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S04.E08: The Mountain And The Viper 2014.06.01

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Oberyn, as likeable as he is, isn't that much better than the rest of the lot over there. In the end if you let your bloodthirsty need for revenge cause you to do something stupid, then usually, you die. It's been like that since Ned thought he could trust Littlefinger. 


This is the issue with Tyrion. I'm having a hard time thinking he's really going to die because he's is very much his father's son, and neither are stupid, which is why they're still alive. His only stupid thing was loving Shea, which isn't that bad. He was the singular architect in the defense of the castle when Stannis invaded. 


That's why I was asking about a pardon. Although it's going to be hard to justify how killing the previous king can just be pardoned out of hand without seeming like a cheat. 

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I am so mad.  My husband is away on business, and what time does he choose to call me!!  9:24!!  And what was happening at 9:24??  Sansa was explaining to the council who she was and why Lysa was crazy and what role Littlefinger played.  I missed nearly all of her “confession.” SIGH!!!!!!!!!! 



Someone said they are shipping Missandei and Grey Worm.  So am I!! Can it even be possible?  I mean, even Dany asked if he is missing both the frank and the beans.  Castration means the loss of use of the testicles (not necessarily the removal of), which greatly limits the production of testosterone.  And decreased libido.  And forget about reproducing.  Aint happening.  So, can they be together “That Way?”



And yes, I will miss Oberyn, greatly, but really, how dumb can you be.  That was just dumb!!!  Dumb, I say!!!  Couldn’t he just have finished him off?!?!?  He had The Mountain down.  Laid low.  Damn near dead!!  Just one more thrust and it would have been finished.  SIGH!!!  I will miss him.  He was really sexy and bad ass on that field.  Didn’t know he had THAT in him.  WOW!!  And I liked how Jaime perked up when he saw Oberyn fighting.  Jaime’s expression was all “Well, now, what have we here!!” 



Sansa seems to be about to use her feminine wiles on Littlefinger now.  His facial expression was the most pervy I have seen when she was telling him “I know what you want.”  She certainly sexed up her wardrobe.  And I still just want to smack Robin across the face. Shut UP already!!!



I actually felt very sorry for Jorah. 



Arya laughing was too funny.  Creepy.  But funny.  Sounds like the laughter that comes right before someone goes insane. 



Those have to be the dirtiest whores outside the wall I have ever seen.  LOL!!  Geeze!!  Glad Gilly and the baby are safe.  But I am still mad at Sam (even though I love him dearly) for sending her there in the first place.



If anyone had the closed caption on, you would have seen how Reek kept muttering that his name was Reek over and over again, when whoever that captain was, was berating him about being a woman.  Someone needs to just kill Theon now and get it over with.  Again, great acting from Alfie, short scene though it was.


What am I gonna watch after 2 weeks??  Is there anything worth watching?

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Those have to be the dirtiest whores outside the wall I have ever seen.


The most obscene thing that happened during this episode was that lowbrow mistaking "The Bear & The Maiden Fair" for "The Rains of Castemere."


What an idiot.

Edited by Drogo
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Quick question before I leave Sansa alone... How exactly does one dye their hair in Westeros?  Ink? 


I would imagine there are plenty of organic substances, like henna, that can be used. Crushed bugs and sea creature shells were popular at one time.  Sansa's hair has looked a slightly different shade of red all season to me. 

Edited by TooMuchCoffee
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Someone pointed out the speech made sense at the end.  The Gods truly don't care, in Tyrion's view, about these people nearly as much as the people would like them to believe.  They are all just little beetles waiting to be crushed by the Gods for the God's amusement, little more.  We like to think there is a purpose or a point to it all, but perhaps there is not, we are just bugs being used to amuse the Gods.



The interesting thing about that interpretation is that eventually a horse kicks the gods in the chest and the gods die, too. A random event is more powerful than "the gods."


Dinklage continues to kill it the past two episodes, after his scenery schewing at the trial. Love to watch him work.


So is Littlefinger now wary of Sansa, after seeing her in action? It started to seem that way, until the dress on the stairs. Then it looked more like lust. But Sansa was the one who gave the command that they should get going. Littlefinger may not like what he has created.

Edited by Ottis
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I confess that I comprehend about half of any given hour of this show. Some story lines I get 100% (Danys/dragons) and some houses I have memorized (Starks, Lannisters). The rest of the time I am squinting at the TV trying to figure out who everyone is, even with the captioning on. And I've watched every single episode. 


I loved the Sansa and Arya bits. I like Littlefinger. Sam, Gilly, the baby and that whole story line bores the crap out of me and I wish it would stop. I am completely lost on the Watch, the North, The Wildings, the other creepy things north of the wall and why we can't get more Jon Snow. The fight at the end was so gruesome I couldn't sleep. I hope Tyrion makes it because he is the primary reason I watch this show. 

Edited by Quickbeam
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OK, I've had a night to think it over, and the ending of that fight still sucks.

Oberyn dies? Fine. Potentially valid narrative choice, let's see where it leads.

Oberyn gets his head crushed, by hand? Exploding zanily all over the place? That's a little bit ridiculous. 

At least when they killed Ned, they tried to make it like a real character death.

Oberyn's was more like "Dude! Wouldn't it be awesome if his head exploded?"

Troma called. They want their schtick back.

Edited by CletusMusashi
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When Daenerys asked, "Do they take both the pillar and the stones?" I had just been wondering the same thing. I bet Grey Worm still has his pillar.


Castration is the removal (physically or chemically) of the testicles. It's done to animals to reduce aggression as well as prevent reproduction.


The "pillar" remains. After all, makes it easier for the guy to pee. 

I would imagine there are plenty of organic substances, like henna, that can be used. Crushed bugs and sea creature shells were popular at one time.  Sansa's hair has looked a slightly different shade of red all season to me.


Berries are also a good way to colour hair. Just spend a morning picking strawberries and check out your hands. Of course, anything organic would wash out quickly, but I suspect there's not a lot of hair-washing in this world.

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Whoever did Oberyn's moves should be handed whatever prizes for stunt work exist. He moved like a lithe, graceful combination of cat and hardcore ballet dancer.

One of the HBO videos with the fight and stunt people said they had Pedro study wushu which was the basis for his fighting style.

Now I kind of hope to see a duel between someone from Dorne and Braavos. Imagine the dance that would be!

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When Dany was interrogating Jorah about his spying, she twice asked if he'd told that she was carrying Drogo's child.  Does she suspect he might have had some part in her losing the baby?


Please, show, I'm praying you have some special grusome fate reserved for Ramsay. But this being GoT, I doubt it.

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I would imagine there are plenty of organic substances, like henna, that can be used. Crushed bugs and sea creature shells were popular at one time.  Sansa's hair has looked a slightly different shade of red all season to me.


Berries are also a good way to colour hair. Just spend a morning picking strawberries and check out your hands. Of course, anything organic would wash out quickly, but I suspect there's not a lot of hair-washing in this world.


Her hair looked black, no?

Edited by Drogo
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I was just reading an article where they were praising Arya and it really slams home the point about casting. Maisie Williams is just fabulous and I could not imagine anyone else in the role.

The Mountain, on the other hand, was not successful in their third try. The first Mountain I could picture doing all of the things he had been accused of doing and he was also believable as Rory's brother. But Thor? He was just too cuddly. There was no depth there. The first Mountain would never invoke "Hulk smash!" But Thor sure did, and that's all they really gave him to do.

I have no recollection of the second Mountain.

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I would imagine there are plenty of organic substances, like henna, that can be used. Crushed bugs were popular at one time.  

Is her hair stylist a Lannister?

By the way, now that Sansa's got that supervillain costume, what's her new name going to be? Ravenatrix?

Edited by CletusMusashi
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Other than cringing and trying hard not to gag over the scenes with Sansa and Littlefinger, I found this episode somewhat slow and boring......that is up until THE LAST TEN FREAKING MINUTES!!!!! OMG! I did NOT see that one coming! This is what I love about this show. It can lull you into thinking it's dragging and then BOOM! Something totally out of left field comes along and leaves you reeling. I guess that the lesson here is, quit while you're ahead and don't be so bloody cocky or you risk having your head turn into a watermelon that's been dropped. Also couldn't believe how the Mother of Dragons has suddenly turned stupid, playing right into Tywin's hands. 


Oh God, this show goes way too fast. Sunday night's are going to feel so empty. 

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When Dany was interrogating Jorah about his spying, she twice asked if he'd told that she was carrying Drogo's child.



Saw that, too, but can't figure out/recall why that would be significant?  

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I also don't totally buy Oberyn's lapse of judgement.  Yes, he is passionate and he was worked into a frenzy over his sister and, yes, he was drinking, but I don't see him making a mistake like that



Pride and arrogance my friend. Pride and arrogance. As simple and as complicated as that.


**disclaimer ---I may be spelling some of the characters names wrong but I am too lazy to look them up---deal with it***


I am always completely unspoiled when I watch and damn! damn! damn! that was glorious! The popping the eyeballs out and crushing the skull? Wow! I liked you Oberyn but I learned right from the start with this show--- don't get attached to any characters!


Loved the way Arya just laughed and laughed when she learned another member of her family was dead. It was like---of course Aunt Lyssa is dead. of course she is!


For the first time I liked Sansa ---so good show! Keep it up and I may come to tolorate her character.


Loved the look on Tyrian's face when Oberyn got his skull crushed --- he was like ---Oh fuck! Damn that was priceless.


You did it again show. You made me go wow! what the hell did I just see? Good job!

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I'll reserve final judgement about the end until I see how the rest of the season plays out, but it still doesn't sit well with me after sleeping on it.  I haven't been bothered by the shocking deaths on the show before, but it really seem like they (I realize it's probably GRRM who is solely responsible) made Oberyn such an interesting, charismatic character... he topped Tyrion as the best character in the entire series... just to make his death as brutal a gut punch as it could be.   In other words the entire character was conceived to screw with the audience... and yes, they were successful... but I'm not really that appreciative of it.  And the scene was frankly stupid... it was like Boba Fett's death only way worse.  I feel less invested in Tyrion now, which I don't think was the intent.  I'll be particularly resistant about investing in any character in this story from here on out... which again, I doubt was the intention.

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In regards to Jorah, yes he did give information that let to an attack on her life while she was pregnant but he saved her. In the end Rhaego died as a part of a revenge plot. Also there are many spies about. Point is, he has been a valuable asset and made a huge mistake but how long ago was that event. He has proven to be loyal since then and has given good advice, he can re-earn her trust. Look at Daario, he was initially sent to kill her but he is still around.

As for Selmy, who is he to tell Jorah he would never be along with Dany again, Jorah should have been given a second chance to defend himself without an audience.

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Point is, he has been a valuable asset and made a huge mistake but how long ago was that event. He has proven to be loyal since then and has given good advice, he can re-earn her trust. Look at Daario, he was initially sent to kill her but he is still around.


I totally agree with this.  But I can also guess that Dany does not know this.  For all she knows, he could STILL be spying on her.  Did Jorah ever say something like, "But that was then!  I haven't spied since!  I swear it!"  I don't think he even tried to defend himself to her.  Unless I missed that??  

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In regards to Jorah, yes he did give information that let to an attack on her life while she was pregnant but he saved her. In the end Rhaego died as a part of a revenge plot. Also there are many spies about. Point is, he has been a valuable asset and made a huge mistake but how long ago was that event. He has proven to be loyal since then and has given good advice, he can re-earn her trust. Look at Daario, he was initially sent to kill her but he is still around.

As for Selmy, who is he to tell Jorah he would never be along with Dany again, Jorah should have been given a second chance to defend himself without an audience.


Jorah's mistake was not coming clean though. He's had a couple of years to tell her the truth and he didn't. As they say, it's always the cover-up. 

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I confess that I comprehend about half of any given hour of this show. Some story lines I get 100% (Danys/dragons) and some houses I have memorized (Starks, Lannisters). The rest of the time I am squinting at the TV trying to figure out who everyone is, even with the captioning on. And I've watched every single episode.

I'm glad I am not the only one.  I am thinking I need to go back and rewatch the first 3 seasons after this one is over and before the next one starts.


Mainly I know who people are, but trying to keep track of who they are in relation to everyone else, I lose the details. As the show moves farther along, it gets worse and worse.   And many of the lines I am thinking, "what did they say?".

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As for Selmy, who is he to tell Jorah he would never be along with Dany again, Jorah should have been given a second chance to defend himself without an audience.



The Commander of Her Queensguard of One.


In any case, I took Barristan's statement as being implicitly preceded by (if I have anything to say about it) "you'll never be alone with her again".  If Daenerys wanted a private audience with Jorah, Barristan might object, but he'd have to obey.


And Jorah did ask for a private audience, and Daenerys refused.

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Jorah's mistake was not coming clean though. He's had a couple of years to tell her the truth and he didn't. As they say, it's always the cover-up.


I'm confused about the delay in receipt, and can't figure out why the boy messenger gave it to Barristan instead of Jorah. 


Did it take a couple of years for that pardon to arrive? 


Or was the pardon recently sent by Tywin & Friends (following their Small Council meeting re: Dany) to stir up drama within her camp? 

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And to take it even further, what is Jorah being pardoned FOR??  I have absolutely no memory of what he even did.

Slave trading to pay for his ex-wife's expensive taste.

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And to take it even further, what is Jorah being pardoned FOR??  I have absolutely no memory of what he even did. 


Slavery. He was promised a royal pardon in exchange for spying on Dany. The timing is puzzling. Did Robert sign the letter but never send it? And Tywin found it and used it to stir trouble?

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The fight didn't occupy as much as the episode ad I expected it to, but that's okay, because ultimately we got what we've really all been waiting two week to see:

an unbelievably long speech about beetles that actually manages to do the impossible and make Peter Dinklage boring.

Maybe his backup plan is he'll tell that same story again, put everybody to sleep, and escape.

I really disliked that speech and even more so on rewatch. I wonder if that was original book material but won't dare look in the book thread.

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I’m a bit dense today. So, there are really two issues, then.  His pardon and his spying?   What does his pardon have to do with his spying??   



Slavery. He was promised a royal pardon in exchange for spying on Dany. The timing is puzzling. Did Robert sign the letter but never send it? And Tywin found it and used it to stir trouble?


You just answered my question!!!!!  And yes, the timing is very weird!!

Edited by KurlyGrl
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I think Tywin sent that to screw with Daenerys council. Remember they were discussing her a few episodes back and someone said that she had Selmy and Jorah advising her. Jorah has known about his pardon for some time, he just chose to stay. Maybe the actual letter was never sent after Robert died and now Tywin is making use of it.

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I think Tywin sent that to screw with Daenerys council. Remember they were discussing her a few episodes back and someone said that she had Selmy and Jorah advising her. Jorah has known about his pardon for some time, he just chose to stay. Maybe the actual letter was never sent after Robert died and now Tywin is making use of it.



True.  True.  Very good assumption!!

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I was a bit confused about Sansa and Littlefinger. When he came to her bedchamber and she said "I know what you want," it ended rather abruptly; next scene, she's at the top of the staircases and they're smiling at each other. I actually assumed they had slept together - am I wrong to think that? That's how it read to me.



Was that Winterfell that Roose and his evil -- now legitimate -- spawn Ramsey were riding towards?


That's what I wondered too. Wasn't Winterfell supposed to have been burned to the ground? The structure looked pretty intact, if that was indeed supposed to be Winterfell Ramsey was riding towards. 


Frankly I find all the scenes with the Night's Watch rather tedious. What the hell is taking Mance Rayder so damned long to reach the Wall (and what's taking the White Walkers so long for that matter)? And I don't understand Ygritte and her merry band of cutthroats - were they sent on ahead as some sort of scouting party? Slaughtering their way through the North - what does that accomplish for them? I don't get what they're doing.


I couldn't care less about Grey Worm and what's-her-name either. That's just the sort of side story that's dragging this story out longer than it needs to be.

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I was a bit confused about Sansa and Littlefinger. When he came to her bedchamber and she said "I know what you want," it ended rather abruptly; next scene, she's at the top of the staircases and they're smiling at each other. I actually assumed they had slept together - am I wrong to think that? That's how it read to me.


I read that thought in other posts, too.  God, I hope not. LOL!!  But to me, I took it as a tease.  She's leading him on.  And considering she's still a virgin, I can't just see her jumping into bed with Littlefinger just like that.  She is starting to wise up, but that would be a HUGE leap for her, IMO, to go from innocent, virtuous child, to seductress in one episode.  

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  When she met his eyes over the comforting shoulder of that noblewoman, it was game on.  I loved the poleaxed look on Littlefinger's face at the end.  There he is, with the Lord of the Vale squirming in the palm of his hand and Sansa strolls down the steps like a vision from his dark fantasies.  It looked to me like she was saying 'maybe, yes, but on my terms'.  This is not a ship I ever imagined boarding, but it's got me.

I'm on the ship, too! I can see them as a quasi-evil team like Frances and Claire from House of Cards.

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Regarding Sir Friendzone and the Royal Pardon ...


Ser Jorah was sent by King Robert to spy on the Targys and to report back to him (and his Small Council), with the promise of a Royal Pardon.  At some point Jorah reported that Danys was knocked up with Khal Drogo's baby, and this caused King Robert to decide to kill her.  (Which led to Ned resigning as Hand of the King, as he objected to killing somebody who was "just a kid.")  Cue the poisoned wine.  Ser Jorah received his pardon at that point, but having seeing how merciful Danys was saved her from the assassination attempt and quickly joined Team Danys.  


Apparently at some point Tywin found out that Danys is now the Queen of Mareen, and that Ser Jorah and Ser Barrister (sp?) were now her trusted advisors, so he decided dispatched one of his spies to give Ser Barrister a copy of the Royal Pardon with the goal of causing a split in Danys' Small Circle.  


Apologizes for any misspelling of characters or towns' names.  

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I'm confused about the delay in receipt, and can't figure out why the boy messenger gave it to Barristan instead of Jorah. 


Did it take a couple of years for that pardon to arrive? 


Or was the pardon recently sent by Tywin & Friends (following their Small Council meeting re: Dany) to stir up drama within her camp?

I believe the kid -- presumably one of Varys's little birds -- handed Barristan a copy of the pardon that Jorah received back in Season 1; I imagine they keep copies of pardons at King's Landing in case there's some dispute about whether someone was pardoned or not, i.e. to prevent people from forging pardons.

If the key gave the copy to Jorah, the secret of Jorah's pardon wouldn't have come out. Hence the kid hands it to Selmy.


Apparently at some point Tywin found out that Danys is now the Queen of Mareen, and that Ser Jorah and Ser Barrister (sp?) were now her trusted advisors, so he decided dispatched one of his spies to give Ser Barrister a copy of the Royal Pardon with the goal of causing a split in Danys' Small Circle.  


Apologizes for any misspelling of characters or towns' names.

Two episodes ago, S4E6, The Laws of God & Men, during the meeting of the Small Council held during the morning of Tyrion's trial.

Edited by Constantinople
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Well, Starving Writer, that good and well sums it up!!!  Thanks, all of you, for helping me regain my memory.  Now that I'm reading the explanations, I'm like Duhhh!! Of course that is what happened.  

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Saw that, too, but can't figure out/recall why that would be significant?  



She can't blame losing her child on Jorah or the Lannisters.  She made the deal with the sorcerer lady and she went into the tent of her own free will.

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I couldn't care less about Grey Worm and what's-her-name either. That's just the sort of side story that's dragging this story out longer than it needs to be.


I've taken to watching scenes with new characters as important for one of two reasons. 1) This scene will come back to be important at some point down the road. Sometimes it is WAY down the road, or 2) Because the story needs to bring new characters into the fold frequently simply to replace all of the ones it kills every week.


In the big picture, I think we're going to need another episode that has a lot of fornicating sometime soon just to make me assume that the people of Westeros are doing all they can to replace the number of people who were slaughtered in this episode alone.  Between the Wildlings and Ramsay's group, how many people do we think were brutally killed? 100? I assume it was at least that many if not twice that amount.

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Apologize if this has already been asked, but why has the Eyrie not been included in the opening credits?   Did I blink and miss it?  Braavos has been in it and as far as I remember there has only been 1 scene there all season.  Moat Cailin was in it and there was only a brief sequence there.  But the Eyrie has been the place where some of the most important action has been happening but no inclusion in the credits...


What gives?

Maybe they're trying to hide the fact that the Eyrie doesn't look the same as it did in s1.




Slavery. He was promised a royal pardon in exchange for spying on Dany. The timing is puzzling. Did Robert sign the letter but never send it? And Tywin found it and used it to stir trouble?

No, Jorah got his pardon right before the foiled wine poisoning. That's how he knew Dany was a goner unless he intervened. There must have been a copy in the royal archives for whatever reason, for Tywin to send to Ser Barry.


I don't hold Jorah's spying against him but I can see why Dany would. She would have likely forgiven him if he'd come clean about his change of heart after he got to know her, after all he did choose to stay by her side as a loyal man rather than take his pardon home. And he didn't even really try to defend his actions, or even clarify the very important matter of when he stopped reporting to Varys. Which was apparently later than I thought if he was to one to tell of Viserys's death. Letting them know Dany was the last Targaryen after revealing she was pregnant wasn't very helpful to Dany, so his telling Viserys loyalty meant everything to him was a pretty narrow definition of loyalty to Dany over Viserys. For some reason I thought that line meant the message about her pregnancy was the last, that had allegiance was already shifting and the pardon was just a temptation and reminder of what he was there for.

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She can't blame losing her child on Jorah or the Lannisters.  She made the deal with the sorcerer lady and she went into the tent of her own free will. 


No, she can't blame Jorah for the loss but Dany is a woman who has lost a child. That pain doesn't go away. Dany especially hates people who mess with children.  As she was mulling over buying all of the unsullied she repeated "8,000 babies".  She knows that her nieces and nephews were murdered and the Baratheon-Lannisters would have murdered her as a baby along with little Viserys if they hadn't gotten away.  In Mereen she was angered by the slave mile markers but even moreso that they were children.  I think the thought that Jorah would even go so far as to endanger her unborn child with his betrayal was the unpardonable sin in her eyes. That was the point of no return for her.

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I feel stupid for not even considering they would have a copy of the pardon letter in their archives.


Thanks for the screen caps, Lady S. So I wasn't hallucinating: the Eyrie does look different from season 1! It's clear on the first picture that they didn't take the Bloody Gate into account in season 1. Unless it's supposed to be somewhere beyond that bridge. I like the first version, where the castle was clearly the highest landmark. Well, both versions are good.

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Pride and arrogance my friend. Pride and arrogance. As simple and as complicated as that.


**disclaimer ---I may be spelling some of the characters names wrong but I am too lazy to look them up---deal with it***


I am always completely unspoiled when I watch and damn! damn! damn! that was glorious! The popping the eyeballs out and crushing the skull? Wow! I liked you Oberyn but I learned right from the start with this show--- don't get attached to any characters!


Loved the way Arya just laughed and laughed when she learned another member of her family was dead. It was like---of course Aunt Lyssa is dead. of course she is!


For the first time I liked Sansa ---so good show! Keep it up and I may come to tolorate her character.


Loved the look on Tyrian's face when Oberyn got his skull crushed --- he was like ---Oh fuck! Damn that was priceless.


You did it again show. You made me go wow! what the hell did I just see? Good job!

Of course we were to see Oberyn's death as the result of pride, arrogance, whatever... I'm saying that the show, this season, in the limited number of minutes we've seen Oberyn act and react and the anecdotes of his skill as a warrior did not give me sufficient insight or evidence to be convinced that he would have made that fatal error. It felt out of character. I'm not a book reader; perhaps there is more hubris on the printed page but I really don't care what the books do..  I expected him to lose to the stronger Mountain, not defeat himself. 

Edited by TooMuchCoffee
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And I don't understand Ygritte and her merry band of cutthroats - were they sent on ahead as some sort of scouting party? Slaughtering their way through the North - what does that accomplish for them? I don't get what they're doing.


They are trying to draw the NW out of their castle by attacking the surrounding villages. They are under the assumption the Watch has greater numbers and they want to take some out in open battle before they siege the castle. I believe the eventual plan is to raid the castle and let Mance and all his troops through the gate.

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