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Kyle Richards: Pantene Poster Girl

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She does having crying down to an art and it is not fake.  Get a grip Kyle.  This is a woman who is the spokesperson for the medication for dry eyes.


I guess the medication is working ... a little too well.  ; )    Soon she'll have to be the spokesperson for Kleenex. 


I laugh at her crying because I can be a crier, too.  I could probably even cry on cue.  Nevermind Kyle, she has enough money, maybe I need to be a spokesperson for Kleenex.  lol

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I have to day, just from seeing pictures of Kyle before I watched the show, I had some serious envy. She looks amazing. She has the best neck/jawline I have ever seen on a woman, regardless of age. I'm pretty sure she does fillers and botox and it looks GOOD! If I ever get the balls to poke needles in my face, I am tracking her down to ask who her doctor is ($1000 it's not Paul). I've even considered making an appointment at that spa she goes to with the Hannibal Lecter mask.


As for her hair, I think she would look better with a V-shape in the back and a lot more layers. The square shape doesn't compliment her face shape.

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Re: Kyle on weight. I think she's always been honest about her struggle with weight and feeling insecure compared to others, living in the center of the self-centered! She has stated on the show that she has had lipo, she wasn't secretive about it. There was one episode where she was discussing how the rag mags were exaggerating how much lipo. She's mentioned a nose job on TV as well.

Can you blame these ladies? Some of the comments about them I have read are rough. I think it's funny to make fun of her clothes, like the moo moos, because that's about bad taste, or hair styles, make up choices...However, I recall reading lots of comments about her stubby legs and back fat, which is her build and where fat settled on her body as she aged...

Other than Brandi, with her lack of awareness and good taste, these ladies already know their strengths snd weaknesses after being on television because the world reminds them everyday of their "faults" in the body & face department. So, they will try to fix or erase any faults pointed out to them until they reach a point where they have done too much or wave the white flag when they no long care enough to focus on those issues.

Edited by IKnowRight
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Can you blame these ladies? Some of the comments about them I have read are rough. I think it's funny to make fun of her clothes, like the moo moos, because that's about bad taste, or hair styles, make up choices...However, I recall reading lots of comments about her stubby legs and back fat, which is her build and where fat settled on her body as she aged...


I hear what you're saying but I, personally, feel more disgusted with myself when I bag on them for their mental states than their physical ones. 


You can fix back fat a lot easier than the crazy brought on by having an abusive spouse.  Or an abusive parent.  Or a neurological disorder. 


Jacqueline Laurita is a good example for me here.  She got so much flak in her last season.   Bloggers would talk about what a drunken ex-stripper, poor excuse for a mother she was but get all butt hurt if someone commented on her neck rolls or how much she liked to eat. I didn't understand that.  She went and got those fat rolls removed but her underlying unhappiness that makes her drink and gives Kyle a run for the money in the crying department is likely still there.  I'm sympathetic to her because I worked with autistic kids and I know how that affects some parents in a similar way.  Bagging on her parenting skills and drinking seemed far more hurtful than wondering aloud why she didn't fix her neck.

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Plus being on a golf course helps with the rental potential.  So I like it but I like it for what it is.

Does it?  Serious question because we had a bad experience and since then have wondered what the draw could be if you've done it more than once.


We rented a house on a golf course in Florida.  If I had a nickel for every time a golfer stood there looking at us eating, swimming or lying around while waiting his turn, I'd have a lot of nickels.  Or those who actually said,  "Gee, that pool suuuure looks inviting."....or, "Smells good!" as the smell of barbequed chicken wafted toward the 6th hole.  


That's awesome, Sweaty Dude, but you're also about the 37th person we've heard that from this week.  Bye, now.  They were just being nice, but it got annoying fast. Had a group of them get angry at us because the kids were too loud. Lessons learned.  I wonder if Kyle's HOA has regulations about playing music.


We thought we'd enjoy watching the golfers play.  Turns out we didn't.  And we hated having them watch us. No more golf course rentals for the Ryebreads. One and done.

Also, it's not like you can just jump on the golf course behind your house and start playing.  We had to drive our clubs around to the entrance just like everyone else.  Don't get me wrong.  I like Kyle's house.  It's just not where I would put one if I had 2.5 mill lying around.

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Does it?  Serious question because we had a bad experience and since then have wondered what the draw could be if you've done it more than once.


We rented a house on a golf course in Florida.  If I had a nickel for every time a golfer stood there looking at us eating, swimming or lying around while waiting his turn, I'd have a lot of nickels.  Or those who actually said,  "Gee, that pool suuuure looks inviting."....or, "Smells good!" as the smell of barbequed chicken wafted toward the 6th hole.  


That's awesome, Sweaty Dude, but you're also about the 37th person we've heard that from this week.  Bye, now.  They were just being nice, but it got annoying fast. Had a group of them get angry at us because the kids were too loud. Lessons learned.  I wonder if Kyle's HOA has regulations about playing music.


We thought we'd enjoy watching the golfers play.  Turns out we didn't.  And we hated having them watch us. No more golf course rentals for the Ryebreads. One and done.

Also, it's not like you can just jump on the golf course behind your house and start playing.  We had to drive our clubs around to the entrance just like everyone else.  Don't get me wrong.  I like Kyle's house.  It's just not where I would put one if I had 2.5 mill lying around.


I've rented and owned near Kyle's place in Palm Springs and my experience was totally different. These are $5M+ houses so even if they're on the course, they're still very private. In the ten years that I've been going to the desert, I've not once had a golfer come anywhere near our yard but I do remember it being really loud when the Big Four played a few years ago on Easter. You could literally hear the concert if you stood outside. I imagine they get a plethora of noise complaints from renters when the Coachella festivals are in town, but I think they are stricter with vacationers than long-term residents.

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I've rented and owned near Kyle's place in Palm Springs and my experience was totally different. These are $5M+ houses so even if they're on the course, they're still very private. In the ten years that I've been going to the desert, I've not once had a golfer come anywhere near our yard but I do remember it being really loud when the Big Four played a few years ago on Easter. You could literally hear the concert if you stood outside. I imagine they get a plethora of noise complaints from renters when the Coachella festivals are in town, but I think they are stricter with vacationers than long-term residents.

I would imagine the course outside Kyle's house is private, too, and perhaps the members have better manners than the golfers we encountered in Florida.  Our pool was covered by a screened in lanai and the golf cart path was literally right on the other side. Only barriered by a 3' high row of bushes.  Then the green was on the other side of the trail.  It was fun for about the first 40 minutes we occupied the house. Bummer, because we paid extra! for the privilege of being on the course. LOL  

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I would imagine the course outside Kyle's house is private, too, and perhaps the members have better manners than the golfers we encountered in Florida.  Our pool was covered by a screened in lanai and the golf cart path was literally right on the other side. Only barriered by a 3' high row of bushes.  Then the green was on the other side of the trail.  It was fun for about the first 40 minutes we occupied the house. Bummer, because we paid extra! for the privilege of being on the course. LOL  

That's unfortunate! To be fair, the only time I played golf, my boyfriend took me to a much easier course and I know I certainly would not have liked to live there. A couple of kids were learning and barely missed the windows on a little bungalow. I know I gave up three holes in and then just drove the cart around with my girl friend. I'm sure Kyle has much more privacy than that. Whenever we go to PS, it's pretty deserted, much like it was while Kyle was doing her pensive montage through the backyard.

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The hands. I want to hear about the hands.

Did you have to smell the samples of her new brand all day? Teachers at my school would microwave Lean Cuisines at lunch and the lounge would reek until dismissal. Did you get to taste?

I am so mad that I didn't look at her hands. I should have, because as someone who is cursed with huge man hands, I can sympathize (I accepted the very long legs in return and thus don't bitch that much). But man, my hands are all kinds of ugly.

I did try some of the food, but what I sampled wasn't for me. It was some vegan Carnitas number. It was actually pretty good and folks were going nuts for it, but I am from Oklahoma and we don't do vegan. Ever.

Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 3

Does it?  Serious question because we had a bad experience and since then have wondered what the draw could be if you've done it more than once.


We rented a house on a golf course in Florida.  If I had a nickel for every time a golfer stood there looking at us eating, swimming or lying around while waiting his turn, I'd have a lot of nickels.  Or those who actually said,  "Gee, that pool suuuure looks inviting."....or, "Smells good!" as the smell of barbequed chicken wafted toward the 6th hole.  


That's awesome, Sweaty Dude, but you're also about the 37th person we've heard that from this week.  Bye, now.  They were just being nice, but it got annoying fast. Had a group of them get angry at us because the kids were too loud. Lessons learned.  I wonder if Kyle's HOA has regulations about playing music.


We thought we'd enjoy watching the golfers play.  Turns out we didn't.  And we hated having them watch us. No more golf course rentals for the Ryebreads. One and done.

Also, it's not like you can just jump on the golf course behind your house and start playing.  We had to drive our clubs around to the entrance just like everyone else.  Don't get me wrong.  I like Kyle's house.  It's just not where I would put one if I had 2.5 mill lying around.

Kyle and Mauricio bought the house as a second home and I seriously doubt they are renting it out.  I don't think they need the income or want the exposure of some superfan in their stuff.  At this point it sounds like they can pretty much keep the relatives at bay as well.  Oh the upside of Kim not speaking to you.

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The picture below - which is everything - is of Rick James partying at the Hilton Pad, and Kim was there as well. Rick James said once that he did cocaine with the Hilton's at their house.



These sisters do hang with an unsavory bunch of people for sure.  I see your picture of Kim and Rick James - (super-freaky, yow) - and raise you these pictures of Kyle.  Kudos to both Kyle and Kim that their girls don't appear to be the shallow wastes of space that Paris, Khloe and Kim turned out to be.




And I know they probably aren't friends but I couldn't resist.  Kyle, Faye and Snooki.  Talk about a sign of end times.


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The only truly unsavory one in that bunch is Faye. She truly is morally corrupt. 


Oh hey Kim's old face! 

Oh my.  I think Paris Hilton is one of the most vile, detestable creatures that ever enjoyed their 15 minutes.  Fortunately virtually invisible now so there's that.  As far as Kris Kardashian....she's a terrrrible mother but a most excellent famewhore.  And also guilty of not only pimping out her kids but also pimping out Nicole Brown Simpson whilst Faye was also raking Nicole over the coals.  But if anyone needs further evidence of Kyle's questionable judgment in friends, I give you this:  ;-)



I hear what you're saying but I, personally, feel more disgusted with myself when I bag on them for their mental states than their physical ones.

You can fix back fat a lot easier than the crazy brought on by having an abusive spouse. Or an abusive parent. Or a neurological disorder.

Jacqueline Laurita is a good example for me here. She got so much flak in her last season. Bloggers would talk about what a drunken ex-stripper, poor excuse for a mother she was but get all butt hurt if someone commented on her neck rolls or how much she liked to eat. I didn't understand that. She went and got those fat rolls removed but her underlying unhappiness that makes her drink and gives Kyle a run for the money in the crying department is likely still there. I'm sympathetic to her because I worked with autistic kids and I know how that affects some parents in a similar way. Bagging on her parenting skills and drinking seemed far more hurtful than wondering aloud why she didn't fix her neck.

I've always gotten seriously bad vibes from both Jacquline and Kyle, but I never understood the body snarking in them. I always thought both had great figures from the get go. Kyle honestly is stunning and Jac was always really pretty. With so much to snark why go there?

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Since Big Kathy made Kyle the executor of her trust it tells me Big Kathy trusted Kyle to do the right thing. It appears to me she did.


I have lived thru two sets of grandparents passing away and the horrible way siblings behaved over money, its ugly. My siblings and I have always said we would never be that way, but as time has passed I have worried and stressed over what will happen when my mother passes away. (I'm getting teary even typing that)  I lost my only child 3.5 years ago and needless to say I'm no longer the person I used to be. About six months ago my younger sister told me not to worry she would always have my back. I trust her and so does my mom, its all I need.


That's why Big Kathy making Kyle her executor tells me everything I need to know.

Edited by blueeyed
  • Love 9

Ok...now it looks pink to me.  

Yes, it looks pink to me too. It looked white on the show!


The reason I figured it was white - and still believe it is white - is because LisaV wore a dark-colored blouse. I don't think pink would have worked at all with the dark-colored blouse the way a white jacket and hat would.



You can fix back fat a lot easier than the crazy brought on by having an abusive spouse. Or an abusive parent. Or a neurological disorder.

Yes, but then some women get slammed for daring to use lipo to get rid of back fat or any fat from their bodies.

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Yes, it looks pink to me too. It looked white on the show!


The reason I figured it was white - and still believe it is white - is because LisaV wore a dark-colored blouse. I don't think pink would have worked at all with the dark-colored blouse the way a white jacket and hat would.


Yes, but then some women get slammed for daring to use lipo to get rid of back fat or any fat from their bodies.

and a lot of women get back fat after they've lipoed fat cells from somewhere else. Fat's gotta go somewhere...

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There are some interesting outfits in this photo.  Camille and Kyle in Las Vegas this weekend- https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1038737412807139


Shortly after I posted this Bravo came up with this:  http://www.bravotv.com/the-daily-dish/kyle-and-camille-have-girls-night-in-las-vegas

Edited by zoeysmom



I must have missed this WWHL.  I didn't know Kyle was engaged when she met Mauricio.  Kind of interesting, with clips from the show.




This has to be Mauricio's dad!  Same name.

I believe that is Mauricio's brother. His father is deceased.

Kyle talked about her engagement during Lisar's birthday party. They were all telling the stories of how they had met their spouses. I believe someone on this forum has given the name of the News Anchor she was engaged to at the time.

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Geneology.com may be wrong. http://www.genealogy.com/ftm/s/n/e/Estella-Sneider/WEBSITE-0001/UHP-0044.html

Children of Eduardo Umansky and Estella Sneider are:

+Mauricio Simon Umansky, b. 25 Jun 1970, Mexico City.

+Sharon Umansky, b. 09 Dec 1971, Mexico City.


Wow, you might be right. He doesn't look old enough in those photos to be what, in his 70's? Good genes in that family. Are Mauricio's parents divorced? I don't think I have ever seen him with Estella.

Edited by motorcitymom65


Wow, you might be right. He doesn't look old enough in those photos to be what, in his 70's? Good genes in that family. Are Mauricio's parents divorced? I don't think I have ever seen him with Estella.

Yes, his parents are divorced. They have both been seen on the show together, not as a couple though, at the same time/party/gathering.

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Yes it looks like a fun sized version of Kyle Richards!

I guess this new below the boob center cut out is the new side boob.  I wonder how long this will be a fashion statement.  I think Kyle looks cute in the photo but the person taking the photo must be on a ladder.  I loved Camille's dress but it doesn't seem very Vegas more like Junior League of Pasadena. 

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After commenting on this picture and saying that the angle it was taken made Kyle look like a midget, I thought that might have been a bit harsh.  It's also probably politically incorrect.   I believe the correct term is "little people."


The more I thought about it, that didn't seem right for this picture either.  


Kyle looks more like a little puppet.  And if I had a Kyle puppet, she'd be doing a split.



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