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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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13 hours ago, Mkay said:

Is this the same article?



Am I reading this right? They got in a fight the night before the wedding because she wanted her mom to come and David said No?! 


Same article. I was asked that is why I responded. Sorry if it sounded harsh.

Edited by druzy
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3 hours ago, druzy said:

Man, kadens mama could not have had better luck with David’s erratic sm behavior before her trial, I can’t believe he saw no issue with his behavior, he had to know that people were likely watching him. 

And that was rich with Jenelle making that big deal about no longer posting articles... “NOW” she doesn’t agree with them? Also did we need a big announcement, she could have simply stopped.

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Well, if UBT is screaming down the road at 69 mph on an ATV while not wearing a helmet (and taking a pic of the speedometer while driving), Jenelle may outlive him.  No helmet but I bet he's carrying a gun!

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The entire court document from yesterday

 Radar only posted one page yesterday, they posted the document in its entirety today. I will try to turn the pages into an image for those of you who can't access the link.











Edited by druzy
You can upload a certain amount of images per post so the other pages follow. I don't want anyone to think I did that on purpose or that it's the same document as yesterday.
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On 2/27/2018 at 4:41 PM, Purerockfury said:

The whole Kaiser gun thing was a way for them to get attention/stay relevant. Sadly if you look at the comments it worked and they won. People need to start ignoring them to really bother them.

This is similar to what I was thinking.  All this vitriol we're throwing their way (which they deserve) is giving into their thinking of being perpetual victims.  I can see her now: "Babe, we're so strong, we've weathered this storm together babe.  Babe, nothing can break us apart!  Babe, we've had everyone being so mean to us babe because they're jealous babe and we've only gotten stronger babe.  Babe, we're so ride or die babe". 

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Thanks @druzy for once again proving David is a huge dumb ass . How stupid is he that all he had to do was take down the photos of Kaden and he could of tried to build a relationship with him but his need to be a controlling needle dick won out. Fingers crossed the judge sees sense and blasts UBT for his absolute stupidity.

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8 hours ago, lovesnark said:

Well, if UBT is screaming down the road at 69 mph on an ATV while not wearing a helmet (and taking a pic of the speedometer while driving), Jenelle may outlive him.  No helmet but I bet he's carrying a gun!

I think that’s their driveway. It’s really long. I did however look up the laws on ATV’s in NC. I think even on Private property you can’t drive without a helmet. Hope a game warden drives by. 

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3 hours ago, Calm81 said:



It took years of struggle. But with hard work and love for your children you can crawl out of the dark abyss and make something of yourself without hurting people in the process. Now I’m able to walk with my head held high into all the car dealerships that at one time laughed me out of their shop and walk out with the best interest rates. I’m closing on my second home this week. These are the stories I want to watch. Not teen parents getting salaries we could only dream about or what other people work really hard to achieve while they act entitled and cruel to people; and neglecting their children (Jenelle).

I’m sorry for the long post. It just burns my Butt to see these people act so ungrateful. I got pregnant at 18 and my life was so depressing for at least 10 years. Many nights of feeling “is this all my life is meant to be made of? Minimum wage and never being able to get even a cheap car or tiny apartment?” Eating top ramen and stopping by at the local church for the donated stale bread? Suicidal thoughts were common for me, but I loved my child so much and just kept on hoping and praying that luck would turn around for me. I NEVER GAVE UP ON MYSELF. I want other teen moms to watch stories where there is a light at the end of the tunnel that is REALISTIC FOR THEM because viewers aren’t going to get handed a $300k contract from MTV. They need REAL life stories to motivate them to work hard for better lives. ???

I’m starting to get too emotional now. I need to stop typing. I’m just so proud of myself. Self reflecting. ?

Never give up.

Girl, you fucking ROCK, and thank you for sharing your story.  That's the thing;  it's stories such as that which will help to educate young girls...not some poor little airhead thinking, "I'll just have a baby & get on TV & then get my boobs done & drive a banging car!"

I'd LOVE to see a realistic Teen Mom story.

My girlfriends who were teen moms don't go *near* this show, they're like, "yeah, that ain't even slightly what it's like..."

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57 minutes ago, Mkay said:

I think that’s their driveway. It’s really long. I did however look up the laws on ATV’s in NC. I think even on Private property you can’t drive without a helmet. Hope a game warden drives by. 

69 mph on a dirt/muddy road makes a crash even more likely. Especially if you're taking pics of the speedometer instead of paying attention. I don't give a rat's ass whether he crashes and burns but it really pisses me off that the kids are being shown that helmets are optional.

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9 minutes ago, Calm81 said:

@teapot & @FairyDusted & everyone else thanks for the love. ?

I love you guys! I think it was @GreatKazu that said this, but MTV needs to do a “Being PTV Posters”, as it would be a hit!! Lots of true and relatable stories mixed in with a healthy dosage of snark!!!!

We can replace Jenelle. ?


We love you too @Calm81!

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21 hours ago, druzy said:

UBT on his 4 wheeler checking his mail. Also Jenelle bought him a new bumper.




Ensley eating and the kids playing.  



Instead of spending money on a new bumper and fancy pooping/toking lighting,

why not buy a load of sand to put where the kids are playing on the swings,

with the huge mud puddle in the middle??? Priorities, I guess. Such dumb people.

20 hours ago, TexasGal said:

I’m going straight to hell - but I wondered how they found a vitiglio blanket.

Don't worry, there are lots of us that will be joining you there!

Is his skin issue genetic?

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39 minutes ago, mittsigirl said:

Instead of spending money on a new bumper and fancy pooping/toking lighting,

why not buy a load of sand to put where the kids are playing on the swings,

with the huge mud puddle in the middle??? Priorities, I guess. Such dumb people.

Don't worry, there are lots of us that will be joining you there!

Is his skin issue genetic?

Jenelle has said it could be and they won’t know until endtable is older.  

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3 minutes ago, Mkay said:

Jenelle has said it could be and they won’t know until endtable is older.  

Oh gee, bad enough for a boy to have it,

but worse for a girl, sure do hope poor

girl will not get it, has enough against 

her already by having the ignorant parents

she got stuck with.

Thanks MKay:)

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8 hours ago, Calm81 said:

Any more updates on whether or not Jenelle will be fired? I hate the show having four girls instead of the three, originally. Even though I’d love for them to REMOVE Briana, I want to see Jenelle fired. How would they afford those poop under the classy light style chandeliers??

Please, MTV, you’ve lost so many sponsors, it’s time to pull the plug on this show or recast with fresh new TEEN moms that will be happy to accept the original $15k PER SEASON. lol. Rinse and repeat. Just follow each new cast for two years or less, long enough to get a diverse idea of what it’s like to raise a family at a young age and move on to a new group. Once they are no longer teens their contracts should expire.

We don’t need to be getting to the point where their kids are reaching the ages the parents were when they got knocked up.

I want to witness real struggles. I was a teen mom and my life was a huge STRUGGLE, but thanks to my persistence at going back to school and building character with low wage jobs, I’m in a good, not great, position after hard work. My life is finally in a place right now where I can enjoy my life with my kids, but it wasn’t handed to me and I appreciate everything a lot more.

I had to take my first born to doctor appointments by bus because I couldn’t afford a car. I had to live in a TINY RV because my “no credit is worst than bad credit” couldn’t get me approved for apartments and my parents couldn’t afford to help me co-sign.

I had to go to college online while my daughter napped and I worked the night shift so my mom could babysit when she got home for work. I wore nothing but Walmart clothes that never fit me correctly, (I’m 5’8” with super long legs - couldn’t find pants).

After so much hard work and crappy job after crappy job I graduated with my degree and moved on up (insert the song by the show “the Jeffersons”) with a great job. I then met my current husband who also has a great job and now I’m able to spoil my two youngest children from my current marriage and give my first child from my teen marriage everything I wasn’t able to provide for her prior.

It took years of struggle. But with hard work and love for your children you can crawl out of the dark abyss and make something of yourself without hurting people in the process. Now I’m able to walk with my head held high into all the car dealerships that at one time laughed me out of their shop and walk out with the best interest rates. I’m closing on my second home this week. These are the stories I want to watch. Not teen parents getting salaries we could only dream about or what other people work really hard to achieve while they act entitled and cruel to people; and neglecting their children (Jenelle).

I’m sorry for the long post. It just burns my Butt to see these people act so ungrateful. I got pregnant at 18 and my life was so depressing for at least 10 years. Many nights of feeling “is this all my life is meant to be made of? Minimum wage and never being able to get even a cheap car or tiny apartment?” Eating top ramen and stopping by at the local church for the donated stale bread? Suicidal thoughts were common for me, but I loved my child so much and just kept on hoping and praying that luck would turn around for me. I NEVER GAVE UP ON MYSELF. I want other teen moms to watch stories where there is a light at the end of the tunnel that is REALISTIC FOR THEM because viewers aren’t going to get handed a $300k contract from MTV. They need REAL life stories to motivate them to work hard for better lives. ???

I’m starting to get too emotional now. I need to stop typing. I’m just so proud of myself. Self reflecting. ?

Never give up.

Good for you, Calm!!! I am so proud of you, too, even though I don't know you,

as I was also a teen mom. But lived in a tiny town, in the middle of nowhere, in

the 1970's, nobody went back to school if they were pregnant, so sadly, my life

went nowhere. Though I did go and write both 11 & 12th Grade for my G.E.D,

did not even study and still got marks in the high 90's, so was proud of myself for

at least doing that. I wanted to set a better example for my 3 girls, and wanted

to get my G.E.D before they graduated. I wish that I would have been like you

Calm, you worked so hard to better your life! You deserve to feel proud:)

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@mittsigirl you got me kinda choked up reading that, lol, thank you. My mom said the same thing, “unwed mother’s didn't go back to school back then” as she got pregnant at 16 with my older brother in 1968. 

You should be proud of yourself, too! Getting high marks on your GED without studying speaks volumes as that test is on par if not harder than the SATs were, are. Be very proud! Your 3 girls are very lucky to have someone that wanted to be a great role model.

Hugs!!! ?♥️

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1 hour ago, Calm81 said:

@mittsigirl you got me kinda choked up reading that, lol, thank you. My mom said the same thing, “unwed mother’s didn't go back to school back then” as she got pregnant at 16 with my older brother in 1968. 

You should be proud of yourself, too! Getting high marks on your GED without studying speaks volumes as that test is on par if not harder than the SATs were, are. Be very proud! Your 3 girls are very lucky to have someone that wanted to be a great role model.

Hugs!!! ?♥️

Aww, thanks Calm, so sweet of you,  you just made my day so much brighter:)

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4 hours ago, Calm81 said:

I love you guys! I think it was @GreatKazu that said this, but MTV needs to do a “Being PTV Posters”, as it would be a hit!!


I don’t think y’all could handle how I live...this morning I woke up, changed pajamas, did some work on my computer in my bed, and I’m currently eating barbecue potato chips, talking to y’all and watching the office #multitasking. 

Someone above asked if anything has come up about Jenelle being fired, I looked for it to quote it (now that I learned how to just quote a section and not the entire entry I’m trying to quote more often) but I couldn’t find it (full disclosure I didn’t look too hard). All of that to say I heard they are not filming her, they are going to use the footage they already have for the next season of tm2. I don’t know where they landed on firing Jenelle, this is all my own speculation, but honestly I don’t see how they are going to have any other choice, especially after firing Farrah for being “hard to work with”. Without filming David and him having the maturity of a 12 yr old boy, he is not going to make it easy to film... he’ll probably always need to mow the lawn while mtv is there... plus they are STILL doubling down on the gun thing, with the picture a day or 2 ago with Ensley and the toy gun. There are still companies withdrawing sponsorship even since they fired David, so I just can’t imagine Jenelle being worth all the crap everyone will have to go through just to keep her. Sure she’s a trainwreck of drama, but without filming David what are we really going to watch her do? Bong time in the bathroom doesn’t get filmed, playing with kaiser is “no fun” (her words not mine, I think playing with kaiser would be delightful), she’s alienated herself from everyone in her family/friends. She also just did the whole wedding, baby storylines, and Jace’s custody is resolved. Unless something new comes up (like divorce... a girl can dream) she’s exhausted most of the common storylines. To be fair I am also of the train of thought that the show just needs to end... so that probably colors my opinion.

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2 hours ago, MaddyMaeboxerbabe said:

@BXD  jenelle and david went away on the their engagement trip within TWO weeks of that poor baby’s birth!  

She has absolutely no mother gene in her at all. Nothing. Just so empty. 

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57 minutes ago, leighroda said:


I don’t think y’all could handle how I live...this morning I woke up, changed pajamas, did some work on my computer in my bed, and I’m currently eating barbecue potato chips, talking to y’all and watching the office #multitasking. 

Someone above asked if anything has come up about Jenelle being fired, I looked for it to quote it (now that I learned how to just quote a section and not the entire entry I’m trying to quote more often) but I couldn’t find it (full disclosure I didn’t look too hard). All of that to say I heard they are not filming her, they are going to use the footage they already have for the next season of tm2. I don’t know where they landed on firing Jenelle, this is all my own speculation, but honestly I don’t see how they are going to have any other choice, especially after firing Farrah for being “hard to work with”. Without filming David and him having the maturity of a 12 yr old boy, he is not going to make it easy to film... he’ll probably always need to mow the lawn while mtv is there... plus they are STILL doubling down on the gun thing, with the picture a day or 2 ago with Ensley and the toy gun. There are still companies withdrawing sponsorship even since they fired David, so I just can’t imagine Jenelle being worth all the crap everyone will have to go through just to keep her. Sure she’s a trainwreck of drama, but without filming David what are we really going to watch her do? Bong time in the bathroom doesn’t get filmed, playing with kaiser is “no fun” (her words not mine, I think playing with kaiser would be delightful), she’s alienated herself from everyone in her family/friends. She also just did the whole wedding, baby storylines, and Jace’s custody is resolved. Unless something new comes up (like divorce... a girl can dream) she’s exhausted most of the common storylines. To be fair I am also of the train of thought that the show just needs to end... so that probably colors my opinion.

I think that most of us here share your colored opinion:)

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54 minutes ago, mittsigirl said:

She has absolutely no mother gene in her at all. Nothing. Just so empty. 

A truer statement was never spoken! Like everyone here, the thought of leaving either of my babies just tore me up. Like @bxd, my husband sent me shopping when our daughter was a few weeks old because he thought I needed some alone time. I wound up buying stuff for her instead of me and couldn't get home fast enough. If he would have suggested going out of town for a romantic weekend, I might have kicked him in the nuts.

This is the first post on my spiffy new tablet. I'm loving it so far ☺

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3 hours ago, MaddyMaeboxerbabe said:

@BXD  jenelle and david went away on the their engagement trip within TWO weeks of that poor baby’s birth!  

I had my last baby in the month of January. I remember being so darn thrilled that

when my farmer hubs was finished seeding and harrowing at the end of June, he

took care of the girls so I could go shopping for groceries ALL ALONE 20 miles away

in our nearest city! Until that day, I took them everywhere with me, never once thought

of pawning them off on my mother-in-law or any baby sitter. And I was 25 years old.

I don't get how she could go away when baby was only 2 weeks old. Then again, this

is Jenelle we are talking about. Not exactly Mother of the Year material.

2 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

A truer statement was never spoken! Like everyone here, the thought of leaving either of my babies just tore me up. Like @bxd, my husband sent me shopping when our daughter was a few weeks old because he thought I needed some alone time. I wound up buying stuff for her instead of me and couldn't get home fast enough. If he would have suggested going out of town for a romantic weekend, I might have kicked him in the nuts.

This is the first post on my spiffy new tablet. I'm loving it so far ☺

Is that not the way it usually goes-us moms come after the kids?!

Jenelle is a very special breed, alright. Very different breed.

So glad that you love your spiffy new tablet! Better to snark on:)

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2 hours ago, mittsigirl said:

She has absolutely no mother gene in her at all. Nothing. Just so empty. 

She would have made a wonderful Manson Girl.  The same flat affect and lack of empathy.  No soul behind the eyes:


For the love of God, someone please rescue Kaiser.

Edited by bethster2000
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Just now, bethster2000 said:

She would have made a wonderful Manson Girl.  The same flat affect and lack of empathy.  No soul behind the eyes:


For the love of God, someone please rescue Kaiser.

OMG Bethster!! You hit the nail on the head with this comparison, scary but so true!

I fear for little Kaiser because he looks exactly like his Daddy,

and David sees that every single day. It must really piss him off,

and I don't doubt that Kaiser suffers because of this.

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As I mentioned in a post several pages back, I had been purposely avoiding Teen Mom news and the shows. I came across a link to a story about David being fired a few days after it happened, and came here to read the thread, but it had forty new pages since my last visit. There have been a lot of comments on the articles and tweets, ect. about David being fired for homophobic comments, but it was here, on PTV where I found it began with the photo of Jenelle holding a gun after the school shooting that set off the latest wave of comments that were met with homophobic slurs. I didn't read all forty pages, just a few of them, but it answered the question I was asking myself about why now? 

Since day one, David has made homophobic remarks, and responded to people's comments on his social media with threats of rape. When people sent MJ tweets about the recent gun photo and homophobic remarks, he, in essence, told them to fuck off. Now, it's a "What do we do?" and with the advertisers being contacted and balking, firing him was their only option. David has not changed. He is the exact person now that he was initially. It is probable that he is a bit more controlling now that the marriage is official, but there is no surprise by his actions, at least not to those of us here that have seen him for the trash he is since the beginning. 

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44 minutes ago, littleB1rdy said:

Kaiser looks like he’s about to kick Ensley in the face lol they love eac h other soooo much!

What is with these people (wait...what is with me for even asking that?!)? This is like the picture of Kaiser & the dog 30 feet apart not looking at each other titled "Best Pals!!!". For all we know, Ensley is giving him the evil eye in this picture. 

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On 3/1/2018 at 8:21 AM, crazychicken said:

Thanks @druzy for once again proving David is a huge dumb ass . How stupid is he that all he had to do was take down the photos of Kaden and he could of tried to build a relationship with him but his need to be a controlling needle dick won out. Fingers crossed the judge sees sense and blasts UBT for his absolute stupidity.

David has a real problem with anyone telling him what to do, clearly. 

23 hours ago, teapot said:

My girlfriends who were teen moms don't go *near* this show, they're like, "yeah, that ain't even slightly what it's like..."

Yeah, one of my friends actually gets pissed off if I mention this show. She hates that it’s a thing because she knows firsthand how unrealistic it is. I don’t even tell her I watch it anymore, hah.

23 hours ago, lovesnark said:

69 mph on a dirt/muddy road makes a crash even more likely. Especially if you're taking pics of the speedometer instead of paying attention. I don't give a rat's ass whether he crashes and burns but it really pisses me off that the kids are being shown that helmets are optional.

All rules are optional to David (and Jenelle) so I’m sure their kids are growing up to think that way too (just like Sopheeeeeyaaaa on OG).

21 hours ago, FairyDusted said:

ETA: And everyone thinks we are mean. Not true we just love each other! 


Lol, that totally sounds like something Jenelle or David would say!

19 hours ago, BXD said:

I'm just coming here to state a very obvious and well-known fact, but I just had to let it out...

I had a baby a couple of months ago and I had a crystalizing moment when I truly realized how HORRIBLE it was of Jenelle to leave NEWBORN Ensley with sitters for the weekend (how old was she, like 6 weeks??) while they went off for a weekend trip to get engaged.

I always knew that she had NO maternal instincts whatsoever, and her doing that to Ensley was awful, but having a baby of my own really put it in perspective. It took me 3 months before I finally left her alone with anyone (and it was just my husband, and it was only because he FORCED me to go give myself a break and go shopping), and now I only leave her because I have to work. I couldn't imagine doing what she did to Jace and Ensley. 

And shame on David too for encouraging it.

Sociopaths just don’t act the same way as non-sociopaths. All her actions SCREAM sociopath, imo. I have a hard time even leaving my dog for a night because I know it kinda upsets him! It’s can’t imagine with a baby, let alone newborn.

3 hours ago, druzy said:


Someone has to love them... ? 

EDIT: what is up with Leah’s thread ... it’s closed? Forever? I see a mod note about not talking about other posters but nothing about it being closed...

Edited by Rebecca
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Also I just noticed that Leah’s thread is closed and I’m wondering if it has something to do with me saying Gracie and Addie have Leah’s bug eyes. I get that it wasn’t exactly an appropriate comment but we comment on Ensley’s dead eyes all the time but since she is the daughter of Satan it’s okay? Anyway I do apologize for a mean comment I made about two innocent children, that wasn’t right of me to do.

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I don’t really care about UBT’s safety, but I worry about one of those kids being injured with the ATVs when they get older - even more so than the guns. I grew up in the country with guns and ATVs being very common. Never saw a gun injury*.  There were at least 5 ATV deaths when I was in high school, including my best friend when I was 12 and my cousin when I was 14 (he was 13).  And it was a small school, around 600 kids grades 7-12.  All of them were unsupervised, no helmets, and on an ATV that was too big for them. I would bet money that they already let Jace and Maryssa drive David’s. 


*Not trying to minimalize the gun issue. No one on THE LAND should have a gun. But in my experience, county kids seem to more commonly die of joyriding accidents. 

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3 hours ago, littleB1rdy said:

Kaiser looks like he’s about to kick Ensley in the face lol they love eac h other soooo much!

It's a video on Instagram and that's exactly what Kaiser was doing.

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17 hours ago, bethster2000 said:

She would have made a wonderful Manson Girl.  The same flat affect and lack of empathy.  No soul behind the eyes:

I've often thought Jenelle would make a great Manson Girl (although...the person she really resembles is Diane Downs!). She would totally kill for David if he told her to. She has no personality of her own, as evidenced by her conflicting tweets over the years. I know we're all capable of change, but she's just a chameleon - takes the personality of whatever dude she's shacked up with. 

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