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Kim Richards: No Escape from Witch Mountain

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Apparently Kim is the only one required to act like an adult, make good judgments and make sure nothing ever goes wrong in her presence because it's about HER behavior being questioned while everyone else of course, most definitely acted accordingly. I mean I like to point out what legitimately shouldn't be ALL on Kim's shoulders, it isn't the same as saying she has no fault. But by always trying to put everything on Kim's shoulders that suggests that all the other adults in her presence has no responsibility what so ever on how things play out EVER. Never in the real world do we just give carte blanche to our surroundings. Just because the traffic light is green and I can cross doesn't mean I still won't exercise some safety measures like looking both ways and MAKING SURE that cars have stopped and its safe to cross. I mean this whole all or nothing, with regards to Kim's behaviors in all situations is just so jarring. There are levels of responsibility for each and everybody in any situation but this seems to be suspended whenever Kim's the topic of conversation.

The thing is, even if you look both ways before crossing the street, it does not mean that you are guaranteed to not get hit by a car. Should people be smart about their own safety? Absolutely! Does that guarantee that you will be safe? Absolutely not! ....and if someone runs a red light and hits you, it will still be their fault whether you did or did not look both ways before crossing the street.

As far as this specific situation with Kim and Kingsley, I do believe she is 100% responsible for Alexia being bitten because she witnessed the bite of KR and kept the dog in her house. Kim and Kim alone not only put her niece in danger, but anyone in that house including herself.

Edited by shoegal
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I think if the producers could have gotten the dog biting somebody, anybody, and show the aftermath - ambulances, hospital scenes, Kim going crazy - they would have jumped at the chance.   Everybody had apprehension about the dog, but Kim wasn't hearing it.    I have friends that have large dogs, and I'm not comfortable around them, they know, so when I go visit, they usually keep the dog outside.  They aren't afraid it will bite, but they know I'm not comfortable.   The crew could have said the same - they didn't feel comfortable around the dog, but they had to be at her home to film.

  • Love 4

Didn't she even admit on camera after the trainer left that she was going to have a hard time being as strict with him as the trainer said to be?

Both Chad and Kimberly were there when the trainer brought the dog back and Kimberly said, on camera, that Kim would never follow through with anything the trainer told her mother to do with Kingsley. Kim also said that she would do what she though was best for the dog. That poor dog never had a chance at a normal life in Kim's home. JMO

  • Love 8

Kim probably undid all of Kingsley's training within the first 5 minutes of coming home. He didn't stand a chance.

That's what it looked like. Just like everyone else, Kingsley is seen by Kim to be HER best friend, HER sleeping pal, HER security blanket, not a being in his own right with his own needs and problems - and future (or not).

Edited by nexxie
  • Love 8

I think if the producers could have gotten the dog biting somebody, anybody, and show the aftermath - ambulances, hospital scenes, Kim going crazy - they would have jumped at the chance.   Everybody had apprehension about the dog, but Kim wasn't hearing it.    I have friends that have large dogs, and I'm not comfortable around them, they know, so when I go visit, they usually keep the dog outside.  They aren't afraid it will bite, but they know I'm not comfortable.   The crew could have said the same - they didn't feel comfortable around the dog, but they had to be at her home to film.

I disagree, I do think the producers knew about the dog biting, he did bit the trainer on camera but that was never shown close up nor talked about on the show. I suspect 1 of the dogs victims may have been a crew/film member and that is why the producers paid for a kennel/enclosure built outside in Kim's yard for the dog.

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I would not be surprised to learn Bravo said dog goes or you are not coming back.


I'll go one farther.  If they don't say this then they are not asking Kim back.  So let's watch and see.  If there isn't the rumor that the dog has to go per Bravo then we all know Kim will not be offered a contract.  I'm guessing that Bravo doesn't want admit any liability for the dog and therefore won't say no dog.  Saying no dog means that they had the power to protect the person who was bit from the dog.  So they will just not ask Kim back.  That is the easiest way to get rid of the dog.

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That's what it looked like. Just like everyone else, Kingsley is seen by Kim to be HER best friend, HER sleeping pal, HER security blanket, not a being in his own right with his own needs and problems - and future (or not).

I'm afraid of dogs like Kingsley. Actually I'm afraid of Pit Bulls, German Shepherds and Dobermans, but I am saddened by what has gone on with Kingsley. I fear he will be put down, but what do you do with a dog like Kingsley now? Damn, he must be thoroughly disgusted with life! He's been through a lot. And imo, Kim's coddling has been a form of abuse bc she refused to do the work to make him a healthy, happy and disciplined dog. Refused. She refused bc, well, I'm not sure why.

  • Love 3

I'm afraid of dogs like Kingsley. Actually I'm afraid of Pit Bulls, German Shepherds and Dobermans, but I am saddened by what has gone on with Kingsley. I fear he will be put down, but what do you do with a dog like Kingsley now? Damn, he must be thoroughly disgusted with life! He's been through a lot. And imo, Kim's coddling has been a form of abuse bc she refused to do the work to make him a healthy, happy and disciplined dog. Refused. She refused bc, well, I'm not sure why.


I've had two German Shepherds. They are absolutely great dogs. Great with kids believe it or not, but very protective and super smart. No one should get any breed like that lightly. I spent a ton of money on trainers for both of my GSD's, not because they had any issues like that. Because I wanted to make darn sure they never did. I could never live with myself if my dog hurt someone as badly as Kingsley has, and you can be sure that the first time it happened would be the last. There is no excuse for the second bite, ever IMO. On the other hand, my other dog is a Golden retriever, also a great dog. But still had to be trained because they are high energy and can be a wee bit stubborn and bossy (at least, mine is). I used to say that Kim should just get another Golden, but I'm actually not sure she could handle that either. Maybe she just needs to get a nice fish. Or turtle.


ETA: when I say no excuse for the second bite, I don't mean they should automatically be put down. I mean, the dog is always under control, on leash, and constantly in training during ANY further interactions with anyone entering the home. Even if it means being constantly muzzled, although that is no way for a dog to live, and if it is that bad, then perhaps the most humane thing to do is rehome or put it down.

Edited by ElsieH
  • Love 6

I've had two German Shepherds. They are absolutely great dogs. Great with kids believe it or not, but very protective and super smart. No one should get any breed like that lightly. I spent a ton of money on trainers for both of my GSD's, not because they had any issues like that. Because I wanted to make darn sure they never did. I could never live with myself if my dog hurt someone as badly as Kingsley has, and you can be sure that the first time it happened would be the last. There is no excuse for the second bite, ever IMO. On the other hand, my other dog is a Golden retriever, also a great dog. But still had to be trained because they are high energy and can be a wee bit stubborn and bossy (at least, mine is). I used to say that Kim should just get another Golden, but I'm actually not sure she could handle that either. Maybe she just needs to get a nice fish. Or turtle.

Oh I think German Shepherds are beautiful and smart, but I've been chased by one -- twice!! Once as a kid, and once as an adult and I get the shakes just being in their presence. I'm sure they smell my fear. We had a Yellow Lab and he was great, but super hyper and a major chewer. Even after getting him fixed, we had to really work with him.

I think Kim could handle a turtle and a couple goldfish.

  • Love 3

I'm afraid of dogs like Kingsley. Actually I'm afraid of Pit Bulls, German Shepherds and Dobermans, but I am saddened by what has gone on with Kingsley. I fear he will be put down, but what do you do with a dog like Kingsley now? Damn, he must be thoroughly disgusted with life! He's been through a lot. And imo, Kim's coddling has been a form of abuse bc she refused to do the work to make him a healthy, happy and disciplined dog. Refused. She refused bc, well, I'm not sure why.

It really is sad, and Kim will be sad when poor Kingsley is put down - but her sadness will be for what she's lost, not for what he's lost.

Those same breeds make me flinch a little because my brother was mauled by a big dog (German S) who had been abused and I was a three-year-old watching it. Fortunately, winter layers and a thick snowsuit kept him from being injured too much.

Edited by nexxie
  • Love 4

Oh I think German Shepherds are beautiful and smart, but I've been chased by one -- twice!! Once as a kid, and once as an adult and I get the shakes just being in their presence. I'm sure they smell my fear. We had a Yellow Lab and he was great, but super hyper and a major chewer. Even after getting him fixed, we had to really work with him.

I think Kim could handle a turtle and a couple goldfish.

Not even sure about that...I can see her knocking over the fish bowl and tripping over the poor turtle and smashing him in one of her "altered states" Edited by tulip555
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The only time we saw Kingsley was in context with him needing training because he chewed on "things". He only acted aggressive toward the trainer when he went to Kim's house the first time. By the time he was brought home we had seen video of him getting along with the trainer, the trainers dog and then when he was driven back, he was shown in the trainers car without a muzzle on. At this point, with the exception of Brandi being bit when Kingsley was still a "pup" (per her words), there was no knowledge of him biting anyone or acting aggressive towards anyone, as we were only told about him chewing "things". IMO, Kim and the producers did a smoke and mirror act about the dogs true nature to everyone, including Kyle/Kathy/families.

Yes, but I felt Kingsley had the potential to be dangerous and I was disappointed when he returned to Kim.  My judgment could be clouded by my (irrational?) fear of pit bulls, what with the breed often in the news and having such a high propensity to attack compared to just about every other breed.  In other words, they scare me.

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"Fatal dog attacks in the United States are a small percentage of the relatively common occurrences of dog bites. While at least 4.5 – 4.7 million Americans are bitten by dogs every year, only about 20 to 30 of these bites result in death, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).[1][2]"


  • Love 1

All Dog Bite Statistics


"Dogs bite family and friends

The vast majority"

"The deadliest dogs"

"A review of 82 dog bite cases at a level 1 trauma center where the breed of dog was identified concludes that attacks by pit bulls are associated with higher morbidity rates, higher hospital charges, and a higher risk of death than are attacks by other breeds of dogs. Bini, John K. MD; Cohn, Stephen M. MD; Acosta, Shirley M. RN, BSN; McFarland, Marilyn J. RN, MS; Muir, Mark T. MD; Michalek, Joel E. PhD; for the TRISAT Clinical Trials Group, Mortality, Mauling, and Maiming by Vicious Dogs, Annals of Surgery (April 2011, Vol. 253, Issue 4, pp. 791–797)."

"Merritt Clifton, editor of Animal People, has conducted an unusually detailed study of dog bites from 1982 to the present. (Clifton, Dog attack deaths and maimings, U.S. & Canada, September 1982 to November 13, 2006; click here to read it.) The Clifton study show the number of serious canine-inflicted injuries by breed. The author's observations about the breeds and generally how to deal with the dangerous dog problem are enlightening. According to the Clifton study, pit bulls, Rottweilers, Presa Canarios and their mixes are responsible for 74% of attacks that were included in the study, 68% of the attacks upon children, 82% of the attacks upon adults, 65% of the deaths, and 68% of the maimings. In more than two-thirds of the cases included in the study, the life-threatening or fatal attack was apparently the first known dangerous behavior by the animal in question. Clifton states:

If almost any other dog has a bad moment, someone may get bitten, but will not be maimed for life or killed, and the actuarial risk is accordingly reasonable. If a pit bull terrier or a Rottweiler has a bad moment, often someone is maimed or killed--and that has now created off-the-chart actuarial risk, for which the dogs as well as their victims are paying the price."

Edited by talula
  • Love 2

Kim should not have the responsibility of caring for innocent, living creatures because she is not a responsible person.  She may "love" Kingsley but her love is sick and unhealthy.  That dog is suffering from her "love".   Instead of holding living things hostage with her narcissistic love, she should be going to therapy and working on herself.  Let Kim be both her mirror and her own supply for awhile.   

  • Love 5

What bothers me about Kim blaming Alexia for entering the bedroom is this: If my dog had already mauled an 80 year old woman (or anyone else for that matter) in my bedroom, then I would make damn sure that I locked the bedroom door anytime company came over. Either that or keep the dog in an area where it might not be as protective, not where it sleeps with Kim. The protective enclosure sounds like the best place but even somewhere else in the house with a locked door would have been better, imo.

  • Love 7

I think there should be a rule that the Real Housewives not be allowed to have a pet.


Kim would have to give up Kingsley as he is a menace.


Lisav should have to give up Giggy since she tortures that poor dog by making him up like a 70 year old gay English guy.


Brandi has to give up the 17 year old Dutch boy because he has to go back to school.

  • Love 6

One other thing regarding Alexia and the dog. Kim claims she told her not to enter the bedroom but, imo, unless there was full disclosure (something like "Alexia, don't go in my bedroom. The last person who did so was seriously attacked and ended up having to go to the hospital"), then Alexia had no idea how dangerous it was to enter. I don't think there's any way Kim gave her adequate warning because Kim didn't want anyone to know how dangerous Kingsley is.

  • Love 5

The only time we saw Kingsley was in context with him needing training because he chewed on "things". He only acted aggressive toward the trainer when he went to Kim's house the first time. By the time he was brought home we had seen video of him getting along with the trainer, the trainers dog and then when he was driven back, he was shown in the trainers car without a muzzle on. At this point, with the exception of Brandi being bit when Kingsley was still a "pup" (per her words), there was no knowledge of him biting anyone or acting aggressive towards anyone, as we were only told about him chewing "things". IMO, Kim and the producers did a smoke and mirror act about the dogs true nature to everyone, including Kyle/Kathy/families.

At the reunion Kingsley and his aggression was discussed if I remember correctly and Kyle said she was nervous about him and that she was afraid she might get a call saying he killed Kim.




I think Kim is hinting that Alexia was drunk.

Edited by Higgins
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Ok guys, my husband is a physician and he tells me things about his day that I wish I could unknow. I've had this horrible thought and I haven't shared it because I don't want you to have to unknow it too but with all the dog debate I feel I must. I hope to God Kim never passes out with a hungry Kingsley. 'Nough said? Yea it happens.

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Hopefully, even Kim isn't that vile.


Of course she is.  She refused to call for emergency help when a women (her "second Mother") was lying on the floor bleeding and injured, by her own dog, no less.  Kim is vile. 

It really is appalling to me.  I'd like to think that even if I was careless or reckless and hurt someone, like backing my car into someone, or throwing something and accidentally hitting someone, I'd have enough decency to call for medical help.  Even if that means I'd be in some kind of legal trouble or possibly face losing my job.  It's unfathomable to me that Kim would let a women bleed out on her carpet because she didn't want to, again, face the consequences of her actions. 

  • Love 7

Ok guys, my husband is a physician and he tells me things about his day that I wish I could unknow. I've had this horrible thought and I haven't shared it because I don't want you to have to unknow it too but with all the dog debate I feel I must. I hope to God Kim never passes out with a hungry Kingsley. 'Nough said? Yea it happens.

That woman got a face transplant. I believe she was passed out on drugs at the time. Very strange. She only knew something was wrong when she woke up and tried to have a smoke and her cigarette kept falling out of her mouth.

Of course she is.  She refused to call for emergency help when a women (her "second Mother") was lying on the floor bleeding and injured, by her own dog, no less.  Kim is vile. 

It really is appalling to me.  I'd like to think that even if I was careless or reckless and hurt someone, like backing my car into someone, or throwing something and accidentally hitting someone, I'd have enough decency to call for medical help.  Even if that means I'd be in some kind of legal trouble or possibly face losing my job.  It's unfathomable to me that Kim would let a women bleed out on her carpet because she didn't want to, again, face the consequences of her actions. 

She will go all out when she feels cornered or attacked. I don't think she will actually say it but she might imply it.

  • Love 3

At the reunion Kingsley and his aggression was discussed if I remember correctly and Kyle said she was nervous about him and that she was afraid she might get a call saying he killed Kim.




I think Kim is hinting that Alexia was drunk.

They did, in a joking manner though. I do not think Kyle or anyone else, other than Kim, knew how bad/aggressive the dog had become. At that point, he had not bitten any "family" member and was fine with those he was raised around, which would include Alexia. It seems that Kingsley got worse after filming for last season ended and Kim did nothing. 


If Kim is going to put that out there or even hint at that, she had better be careful. That means that Alexia, a minor, was drinking at Kim's home..........big trouble for Kim if that is true!

  • Love 4

At the reunion Kingsley and his aggression was discussed if I remember correctly and Kyle said she was nervous about him and that she was afraid she might get a call saying he killed Kim.


I think Kim is hinting that Alexia was drunk.

Clearly Kyle was not trusting the dog...and she was correct. I would have forbid my kids from going there period. Though she couldn't control what a teenager with a car might do.

If Alexia went to Aunt Kim's house to sober up...that certainly would be new information and might explain her not heeding Kim's warning to stay out of her bedroom.

Bottom line it's Kim's home and dog. She invited her niece into her home and Alexia was bitten. Kim had the responsibility to secure the dog in the outside pen and or put the dog's muzzle on if she left it in the house. Heck my cat can jump at door knobs and open any door in my home.

Edited by talula
  • Love 4

They did, in a joking manner though. I do not think Kyle or anyone else, other than Kim, knew how bad/aggressive the dog had become. At that point, he had not bitten any "family" member and was fine with those he was raised around, which would include Alexia. It seems that Kingsley got worse after filming for last season ended and Kim did nothing. 


If Kim is going to put that out there or even hint at that, she had better be careful. That means that Alexia, a minor, was drinking at Kim's home..........big trouble for Kim if that is true!

Or, maybe they had gone out drinking.

That may be but Kyle was worried about the dog and his propensity for aggression. She had heard stories about him that made her worry that he might hurt Kim and it is clear that Kim was not thinking clearly about the risks and to me, because she loves the dog, it is more understandable that she would be in denial about the risks he posed. There is a study somewhere that showed that given a choice 40% of Americans would save their own pet over a foreign stranger and 23% would save their pet over a hometown stranger or even a distant cousin.

Edited by Higgins
  • Love 1

That may be but Kyle was worried about the dog and his propensity for aggression. She had heard stories about him that made her worry that he might hurt Kim and it is clear that Kim was not thinking clearly about the risks and to me, because she loves the dog, it is more understandable that she would be in denial about the risks he posed. There is a study somewhere that showed that given a choice 40% of Americans would save their own pet over a foreign stranger and 23% would save their pet over a hometown stranger or even a distant cousin.

I'm surprised it's that low. Cuz my Killer(yes, yes, stupid name) over all strangers.

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Higgins what you are saying about assuming Kim is implying that Alexia is drinking is exactly the reason I loathe Kim.  This is Kim with the nuances and open ending accusations-if her niece was drinking-just say it.  Kyle is a big girl and can deal with the consequences.  Lord knows in this group of cousins their drinking and drugging behavior is legendary a third of them have been arrested on alcohol related offenses.  If it was just that Alexia disobeyed her wishes then say it and don't imply more.  I don't want to hear that Alexia forced the dog to bite her because she wanted to get out of going back to college.  This is what makes Kim unforgivable.  Dog bites happen among family and friends all the time-Kyle said she did not expect Kim to get rid of the dog-I do not get the rub between the two of them.  If it is simply that Kim did not want it to get out -too bad-it is Alexia's story to tell.  What is it Kim said, "you are only as sick as your secrets."

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That woman got a face transplant. I believe she was passed out on drugs at the time. Very strange. She only knew something was wrong when she woke up and tried to have a smoke and her cigarette kept falling out of her mouth.

She will go all out when she feels cornered or attacked. I don't think she will actually say it but she might imply it.

OMG OMG OMG ( covers ears and runs from the room screaming)eta: FIX IT JESUS! Edited by nc socialworker
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LOL! Sorry, I'm trying to figure out how somebody uses "she was drunk!" as a defense for why they were mauled by a dog. Was she saying Alexia was so drunk she went into the wrong room? That she's a defiant drunk? That Kingsley hates drunks? That Alexia was so sloppy drunk she kept trying to kiss and dance with the dangerous dog?

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I looked up the definition of 4th wall.  Had not clue what that was.  What did Joyce do?

Very early on Joyce broke the 4th wall in a way you don't see "new" HW's do. First of all, she publicly interviewed about a lunch she had had with Yo where they were speaking about Lisa. According to Joyce there was some friction and Yo kept yelling "cut" at the film crew when she didn't like the direction of their conversation. This was the first time I had ever heard a current HW reveal that they have the ability to stop filming when they want, or at least can make an attempt to do so.

She also broke the wall when defending her comments about her husband having a huge "pee pee". That line of dialogue came during the lunch at Carlton's and Joyce took a lot of heat for saying such things. She interviewed that she didn't like the edit there and said that all the ladies were saying similar things, but Bravo edited in a way to make it look like she was the only one saying them. Both of these episodes were the first two or three of the season, and so having her jump right out as a newbie and talk about such things had lots of folks saying right from the beginning that she would never be asked back.

  • Love 4

I disagree, I do think the producers knew about the dog biting, he did bit the trainer on camera but that was never shown close up nor talked about on the show. I suspect 1 of the dogs victims may have been a crew/film member and that is why the producers paid for a kennel/enclosure built outside in Kim's yard for the dog.

Never thought of that. That must be it.

Never thought of that. That must be it.

IMO, this is the only way that explains the enclosure/kennel Production paid 6K for in Kim's yard.  The trainer from last season spilled the beans on that after the season was over.


Where did Kim say that Alexia was drinking or wanted to get out of going back to school?  This is the first I have heard of this.  

I think people are just "guessing" what Kim meant/was hinting about in the preview if that statement about telling "the story" is about the dog bite.

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Where did Kim say that Alexia was drinking or wanted to get out of going back to school?  This is the first I have heard of this.  

It is a little bit Bravo and a whole lot of Kim with her veiled claims of having something on somebody.  I don't think Kim will state anything with specificity that will harm Alexia but she will plant a seed and make Kyle look bad if she wants Kim to come out with it.  As long as everybody lets her do it she will continue to get away with it.  Kim either needs to keep a secret or spill she needs to stop with the extortion.  If she crosses the line and reveals something negative about Alexia there may be no going forward.  Kyle has always been supportive of her nieces and nephews regardless of their bad behavior and supportive of their various business ventures.  I would like to think Kim would follow suit. 

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I think the whole dog bite thing might be the end of Kim + Bravo. It's crossed all sorts of lines. And, the others think poorly of her already that they will never welcome her in again.

Shes been a liability since day 1! I could be wrong but I doubt it will Kim fired. Bravo will still keep her ass employed because she lineage is to the Hiltons.

  • Love 2

Shes been a liability since day 1! I could be wrong but I doubt it will Kim fired. Bravo will still keep her ass employed because she lineage is to the Hiltons.



Unless she has a major relapse when Monty dies.  They will not put her on if she is a mess and unable to function well enough to move through the set up dinners, parties, luncheons and shopping jaunts.  

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Unless she has a major relapse when Monty dies. They will not put her on if she is a mess and unable to function well enough to move through the set up dinners, parties, luncheons and shopping jaunts.

Shes gonna be a tyrant if he takes a turn for the worst. We thought she was evil this season she will be EVUL if something happens between filming season 6. Again she will be a nightmare and think if Brandi is still on that would just be a shit storm!

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