put up for adoption. I hope that there are some positive role models in his life, but Jenelle hangs with losers and Barb seems to lack a solid support system. I'm rooting for him, though.

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Jenelle's rights would have to be terminated for Jace to get adopted. And Jenelle isn't going to sign over her rights lightly. If Jace was in foster care and Jenelle's rights were terminated by force then family members would have priority. Jace is what 6? The only option right now is foster care adoption since private adoption is for babies. But there's no evidence of Barbs neglecting or abusing Jace. She yells but yelling isn't really looked at as abuse.

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I think that Barb is in a tough spot.  She stepped up for Jace because Jenelle has essentially been a womb and nothing more.  It may have been better, as BitterApple said to have not stepped in and had the state intervene but I can't imagine that family services would have been happy with that.  I'm not American but would't it be the case that Jace would have most likely ended up with Barbs anyway?  Isn't the preference for children to be placed with relatives? Could the state put Jace up for adoption without Jenelle's permission? 

I think that it is pretty clear that Barbs doesn't want to raise Jace.  In my mind, that is why she has been supportive of Jenelle's efforts to get clean and healthy and then take Jace back.  Not to say that she doesn't love him but she doesn't want to be spending her 50s raising her grandson who is certainly a handful.  I don't think that Barbs is under any illusions that she is the greatest mother of the year and I think that she wishes Jace was in a better situation but there isn't much she can do.  

Jenelle isn't going to give up permanent custody (someday she'll get him back, y'all) and so Barbs is stuck and doing the best she can.  She could certainly do better, less yelling, more compassion, etc., but she's the only one who has stepped up for Jace and I've got to give her points for that.   

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ChocolateAddict, it depends. In an ideal world the State would want to place the kid with relatives, but it's not mandatory. If Barb said she couldn't afford to care for Jace or she didn't want him then he'd be cycled into the foster system. If the State found that Jenelle was an unfit mother and/or if Jenelle wasn't abiding by their rules to re-obtain custody, then yes, they could terminate her parental rights. It's a long, convoluted process however, it doesn't happen right away.

  • Love 2

I think that Barb is in a tough spot. She stepped up for Jace because Jenelle has essentially been a womb and nothing more. It may have been better, as BitterApple said to have not stepped in and had the state intervene but I can't imagine that family services would have been happy with that. I'm not American but would't it be the case that Jace would have most likely ended up with Barbs anyway? Isn't the preference for children to be placed with relatives? Could the state put Jace up for adoption without Jenelle's permission?

I think that it is pretty clear that Barbs doesn't want to raise Jace. In my mind, that is why she has been supportive of Jenelle's efforts to get clean and healthy and then take Jace back. Not to say that she doesn't love him but she doesn't want to be spending her 50s raising her grandson who is certainly a handful. I don't think that Barbs is under any illusions that she is the greatest mother of the year and I think that she wishes Jace was in a better situation but there isn't much she can do.

Jenelle isn't going to give up permanent custody (someday she'll get him back, y'all) and so Barbs is stuck and doing the best she can. She could certainly do better, less yelling, more compassion, etc., but she's the only one who has stepped up for Jace and I've got to give her points for that.

Getting a tpr is difficult. Cps gives parents multiple chances to get their act together.Sometimes it can take years for a child to become legally freed for adoption after they entered foster care. Yes Barbs and other family members will be asked if they could take Jace in. It's kinship care, foster kids are placed with relatives and get reimburse/ get services. At least in my state anyway. I really think Barbara needs support. Both Jace and Barbara could get some good therapy. I wish Barbara would cut Jenelle out of her and Jaces life. Yes it would be hard as a parent to cut off your child, but Jenelle is toxic. She needs serious help but refuses to get it. She treats Jace like a pair of shoes. When it becomes too much for her she calls on Barbara to be mom again. Yet hates it when Jace calls Barbara mom, well he is her mom. I feel sorry for Jace either way.

  • Love 2

I read the article yesterday about how Jenelle is graduating or something like that. Can anyone explain how she is going to get a job? I start nursing school in the fall and we had to do an extensive criminal background check to be able to start clinicals. I imagine the one to work is even more in depth.

  • Love 3

I read the article yesterday about how Jenelle is graduating or something like that. Can anyone explain how she is going to get a job? I start nursing school in the fall and we had to do an extensive criminal background check to be able to start clinicals. I imagine the one to work is even more in depth.

I posted about this way back when she started school. I have a friend who has 40+ years as an RN under her belt and she's worked in pretty much every aspect of nursing imaginable. One of the many jobs she's done is managing every aspect of the clinical side of a private physician's office, including all the hiring and firing. She assured me that Jenelle's criminal/drug history will be a huge red flag when the background checks are done and that she has a snowball's chance in hell of getting hired anywhere.

  • Love 5

Exactly. I've been thinking that ever since I found out she was taking classes for that. No reputable medical professional institution, whether it be a doctor's office, medical center or hospital, is ever going to hire someone with her arrest records. Let Jenelle (an admitted former heroin addict) anywhere near drugs? That's like letting the fox into the henhouse!

As far as the Roll is concerned, I honestly think she is not around him very much. She fobs him off to daycare and Doris (Nipples' mom) as much as possible. Because as we all know, motherhood is not her strong suit.

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My friend is an office manager for a doctor's group. She said there's no way in holy Hell someone like Jenelle would get a job working in the medical field. With her criminal record and drug history she'd be too much of a liability in an office where there's access to prescription pads and meds. The background checks are too thorough these days.

She might be able to get hired at some shady Medicaid Mill, but no reputable doctor would risk his rep and his license on a known heroin addict.

Edited by BitterApple

I read the article yesterday about how Jenelle is graduating or something like that. Can anyone explain how she is going to get a job? I start nursing school in the fall and we had to do an extensive criminal background check to be able to start clinicals. I imagine the one to work is even more in depth.

She's attending a trade school.  Not exactly nursing school.  Their only requirement is a check that doesn't bounce.  Getting a job is another story.



  • Love 1

Do we know if this is a respected, accredited school like a community college or a vocational school, or just one of those degree mills?

I agree with the consensus that it will be next to impossible to find a job. Not only is she out of the running for hospitals, respected physicians offices, etc, but I'm sure one of her first questions for any of the low brow potential employers interviewing her will be if she can bring her camera crew. (Because we all know Jenelle is just doing this for our benefit) If a medical office is sleazy enough to hire a former heroin addict, then I'm assuming there are other skeletons in their closet that they would prefer not to draw attention to. I want to give her credit for going to school and trying, but it was just wasted time and money. I'd be willing to bet someone tried to tell her and she just ignored them.

Just did a quick search on her school. I read some reviews from faculty perspective on Glassdoor, and a lot of them claimed that there were some illegal/unethical things going on, which is really no surprised. Someone said that students can take the entrance exam as many times as it takes until they pass. Several said that students were patronized and humored, so they would stay (and pay) even if they did poorly.

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Looking at this thread title made me wonder. Has Jenelle been convicted of any felonies? I think she's managed to stay in the misdemeanor/gross misdemeanor range for now. I don't think she can get a job in any medical field if she's a convicted felon, can she?


The only places I've ever known of that hired someone with a drug history are a few treatment centers. But, these are people with 15 to 20 years of sobriety under their belts and they're more involved in the therapy/group session aspect of rehab.

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I just fell into a hole of gossip, and found that Janelle is claiming she was offered $1.5 mil to do a sex tape. She declined, of course, because:



My future and reputation is more important than gaining a quick buck,” she said. “And it’s against my morals as a person. That’s just so disrespectful to yourself.




She lies so much it's hard to know if it is true or not. It seems to be on the heals of TM3's Mackenzie McKee making a sex tape. 



  • Love 1

I just fell into a hole of gossip, and found that Janelle is claiming she was offered $1.5 mil to do a sex tape. She declined, of course, because:



She lies so much it's hard to know if it is true or not. It seems to be on the heals of TM3's Mackenzie McKee making a sex tape. 




Ugh. Please tell me this isn't the new "career path" for this show. 16&P then if you're lucky you get Teen Mom. If you're even luckier your cast of TM gets picked up for multiple seasons, then - sex tape!  Yuck.

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My future and reputation is more important than gaining a quick buck,” she said. “And it’s against my morals as a person. That’s just so disrespectful to yourself.


This has to be the most ridiculous quote to ever come out of her mouth. Morals? She wouldn't know a moral if it bit her on her ass. Moral people don't abandon their days old infant to go party with their fellow skanks, then treat the woman who stepped in to care for the abandoned baby worse than dog shit scraped off their shoe. Also, how utterly rich for her to mention disrespect. Everything about her epitomizes disrespect, so I guess she does have some familiarity with it. Reputation? That's been in the septic tank since she was 16. There's no changing that fact.

  • Love 8

Hey, being a felon ain't illegal!


I mean, technically... being a felon isn't illegal, it's the felony you committed that is illegal. And a felon kind of implies that a person was convicted, you aren't a felon if you're found not guilty (or not charged, etc.). And I do feel for people who get out of jail, who have served their time, and are unable to reenter the world as productive citizens because of the stigma attached to being a felon/jail time. It's one part of why the US has such terrible recidivism rates. (And people keep asking if she's even a felon.. it's very possible that none of her charges have resulted in felony convictions. Off the top of my head, her jail time has been fairly limited in length which suggests misdemeanors, and I believe she has settled a lot, which probably lowered the crimes that could have been felonies to misdemeanors. But I don't know North Carolina law.)


BUT, there is also nothing wrong with the nature of the felony you committed bearing on what you are allowed to do or prevented from doing after release. It makes perfect sense to prohibit someone who has prior drug convictions from working around controlled substances. Being an alcoholic isn't illegal, but it's probably not a good idea for them to come out of rehab and work as bartenders. 


Plus, it is increasingly more common for employers to Google applicants. If Jenelle's conviction history isn't enough, her personality on camera and documented work ethic will be. 

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Apparently Jenelle tweeted a video of her lighting a firecracker, calling her dog over to it, and scaring it when it blew up in the poor dog's face. She removed the video then tweeted this out after people gave her shit for it.

Fuck Jenelle. The worst is that she never admits or acknowledges that she does anything wrong. In Jenelle's mind, she's a good mom, a responsible pet owner and a functioning member of society

  • Love 2

Apparently Jenelle tweeted a video of her lighting a firecracker, calling her dog over to it, and scaring it when it blew up in the poor dog's face. She removed the video then tweeted this out after people gave her shit for it.

Can we force a psychological evaluation on people. Maybe get a court order to attend therapy because there's seriously something wrong with this bitch.

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Wow, that is sickening. i did not think she could sink any lower.


I fell into the gossip hole for a while too and I have this question: why does The Stir kiss Jenelle's ass the way it does? Here's their take on Janelle turning down the alleged sex tape offer and her latest excuse for why she's not following through with her constant whining about getting Jace back:




God, even the headline they used for that article made me want to vomit. Here's an equally ridiculous piece from last month:



Edited by bref
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Apparently Jenelle tweeted a video of her lighting a firecracker, calling her dog over to it, and scaring it when it blew up in the poor dog's face. She removed the video then tweeted this out after people gave her shit for it.


Here's her "explanation" via TMZ. This girl is SO STUPID. I just can't with her. America's Funniest Home Videos? Really?


Jenelle Evans Sorry I'm Not Sorry About Explosive Video With My Dog


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TMZ is now reporting on the video mentioned upthread and all I have to say is: Jenelle is an effing piece of shit, and she needs to be both sterilized and lobotomized STAT.

I hate MTV for allowing her to remain on their payroll.

ETA: Jellowslr narrowly beat me to the punch! :)

Edited by LIGirl
  • Love 5

I've just been on Jenelle's Instagram. Jesus. What's almost as disturbing as what she did to that poor dog is that the vast majority of comments are in fucking defence of her. It makes me want to weep for humanity since I figure these are all young girls who will one day procreate and if she's their role model then the next generation is fucked. I had to come here to restore my faith!

It's interesting reading how Jenelle will struggle to get a job with her background in the US. I'm a nurse, and a recovering addict. I'm on longterm sick right now but otherwise gainfully employed - my addiction is the worst kept secret in the hospital I work in. However, unlike Jenelle I do have a clean record and I was a student nurse when I developed an addiction. Like many, I developed it through a legitimate injury and discovered I liked the peace they gave me; one I didn't have otherwise. I did not steal drugs from work but I feel very lucky right now that between my addiction and my anorexia, I wasn't written off.

On saying that, if Jenelle was working in any medical facility I walked into, I would fucking run out of the door screaming.

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Ugh, per The Ashley, Vivid has confirmed they did make an offer to Jenelle to film a sex tape. They didn't confirm the offer was for $1.5 million, but they didn't deny it either. They also said Jenelle turned them down.


Well, add Jenelle to the list of slut-shamers. It's fine to abandon your kids, steal from your mother, drive drunk, assault your friends, etc. but doing porn is evidently a moral low. (That's not to say I think Jenelle is obligated to do porn based on her other poor decisions, but she should just say she doesn't want to do it, and not say it's because of her moral code). That said, I find it absolutely shocking that Jenelle would turn down that kind of money.


Is there any chance, Vivid savvy posters, that Jenelle is still the one that failed the STD test and Vivid is just being nice not outing her and going along with her story that she turned them down? I mean, I wouldn't expect them to announce her STD status publicly.

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Didn't Jenelle say her racy photos from the past were hacked from her phone or posted without her consent?


I knew so long ago Jenelle was a waste of oxygen and shouldn't have children and pets in her care. We saw what she did the last time she was shown with her dogs in those damn cages. She screamed and yelled at them. She was upset because they dared to shit on her garage floor. A video of her doing what she did to her dog is not shocking at all. It pisses me off, no doubt. But, what will it take for MTV to wake the fuck up and get these damn heifers off the show and let them lead their shitty lives without the MTV payroll?


By the way, does anyone know if anyone called animal control about this situation?

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Perhaps this will enrage Maci and she will leave the entire Teen Mom brand. Surely her delicate sensibilities won't be able to stomach a porn start AND an animal abuser.

We're not that lucky that Maci will give up her famewhoring. She'd have to get a real job then.

Not to mention Amber the abusive jailbird. Oh wait, she didn't have a problem with Amber appearing on the show. Just Farrah who committed no crimes. GTFO Maci.

Edited by FaithsMum
  • Love 5

Yes animal control was called. Some of the Jenelle haters on Twitter called horry county pd. they have apparently gone to her home multiple times since July 4th but she doesn't answer the door. She claims the police have not come to her house at all but there are horry county dispatch logs that show police have visited her exact address 4 times in regards to animal cruelty since the 4th. Bitch deserves to rot.

  • Love 10

Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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