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Kim Richards: No Escape from Witch Mountain

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^^^   Totally.  Interesting that Kimberly mentioned shoving everything under, and that Kim was mad because she wanted to walk down the street holding her head high (and suggesting Kimberly destroyed their relationship by daring to speak the unspeakable truth - she worried about her Mom).  Kim is still in deep denial and lashes out viciously when anyone doesn't dance to that tune.

Kim needs to take a page from Paris Hilton's play book.  She can be a totally phony, hateful, person, get arrested and she not only walks down the street wither head held high, she looks down on others.  

  • Love 4

Allegedly Kim showed up at the Reunion:  http://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2016/03/kim-richards-snaps-at-lisa-rinna-tries-to-win-back-job-on-the-re/


Is it even remotely possible RInna kept her mouth shut?

I think it is possible that LisaR kept her mouth shut and fell all over herself apologizing to Kim at this reunion. LisaR wants to get back on good terms with Kyle and she can't do that if she is still warring with Kim either on or off camera. She desperately needs 1 of the top HWs friendship, she has burned bridges with LisaV, (Eileen will not tolerate her making up with Lisa either) so that leaves Kyle.

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Allegedly Kim showed up at the Reunion:  http://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2016/03/kim-richards-snaps-at-lisa-rinna-tries-to-win-back-job-on-the-re/


Is it even remotely possible RInna kept her mouth shut?


Even dumber is smart enough not to want drunker back on the show so she likely apologized and didn't give Kim the drama/storyline she was looking for.....hopefully. Also Bravo has to be aware of how most of the viewers don't want Kim back on the show.

  • Love 3

Does anyone want Kim back on the show?  Anyone?  I wish her well and I hope she gets and stqys sober but I'm full up on her bullcrap.  And it's really not fair to Kyle either.  Kyle cries constantly and fights with Kim constantly and it's not fun to watch.

I don't want Kim or Brandi back. At all. Hopefully this will be the last reunion for them too.

  • Love 5

I don't want Kim or Brandi back. At all. Hopefully this will be the last reunion for them too.

Kim needs a paycheck.  Let's bring her back on to talk about how she is sober and won't talk about her recovery any longer.  What has changed from Season 3?  The only difference is she is fighting with Rinna instead of Brandi from back then.

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I listened to Kyle on heather Dubrow's show.  Interesting Kyle originally pitched Kim a couple of times and there were no takers.  She never told Kim about the pitches.  All of a sudden Doug Ross, the EP, made the connection and extended an invitation. 


Kyle was not all that kindly to Lisar, even though Heather kept pumping her up.  Kyle thinks Kim should no longer be part of the conversation.  She agreed since she had just exited there was some room for talk but she did not want to be part of the conversations.  Heather then turns around and asks Kyle how is Kim doing.  Then how is Kim doing with the passing of Monty.  I guess people don't get it, no matter how close to Kyle she really doesn't want to talk about her sister.

  • Love 3

Yeah, well, then why bring in the Aunt and Bethenny for her staged conversations about Kim?  She doesn't mind talking, as long as she's able to portray the "poor little concerned Kyle" roll.  The Aunt and Bethenny knew the script Kyle wanted, so she happily spilled to them, because she knew they'd be supportive of Kyle.  The wives?  Others?  Yeah, she doesn't trust them to follow Kyle's script.

Edited by Umbelina
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Yeah, well, then why bring in the Aunt and Bethenny for her staged conversations about Kim?  She doesn't mind talking, as long as she's able to portray the "poor little concerned Kyle" roll.  The Aunt and Bethenny knew the script Kyle wanted, so she happily spilled to them, because she knew they'd be supportive of Kyle.  The wives?  Others?  Yeah, she doesn't trust them to follow Kyle's script.

I didn't find Faye, Bethenny or her the conversation with the aunt scripted, in depth or anything in particular.  The aunt spent as much time on Big Kathy as Kim.   The aunt was coming from a place of detached concern, Bethenny knows both Kathy and Kyle well and basically just was being as polite as Bethenny ever gets and Faye actually gave good advice.  What exactly did Kyle "spill" to anyone about Kim?  I think Kyle has done a good a job as anyone could expect in her position.  heather goes into the situation with Kyle and her famous family and how their troubles are just more public.


Well maybe the others should have thought about "Kyle's script" instead of just expecting Kyle to answer questions of people who loathe Kim. 

  • Love 5

This show is so unhealthy for Kim.  I don't want her on it or have the other women talk about her on it. They have had a season to talk about her, that's enough.  Move on to your own closets and clean them out Rinna.

It's not just this show. Kim's experience on the other show is also proving to be a bust. 


I appreciated Kyle defending the talk of Brandi this season and feel that the same logic should apply to Kim. Brandi was with the women for every season save the first one. Kim was in every season until now. It would make no sense for them to suddenly pretend that these women no longer exist especially when, in Kim's case, Kim was making a public spectacle of herself. 


If a former co-worker of mine ended up being in the news for getting arrested at the Beverly Hills Hotel, I can promise you that this is something that I'd likely have a discussion about with others. I just don't see what's wrong with LisaV and Ken talking about it, Bethenny talking about it to Kyle, LisaR thinking that Kim's latest arrests are proof that she was right about Kim all along--all of this stuff happening seems perfectly natural to me. 


Yeah, well, then why bring in the Aunt and Bethenny for her staged conversations about Kim?  She doesn't mind talking, as long as she's able to portray the "poor little concerned Kyle" roll.  The Aunt and Bethenny knew the script Kyle wanted, so she happily spilled to them, because she knew they'd be supportive of Kyle.  The wives?  Others?  Yeah, she doesn't trust them to follow Kyle's script.

I don't think there's anything wrong with Kyle using the show to speak to her family since the show is something that they clearly all watch and pay attention to. Kim is more than happy to use these shows to get viewers to swallow her 'poor me' narrative. 


The difference between them is that with Kyle it isn't always a 'poor me' narrative. Kyle can admit to being wrong. This is something that Kim on the other hand is incapable of doing.

Edited by Avaleigh
  • Love 11

I didn't find Faye, Bethenny or her the conversation with the aunt scripted, in depth or anything in particular.  The aunt spent as much time on Big Kathy as Kim.   The aunt was coming from a place of detached concern, Bethenny knows both Kathy and Kyle well and basically just was being as polite as Bethenny ever gets and Faye actually gave good advice.  What exactly did Kyle "spill" to anyone about Kim?  I think Kyle has done a good a job as anyone could expect in her position.  heather goes into the situation with Kyle and her famous family and how their troubles are just more public.


Well maybe the others should have thought about "Kyle's script" instead of just expecting Kyle to answer questions of people who loathe Kim. 

I think Lisa/Ken have known Kim long enough that Kyle shouldn't have been upset at LisaV asking about Kim. I also have no problem with LisaR and Eileen chiming in on Kim's behavior that was all over the media at the time of filming but they should have stopped when Kyle asked them to, at least in her presence. I do think LisaR went to far with some of her Kim comments, it felt/came across as mean at that point. As for Faye, Bethenny and Kyle's Aunt, I have no problem with her talking about Kim with them but like I said, LisaV has know Kim a long time and should have been able to ask/comment without Kyle getting upset at her, especially in light that Kim was nastiest to LisaV in interviews she gave during that point of filming.

  • Love 7

I know.  I shouldn't have.  Yes, I giggled.  I'm really a nice person.  I am.  Well, most of the time. 




I also admit to laughing and shaking my head at the same time. Her statement, "“But my concern is to myself and to my children, first and foremost.", was what made me shake my head. Poor Kimberly, Kim is so concerned about her that she talked her into doing that mother/daughter travesty therapy show.

  • Love 4

I guess Kim is putting to rest all the rumors or speculation she spent her time as a child star drinking and drugging on the set.  http://www.allabouttrh.com/2016/03/25/kim-richards-now-sober-reveals-truth-longtime-struggle-alcoholism-first-real-drink-24/



My favorite part-


"With five years of sobriety behind her, Kim says she’s “in a very good place.” Going on say, “I’m sorry to the people I’ve let down.But my concern is to myself and to my children, first and foremost. I don’t beat myself up because it makes it worse. I have to own it and accept it and move on.” - "

Edited by wings707
  • Love 7

So NOW you think Kim is truthful? 



My favorite part-


"With five years of sobriety behind her, Kim says she’s “in a very good place.” Going on say, “I’m sorry to the people I’ve let down.But my concern is to myself and to my children, first and foremost. I don’t beat myself up because it makes it worse. I have to own it and accept it and move on.” - "


  • Love 5

So NOW you think Kim is truthful? 

I am thinking it would be a strange thing to lie about.  Why say you didn't have a drink until you were 24 if you were pounding them down at 16 or 18?  I think the history of her drinking and how it got started seems straightforward.  I don't think she should be using 5 years of sobriety though.

  • Love 4

I am thinking it would be a strange thing to lie about. Why say you didn't have a drink until you were 24 if you were pounding them down at 16 or 18? I think the history of her drinking and how it got started seems straightforward. I don't think she should be using 5 years of sobriety though.

It was an ambiguous quote. Her first "real drink.". Til then she had had "sips." Plus, she says she started with wine as a real drink. She is not truthful and, frankly, I doubt she remembers.

  • Love 10

It was an ambiguous quote. Her first "real drink.". Til then she had had "sips." Plus, she says she started with wine as a real drink. She is not truthful and, frankly, I doubt she remembers.

During her teen years-she pretty much stopped working at 16-(a couple of episodes and in her twenties a movie) there is really no evidence to support her partying.  Just being a child actress isn't enough to set a drinking age.  I mean Kim is still Kim she blames her divorce and child custody battle on drinking her alcoholic drinking patterns.  I am not saying she doesn't lie, there just is anything to the contrary to discredit her assertion she didn't really start drinking until 24 years old.  Maybe somebody here as some evidence to the contrary.


Being an addict doesn't mean you forget your entire past.  She has family to remind her of past behavior-Kyle has said it wasn't the child acting that consumed Kim.  I would think after five rehabs-and they do an intake and drinking history, between Kim and her family they would know when she started drinking and when the problems began.

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Based on my own experience, I usually assume addicts who are not clean, are lying. They lie when the truth would be fine. Lying is a way of life for them. I am sure not all child stars had horrible drug and alcohol filled experiences but we sure do hear about the ones who did have those. At least we hear about it when the actor becomes clean or dies of an overdose. Kim is neither of those things, yet.

  • Love 11

I think Kim is just a horrible person and she lies about things just to lie about them. Because she thinks it sounds better. Maybe she thinks it puts less blame on her to deny she was a reckless teen. She wasn't doing anything wrong - drinking at an age when it was illegal. She wasn't that person. She wasn't irresponsible. She was the gal who waited until it was perfectly legal to start hitting the bottle, so how can anyone blame her if her body chemistry was just such that she couldn't handle alcohol like other people can? I can completely see her thinking this in her own mind. I can also see Kim believing that people thinking she was a drinking/drugging teen would project badly on Kim's mother. 


I haven't watched the show with her and her daughter, but I read a recap. If true, she is even more horrible than I always assumed. Apparently her daughter (Kimberly) was saying in one of their therapy sessions that she has always worried for her mom and felt responsible for her - even as a child. That it has been hard. Kim acted sympathetic, until she thought that they were no longer being filmed. When she thought the cameras were off, she went off on Kimberly for "trying to make her look bad on TV". She told Kimberly that her childhood hadn't been that bad, so why was she lying? The Recap said that Kimberly was crying but that Kim was relentless and walked out. She said Kim was horrid to her daughter; completely unfeeling. This is a supposedly sober Kim. This is the same gal who has admitted that her drinking was hard on her kids; that they had to grow up too fast. Why now deny it on this show with her daughter when she thinks that no one is watching? Because she is just that horrible of a person who lies time and time again if she thinks it will make her look better. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 15

I think Kim is just a horrible person and she lies about things just to lie about them. Because she thinks it sounds better. Maybe she thinks it puts less blame on her to deny she was a reckless teen. She wasn't doing anything wrong - drinking at an age when it was illegal. She wasn't that person. She wasn't irresponsible. She was the gal who waited until it was perfectly legal to start hitting the bottle, so how can anyone blame her if her body chemistry was just such that she couldn't handle alcohol like other people can? I can completely see her thinking this in her own mind. I can also see Kim believing that people thinking she was a drinking/drugging teen would project badly on Kim's mother. 


I haven't watched the show with her and her daughter, but I read a recap. If true, she is even more horrible than I always assumed. Apparently her daughter (Kimberly) was saying in one of their therapy sessions that she has always worried for her mom and felt responsible for her - even as a child. That it has been hard. Kim acted sympathetic, until she thought that they were no longer being filmed. When she thought the cameras were off, she went off on Kimberly for "trying to make her look bad on TV". She told Kimberly that her childhood hadn't been that bad, so why was she lying? The Recap said that Kimberly was crying but that Kim was relentless and walked out. She said Kim was horrid to her daughter; completely unfeeling. This is a supposedly sober Kim. This is the same gal who has admitted that her drinking was hard on her kids; that they had to grow up too fast. Why now deny it on this show with her daughter when she thinks that no one is watching? Because she is just that horrible of a person who lies time and time again if she thinks it will make her look better.

Wow. That really happened? She's just terrible. Didn't she do something similar at the Dr. Phil interview? She was all sweetness and light during the interview portion, but back in the hotel room when she thought she wasn't being filmed anymore she screamed at her kids.

  • Love 12

I watched that episode w/Kim & Kim at the cemetery and WOW Kim was a real bitch.   They got back in the car and Kim pretty much said that the things Kimberly was saying at the fake gravesite embarrassed her - and her only concern was being able to walk down the street with her head held high.  She was screaming, telling Kimberly not to worry about her, just worry about yourself.   She was pissed.   Not one ounce of realization.   Then when they got back, Kimberly was trying to figure out what she did wrong.  Kim told her it was the words that came out of her mouth (in other words, she made her mom look bad).  But when they were doing the TH portion, Kim looked high as a kite, and just said she wanted to go home.  


HOW did Kathy, assuming she has any control over Kim, allow her to do this show.  It's a trainwreck.  She's not only lying to herself, but her daughter (nothing new), but she is making a fool of herself. 

  • Love 10

It was an ambiguous quote. Her first "real drink.". Til then she had had "sips." Plus, she says she started with wine as a real drink. She is not truthful and, frankly, I doubt she remembers.

I don't think drugs count in the Kimuniverse.  She has never admitted to doing any drugs and only has a problem with alcohol.  Drugs are taboo, off the table, they don't exist for her.  We know she does drugs via her arrest report, her son and Brandi.  But since she has never had to admit to having a drug problem, she just doesn't. 


Perhaps she had her first "real" drink at 24 but when did she have her first snort or puff? 


Where is that picture of young Kim partying with Rick James when you need it?  And don't forget about "her" booth at the bar.  Since what age has she been sitting in that booth?

  • Love 8

I don't think drugs count in the Kimuniverse.  She has never admitted to doing any drugs and only has a problem with alcohol.  Drugs are taboo, off the table, they don't exist for her.  We know she does drugs via her arrest report, her son and Brandi.  But since she has never had to admit to having a drug problem, she just doesn't. 


Perhaps she had her first "real" drink at 24 but when did she have her first snort or puff? 


Where is that picture of young Kim partying with Rick James when you need it?  And don't forget about "her" booth at the bar.  Since what age has she been sitting in that booth?


Do you mean the pictures found here: Kathy Hilton's 1984 Birthday Party

  • Love 6

I watched that episode w/Kim & Kim at the cemetery and WOW Kim was a real bitch.   They got back in the car and Kim pretty much said that the things Kimberly was saying at the fake gravesite embarrassed her - and her only concern was being able to walk down the street with her head held high.  She was screaming, telling Kimberly not to worry about her, just worry about yourself.   She was pissed.   Not one ounce of realization.   Then when they got back, Kimberly was trying to figure out what she did wrong.  Kim told her it was the words that came out of her mouth (in other words, she made her mom look bad).  But when they were doing the TH portion, Kim looked high as a kite, and just said she wanted to go home.  


HOW did Kathy, assuming she has any control over Kim, allow her to do this show.  It's a trainwreck.  She's not only lying to herself, but her daughter (nothing new), but she is making a fool of herself. 

This is what we saw Kim do to everyone on the show for years. I am not surprised she does it to her kids, even her admitted "favorite" Kimberly.

  • Love 8

Kim looks like a baby in that photo-all dressed up like she is going to church. 


I'm loving the actual baby - Nicky Hilton - in her photo with Rick James. She has such a WTF look on her face. As for Kim, from the rest of the photos, she definitely seemed to be partying. I have always wondered if the reason Kathy has always brushed Kim's addictions under rug was because she was a huge factor on Kim's habit. Kathy and Rick were pretty obvious in their partying, but they both seemed to pull back from it and treated it like a fad that had gone out of favor. 

  • Love 7

Kim will never admit to cocaine issues in her life and at this point in her life-maybe it is time for Grandma to put her public persona on the back burner and just become the best grandma she could ever hope to be.  I do think Kyle and Kim were terrific infant parents, Kyle continued on and Kim struggled but what a great way to start over.  She can screw around trying to make a living at base reality shows or hope for a mother-in-law suite behind Brooke's home and spend her days being a terrific grandparent.  Something she can truly hold her head up while walking down the street.  I am pulling for her.  

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Again with the work no school.  Kim you had teachers on the set-it is the law.  She isn't getting it. 

Kim is always going to spin things to get the max sympathy/excuses she can, be it having to "work" during her childhood (and making it sound like that is all she did was work), to her second divorce caused her drinking problem, Kyle stealing her GD house, to being on a Reality TV show was too much (even though she is currently on yet another RTS) stress. This is why she has never be sober for very long and never will be. All that and she has yet to admit/deal with her drug addiction, which doesn't bode well for her future in the long rung.

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“There is no golden key to say, ‘This is the answer.’ And I hear people say ‘Oh she’s just a problem’ but a problem is somebody who screws up and doesn’t care. I’ve done a lot of work.

Gah, what work is she talking about? We know damn well she isn't working on the sobriety that's supposedly so important to her. 


And Kim? We've seen you screw up time and again and show that you absolutely DO NOT CARE. Screw ups are one thing and can be understandable, but she makes it impossible to sympathize with her because of her lies, her sense of entitlement, and her inability to recognize behavior from herself that is unacceptable so that she can work to correct it. 

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Having an on set tutor is not the same experience as going to school, which is as much about learning to cope socially, and having friends the same age as it is about education.

The shows Kim worked on had other children actors so she wasn't quite so isolated.  She had friends in show business the same age.  She also had the option of going to school and elected not to. 


I found this quote from Mary Kate Olsen, the more troubled twin, "I would never wish my upbringing on anyone. . . but I wouldn't take it back for the world."


I think Kim is probably in the same boat.  She longs for the unknown but certainly enjoyed the largess of her childhood acting career.  Kim makes it sound like riding the bus is a big deal. What if the school was on the same block as her house?  Would she still be deprived?

  • Love 6

I like "let's talk about the husband."


I've always wondered why she said "the" instead of "your."  Maybe their is another husband out there (for him?)  It's such a strange way to put it, and she was in no way drunk.  It sure got Lipsa pissed though.



Nah, that is just phrasing.  Nothing more.  I do wonder what she thought she had on him.  Rinna seemed to think she knew something!   At the time I googled and came up with nothing.  

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