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Jeff Probst: Better Than The Lot Of You

David T. Cole
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There are so many annoying things about latter-season Probst.  The Alpha Male worship.  The Beta Male and All Female condescension.  The Tribal Council influence.  That thing where he pretends not to know the contestants' names at the beginning of the first episode.  When he tells the likes of Shambo that they now have a "1 in 8" chance of winning the game [they do not].

But what MOST INFURIATES ME to the point that I have to FAST-FORWARD that moment every season is when he says "This is now what you covet" upon unveiling the individual immunity idol.  "Covet" just seems like such the wrong word choice.  Too much aspiration for grandiosity?  I don't know.  But I HATE IT.  And he uses the exact same phrase every season.

I might be a crackpot.

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I watched the very first season and then I didn't watch again until sometime in 2010 so I have no memory of JP not being a colossal d-bag. At least he has calmed down a bit since the first merge. It drives me nuts when he negates any strategy a tribe had going by asking leading questions that reveal information a player or alliance had been successful at concealing up to that point.

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I am a viewer who always interacts with the people on my TV, telling them not to go investigate that strange noise is in the basement in the middle of the night, etc.  The phrase I have shouted at my TV most often in my lifetime is "Shut up, Probst!"  


I don't know why we're not calling him Anal Probst any longer but damn, that really was the best name of all.  Who dreamed that one up -- was it The Snarker Previously Known as Glark?

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Fire represents Life. Wind represents All-Bran. Earth, Wind, and Fire represents old-school dance party. Starting Fire represents 25 years to Life. Ring of Fire represents Johnny Cash. (Or Preparation H).

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My eyes almost rolled out of my head at both last and this reunion when he asked if the survivors really don't sleep.  I'm sure it's a fan question, but he asks it as if he doesn't know.  As bad as pretending he doesn't know names at the beginning of each season.

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I think Jeff does a great overall job as host.  Practically perfect: as iconic to Surivor as Trebeck is to Jeopardy. 


My one peeve is that he talks too much during challenges.  Can't remember if that's a more recent development or he always did that. 

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 Probst does talk a lot at challenges, but it doesn't me too much.  Sometimes he's giving them some much deserved snark.  And when it's not deserved, it doesn't bother me as much as it does with Trebek because, well, this Survivor not Jeopardy.


 What I'm tired of is 1) his man-crushes and 2) his yapping at TC council where he's clearly been clued into who's plotting what.  When it first started he was at least somewhat subtle about it but it quickly morphed into virtually revealing who the two in danger are.  I don't know how they've done any blindsides since he started chiming in.

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And yet, Maverick, we see blindsides in episode after episode. 


i.e. whatever Jeff's involvement, the game is full of backstabbing, blindsides, broken alliances. 

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Blindsides from this season: David, Garrett, Cliff, LJ, and Jefra


There are blindsides pretty much every season. I don't deny that Jeff's comments at Tribal influence things, Kass said that they kept Spenser more beacuse of Jeff's line of questioning then anything Spenser said, but he has not prevented blindsides.

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I actually don't mind Jeff Probst that much. Some of the stuff he does during the reunion show is cringe-worthy, but I think that's because the reunion show is kind of cringe-worthy (I still watch it, though). I don't tend to like the same kinds of players that it appears he does. I'm not convinced he actually liked Russell Hantz that much; I think he knew he was good for TV, but I thought he seemed pretty annoyed at Russell's suggestion that Survivor is flawed because the audience doesn't get to help determine the winner. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gv1RJby0sWE#t=2m3s)


Whatever his faults, I don't think there are many people who would have been able to handle the situation around Phillip Sheppard's reaction to Steve Wright calling him crazy (this was during Redemption Island). It was super uncomfortable to watch (Phillip accused Steve of racism), but I was genuinely impressed at the way Probst navigated it. He got Phillip to explain why the term was so loaded for him and to acknowledge that Steve probably didn't intend it in the way Phillip took it, but without dismissing Phillip's experience. I know a lot of people at the time were annoyed that Probst didn't say, "Phillip you are crazy and pointing that out isn't racist," but I thought Probst's way of having the discussion and trying to show where both people were coming from was a much better way of handling it, and I'm not sure other hosts would have been able to pull it off. Phillip seemed a lot calmer afterwards, and the issue didn't come up again—at least not that I can remember.

Edited by Hera
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I, too, would like to hear more about Kass saying that they kept Spencer because of Jeff.  I haven't heard that, and I find it interesting.


I would count Sarah as a Cagayan blindside as well.


I'm generally not a fan of Probie, but I will give credit where credit is due:  He handled the Brandon situation in Caramoan very well.  I remember the Phillip/Steve situation in RI, but I don't remember how Probie handled it, because I am doing my best to forget that season (and South Pacific!).  I can believe he handled it well, though, because of how he handled Brandon.

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Better known for his talk show, did you know Jeff Probst also hosts Survivor? Discuss him here.

Man, I don't see how such an esteemed name in talk got roped into doing some lame reality show hosting gig!

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Kass spent two hours talking to Rob on Rob has a pod cast. She has an interesting take on the show


Hey Professor, any chance you can give us the Reader's Digest version? 

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I'm generally not a fan of Probie, but I will give credit where credit is due:  He handled the Brandon situation in Caramoan very well.


Wow, I couldn't disagree more.  It seemed more to me that Probst (and by extension, the other producers) didn't want Brandon to quit until they could make some hay from it.  Brandon seemed to genuinely come unglued and the other cast were afraid for their own safety.  If Probst had a single iota of concern for Brandon or the other cast members he'd have had Brandon quietly removed (off camera) surrounded by burly PAs the moment the danger became apparent.  What he actually did was persuade Brandon to stick around, culminating in the scene where Probst stood him up in front of everyone so they could have a go at him, further straining his mental state.  It was cruel and unconscionable, exposed the cast to harm (even Brandon), and done solely for the purpose of getting some 'gold' on film. 

Edited by henripootel
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Am I missing something with the Brandon situation that wasn't shown during the episode?  I don't recall Probst persuading him to stay, nor do I recall any threats of physical violence by Brandon, except maybe to Phillip by threatening to kick his butt or something.  Not that threatening Phillip, if he did, should be overlooked.  Just that, other than dumping the food, I don't know how Brandon threatened the safety of the cast.  Please fill me in if I am missing something.

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He threatened Phillip with physical violence and (IIRC) one of the other cast members was sufficiently concerned that he hid the machete just in case (I think this came out in an interview later).  That Brandon might carry through on his threat was sufficient to get him banned from the reunion show but not, apparently, enough to get him escorted away immediately during the game.  My understanding was that he was persuaded to stay by production but changed his mind back by the next morning but, surprise surprise, they didn't show this on tv.

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I have watched since day one of season one. I used to believe that Jeff didn't know what went on when he wasn't there. Until Johnny Fairplay told the lie about his dead grandmother. You could see the venom on Jeff's face when they all came to tribal council that night. He was itching for a fight.

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I have watched since day one of season one. I used to believe that Jeff didn't know what went on when he wasn't there. Until Johnny Fairplay told the lie about his dead grandmother. You could see the venom on Jeff's face when they all came to tribal council that night. He was itching for a fight.

That's because when he said his grandmother died, Jeff called his house to offer condolences, & guess who answered the phone?

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That's because when he said his grandmother died, Jeff called his house to offer condolences, & guess who answered the phone?

Jeez Louise - I missed Fairplay's season but I heard he was a turd reviled by all, especially Jeff.  Now I see why.  Have to see if this season is available on Amazon.

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henripootel, Johnny's friend came for the challenge when they have a loved one visit. He whispered to the guy to go along with the story that his grandmother died. Everyone felt so sorry for him that they let him win so he could be with his friend and find out more about Granny. It was awful, and I cannot remember what Granny thought about the whole thing. But Jeff was as pissed off as I've ever seen him.

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Two things.  First, wow, this guy FairPlay is a huge bag of dicks, and I can see why everyone hates him.


Second, did Probst out him at TC?  I ask because this brings into question something Probst did this very last season, namely 'Bluff-gate' with Tony the cop.  If Jeff did expose Fairplay's lie but didn't expose Tony's, I'd be curious to know why. 

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Two things.  First, wow, this guy FairPlay is a huge bag of dicks, and I can see why everyone hates him.


Second, did Probst out him at TC?  I ask because this brings into question something Probst did this very last season, namely 'Bluff-gate' with Tony the cop.  If Jeff did expose Fairplay's lie but didn't expose Tony's, I'd be curious to know why. 

If I remember correctly, no he didn't. He didn't say anything about it until the reunion show.

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In a game of lying, cheating, backstabbing and blindsides, I thought Johnny Fairplay's grandma story was hilarious.


It's pretty assholeish but for this crowd, not that extreme.  But Jeffy seems to have firm opinions about what's a worthy strategy and what isn't.  Truth be told, Fairplay's dead grandmother is akin to BRob's 'all game-BS aside, you can trust me heah' stuff and Tony the Cop swearing by his kids and whatever.  It's all 'I'm actually telling the truth, I promise' anchored on stuff outside the game, but to Jeffy, Fairplay's version is loathsome beyond telling while Tony and BRob are master manipulators.


Somehow I'm just sure that were Jeffy here to explain this and if he was being utterly candid, he'd just throw up Jazz Hands and say 'Show business!"

Edited by henripootel
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Isn't it obvious?  The reason that Peachy (as we called him at TWOP) hates Fairplay and will never consider  the dead-grandmother gambit good strategy is that it made a fool out of him personally -- and nobody makes a fool out of Jeff Probst.

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Seeing so much JP criticism in the most current episode thread, I just felt like coming in & expressing my love for Jeff.


He definitely comments more at TC and during challenges, but after SO many seasons and SO many survivors, he's got to stir things up. 


If you're gonna get a MILLION dollars, I think having to deal with his snark & commentary is a small price to pay. *LOL*   Upthread, Kikha mentioned Probst as iconic to Survivor as Trebek is to Jeopardy.  I absolutely agree, and I wouldn't watch the show at all without Jeff. 

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I, too, love Jeff and how he hosts Survivor.  I agree about too many comments during challenges, but production may feel that it's too long of a sequence to not have a narrative or something.  However, Jeff does egg on discussions at Tribal Council which often become really interesting.  If nobody pushed the survivors' buttons, the show could become very boring.  I also like how Jeff interacts in various situations.  He had shown compassion when some survivors have quit (Kathy) and open disdain for others.  And, I'm usually right there with him.


On this week's episode I loved how he negotiated for the flint.  I felt like Josh and the tribe were too cocky when offering to trade their beans for the flint (and how Jeff so accurately stated 'there probably isn't even half of the bag left'), and was glad that they had to give up something of greater value than beans due to losing the flint.  I really do overall enjoy Jeff's role on Survivor (with the exception of narrating during challenges).  


A lot of people compare him to Phil on the Amazing Race.  I love both of them, but their interactions with the contestants are vastly different and I believe that Jeff's job is far harder as he interacts with them on an almost daily basis and for far longer than the episodes show.

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Jeff has become another hurdle that contestants has to contend with. At this stage, if they've seen previous seasons, they know that. And they should know how to say very little at TC - unless their goal is less to win that to be memorable enough for a call back - and that's where I think these repeated appearances (or I should) say the potential of) have become detrimental. Contestants this season are very careful about what they say about each other - no surprise, they know they might have to be the best of friends/allies in a future season, so why muddy the pool? 

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I am thinking less of Peachy now that I know he had a hand in recruiting Rocker for a specific purpose. I wonder how the other people who Jeff hoped John would target feel about their being asked to appear on the show? The more I learn about the behind-the-scenes shennanigans, the less I like the producers and hosts. I didn't care for how Jeff treated Abi either, knowing she tore her ACL on the first challenge and had to sit a lot of them out. Without knowing that, the viewing audience saw her as lazy or not a good teammate. Even though she cooked every single meal for her tribe, every day. Without being asked. The one time she says she didn't want to cook (after a food reward challenge) they played that up to the hilt.

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Here's a photo that proves that Probst is shorter than he's reporting online (or wherever).


I'm 5' 6" and am an inch or two taller than Abi. There is no way in hell Probst is 5' 10". It was really noticeable when he was standing next to John Rocker at the end of tribal council when snuffing out his torch. I'd say he's mabye 5' 8".

Not that any of this matters to anyone except that I hate it when a man lies about his height. Or other things. :)

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