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Kim Richards: No Escape from Witch Mountain

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Monty posted this today on his instagram. Sad. Seems like he's ready to call it quits.


7 hours ago

Another day has come and gone away, but i want to go home. Maybe surrounded by a million people i still feel all alone just want to go home. Another airplane another sunny place im lucky i know. Let me go home. I feel like im living someone else' life. Its like i just stepped outside when everything was going right. Ive had my run, it will all be alright. Much love to everyone. #Saying #quote #life #friends #family #love #heart #blessed #thankful

I'm already on the express bus to hell so I'll say it, he sounds like a big ole drama queen like his ex wife. No wonder they're such "best friends".

  • Love 10

HOME ~ Michael Bubble    




Song by Michael Bublé


Another summer day
Has come and gone away
In Paris and Rome
But I wanna go home, mmm


May be surrounded by
A million people I
Still feel all alone
I just wanna go home
Oh, I miss you, you know
And I've been keeping all the letters


That I wrote to you
Each one a line or two
I'm fine baby, how are you?...


Lyrics: >>> https://www.google.com/search?q=michael+buble+home+lyrics&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8




  • Love 2

Fantastic video, Preposterous!  I'm so glad you posted it.  Monty must be tired out, worn out, by now.  I can see how those lyrics would be meaningful to him.  I think I can also imagine how he must feel.  He's dying and feels so alone, while Kim is wrapped up in her petty grievances and whining about the unfairness of life.  How can she possibly bring any comfort to him?


I don't want to get on a bandwagon, but you'd think that Monty's illness would make Kim feel so blessed just to be alive, yet she focuses on herself and the past and seems determined to make life miserable for herself.  That, to me, is Kim's real sin -- that she continues to blithely accept her healthy life and continues to make a mockery out of the gift she's been given.  The irony is that Monty will soon be at peace, while Kim will go on making her own life a hellish trail of errors.

Edited by Lura
  • Love 10

Monty posted this today on his instagram.  Sad.  Seems like he's ready to call it quits.



7 hours ago

Another day has come and gone away, but i want to go home. Maybe surrounded by a million people i still feel all alone just want to go home. Another airplane another sunny place im lucky i know. Let me go home. I feel like im living someone else' life. Its like i just stepped outside when everything was going right. Ive had my run, it will all be alright. Much love to everyone. #Saying #quote #life #friends #family #love #heart #blessed #thankful

I love this song but this makes me incredibly sad.

  • Love 4

Isn't that a gem?


I stumbled across it whilst looking for a clip of her performance in Revenge.  No luck on the Revenge clip, but that little "tribute" more than made up for it.  


"That little gem" destroyed more of my brain cells than a double infarction and decades of drinking ever did.  I hold YOU responsible, Persnickety1!  :-D

  • Love 3

That's sad about Monty.  He really seems like such a lovely person.


I've never liked Kim.  I don't remember her acting, didn't watch her shows.  I certainly never liked her, or her vile sister, on RHBH.


I do think she has serious issues, beyond drugs or booze, and I do believe she is trying to stay sober, and failing at times, as most do.  I still keep thinking she has, along with obvious "nurture" issues, the "nature" issue of a chemical imbalance or mental problems, something like bi-polar, possibly mixed in with something else.  I think that whole self medicating thing is just so common until someone is diagnosed, and hard to give up.  The drugs she's on now?  I know some think she just has a doctor feel good out there, but I think there is a stronger possibility that she has doctors that are trying to find the combination of drugs for her that can help balance out her brain chemistry.


It would be so lovely if there was just a "take this" pill to fix whatever is wrong, but the reality is that it's almost always a combination of drugs, and they almost never get it right off the bat.  It's trial and error.  A very close friend of mine took her own life because they never did "get it right" for her, the downs were still too DOWN and the highs too HIGH. 


For me, I think I try to separate Kim's medical issues, which I have sympathy for, from her Richard sisters' bitchiness, which I don't.  This season, she's seemed so much more together to me, and kinder, and with one exception, sober.  The only time she's become angry is when she's (or her sobriety) has been attacked.  I guess I see some hope for her finally achieving that sobriety goal, and the right combinations of meds to deal with her other issues.


Really though?  I know she needs the money, but this show will probably kill her.  It's just too much stress for someone as fragile mentally and emotionally as Kim.  Being fired might throw her too though.  Although I have a bit of hope for her future, the larger part of me thinks she's a dead woman walking, and that is beyond sad to watch.


MOVING THIS RESPONSE FROM THE OTHER (WRONG) THREAD.  (Talking about these grown women owning their own behavior rather than the "so-and-so MADE me do it childishness.)


If I found out that a friend of my sister's had been talking about her sobriety, I just think I'd have a different reaction, in every single way really.  (for a moment I'm going to try to put a sister with Kim's issues, mental and substance in my own sister's place.)


1.  I would never blind side her by screaming it in her face with my finger pointed and jabbing in her face, and especially not in public (which is what doing it on camera was, doing in in public.  In front of thousands really.)


2.  Knowing my sister had few friends, I wouldn't be gleeful to take one of those friends away, especially if I was sick of dealing with her issues myself.  I'd feel a certain kind of relief that someone else was taking those 2AM calls.


3.  I'd hold my nose and talk to that friend, even if I didn't like her, (although Kyle sure seemed to like Brandi QUITE a bit last season, when she needed her to take down Lisa.)  I'd talk to her in private, and enlist her help for my sister.


4.  No one, and I mean no one, not me, and certainly not my friends would be shouting my sister's problems to the world.  I would have shut Lipsa down immediately, she doesn't know her, doesn't care about her, and I would have nicely told her to butt out.


5.  Someone physically attacks my sister?  I'm stopping them.  Before the glass, Lipsa lunged for her throat.  (NOT "face.")  I would have been up so fast, and blocking her with my arm, trying to calm her down.


Instead, we've seen Kyle all season long taking out her frustrations by letting her good buddy Lipsa tear her sister to shreds in her place, so she could avoid bloody hands.  I think that's cowardly, and despicable.  Kyle has picked the fights.  She did it at the gay party, she did it at the PS house, she's let Lipsa do it when she hasn't.  It's just sick to me.


Kyle has every right to walk away from Kim, to set boundaries, to give up on her completely.  I think she should.  I think it would be best for both of them at this point.  Doing it by trying to leave a decimated "enemy" behind as she flounces away is what bothers me.  The hatred that takes, the immaturity, and vindictiveness is just shocking to me.  Grow the fuck up.  Stop trying to "win!"  No, Kim didn't "make" you do anything.  Kim's actions are her own.  So are Kyle's.  If you are so full of frustration or hatred or anger, then get help for yourself, learn how to cope, make better choices, stop repeating the same old destructive shit over and over and over again.

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 5

OMG Persnickety, that video is creepy as fuck. lol   Keep 'em coming!   



I remember Kim Richards, child actor but never had much of an opinion of her. When I saw she was on this show, I turned it on to see how she aged. I had also turned on The Osbornes years ago to see how Ozzie looked As it turns out, they've both pretty much aged the same way. Fried. both of them.


Kim's name in the same sentence as Ozzy's?  Blasphemy!   lol 



I never knew who Kim Richards was before this show, and now I know more than I ever wanted to and I'd like to go back to not knowing who she was, please and thank you.  I think the only similar teen actress I really remember is Molly Ringwald and I can't say for sure but I don't think I actually saw any of her movies until the early '90s.  Kyle was in one of the Halloween movies, right?  I know I saw those in the '80's, because Halloween > teen heartthrob movies.  

  • Love 3

Isn't that a gem?


I stumbled across it whilst looking for a clip of her performance in Revenge.  No luck on the Revenge clip, but that little "tribute" more than made up for it.  

Here you go Persnickity!




She basically just played one of the ladies who drink their lunch, bitchy, rich, but also it was implied her character had a coke problem.  It was actually the first time I ever noticed Kim's voice.  (I KNOW!)  Very distinctive.  I've given up on Revenge, and I loved it first season, but I did watch that one for Kim.

  • Love 1

Well Kim's good sister should see to it she off the show since an avid fan and viewer has predicted certain death for her should she continue.


Kim sobriety is only as good as her last day without drink and drug.  If she elects to put herself on camera, kick a co-star no one should be defending her sobriety.


I am sick of hearing how hard she works to stay sober.  Reminds me when my son was 19 and would blow through his monthly allowance while he was in college.  He would say, "I worked so hard to try and not spend it all before the next deposit."  We knew we had to change his thought process when he suggested it was our fault because it would be easier for him if we deposited the allowance weekly.


Kyle owed her sister nothing.  Kim isn't saying she doesn't have any girlfriends-Brandi is.  Although I can't imagine  anyone wanting to be around her.  If Kim having a friend like Brandi is more important than Kyle's feelings and family than there are some real problems.  This is Kim who not so long ago couldn't let Kyle finish a story without interrupting and correcting Kyle because she was not sufficiently relaying Kim's pain caused by Brandi.


Kim is a fight waiting to happen.  She screws up on the escalator and it is Kyle's fault.  She chews someone out on the airplane it is Kyle's fault for covering her mouth, Kyle is suppose to protect a vicious attack dog like Kim at the dinner table because she can't accept an apology. Kim brings a vicious bitch to Kyle's party and Kim blames Kyle for the problem. Kyle did not start a fight in Palm Springs Kim out and out lies and expects her sister to take it because if Kyle were to protect herself it would be divulging more of Kim's sordid past.


Kyle has walked away and all Kim has done is attack her more-for not being there. 

  • Love 23

I stumbled across it whilst looking for a clip of her performance in Revenge.  No luck on the Revenge clip, but that little "tribute" more than made up for it.

I promise you - you missed nothing. Kim was in one scene, and had one line - if that. Madeleine Stowe was addressing a group of women at a country club, and promised to expose their secrets if they didn't do such-and-such. Kind of a recitation of blind items about each one, with the "which Hamptons wife spends all her money on her coke habit?" panning to Kim's character and nervous face. Yes - they said coke habit! Poor Kim. Anyway, that was it.

  • Love 7

Huge YES to everything you said, Zoeysmom!


Kim can't have it both ways.  She can't be independent and highly functioning enough to do what she wants to in this life and not, also, be held accountable for her actions.  If she doesn't want to be or cannot be responsible for her own actions, then she needs someone to dictate and measure out her actions for her.  But she wants all of the freedom without any of the responsibility.  Sounds like a child's/teen's way of thinking --- or that of a spoiled, soulless addict. 


Kyle owed/owes her sister nothing.  Being blood related to someone doesn't make you tied to them for life, obligated to clean up their messes and fund their chosen lifestyle.  It's always about poor Kim being a victim of Big Kathy and the stresses of child stardom, but Kyle was also raised by Big Kathy and was a child star... so, then, who is obligated to take care of Kyle?  Who should clean up after Kyle's messes?  Just because Kyle isn't a drug addict, it doesn't mean she isn't equally or more messed up mentally and emotionally as Kim is.  So, is Kyle owed a free ride?  Of course not, and neither is Kim.  Both sisters may be immature messes but the difference, imo, is that Kyle isn't expecting anyone to clean up after her. 


Kim needs to save her own life.  Most of us have to choose to save ourselves at some point in our lives, some of us more than once or twice.  She's no different than anyone else in that respect and really, it's the only way, imo, to really learn how to survive.  Being rescued over and over again by others teaches you nothing except how to expect someone to come along and rescue you again.   


If Kim wants another chance at a free ride then she needs to hitch her flat broke down wagon to yet another rich man.  Kyle isn't Kim's sugar sister.   I'll bet Mauricio is glad that that pesky line item named "Kim's Messes" is gone from their budget. 

  • Love 20

My stomach churns when I think of and watch them battle about their house since my sister who is sober 2.5 years, and I are going to be selling our family home sooner than later and she has a ton of financial mess from when she was drinking and even after while just trying to keep a roof over her and her kids' head so she wants a big chunk of the money now to pay off her debt. 


But.... our dad is still living in it yet needs to be in a safer, one level, all carpeted place since he is still an alcoholic and is falling more and has agreed to move into an apartment complex where a bunch of his drinking friends live.  I want the money to be kept in case he needs a nursing home or visiting nurse or God only know what for him.


He can't really understand the business part of selling the house even though he is the legal owner (see Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome -WKS) so it really will be the two of us making the big decisions and he probably will let her have the amount that she wants since he doesn't think (or care) about what happens to him in the future.  I think he (and my sister) secretly think I'm going to take him in since I'm a nurse.  Wrong.   


Kim has been drinking for a long time and may also have some mild to moderate WKS and not really be capable of understanding the intricate financial aspects of the house sale and truly believed that whole getting bought out just so she could buy back in story in her mind. 

  • Love 9
Kyle has picked the fights.  She did it at the gay party, she did it at the PS house, she's let Lipsa do it when she hasn't.  It's just sick to me.



I haven't seen where Kyle has picked all the fights, especially the one at the gay party.  She had every right to be upset that Kim purposely showed up with Brandi in tow, the one person Kyle did NOT invite because she doesn't like her.  Why would someone do that to her sister, and why would Brandi show up somewhere she obviously wasn't wanted?  Then when the uninvited person makes a nasty remark about Kyle's husband not wanting her, Kim sits there and doesn't say a word.  She claims she didn't hear it, but I think she was just in her foggy little world and it didn't quite register.  After all, she wasn't sure what day it was and what day she had last seen Kyle.  Poker night the only time she was off?  Hardly! 

Edited by parisprincess
  • Love 14

I haven't seen where Kyle has picked all the fights, especially the one at the gay party.  She had every right to be upset that Kim purposely showed up with Brandi in tow, the one person Kyle did NOT invite because she doesn't like her.  Why would someone do that to her sister, and why would Brandi show up somewhere she obviously wasn't wanted?  Then when the uninvited person makes a nasty remark about Kyle's husband not wanting her, Kim sits there and doesn't say a word.  She claims she didn't hear it, but I think she was just in her foggy little world and it didn't quite register.  After all, she wasn't sure what day it was and what day she had last seen Kyle.  Poker night the only time she was off?  Hardly! 


Because Bravo told Kim to?  As Kyle well knows.


Again, Kyle is responsible for HOW she reacts.  There were many other choices she could have made.  Her CHOICE was screaming, crying, making a scene, and double birding her sister, while screaming her FUCK YOU.  She didn't give a damn about her other guests, or Kim.  It was, yet again, only Kyle's feelings that matter, and, once again, her go-to response is screaming/swearing/finger pointing/and playing "victim."  Oh, and it's "all Kim's fault" for showing up at a work function, and as probably ordered to do, bring Brandi.


Kyle's needs to own her own actions, and stop blaming them on her sister.  She could have reacted in a number of ways to diffuse it, she CHOSE to throw a fit.


As I said, "She made me do it!" isn't acceptable for toddlers, let alone a middle aged woman.

  • Love 1


Because Bravo told Kim to?

LOL I love how Kim gets all of these excuses for her behavior. Has Kyle received the same benefit? I know YoFo has. LisaV. has gotten that as a reason. Brandi most definitely has been give that excuse. Kyle? *chirp* 



Again, Kyle is responsible for HOW she reacts.

So, it's okay for Kim to have a Bravo set-up as a reason for her showing up with Brandi and acting a fool, but Kyle can't react to that Bravo set-up when the producers told her to do what was necessary to amp up the drama?



Kyle has picked the fights.  She did it at the gay party, she did it at the PS house, she's let Lipsa do it when she hasn't.  It's just sick to me.

Who picked the fight at Poker Night by calling someone stupid and behaving in a crude manner ? Who started up in the limo to Eileen's home? Wait, wait...don't tell me. Bravo told her to do that!




I hope so.



Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 21

Again, Kyle is responsible for HOW she reacts.  There were many other choices she could have made.  Her CHOICE was screaming, crying, making a scene, and double birding her sister, while screaming her FUCK YOU.  She didn't give a damn about her other guests, or Kim.  It was, yet again, only Kyle's feelings that matter, and, once again, her go-to response is screaming/swearing/finger pointing/and playing "victim."  Oh, and it's "all Kim's fault" for showing up at a work function, and as probably ordered to do, bring Brandi..

Context. You always omit context. Kyle is not a robot. When Kim points her finger and rages at her for not being a "real" sister, of course she's going to feel bad and react. When Brandi shows up at her party uninvited and both Kim and Brandi say horrid things to her, of course she's going to react. When Kim falsely accuses her of stealing her house, of course she's going to react. Kyle will continue to react to Kim as long as they're on this show together. She needs to disengage, but that's not realistic on a reality tv show based on drama and conflict. The only solution? Fire Kim.

  • Love 23

I haven't seen where Kyle has picked all the fights, especially the one at the gay party.  She had every right to be upset that Kim purposely showed up with Brandi in tow, the one person Kyle did NOT invite because she doesn't like her.  Why would someone do that to her sister, and why would Brandi show up somewhere she obviously wasn't wanted?  Then when the uninvited person makes a nasty remark about Kyle's husband not wanting her, Kim sits there and doesn't say a word.  She claims she didn't hear it, but I think she was just in her foggy little world and it didn't quite register.  After all, she wasn't sure what day it was and what day she had last seen Kyle.  Poker night the only time she was off?  Hardly! 

It was very odd in the "First Look" Kyle is talking about a party for Nikki Hilton to launch her book and the first thing out of Kim's mouth is Brandi won't be able to make it.  To which Kyle is relieved and Kim goes on to mumble something about how she won't try and patch things up between the two of them.  I hate to say it but I think what would have been entirely appropriate at the Gay Mixer would have been for Kim with Brandi in tow to apologize for the treatment of Kyle and the rest at the poker table.  Now that is the way to  open up a decent dialogue.  You don't take someone to another's event and push for an apology from the host.


I think Kim is a little bit like Humpty Dumpty and all the king's horses and all the king's men not being able to put Kim back together again.  I am sure the entire family wants day of the Brooke's wedding Kim and not Palm Springs Kim with the outbursts and the lies.  Whether it be Korsakoff's or Shesabitch Syndrome, it is something the family will just have to deal with-maybe by not being around her.

  • Love 9

Because Bravo told Kim to?  As Kyle well knows.


Again, Kyle is responsible for HOW she reacts.  There were many other choices she could have made.  Her CHOICE was screaming, crying, making a scene, and double birding her sister, while screaming her FUCK YOU.  She didn't give a damn about her other guests, or Kim.  It was, yet again, only Kyle's feelings that matter, and, once again, her go-to response is screaming/swearing/finger pointing/and playing "victim."  Oh, and it's "all Kim's fault" for showing up at a work function, and as probably ordered to do, bring Brandi.


Kyle's needs to own her own actions, and stop blaming them on her sister.  She could have reacted in a number of ways to diffuse it, she CHOSE to throw a fit.


As I said, "She made me do it!" isn't acceptable for toddlers, let alone a middle aged woman.

Kyle has never said she made me do it.  So I don't get the context of this post.  http://www.eonline.com/news/619751/watch-in-horror-as-brandi-and-kyle-fight-over-kim-richards-on-the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills


The other guest were fine and supported Kyle after Kyle's double bird and Fuck You.   I am surprised we didn't see a few cartwheels. I do think they were tired of the conflict and Brandi could have accepted the apology or at the very least not threatened to knock Kyle's teeth out-that is when the conversation escalated.  It was Brandi encroaching on Kyle's space with her wings a flapping and pointing downward at Kyle's face.

  • Love 9

I thought the video dedicated to Kim was beautiful.  It clearly harkened back to a time when the world and Kim were innocent and lovely.  I didn't see any connection between those soft pictures of a little girl and the current Kim Richards.  For me, it was a child's face filled with wonder and awe.  It bore no resemblance to the woman she became, with a face held tightly, lips pursed, eyes looking sideways with cynicism, a face that looked tired and drawn by a life filled with broken marriages and the ravages of alcohol and drugs, looking much older than it is.  It was a face of days gone by when life treated Kim much kinder -- and she treated life the same way.  Since we don't know who produced the film, we don't know whether he might have made it precisely to show the sad differences between Kim then and Kim now.. I'd rather think he/she just made it as a tribute.  Sometime -- maybe sometime in rehab again -- I think Kim should see that video and talk about her feelings behind each picture.  It might be difficult, but it might enlighten her about some of the things that lie behind her current actions and beliefs.  It's a poignant piece to watch.

Edited by Lura
  • Love 4

Kim shouldn't have brought Brandi/Brandi shouldn't have gone and Kyle should have not freaked out like that.  Did she acknowledge that anywhere?  


We all, regardless of addictions, have been pushed to our breaking point and lost our sh** but that doesn't mean it's ok and it wasn't ok that Kyle did.   

Part One of the Gay Mixer fight Kyle's blog;  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-5/blogs/kyle-richards/kyle-brandi-puts-out-lies-hoping


Part two of Kyle's response  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-5/blogs/kyle-richards/kyle-brandi-pulls-out-her-dagger


It is not a great accepting of responsibility.


Here is Kim's response: http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-5/blogs/kim-richards/kim-brandi-and-kyles-feud-has


No accountability whatsoever. But we should all be happy that Kim got yet another much needed vacation away from her caregiver duties.

  • Love 6
For fuck's sake! Kim is the mean and nasty one? What is wrong with people? They just love to kick a dog when they're down. Talk about vile.


Higgins, I have to agree with those that Kim has shown herself to be mean and nasty over and over again. Even if we only focus on this season, her behavior has been horrible so to me this isn't even close to being about kicking a dog when they are down. It's about being up to here with Kim and her rudeness and her lame ass excuses for everything. I don't see anything vile about calling Kim on her behavior. I don't support mean tweets and I don't think that it's helpful for people to tweet Kim that she should die or that her kids would be better off without her or anything like that.


But pointing out that she's being an insensitive jackass for repeatedly complaining about Kyle not defending or supporting her (Kim actually has the nerve to say that Kyle "never" defends or supports her) all the while sitting there as Brandi repeatedly trashes Kyle? I don't see that as kicking somebody when they're down, I see that as calling somebody on behavior that makes them unlikeable, hypocritical, and unsympathetic.


I dislike her as a person, but I don't hate her for her disease(s.)


Umbelina, I don't think that anybody here is saying that they hate Kim for her disease/s. I personally don't hate Kim. I just want her to be off of the show because I don't think being on the show has done her any good. If anything her problems seem to have gotten worse. I also think that it would be nice to give another woman a shot on the show since Kim doesn't seem to be appreciative of the opportunity that she's been given. As much as Kim is a pain in the ass and seems to resent a lot of her participation and interaction with the other ladies, I imagine that she'd be all kinds of hurt if she were to get her walking papers while Kyle was allowed to stay. No doubt she'd be jealous as hell and she'd see it as disloyal if Kyle were to carry on with the show without her. JMO. 


When has Kyle ever said that she blames her bad behavior on Kim, Umbelina?


It's Kim who always has the excuses for why she shouldn't be blamed for something. Kim shouldn't have to apologize for her horrible behavior to Eileen because according to Kim she doesn't like Eileen or her hair. Kim shouldn't have to apologize for putting Harry on blast or have to own her mistakes here because Kim was being apologized to by LisaR. Umbelina, I know that you've repeated that you think that LisaR's apology was insincere but the fact of the matter is that an effort was made by LisaR and Kim decided to be dismissive of it and continue to be hostile. Kim also made the choice to repeatedly talk about her sobriety without anyone else bringing it up so that's on her. It's absolute nonsense that Kim has a problem with talking about her sobriety on camera because she's done it repeatedly. Kim however can't take responsibility for the fact that she introduced her sobriety as a topic of conversation this season so she wants to shift the blame for her choices and decisions on to people like Eileen and LisaR. 


Knowing my sister had few friends, I wouldn't be gleeful to take one of those friends away, especially if I was sick of dealing with her issues myself.  I'd feel a certain kind of relief that someone else was taking those 2AM calls.

I don't think Kyle was gleeful at all I think she was trying to get it through Kim's impossibly thick head that Brandi is no friend to her and that Brandi has been doing precisely what Kim is criticizing others of having done to her. 


Brandi is no friend to Kim and to me Kyle is being a good sister by telling Kim the sad and unpleasant truth. To me it would be wrong of Kyle to *not* warn Kim about what kind of person Brandi is since she's repeatedly seen for herself that how awful and untrustworthy Brandi is. 


I feel like it must be pretty bad when the best thing that Kim's BFF Brandi can say about her is that she's a "fucked up ray of sunshine". 

  • Love 16

Kyle has never said she made me do it.  So I don't get the context of this post.  http://www.eonline.com/news/619751/watch-in-horror-as-brandi-and-kyle-fight-over-kim-richards-on-the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills


The other guest were fine and supported Kyle after Kyle's double bird and Fuck You.   I am surprised we didn't see a few cartwheels. I do think they were tired of the conflict and Brandi could have accepted the apology or at the very least not threatened to knock Kyle's teeth out-that is when the conversation escalated.  It was Brandi encroaching on Kyle's space with her wings a flapping and pointing downward at Kyle's face.

Brandi told Kyle to stop getting up in her space so Kyle backed away from Brandi, then Brandi stepped into Kyle's space, leaned over her while pointing her finger at her threatening to knock her teeth out! Brandi was much more aggressive, IMO, than Kyle was.

  • Love 8

I had no idea Kim was on The Love Boat.  So thats what that little reference from Kyle in her talking head in Amster-slap meant


Here is the plotline from the episode.  http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0636626/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_13  Kim's character pretending to be her older sister.  Kim was 17 when she filmed the episode.

Here you go Persnickity!




She basically just played one of the ladies who drink their lunch, bitchy, rich, but also it was implied her character had a coke problem.  It was actually the first time I ever noticed Kim's voice.  (I KNOW!)  Very distinctive.  I've given up on Revenge, and I loved it first season, but I did watch that one for Kim.


When I heard that Kim was on Revenge, I thought I missed that episode but I didn't.  I just watched the clip and remember the episode and didn't even notice that Kim was there.  How is that possible?  

  • Love 1

Because Bravo told Kim to?  As Kyle well knows.


Again, Kyle is responsible for HOW she reacts.  There were many other choices she could have made.  Her CHOICE was screaming, crying, making a scene, and double birding her sister, while screaming her FUCK YOU.  She didn't give a damn about her other guests, or Kim.  It was, yet again, only Kyle's feelings that matter, and, once again, her go-to response is screaming/swearing/finger pointing/and playing "victim."  Oh, and it's "all Kim's fault" for showing up at a work function, and as probably ordered to do, bring Brandi.


Kyle's needs to own her own actions, and stop blaming them on her sister.  She could have reacted in a number of ways to diffuse it, she CHOSE to throw a fit.


I agree with you about this.  It was wrong for Kim to bring Brandi to the party but it was probably part of Bravo's evil plan.  When Kyle asked Kim why she did it, Kim said she hoped it would help them mend fences.  Regardless of how Kyle felt about that she should have acted like a grown up and thought of her guests first but she did not.  As usual, Kyle was thinking about Kyle.  She should have just sucked it up, put on one of her phony smiles and let her guests enjoy the party.  There's a time and a place for everything.  Having a fit in front of your invited guests is not the time or the place.

  • Love 3

Any Codependents in the house? (Slowly raising hand....). The "dance" between Kim and Kyle is so familiar, but what I find even more interesting is how THEIR drama is playing out in this thread. I'm having a visceral reaction just reading the comments. As the CoDA bible ("Codependent No More") so perfectly explains it: It doesn't matter if you (the martyr) know what's best for the addict. It doesn't matter that the addict's life would be so much easier if they took your "well-intentioned" advice. It doesn't matter that you are made to suffer over and over for "just trying to help" and it doesn't matter that the addict doesn't appreciate everything you've done for him or her. IT DOESN'T MATTER, IT DOESN'T MATTER, IT DOESN'T MATTER. Because the only person you can control is yourself and no one can "make" you feel a certain way unless you allow it (*rolling my eyes because this is so much easier said than done.. But therapy helps!).

So even though I agree that Kim is a mean, nasty dry drunk, I can't go all in for Kyle because she is clearly getting some emotional need met every time she gets to tell Kim how mean and hateful she is. I'll start cheering Kyle on when she finally stops playing her well-defined role in the relationship and learns to DETACH with love. It would probably be the best thing for Kim, too.

  • Love 13

So even though I agree that Kim is a mean, nasty dry drunk, I can't go all in for Kyle because she is clearly getting some emotional need met every time she gets to tell Kim how mean and hateful she is. I'll start cheering Kyle on when she finally stops playing her well-defined role in the relationship and learns to DETACH with love. It would probably be the best thing for Kim, too.

I agree with you 100%, but you're leaving out a key detail to this very real soap opera - they're not just sisters and co-dependents - they're also castmates on a reality tv show. Their job description is to engage; to disengage might be a pink slip. I think Kim should be fired - for her benefit, and for the viewers. She's a mess, and exhausting to watch. But if she's not, both Kim and Kyle need to realize their constant co-dependent feud is being exploited for drama. They each have to prioritize what's more important in their life - fame and money, or emotional health and sanity.

  • Love 10

I agree with you about this.  It was wrong for Kim to bring Brandi to the party but it was probably part of Bravo's evil plan.  When Kyle asked Kim why she did it, Kim said she hoped it would help them mend fences.  Regardless of how Kyle felt about that she should have acted like a grown up and thought of her guests first but she did not.  As usual, Kyle was thinking about Kyle.  She should have just sucked it up, put on one of her phony smiles and let her guests enjoy the party.  There's a time and a place for everything.  Having a fit in front of your invited guests is not the time or the place.

Even if Kim bringing Brandi was all part of Bravo's evil plan, it's Kim who makes herself seem like an insensitive fool who doesn't get it when she makes a comment about how she thinks that Kyle will "appreciate the gesture" of Kim bringing Brandi to the party. In what universe would Kim think that anyone would appreciate the gesture of being confronted by a person who was throwing insults, being physically aggressive, saying a bunch of character damaging things, etc. Kim acting clueless like that makes it seem like she's an insensitive woman who doesn't give a shit about her sister's feelings. 


Regarding it being the wrong time and place for Kyle to tell Brandi where she was coming from--I disagree, they're on the show, I feel like they should more or less be able to talk about any given topic that is going on with the women in the group. Since the last time Kyle and Brandi interacted it was unpleasant so I can see why there would at least be some attempt made to clear the air if they're forced to interact for the sake of the show.


That being said, at least Kyle was able to recognize that she was out of line and apologized to her guests. For what it's worth I didn't think that her guests seemed offended; in fact I thought they looked pretty sympathetic to what she was dealing with. 

  • Love 11

CajunGirl, your post is right on the mark, IMHO.  I think it could serve as great advice for both Kim and Kyle.  Both of them (and most of the rest of us) seem to want to put the blame on one or the other of the sisters, but finding blame isn't going to solve the problem, IMHO.  Maybe the key word to ending all of this is "detach."

  • Love 5



Regarding it being the wrong time and place for Kyle to tell Brandi where she was coming from--I disagree, they're on the show, I feel like they should more or less be able to talk about any given topic that is going on with the women in the group.............


That being said, at least Kyle was able to recognize that she was out of line and apologized to her guests


I guess we are to assume that because "they're on the show" the rules of etiquette don't apply.


Yes, Kyle did apologize to her guests.

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