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Kyle Richards: Pantene Poster Girl

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At the beginning of the season it was all about whether or not Portia was a brat.  I like how Kyle's kids come off on TV-I think the showed us a bit more of the kids this year because there wasn't a lot happening. 


Okay.  I'm going to say it.  I think Alexia seemed snotty while the family was taking the tour of the campus.  I don't remember all the deets but kept looking at her phone while the man and then the peer tour guide was talking to her.  Unfortch this has become the norm rather than the exception.


Cell phones and teens.  The downfall of polite society as we know it. 


And yeah, I get that if that's the only problem that Alexia presents or if not being able to change a light bulb is the only failing that Moe has, Kyle is a lucky girl.


Just my opinion and an observation.

  • Love 6

Look at the comment I quoted and you will see why.  Someone asked a question about Kyle pertaining to Kim and I responded to it.

I did and my question was to this--

Thus far, the Umansky children seem like great kids and very appreciative of what they have. They have not come off as being entitled, bratty or acting like their Aunt Kim (asshole). In five or ten years when they are fucked up little coke heads who are nowhere in life, then I will remember this topic and nod in agreement.

-- which precedes the quote to which you refer. So I ask again, keeping just the above in mind, how and why did it become about Kim? Genuinely curious.

I thought Kyle was just joking around. 


Yes, joking.  That's all I thought it was too.  I joke around like that with other women, that our spouses can't do shit or how they are all big ass babies when they get sick.  While it may not be literally true all of the time, it's still fun to say.  lol 



At least we can all say we know where we were during The Great Laundry Debate of 2015!


I was here, ignoring the fact that my dryer buzzed over an hour ago and I give no fucks.  Let those goddamn clothes sit in there and wrinkle!  I dare them.   

  • Love 10

I finally figured out that me getting emotional only made me look crazy and out of control. Just like season 1 Camille said (not season 2 Camille that was a different woman lol) the one who stays calm wins. Now no matter how I feel inside I'm as calm as can be on the outside. I wish Kyle would get that.


A few months ago a poster here shared something that a woman at her church told her.  I don't remember the saying but it made me think of one that a mentor shared with me:


 No matter the situation, don’t let your emotions overpower your intelligence.


I remember saying, "Look, I'm a woman.  With emotions and hormones.  I will not apologize if I get emotional during a confrontation."  She basically said, "Fine.  But recognize that the minute you do that, you've lost control and you lose."  I'm paraphrasing but it's stuck with me and served me well for years.  Kyle should think about that.


And if that fails, I think, "What would a dude do?"  LOL Because like you said, they're usually analytical and rarely tearful or ragey.

  • Love 4

I think we should start that debate here in the cabana! One guess on which side I would come down on.

Same side as me, I reckon. LOL.  I like my light bulbs burning bright, my laundry smooth and my floors clean. ;-)


It was interesting because geography came into play in the argument. It was almost unanimous in northern states and Canada that shoes must come off .  And to ask a guest to remove them was not considered rude.  In fact they never had to ask because people in those locales just do it automatically. 


In BH, I can imagine the women would be incensed if you asked them to remove their stilettos.  Think of the effort to take off those high heeled gladiator boots.

  • Love 2

I did and my question was to this--

-- which precedes the quote to which you refer. So I ask again, keeping just the above in mind, how and why did it become about Kim? Genuinely curious.

I see. Okay. Their Aunt Kim is a narcissistic asshole IMO. If the girls end up like their Aunt Kim because of Kyle's parenting, then I will nod in agreement with what was posted. 

  • Love 3

My kid did 3 loads today.  Suck it, y'all.

Shit. I was lucky to get ONE load done with all this chattering going on here. lol


I blame EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU (in my best Kimmy voice)!!!! It is your fault...your fault...your fault!!



I really wish she could learn to keep her emotions in check. It is her achillies heel for sure.

Definitely agree. Ugh. I resort to tears at times when I am so damn frustrated. When I attended therapy for the addiction issues I was dealing with (other people's addiction, not mine), I would cry and apologize to the therapist. She told me not to apologize. It is a healthy way to vent. She also said it shows I have concerns and that I cared about the addicted people in my life. With that, believe the same holds true for Kyle.

  • Love 9

WireWrap, exactly! Why brag about what the members of her family can't do, unless it is to make herself seem indispensable?

Maybe this particular line of debate would make Kyle happy? In the past she has been accused of trying to make it look like she had the perfect kids, the perfect husband, the perfect life. This year she jokes about some of the less than perfect habits of her household and she is accused of doing that to highlight her own awesomeness. Just in general I don't think she can probably win, but at least we are talking about pretty minor stuff and not whether or not she wants her sister to fail or making friends to sell houses. She should consider that progress.

  • Love 10

Kyle suffers from the ME-ME-IT'S ALL ABOUT ME Syndrome.   Even when dealing with her evil sister Kim.   I've never heard her say anything to Kim or about Kim regarding what Kim might be doing to her health.  It's always along the lines of Kim's actions are hurting/embarrassing/upsetting  ME-ME-ME.


If Kyle has the "It's all about me" syndrome, she learned it over the years from her older sister, the queen of narcissism.  I can still hear Kim screaming over and over again "but she hurt MEEEEEE!!!" in that one video.  In Kim's world, she's constantly being mistreated by these horrible women, and she'll be damned if she's going to let anyone take her victim crown and sash away from her.  No one else matters, not even her evil sister or niece.

Edited by parisprincess
  • Love 9

So, here goes...


First, the reason I watch this show is see these Beverly Hills ladies in all of their giddy ostentatiousness.  If I wanted to watch a show where everyone was bargain shopping with a purse full of coupons and was buying their kids crappy cars that smell like a family of cabbage- eating raccoons,  I would just watch the people I know.   Remember Yolo's Gigi and Bella's apartments?  Kennedy's $50k birthday party? The pink stone ring  Lisa picked out and Ken bought that cost more than my first home?  Pandora's royal wedding, complete with LVP in a jeweled tiara?  Look it, they all spend like idiots but have the funds to do so (with the exception of Taylor) and that's what makes the show fun.  I am not going to impose my values about how much they should spend.  If my mother ever knew what I  was spending on a pair of shoes and purses, she would have had a conniption, but it was what I could afford and wanted to spend.  These ladies are spending on yet another order of magnitude, but they can afford it. Doesn't bother me at all....


I recall bringing up what I once saw as spoiled, entitled rich-lady behavior by none other than Mrs. VP-- handling her glass of water to the butler to carry for her (too heavy, I guess), or having a 70 year old geezer with a hip replacement carry her suitcases down a staircase-- and I was very soundly shouted down:  Lisa is rich enough to have someone to carry her drink from room to room for her-- So what?  She's rich!  I would pay someone to do that for me, if I could! Same with Ken--he's not a chump!  She's not a spoiled brat!--  All men want to spoil their wives by dragging their crap up and down stairs!  He wouldn't do it if he didn't want to-- He is just an elegant old gentlemen!   His complaints?  --he was kidding! He loves waiting on Lisa!


Now, it seems Kyle, who also has tons of money, two jobs (her store and this show) and kids at home,  is wrong for having "help", because that eliminates chores her kids might otherwise do, but is also wrong if she does any housework herself or carries laundry or changes light bulbs?  Call BG, 'cause I think I smell a double standard!!!!   Kyle jokes about how helpless and hapless her husband and kids can sometimes be, just as LVP jokes about Ken and her own son, but while Lisa is joking in her adorable British-humor way, Kyle is straining to create "story line."  Uh oh, there is that double standard again!


Kyle is hardly perfect-- lots about her to point out and complain about. But not teaching her kids to do laundry and teasing about how her husband is a huge success in his career but isn't good around the house? Is that the best anyone can come up with? 


I think I have spent a major part of my life hanging around with other moms at bus stops, soccer fields,  baseball games, swim meets, gym nights, rehersals and birthday parties, teasing about our silly kids and sometimes, our silly husbands.  All in fun, of course, and never taken seriously. The idea that anyone would see that discussion as 'bragging" about our own importance just doesn't seem even the least bit familiar or true to me. 


Second, I have also observed that my kids live lives that include many more things "out in the world" than mine ever did.  I did learn to sew and clean and do laundry.    But my kids have less time to do those things because they are playing travel sports and making lunch bags/ collecting warm clothes for the homeless and mentoring other kids and participating in the school's  Model UN and writing movie scripts for films they create.   There are some basic life skills they may have missed-- temporarily-- but what they gain is also invaluable. So, I'm not going to hear anyone call my daughter out in a critical way, nor am I going to believe that I am inadequate as a parent,  if she can't sew a hem.

Edited by BluishGreen
  • Love 24

What's NOT to brag about is her husband being so useless around the house he can't change a lightbulb.  I don't think it's true but if it were, that would be a deal breaker for me.


They say shit  in jest. Am I the only one here who does that sort of shit? I poke fun at my spouse and he says things about me that isn't true, but we know it is said in jest.


No, GreatKazu, you're not the only one.  Wish I had a dollar for every time I said if my husband had to do the cooking, we'd all starve to death.  I can't believe that a silly little throwaway comment about doing laundry and making a sandwich has garnered so many comments.  Geez!

  • Love 11

My kid did 3 loads today.  Suck it, y'all.



Shit. I was lucky to get ONE load done with all this chattering going on here. lol


I blame EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU (in my best Kimmy voice)!!!! It is your fault...your fault...your fault!!




I got two loads done but I can only count it as one since I had to redo the one I left (wet) in the washing machine last night because I was too lazy to go down to the basement and put it in the dryer. 

Edited by AnnA
  • Love 5

Now, it seems Kyle, who also has tons of money, two jobs (her store and this show) and kids at home, is wrong for having "help", because that eliminates chores her kids might otherwise do, but is also wrong if she does any housework herself or carries laundry or changes light bulbs? Call BG, 'cause I think I smell a double standard!!!!


  • Love 4

I think we need some bumper stickers made...


If you handle that, I think I got the theme song down.


I see a little silhouetto of a stain

Spoiled kids, Spoiled kids, will you do the laundry?

Marinara sauce and no Grease Lightening, very, very frightening me

Galileo! Galileo! Galileo! Galileo! Galileo figaro magnifico!

I'm just a poor girl, no one to do my laundry

She's just a poor girl, not from the Richards' family

Spare her her shirt, from this monstrosity

  • Love 8

Now, it seems Kyle, who also has tons of money, two jobs (her store and this show) and kids at home,  is wrong for having "help", because that eliminates chores her kids might otherwise do, but is also wrong if she does any housework herself or carries laundry or changes light bulbs?  Call BG, 'cause I think I smell a double standard!!!!   Kyle jokes about how helpless and hapless her husband and kids can sometimes be, just as LVP jokes about Ken and her own son, but while Lisa is joking in her adorable British-humor way, Kyle is straining to create "story line."  Uh oh, there is that double standard again!


Kyle is hardly perfect-- lots about her to point out and complain about. But not teaching her kids to do laundry and teasing about how her husband is a huge success in his career but isn't good around the house? Is that the best anyone can come up with? 



No one said that about Kyle.  The discussion was about what Kyle said in her TH.   She giggled and insinuated how wonderful she was because she does everything since her husband and children didn't know how to make a sandwich or do a load of laundry.

  • Love 3

No one said that about Kyle.  The discussion was about what Kyle said in her TH.   She giggled and insinuated how wonderful she was because she does everything since her husband and children didn't know how to make a sandwich or do a load of laundry.


That may be the difference and it is probably just a matter of how we perceive things.  I didn't think she was saying how wonderful she was at all.  I hear that same kind of teasing all of the time and never thought of it as a way to make the speaker look more important or special.  It is just the way married people and parents sometimes kid around. JMO 

Edited by BluishGreen
  • Love 12

So we saw Lisar kids be a little bratty in Medford...

Well maybe she has the TV on-I question her comprehension.

Now these kids... ugh... if that is one thing I dont like seeing with LisaR is when her kids come on. Not saying they are not good kids but the times we've seen them are "gimme, eww mom you grewup here, ew you shop at Target." They just make me uncomfortable. It's not their fault I look at LisaR because they are coming off as the stereotypical children that have no idea whats going on beyond Rodeo Drive.


WireWrap, exactly! Why brag about what the members of her family can't do, unless it is to make herself seem indispensable? 

LOL, Sadly, I do the same thing. I tease my husband about him being the only hubby we know that does not do the grilling, as I do all the cooking! He will lite the grill but then the rest is up to me. LOL We tease back and forth like that. ;)

  • Love 2

That may be the difference and it is probably just a matter of how we perceive things. I didn't think she was saying how wonderful she was at all. I hear that same kind of teasing all of the time and never thought of it as a way to make the speaker look more important or special. It is just the way married people and parents sometimes kid around. JMO

OK - I'm glad you said that and I agree that people do kid around like that. I was responding to your earlier post which seemed to indicate that you thought some of us were saying Kyle was wrong for having help. That wasn't the point we were making. Edited by AnnA
  • Love 1

No one said that about Kyle.  The discussion was about what Kyle said in her TH.   She giggled and insinuated how wonderful she was because she does everything since her husband and children didn't know how to make a sandwich or do a load of laundry.

The discussion has ranged from all things Kyle, not just about doing everything at home. (which is fine since this is her thread after all). And I certainly don't think she insinuated how wonderful she is just because her kids and husband are helpless around the house. It was just light teasing, and something a lot of people do.

  • Love 9

WireWrap, exactly! Why brag about what the members of her family can't do, unless it is to make herself seem indispensable? 

What Kyle is talking about doing is easily taken care of with a $15.00 an hour handyman or household work.  What makes a mom indispensable is being there for your children and husband and showing them unconditional love.  I think the rest of the helplessness is age old fodder.  I think it is interesting that one of the first comments Mauricio made about the college is that it has a women president.  Strong women as role models. 


I am surprised there isn't a bigger stink made over the fact Kyle's daughters' private high school-the one Alexia graduated from last year and Sophia is still attending is $36,000.00 a year.   With three kids in private school that is a pretty big chunk of change.   To me that is one of the many benefits of wealth, a great education.  I think Rinna and Eileen's children go to private schools as well.  We know Brandi don't because she made a crack about them attending public schools.  Granted the school district is the one in the highest average per capita income in the US, but public schools none the less. Something else for Brandi to complain about.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 5

LOL, Sadly, I do the same thing. I tease my husband about him being the only hubby we know that does not do the grilling, as I do all the cooking! He will lite the grill but then the rest is up to me. LOL We tease back and forth like that. ;)

Your hubby should become friendly with Mr. Motorcity. He is not allowed to even touch the grill, except to change the tank. He is entirely too social and whenever any neighbor sees him in the backyard they are over with beer and I watch $40 worth of Ribeye go up in smoke. It is a big joke around our friends that he is not capable of this simple task. It never occurred to me that I was making myself seem better than him, but I guess I am because I am better than him at this, which we are both fine with. 


The thing about all of this is that it is only a problem if it is a problem. I know some women who have husbands that don't cook at all and it drives them nuts. It is a point of contention for them because of the level of expectation or need. The guy who lives next door to us hates the fact that his wife refuses to do lawn work. This is something they actively argue about. For them it is a problem because they don't see eye to eye on that issue. If both people are fine with established roles and responsibilities, there should be no problem. 

  • Love 6

The thing is the clueless husband is the staple of sitcoms and comedy since Henny Youngstone said "Take my Cavewoman...please."

Kyle is just trying to be funny which she can never pull off. She does seem to be a great Mom and a great wife. Mauricio is a lucky man. He knows it. He acts like it.

That is what burns Brandi's ass. No one is going to treat her that way.

Yeah when Kyle jokes I want to walk out of the room. She's just not funny at all. Bad jokes, bad timing, plus her humor can be really mean at times. Kyle does not have a future in stand-up.

  • Love 7

Yeah when Kyle jokes I want to walk out of the room. She's just not funny at all. Bad jokes, bad timing, plus her humor can be really mean at times. Kyle does not have a future in stand-up.

While I do think that Kyle was trying to be funny (and failing), I also think it was part of an overall theme that the producers were trying to establish for the episode. It's that whole "what will the husband and family do without me?" thing. Because it seemed like there was a montage of scenes like that. LisaR and her manic list of things, Eileen talking about having the housekeeper come in Lisa V. talking about Ken - I can't remember if there was one for Yolanda.  It's like the packing montage - it's just supposed to be lighthearted while allowing a glimpse into the things the women do to manage their household or prepare for a trip. 


They do similar things across the different franchises, so it didn't occur to me that it was a "Look at what an awesome wife and mother I am" moment. 


ETA: I feel like I should also add that Being a great Mom and Wife is the way MOST women across the franchises characterize themselves. It's not so much their story line but more how they want to portray themselves as a reality tv persona. 

Edited by MatildaMoody
  • Love 7
Kyle is a horrible mother! We have a crisis here because Kyle has not taught her kids to wash their fucking clothes! How will they ever survive in life?



Omg. You guys.  ALL this time I've talked about what a wonderful mother I had.  How kind, loving, attentive, and giving she was to me. But only here and now did I realize how very, very wrong I was.  Because, like Kyle (horror of horrors!): she did all of my laundry for me growing up and FORCED  me to go to college without knowing how to do it. Eileen voice<<How DARE she??!!>>Eileen voice.  


Unfortunately she's now deceased so I cannot call her up and RAGE against this horrific injustice she did to me.  But rest assured, my dear PTV friends, I am shaking my fist at the sky at this very moment. 


A few months ago a poster here shared something that a woman at her church told her.  I don't remember the saying but it made me think of one that a mentor shared with me:


 No matter the situation, don’t let your emotions overpower your intelligence.


I remember saying, "Look, I'm a woman.  With emotions and hormones.  I will not apologize if I get emotional during a confrontation."  She basically said, "Fine.  But recognize that the minute you do that, you've lost control and you lose."  I'm paraphrasing but it's stuck with me and served me well for years.  Kyle should think about that.


And if that fails, I think, "What would a dude do?"  LOL Because like you said, they're usually analytical and rarely tearful or ragey.


While I think that advice might be useful in a professional setting (i.e. the workplace), I do not agree that it applies to real life, all of the time.  I've had copious conversations with friends, family, and "mylove" (TM Yolanda) over the years in which one or both parties became emotional, yet the conversation still remained civil and productive**.  


**Unless alcohol is involved.  Then all bets are off.   

Edited by Duke2801
  • Love 9

Omg. You guys.  ALL this time I've talked about what a wonderful mother I had.  How kind, loving, attentive, and giving she was to me. But only here and now did I realize how very, very wrong I was.  Because, like Kyle (horror of horrors!): she did all of my laundry for me growing up and FORCED  me to go to college without knowing how to do it. Eileen voice<<How DARE she??!!>>Eileen voice.  


Unfortunately she's now deceased so I cannot call her up and RAGE against this horrific injustice she did to me.  But rest assured, my dear PTV friends, I am shaking my fist at the sky at this very moment. 



While I think that advice might be useful in a professional setting (i.e. the workplace), I do not agree that it applies to real life, all of the time.  I've had copious conversations with friends, family, and "mylove" (TM Yolanda) over the years in which one or both parties became emotional, yet the conversation still remained civil and productive**.  


**Unless alcohol is involved.  Then all bets are off.   

Agree. Definitely in a professional setting, emotions have no place. When dealing with an addict, it is very hard to keep emotions in check. Any family dealings such as illness can also bring out emotions. Part of talking to the addict is informing them of how their addiction has affected them. It is sometimes hard to have that conversation and not cry. Watch that show Intervention and see. Kyle also gets frustrated because her feelings are not being considered nor is she being heard. Kim is all set and ready to deflect that she won't bother to hear out Kyle. Throw in the poor communication skills and it just all goes to hell. At this point, Kyle is not being heard, and Kim won't give her the time of day to be heard. Addicts don't want to hear about how they have hurt people. Once Kyle gets that through her head, she is better off.

  • Love 9

While I do think that Kyle was trying to be funny (and failing), I also think it was part of an overall theme that the producers were trying to establish for the episode. It's that whole "what will the husband and family do without me?" thing. Because it seemed like there was a montage of scenes like that. LisaR and her manic list of things, Eileen talking about having the housekeeper come in Lisa V. talking about Ken - I can't remember if there was one for Yolanda.  It's like the packing montage - it's just supposed to be lighthearted while allowing a glimpse into the things the women do to manage their household or prepare for a trip. 


They do similar things across the different franchises, so it didn't occur to me that it was a "Look at what an awesome wife and mother I am" moment. 


ETA: I feel like I should also add that Being a great Mom and Wife is the way MOST women across the franchises characterize themselves. It's not so much their story line but more how they want to portray themselves as a reality tv persona. 


Agree.  It was a Bravo production thing, not a Kyle-specific thing.  I don't get the outrage.  


Also, isn't that how most people, in general, like to be seen -- as a great <blank>?   I don't think I've ever heard anyone say "I'm alright, I guess." when it comes to describing themselves as a parent, spouse, lover, whatever.  lol

  • Love 7

I can't add much more to the Kyle/Kim discussion that hasn't already been said - so instead I tried to envision what the next season would be for Kyle if Kim wasn't returning (which I hope she isn't).  Just my thoughts, but if Kyle reverts back to the behavior of the last few seasons, I will dislike her intensely as I did in past seasons.   Without the situation with Kim's addiction and the drama it creates (and putting Kyle in a sympathetic light), which direction will she go?    I found her to be incredibly shallow and petty in the past - the mean girl shit, her getting friends like Taylor and Fake Rancid doing her dirty work to make trouble, etc.  It was posted somewhere that apparently she reads blog comments and has taken some to heart -( sorry I have no source).  If that is true I hope she has taken away some wisdom and realizes many viewers can't stand some of the stupid shit she does.


As much as I'm not her fan, I think she is a wonderful parent.  There's no doubt that she loves those kids fiercely, and I found the family dynamics fun - and the kids to be well-adjusted from the tiny slice of their life that viewers see.   About teaching laundry or cooking skills - 1) I came from a large family and my mother did everything for us and really never taught us anything about laundry or cooking 2) I knew other kids that were self-sufficient at a very young age  and 3) I also knew other kids whose parents never thought it was necessary as they could pay for someone to do it for them.   I don't fault Kyle for not teaching her kids how to do laundry as it is possible her home life as a child was possibly more like Scenario 3.  Who knows?  As someone posted upthread, this is how the rich probably live in BH - have to admit the weekly allowance shocked me - I'd love $450 a week..


She does need to get therapy, real therapy to break the pattern with her sister.   I don't know how Mauricio put up with it for all these years.  I hope that she nails Kim for the dog bite situation - not only Alexa's bite, but the bite to the "second mother".  Whether the "second mother" was as close to Kyle as she was to Kim, Kay was a family friend - a friend of their mother that she has put on a pedestal.


I am glad that she and LVP sorted out their differences, because IMO she did LVP dirty on numerous occasions in Seasons 1 and 2 and then played the victim.   I wonder how her relationship with Lisa Rinna will evolve next season if LR returns.  It will be interesting to see how it shakes out. 

  • Love 7

I wasn't outraged (haha) but I do find that I get irritated with Kyle for things that others also may do, but they don't irritate me. I am also fickle as hell so while I like Kyle, she irritates the hell out of me also. The only person on any of these shows who does not bring out my fickle side is Lisa Vanderpump Todd. The woman can do no wrong for me. Ramona is a close second. Not by any means saying they are without fault, but their faults don't irritate or bother me at all. I love everything about Lisa and Ramona. 


Running and hiding under a pile of laundry... I even love NeNe unconditionally! 


I get you!  Kyle didn't bother me much this season.  Season 1 and Season 4, I wanted to throw rotten tomatoes at her.  But this season, I just saw someone I could relate to in a very unfortunate way, unlike the immature mean-girl she was in previous seasons, which I couldn't understand or relate to.  I feel like I can acknowledge her faults but at the same time empathize with her because of her upbringing and her dysfunctional relationship with her sister(s).  I've seen her, this season, being forced to deal with the reality of the dysfunction because of the fact that it's all been captured on film and other people aren't willing to overlook it, and it's a really messy, painful process.  While I wish she could just get to the "other side" of it with the snap of a finger, it takes a long time and a lot of effort.  I do feel like I've seen an awareness in her that I haven't seen in some of the other HW which is why I can cut her some slack or give her some credit or whatever.



Oh man, Ramona.  LOL  I haven't watched NY in years but she will always be the OG of turtles for me with her "Turtle Time".  RumRaisin got nothin on Ramona.  

  • Love 5

I do not deny that Kyle has been able to show sympathy for some of her castmates, but I remain steadfast in my belief that she has not displayed empathy. There may seem to be little or no difference between the two terms, but they are, in fact, quite different.

What exactly is Kyle supposed to say or do that shows empathy? Was there a scene or issue that came up where Kyle failed to show empathy? Have there been moments where others on the show showed empathy but Kyle didn't? I am trying to figure out what this means. Kyle cannot put herself in other people's shoes? I am sure there are plenty of people who have tremendous amount of sympathy for others, but can't actually have empathy for a situation simply because they have never walked in another person shoes. For example, I can sympathize with someone who has dealt with breast cancer. I have known a handful of women who actually battled breast cancer. Can I actually put myself in their shoes? Of course not. I cannot begin to imagine how they felt, what they went through, the pain they endured, the struggle they fought and the fear they felt. I just know my heart goes out to them, I pray for them, I hope they don't  suffer that kind of battle again, and I am sorry they ever had to deal with such a struggle. I can show tremendous amount of love, concern, and anything else, but never will I know what someone has gone through unless I myself have gone through the same situation.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 12

I wasn't outraged (haha) but I do find that I get irritated with Kyle for things that others also may do, but they don't irritate me. I am also fickle as hell so while I like Kyle, she irritates the hell out of me also. The only person on any of these shows who does not bring out my fickle side is Lisa Vanderpump Todd. The woman can do no wrong for me. Ramona is a close second. Not by any means saying they are without fault, but their faults don't irritate or bother me at all. I love everything about Lisa and Ramona. 


Running and hiding under a pile of laundry... I even love NeNe unconditionally! 


I totally get this. There are people who just bug us, it's human. Don't hide under the laundry!

  • Love 4

I wasn't outraged (haha) but I do find that I get irritated with Kyle for things that others also may do, but they don't irritate me. I am also fickle as hell so while I like Kyle, she irritates the hell out of me also. The only person on any of these shows who does not bring out my fickle side is Lisa Vanderpump Todd. The woman can do no wrong for me. Ramona is a close second. Not by any means saying they are without fault, but their faults don't irritate or bother me at all. I love everything about Lisa and Ramona. 


Running and hiding under a pile of laundry... I even love NeNe unconditionally! 

You're a much better person than I am, stewedsquash......  I just can't with Ramona.   Lisa also gets on my last nerve, but nothing like most of the HW do.  Ramona is like nails on a chalkboard for me.

If Kyle reverts back to the behavior of the last few seasons, I will dislike her intensely as I did in past seasons.


I have watched BH from start to finish and I just don't see the bad behavior people talk about with Kyle.



She outed Kim, but people forget that Kim had just publicly accused Kyle and husband (who is a Realtor) of stealing her house.  No backlash for Kim

She took so much slack for not having Kim's back, both publicly and privately she went overboard on game night.  She apologized to Brandi before it aired and after.  Brandi herself investigated that night.  No backlash for Kim or Brandi


She was talking Taylor through how to deal with Lisa and says, maybe Lisa preys on the weak unfortunate word choice, but we the viewers now know this to be true.  When you speak to Lisa you have to come from a place of strength because she has a very dismissive attitude towards others and their feelings


The Lunch with Taylor and Lisa which she and Taylor were tipsy and she asked Lisa if she was jelly.  I really don't think that was a big deal, maybe if these women were middle school or high school girls yes, but they are grown women and two of them were tipsy and having a little fun.  Again this is why Lisa is a bitch she knew this but played up the Kyle is the devil for the public.


I really have not seen Kyle as the big bad wolf people pretend she it.  I mean Lisa attacked her husband and families livelihood and got no backlash, image if Kyle had gone to VB, Pump, or Sur and tweeted or said on the show the service was horrible and a waiter stole her money.  She would be accuse of slander and trying to ruin Lisa's business etc, etc.  She has given as much as she had gotten.  

Edited by Easyspreestep
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Easyspreestep I see many of your points.  While I do like Lisa V very much.  Lisa V does get a lot of passes by the fans of the show.   Even with Brandi, her loyal fanbase forgave her befriending Brandi especially when Kyle stupidity sided with Brandi last season.  For me, I chalk it up that both Kyle and Lisa V were both stupid when it came to Brandi. 


 I think Lisa V has a white knight complex.  She liked people Cedric and Brandi because they are like broken birds  - she could fix, mend, and nurture, you know, a mother figure of sorts.  Kyle saw through Cedric in season 1 and LVP was somewhat deaf to her concern about him.  The one that seemed to come around to LVP's nurturing was Taylor even though she was dismissive of Taylor until that tea party.  She was quite snarky and had attitude that Kyle tried warning her about Brandi's motives/intentions with her new friendship her in her talking heads most of season 3 especially in Paris.  It seems like LVP might not like telling someone they are right after all.  Kyle wasn't wrong about Cedric and Brandi.  This why some believe LVP is one of the biggest game players on reality tv.  If there is one thing I do agree with Brandi on is that LVP knew Brandi was a fan fav back in season 2 so when Tweeters of the show would @  her and say things like "I hope LVP and Brandi could be friends" she knew what she doing, getting herself a new sidekick that most of the viewers would approve of.  What she didn't know that sidekick of hers was plotting against her even before joining the show.  It wasn't until Joyce wasn't going to fall blindly to the LVP excuses on Brandi and LVP had to get burned in order for her to recognize Brandi wasn't a good friend after all.  Then she even tried siding with Carlton out of weird desperation because most of the cast last season was against her.


Oh Kyle doesn't get off light!  Where Kyle messed up, she didn't take her own flipping advice when it came to Brandi.  Not saying that she and Brandi were BFFs but she believed her word over Lisa V's with Tabloidgate after how Brandi flipped on Adrienne and ultimately LVP, Kyle was no better than LVP but she had awful miscalculation siding with Brandi.  This is where some views Kyle as wishy washy.  While her friendship with LVP was up and down in season 4 they seemed like they were well on their way to get their friendship back but she allowed Brandi to talk her out of it on her hike walk with her and in Puerto Rico.  It took Brandi meddling with her family until she recognized Brandi was not worth trying to be a friend too.

Edited by BlackMamba
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If one of you shared this article my apologies but someone wrote back in Feb-15 on the 9 Reasons Kyle Richards makes RHOBH Worth Watchinghttp://www.bustle.com/articles/63133-9-reasons-kyle-richards-makes-rhobh-worth-watching-because-shes-everything-you-need-in-a-housewife

In the gif featuring the The Pointer Sisters, Taylor is bouncing along with the rhythm of the enraged fingers and looks disturbingly like a bobble head.

Here is the Kyle/Lisa conversation in Puerto Rico  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-4/videos/the-biggest-moments-from-season-4?clip=2745963


Here is where Kim screws it up royally- http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-melbourne/season-2/videos/the-most-epic-walk-offs-in-housewives-history?clip=2747749


I still maintain that had the others -especially Ken and then Yolanda, then Mauricio and finally Kim not jumped in Kyle would have gotten her answer.  It was going to be a stalemate between Brandi and Lisa.    That would have been the time for Kyle to decide or to remain undecided.  Instead Ken stormed out of there and alienated everyone.  He did that annoying counting thing again, same thing he employed at the SUR dinner to let Joyce and Michael know they had no allies-other than common sense and the truth.  Michael and Joyce were not against Ken and Lisa and I don't really think Kyle and Mauricio were until Ken got so angry and started calling them stupid.  Funny thing a season later and it is the stupid word tossed out and Rinna and Kyle that causes the beginning of all the discord.


I just think Ken and Lisa knew they were screwed with Brandi jumping ship with them.  I think Ken felt like an old fool.

Edited by zoeysmom
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