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Unspoiled Speculation: "I bet they're all terrible."

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Here's your spot to wildly speculate about what you expect to happen this season. Maybe you think Julie Chen will be a secret HG who will only enter the game once at least half the house uses the magic words, "But first..." Or maybe instead of evicting HGs from the house, Julie pulls a lever and the evicted HG is dropped into a pit full of sharks. Who knows! But here's your place to guess. 


I think if that were the case the feeds would start as usual. I'm thinking maybe there will be an eviction on the very next episode.


But honestly it's very possible the feeds aren't actually starting a day late. There's a lot of conflicting info going around.

Edited by peachmangosteen


Only in the sense that beds will have already been chosen.


RE: It being unfair for some to be in the house a day before the rest.


I think the fact that the first half of the hamsters will have a day together, to get to know each other, to start forming alliances, while the other half are still sequestered is the bigger advantage than the beds (since beds seem to change around every week).


I don't know if it's actually confirmed that they will be moving in in two groups, but it does seem fairly likely. And I agree that due to bonds and whatnot, that seems unfair for the second group, but it sounds like they're gonna be divided into groups (probably the top 8 'Team America' vote getters vs. the bottom 8), so they're gonna be forced to team up anyway. Which sucks and I hate it.


Hopefully these twists only last for 4 or so weeks. I imagine they will since eventually it just won't make any sense numbers-wise for there to be 4 people nommed.

Edited by peachmangosteen

They just did this on BBUK. Basically, the first group bonded and cliqued up, then began bullying individuals from the second group. The UK BB actually spoke with one bully and suggested they knock it off, and things kinda chilled out. I'm thinking that for our version, we should get ready to be glad it's not racism again, at least.

Edited by Liqidclark

I'm all for anything that shakes these HG's up and truly wish the US would adopt some of the aspects of the UK and AU shows.  From week long tasks that determine how much $ they get to spend on food, to secret tasks usually designed to stir, to actual punishments for rule infractions, ie Jail, no hot water, etc.  I'd love to see ours move away from this Fun in the Sun, get your 15 minutes of Fame vibe as its getting dangerous to keep with this mode; all you have to do is take a good look at the downward spiral the last few seasons have taken in terms of casting horrible people.  

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I would love some of that, too. In the earlier seasons they had a food budget and they had to have like a meeting about what to get and whatnot. I wish they'd go back to that. I'm thinking this season with the BOB comp maybe they will do away with food comps and so maybe they could go back to the former way.

I know that a lot of people believe that the show is scripted from beginning to end.  What if it is, and what if the producers have been giving us hints about the final two all along?  First there's Caleb and his violent predisposition toward all things swine-like and then there's Derrick and his looks.  Think about it!

Edited by dolphincorn

BB17 cast speculation:

We have no reason to believe that there will be any returning HGs, but if we did, who do you think it would be?

I think Frankie is a judge on some dance show, so hopefully that's an overwhelming no.  

I would think possibilities include Frank, Judd, Ginamarie, Zach, Amanda? I usually like returning players, but ugh, no on those minus Zach who is like watching a puppy.  A loud puppy.

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Zach tweeted something like it's killing him to bite his tongue so I wondered.  He also has clothing merchandise which is so wtf.  I bet the crazies who purchase Zach Rance clothing have full time jobs while I don't.  I like Zach though so I hope he is back.  I wouldn't mind Cody either just to look at.


*oh wait, I looked at his Twitter again and maybe he was referencing being loose lipped on an internet talk show.  I'm not interested enough to investigate further.

Edited by Morbs

I went back and forth on Zach during the season but his shenanigans after the show have soured me on him completely. He's so gross. I really don't want to see him again. But he's totally a shoe-in for a return invite if they ever do returning HGs again.


I think it's gonna be all new HGs. I feel like there'd be more rumors by now if they planned on bringing people back. Although, who knows, they might decide it last minute if they don't like who they have.

  • Love 2

BB17 cast speculation:

We have no reason to believe that there will be any returning HGs, but if we did, who do you think it would be?

I think Frankie is a judge on some dance show, so hopefully that's an overwhelming no.  

I would think possibilities include Frank, Judd, Ginamarie, Zach, Amanda? I usually like returning players, but ugh, no on those minus Zach who is like watching a puppy.  A loud puppy.


I don't know, when Ian Terry, (BB14,) was on last Friday's Rob Has a Podcast show - Big Brother Think Tank - there was a TON of "wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more, say no more," going on. He's "going to Korea in June," for, "at least a few weeks," and, "doesn't expect to have any internet service while (he's) there."


I think AG would think it would be "cute," to repeat the 'Coaches' conceit with, well, the winner of the 'Coaches' twist season.

Maybe, they're giving Amanda Zuckerman her 2nd Chance. LOL!!! BB seems to do better with the newbies and doesn't need them as much as Survivor does/did. I'm not exactly sure why but maybe because it's such a long season and its on during the dog days of summer when everything is in reruns. They usually cast a bunch of 20 something's with an "old person" of 30 or 40 for good measure. I believe next week the cast is revealed along with the twist. Hopefully, the Battle of the Block has been retired because it worked so well last time. <sarcasm>

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I've been wondering how BB will handle the ongoing California drought and the restrictions on the use of water.   I'm guessing that the set is designed so that any water used is recycled, but still-- how will people who can't water their lawn or have to restrict the number of times they flush their toilet going to respond to visuals of BB's famous water competitions?   And will they be able to put water in the pool? 

I've been wondering how BB will handle the ongoing California drought and the restrictions on the use of water.   I'm guessing that the set is designed so that any water used is recycled, but still-- how will people who can't water their lawn or have to restrict the number of times they flush their toilet going to respond to visuals of BB's famous water competitions?   And will they be able to put water in the pool? 

"The pool" on BB is nothing more than a glorified, extra large hot tub.  That's not a real pool, not by California standards at least.  I seriously doubt anyone watching the show from California is going to bat an eye at an over-sized hot tub on set. 

The water competitions might be a different matter but we'll have to see. 

I would guess Hollywood studios either have some sort of exemption or have their own water trucked in. I would guess the former since they wouldn't want to drive even more movie and TV production to the Canada, Eastern Europe, etc. I would think the similar for theme park. Are they still doing well things like the canyon flood on the Universal Studios tour?

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While the drought restrictions in CA are quite strict, the use and filling of pools is still allowed. The restrictions are much more about the completely pointless wastes, like watering your sidewalk (ahem, all my neighbors). We are even allowed to wash our cars as long as the hose is shut off when we are not spraying the car. Do not know where pointless spraying of reality show contestants falls in the rules, but as long as they reduce by 30% from last year, they are OK.

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I don't really think withholding showers is that much of a punishment for many HG. Remember Amanda and McStinky?

Same thought had crossed my mind - but think of the difference between one or two staying unwashed by choice, versus 1/3 of the House being compelled to do so. Especially if one or more of the HNs are normally very picky about their personal appearance and hygiene. They'd be in Hell, and dragging the rest of the House along for the ride.

<evil laugh ensues....>

Edited by Nashville
  • Love 1

I think Zach is going to be back too.

I don't think they would waste Zach on this season. I think as someone who almost won Fan Favorite last season, and was a pot stirrer they are holding him if they do All Stars, which im guessing will be next season. Unless they really never plan on doing an All Star season again.

Edited by SiobhanJW

It's looking more and more like something might happen with Liz and her twin. She tried to sell in her preshow interviews that her sister is older than her, but they look identical.
And Big Brother Network tweeted this:

Speaking of handlers & Liz, her handler had her wearing a face mask/curtain & he guided her by hand. 1st time in 4 yrs that I've seen that.

And there's a pic of it.

I went back and forth on Zach during the season but his shenanigans after the show have soured me on him completely. He's so gross. I really don't want to see him again. But he's totally a shoe-in for a return invite if they ever do returning HGs again.


I think it's gonna be all new HGs. I feel like there'd be more rumors by now if they planned on bringing people back. Although, who knows, they might decide it last minute if they don't like who they have.


Preach.  Zach will be back for All-Stars for the inevitable Zankie reunion with Frankie... so, yeah, whatever.  He's been such a hot mess since the end of BB that the last thing he needs is more camera time, tbh, the little fame he garnered post show he can't even handle.  He's going to be insufferable the 2nd time around, but I need at least one season without his existence.  


I think it will be all new houseguests as well, there's been some rumors but all the main suspects have been active on their social media platforms.

  • Love 2

At this point I actually think there is gonna be at least two returning HGs. 14 is far too small a number. Last season had 16 and they still had a rewind week and brought someone back. This season is just as long so unless they plan on cancelling a few evictions and/or bringing multiple people back then they need more HGs.


Although if Liz and her sister are going to be bringing the twin twist back then that's one more.

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