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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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She did it because she is a twit. She only thinks of herself and thinks everyone should revolve their shit around her. And I bet she will never change weekends with Nathan and gives him hell when he wants to. If that is the case, good for him. She should have looked on the fucking calendar and seen it wasn't her weekend. But that would require her to get off Twitter and IG. 

But everything is everyone else's fault. She is the fucktwit who picked the damn day.

  • Love 18
1 hour ago, GreatKazu said:

I can't help but laugh at Jenelle's hypocrisy. She doesn't acknowledge the marijuana in her system BUT she rambles on about how she is not treated with respect and how Doris and Nathan disrespect her in various ways including social media. Um... isn't that what Jenelle does every fucking day? 

No shit. In Doris's filing, it states that UBT called Nathan a fucking queer in front of Kaiser at a drop off. Jenelle sits in the car (when she gets off her ass to ride along) at the drop offs and has UBT do everything, so she doesn't really know anything except what UBT reports back to her. As far as the wedding goes, she picked the date. Tough shit, bitch. And, Kaiser is nothing more than an annoyance to them, so not having him at the swamp nuptials would be a good thing. It's  not like he's a crucial member of the wedding party,  just another prop for a social media post. I can totally see UBT telling someone to shut up the whiny little bitch in the middle of the ceremony if Kaiser made a sound.

  • Love 23

I am willing to never eat another m&m ever again in my life if Jenelle could prove that if the situation was flip flopped that she wouldn't do what she's claiming Nathan is... let's pretend for 30 seconds that she would ever be flexible with Nathan if it weren't a situation where she benefits. The way I see it it was win/win for her to make the wedding when Nathan has Kaiser, either she gets free child care and doesn't have to worry about Kaiser being in the way... or she gets all the sympathy because Nathan is "so mean" and won't let Kaiser come. 

Also let's pretend again that Kaiser had any injury from being with Doris, like Jenelle wouldn't have blown that shit up the minute it happened along with pictures on instagram. But no, nothing comes out until Jenelle feels threatened... sure Jan.

  • Love 23
4 hours ago, druzy said:

“Plaintiff attempted to address this concern with Defendant and Doris Davidson and both the Defendant and Doris Davidson became hostile, threatening, and rude toward Plaintiff and would not maintain a respectful or business-like tone with Plaintiff.”

suuuuure, because we have observed that Jenelle is ALWAYS respectful and businesslike with the people who care for her children. 

  • Love 16
31 minutes ago, toodywoody said:

I love how she doesn't know how to handle The Roll. Just proves she wasn't around when Jace was smaller. She just wants the kids to be picture perfect with perfect attitudes because they might mess up her high so she will have to run and hide in her room asking why are they so mean to me. Kids have tantrums, kids don't feel good, kids ruin your plans with their unexpected moods.  Life is not perfect 24/7 especially when you have children. And knowing that The Roll has been sick and that she wasn't giving him his medicine maybe the fits were about him not feeling well.  Maybe he was tired. Hell one time all the little dude wanted was water and she couldn't give him some water without melting down. The next melt down he wanted to talk to David and she couldn't get it. He is a toddler, there will be fits over nothing. But she doesn't get it. And just wait when Endtable starts walking and is into shit.  Bitch will really have her hands full then.

Agree 100%. But she'll probably have Endtable in daycare as soon as possible and then expect Maryssa to handle the kids the rest of the time. She has things to do, dude! Important things like keeping up with her social media accounts, taking selfies and making videos of herself applying her lousy makeup. Not to mention locking herself in her bedroom so she can get high. She doesn't concern herself with small stuff, like parenting. 

  • Love 15

Like the thread title says, Jenelle doesn't really parent any of her kids. What we see on the show is her and UBT on their best behavior, acting in ways they think/hope people will see as healthy and normal. When the cameras aren't around, UBT beats Kaiser for pooping in his diaper, they lock the kids outside for hours, they leave Ensley in her crib/carrier most of the time, they don't take the kids to the doctor, etc., etc.

I would assume that their normal lifestyle is sitting around getting loaded (on weed and whatever else), watching TV, playing video games, posting on SM, and arguing with each other. They get annoyed when the kids bother them, so they do what they can to keep them out of their hair. We've seen numerous instances of them not providing adequate supervision for the kids, and that's when they're putting on an elaborate act for the show.

What strikes me about both of them is that they don't seem genuinely interested in becoming better parents. At all. They just want everyone to get off their cases. Even great parents make lots of mistakes and have to constantly work on improving their parenting. UBT and Jenelle seem to see having custody of children as some kind of trophy or validation that they're not as fucked up as they actually are. I think UBT has some kind of complex about having control of children, I guess because his oldest two kids were kept from him for varying lengths of time. I still think Jenelle only "got serious" about "getting Jace back" when UBT came into the picture and I think/hope she'll get over Jace when UBT leaves her (Or, probably more likely, kicks her out of their HIS house. He probably is a more suitable custodial parent, so I wouldn't be surprised if he got primary custody of Ensley and Jenelle had to pay him child support, maybe alimony too.).

Edited by TheRealT
  • Love 22
On ‎9‎/‎15‎/‎2017 at 6:05 AM, FlowerofCarnage said:

Poor  kid's head shaped like it's about to hatch! I can just imagine Endtable's pediatrician advising them that she needs a helmet and Uncle ID Channel responding ," No daughter of mine is gonna wear a helmet like some retard( forgive me use of the word)"  because  you know that is exactly how that ignorant Neanderthal thinks.

Word to this post. The bolded part...lol 

  • Love 2
19 hours ago, druzy said:

Being Nathan Special. 


Oh my God, let's play a game: How Many Child, Domestic and Animal Abusers Can MTV Pay to Be On TV? Between him, Jenelle and David it's like an episode of Most Wanted.

Dude couldn't get full custody OVER JENELLE, doesn't have any custody of his other child and has two pending domestic violence charges for choking. Yeahhh I really don't care about what it's like to "be" him.

1 hour ago, toodywoody said:

I love how she doesn't know how to handle The Roll. Just proves she wasn't around when Jace was smaller. She just wants the kids to be picture perfect with perfect attitudes because they might mess up her high so she will have to run and hide in her room asking why are they so mean to me. Kids have tantrums, kids don't feel good, kids ruin your plans with their unexpected moods.  Life is not perfect 24/7 especially when you have children. And knowing that The Roll has been sick and that she wasn't giving him his medicine maybe the fits were about him not feeling well.  Maybe he was tired. Hell one time all the little dude wanted was water and she couldn't give him some water without melting down. The next melt down he wanted to talk to David and she couldn't get it. He is a toddler, there will be fits over nothing. But she doesn't get it. And just wait when Endtable starts walking and is into shit.  Bitch will really have her hands full then.

It's definitely in line with her constant need to be entertained. She feels like life is a theme park designed just for her, and when something malfunctions even slightly or is a little boring, she wants to speak to the manager. She doesn't see herself as an active participant IN life, just someone who deserves to be entertained by it.

  • Love 15
7 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

Oh my God, let's play a game: How Many Child, Domestic and Animal Abusers Can MTV Pay to Be On TV? Between him, Jenelle and David it's like an episode of Most Wanted.


I guess MTV is doing their part to provide felons with employment. Normally I'd approve but these particular ones haven't learned from their mistakes and are being rewarded for making new ones.

  • Love 9

I know that a show like Teen Mom is somewhat self selecting, but...I've known other teen and very young parents and it really seems like MTV purposely sought out the lowest of the low. Some took longer to get their educations, some didn't, some are still with their partners from the time, some aren't, but nothing like this. I know they like to bring the drama, but at some point isn't it just too much spousal/partner, child and animal abuse? 

  • Love 4

My MIL was a teen mom. A late teen mom, though. She was 18. But she got pregnant after a one night stand and the father never wanted to be involved. They're from a super small town and the dude knows who my husband is, never had a relationship with him. Anyhow, she had my husband at 19, I believe, and still graduated college. She had no help. It's not that NO one supported her (the sperm donor clearly didn't), but her family was just really poor and all worked their asses off too. I don't know how she did it, but she took advantage of any program she could that helped young moms, poor people, etc. and she got through it. She had the same state job for 20+ years and retired very comfortably. 

She's actually an intolerable bitch and my husband only talks to her for the kids sake, lol. But I will give her that she was a young mom who pulled herself up by the bootstraps and made something of her life. These girls are pathetic. 

  • Love 17
1 hour ago, Lm2162 said:

I know that a show like Teen Mom is somewhat self selecting, but...I've known other teen and very young parents and it really seems like MTV purposely sought out the lowest of the low. Some took longer to get their educations, some didn't, some are still with their partners from the time, some aren't, but nothing like this. I know they like to bring the drama, but at some point isn't it just too much spousal/partner, child and animal abuse? 

MTV has been in the reality business for quite a long time. They know what they are doing when they pick people. 

 Colin from Real World Hawaii was interviewed long ago about his time on reality tv.  Here was his perspective about  MTV regarding the RW challenges: 

My mind was like was a machine. They would ask me a question, I would stop, phrase it in my mind, understand how that could be perceived, and begin. A director said, ”If you just free-flow, it’s a lot easier, we get better stuff.” I was like, ”Are you kidding me? If I free-flow, you f— me! I’m gonna wait here, plan my response, tell you my sentence, and if you don’t want to use it, fine.” When Puck left the show [after smashing his room], he didn’t give them an exit interview, he told them to f— off. So they said to me in my interview, ”Don’t you think it was really aggressive and violent the way Puck left?” And I started laughing, and I said, ”Objection, your honor. Leading the witness?”


That part there about "leading the witness" is how MTV has been with these cast members. We have been able to witness it ourselves. I won't put all the blame on MTV producers because clearly, many times the cast members are just being themselves and they surely don't need help from anyone nor do they need any excuses for their vile behavior. But MTV has their hand in it and they love to steer the drama in the direction they want. 

Going back to your point, I do think MTV during the process of choosing which girls to have on the show, they certainly used tactics like the one Colin pointed out there, and they deliberately chose the ones who would bring on the drama they wanted. Surely, they passed on the girls who were reluctant to answer questions the way MTV wanted and who were likely not facing any problems such as a broken family, addiction, or a boyfriend who was not supportive. 

  • Love 10

Almost ten years ago, when my nephew was a toddler, I was arguing with his dad about borrowing his car. My nephew got so upset about our raised voices that he started crying and brought over the keys (just regular house keys). I felt guilty about yelling in front of him for years and it was nothing like the volume of Barb and Jennelle's arguments. I certainly never slammed a door in my toddler nephew's face. 

  • Love 15
7 minutes ago, evilmindatwork said:

Almost ten years ago, when my nephew was a toddler, I was arguing with his dad about borrowing his car. My nephew got so upset about our raised voices that he started crying and brought over the keys (just regular house keys). I felt guilty about yelling in front of him for years and it was nothing like the volume of Barb and Jennelle's arguments. I certainly never slammed a door in my toddler nephew's face. 

I can understand how you felt. It goes to show how we have self-awareness and a conscience. We are human. We make mistakes.  That is why it is called a mistake. Not a pattern of abuse like Jenelle, Kail, and some of the rest of these assholes who inflict such torment upon their kids directly and indirectly. 


9 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

Lol, it's Jenelle's fault really, I don't shoot the messenger 

I blame Jeff! 

  • Love 11
On 9/7/2017 at 6:05 PM, Christina87 said:

I'm so mad. I just heard of yet another friend from college who is having fertility problems. She had surgery today that is supposed to increase her odds in her NEXT round of IVF, so she must have already had some. Another friend who is a social worker asked for prayers for her fertility too. One of my best friends is about to be a first time mom at 36, after losing twins last year early in a pregnancy, after a year of IVF and a year of trying before that. Her husband is a great guy who makes a boatload of money in finance, and she was teacher of the year. 

Yet jenelle gets to continuously breed children she has no regard for in or out of the womb. 

I am so mad that I can't bear to say anything more!!! 

Reason number 54716 of why  an atheist.  It makes me really mad too. I wish your friends the best of luck. 

I'm sorry for commenting on older posts, I'm laid up for the next few weeks so I'm going back and reading everything I missed. 

My husband is a truck driver and we found out a couple of days ago that he has a haul to North and South Carolina at the end of the month. We're in California and the truck is HUGE so I'm taking names of everyone who wants to ride along. I can't physically beat her ass after my surgery but you all have to promise to hold her so I can get one good kick in. 

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 17

Regarding MTV picking 'em...they sure can. Jenelle was ALWAYS going to be an alley cat mom with a drug problem. She was never going to be a good mom who got her shit together. The money has probably kept her out of jail for the time being, but it will end up being the reason she ODs (if David doesn't kill her first).

3 hours ago, evilmindatwork said:

Almost ten years ago, when my nephew was a toddler, I was arguing with his dad about borrowing his car. My nephew got so upset about our raised voices that he started crying and brought over the keys (just regular house keys). I felt guilty about yelling in front of him for years and it was nothing like the volume of Barb and Jennelle's arguments. I certainly never slammed a door in my toddler nephew's face. 

This reminds me of when my niece was a toddler....my brother and I were goofing around and I was laughing and shouting "NO, STOP IT, HAHAHAHA" while he decided to give me Pipi Lonstocking's hair. His daughter was so upset thinking that we were serious. She was crying and scared. I felt like a huge asshole. We soothed her and showed her we were just playing, but it was sad.

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

Regarding MTV picking 'em...they sure can. Jenelle was ALWAYS going to be an alley cat mom with a drug problem. She was never going to be a good mom who got her shit together. The money has probably kept her out of jail for the time being, but it will end up being the reason she ODs (if David doesn't kill her first).

This reminds me of when my niece was a toddler....my brother and I were goofing around and I was laughing and shouting "NO, STOP IT, HAHAHAHA" while he decided to give me Pipi Lonstocking's hair. His daughter was so upset thinking that we were serious. She was crying and scared. I felt like a huge asshole. We soothed her and showed her we were just playing, but it was sad.

Haha, it's the worst feeling isn't it? I hate that I scared him so much! He's definitely cried since because of something I did, mostly things like I made him eat healthy food for dinner instead of pizza while babysitting... That sort of thing I don't care about, but I still feel guilty when I think back to how scared he must have been because my brother and I were yelling at each other lol. 

  • Love 5
On 9/14/2017 at 10:15 AM, Mkay said:

Trail wedding hair and makeup. Be sure to swipe to see the full set.  Hahaha 


People are saying on twitter that Jenelle has turned off all comments on her Instagram.  I have been super busy in my end so I haven't had time to go scope it all out.  

I know I'm tardy on this but my lord. This looks like the after photo from a mid 90s talk show. Likely with a title along the line of "From Methy Mess to A Wedding Blessed!"... or some such nonsense.

  • Love 12

Fuck this chick. I hate her. She should stop having kids. I wish she gave all three up for adoption as infants or at least prevented pregnancy. Jenelle is the poster child for what u shouldn't do. I don't understand why guys reproduce with her. I'm shocked. Kieffer didn't. Thank goodness he had sense

On 9/15/2017 at 7:37 AM, CofCinci said:

She picked the zombie-genre writer because in the second book Jenelle is murdered by David.

I just spit out my juice

  • Love 6

Ensely might have Plagiocephaly aka flat head. She needs tummy time. They probably keep her in the crib or seat all day. 

On 9/13/2017 at 8:19 AM, Mkay said:

Let's take a moment to remember Jenelle's tribute to 9-11 last year.  


Yea. I think so. Jenelle will bring it back up as soon as she needs to use it against Javi.  He's dumb. 

What a bitch

The flattened head is called brachycephaly and yes it is caused by baby being left to lay in swings, cribs etc on back with insufficient tummy time.  You know that bitch always has the poor baby in a swing. It requires a helmet to correct when it's as extreme as Ensley's case.


Edited by Moogen
  • Love 2
10 hours ago, evilmindatwork said:

Haha, it's the worst feeling isn't it? I hate that I scared him so much! He's definitely cried since because of something I did, mostly things like I made him eat healthy food for dinner instead of pizza while babysitting... That sort of thing I don't care about, but I still feel guilty when I think back to how scared he must have been because my brother and I were yelling at each other lol. 

Yeah. :( We're not a "yelling" family so I was like "OMG I traumatized her. This is the FIRST TIME she's ever heard people yelling at each other and she thinks we're fighting. How does she know about yelling? I've ruined her. She's scarred for life."

She's 17 now. She's fine. Of course I've never asked her if she remembers the yelling incident. But maybe in the back of her honor student, star lacrosse player head she thinks her dad is a monster and that keeps her in line. (lol)

1 minute ago, DangerousMinds said:

Agreed. I know some people liked the makeup but ugh!

The make up can't fix her fucked up profile.  You'd need some sort of dermatological spackle for that.

  • Love 4

My daughter had badly misshapen head. She favored one side no matter how often I tried to put her head straight or turn to other side in bed. Doc also said birth canal trip contributed to it. Effect has a half cone head half looked caved in head. It reminds me of Endtable in a few photos and depending on angles it could look very very similar. Our doctor recommended against a helmet. He said often times this sorted it out by age 1. He said I think was a bit tricky to decide because if you waited until 1 and it didn't self correct then the helmet wouldn't do anything. But he also said the helmet thing was often so difficult for baby/parents that it was an awe full lot of trouble for something that might not be necessary. Luckily it worked out for us and her head somehow contorted itself out of Its misshaped ways. Ensleys head could look way worse in certain pics then it is and it's possible her head will get better. CPS has been involved so i'm sure they were making all their doctors visits plus she's very rarely in their care for even a whole week at a time which may mean she's getting proper tummy non seat or crib time. I hate Janelle for so very many things but I guess people could have thrown all sorts of allegations at me judging from my girls smushed in and up head and it wouldn't have been true at all. Id post a pic but too private for that.

  • Love 7

Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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