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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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Blood from a miscarriage caused by trauma *could* be bright red... depending on the source of the bleeding. Bright red blood is commonly a sign of a miscarriage, bright red blood often indicates active bleeding, blood darkens as it sits hence why period blood tends to be darker. However, even considering that, the shade of that blood seems off to me. Plus as I just said, bright red can be a sign of active internal bleeding, so maybe we shouldn't stand in the shower to get the perfect instagram shot of blood pooling at our feet.

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Sorry to be gross - but I'd expect some clotting...

Right. I had a lot of clotting with just my regular periods, which weren't regular at all. That's another story. Anyways, I remember when I'd be in the shower and my period was just flowing, it would be going down my legs...it was a mess. Let's just put it that way. It was messier than the Psycho shower scene. I sure don't miss those days.

Back to Jenelle, she has to be mentally disturbed on top of being shady. In the article it mentions how she tweeted Courtland is not there with her and left her alone (sound familiar?) as she is miscarrying. 

This bullshit story is just as ridiculous as the bullshit claims she made about having been pregnant and miscarrying David's baby a month before she became pregnant with Endtable. 

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From what I've read of this book:

1) the ghostwriter hates her & is over it; he/she just decided not to even try to spin Jenelle's BS stories in a way that doesn't low-key make her look like an awful human. I'm all for the trolling the ghostwriter is doing here.

2) the summary of the book could easily be "It's ALL Barb's fault (and my siblings and boyfriends suck, too)."

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1 hour ago, Mkay said:

People are sharing pages out of her book. I'll end up reading the whole book for free on twitter  hahaha 





Please - for the sake of all of us going to Hell (but not on Twitter) - please post all the gems you can find...

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28 minutes ago, Jennifersdc said:

Please - for the sake of all of us going to Hell (but not on Twitter) - please post all the gems you can find...

If you want. ??



There are random pages all over so of course this is no particular order. 






Edited by Mkay
One page keeps double posting. Sorry.
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 No problem. A couple from above weren't included in the sample I got from Amazon. Please keep it up! Many many thanks.

The "Jace Ripped Out of My Arms" and "Current Dick Abused Me" (scenarios we've all heard many times before - Hi Hell) weren't included in the sample. It was basically how much she hates her family (except ghost Dad of course).

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Thanks Mkay.

In the book she "writes" having woken up to a pool of blood and was immediately taken to the ER. Now, where does that fake photo of herself "bleeding" in the shower fit in? 

I love how Jenelle turns and twists things around to make Barb look like this evil bitch. After a home fire and losing their possessions, Jenelle and her siblings stayed with their dad temporarily. Barb went out with some friends to blow off some steam over all that had happened. How exactly does that make a "parental unit" abandoning her? She was with her father, the man she professes to love. 

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so.............. her mom sending her next door to get help is also bad. wtf. And still her dad beat up her mom and is still the most precious of them all. She cannot for one second feel for her mother even after she has been beat to shit too. You would think after that she would say damn dude now I know...... And then to say all this about her brother and him being developmentally challenged and still is all over Twitter saying it is her moms fault for her brother being that way. wtf

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You're welcome.  


She doesn't have enough sense to realize that everything bad she says about her mom, the exact same thing could be said for her. She isn't smart. At all. 

Um.....  those aren't dirty. Compared to my husbands boots, these look brand new. 


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17 minutes ago, Mkay said:

You're welcome.  


She doesn't have enough sense to realize that everything bad she says about her mom, the exact same thing could be said for her. She isn't smart. At all. 

Um.....  those aren't dirty. Compared to my husbands boots, these look brand new. 


Jenelle the faux-redneck is my least favorite Jenelle. I live in GA. I know what real rednecks look like. She ain't it. 

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Wow, way to show sympathy for your brother who has severe developmental challenges..........the way she writes about him is super callous. Obviously if those things really happened (a big if) they might have been traumatic, but you can't even pretend to describe them with any of the empathy or sensitivity a normal person would now have looking back for their sibling? So Barb is evil for *everything,* her brother is evil for being cognitively disabled, her sister is evil for having similar problems due to their upbringing, but her dad is Jesus? He wasn't even around!!!

I mean, if her upbringing really included trauma, which I'm inclined to believe it definitely did...wouldn't her brother and sister also be affected by the chaos and abuse? Why is she the only victim? 

And wow, the remainder of the book looks like it should just be titled "I'm a Victim (and Barb is Satan)."

Edited by Lm2162
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8 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Thanks Mkay.

In the book she "writes" having woken up to a pool of blood and was immediately taken to the ER. Now, where does that fake photo of herself "bleeding" in the shower fit in? 

I love how Jenelle turns and twists things around to make Barb look like this evil bitch. After a home fire and losing their possessions, Jenelle and her siblings stayed with their dad temporarily. Barb went out with some friends to blow off some steam over all that had happened. How exactly does that make a "parental unit" abandoning her? She was with her father, the man she professes to love. 

Yes! She was not rushed anywhere if she had time to tweet (which she was also doing while she  miscarried) and stand in the shower while a pool of "blood" collected large enough to take that picture. Because if her scenario were true, she would have to sit perfectly still for blood to settle like that, if she moved at all it would have spread more in the water. Which is what tells me there was absolutely no sense of urgency. Also, that's a lot of water to collect at your feet for a shower and again if water was hitting the water, it would have disturbed the blood, so in her scenario she would have had to turn on the shower or bath to fill the tub with a little water, clean her legs off perfectly and dry them, stand in a full straddle and just stand there as the blood dripped out and take a picture... sorry I know I keep posting about this but it's just so absolutely absurd to me that she thinks it's a plausible story.

Also,  by Jenelles description of her scenario with Barb "abandoning" them with their dad after the fire is proof by her own standard that she herself abandoned Jace.  She claims that while Barb left her and her siblings with her dad (as she left Jace  with Babs) so she could "blow off steam" (which is exactly what Jenelle claims she needed when she would go out every night, who has that much steam!?) but Babs was abandoning them by doing it once, while Jenelle did it frequently, but did not abandon Jace.... oh okayyyy.

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15 hours ago, DudeLeaveMeAlone said:

My husband and I are going to Wilmington this weekend. I'll be keeping an eye out for a lurching, hairy dude wearing sunglasses inside with a pint size, John Lithgow busy on her phone with a gaggle of kids at any pizza place we pass. If I see Barb, I'll buy her a glass of wine.

Grab Kaiser and the dogs if you can! 

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13 hours ago, Mkay said:

People are sharing pages out of her book. I'll end up reading the whole book for free on twitter  hahaha 





First, who begins a sentence in a BOOK with, "Again,...."? Just no. 

Also, get Jace BACK in her home? She didn't HAVE a home at the time she gave him up! She was either at Barb's or couch surfing with Keefah. She is so delusional. 

6 hours ago, toodywoody said:

so.............. her mom sending her next door to get help is also bad. wtf.

Ooooh, that made me livid. Trying to act like Barb was an idiot and handled it wrong. She likely wanted you out of the burning house, IDIOT. 

Also, she bashes Barb right and left, but who does she mention rushed her to the ER when she had her miscarriage? Barb. 

2 hours ago, Mkay said:

Um.....  those aren't dirty. Compared to my husbands boots, these look brand new. 

Right? Holy shit, she should see my husband's work boots. Notice I said "WORK" boots. You know, because my husband works every day. David doesn't own work boots. He owns, "fuck around on my future burial site and pretend like I'm some macho stud" boots. 

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When my son was 3 or 4, he found a lighter my niece left on the counter in the laundry room while she was here doing her laundry. He very nonchalantly came down the hall, walked up to me and said 'Mama, I fired your shirt'. I ran to the laundry room and found a pile of clothes on top of the dryer of fire. He had held the lighter to the sleeve of a shirt that was hanging down. You know what I did? I grabbed him by the shoulders and forcefully pushed him out the door. I told him to go out the the barn with his sister and not to come back inside until I came to get them. I guess in Jenelle's world, that makes me a horrible beast of a mother. Thankfully, I was able to grab the pile of clothing and get it outside before anything else caught on fire. 

It's hilarious that Jenelle bashes Barb right and left in her stupid book. Yet, every time she's in trouble or has a knock down drag out with her current soulmate, she runs to Barb and Barb opens her door to her and offers her help and a place to stay. Why doesn't she run to her sainted father? She says Barb is evil incarnate but that's where she runs every time she's in trouble and that's who she left her infant son with. 

Newsflash, Jenelle. NO ONE with functioning brain cells believes the bullshit you spew.

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Holy shit, she should see my husband's work boots. Notice I said "WORK" boots. You know, because my husband works every day. David doesn't own work boots. He owns, "fuck around on my future burial site and pretend like I'm some macho stud" boots. 


David has fuck around boots to go with Jenelle's classy court heels. 



sorry I know I keep posting about this but it's just so absolutely absurd to me that she thinks it's a plausible story.

I am stuck on that photo myself. I keep looking at the blood and the legs. I think of the other photos showing her legs and think to myself, they don't match the legs in the faux miscarriage photo. 

Word to you comment about Jenelle having done the same exact thing she complains about her mother. This is something I have commented on several times in my rants about Jenelle. Her logic paints her in the same light as she paints her mother. 

That whole thing about the fire, she paints her brother as if he is some sort of serial arsonist. I can probably go out and find 15 parents and take a poll asking them if any of their kids played with matches or lighters and caused a fire of some kind. My friends and I started little bonfires in this massive field that was by our house when we were young. Ask any therapist, kids are curious. Fire is one of those things that kids can be curious about. 

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17 hours ago, toodywoody said:

She just makes shit up. Just like all these charges and shit that no one has ever heard about or that she has said a damn thing about. Have some class and yes I know this is Jenelle we are talking about. But good Lord just stop with the drama. Drama with Tori, drama with her mom, drama with this dude, Nathan, David, a light post, a parking garage, a swimming pool. This bitch has trouble with anything and anyone.

Not that I think it will matter because it won't last that long but .... can you imagine how awful she'd be with a teenaged Maryssa?

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Who the hell takes a selfie of their miscarriage and posts it on social media? WTF is wrong with her? Not believing that it's her or an actual miscarriage in process, I'm just incredulous that anyone would think that was normal. 

Also, maybe Barb was really upset about the fire and needed a little time with her friend to be get the emotions out and come up with a plan before she picked up the kids. Oh right, Barb's evil incarnate, so of course that's not what happened. 

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1 minute ago, lilmarysunshine said:

Not that I think it will matter because it won't last that long but .... can you imagine how awful she'd be with a teenaged Maryssa?

IF (and that's a big if ) UBT manages to stay around long enough for Maryssa to be a teenager, I guarantee you Maryssa will absolutely hate Jenelle. She'll be out of there the minute she turns sixteen and it's a good bet she'll be pregnant when she does.

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I'm just incredulous that anyone would think that was normal. 

To Jenelle anything she does is absolutely normal, and her followers are likely like her . She is hella scary. She is that mentally imbalanced person who looks pretty darn sane until you really get to know them. 

Let's think back to her claiming she had all of these symptoms of some mysterious disease. She went as far as to see specialists in New York and made an appearance on The Doctors. We know she was faking it. But what I find incredulous is how far she took it and made such claims with a serious face. 

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I haven't looked at the pic since yesterday, so idk if I'm remembering correctly, but is the angle the pic was taken even a selfie? I remember it looking like it was someone facing her (also remembering this was before Kaiser... did phones have reverse cameras yet? I really don't remember) but to take that picture she would have to stretch out to hold the camera far enough away, I'm not saying she didn't, in fact she probably did (or used a selfie stick) to make it seem Iike someone else took the picture... it just strikes me as weird, or it is someone else's picture/legs (too bad you can't see her thigh where she has that tattoo). 

31 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:


David has fuck around boots to go with Jenelle's classy court heels. 


I am stuck on that photo myself. I keep looking at the blood and the legs. I think of the other photos showing her legs and think to myself, they don't match the legs in the faux miscarriage photo. 

Word to you comment about Jenelle having done the same exact thing she complains about her mother. This is something I have commented on several times in my rants about Jenelle. Her logic paints her in the same light as she paints her mother. 

That whole thing about the fire, she paints her brother as if he is some sort of serial arsonist. I can probably go out and find 15 parents and take a poll asking them if any of their kids played with matches or lighters and caused a fire of some kind. My friends and I started little bonfires in this massive field that was by our house when we were young. Ask any therapist, kids are curious. Fire is one of those things that kids can be curious about. 

I also don't understand her acting like it's so weird for a 9 yr old to play with fire, in my experience that is the prime age to play with fire.

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If the brother did set the fire out of anger, it was likely anger/frustration at 1) not being able to express himself from something (a disability) she admits isn't his fault and 2) THE ABUSE SHE SAYS THEY WERE ALL SUFFERING. If she was, weren't her siblings? And wouldn't that possibly cause a sibling to act out in such a way, especially if as she paints the picture, he was less able to express himself verbally? I'm not saying she has to pretend he or Barb or the sister are saints, or that growing up with such a family was easy or not traumatic, but this kind of I'm a perfect victim/everyone else is an evil asshole sociopath stuff just immediately makes me not believe a word she says. Kailyn's book was similar, so was Amber's, so was Matt's.

Like, she can't paint her mom as a victim of awful DV, but then turn around and act like she's just a ridiculous horrible bitch for no reason. Being a victim of DV would make you have some issues. She can't paint a picture of family chaos and then act like her sister is an evil witch for having problems. She can't paint a picture of a severe disability AND a chaotic home and then act like the brother just "victimized" her for no reason. Now, maybe the home wasn't actually that abusive or the brother wasn't actually that severely disabled. But you can't have it both ways. That doesn't make any sense to a reader.  You also can't say you were abused and abandoned by your dad BUT HE WAS INCREDIBLE AND THE ONLY ONE WHO LOVED YOU. 

Edited by Lm2162
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She was six. WTF did she know about what Barb was doing. Did the dumb bitch as an adult ask her mom about the fire and maybe the house had to be fixed and couldnt be lived in because maybe something like the fucking roof was fucked up. Or maybe Barb was cleaning it up and didnt want the kids there and under foot and maybe her friends were helping her and they took her out because it was a stressful time. Holy fuckballs, this bitch cannot put herself in anyone's shoes but her own. She can never be sympathetic to anyone. Her kids, her mom, her dogs, her friends, David while he is moving furniture.  Nothing.  Sorry but not sorry, she is s fucking cunt and makes my blood boil.

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Just now, MyPeopleAreNordic said:


It almost makes me miss faux-fitness-buff-medical-assistant-program Jenelle......

I think the most "authentic" was beach bum Jenelle. Does she even know what her legit interests are? She claims to be a gamer, but she never seems to play anything. 


Side note, as someone who plays video games a lot, I notice who has them and who doesn't. I am a nerd. 

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39 minutes ago, IgnoranceisBLISS said:

@leighroda you win the internet for the day!!!!! This is fucking hilarious! 

Hee, it was my post. Leighroda quoted me.

12 minutes ago, toodywoody said:

She was six. WTF did she know about what Barb was doing. Did the dumb bitch as an adult ask her mom about the fire and maybe the house had to be fixed and couldnt be lived in because maybe something like the fucking roof was fucked up. Or maybe Barb was cleaning it up and didnt want the kids there and under foot and maybe her friends were helping her and they took her out because it was a stressful time. Holy fuckballs, this bitch cannot put herself in anyone's shoes but her own. She can never be sympathetic to anyone. Her kids, her mom, her dogs, her friends, David while he is moving furniture.  Nothing.  Sorry but not sorry, she is s fucking cunt and makes my blood boil.

Exactly. How we perceived things as children may be different than what actually happened. She has a recollection of a tragedy, but she has no idea about the aftermath and all that Barb endured. 

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15 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

Hee, it was my post. Leighroda quoted me.

Exactly. How we perceived things as children may be different than what actually happened. She has a recollection of a tragedy, but she has no idea about the aftermath and all that Barb endured. 

Yeah I can't take credit, I'm not that funny... when I saw it I was so confused because I didn't remember saying that, but too lazy to go back and figure out the context... life is hard.

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34 minutes ago, toodywoody said:

She was six. WTF did she know about what Barb was doing. Did the dumb bitch as an adult ask her mom about the fire and maybe the house had to be fixed and couldnt be lived in because maybe something like the fucking roof was fucked up. Or maybe Barb was cleaning it up and didnt want the kids there and under foot and maybe her friends were helping her and they took her out because it was a stressful time. Holy fuckballs, this bitch cannot put herself in anyone's shoes but her own. She can never be sympathetic to anyone. Her kids, her mom, her dogs, her friends, David while he is moving furniture.  Nothing.  Sorry but not sorry, she is s fucking cunt and makes my blood boil.

She makes my blood boil as well. I haven't watched any of the new season yet for the simple reason of I get too fucking angry every time I see her nasty mug. I have to be in a certain mood to be able to stomach her. Her bitching about Barb going out with friends after the fire is so lame. You know what I did after my son almost burned the house down? When my husband got home from work, I told him what happened, that the pizza I ordered for dinner would be here soon and I walked over to my neighbor's and got shitfaced with her. Can you imagine Jenelle's reaction to Kaiser getting a hold of her lighter and setting something on fire? Dude, she'd be sooooooo stressed, dude, that she'd hole up in her bedroom with her bong and a heapin' helpin' of xanax for a month.

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27 minutes ago, leighroda said:

Yeah I can't take credit, I'm not that funny... when I saw it I was so confused because I didn't remember saying that, but too lazy to go back and figure out the context... life is hard.

Oh, you have definitely had me in stitches with many of your comments, my dear. :-) 

Life is definitely hard. Not as hard as it is for Jenelle, apparently. God, I can't stand her. 

I was checking out Jenelle's twitter page and she tweeted a YouTube video with a comment about the things that MTV doesn't show. Here is that video:

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Has she ever thought that maybe barb getting her to tell the neighbor was a GOOD thing? It meant that at six years old, she was trusted enough by her mother to be of use in a life or death situation! My guess is jenelle was the first child barb saw, and had it been Ashleigh, she would have been asked to go. I don't think barb put a huge amount of thought into which child she picked. I think Jenelle has always been the "victim," even at six. 

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I feel for Barb. I can't imagine raising three kids those ages all alone because their shitty father walked out on them. It was probably stress-filled on the daily. Then the 9 year old starts a fire! I can imagine being pissed off at loser hubby and thinking the fire may not have happened had he been home as well. All that worry, the thought of losing my children to a fire, the thought of rebuilding from nothing--and worrying all alone. I don't blame barb for taking them to their dad's for ONE SINGLE night!

Jenelle went apeshit when someone took her hoodie! She can't even manage her own child for a day while David's moving! Barb is not June Cleaver but she's the only one who has been there for Jenelle, and I have no doubt that if and when UBT beats Jenelle to a pulp, Barb will be right there to save her.  In my book, there are a lot of people who would be happy to a have that kind of support. 

Edited by zenme
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Love this from the article:


Jenelle recently said on a ‘Teen Mom 2’ episode that she has “no friends” so…the only confirmed guests at this point appear to be the MTV film crew!)

Hah!!  Because, duh!  That's all she cares about.

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2 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Oh, you have definitely had me in stitches with many of your comments, my dear. :-) 

Life is definitely hard. Not as hard as it is for Jenelle, apparently. God, I can't stand her. 

I was checking out Jenelle's twitter page and she tweeted a YouTube video with a comment about the things that MTV doesn't show. Here is that video:

Wow, Ensley sure looks a lot like Jace! I never noticed until this video. Jenelle was obviously horrible to Jace when he was a baby, and treats Kaiser like absolute shit, but she may like the infant stage okay now. My crazy sister loooooves babies, but bitches like crazy once they are big enough to run around and be annoying. Don't even get me started on how she treats my 12 year old niece :( My guess is that, assuming UBT and Jenelle stay together and he doesn't murder her, Ensley's life will be *okayish* until she gets to be a pre-teen, then all hell will break loose. Narcissists and people with borderline personality disorder can't handle it when their kids start to pull away and form a truly independent identity. Chances are it will all fall apart before then, certainly Maryssa's tweenage years will be awful all around.

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1 hour ago, Mkay said:

She'll be there at the divorce when Jenelle needs her help. 


Jenelle made a video with Jace just like the one she made with Endtable. This reads six years ago. Damn, I didn't realize she has a lot of YouTube videos that she made including a make-up tutorial (lol), a hair clip tutorial, a video showing her and Barb trying to open a wine bottle, and other Jace videos: 

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I predict Kaiser will be treated like shit until he's old enough to be seen as a dude who can give her attention.  Then he will get better treatment. Yes, I think she is that creepy.

Ensley will be favored for now until she's old enough to be female "competition" and then she'll be childcare for the inevitable additional children and/or hated due to jealousy. 

Edited by Lm2162
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I think if David starts referring to Ensley as his little princess and things like that, Ensley will start becoming the competition. I think Maryssa lays low, and she hasn't rankled Jenelle's feathers yet, but heaven help her when she does.

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40 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

She'll be there at the divorce when Jenelle needs her help. 


Jenelle made a video with Jace just like the one she made with Endtable. This reads six years ago. Damn, I didn't realize she has a lot of YouTube videos that she made including a make-up tutorial (lol), a hair clip tutorial, a video showing her and Barb trying to open a wine bottle, and other Jace videos: 

Okay, at 2:42 of the Jace video, there is a brief flash of a scene that plays repeatedly in Endtable's video! She has on hideous reddish zebra pants and they're playing on a carpet. I actually think it probably is an Endtable clip because Jenelle was seriously SO thin even when Jace as a little baby. Teenage body snapback (side eye) (jealousy). These videos are so weird and self-aggrandizing.

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2 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

Barb shouldn't be too upset. She can go to the next one.

That's exactly what I thought too, assuming she survives this marriage. 

I wonder if she had the foresight to make sure the wedding is a weekend she has custody... because if I were Barb and it wasn't I would definitely make it harder on her (I would not hold Jace back completely because that would just add to her ammo, and potentially hurt Jace's feelings) but I would definitely make things harder on Jenelle. Actually she could probably make it harder either way, like if it is Jenelles weekend, refuse to pick Jace up until their arranged time... lol it would bring so much joy to my heart if Jenelle had to wait for Babs arranged time to go on her honeymoon. 

I hate that she intentionally hurts Barb like this, and I wish I could say she is going to look back and regret it someday, but I really don't think she is capable of remorse.

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1 hour ago, leighroda said:

That's exactly what I thought too, assuming she survives this marriage. 

I wonder if she had the foresight to make sure the wedding is a weekend she has custody... because if I were Barb and it wasn't I would definitely make it harder on her (I would not hold Jace back completely because that would just add to her ammo, and potentially hurt Jace's feelings) but I would definitely make things harder on Jenelle. Actually she could probably make it harder either way, like if it is Jenelles weekend, refuse to pick Jace up until their arranged time... lol it would bring so much joy to my heart if Jenelle had to wait for Babs arranged time to go on her honeymoon. 

I hate that she intentionally hurts Barb like this, and I wish I could say she is going to look back and regret it someday, but I really don't think she is capable of remorse.

I could just hear barb say, "jenelle, I have chosen this weekend to go on a trip with my bff from work! We're going to the mountains to the spa! Buh bye! See you Sunday!!!"

then jenelle would sit down to her diary and hammer out a few sentences about how once again, her own mother didn't have her back, ignoring the irony that she wasn't inviting her own mother to the wedding. 

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