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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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45 minutes ago, druzy said:

I wasn't aware that Jenelle settled I thought they went to trial.

Jenelle likely settled because of the THC issue. That explains why a judge "ordered" visitation in spite of the THC issue because it didn't actually go in front of a judge. That bothers me. If I was Barb, I would have said, "Nope. Let's take it to court." 

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2 hours ago, Rebecca said:


They can have the Bein' a Felon Ain't Illegal Tour.

I'm surprised Jenelle hasn't tweeted @HurricaneMaria bitching that the weather will fuck up her wedding because Maria is a hater and is so mean!

You know it's Barba fault that the hurricane might ruin the wedding, right? She controls judges decisions and the weather. 

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2 hours ago, druzy said:

I love Barb- she wore her Walmart uniform and said court was next Monday so Jace wouldn't worry. Jace looked happy until he was told that he would be with Jenelle for 2 weeks during the summer. 

PSA- Being Nathan is on at 11pm if anyone is interested.

I'm looking for Being Nathan but can't find it.  Maybe it will be on the app tomorrow..

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17 hours ago, DudeLeaveMeAlone said:

I cringed with embarrassment reading this. She's so gross.

Ugh, you and me both!! I'm still pissed in a nonsensical, juvenile (aka Jenelle) way that this wedding to her future murderer, I'm sorry, soul mate, is on my birthday.

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4 hours ago, bethster2000 said:

Team Nathan.  That little bitch is psycho.  Nathan has his issues but he seems like a loving, caring father.

His poor daughter likely does not think so. And I think if he loved Kaiser more than himself, he'd had tried to stop getting arrested. He'd have more custodial rights if he had. :(

How long before he chokes the new fiancee?

Edited by Lm2162
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7 hours ago, BitterApple said:


These people go through engagements the way most of us go through Kleenex. Between Jeremy, Adam, Nathan and Jenelle there's probably a dozen former fiance/fiancees.

How dare you. I've heard they are like Breakfast at Tiffany's or Casablanca, but more buff. 

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5 hours ago, bethster2000 said:

Team Nathan.  That little bitch is psycho.  Nathan has his issues but he seems like a loving, caring father.

Hopefully one day he will get help for the PTSD and TBI. Evidence-based treatments are available. 

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I know this has been shared but the article apparently also includes video of Kaiser talking abt falling of the boat.  I haven't click it because I'm going on 4 hours of sleep. I'll watch later. 


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11 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Jenelle likely settled because of the THC issue. That explains why a judge "ordered" visitation in spite of the THC issue because it didn't actually go in front of a judge. That bothers me. If I was Barb, I would have said, "Nope. Let's take it to court." 

Has she said Jace is scared to go over there?  (I know we say it here, but can't remember her take on it.)  If she does know that he's scared, then why did she agree to the set visitation schedule? 

I suspect she was fine with the status quo of having sole discretion over whether Jenelle gets to see Jace, and fighting with Jenelle over it, and would have happily continued that until Jace is 18.  Jenelle forced the issue by moving for custody, but that's on Jenelle.  If Jenelle really is a danger to Jace, and Barb has the evidence to prove it, then by settling for the agreed visitation, she's directly putting Jace in harm's way. 

It's the same damn thing it's always been--she just can't let loose of Jenelle, and Jace is paying the price.  Wouldn't want to be her if something does happen to Jace while in Jenelle's care.  Barb had her chance to make sure that didn't happen, but didn't take it.

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I'd be curious to know how many weekends Jenelle has actually had Jace since the order went into effect.  If I were Barb, I'd be betting on her flaking out most of the time anyway (especially once the cameras are gone), and at least it would get rid of the stress of last minute Mother's Day weekend type situations.  The biggest risk is that 2 weeks over the summer.

Edited by TexasGal
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Jenelle said 2 out of 4 weeks of each of his school breaks of year-round school.  I also think Barb wanted the permanent custody part the most right then.  Janelle said she can't use any history before that day like "if I smoked pot back when I was 16, or whatever".  I'm wondering if Barb can use Nathan's mom's case for Kaiser though?  If she ever wanted to modify visitation or better yet, get a restraining order.  I'm pretty sure that case would be fair game.  Which will contain everything Jenelle was scared of coming out in court, that day.  I hope anyway.

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Yeah, every other weekend is fine since Jenelle will flake out on most of those weekends anyway. Two weeks is a long time though, so I think Barb should have held out for shorter visits, it's not like Jennelle actually cares. At least Jace can talk and express himself if something happens to go very wrong during that time. I suppose Jenelle will never stop being a shitty person so Barb basically has the rest of her nature life to collect evidence against her if it comes down to that. 

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36 minutes ago, MissMel said:

I'm wondering if Barb can use Nathan's mom's case for Kaiser though?  If she ever wanted to modify visitation or better yet, get a restraining order.  I'm pretty sure that case would be fair game.  Which will contain everything Jenelle was scared of coming out in court, that day.  I hope anyway.

She can probably use anything relevant.  I don't understand Jenelle's belief that nothing from the past can be used.  It doesn't have much weight now, but it still happened.  I would hope that if there really is a clear and present danger to any of the chidren a full investigation is going on, and none of the children is ever placed in harms way.  

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Janelle has the deadbeat parent visitation schedule and even if they took it to trial, the judge was going to award her that much. We, as humans who see the extent of scary trash Jenelle and David put on full display, are completely disgusted and wouldn't give them custody of a houseplant, but the court system operates on the premise that kids need access to biological parents. I don't see Barb walking out of trial with full custody and Jenelle having no visitation or even supervised visitation; they both got the best that would have happened at trial. Smoking pot didn't lose her custody of Ensley or Kaiser, and there is no documented abuse in that home.

Whoever the mental health professional that was going to testify turned out to be, and I agree it was probably Jace's therapist, also is unlikely to say he should never visit Jenelle, because the current guidelines say parents and kids need access to each other. Kids who have parents that go to prison for abusing them can still get court ordered visitation when they get out. It would likely start off as supervised at a State sponsored location, but it is outrageous at how far the bar is before the courts can restrict and remove parental rights. If Jenelle had not voluntarily relinquished custody to Barb, then didn't bother to try and get him back for seven years, I think we would find that she would have been entitled to more time. Andrew's fucked though, if he bothers to try and come around now. 

It shouldn't be easy to remove parenting rights, and it wasn't that long ago that children were removed because a white parent was dating a black person. But, in my opinion, the pendulum has been swinging in the wrong direction, and we haven't seen it settle in a good place. Corey and Jo, for example, are clearly the better parents, but in Corey's case, the judge decided to not change the kids established custody order before giving Leah a chance at improvement. Fortunately, Leah failed quickly and the girlses weren't harmed in the process. (It didn't grammar or spell check girlses. I think we broke the forums ; )

When Jenelle and/or David get caught for the cocaine maybe something will result in removal, but I have serious doubts. Abuse and neglect petitions and cases are the things of nightmares, and seeing parents keep custody rights shook my faith in humanity. I never worked on the custody cases, but did have to work some of the underlying criminal ones and don't know how social workers do it. If Doris successfully obtained custody of Kaiser, which she won't, it still wouldn't result in the removal of Ensley, and she would likely still keep the visitation with Jace. Hopefully though, Doris' Petition will result in David not raising a hand to Kaiser now, since he knows Doris will document it and act on it. He'll still be neglected though.

Jenelle didn't raise any of her kids. From birth Jace was raised by Barb, Enlsey is raised by David, and Kaiser was raised by Nathan and now David. She's not a parent, has no parenting tendencies, and won't raise the one she is rumored to be pregnant with now. Especially after the marriage is complete and David had full access to her assets. Jenelle is going to mysteriously disappear or have a "freak accident" at the hands of her true love. 

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2 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Yay! The pool is done! Right in time to close it down for the winter!

How long before a tragic 'accident' occurs. Maybe Kaisers fear of the water is a good thing and will keep him safe. I suspect UBD is one of those parents that throws the kids in to get over their fear though.

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Went off on a tangent and forgot what I originally came here to post. Sigh.

I was hoping Irma would land on Jenelle's house only, and it doesn't even look like she got much rain for it. Maria, on the other hand, doesn't seem to have a confirmed path and I'm hoping God will work His magic again, just like he did when a prior custody hearing was pending, and direct Maria to her home, and only The Land! Unfortunately, I've been reading about the islands getting hit again, with Dominica destroyed. 

2 minutes ago, Sprockets said:

Oh no.  

People have been posting photos of her with a bit of a belly on Twitter. Jenelle is so small that she shows weight quickly, so hopefully it's just a pizza and beer baby and not another human. I haven't been reading the threads because I had to take a break from this show, so they are probably posted in this thread and you already know about it. 

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19 hours ago, Rebecca said:

'm surprised Jenelle hasn't tweeted @HurricaneMaria bitching that the weather will fuck up her wedding because Maria is a hater and is so mean!

She'll wait until after the wedding and tweet in expectation of @HurricaneMaria replacing their folding chairs. 


17 hours ago, Mkay said:

You know it's Barba fault that the hurricane might ruin the wedding, right? She controls judges decisions and the weather. 

She also wrote the screenplay to Glitter. 


22 minutes ago, Sprockets said:

I think her self-image is very much about motherhood, even though she checks out after delivery.  

I know I'm not the first to say this, or saying it for the first time myself, but Jenelle reminds me of Diane Downs. Diane had 3 kids, fairly close in age, and tried to kill them all. Thankfully, she was only partially successful. Everyone commented on how she was happiest when pregnant. I think she loved the attention and unconditional love she got from a baby in utero SOLELY depending on her. And she didn't really have to do much to take care of it. Once they're out and growing and changing and needing things, she wants nothing to do with them. I think Jenelle is a lot like that. Pregnancy gets her attention. It makes her feel important. But children don't do the same thing. They need TOO much and begin to take the attention away from her. 

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9 minutes ago, Sprockets said:

Yes.  Some women also feel very good physically when they're pregnant.  And face it, it's a thing Jenelle can actually do without expending too much effort.  

And it gets her out of having to make any effort at ANYTHING for an entire 9 months. "Daaavid, I can't get the mail, I'm pregnant!"

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2 hours ago, crazychicken said:

How long before a tragic 'accident' occurs. Maybe Kaisers fear of the water is a good thing and will keep him safe. I suspect UBD is one of those parents that throws the kids in to get over their fear though.

Just the sight of that pool makes me a little sick to my stomach. If they don't bother to make Kaiser wear a life jacket on the boat, it seems unlikely that they will employ pool safety measures. I think you are right regarding David-- he probably thinks the use of life jackets is " weak" and thinks Kaiser should learn the "sink or swim" way.

Neighbors of mine had a near-drowning incident some years back with their grandchild. It was an above ground pool and everyone, including several adults were inside the house. Somehow the three-year old unlocked the back door and went outside unnoticed and she climed up the ladder into the pool. I never heard such screams coming from across the street ( and my windows and doors were closed). Thankfully, the child was discovered in time and taken to the hospital. She stayed overnight and was OK.

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New article, Jessica Henry on Nathan 'sticking his fingers down her throat' and locking her in a closet, claims the abuse was almost daily. http://radaronline.com/videos/jenelle-evans-ex-nathan-griffith-ex-girlfriend-abuse-claims-teen-mom-2-being-nathan/

Jenelle sure does know how to pick 'em. For the love of God, I hope Doris takes Kaiser away from Jenelle & all this like Barb has rescued Jace from Jenelle and David. As much as she can, anyway. Thank god for grandmothers.

Edited by Lm2162
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13 hours ago, Adiba said:

Just the sight of that pool makes me a little sick to my stomach. If they don't bother to make Kaiser wear a life jacket on the boat, it seems unlikely that they will employ pool safety measures. I think you are right regarding David-- he probably thinks the use of life jackets is " weak" and thinks Kaiser should learn the "sink or swim" way.

Neighbors of mine had a near-drowning incident some years back with their grandchild. It was an above ground pool and everyone, including several adults were inside the house. Somehow the three-year old unlocked the back door and went outside unnoticed and she climed up the ladder into the pool. I never heard such screams coming from across the street ( and my windows and doors were closed). Thankfully, the child was discovered in time and taken to the hospital. She stayed overnight and was OK.

Oh my god, that's horrifying. And with responsible adults in the home...which is lacking at the swamp. 

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Jenelle Evans’ fiancé put their children in harm’s way as he unsafely raced them on a speeding boat, the Teen Mom 2 star’s mother exclusively claims to RadarOnline.com.

Barbara Evans had been an outspoken critic of David Eason, warning that his irresponsible and violent behavior toward her grandchildren was detrimental to their health, and shared a harrowing tale with Radar.

“I was at Jenelle’s house and she offered to take me and Jace out on their boat. I said ‘Sure! I’d love to go,’ and I was really excited,” but she said the trip turned into a nightmare.

“David was driving that boat so fast that I was terrified. He was crashing into the waves. It was horrible.”

The MTV star was ripped for not having a life jacket on Kaiser while he was on the boat in a photo posted online, and his father, Nathan Griffith claimed that the toddler became deathly afraid of water after his experiences with Eason.

“I was so afraid the kids were going to fall off the boat,” Barbara told Radar. “David was driving like a maniac. I was holding onto Jace as tightly as I could. I thought we could die out there!”

As Radar exclusively reported, Griffith’s mother asked a judge to give her emergency custody of Kaiser, claiming he was abused by Eason and wasn’t safe in the home. Doris Davidson and Jenelle were set to go to court over the custody battle on October 2, 2017.

Cruise From Hell! Jenelle’s Mom Slams Her Fiancé: He Almost Killed Us On A Boat!

Edited by druzy
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Barb, I want to root for you, but please stop. Gossiping to a rag like Radar is just dumping more gasoline on an already blazing inferno. If you have information that helps the custody case, talk to Doris and her lawyer. This kind of nonsense is just hurting the kids. 

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On ‎9‎/‎19‎/‎2017 at 8:13 AM, StatisticalOutlier said:

Has she said Jace is scared to go over there?  (I know we say it here, but can't remember her take on it.)  If she does know that he's scared, then why did she agree to the set visitation schedule? 

I suspect she was fine with the status quo of having sole discretion over whether Jenelle gets to see Jace, and fighting with Jenelle over it, and would have happily continued that until Jace is 18.  Jenelle forced the issue by moving for custody, but that's on Jenelle.  If Jenelle really is a danger to Jace, and Barb has the evidence to prove it, then by settling for the agreed visitation, she's directly putting Jace in harm's way. 

It's the same damn thing it's always been--she just can't let loose of Jenelle, and Jace is paying the price.  Wouldn't want to be her if something does happen to Jace while in Jenelle's care.  Barb had her chance to make sure that didn't happen, but didn't take it.

In recent episodes Barb did say Jace was afraid of UBT. 

I know I posted Barb should have held out for the trial, but I began to think perhaps there was something more to this case that we don't know about. Maybe Barb did push to go to court, but she was advised by her attorney it would be better for her in the long run to agree to a visitation since it would guarantee Jace would be in Barb's care more than Jenelle's whereas a judge might have ordered Jenelle would acquire more visitation days with Jace. Just a thought. 

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53 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

I see prescription bottles on that dresser. 

@Mkay I want to shove her damn face into that swamp until she chokes. 

Childproof bottle or not, that is so unsafe with small kids.  What kind of shitty parent doesn't put medicine in a medicine cabinet at least where the kids can't grab them quite as easily?

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Shoot, someone upthread mentioned Jenelle and the Soulmates being a good name for a band? But I read til the end before I posted and now I can't remember who it was, but they could definitely do good versions of More than a Felon and Can't Stop the Felon!

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2 minutes ago, gotta watch said:

Shoot, someone upthread mentioned Jenelle and the Soulmates being a good name for a band? But I read til the end before I posted and now I can't remember who it was, but they could definitely do good versions of More than a Felon and Can't Stop the Felon!

hee hee

How about Highway to Hell? 

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14 minutes ago, Sprockets said:

If we can see them, Jace and Roll can reach them.  And of course Jenelle can mix them with alcohol.  

Pretty soon Endtable will be toddling around. The stupidity of those nitwits knows no bounds. 

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